#but yeah wanted to draw a quick little doodle of this old ship
candyheartedchy · 11 months
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Anyone remembers my very first self ship I ever posted on this blog?
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Do No Harm Take No Shit Chapter 5 - Home(room) Coming
They discussed how best to break the news to everyone, while feeding each other ice cream. (call Adrien a sap, he didn’t care, this was the best day of his fucking life) It seemed a bit obtrusive to walk into class and announce, ‘Hello Marinette is my girlfriend now, any questions?’
On the other hand, Lila would probably take advantage of any ambiguity. Not to mention Adrien’s fans – they would throw a tantrum when he and Marinette went public.
In the end, the simple approach was taken. Adrien took a selfie of them sharing their couples’ cone, one in which Marinette’s face was scrunched up adorably as he dabbed strawberry ice cream on the tip of her nose. Her hair was out and tumbling in the breeze, slapping Adrien on the cheek while he laughed and held the camera up blindly. It was his favourite shot – he was almost loathe to share it with the world. A quick caption. Magical ice cream with my magical girlfriend – best day of my life. Adrien posted it on Monday morning while the Gorilla drove them to school.
“Aaaaand… done.” He leaned his head against Marinette’s shoulder and watched the comments start to filter in.
“That was fast.” Marinette said.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve got a few stalkers on here.”
“You don’t say.” She teased.
Paris flashed by, and then they had arrived. They walked into the school hand in hand – Marinette’s hand was an honour Adrien held with pride. In the hallway Mylène glanced at them, glanced away casually, and then her gaze snapped back, accompanied by unashamed jaw-dropping. She elbowed Ivan, who looked around and blinked at the two, before grinning excitedly. They started to whisper between themselves. Adrien stifled a laugh.
“So,” He murmured as they walked, “How many people know about your huge crush on me, exactly?”
Marinette groaned. “No.”
“Because if Alya and Nino were shipping us…”
“Please, there are too many names to remember. You are the one person who didn’t know.”
“Was everyone on team Marinette-Adrien?”
Marinette looked away, face blushing a lovely shade of red. “Nothing.”
Adrien hummed and swung their joined hands. After a moment, Marinette gathered her courage and spoke again.
“Most people were on the team. Except for Chloe, of course.”
“Chloe’s always the exception.” Adrien noted.
They stepped inside the class, and Rose began to squeal. Adrien jumped at the pitch of it – all eyes were on them suddenly. He smiled nervously at the wide-mouthed stares.
“Uh, hi?”
“Congratulations!” Rose squealed. She rushed down from her chair to hug Marinette and Adrien in turn, swiftly followed by a grinning Alya who slung an arm around her best friend’s shoulder.
“Mari! Why didn’t you say something earlier? Congrats you two!”
The class was loud with cheers and excited voices. Kim laughed from his seat, “Adrien, bro! We thought you were gonna be oblivious forever.”
“Well, what can I say?” Adrien shrugged, fingers still tangled with Marinette’s. “I saw the light.”
“Oh, this is wonderful!” Rose cried. She glanced back to the very stiff figure sitting at her desk, “Lila, I told you they would figure it out!”
“Yes, you did.” Lila’s voice dripped with saccharine contempt. Adrien could feel her glare drilling into him from across the classroom. He suppressed the animalistic urge to bristle and hiss, instead sending a sweet smile towards the teeth-gritting girl. ‘Look out. You have no idea who you’re messing with.’
“So, when did this happen?” Alya urged. Marinette shrugged.
“This weekend. We went out, and talked, and… well.” She slightly lifted their joined hands, and the girls cooed. Marinette’s cheeks were flushed with happiness – even Lila’s presence didn’t seem to impact her. Adrien wished she could be this happy all the time. Damn it if he wasn’t going to try and make it so. “I’m expecting some rabid fangirl lashback though.”
Alya crinkled her nose. “Ew. Don’t worry Mari, we’ve got your back.”
“I know. Thank you.”                
“Soooo,” Alya leaned in towards the new couple, “I was wondering, would you guys object to a slight seat change today? I really want to sit next to my boyfriend, and – gosh – that leaves you two together in the front row!”
“Real smooth, Alya.” Alix elbowed her with a snort. Marinette laughed.
“I’d like that. Adrien?”
“Definitely.” He said fervently.
“Oh, and do you guys want to have lunch at my house?” Marinette offered Nino and Alya. Nino sighed happily.
“Ah, Dupain-Cheng pastries. It’s been too long.”
“So that’s a yes.” Alya clarified.
 The classes went quickly, with Marinette by Adrien’s side. When she was waiting for the other students to finish up with their note taking, she would doodle in the corners of her sketchbook. Adrien picked up her pen to draw a little love heart on her cast. She returned the favour on the back of his hand. At lunch time he, Marinette, Alya and Nino met outside the classroom to walk to Marinette’s house. They were about to start off when a voice called out.
“Oh! Would you mind if I joined you?” Lila’s sickeningly sweet cry made Adrien stiffen. Marinette bit her lip, hard, as Alya and Nino turned to see the brunette hurrying over. Alya tipped her head with a confused smile.
“Of course, girl, but I thought you were busy? You said you were having lunch with… a special someone?” Alya pointed surreptitiously to her earrings. Lila sighed, an impressive show of disappointment.
“Oh, I was so looking forward to having lunch together, but she had to cancel! Her partner got into trouble and she had to go and bail him out again. Honestly, cats can be so troublesome can’t they?”
Oh. Cats, earrings. Was Lila really talking about Ladybug? Having lunch with Ladybug? Not only was that an incredibly stupid thing to brag about, given the whole being-targeted-by-a-supervillain thing, but Lila had picked the wrong people to boast to. Adrien was almost ready to give her a cataclysm to the face.
But he wasn’t suited up right now, and Alya had already invited Lila along with a smile and a reassurance that she was sure it wasn’t personal, Lila’s bestie was a very busy person after all. A quick glance at Marinette’s uninjured arm revealed the way her fists were clenched. Adrien threaded his fingers through hers and squeezed her hand. I know. It’s bullshit.
