#but yall on this site NEVER. do ( at least on ever blog I had before this one)
omgcatboi · 4 months
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I don't often post my non kink related art but I'm tryna get the attention of someone else in the community and am too shy and cringe to reach out so. Here, have this portrait I did of Hanzo Shimada. With my finger. On ibis paint. This took me four hours. Progress for proof below.
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itspdameronthings · 2 years
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I posted 5,989 times in 2022
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#charlie hunnam - 27 posts
#garett hedlund - 27 posts
#benny miller x reader - 23 posts
#santiago garcia x reader - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 68 characters
#tegan when i say that your edits always improve my mornings by 500 %
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20 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Gloomy day
Summary: Sorry for a sad entry for @writer-wednesday​ due to the subject matter of depression,and panic attacks. anyone that has issues with that. just read the other parts. This takes place in the Never letting you go universe. It takes place before ch 1 of the story. Deals with why Sunshine left her shift,and why Santi left the FBI. hope yall enjoy!
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Gloominess of the world outside is how you feel inside.  All you want to do is stay in bed. Don't want to get outside to enjoy the land of the living. Has been months since Santi left for his mission. Another job for the special agent Garcia.  Sure both of you zoom chat,and chat on the phone. Not the same. Want to hold him in your arms. Never let him go.  
Benny stays with you. Can't see his best friend like this.  He knows how you miss Pope. Watching you from the doorway. Try not to fall apart around her. Stay strong. Will comes behind his brother, " sunshine hasn't gotten up at all? " Benny looks at him. Rubbing his face," no, just got home from work.  Not much of a hello. She went to her room and cried. I know she is hurting.  It's like I don't know bro. Remembering all the hurt she has been through her childhood, and now he is not here to help her." Will has an idea.  Go over to you. Benny follows his lead. Both of them on either side of you.  You lay your head on Benny's chest," so glad to have my best friends here with me.  Don't know what I'll do without both of you.  Something happened tonight. I had a panic attack.  Thinking about how I'm not cut out for being a nurse." Benny kissed my forehead, " tell us what happened.  Let us help you.  We can." Will's voice filled the room," he is right little one.  We can at least calm you down. Not leaving you alone.  Just like old times. Being there when the chips are down." You told them about a trauma that was brought in. Same age and build like Santi.  That caused you to break down. 
Meanwhile half around the world.  Santiago Garcia is working.Guarding an important person.  Meaning being a body double for the person.  Meaning wearing a kilt . Things he has to do to keep the person safe. Meaning dressing like him. All the while his mind is on a special person. His sunshine.  How he missed you. The feel of you in his arms. Hate being away from you for long periods of time. When no one was looking . He got out his phone. Want to hear your voice. 
Phone rings. Sound of the tone for whom the bell tolls.  Caused you to crawl over benny to get your phone," santi! So glad you called! Miss you so much baby! Tell me that you are okay. Has been awhile since we last talked." Santi walks around talking to you about what stuff like the sites he has seen. Wishing he was with you. The sound of his voice you know something is not right. Wanted to stay strong for you.  Santi sits down on a chair," baby girl, I know something is wrong.  Tell me little one.  What can I do." Rubbing your tears away from your eyes. Looking at your best friends near you, " had a bad night at work that's all.  Also worrying about you. Fears that something has happened when you didn't call. " The call was interrupted by his boss telling him that they needed to go. Told you that he loves you so much.  He too has his own fears. Want to leave this job. Walking past his fellow agents. Going into the other room packing up his stuff. Told them that he quit. He can't do this job anymore. 
After the call. You lay back down. Feel your friends touch. Benny is asleep.  While you and Will are still awake. He whispers, " Hate to see you like this. You are strong . Can get through this.  Know why? You have that Miller strength in you. We aren't even related. We gave you that strength to withstand anything.  Now you need to get some sleep. " 
Santi boards a plane. Looking out the window. Knowing he would be back home. To you. He fears that he will scare you.  Fears of the job are finally catching up with him. Needs you. His sunshine. Ray of hope to help him. 
Next day. You got ready for work. Will left for work. While Benny stayed with you. Holds you close to him, " I'll drop you off at work.  Call me if you need me to pick you up.  Sunshine? I mean it call me" Hugging him close to you.  Suddenly you feel something. Didn't want to let him go.  Until it hits you.  You have the same feelings for him. The same connection you and Santi have. You did call him. Half way from your shift. Had another break down. Drive you home. Telling you to rest ,and he would check on you later on.  Soon as you walked upstairs to your room. Noticed something was not right. See a lamp on. Then you see Santi sitting in his old chair. Looking very lost. 
20 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
Watching you
Summary: This is the first time to write in the moonknight universe. Here is my sweet fic for @writer-wednesday Thanks goes to @autumnleaves1991-blog for the idea. you are the best. Steven finds a letter. trying to figure out who sent it.
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Steven has a mystery on his hands. Last month he got letters from an unknown person.  They were sweet and thought provoking.  Telling him to have the courage to be like his brother. How did that person know that? 
Few weeks ago: 
Steven starts his day out the same way he does every day.  Feed fish. Chat with his mum. Off to work he goes. On this day he sees someone new in the elevator.  A pretty woman.  She looks beautiful.  Head in her book. Wanted to take a glance,but as soon he tried to get a look. Door opens. He falls on the floor.  She continues   to walk and read till she reaches the bus. 
Marc noticed something was not right with Steven. He came in with a bruise, and looked disheveled. He yells, " Steven! Wtf! Are you okay? " looking up ," not really . Seen a vision actually.  In the elevator, I fell on my face . " Marc placed his hand on his shoulder, " that's understandable.  Tell you what. I'll help you to win this person. You know.  Be dashing, confident." Backing away from his brother, " no offense mate. Last thing I need is to be like you. Hell! You can't have Layla forgive you for your mistakes. " That hurts. Yes, both of them had a tiff. They are still working on things. 
Evy sits on a bench outside.  Enjoying her lunch break.  Nice to get outside since she has been in the stuffy museum air all morning. Giving tours of the Egyptian expo. Noticed the same person from the elevator.  Noticed his name tag. She has noticed him from the moment she moved in. Scared to walk up to him. So she started to write a letter: 
You don't know me,but I noticed you the moment you entered the elevator.  Wanna tell you that you are a cute individual.  Also this morning I listened to you explaining the pyramids to the kids. Seems you know more about it than I. Enough of that. Also there is one thing.  Don't let that twit of a boss walk over you.  Learn to stand up to her. 
