#but yeah knowing that this fic helped spread that take about Edelgard - and just a lot of her bad characterization in general
butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Especially taking a stoic, badass FEMALE character and going "actually inside they are all soft and timid and uwu and traumatized". And its not just Byleth like slapping trauma and sexual abuse on every female character even though there were no indication of it in canon, especially since there ARE characters that canonically has that trauma like Yuri and Dorothea, is just creepy af.
Yeeeeah the sexual abuse stuff especially is very... concerning. Reading through those portions (of what appears to be the start of the take) had me like “umm... but why are you adding this though?” Can’t help but feel a lil’ Actually Peeved at the constant babying of Edelgard and how much this fic strips away what makes her so engaging to watch; her unyielding will even at doing reprehensible things, her conviction in her ideas and methods no matter who stands against them, those things are very nice to watch in a villain! 
But, well, because Edelgard can’t be the villain and also do these things at the same time, she’s reduced to this nervous wreck who’s so afraid of everyone leaving her (even though in canon she’s sad about this, sure, but she move right along with her plans if this does end up happening to her), and she’s so caring about Jeritza and so sad about “having” to let TWS use him (spoilers for the chapter 11 notes lmao) (when in canon she couldn’t give less of a shit), she’s terrified of Thales and barely controls herself when talking to him (again chapter 11 lmao) (while in canon she’s annoyed at having to deal with him when talking to him, maybe she’ll get a little mad at him). It’s a lot to deal with when reading this
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crackimagines · 5 years
The New Professor (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Konosuba / School-Live! AU
CONTAINS School-Live! (Gakkou Gurashi) anime spoilers!
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A new visitor arrives to Garreg Mach, causing a commotion among the population.
Byleth, Kazuma, and Aqua are sent to investigate who the new visitor is.
(Byleth) sigh
(Aqua) “Come on, tell me I’m right!”
(Kazuma) “Okay, you’re goddamn stupid.”
(Aqua) “Shut up, NEET!”
(Kazuma) “Stop calling me a NEET you bitch!”
(Sothis) “Ugh, what are they complaining about now?”
(Byleth) “Apparently something about the amiibo gazebo being part of a greater power than you or anything here...”
(Sothis) “And that’s why they’re throwing profanity around?”
(Aqua) “Listen, this is a serious discussion!”
(Kazuma) “One that you’re completely wrong about!”
Byleth shook his head. He was starting to regret asking them to lunch. 
Before he could continue eating, Alois ran up to his table.
(Alois) “Ah, there you are Byleth!”
(Byleth) “Alois, what’s wrong?”
(Alois) “We just found a woman unconscious near the classrooms!”
(Byleth) “What?!”
(Kazuma) “Wait, why are you telling him this, isn’t this stuff left to the knights?”
(Alois) “Well the thing is, we don’t know where she came from, or who she is. I daresay she’s not even from Fodlan!”
(Aqua) “Wait, like as in completely foreign country or?”
(Alois) “As in, completely otherwordly! Actually, her clothing reminds me a bit of yours, Kazuma!”
Kazuma’s eyes widened and turned to Aqua.
(Kazuma) “Hold up a sec, you think she could be...?”
(Aqua) “Only one way to find out! Byleth, we’re coming with you!”
Byleth nodded and the three of them followed Alois to the classrooms. 
Megumi shut the door behind her as hard as she could, making sure it couldn’t be open from the other side.
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(???) “Let me go!”
(??? 2) Yuki-chan, stop it!”
(???) “Megu-nee’s still outside! We have to hurry!”
(??? 3) “It’s too late!”
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(??? 2) “WAIT!”
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(???) “Megu-nee! MEGU-NEEEEE!”
(??? 1) “Shit, she looks beat up bad!”
(??? 2) “There’s blood everywhere, what happened to her?!”
(??? 3) “You guys didn’t try to get a healer first?”
(??? 4) “We tried! There’s something in her arm that’s spreading and we can’t stop it!”
(??? 1) “Aqua!”
(??? 2) “On it! Oh no...From what I’m seeing in her injuries, it’s like some zombie infection!”
(??? 3) “Wait, what’s a zombie?”
(??? 1) “God damn, what the hell?! Tch, nevermind, questions later! We gotta use Turn Undead!”