“Are you guys coming?” Nino called from up ahead. The others had already started off. Adrien pasted on his model smile.
“Yep! We’ll catch up to you in a sec.”
“Adrien.” Marinette whispered. He turned to her, allowed his smile to drop into a scowl that mirrored hers. “I don’t want Lila in my house.”
He shuddered. “Ugh, I know, I’ve already had that experience. She’s creepy.”
“No, you don’t understand.” She whispered desperately. “Lila hates me. What if she gets her hands on something important? What if she finds the miracle box? Or lies to my parents? Or spills paint on my ball gown commission? She knows I’m being commissioned by Clara Nightingale, she asked Alya about it the other day. I’ve been working on it for weeks, if she ruins it I’ll have to start again and buy all the fabrics with my own money and the bakery will go broke and Maman and Papa will have to sell and I’ll never get a job in fashion and I���ll live on the streets and get stabbed in a mugging and-”
Adrien squeezed her hand, and Marinette trailed off.
“It’ll be fine.” He promised. “We won’t go to your house.”
Marinette looked up at him with such desperation, that Adrien felt his heart break. Had he really made her feel like this? That no one was here for her? Adrien lifted her hand to kiss it before turning to call after the three students on the footpath ahead of them.
“Guys, hold up! Marinette forgot about a huge order her parents have at the bakery, if we go there we’ll just be in the way. There’s a cool café down the road we can go to instead.”
Lila’s eyes widened like a kicked puppy’s. “I-I don’t have any money with me, I gave it all to Prince’s Ali’s charity for disabled orphans.” She put on a pained smile. “It’s okay, though. I don’t need to get anything – my diabetes won’t be a huge problem if I skip a meal or two. It’s enough to just spend time with my favourite people.”
Alya ‘awww’ed and slung an arm around Lila’s shoulder. “Mari, are you sure we can’t just stop by your place? Your folks have plenty of food they don’t sell, right?”
Marinette squeaked. Adrien spoke over her smoothly. “Don’t worry, Lila! I’ll pay for your lunch. It’s the least I can do, after how good you are to those disabled orphans.”
He could feel Lila’s glare, and it was hilarious. She said sweetly, “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly take your money!”
“I’m literally rich. Besides, wouldn’t it be the same if you took Marinette’s food?” He smiled at the fuming girl. “Please, let me treat you. I’d do the same for any friend.”
He was really laying it on thick now, he could tell from Marinette’s stifled giggle. At Lila’s side, however, Alya hadn’t picked up on the passive aggressive note. She was beaming as she linked arms with Nino and Lila. “Great! Let’s go, before lunch time runs out.”
Marinette and Adrien followed behind. As they walked Marinette leaned in to murmur, “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Adrien whispered back. “Your knight in shining leather is always here to help.”
She snorted and bumped him. Adrien grinned.
“It’s a tail as old as time. Fur as long as I can remember, it’s always been the princess and her alley cat against the world.” Marinette groaned, but the sparkle in her eye betrayed her. “What’s wrong, Milady? Are you feline okay? You didn’t catch a cold or something, did you?”
“What secrets are you two whispering about?” Nino joked. Adrien sent him an innocent smile.
“I have no idea what you mean. I’m just complimenting my beautiful girlfriend.” He leaned in to Marinette to add, “Let me know if all the whiskering is bugging you.”
Marinette laughed out loud. “Please, Adrien. Please get some new material.”
“Why would I, when I have the purrfect puns already?” He lowered his voice again. “Seriously though, if I am annoying you or if Lila’s making you feel uncomfortable, just let me know.”
“I will, kitty.” Marinette smiled. Adrien was thrilled that he could make her smile like that. He would tell awful puns every day for the rest of his life if it would make Marinette smile.
They walked together, with a liar, to go get lunch.
  ­­­Two months later
“Are you sure about this?” Adrien asked for what seemed like the umpteenth time as Marinette shoved her bag into her locker. She still held her newly-uncasted arm carefully against her body, out of habit. “I can do it instead, it doesn’t have to be you.”
“Yes it does.” Marinette closed her locker firmly. “I have to do this. You just make sure to get it all, okay? You have an important part.”
“Of course, Milady.” Adrien wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her hair. Marinette hummed happily and buried her face in his jacket. And everything was wonderful for a short, blissful moment.
There was a faint zipping sound, and then Plagg stuck his head through the wall of the deserted locker room and barked, “She’s alone in the courtyard. Now’s the time, Pigtails.”
Adrien wished this moment would never end. Alas, he could not hold the love of his life forever. Marinette proved that when she lifted her head.
“Okay.” She pulled in a deep breath and smiled up at Adrien.
“You’ve got this.” He told her. She nodded.
“Yeah. Okay. Tikki, spots on.”
  When it was over Adrien rushed to meet Marinette in the garden behind the school, tucked away between trees and bundles of flowers. She had beaten him there and had already detransformed, Tikki sitting on a nearby branch and munching on a cookie. When Adrien arrived she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes and lifted her arms.
“Hey, hey.” Adrien ran into her embrace and hugged her tightly. She was shaking. “It’s okay. You did it. You were amazing Marinette, and now it’s all over.”
“I know.” Marinette mumbled again him. “I just can’t believe…”
“I know.” He held her firmly and Marinette returned the gesture, clutching at his back. “You’re done. You can relax now.”
Marinette made a muffled sound. Adrien stroked her hair.
“Do you wanna go home?”
She nodded, not lifting her face from his chest.
“Do you wanna be alone?”
She shook her head.
“Do you wanna cuddle and watch cartoons?”
Marinette nodded again.
“Do you wanna watch the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie and laugh at all the stuff that they got wrong?”
Another nod. Adrien kissed the top of her head.
“Then that can be arranged. And we’ll deal with tomorrow when it comes.”
“When it comes.” Marinette mumbled.