Write to you again,
Putting the letter in an envelope.  Sealed it. Soon she got home. Find his mailbox, and slide it in. Problem was.  His last name. Perfect person to ask is the super she was seen chatting with that morning. 
Present day: 
Marc watches the screen. Scanning for unusual shit. More importantly,  to find out who is sending his brother the letters. Ever since Steven received the letters. His mood changed. Smiles more. Something he hasn't done in a long time.  Marc thinks he might know the person that has been sending the notes. He needs proof.  
He casually strolls through the patio scanning  the surroundings until he hears an interesting story.  Coming from a woman.  Sitting behind the tree," I'm telling you Amy, I think it's time to reveal myself to Steven that I'm the one that sent him the letters. Can't just watch from afar to see him blossom to a confident man. So what if he is a nerd? He is a nerd with a heart of gold.  " marc smiles as he walks away.  Part of him wants to tell him who the secret writer was,but he is gonna watch out for him. Make sure he doesn't get scared. 
With encouraging words from Amy. Evy placed the note into his mailbox.  Watching him reading it . Jumping up and down, " oye! I'm gonna meet my lady! Oh bugger! Can't go looking like I bloody fell out of bed!" 
Dressed in a nice jacket and jeans. Flowers in hand with a box of chocolates. Looking at every woman that walks around.  Thinking she might be the one. Till he felt a small hand on his shoulder.  Looking up.  Sees the very person he talks to on his breaks. Whispers, " Evy? What?" She smiles.  Sits down next to him, " yes, it has been me the whole time. I Want you to see how special you really are.  Like our chats  about the Egyptian gods and stuff. You are cute, sweet ,and rather handsome. " he blushes . Taking her hand," oh love, how I wanted it to be you. No woman would pay attention to me like you did. Love to get to know you better. " Evy and Steven lean over to kiss till they hear a yell. Looking over his brother's body. Faced down," what the bloody hell! Marc? What are you doing here? Spying on me?" Spitting out grass from his mouth," for your information.  I came here to see if you needed help. Since you don't.  I'm gonna go. " Evy laughs," so you are the twin. One that watches my every move at the museum.  Now the cat is out of the bag. I'm gonna say this. STOP WATCHING ME!!" 
Months have gone by. Marc and Layla patched things up. Evy and Steven hang out together after work. Now when Steven and Evy pass by their mailbox. They smile. Thinking about how their relationship began.
23 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Watch "Kings Of Leon - Beautiful War" on YouTube
@charnelhouse here is the video! Oh sexy benny Miller!
24 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
New Adventure
Summary: This story had a different vibe. Wanted to do a smut piece,but i thought i do a fluff piece for a friend that needs some cheering up.@autumnleaves1991-blog. this is for you. It is about a reader going through a rough patch in her career. All she wants is to find something new. What she finds. is a new friend.
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Enough is enough. You couldn't take it anymore. What is the use for teaching the next generation if they won't listen to you. Always dreamed about being a teacher. Now that reality has set in. Sitting at your desk writing out the next week's lesson plans. Thinking this is useless. That is when you went to the principal's office. Not much of a hello from him," I can't do this anymore. So as of now I'm giving my notice. Done teaching students that don't want to learn. Done being treated badly!" Before leaving. The principal suggests you take a paid vacation. To clear your head. Heeding his advice. You thought about where you want to go.
Miller's farm is busting with activity. From mucking the stalls from hauling hay to feed the horses. Wiping the sweat from his face. William looks around. To see what else that needs to be done before heading into town to have a nice drink,and hang out with his brother, Benny who is finishing up with the barn details. Thinking about how he wished he thought about moving back to the farm after retiring from the army instead of giving speeches. Forgot how therapeutic farming was. Hard work to clear one's head,and help him cope with his personal life. Been five years since she left. One year since his friend's death. After listening to advice from a therapist. She requested for him to do something different. After visiting his parents. They thought if he and Benny would take care of the family farm. Couldn't say no to that.
After arriving at your destination. Taking a deep breath of fresh air. Made you feel better already. Thought it would be a good idea to get a bite to eat, before checking into a bed and breakfast. While you were waiting for your food to arrive. Noticed two handsome men getting out of a red ford pickup truck with an army and some kind of fighter logo stickers on the window. Trying not to stare too much. You went back to checking your messages mainly from your coworkers. Most of them were out of concern to few that were utterly rude! Slamming down your phone caught the attention of the brothers. Casually walking over to you. They sat down. Benny cleared his throat, " somethin wrong? By the looks of your attitude. Either you are at your wits end with someone or something. " taking a sip of your drink," if you must know. Both. Tired of my humdrum life. Need to get out while I can." Will smiles at you, " oh we can relate to that . By the way. I'm Will and this knucklehead is my brother Benjamin but everyone calls him Benny." You blush," I'm Y/N, but my friends called me cherry because I love eating them." Waitress brought over the orders,and sat there for along time talking about their lives.
Will was sweet enough to pay for your meal. Walk you to your car. Taking your hand," hope to see you again cherry. If you are not doing anything tomorrow. How about coming over to the farm. Could hang out or something. " looking into his dreamy,blue eyes," love but I don't know where to find you. " felt something in your hand. A napkin with his number and address. You smile. Knowing your vacation has started on the right track.
Benny noticed something different in his brother's demeanor. Actually smiling. Which is good. He knows it has to do with cherry. Made him smile too. At a stop light. Benny looked at his brother, " I know that look man. You like her. Admit it. Haven't seen you like this since her." Will looks out the window, " yeah, I do man. If you don't mind. Tomorrow? Can you take over some of the chores? I just might have a date."
Next morning you woke up earlier than usual. All you could think about is the new friends you made. Especially William. Couldn't stop thinking about him. Turned over to text him. Hoping he would answer back. Few seconds later, he texted you back. Asking how did you sleep. If you had breakfast yet. Texted him back that you haven't yet. Told you to meet him at the diner. He is coming alone.
