#but yeah i agree
collection-bundle · 4 months
Crowcore is hoarding shiny and pretty things
Goblincore is stealing shiny and valuable things
yes and I try to do a little of both 🤭! Although I prefer gremlincore to goblincore
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sorry forr using your ask box as a chat weekly but he definitely has a bruce thirst blog and he never says anything on the reblogs or in the tags, just reblogs what flatter him the most in a sick twisted way and hes called something like avery and is 23 just so no one investigates
suspiciously specific
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rainingmbappe · 2 months
Lando totally jump started (me trying to fit it rn)
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bisexualsharpay · 10 months
Gabriella is just so pretty in the movies but hsm3 she hits different. Like you could feel the troyella sexual tension (cough Zanessa) and it's no wonder Troy just had 😍 the whole movie
everyone looked SO good in hsm3 though, puberty hit them for real
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edgygayguy · 11 months
not to be so pessimistic before the update's even out but like. yeah i agree on paper kullervo honestly seems like a shittier ash and direct damage abilities nowadays are ass bc they almost never scale :/ feels like his 3's the only good ability 🥲 tragedy indeed i was so hyped for his character beforehand, damn it male frames have been so hit or miss lately
And nobody will care because the redditors are still jerking it to wolf "not really a werewolf but a status effect machine" mommy
His passive is not useless, but I hoped it would have something to do with daggers (idk about everyone else but I don't really heavy attack with them, a bonus for finishers on him would be more fitting)
Everything you said about his abilities I agree with, but his 2 *sounds* interesting (it will suck ass, because I also thought Citrine's 3 "sounds interesting"), and his 3 is too similar to marked for death or whatever it's called from the helminth to me. Also bronco incarnon. He's just not original enough. While his visual design is sick, his abilities are a mixed bag. Feels like they belong on multiple different frames, which is weird considering he was supposed to be released even before citrine????
I'm always pessimistic af before and shortly after updates to games I love (wonder what that says about me lmao) but I hope I'll be positively surprised. His 4 could also be good if it has good range and scales off mele or something. Though I hope he gets a rework, fast, though DE would never do that :" )
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electracraft · 2 years
u reblogged a post about dnis and i just went through op's carrd and it had dni dsmp fans lmao. on a different note, i think it's so wild that people expect others to check their blog or read their carrd before reblogging a post or something like do people genuinely think others have time for that?
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randomnameless · 9 months
I feel like FEH's nature as a gacha game ocasionally causes IS to have to twist certain characters around so they can better sell them to FEH's audience, like the Fallen Corrins; they're taken from the end of Chapter 5 of Fates, a chapter where they're stuck in their dragon form, have practically devolved into a feral animal who attacks anyone they see, and whose maximum speech capacity is to grunt and roar in pain/exertion/anger.
Since a character that's completely incapable of speaking would be less desirable for the average player than someone with actual voice lines and confessions, they wrote themselves into a corner and had to invent a weird version of Chapter 5!Corrin where they've already gone on their rampage and returned to normal after Azura calmed them down, but for some reason are stuck being forced to unwittingly use their draconic powers in exchange for severe pain and an urge to give in to that side of themselves again; none of that tracks with what actually happens in chapter 5, where they show no signs of struggling to control themselves after regaining consciouness, especially not to the extent the Fallen ones do, and are very quickly given a dragonstone by Azura to make sure they can't go berserk again and can control their dragon powers properly.
The Fallen Corrins explicitly say that their friends and family helped them regain control of themselves and that they're ashamed for hurting Azura, so unless these Corrins both hail from a world where their dragon blood is inexplicably significantly more powerful and possessive than it ever was in Fates proper AND were summoned into Askr during the ridiculously short time-frame between being told that they went berserk and being given the dragonstone to stop that from happening again, the entire concept is broken from the start; all because IS couldn't just market a mute angry dragon to their playerbase in their gacha game.
It's the same reason they did what they did with Fallen Linus; sure, a mindless mute zombie isn't the most interesting of characters, but there was no need to include that version of the character into FEH if IS already knew they wouldn't sell well without heavy changes to the source material in order to make them more marketable.
I still note they made mute!Soren an unit lol
More seriously, as a rule of thumb, I'd prefer if FEH kept characterisations the character had in their original games even if, as you said, some alts definitely need to be... modified.
You mentionned the Fallen Corns, but in general, a lot of Fallen Heroes fall under that banner, Fallen Julia exists for the last half of the last chapter in FE4, Fallen Ike is an AU, Grima(sses) were created from scotch and glue, Fallen!Bilthis apparently cares about her kid (obviously an AU lol), etc etc...
I still am completely baffled at what they did with Fallen!Vigarde like sure, he was given lines from his zombie self in FE8, but the part where he goes "my power is to great for this vessel" or something is completely bonkers, Fomortiis only possesses one dude from that family, and that dude is Lyon. Remove Fomor-Lyon moving zombie!Vigarde's strings, and Vigarde is barely something more, uh, "sentient" than Monica (yes, the one from FE8 if you're wondering).
I ranted enough about how I fucking hated the FB between Lyon and his possessed self - maybe to sell Lyon as something more than a mere tool played and sacrificed by Fomortiis who preyed on his ambitions - and if that was supposed to sell me more on Lyon, then good job devs, FEH's Lyon is, imo, not FE8!Lyon thus not the character I care about.