  Adrien walked to the front of the class the next morning just before school was due to start. Most of the students were already in their seats – including Marinette, who Adrien had insisted was due for a break. She had already done the heavy lifting of the plan, now Adrien could see it through. Besides, she didn’t need Lila targeting her even more for this. Speaking of Lila, Adrien could feel the girl’s suspicious glare drilling into his back as he spoke to Ms. Bustier.
“Excuse me miss, is it alright if I show the class something before the lesson starts? It’s urgent.”
She frowned from her desk. “Can it wait? We have a lot of important information to cover this lesson.”
“Ms. Bustier, this is very important information. I think everyone should see it as soon as possible – including you and the other teachers.”
She shook her head. “Mister Agreste, I really don’t see what could be so important that you must interrupt my lesson. Why don’t you go and sit down, and talk to the principal at lunch?”
“Because it concerns my classmates and-”
“All the more reason for it to be dealt with discreetly – we don’t need a spectacle.”
“You didn’t give Marinette that luxury.” Chloe called mildly from the front seat. Adrien turned to stare at her in disbelief. “You called her out in front of everyone during that whole cheating scandal. Why not give Adrien the same luxury? Or do I need to bring my daddy into this?” She pulled out her phone threateningly and Miss Bustier whitened.
“That will not be necessary, Chloe. I’m sure a… a few minutes is fine.”
“It won’t take long.” Adrien assured, sending Chloe a grateful look. She smiled smugly. Adrien quickly plugged in his USB and opened the document, taking a breath to raise his voice to the whole class.
“Thank you all for your time. At first I wasn’t sure if I should share this – but after doing a bit of research, I’ve found some worrying things that I think everyone here should know about.” Adrien could feel Lila’s glare searing through his forehead. He resisted the urge to smirk at her, instead schooling his expression into hesitance and worry. He had a part to play – the innocent bystander. After all, a malicious witness wasn’t very trustworthy. “I sent a copy to Mr. Damocles and the Ladyblog – Alya, you probably haven’t seen it yet – but I think it’s important that you all watch it before anyone else.”
Marinette met his eye, and nodded. Adrien smiled at her and pressed play.
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one-true-houselight · 6 years
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[image description: A pencil drawing of my Dungeons and Dragons character named Johnathan. Johnathan is a lanky human man with short hair that is styled vaguely upwards. He is wearing a cuffed shirt with diagonal stripes, leather body armor that fastens on his right, forearm guards, and fingerless gloves. He has long, slightly fitted pants, a belt, and boots. On his right hip, he has a pouch with the bottom of a flute sticking out of it. We can see the string of a necklace around his neck, but whatever occupies the string is inside his shirt and armor.  He has his right hand behind his back and is gesturing with his left hand to the written words: ‘Hi Fantasy Reddit! I’m Johnathan, Ask Me Anything!’. He is smiling at the viewer. /end id]
Hey look, it’s my new character! 
As a way for me to get into this character and write the appropriate backstory for my wonderful DM @stella-clara, I’m going to do as it says above: Ask Me Anything! Below the cut I’m going to put questions and answers of stuff I want to cover, and if you have questions you want to ‘ask’ him, feel free to send them my way!
Q: What’s your story, Johnathan?
A: Now, that’s a very broad question. I have many stories. I have the story of how I found my boat, the story of the time I broke my arm when I was 7, the story of when I accidentally brought home a possum...
Q: How was your childhood?
A: Well, about as good as can be expected. There’s sometimes not much to do as a kid, you see, so I came up with slow activities to fill the day. My parents were great, they taught me a lot of things that help me on my ships. I mean...I don’t know how to explain this, but there was always a sort of odd air in my house. I assume most places are like this, like there’s something happening beyond the range of a kid’s understanding, you know? Like I said, probably pretty common, but it something I always kind of picked up on. I have an acute sense for this kind if thing, which is frankly pretty annoying.
Q: So, it seems like you were close with both of your parents. 
A: Yeah! They were both great. My dad was a clerk at a shop down the road, and sometimes brought that home to me. My mom taught music around town, including me. Music is a big part of who I am...I don’t know if it’s because I was a little closer to my mom, or I was close to her because of music? Anyway, I can actually play the flute, the lute, and the viol! Which is pretty cool. 
Q: How often do you play those?
A: Well, I usually play the flute because it’s easiest to carry around, you see. I can stow it away if I need to attend to some rigging or whatever. And my crew mates love my music...most of the time. I have a bad habit of doodling with my flute in stressful situations, so they threaten to throw my spare flute overboard every once in a while. 
Q: Spare?
A: Yeah, I have two. I got a second to use in dangerous situations, to lend out, or whatever. This one...my main one I guess...my mom gave it to me. She always played it through my life, and I always admired it. See these carvings? That was my shit right there. And when I got ready to go off for the first time, she gave this to me, and told me it would always help me know who I am. You know. Fun stuff like that. 
Q: That’s lovely. How are your parents doing?
A: Well, they’re both dead. No no, don’t worry about it, it wasn’t particularly tragic or anything. My dad died a few years after I left, so about five years now,  and my mom passed about two years ago. I haven’t actually been able to get back to go through the house since she died, but I did visit both a few times before they each went. It was all in their sleep, there was at least some warning for both. I’m rambling, sorry. I’m hoping I can get back soon. 
Q: Can you play us something?
A: Unfortunately, Fantasy Reddit is still fairly text based, given it’s just pieces of paper that people run around. I do shows sometimes, though. Try to make it to one of those!
Q: What’s that around your neck? 
A: Oh, this? Piece of sea-glass from my first trip on my first ship. We were going to help deliver supplies to victims of that awful storm ten years ago? Well, we stayed a bit to help rebuild and such, and I was helping some of the adults watch the kids at one point. We all took turns, it was a good change of pace. There was one kid, about 6, whose parents died in the storm. I apparently looked just like her dad, so she gravitated towards me. She only called me dad the first time she saw me, but seemed to realize I wasn’t pretty quickly. But she still found comfort in my presence, you know. And I’m there, 18 years old, thinking I know everything, and here’s the thing. The destruction I saw in that town was enough to knock that out of me real quick, but to have this kid, this tiny human forced to become singular that young? It took my breath away. 