Will comes downstairs whistling a tune. Putting on his shirt . Noticed Benny in the living room. Putting on his work boots and hat. Looking at will. He knows where he is going," have fun man,but not too much fun. " taking benny's hat off so he could hit him," get your mind out of the gutter man. You should heed your own advice. Since you have a date tonight?" Benny moans, " not a date man. Just hangin out. Besides, we aren't serious yet."
You are nervous and excited about meeting Will. While waiting for him. You looked at some job opportunities in town. Noticed a listing for a building for rent. Located not far from the diner. Might want to check it out. Reading about the building. Didn't acknowledge Will's presence when he touched your hand," whatcha readin?" You chuckle, " oh something. More like thinking about my new adventure." That peaked his interest. Leaning forward, " what kind of adventure cherry. Is this about what you told Benny and me last night about being done with teaching? " you nod," yes, iam. Can't go back to that life! I'm still young damn it! For the last year. I have been so unhappy. Not wanting to go to work. Just want to stay home.Enough is enough! Gonna call my boss to.tell him I quit!" Taking your hand, " if you want. I can help you. Heck benny too. With the heavy shit." You giggle as the two of you go over to look at the building.
Few months later. You finally moved into your new place. Will and Benny helped you move your stuff to the loft above the bookstore that is set to open in a week. After work. You come over to see Will. Even met his friends from the army. One evening. The two of you are sitting on a swing. Watching the sun setting. He lays his head on your shoulder, " wanna hear a secret? " looking into his eyes," if it is about me? Love to hear it." Reaching for your hand,and kiss your palm," wanna say that I'm glad that I met you honey. You made me smile again. With that being said. I want to say that.." Benny comes over to ruin the moment, " sorry cherry ,but I need your boyfriend. We have a cow that is about to give birth. " will kisses your forehead, " I'll be back. Don't go anywhere."
When he finally comes back. Found you asleep. Since it was getting late. Thought about it would be a good idea if you stayed the night. Carried you into his room. Laid you down. Being ever so gentle. Hold you close to him. Thinking about much has changed in his life. Things are brighter for him,and the same thing goes for you. Starting over is not a bad thing.
36 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Cursed Blessings - Chpt.2
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x reader
Warnings: Language, angst, suggestive material, misunderstandings and bad researched background of job titles.
Chpt. 1 ~ Chpt.3
Wow, I don't like how I wrote this part at all. But bare with me, I swear we’re getting somewhere...eventually. The plot line is there, it’s just...coming together slowly. I hope yall will continue to read this series, if you could call it that? So yeah, I apologize for the rusty chapter. Lemme know if you want to be tagged. Enjoy!
Three years later
Flying made him nervous. It was just a big box floating in the air, and it was unsettling to think there was nothing but clouds around him. 
The stewardess was shooting him concerning looks as Thomas kept ordering alcohol. He doesn’t blame her, but it wasn’t like he was going to become a loose drunk, especially not when he’s so anxious to get on the ground. 
New York was not his favorite place to be, especially not in the winter. Bustling traffic, tourists looking for a white Christmas, and Thomas was just trying to keep this branch under control. Washington said that they were still new, that the office needed someone who was ‘experienced.’ 
As if the years of keeping his office door shut, retorting quickly, and even making an employee cry was considered “experienced.”
Maybe he’s been a little more preoccupied with work than usual, but it’s been busy. There was a lot to do, always time to work. Call him a workaholic, but you could never call him lazy. Thomas was productive when it came to his job, never one to let anyone else step over how much dedication he put into his work. 
But this is where he’d stay for now at least. His temporary penthouse was near a bar and a coffee shop, which he figured he would be spending a lot of time at both. As soon as he landed, he got a cab and moved his stuff in. Two hours later after a visit to the store, he was on the couch in his pajamas, eating and watching terrible tv dramas. 
And that was pretty much the next two days. New York was just like any other city he’s visited, it was nothing special. He was perfectly fine with lounging around until he needed to go in for work. 
That was until he ran out of his basic necessities, and was forced to throw on pants to go outside. There wasn’t a supermarket far from his place, and given it was late on a Sunday night, it was pretty quiet. 
Thomas roamed the aisles slowly, and thought about how exhausting the next couple of months were going to be. He wasn’t one to volunteer to practically train an entire office floor, neither was he sure that he could do it patiently. Hence he had an enclosed office back in Virginia where he could keep to himself. If the workers back home could barely do their job, surely these people couldn’t either.
Lost in his thoughts, he turned the corner and almost knocked over a small child. His hand automatically reached out to stop her from falling. But she just looked up at him with wide eyes and smiled as if he didn’t almost run her over. Thomas was about to walk around, but she held her hand up, showing off a small rocket.
Thomas slowly took the toy from her, gesturing towards it and shrugging. “Very nice.”
She grinned at his approval, and Thomas didn’t even know if she could understand him. 
There was a loud shout behind him, and before he could turn around-
“Sorry, she just got out of my sight for a second.”
Well, Thomas could recognize that voice anywhere.
Y/N still looked the same, but her hair was a bit shorter now. Those sharp eyes always made him catch his breath. But how she looked at him now, Thomas didn’t know what to think.
They just stared at each other for what felt like hours. He didn’t mind it, because he didn’t know what he was going to say if he pulled his eyes away. However, there was some babbling and then something hit his leg. Thomas completely forgot about the toddler at his feet.
“Sorry,” Y/N walked around him and picked her up. And he could see it now.
The matching eyes, except hers were much brighter. They have the same mole just below their jaw, and their noses have the same little curve. 
And how could he miss those curls?
His heart caught in his throat.
“She’s pretty fast...I can’t keep up with her sometimes,” Y/N sighs as she avoids his eyes.
“It’s fine…” Thomas can’t take his eyes off her.
“You’re staring?”
He blinked and looked between the two. Clearing his throat, he couldn’t help but point out the obvious. “You have a daughter.”
Perhaps he said it too excitedly, but Y/N looked almost sad. Like she didn’t have a gift, that they didn’t have a gift. Something Thomas only dreamed about when they were together.
“I do...” Y/N brushed her daughter’s hair back. It looked so domestic, so loving, Thomas almost reached out and did the same. 
“What...uh, what’s her nam-”
“Thomas, why are you in New York?” 
Right, Thomas wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t supposed to be going to this branch, he wasn’t supposed to fly in on a Friday and he wasn’t supposed to be at the store right now. He shouldn’t be so giddy about this discovery.