(??? 2) “Wait, that’s going to hurt her!”
(??? 1) “Aqua, it doesn’t look like she’s fully infected yet, so maybe it can stop it before it spreads! We gotta do SOMETHING!”
(??? 1) “Damn, TURN UNDEAD!”
Megumi could only hear the voices faintly, but it started to grow louder as she felt a sharp pain in her arm that quickly went away.
(??? 2) “Alright, she’s stabilizing.”
Megumi opened her eyes slowly, the light blinding her from the windows.
(Megumi) “H-Huh...?”
(Kazuma) “H-Hey, she’s waking up!”
She looked up and saw three people she’s never seen before, wearing what seemed to be medieval European clothing.
(Byleth) “I see you’re awake now.”
(Aqua) “Hey there!”
(Kazuma) “Better places to pass out than on the ground, ya know!”
(Megumi) “Where...am I?”
(Byleth) “Yes, we know Sothis. We’ll try to explain it in basic terms.”
(Megumi) ?
(Kazuma) “Well...put simply, you’re in a school.”
The word school echoed through her mind. Megumi’s heartbeat suddenly spiked as she almost jumped to her feet, looking behind her frantically.
(Megumi) “YUKI-CHAN!”
When she spun around, she only saw Alois and a few of the Monastery’s classrooms.
(Alois) “T-Take it easy ma’am! We know you’re confused but!”
Megumi’s breathing was out of control, her head jerking back and forth trying to find anything familiar. 
But to no avail.
(Byleth) “Miss, please, calm down!”
Kazuma grabbed the shoulders of the woman and kept her still.
(Kazuma) “Take a deep breath, alright?!”
Megumi eventually stopped shaking as she took in more of her surroundings. It was clear she wasn’t at the school anymore but...
With a deep exhale, she finally calmed down.
(Megumi) “I-I’m sorry...I-I don’t know where I am.”
(Byleth) “What’s your name?”
(Megumi) “My name...My name is Megumi Sakura. I’m a teacher at Megurigaoka Private High School.”
(Aqua) “That sounds a lot like...”
(Kazuma) “Japanese.”
(Aqua) “This is a weird question to ask but...Are you from Japan?”
(Megumi) “Yes, I am?”
Kazuma took a little comfort in that. He now wasn’t the only person thrown to this world from Earth.
(Kazuma) “Well...how do I put this? You’re not in Japan anymore, you’re pretty much in the same boat I am. We’re in a country called Fodlan.”
(Megumi) “Where is that?”
(Kazuma) “It doesn’t exist back on our world, Miss Sakura. We’re basically in a Fantasy Europe with straight up magic, dragons, all that crazy bullshit.”
(Megumi) “But...what happened to our world? My students?”
(Kazuma) “Um...I’m not sure. I didn’t come from YOUR world, per se. My world was in peace while yours seemed to be...uh...”
(Megumi) “I see...”
Megumi’s heart sank. She just happened to be unlucky enough to be in a world where crisis struck them instead of having a normal life like Kazuma.
(Aqua) “I’m sure you must have a million questions, but you need some rest! Here, follow me and I’ll try to answer anything you might ask on the way.”
(Megumi) “B-But...”
Sighing, Megumi followed Aqua to her room.
(Alois) “From another world? First you and your friends Kazuma, now her! What a crazy time to live in! Poor thing must be so confused if she’s shouting for her students like that...”
Kazuma couldn’t help but shiver at that. He couldn’t imagine coming to a brand new world completely alone. He was lucky to have others with him here. At the very least, he had some semblance of a fantasy world, Megumi must be feeling as if she were on another planet.
Which in some sense, she was.
(Kazuma) “Hey uh...she said she was a teacher, right?”
(Byleth) “Yeah, of some private school.”
(Kazuma) “Do...Do you think she could teach alongside you, professor?”
(Byleth) “What?”
(Kazuma) “Well, if the church throws her ass to the curb, she’s going to be completely lost! She doesn’t understand a world like yours in the slightest.”
Byleth looked at Megumi and nodded.
(Byleth) “I’ll talk to Rhea about it.”
After a few days of getting settled in and recovering, Megumi began to explore the Monastery with Kazuma and his gang.
(Aqua) “The Monastery is more of a military academy than a normal school.”