I know the question was about the necklace I’m getting there. 
Anyway, so she usually hung with me, and sometimes would come into where repairs were happening, and of course the whole crew also adopted her as well. She was the only orphan from that storm. Can you imagine? We helped clear the roads so they could get their usual supplies through; that’s why we came over water, because the roads were blocked. After about a month, we were ready to head out. The town was starting to come back to life, and they didn’t need us anymore. When we left, there was a huge celebration to thank us, and she gave me this piece of sea glass, saying it would be my lucky charm. So I got it made into a necklace first chance I got, and I wear it all the time now. It’s a good reminder of what I’m trying to do in this world, you know? 
Q: How’s the girl doing now?
A: Oh, Diana? She’s great, I see her every few years. She’s apprenticing on a ship now, and is already a better sailor than me!
Q: What made you decide to start sailing?
A: I lived in a coastal town all my life, so it was always around. And the idea of traveling like that always sounded freeing to me. I joked about finding slow activities to fill the day, but for me, staying in one town was never really how I saw my life going. And I’m not knocking people who do that, of course. Everyone’s different, you know? But the sea always had new things, and led to new places and people. Just being on a ship makes me happy, you know? I would sometimes play songs with the waves and the creaking of the wood. 
Q: Do you ever get nervous?
A: Asking me if I ever get nervous is like asking a normal person if they ever breathe, you know? Everything makes me nervous. Talking to you, right, now? Nervous. Walking through town? Nervous. I’ve learned to control it and cope with it, but it’s always there. I mean, I’ve almost died like, 238 times. I can get through it, but afterwards I go lay down and scream for a while. 
Q: How are you with that sword?
A: Are you flirting with me? Because I’m not opposed. Oh, both. Cool, we’ll talk about that first one later, but this old thing? I’m alright. My parents taught me how to handle myself, and I’ve used both this and my dagger a good number of times, and I’m still here? So I guess not bad?
Q: What do you drink?
A: Nothing. Well, nothing alcoholic, I guess. I don’t drink nothing, then I’d die. You know what I said about being nervous all the time? Well, I used to deal with that with drinking...let’s just say I was told I ‘ruined parties’ enough to look into that. Also, my captain having to talk to me was another clue. I have much better mechanisms now, don’t worry. 
Well, that’s all the questions I have! If you’ve read this far, you may have noticed that Johnathan resembles a real life funny-bard. That is intentional and you KNOW my ass is going to have fun with that. Send in questions if you’d like, and have a lovely night!
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charlottedabookworm · 6 years
hamelin-born replied to your text post 
Plus, keep in mind that this time Regis et al have advance warning - due to Nyx telling Noctis (via writing) to tell his Dad that the Empire is coming 
Oh, oh yes, I didn’t even think about that - but yeah, Nyx would totally tell Noct (Nyx totally figured out that his soulmate was his little brother years ago he just never mentioned it to Noct) to tell his dad, would probably even write a message himself using Galahdian codes (because you can pry the headcanon that the Galahdian Resistance communicated with Lucis out of my cold dead hands) and tell Noct to show Regis. But he wouldn’t know whether he was believed, wouldn’t know that they’re safe, unless he checked himself - so he still rushes off to Tenebrae just in case.
His little brother was babbling on his arm – writing long sentences about everything that he’d been doing with his new friend Luna, who is so cool and pretty and nice and smart and wants to spend time with him and was awesome, and their adventures in the garden and meeting her big brother who was a bit silly but knew where to get all the best sweets and spending loads of time outside because there were weird clouds on the horizon that were getting closer and they probably wouldn’t be able to play in the gardens for a while and- Nyx freezes, looking at the doodle that Noctis had drawn of the clouds in the crick of his elbow next to a sad space – and normally he would laugh, would draw silly faces and jokes until Noct lightened up a bit, but his heart was in his throat and his blood was pounding in his ears and his pen slipped from his fingers and hit the ground while he was staring at the image in horror. Because everyone on the islands knows the signs of an airship invasion. All of them, every single one. It was something that they learnt in the cradle, the sight of Nif ships on the horizon. And it was distinctive, that sight – once you knew what you were looking for it was easy to spot, easy to tell an oncoming storm from an invasion force when you knew the details. And he was seeing those same details on his arm – drawn by his 7 year old soulmate and little brother. “Lib!” He yelled, snapping out of his shock and grabbing his pen from the dirt – it was lucky, they’d just been coming back from a mission for the resistance on the west of Galahd and were still close to the shores. If they were quick and thought it through, they could be in Tenebrae in a day or two. His best friend came running out of the tent even as Nyx yanked his shirt off, calculating the amount of space that would be needed for the message. “I need you to do me a favour.” He said through the pen cap between his teeth, scrawling a message to Noctis on his arm (and Grandfather wasn’t going to be happy about that, he was a big stickler for proper calligraphy no matter the situation). Hey kiddo, I need you to do me a favour, okay? I need you to go and get your dad for me… --- Regis looked at the message scrawled onto his sons skin in an unfamiliar hand (he’d seen a great deal of the things that Noctis’ soulmate had written to him over the years, enough to be familiar with the handwriting, but judging by the location he had gotten someone else to write the message) grimly. King Regis, it said, I am a member of the Galahdian Resistance, and you are not safe where you are. There is a Niflheim invasion fleet encroaching on your position currently. From what your son has told me, it is still a day or two away, but you need to get out of there.
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khrow-shinku · 4 years
The Great War Christmas Special
D&D 5e Campaign
The Great War
Christmas One Off
Wade pops in and pulls everyone including Maw through a portal and  lays them still asleep onto a ship. Wade himself falls asleep and is then grabbed up by The Red Queen. Upon waking up the party tries to look outside at their surroundings and the port holes are all frosted over. Angra opens the door, feels the frigid cold rush in and decides nope and closes it back. Ara heats up her hand to gently defrost one and look out of it. JJJ not used to his new breath weapon accidentally melts the window he tries to defrost and Tinkerman quickly repairs it. Tinkerman uses his monocle to look for anything magical nearby and is blinded by a bright light coming from a town off in the distance. Tinkerman quickly distributes some warmer clothing to help fight against the frigid climate outside and the party sets out towards the town.  