“For work. I, uh, I have to visit a new branch in the city tomorrow.” 
She nodded slowly, almost as if she was trying to sense if he was telling the truth. 
“What about you? What are you doing here?”
“I live here.” 
That was understandable; it’s a big city, he knew that she had some friends from college living in the city. Thomas also knew why she would want to get out of Virginia, out of the town. 
“I’m sorry?”
“Her name...it’s Cora,” Y/N didn’t look at him, instead looking at her daughter like she was the entire world. She now had her head tucked into Y/N’s neck and staring at him with tired eyes.
As Thomas repeated her name, the air seemed to thicken with tension. He had so many questions, he just wanted to know what Y/N was up to now, how this happened, when it happened? But he couldn’t ask in the middle of an aisle at the store. 
“Do you think we could sit down somewhere? Maybe grab a coffee or something?”
“I, uh...I don’t think that’s a good idea, Thomas.” Her grip tightened on her shopping basket as her eyes grew wide.
“Wait, Y/N, please-”
“I gotta go.” And just like that, Thomas lost her again. The only thing remaining was the toy rocket in his hand.
“You’re back! You won’t believe the shit I just heard.”
Y/N put Cora down and watched her waddle towards the kitchen. She had been crying the whole car ride home; after an entire car search, Y/N couldn’t find her toy and she wasn’t going to go back to the store to see if she left it.
Y/N couldn’t let herself do that.
“Yeah, well you won’t believe what just happened either.”
Closing the door, she followed her daughter inside and set the bags down. She walked in to see her sitting on the counter, a popsicle already in her hand.
“Dude, seriously?” Y/N put a hand to her hip. “I was just about to start dinner.”
“Relax, she’s fine.” A hand swept through her hair as Y/N tried to stop the sticky mess running down Cora’s arm. “As I was saying, do you believe some stuck up southerner is going to sit in as management tomorrow? You believe that? As if he can waltz right in and make some changes. Who does he think he is?”
“I think you’re being a bit dramatic,” The amount of stories that Y/N had heard the last months of idiotic lawyers and disobedient clients were a bit overreacted. 
“Believe me, I would never over exaggerate anything when it comes to my job.”
It made Y/N pause, for a second she even thought Cora could understand how ridiculous it sounded.
“Anyways, there is no way that I’m going to sit back and let him take over,” She was sure that her of course you won’t comment was ignored. “But I don’t know how it will affect my schedule.”
“Don’t stress, I’ll find someone to watch Cora when I’m out.” 
“You know I would but-”
“It’s fine, Alexander.”
The man straightened at her tone, but nodded nevertheless. He moved around the counter to the fridge. “So, what was it you were going to say?”
“You won’t believe who I just saw…”
Alexander turned, wide eyed and careful to note her far off look. It could have been a list of people; there had been lots of promising moments ever since Y/N came to New York, lots of friends made, lots of sites seen. However, there were also a lot of complications, lots of threatening emails sent, lots of pressure she was under. 
And as her whole mood seemed to stutter into a daze, Alexander could connect the dots easily. 
After all, it was the same look she had months into her pregnancy. Months after she left. Months after she stopped getting phone calls. Months after she stopped caring about him.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!!
Jefferson Taglist:  @notebookgirl30 @dontblinkumightmiss @checkurwindow @einfachniemand @astralaffairs @daveeddiggsit @ramp-it-up @ohsoverykeri-blog @i-know-i-can @tinywhim
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kuramapijama · 3 years
That anon wasn’t about your ship or hate about ships I was your follower and I had to leave because you get mad about everything and it’s scary and I wish you’d just calm down and understand that everyone with an oc has trouble getting engagement and yelling at people and guilting them to like or reblog your content isn’t right. I wanted to support you but you made it too stressful. You’re probably going to respond to this with a huge angry rant completely missing the point.
You're 100% wrong my guy.. How many times have I said this?
You. Aren't. Reading. My. Words.
You are ignoring everything I say only reading whatever cuss word or insult or capital words. How ignorant can you be. YOU CHOSE TO DO THAT, NOT ME! Whatever you interpret me to be, that's your doing!
Please go back to my old account and here, look how rude these people are being to me. If I insulted them I had reason. If I looked not calm to you, I have every right to be. I'm a human being with emotions and feelings. I got my feelings hurt, it's only normal for me to react with passion do you understand?
That isn't "scary". I hate they yall really made me out to be some scary mean monster or sumthin 🤡 why can't yall just understand
Next point: I'm aware ppl have trouble with encouragement. But when have I EVER yelled at anyone or guilt tripped them? Can you answer that? Is there a specific person? Was it you? I have NEVER IN MY LIFE DID THAT! All I friggin did was make a rant on my own blog. Ppl make rants all the time fam. Why should it bother you so damn much?? Why am I wrong for that?
I'm frustrated with this site's algorithm. I'm frustrated with the fact that some people ignore my work. But I never ever attacked them, nor yelled at them, or guilt trip. Before you claim something like that, least you can do is give proof. Idk what you're so hurt by me that you chose to send me this.
If I make you stressed, that's too damn bad. I never try to make anyone feel like that, it sucks. But you've interpreted me to be bad which I'm not. Again you misunderstand me. It's a shame.
If after this, you still cant understand where I'm coming from, you still hate me, fine. There's nothing I can do at that point so itd be best if u just block me. I'm open for dm if you want to talk privately. Dont let me be a bothersome, ain't nothing wrong with blocking sumthin you don't like.
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seijch · 4 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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sexy-monster-fucker · 5 years
Fuck Me Up
NSFW Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader
requested by anon: Eddie/Venom w/ a girl that has serious daddy kink (bc that’s me) Like she accidentally slipped it out and it just turned on Both Eddie and Venom so freakin much but Eddie just don’t want to admit but venom is like a super freak about it that will be nice thanks
requested by anon:  *slips quietly into the ask box with a hoodie pulled down over their face and slips a little note in before quickly running away into the night* 'What if Venom has a daddy and/or breeding kink?' *as you look at the note all you can think is* 'wtf'
requested by anon:  hello 🅱️🅱️ could you do some kinky eddie/venom x reader where the reader has a daddy kink 👁👄👁 oops maybe some ddlg factors in there
warning:  male dom, explicit smut, daddy kink, oral 
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Eddie kicked the door shut behind him as he held your waist in his hands.  Your lips were pressed together tightly.  You had been waiting for this all night.  You had went to a nice dinner with Eddie, it was a treat.  It made you feel special to know he cared so much about you.  