(Kazuma) “Yeah, Garreg Mach Monastery, or The Officer’s Academy, is the full name of this place.”
(Darkness) “Many people are aspiring to be a knight here. That is my goal. Well, being stuck here anyway.”
(Megumin) “My goal is to make a name for the Crimson Demon, and no matter the world we’re thrown into, that shall always be my top priority!”
(Megumi) “I had no idea other people could be thrown into worlds so casually...A-And what about God and?”
(Aqua) “Well you see I’m-”
Kazuma elbowed Aqua, shaking his head.
(Kazuma) “The poor woman’s going to be more confused, alright?! Just keep that to yourself for now!”
(Aqua) “Jerk!”
(Megumi) “Oh by the way, where is that blue haired man?”
(Kazuma) “Oh, professor Byleth? I’m not sure, honestly. I asked him to talk to the head honcho here of letting you teach here.”
(Megumi) “Huh?! B-But, I don’t know how to fight!”
(Aqua) “That’s fine! There’s still stuff like math here!”
(Darkness) “It’s just something to help you fit in. We don’t want you getting thrown out while you have no idea what’s happening.”
(Megumin) “Besides, I’m sure you’ll love the students here!”
(Claude’s Voice) “Well, probably just me.”
Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard walked up to the group and noticed Megumi.
(Dimitri) “Ah, so you’re that new teacher that has been causing quite a stir! I am Dimitri, House leader of the Blue Lions.”
(Edelgard) “My name is Edelgard, and I am the House Leader of the Black Eagles.”
(Claude) “Claude, Golden Deer. Nice to meet ya!”
(Megumi) “T-Thank you! My name is Megumi Sakura...I-I’m sorry, did you say new teacher?”
(Edelgard) “Why yes. We’ve been informed that Byleth has an assistant who will be helping teach the three houses.”
(Dimitri) “Hah, are you getting cold feet Professor Sakura?”
(Megumi) “...Professor Sakura...”
She smiled a little, blushing at the name.
(Megumi) “Well, at least someone’s finally referring to me as my proper teacher name.”
(Edelgard) “What did people usually refer to you as?”
(Megumi) “Megu-nee.”
(Aqua) “Aw, that’s actually kinda cute!”
(Megumi) “It’s not befitting of a teacher!”
(Claude) “Megu-nee..Hah, I like that sound of that a bit better honestly!”
(Edelgard) “Megun-nee. It does have a nice ring to it.”
(Dimitri) “Well, Megu-nee, we’ll be seeing you soon! We just wanted to say hello.”
(Claude) “Be seein’ ya around!”
(Megumi) “D-DON’T CALL ME MEGU-NEE! IT’S...ah...”
Everyone else laughed at her embarassment, but Kazuma put a hand on her shoulder.
(Kazuma) “You’ll fit right in, Megu-nee! Those three will put in a good word for ya! Byleth will be too, no doubt!”
Everyone gave her an encouraging smile.
(Darkness) “Please, if you need us for anything do not hesitate to ask for help.”
(Megumi) “...”
A part of her was going to miss her students so dearly. Yuki, Kurumi, and Yuuri would be alone without her, missing her and thinking that she was dead. She wanted to tell them that she was alive and well thanks to the help of everyone here so far but...
Megumi knew that was going to be a long time before that happened.
With the help of everyone here, she knew the road was going to be a lot less lonely than she thought. 
(Megumi) “I never could’ve anticipated that this was where my life was going to go once I thought I was dead but...I won’t waste this second chance you’ve given me, so for that I will do my best to repay it and continue teaching!”
(Byleth) “We’re happy to hear it.”
Byleth smiled at her as he walked over, extending his hand.
(Byleth) “Welcome to the family, Megumi.”
She hesitated before giving her hand, but she took Byleth’s hand and shook it firmly.
(Byleth) “Come on, the rest of the staff wants to meet you.”
(Megumi) “R-Right!”
(Kazuma) “Good luck, Megu-nee!”
She spun around quickly and pouted.
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“Kazuma, don’t call me Megu-nee! It’s Professor Sakura!”
Unfortunately for her, no one would heed her wishes to be called that.
Everyone greeted their new professor, Megu-nee.
[Indirect Sequel: Megumi Sakura as a Professor AU]
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