As they begin walking the snow under JJJ’s feet melts and Thefa’s aura provides a 15 foot radius bubble of protection from the harsh cold environment. Once in the town, the party is greeted by mysterious forgotten puppets, many of which  appeared broken or old, others looked just plain creepy. A couple of the party members gathered the courage to ask the toys a few questions to which the response was always the same, go see the red queen followed by a pointing in a direction. Finally the party gets to the building that the red queen is said to be in. The party was escorted to a dinner table where a big feast awaited them.  There was room for all of them and at the head of the table, there was a chair facing away. Then the chair suddenly turned. The party had been expecting the red queen, instead they got Wade in a dress. The party is shocked to see him say, Wade? As Tinkerman takes a shot in Wade’s general direction with his finger gun.
“Yes yes, I know I know, I should have gone with the black dress, no one wears white these days.” The amazingly funny Wade jokes as the entire party facepalm except for Rooklus who chuckles and responds, “Nonsense the white really brings out your eyes.” Wade retorts, and that is why you are my favorite big guy. Anywho lets get on with why apparently you are all here. The real red queen who for security reasons is now feeding me lines in an earpiece, has a quest for you guys. It would seem a threatening menace has taken residence up at the peek of this mountain behind us. It is he who shall not be named.” Wade then pauses and whispers “Krampus” and all the toys start screaming. “Anyway he has disrupted things here and we no longer have a way for these toys to find new homes. So I need you guys to go and fix it. Save Santa so things can return to normal around here. For a reward I will give you guys 2 trillion plat and free choice of the toys here to have sex with. Just a warning: the pinocchio one over in the corner is already slightly used by yours truly.” Wade motions over at pinocchio to call him and winks then looks back at the party as he pulls out a sack from behind him that is glowing inside and he starts pulling out stuff, first a stuffed bear, then an inflatable blow up doll, then a dildo, then finally he pulls out a bag of climbing gear for the party, the gear consists of metal claws to put in their hands and feet. “There. This should help you guys get up that mountain, now off with you. I have queen things to get done.” Wade says as snaps his fingers like a drag queen diva  and shoos the party off.
The party makes their way up the mountain when half way up they come across what looks to be some type of toy shop. The group enters to investigate and find a very strange race of elves. Unlike the tall pretty ones they are used to seeing they see a bunch of short ones that look like the love child of a dwarf and an elf. All of them keep singing “... Christmas is coming, gotta build toys, Christmas is coming, gotta make them for the girls and boys…”  The party sees them making motions with their hands as if they were making toys however they had nothing in front of them. There were broken and dismantled toys all over the workshop. The party then sees the head elf walk into the room and he asks who they are and why they are there. The party explains everything to him and proceeds to ask what's wrong with these little guys. He explains that they’ve gone a bit bonkers. Their sole purpose in life is to make toys and ever sense Santa disappeared and Krampus showed up... the elves interrupt screaming “KRAMPUS!!”... yeah, as you can see they aren’t right in the head anymore. Wade picks up a broken toy and sits it in front of one of the elves and they start fixing it as you see a small tear drop fall from its eye. Rin then walks up to the group of them and kneels down to their level. “Don’t worry guys I have a job for all of you. A very important one, I need you guys to get these toys made. You see we are here to kick you know who in the face and save Santa. We also just happen to know some children in some orphanages who could really use these toys because they don’t have anything else. So cheer up because there is work to be done, Christmas is coming.” Suddenly all the elves start smiling as tears of joy run down their face and they run around grabbing toy parts and putting toys together again. Thefa and Ara go outside with JJJ and start melting away a path while the rest of the party continues to look around the toyshop.
The rest of the party manages to find Santa’s sleigh however it needs some repairing done. Tinkerman sees that he can fix it and starts working on it. He then uses the messenger rings to tell the ones outside they can stop and come in, they found a faster better way up the mountain. Ara replies she will be in shortly, she is having fun. JJJ goes back inside with the others. Thefa stands watch over Ara while Ara calls on her inner artist to doodle in the snow using her fire as a pen. Once the sleigh is ready to go Tinkerman tells Ara to come on its ready. Ara and Thefa come instead and hop into the sleigh as the roof above them opens up. As the party hovers out of the building to fly up the mountain Ara tells everyone to look down. Below them are two drawings, one of a penis and balls, the other of a pair of boobs complete with nipples.
Once at the top of the mountain they land to the side and follow a path. On said path a bunch of snowmen warriors appear.  They use a spell that makes us all see the person we want to hurt the least. For Wade this is Lady Death. Upon taking the form of Lady Death it burst into flames and Wade heard her say, “No one shall take on my appearance my love.” Angra saw Bontu although he knew right away that Bontu would not appear here as he never leaves the country he is deity over.  Ara quickly puts an end to things using her fire and the party moves on to Krampus’s lair. The party quickly took out all of the snowman warriors with fireballs leaving only the giant snowman warrior. After a few more attacks the party quickly knocks Krampus down Krampus. Now the semi-melted snowman ate Krampus and burst into flames becoming transparent and jello like on the inside revealing Santa inside and slowly boiling to death. Tinkerman with some quick thinking shot the hat off the giant snowman warrior causing it to collapse into a puddle saving Santa and a stone fell down next to Santa.  Wade picks up the stone and he slowly starts turning into Krampus starting with his arm. Wade quickly chops off his arm to stop the transformation. Tinkerman asked what happened, Santa says the Red Queen had told him she was going to send him a gift and he looks at the stone and says “It is the Krampus stone.” He then realizes what happened and says “That bitch!” Tinkerman then picked up the stone with pliers, put it into a container and put it away.