Eddie took you there to make you feel like a princess for a night.  The princess he knew you were, at least to him.  He had been craving you all night.  He wanted you more than anything right now.  Even at dinner, all he could think about was getting on top of you.  He watched you eat, wishing you were putting something else in your mouth.  Venom made sure to play into Eddie’s thought.  “Just wait ‘til we take her home,” he placed the thought inside Eddie’s mind.  He had already been thinking about you, but the monster amplified his feelings.  It took everything in him to keep from growing stiff at dinner.  The little dress you wore only encouraged him more.  Your breasts hung out and your ass was very visible.  Every curve could be seen, nothing was hidden.  It made him more territorial of you tonight.  He could feel Venom stewing inside him anytime any male even slightly looked at you.  Even if it was the waiter asking you for your order, he was angry.  You were his, not anyone else’s.  He only wanted his eyes on you.  He knew he was being dramatic, but that did not matter when Venom got involved.  “We will show her who she belongs to very soon,” he hissed in the back of Eddie’s mind.
He held onto the back of your neck tight, his lips pressing even more firmly against yours.  He had you pinned against the wall next to the door.  He ran a hand down your backside, grabbing your ass and squeezing it.  You moaned at his touch.  Eddie purred at your sound, “Tell me, princess.  Who did you go and get all dressed up for tonight?”  You smiled through his kisses, “You, Ed.”  He grinned, “Oh?  Little ole me?  Is that so?”  Eddie bit his lip.  He ran his hand up your dress, stopping at your soaking opening.  “Oh, God.  Already so worked up, little girl?  I did not know I had this kind of affect on you,” his mouth hung open.  He stuck two thick fingers inside you and began thrusting.  Your head fell back against the wall.  “Damn, you’re so tight,” Eddie growled.  
Eddie nipped at your neck, “Now... tell me, who is it that you belong to?”  Your breath was escaping you.  His fingers pumping inside you had your mind spinning.  “You, daddy,” you spit out.  Eddie’s motions stopped and he pulled his lips from your neck.  His eyes looked into yours, “What did you just call me?”  You felt your cheeks fill with your embarrassment.  “I-I-I’m sorry... I-It just slipped out... I-I-I,” you muttered under your breath.  “Say it again,” Eddie whispered breathlessly.  You bit your lip and whispered, “Daddy.”  Eddie breathed out quickly.  His expression was serious.  “Holy fuck.  You have no idea how much that turns me on,” he whispered.  His breathing became heavy.  A new sensation of running through him.  He felt more dominant than ever.  You were his, and you admitted it.  He placed a firm hand on your neck, “So, you’re daddy’s little girl, eh?  Never thought you’d call me that.  But, God, I am happy you did.”  His hand felt so good on your neck.  He was being so dominant.  You wanted him now more than ever.
Suddenly you felt something crawling up your leg.  “So, we’ve got a new nickname,” Venom growled in your ear.  Eddie’s attention did not leave you even with the arrival of Venom.  Venom wrapped himself around you, making his way under your dress and feeling you.  You shivered at his touch.  Eddie cupped your cheek in his hand, “Oh, the things I am going to do to you tonight.  You have no idea what you’ve done to me now.”  He pressed his lips back to yours, sloppily.  “Daddy’s gonna take real good care of you,” he mumbled.  In a swift motion, he picked you up and began carrying you to the bedroom.  Venom stared at you the entire way, his arousal very apparent.  Eddie laid you on the bed gently.  You looked up at him.  He rubbed his hands together as he stood looking over you.  He bunched up your dress, revealing your lace panties.  He quickly pulled them off, throwing them to the floor.  He leaned down and placed a tender kiss against your lips, “How would daddy’s girl feel if he worked a little magic before fully going in?”  You shook your head in agreement.  “That’s what I like to hear,” he groaned.  He knelt down in front of your opening.  He placed your legs on each shoulder.  He pressed his face between them, licking up your slit.  You threw your head back in pleasure, moaning his name.  Eddie bit his lip, “Now, now.  What is my actual name?”  You moaned, “Daddy.”   “That’s more like it,” he growled.  He pressed his face deeper between your legs, his touch began making circles on your clit.  You gripped the sheets below you, balling them up in your hand.  You called out to him, making sure to call him the thing he wanted to be called.  He moved his attention to your inner thigh, kissing and biting it.  He shoved three hefty fingers inside you, pumping them fast.  “Fuck, daddy,” you could feel yourself getting close to the edge. 
Eddie promptly pulled his fingers out of you, standing up.  You whined at his sudden movement.  “Bratty little girl, aren’t you?  Don’t worry, daddy is about to give you the thing you’ve been wanting,” he purred above you.  He pulled his pants down, revealing his member being contained by his boxers.  You bit your lip in anticipation.  He slowly pulled his boxers down, teasing you.  When he finally revealed his long, hard cock you groaned at the site.  You could feel yourself quivering at the site of him.  You suddenly felt Venom wrap himself around you neck, “Now then, tell us what you want us to do to you.”  You moaned, “Fuck me.”  Venom licked your neck, “Who do you want to fuck you, baby girl?”  You groaned.  Eddie grabbed both your wrists and pinned them above your head.  His cock was resting at your opening, one thrust and he’d be inside.  Eddie looked you in the eyes, “You heard him.  We don’t know who you want to fuck you unless you tell us.”  You licked your lips, “You, daddy.  I want you to fuck me.”  Venom growled in your ear, “Good girl.”  
With one swift motion, Eddie’s cock was inside you.  You screamed out in euphoria.  It was music to Eddie and Venom’s ears.  “Fuck.  Daddy’s little princess knows exactly what he wants to hear,” Eddie moaned.  He thrusted inside you, keeping a steady pace.  Venom kept his grip on your neck, now also holding your wrists above your head.  Eddie held your hips in his large hands.  “Faster, daddy,” you called out.  Eddie smiled, “As you wish.”  He picked up the pace, pounding into you now.  You could feel your orgasm approaching, but you did not want to finish until you knew Eddie would allow it.  “D-Daddy, I-I’m real close.  Do I-I have you-your permission,” you asked.  “Of course, baby.  Cum for me,” he purred.  Your orgasm ripped through you.  Your entire body was tingling from the sensation.  Eddie soon followed after you.  He finished inside you, making sure to fill you up. 