Granted, I rant and rant and rant, but I'm also someone who's overjoyed when, saaay, FEH pisses on the source material when the source material sucks, like Julia has more characterisation in her base intro than in her entire game(s) because the devs see her as something else than a falchion with legs, and I've already ranted about Fodlan, but in general, IS seems to want to "correct" some stuff that came out wrong in earlier games (or piss on certain lolcalisations).
And it's always kind of difficult, with seasonal units, to come up with lines, like take Deghinsea for instance, all of his lines in the games are, hm, very serious and not light at all. And yet, he has a cute Halloween alt that would feel in-character, so to say, with the giant bald lizard we kill at the end of FE10.
But when it comes to creating a new unit from scratch (Altina? Ullr?) sometimes things work because the new thing created from scratch feels coherent with the world they're supposed to come from, and sometimes it's way more, uh, muddy (Elimine?). And you can bet I'll be overjoyed if mythic!Willy is released, or mythic!Indech/Macuil, even if it means the devs will have to invent a lot of things to make those characters feel like characters and not... pixels with new skills (but then they didn't care about that when they made Nerthuz...).
In the end, I think it's still the old discussion when talking about a fanwork, is something OOC or IC ?
And even if Heroes was developped by IS too, like the base games, sometimes the OOC comes out too clearly. Sometimes, everything works because the fanwork that is heroes works. It all depends on the twist IS uses to, as you said, sell characters.
I just hope that potential remakes won't use FEH as a base (with the twist they brought to characters) but use the... game being remade as a base, even if it clashes with the FEH characterisation.
Like, I'd hate it if a Sacred Stones remake characterises Eirika only as the naive princess depicted in the FE13 DLC or the "I want to be like my brother" brave alt, while removing the "Enough. Hold your tongue." part of her character.
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ofmd-renewed-yet · 2 years
Im seriously gonna boycott HBO if OFMD isnt renewed like all jokes aside im 100% serious. There's no way that they gave GoT (and a bunch of other shitty shows) like a million more seasons once it had well and truly run its course and they can't even give OFMD a second season like this show still has SO much to give..
They’re definitely taking their time but at this point I don’t really see how they CAN’T renew it?? But even if they don’t, I think David said somewhere that he would offer it to another streaming service, so hopefully either way we’ll get something in the future.
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elekinetic · 1 year
My hotglock take is I don't think Will would have liked Eddie that much. Maybe as a DM because of his theatrics. Not saying he'd hate him, but he wouldn't vibe that well with him most of the time. Also Eddie would have dunked on Will just as much as he did Mike,Lucas and Dustin. For tone I say this very light heartedly and w/o malice.
real. same thing with punks vs metal heads, they’re just different vibes. will would like eddie fine (it’s nice to have someone actually want to play dnd for once) but they wouldn’t be as close as dustin/mike are to eddie. will would probably have a relationship that much more closely resembles lucas’. i would’ve liked to see mikes reaction to eddie dunking on will. i think that’s would be a very interesting dynamic. maybe i’ll write it one day. maybe one of my friends will… 😳👀
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ladychlo · 2 years
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Not to beat a dead horse but the more I think about Lostbelt 4 and how it addresses ableism the more I think it did a bad job. Most people already agree a twisted ankle isnt' grounds for being euthanized, and most people who want to 'get rid of' the disabled don't see their existence as inherently 'evil' so much as they just see them as 'needlessly suffering,' and 'putting them down' is seen as an act of mercy. Arjuna treating people who get a scraped knee as bad guys has no real-life basis and it doesn't really fit with his original motive to create a world where no one has to suffer the way he did. 1/2
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I wish they’d at least explained or showed us how he got to the extreme conclusion of ‘injured people must be cut from existence’ from ‘I don’t want people to suffer’ bc obviously there was a like. Process there that spanned several millennia but so much of it is just. Not even mentioned so you have no idea what happened and can only guess based on those two extreme end points
Like his logic was probably something along the lines of ‘injury=flaws=cannot exist in this world=must be removed’ but how did we get to the point where he was counting twisted ankles and stuff bc this was obvs not happening from the very start bc people would’ve been getting deleted over papercuts and bruises and no one would be left! Please elaborate!
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lnfantil · 1 year
actually ,,,,,
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caralara · 2 years
Some of the jeans/leggins Louis wore during OTRA were so tight that I bet they were uncomfy lol so now he wears the baggiest trousers he can that are still his size. I imagine that even getting those skinny jeans offs and on involved a lot of jumping around
sorry I tuned out after “getting those skinny jeans off” what were you saying??
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
I like your response to PS anons cuz I too dont really care and honestly its so hard to tell who has had what as filters/editing/lighting is always different... I mean it is good to acknowledge how prevalent it is and that every single on of your faves (western celebs too!) have had work done but also picking it apart is dreary and unecessary. The only surgery I find rattling and just like sad is the jaw shaves that some idols have as I just feel bad for them and find it really unnerving especially when it's done on like teens but again I dont ever put that on the idol just sad they/the company made such a bad call. Whereas something like JK's nose changing or him maybe getting his eyes changed I mean he already had big eyes and his nose is still big so who gives a shit? or tae getting his hairline fixed? theres no way I wouldnt fix my hairline if i was balding and could afford it lol
i think it's difficult to draw the line between stuff idols got done bc they wanted to and stuff they were forced to get done while still being kids :/ that's my issue and that's why i don't comment on it
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cafffine · 10 months
be pro-aging but wear sun screen. sun protection is not beauty industry propaganda it will save you. wear it. or else.
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
i’ll never understand people who can’t make fun of their faves a little. like yes i love this character and would defend them to my grave but also they’re stupid sometimes and they do dumb things and imma make fun of them for it
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