Rin and Tinkerman quickly heal Santa. Santa now healed is still a bit croggy; he had been inside that snowman for a long time. Ara knew exactly what to do to make him feel better thanks to something Wade had taught her. Ara began to give Santa a lap dance as he sat on his sleigh while singing Santa Baby. Santa escorts Ara to the back of his sleigh and a small cabin appeared and sounds of moaning could be heard outside with lots of “ho ho hooo yeah.” Wade sticks his hand in and says what about me? Ara says later and keeps earning her christmas present. Rooklus pats Wade on the shoulder and says, “Let her enjoy the ‘yule log’ plus it sounds like Santa is enjoying it.” Santa sticks his head out once they are almost back to the Red Queen's castle tells them to make a couple more laps around the mountain and goes back to enjoying his christmas present.
Once they finally land Santa staggers out smiling. Santa shrinks the sleigh that Krampus had been using down to the size of the toy and tossed it to Tinkerman. Merry Christmas son, you’ve been a very good boy this year. He then sees Angra, “I see you like that hat that was on top of Frosty the Murder Hobo, keep it it’s yours. Merry Christmas!” They go inside to see Wade “The Red Queen.” Once there he grabs his magical bag and tosses everyone in the party a special present. Wade then drops 3 chests filled with plat. Then the real red queen shows up and rips the dress off Wade. Wade questioned what's wrong, she told him to give them a reward. She informs him no, she said to offer them a reward. She never said anything about giving it to them. She then threw wade into a chest and shoved him through a portal and the rest of the party was sucked in behind him. As they were being sucked out they heard Santa call her a bitch and start telling her to get the hell out of his castle.  The party lands in a park and the chest smashes to pieces and everyone stands up confused seeing all the tall sky touching buildings. Wade looks around and says “Omg, finally after a year and a half of portal jumping I’m home! I’m in Central Park!”
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
Hi! I have a headcanon request- how would Sincerely Three interact with their soulmates in the AU where whatever one person writes on themselves would show up on the other's skin? Thanks so much!
omg this is cute and u said soulmate au and im automatically in love
gonna put this under a readmore
also im assuming u mean x reader but if u want like, actual ship Sincerely Three (because i love them a lot tbh), just ask again and be like ‘tris ur dumb’
evan hansen
alright so u met evan once after u kept scribbling little notes to yourself like “work on english paper” and “buy more pens” 
eventually that stuff got smudged and u forgot until all of a sudden there was a “did you do your english paper?” in small, neat handwriting
no, but thank you!
it basically becomes just little reminders to each other and then u just kinda realize
u dont even know ur soulmates name
so u introduce urself and evan responds back with his name and
its kind of familiar???
where do u know this oven handsoap evan hansen
oh my god what the fuck he’s been in ur math class all year how the FUCK did you not notice
‘uh, here’
evan and u make eye contact because wait.
‘it u’
after class u two introduce urselves to each other formally tbh
jareds jealous btw because wow evan found his soulmate wtf
evan sometimes scribbles on his arm sometime to remember stuff
sometimes u doodle on urself and evan finds it cute like, no matter how good or bad it is??
imagine like
in the future
moving in together
sometimes u go grocery shopping and u just have evans neat lil handwriting on ur arm of everything u need to get
sometimes u get lil ‘i love you’s on ur arm after a while??? and its rly sweet??? bless
evan tends to write in blue ink btw
usually light blue if he can but dark/regular blue ink is also fine
u caught him once doodling a tree on his arm.
why was he doodling a tree? heck if u know
u just caught the tree on ur arm and ur like ‘fuck thats adorable’
jared kleinman
u and jared probably met when u two were like, 13, since jared was probably drawing on himself or some shit and u were like ‘kleinman i fucking see u, stop drawing dicks’
he snorted a lil and then had to pretend he wasnt doing shit when ppl looked his way
13 year old boys tho, guys gals n nonbinary pals.
u two probably clicked pretty quickly
u dont end up dating until like, sophomore year tbh
but after that u two are inseparable
“charge ur phone, idiot”
“shut up kleinman”
“love u”
“love u too dumbass”
jared would 100% be the person who would just start writing on himself and then he sees ur not replying so he just texts u 
“write back”
he has drawn at least one (1) meme on himself
u fuckin look down and theres a fucking meme on ur arm
“jared im gonna fucking kill u”
ok but just casual little messages to each other
ur going over to jareds? u get a note on ur arm thats basically “get more gummy bears” or some shit
evan just watches u and jared furiously writing on urselves
what are u two even saying
he doesn’t know
he just knows that u two go through pens rly quickly
everyone knows
u two go to the store and argue about what color pens u wanna buy
playing lil games like hangman on urselves tho
connor murphy
can i just link maia’s soulmate au because nothing i say can top it because its a really realyl fucking beautiful piece of writing and i love it a lot and y’all should read it. heck, ask me and i’ll link u to it and her account if u dont know her already (she’s on hiatus as of rn i believe but her writing is
no? okay
so connor strikes me as the kind of person who just draws on himself because paying attention??? no
who pays attention anymore
not connor
so u just get doodles. so many doodles.
u dont rly mind
its cool
connors surprised that he has a soulmate bc eventually u write back a ‘i like ur art’
connor’s actually in ur english class.  which is the only class he doesn’t doodle on himself
ok do urself a favor and stop reading and go read maia’s soulmate au because its a thousand times better than anything i can come up with
thank u
dumb 3 am talks
dumb reminders to each other
dumb doodles 
u write little reminders to him a lot more than he does u
ok but seriously go read maia’s soulmate au because its perfect
ask me
and i will straight up link it to u
bonus! all three ;)
so one day u notice theres writing on your hand. it’s a little smudged and it’s basically like “ask mom for refill on pills” or something small like that and ur like ‘huh’
u dont write back to that specific one at first but later u looked at ur hand and saw that whatever ink the person had been using is much more smudged and ur like ‘huh i wonder if they ever got their meds’
so u write down ur forearm asking
immediately theres a ‘what? i dont take meds’ in very quick, neat handwriting
and ur just like ?? before theres… more handwriting that actually matches the question from earlier
‘no, i didn’t! thank you’
‘wait evan what the fuck’
‘that wasnt you?’