Eddie laid down beside you, pulling you into his arms.  He kissed you on the head, “Daddy’s girl.”  You giggled, “Always.”  
@odetteacanto ~ @chasecharmer ~ @gliderbudgie ~ @ihaveaseriousclownproblem ~ @melancholy-applesauce ~ @katnisswa ~ @true-king-of-monsters ~ @tastemybuns ~ @ashycole ~ @raposinhachan ~ @weebiemo ~ @syiamorea ~ @danielsbransonx ~ @haurashaave ~ @kurochan3 ~ @skrilltia ~ @cutebutpsycho83 ~ @mai-sun-and-stars ~ @lucacangettathisass ~ @mababees ~ @bossyboyd03 ~ @more-than-a-little-sinister ~ @its-sexy-beastington-to-you ~ @emi-leigh16 ~ @sir-skelly ~ @kittywillcutyou ~ @centerhabit ~ @that-mom-friend ~ @lil-brown-furred-boi ~ @thirsty-venom-posts ~ @itaddict ~ @peculiar-monstar ~ @grotesquegabby ~ @sylinica ~ @mccrps ~ @hopelessdisasterr ~ @sarasxe ~ @deaths-maiden ~ @magicaldoremimimi ~ @venomsprincess ~ @sebastianmichaelisthedevilwith ~ @gae-artss ~ @piinkitydrinkity ~ @wintar1234534 ~ @kiratsuyoshi ~ @forgets-me-nots-blue ~ @legoticatrevosa ~ @grand-fanfic-ing-central ~ @therealautobotgirl ~ @raginghealer ~ @avaeda ~ @xcasiferx ~ @goth-pigeon~ @pale-butterfly ~ @abigfanofyours ~ @red-writer13 ~ @meganthemug~ @winterwendig0 ~ @nicimixerxoxo ~ @fandomtrashgoddess~ @cinnabearice ~ @moose-squirrel-asstiel~ @caughtyoulackin ~ @ellar21 ~ @snow-massacre ~ @iliketurtles1022 ~ @crazyfreckledginger ~ @impossiblepickleherringsoul ~ @roman-reigns-princess ~ @sincerelysinister ~ @hey-its-caroline ~ @torntaltos ~ @izzyd ~ @siliethkaijuy ~ @killercatastrophe ~ @tattoedgipsybunny ~ @orphan-kilig ~ @sassysergeant ~ @kellendriaaa ~ @mrshiddlescumberbatchlove ~ @undertaleandotherfandomlover ~ @bijou-pomme ~ @allkundsofwrong ~ @bloody-jinxx ~ @skywolf-kink-boy ~ @rueinn ~ @skatedate67791 ~ @the-sea-hawk ~ @pendent123 ~ @emmamikaelson95 ~ @markusstraya ~ @tifablog ~ @im-marie-poppins-yall ~ @lets-venom-and-chocolate ~ @homeiswheremykittyis ~ @taliarozlyn ~ @douchecrypt ~ @sierra884-blog-blog ~ @abundant-chaos ~ @chanderefk ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @symbiote-queen ~ @thirstyforvenom ~ @starguardian319 ~ @shadeyenora ~ @brokenpizzapiez ~ @marvelfangirllll ~ @waltz707 ~ @cherubclover ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @midnightwritingrussiancoffee ~ @vengealis ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @izzy-the-ginger ~ @cryalluwant2idc ~ @weirdfuckingtrainwreck~ @cart-disguised-as-a-buggy ~ @jaxcliffaconda ~ @ceylon-morphe286 ~ @war-and-chaos ~ @captaindrholmes ~ @xsmallplum ~ @sinningsummers ~ @nmagawida ~ @baoxiii ~ @strawberrysuperhero ~ @queen-of-eggyolks ~ @that-one-smart-american ~ @seachelle-the-tideborn ~ @pennysgirl ~ @richietoaster ~ @whitestar-16  ~ @omg-the-nutella-queen  ~ @that-one-smart-american  ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @shaderwaii ~ @yangfire08 ~ @raceylacy ~ @emo-kitty-love ~ @sadboysclub11 ~ @mawkishmondays  ~ @sthorkronstrangy ~ @bokchoishota ~ @voyagestothestars ~ @the-lululemon~ @bear-rose123 ~ @mynahx3 ~ @alli-cat99 ~ @onebymanynames ~ @hebambi555 ~ @cassiopeia-barrow ~ @alledeglyfunny ~ @roryshitposts~ @x6-15 ~ @alex–awesome–22 ~ @deepdarkvoidchild ~ @nickyl316h ~ @nomajdetective ~ @randomshizzles101 ~ @fillechatoyante ~ @venoms-cave~ @shadymegan ~ @ultrasparkledeath ~ @infinitytheproxy3 ~ @whitestar-16 ~ @coralineexz ~ @i-like-dark-stuff ~ @missotaku34 ~ @momostuffsblog ~ @crazyminnesotagirl ~ @the-cake-isnt-a-lie ~ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow ~ @fosterthe-peter ~
\\ If you no longer want to be tagged in my Venom x Reader Fics, please do let me know. Or if you would like to be tagged in future posts, let me know! //
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normiewrites · 5 years
tobio’s birthday party!!
so with much deliberation, I’ve decided to do a birthday party for tobio!!! it’s just a sleepover party really, but for tobio’s bday
i love this boy that much *sigh*
starting from 1pm IST (Indian standard time) the party shall start and end at 5pm IST, 28hrs cause my timezone is messed up compared to my readers. All the requests that were put in before this event started are put on hold (except for the tobio ones that i got today) - btw im taking requests for all characters, not just tobio!
things you can send in:
any fanart, fanfic or any type of submission
drabble and headcanons requests
you can send in your own drabbles and headcanons
anything you wanna share, whether it be about you, an unpopular opinion, a meme, a confession, its ur choice!
you can ask questions about me too!! but i will not answer if i find it too personal (still kinda new to this site)
any games you all wanna play?? for example, kill, kiss, marry, fuck, burning house, truth/dares. you can send in a game idea and i’ll play along!
any advice you want from me? i’ll try my best! (ngl im a pretty good advice giver, especially cause im single)
just go ham with the inbox, i’ll love yall for it
blog rules still apply
its not mandatory, its not even a rule but PLS SEND IN TOBIO REQUESTS
i’ll only be taking 1 character and 1 prompt/idea per request, because if this doesn’t flop (which it most probably will) it’ll be hard to keep up with requests
you can use the prompt list or even send in your own ideas
NO SCENARIO REQUESTS, just headcanons and drabbles
do not send in any requests that you’ve already sent in before, like mention before, requests given before this event are put on hold
eventhough it’s a haikyu!! event, i’ll still write for not only haikyu!! but boku no hero academia, bungou stray dogs and maybe kimetsu no yaiba too
please specify the gender (even if you want g/n) otherwise i’ll just resort to writing the reader in the opposite gender of the character
prompt lists (please specify which list you want your request from):
“When I look at you, I see my whole world, and that scares the shit out of me.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“How drunk was I?”
“You could’ve - could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
I told you not to get too close to me.
I did care about you. I just had no other choice.
“Stay here tonight.”
  “I’ll keep you warm.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“How do I look?”
“I’m not jealous! It’s just…you’re mine!”
“I know they’re just stuffed animals but doesn’t it feel weird? It’s like they’re watching us.”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“I am home.”
“You’re worth it.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“Just hold me.”
“Can I wear your sweater? It smells like you.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“I don’t know how to exist in a world without you”
“You are so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
“You make my heart do the thing and it freaks me out.”
“You’re my top priority. I never want you to think any differently.”
“I think I’m in love.”
smut/more angst
“I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
“You’re not going out in that outfit.”
“You’re more than just a one night stand.”
“Like what you see?”
“We’re in public, you know.”
“Don’t be so rough. there can’t be any marks.”
“Watch me.”
“Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
“You’re n-not, um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?”
“You taste like fucking candy.”
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
“You make a sound and its game over.”
“Just let me finish this/this level and i swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
“I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice.”
“C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working.”
“What? Does that feel good?”
“Say it.”
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
“You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.”
“How quickly can you cum?”
“Don’t ruin the sofa.” “I’ll just have to cum inside you then.”
“Stop doing that or I’m going to cum in my pants.”
“I’m not going to touch you unless you beg.”
“We’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still horny?!”
“Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt.”
“God damnit, now all I can think about right now is you licking my cock like its that ice cream cone.”
“Do you think they can hear us through the tent?” “Yes we can.”
“Spread your legs and smile for the camera.”
“This tight ass/pussy belongs to me. Got it?”
“You’re nothing but a little cum dump for me.”
“You cum when I say you can.”
“Did I say you could touch me?”
“Tell me how good it feels.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“It’s almost too tight.”
“You’re going to cum again and again till you’re begging me to stop.”
“Who owns you?”
“Can I ride you this time?”
“I shouldn’t have to ask for you to spread your legs for me.”
“Do you like being used by me?”
Also please remember that this is my first sleepover party so I most probably will mess up a few times, but don’t be scared to correct me!
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p.s thanks to @imaginethathaikyuu​ for helping me with this! prompt lists have come from her sleepover events (with permission)
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girlrry · 5 years
Anonymous said: genuinely god help me if i’m 40 and still care about what some 20 year olds say about me on tumblr or twitter
also the fact that i literally don’t care about there being 40yo ppl on here its just the creepy ones
Anonymous said: lmao one of narcissa followers went to your blog and told them your anon age shames older fans in the fandom and said you should do taxes and watch over children and its like that piss on the poor post where like they cant even comprehend what was said on the blog and nobody cares if your 40 and on this site or in the fandom its how you choose to engage in the fandom which most of these older harries spend time in petty drama or caring deeply about a 26 year old sex life which is…yikes
i saw lmao….. embarrassing 
Anonymous said: narcssiatramaine followers are taking bits of your blogs convo and then going to them saying your agesist and saying how you were discussing that women in their 30s need to cater to their husbands and be good housewives like?? are these people okay do they not know how to read
yeah i did not expect them to respond with anything even remotely logical since the only thing they took from my anons is that i’m ageist
Anonymous said: You just said it’s weird that older woman are OBSESSING over someones romantic/sexual life whos way younger than them and all of a sudden everyone acting like they were personally told they are old hags like damn take your insecurities back to school and learn how to read! IF YOU DON’T DO THAT, THEN IT WASN’T MEANT @ YOU
me: old obsessive harries are creepy
i  was only ever referring to the people everyone knows about i literally do not care what age you are as long as you’re respectful and not weird about it
Anonymous said: lmaoooo i cant with these 40 year olds coming into your inbox crying that a blog doesnt like them and also we were discussing gross 40 year old on this site and if you found offensive with that then maybe you just revaluate yourself
i blocked an anon that was camped out in my inbox going on and on about how i am young and stupid bc i called people out. they proceeded to say how they were not offended and they weren’t trying to insult me by calling me young and underdeveloped. like if you’re not bothered then why are you in my inbox??
Anonymous said: all offense to that anon but those older harries that were mentioned everyone knows who they are and most people find them annoying the fact that nobody has to specify them by name and yet everyone still knows who theyre talking about means it aint just one sided or something a blog came up with
right like i was talking about a very specific group of harries on here i wasn’t hating on every single 40 year old ever i don’t have problems with yall its just the people i mentioned specifically but they had to take that and twist it to discredit me calling them out
Anonymous said: dude where all these anons coming from and have they not been reading your messages like who the fuck is talking about 28 year olds on this site like its specifically people in their 40s on this site who are obsessed with harry’s sex life and are underlying homophobes but dont want to admit it
yeah apparently i think everyone here over 20 is old
Anonymous said: im just going to say it im 24 and i hope to god im not on this site past the age of 35 let alone 30 and going to blogs to yell about people in their 40s in a fandom even though aint nobody specifically talking about you just the type of behavior that is exhibited by some blogs
haven’t you heard that i hate anybody slightly older than me and i said they’re not allowed to like harry :-(
Anonymous said: some of these people are stoopid like honest to god. read it thoroughly digest the words then come up with a response not skim it over and pick few words then get mad
they don’t have enough time left in their life to completely read anything and formulate an opinion i guess. they just gotta read like three words, get offended, and send me hate anons
Anonymous said:why is there so much boomer behavior on this blog tonight ,,,, lit rally no one is saying that older woman cannot like younger musicians or whatever we r just saying it’s extremely weird when grown ass women sexualize Harry specifically when he was a teenager and obsess over his dating life. If it was a man doing this to a young female musician u would call it creepy and uncomfortable so why is it different for an older woman? also don’t say we r being ageist and then say we r stupid like girl,,
I KNOW like how are you gonna say you’re taking the high ground and then pull that shit eye-
Anonymous said: Full stop these anons need to go outside or get a hobby, half the asks they’re sending you don’t make any logical sense.