‘or connor?’
… evan??? connor????
theres a brief period where no one writes anything
then all of a sudden u get a “so who the fuck are u”
yall kind of assign ink colors just so u all know whos writing what sometimes
like, yeah handwriting but its easier just to know ‘oh, connor is trying to say something’ bc theres purple ink on ur arm
connor is purple, jared is green, evan is blue
ur ink tends to be red
dumb writing at 2 am
its mainly between u and connor and sometimes jared
but sometimes evan writes
usually he’s asleep tho
why dont u kids text
for the au.
thats the only reason
its basically chaos
u… actually live away from them and one weekend ur like ’fuck it, im driving out to meet these losers’
so u tell em
holy shit ur coming to meet them
:0 so they offer to meet u somewhere???
a la mode
best ice cream 
so u punch it into google maps and an hour later u see like
three fucking nerds standing around outside
ur sitting in ur car
so u just write
‘hey fuckfaces’
they just
all look around like ‘wtf’
u get out of the car
formal introductions
they’re all???? cute??? is this fuckn legal
they… look like how they write?
does that make sense
like. evan’s handwriting is small and neat and kinda smudgy at times - and he just… looks like a nervous bean to you. jared’s is quick and sloppy and ends up taking more space than a paragraph from connor does - and jared looks like the sort of dude full of personality. connor’s handwriting is small and runs together and kinda unreadable sometimes and it just
they look like how they write
its weird idk
u all end up getting ice cream and talking
finally u guys actually like
exchange numbers
since u keep getting shit about ink poisoning
so sometimes u will drive out to see these dorks
what kind of luck did u have that you ended up only a town away tbh
general headcanons
warmest cuddle sessions
dumb notes to each other
includes memes
‘jared just text it-’ ‘no’
u just get ‘come visit us u fuck’ on ur arm once
writing on urselves when ur all int he same room
and literally sitting right next to each other
zoe walked in and she’s just like ‘… okay.’
u have a bad day? u take a nap
u wake up and theres a lot of just lil lovely things written on ur arms???
sweet dorks
(and at least 1 meme)
(because theres always 1 meme)
thats all i got
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spinoff-antithesis · 8 years
love yourself
summary: sick and tired of feeling the way you've been feeling for years, you finally suck it up and go to the one gem you can think of for advice: garnet. ship: garnet x reader disclaimer: all i own is the plot in itself. an: human reader! platonic relationship. reader is eighteen and aromantic/asexual. requested by one of my friends. warning for aphobia.
can also be found on quotev
One word, one syllable, four letters. A universal word that every language had, and in every language it meant the same.
Everyone felt love. Everyone loved someone. Love was a word that every teenager dreamed of saying to their "special someone". Children grew up telling their parents "I love you" and their parents returning the three-word phrase (while some children weren't as lucky). Friends would platonically say their "I love you"s. Even you had grown up saying it.
But just because you said it, didn't mean you understood what it meant.
Love was a finicky subject around you. You had tried looking up why you never felt the emotion love. All you got were sites saying that you maybe just hadn't found the right person yet. A handful of sites said that you might fall into the aromantic-spectrum. You didn't believe the latter; instead, you opted for not having found the right person. That was in ninth grade.
In tenth grade, while you listen to your friends drone on about how 'hot' someone was, all you could do was look at the picture of the person and simply shrug and say "I don't really see it but okay."
When you turned seventeen, you still didn't understand the concept of falling in love or finding someone 'hot'. One of the several people you were friends with on Tumblr finally sent you links to several websites, each explaining aromanticism and asexuality in detail. You had messaged them back, saying, 'I'm still not sure if this is who I am. I'll keep this in mind though. Thank you.'
About a month before your eighteenth birthday, you finally understood what they meant. Figuring out that you really were an aromantic asexual... It felt like something both in and out of place.
You were now a senior at your high school, sitting in your Pre-Calculus class with a blank expression on your face. Your teacher hadn't come that day, and instead had sent a substitute. So, you sat doodling in your notebook, thinking.
You had tried coming out to several people. Your friends at school? Only a few accepted you. The others just scoffed and said "You're nuts and boring, (y/n)." You hadn't talked to them since, obviously. Your friends on Tumblr widely accepted you. Your mother? Yeah... Not so much. You had tried explaining what aromantic and asexuality were to her. She had barely grasped the topic of aromantic and did not believe anything about asexuality. She just simply said that "you're not a plant, (y/n)."
And then, of course, there were the gems. You hadn't told them anything. Truth be told? You really didn't plan to. While you tried your hardest to be optimistic and think that they'd accept you and wouldn't treat you differently, there was always that small, haunting thought that kept popping back up. They won't accept you. They'll think you're nuts, just like the girls you used to call friends. So, for a while, you just opted out of telling.
However, more recently, more and more people in your school had found out about what you had labelled yourself as. "Aromantic?" they'd ask. "I don't believe it. You said you loved drawing, didn't you?" "Asexual? Pfh. What are you, a plant? A worm?"
All week, you'd been trying to find the confidence to go, find, and ask for help. And all week, your self-doubt kept coming back and saying that no one would help you. You were beginning to grow relentless though. You pulled your phone out of your (color) hoodie pocket and stared at the turned-off screen blankly before turning it on and unlocking it. You scrolled through your contacts and finally tapped on Steven's name.
Steven. He was like a little brother to you. You had met the gems through him. It had been awkward when you had first met them, but almost a year and a half later, you felt yourself close to the gems. You liked all of them, equally. Amethyst's care-free personality always stuck out to you. Pearl's tender carefulness hidden behind a teacher and a warrior. Garnet's toughness and ability to stay strong, no matter the situation. You had learned through Steven about Garnet being a fusion after he had been taken to space and honestly, you found it to be adorable. You'd have no idea at first glance that Garnet was a fusion of love. Mostly because she was so stoic and silent.