TRULY. like idc if you disagree with me and you want to voice that i think that’s fine but you have to come to me with a logical argument just sending an angry rant followed with an insult about how my brain is underdeveloped is just wasting my time tbh
Anonymous said: for people who are trying to insult you because you’re young and your brain is supposedly is underdeveloped these older harries sure lack reading comprehension
let us say a prayer for them. i guess we all have underdeveloped brains
Anonymous said: At least harry is 26. I’m also in the shawn side of tumblr & the amount of middle aged moms sexualizing him and writing smutty fanfics when he was UNDERAGE was 🤢 but it was always “fine & completely different because they would never actually act on it so it’s okay”. I’m so glad I wasn’t around back then with harry. Caroline was probably their queen
oh ew nasty. and yeah there’s people who still don’t think there was anything wrong with that (and we all know what age group they belong to)
Anonymous said:“You don’t get to 40 and suddenly love balding men” you’re saying this as if attractive men in their 40s don’t exist…
attractive men outside of harry actually do not exist
Anonymous said:some 40 year old is really coming into your inbox and making you feel bad about being young. like maam go to bed so you can take your kids to school tomorrow morning instead of worrying about what people say on tumblr. embarrassing
i don’t care if they have kids i just hope they have self respect this is genuinely embarrassing
Anonymous said:are these people okay like seriously are they okay
they have normally developed brains but apparently not
Anonymous said: Y'all being so rude on anon? Like I can tell op is super tired of your shit. So stop, take a sec and think “am I being a polite and caring person” before you send an ask. It’s significantly more wrong for a 50 year old to share sexual fantasies online about a 26 year old than it is for a 20 year old lmao. But neither are wrong entirely. In either case can we let this go now?
i don’t completely agree but i’m so tired of this subject i wanna Stop
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sorede-ii · 7 years
1,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 26, 27
ALRIGHT ANON i had to empty out my inbox really quickly, so here we go with the salty asks!! thank you so much btw u rock!!!!! under a read more cuz man do i got alot to say lmao
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
in all honesty i will never understand inusess or (romantic) sessrin and why people would think those ships are ok?? like i’m not judging i promise, but i can never understand it :// but other than that, i’m usually very open about the ships for inuyasha!!
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
i guess other than the 2 i said before, i don’t really have a NoTP. i don’t think they’re popular either but… they’re more popular than what i thought they would be…
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
mmm i can’t really think of any pairing that has been ruined for me tbqh i feel i’m too openminded when it comes down to it ppfff
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
this one’s easy, the first one that comes to mind is inukik. the fandom had definitely helped me open my eyes to not be a hater against kikyo (i wouldn’t say i hated her, but i used to not like the idea of her with inuyasha, ya know?) and to just be openminded in shipping in general (especially samesex couples)!! if it weren’t for the fandom, i wouldn’t be enjoying ships like inukog, kagsan, kagukik… the list goes on!!
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
if it’s anything inuyasha related..? hmm…. probably character/ship bashing (especially kikyo). i used to be so into those arguments of “kikyo’s in the way of inukag!!” just cuz i didn’t really understand her character when i was younger!! in all honesty i hate any bashing towards a person in general~
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
i’ve been on this site since before i started highschool and i’m in college now, and i’m so happy to say i have never gotten anon hate on any of my blogs!!!
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
oh my god anon so i was looking through the list of inuyasha characters to remind myself if there was anyone and then i got to mukotsu i was like “oh yeah… that motherfucker…”
we all know what that boy did.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
oh man forgive me anon, i’m actually not the type to care much for arcs of a show!! as long as the story as a whole flows fine, i usually don’t mind!! though, i will say that it did bug me a bit when the story changed from a “mystery, ghost-hunting” story to a more shounen story. knowing that rumiko had intended it to be a more darker themed story, it felt way more light hearty (???) at the end, if that makes sense?? i mean i still love it either way, but that’s just my personal opinion!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
alright imma do inuyasha just to keep it in general (lemme know if you guys want me to talk about the other characters)! i actually have….a few for him. first being his ears did not wiggle enough!!!! i think it just comes from owning a dog and cats too, but animals are very expressive with their ears, so i feel he would be the same. my second one being i personally…. don’t like it when people focus too much on the… dog part. i guess i see him too much as a person, so it just throws me off when people refer to him as a “puppy”, ya know? i mean don’t get me wrong i totally get it and it’s such a cute nickname for him, but man do i crave him having difficulty accepting himself as half demon. i hope that makes sense kasljfldklsdkg and last but not least, i feel the best songs that fit inuyasha’s character are songs by my fav artist, logic! here’s an example that i’ve made a comic about too!
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
oh gosh!!! first would be giving kagome more variety in her outfits. or atleast… let her wear her summer uniform!!! also add in the missing scenes from the manga to the anime, to make it more accurate. and i’d personally would have done the ending a bit differently too, instead of immediately seeing how kagome’s life in the feudal era would be, it’d be set it a few years into the future. we could see miroku and sango’s kids being more older, see the kids like rin, kohaku, and shippo, as teens, and seeing inukag in their married life!!
26.Most shippable character?
yall….. dead ass it’s inuyasha… like… any possible ship there is for him, i dig it. and ironically after inu bb, it’s kikyo…… it’s so easy for me to see them two happy like they should’ve been
27. Least shippable character?
that’s sesshomaru for me! like don’t get me wrong, i’ve read some p instense stuff of him with miroku, koga, and kagome and i’ve enjoyed them, but lookiing at it from a canon sense, he really doesn’t give a damn about other people, so he’s always given me the impression that he likes to be alone.
thank you so much again dear anon!!! this was super fun!!!
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