Taking a breath, you shot Steven a quick text asking if you could come over after school to ask Garnet something. You didn't have to wait long for a response. 'Yeah!!! I'll let her know!' he had responded. You couldn't help but smile at the fourteen-year-old's excitement. Steven was such a character and you loved him for it.
There the word was again. Love. Was it really love you felt for Steven? Of course, the friendly older-sister type love. Maybe it was just an affection for the younger boy. You did see him as the younger brother you always wanted.
The shrill sound of a bell ringing brought you out of your daze and you shoved your notebook into your backpack and your phone back into the pocket from which you had grabbed it. Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you walked out of the classroom and past your locker, deciding that you wouldn't need anything from it.
You began the trek to the nearest bus stop. A little over ten minutes later, you were walking down to the beach, heading straight for Steven's. You felt uneasy and began questioning yourself. You did have to ask someone. Maybe Garnet held the answers you needed? You hoped she did. Now, more than ever? You really needed them.
You made your way up the steps and knocked on the screen door. You heard the sound of someone falling onto the floor and you couldn't help but chuckle. Steven's excited face was soon seen behind the film of the screen door and you smiled, looking down at him as he opened it.
"(Y/n)!" he said excitedly. You laughed, placing a hand on his messy mop of brown curls.
"Hey Steve-dude. How you doin'?" you asked, stepping inside so he could close the door. You walked over to the couch and placed your backpack on the ground, turning around as Steven walked over to you. He was barefoot, you noted, which slightly surprised you. He usually wore his sandals wherever he was.
"I'm good!" he responded. "Garnet's in the Temple. One sec," he said. "Garnet!" he yelled, cupping his hands over his mouth to make his voice louder. You cringed slightly at how loud his voice was. "(Y/n) is here!"
You sat down on the couch and motioned for Steven to join you. "It'll probably take Garnet a minute anyway. Wanna tell me how you've been since my last visit?" you asked, an excited gleam in your eyes. You always loved hearing stories about Steven and his adventures. In return, you always told him about how your day was in high school. You were surprised about how excited he always was.
The two of you elapsed into an easy conversation. A few minutes after the two of you had been talking, you heard the Temple door open. You and Steven both turned to look at it. You watched as Garnet walked out of the door and your smile faded into a small frown. While talking to Steven, you had almost forgotten about why you had come here.
"Hey Garnet," you said quietly, offering her a small wave. You usually felt a tinge of awkwardness around the gems (you didn't know them as well as Steven did). Usually, you felt fine around them. Almost like they were family.
"Hello," Garnet responded calmly. Steven stood up and you heard movement. Turning your head, you and Garnet both watched as Steven pulled on his shoes and grabbed something.
"I'm going out to the boardwalk. You guys want anything?" he asked politely. You both politely declined and he left. The screen door slammed shut behind him.
You turned back to Garnet, who was now moving towards the couch. She sat next to you and you shifted a tad so that you could look directly at her.
"Steven said you wanted to talk to me about something," she stated in her usual calm approach.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Yes," you responded, beginning to regret coming here. "I..." Sighing, you began fiddling with your fingers. "For the past few years, I've been beginning to realize a few things about myself." You were struggling to keep your gaze on Garnet's mostly baby blue shades. "I... I don't understand the concept of 'love'. I know what it is. It just doesn't... Feel natural to me." Your gaze had dropped from Garnet to your hands. "A-and I don't feel attraction. Towards- towards anybody. I never have. One of my friends told me about something... Something called aromantic and asexuality. They- they said that that could be what I am. But I..."
"You need advice to know if it really is you," Garnet spoke. Her voice was calm, yet it sounded more motherly than it usually did (well, around you at least). You found yourself nodding.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you blinked, looking up at Garnet. She had removed her shades (they were currently sitting in her lap), and her three eyes stared into two eyes. "Yeah," you whispered in a faint voice. Garnet simply offered you a small smile.
"I can assure you that it's a possibility," she said. "It's alright to not feel romantic or sensual attraction towards another person. It's alright if you let it define you." You blinked, eyes wide in surprise.
"There are humans out there who are just like you, (y/n). Humans who don't fall in love with someone. Humans who don't feel attracted to other people, even though they feel everyone else is." You took a shaky breath, feeling your eyes become misty. "And even if they feel that way... It doesn't mean that they still can't find things they love. You could still love someone and not have any romantic attraction towards them."
You felt a tear escape your eye and Garnet pulled you into a hug. You broke into sobs, wrapping your arms around Garnet's waist, clinging onto her tightly. Garnet's left hand rested on the back of your head while her right hand rested on your back.
"It's okay if you don't feel like it's still you," Garnet said after a minute, as you began to calm down. "It might take time to come to peace with this truth."
"Even if it does," you murmured, sniffing, "I hope it's worth the wait." Garnet let you go and you did the same. Sitting up, you wiped at your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie while Garnet put her shades back on.
"Hey, Garnet..." You said quietly, taking a deep breath. You looked up at the tall gem and offered her a genuine smile. "Thank you- for... For the support."
The fusion smiled gently. Before she could say anything, Steven entered the house, holding a bag (donuts? It didn't look like a bag from the fry shop). He glanced at the two of you and awkwardly stood there.
"Hey Steven," you said, offering him a smile. He stood in silence for a moment before smiling as well.
"I got you a doughnut! I didn't know what you liked so I just got you a plain one," he said earnestly. You laughed, an honest smile crossing your features. Garnet smiled behind you as Steven walked over, handing you the glazed doughnut.
"Thank you, Steven," you said, continuing to smile. The boy sat next to you on the couch and the three of you sat in silence.
As you headed home that day, all you could think about was how validated you felt. You felt like you had finally found out a piece of yourself. You finally felt like you weren't broken; not screwed up.
And as you closed your eyes to sleep, you couldn't erase the permanent smile that lingered on your face.
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