#but yeha. wanted to say something abt for a while
bellflower-goat · 1 year
#man. im feeling lucky to live in such a specifically and randomly safe place rn but I won be here for long so that worries me#cause rn I live in a small as fuck town where (at least in the spaces I am closer to) noone gives a flying fuck abt yr gend.er/sexu.ality#like. It's all respectful with maybe some ignorant ppl who ya gotta explain some stuff to bu in terms of being in danger#well not too much yk? like it's safe enough for me n ma brother to be what we wanna and not get questioned abt it#And I feel that the difference is that in the US bitches are too goddamn nosy#Cause like. insert that ''se.xual dimorphism in humans really ant that noticeable'' cause it really is true#Like you can believe whatever you want abt what a wom.an should look like but wom.en in the mercado don't care abt it#Like literally it's hard to believe that ''oh women look like x n men look like y always :)'' when ppl just existing close to me prove#otherwise cause I'll see someone that has more masculine lookin stuff n ppl will call her doña n now I know she's a doña yk?#Or I'll see a very thin girly lookin person n someone will just tell me oh yeah that's Raúl hey there dude :) n that's it!#Like you can't really '' clock'' or guess someone's gender at any given time w strangers#And it's not that hard to ask either ya just gotta be polite#So yeha seeing all this bullshit going on in the US reminds me that yeha I've got it ''good'' n stuffs gonna get harder when I get there#So yeah idk why I was saying this or where I was going with it#guess I was just thinking of some cultural differences between mexico n the us. n like I know that's this isnt the case w the whole#country n that I just got very lucky in terms of where I lice and how safe I am in regards to other places#but yeha. wanted to say something abt for a while
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snalzhttps · 2 years
11, 14, and 29 for the art ask meme :D ((this is nightbug asking on anon so it doesn’t come from my main blog))
Hi!!! :D thankyou for the ask these r cool ones :D
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
YESYEAH YEAH i cant draw without listening to something. music, yt videos, podcasts anything i can get my silly little hands on i need the sounds.
14. Any favorite motifs?
In a literary/thematic sense, well im a life series fan so i think that speaks for my love of recurring themes and symbolism which can be expressed through repeating patterns and symbols in art lol. I cant think of any off the top of my head but yeha who doesnt love a good motif
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
so many things!! I love watching/playing a lot of stuff itd be silly to try and list it all. I love them they just dont completely rot my brain with a need to draw/create for them. sometimes its bcos i dont have anything i think i can say about the thing/anything i want to draw, sometimes i try to draw for a certain show but just dont have the inspiration, often its just bcos im a passive enjoyer of the thing and dont post abt it too much!
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babysizedfics · 4 years
I’m sorry if you either can’t or don’t want to answer but how do I know how old I regress to!! I always see people go “when I’m little I’m from x-y” you know but I just,,,,, baby...?
Is there like,,,, a “kids this age can do this thing, kids this age grow out of that, etc” list or something...?
yeah generally the only way to know if to 1) have a good understanding of your behaviours when little (this could be a problem if ur not aware of yourself when regressed and dont have anyone else to help obeerve) and 2) research developmental stages in human children! which is like you said basically a list of kids this ages can do this but not this etc
when writing vee i did a lot of googling of developmental stages of babies, when youre a baby each month has very distinct behavioural changes
but it is a tricky thing to know and its definitely not essential to your regression to hav an exact age
i say i regress from 0-2 because i know that when im regressed i dont talk and if i do its babbles and cant walk properly and do various baby things etc but i dont have enough awareness to know exact months, and not many regressors do
most people kind of guess - i will also say a lot of people guess their age without knowing abt developmental stages and that doesnt rlly help. like vee in the fic for a few yearsi thought i regressed to 6 yrs old just because i rlly didnt understand what behavioirs match with what age
so yeah the only way to know or at least get a good guess is to research developmental stages - there are tons of reaources for that online but i have found the most detailed and accurate to be this website:
which gives u developmental stages from age 1 to age 17 for every year - however it only gives you year by year, it isnt good for infant age ranges since every month of development is so different at 0-2 yes old
so for working out a baby age you will want to check developmental milestones by month in an infants life which i found this wensite good for:
this is a link to the three month old stages on that website but they have pages for every month of a babys life which u can find links to near the bottom of the article, and i used this to help find vee an age range in the fic. i would use it for my own regressoon age too but as i said im just not aware enough of my own regressed behaviour to do that
also just gonna say if you cant figure out an exact age thqts totally normal and okay, people have age RANGES for a reason - regression isnt always a cut and dry thing, you may pick up behvaiours from various ages so its not always exact down to a momth. its also harder to tell ur age when u regress to baby ages because each month is quite heavily defined by physical development too and of course you still have a fully developped body.
so while it is a fun exercise to try to investigate ur baby brain, please dont stress too much if its trickiwr than u expected! its wnough to just say ur a baby regressor if thats enough for you
but yeha i hope this helps! sorry for rambly
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gloomyshoujo · 4 years
not wanting ppl who support the label "bi lesbian" to follow you isnt "t-rfy," some ppl think lesbian means a woman or nonbinary person comfy w the label who likes ONLY women or nonbinary ppl comfy w dating a lesbian... sometimes people like words to mean specific things, so they dont have to come up w a whole new word when there already was one commonly agreed upon... lots of lesbians including nonbinary ones (like me!) find the whole thing rather annoying when terms like wlw or sapphic exist. i dont care that much abt the argument anymore tbh because i can just go outside and nobody outside of terminally online gay spaces will know what the a "bi lesbian" is, but i dont want to be grouped with t-rfs because i think words mean things sometimes
putting this under a read more cause i talk too much xDD
Not saying this to be mean but i had a hard time understanding what you were trying to convey (idk maybe i’m just tired?). so if my response to this doesn’t make sense to what u were trying to say, sorry x_x (seriously, not saying this to be mean i just have a hard time understanding things sometimes idk why? i’m probably tired tho it’s 1 am here gfhekfjeifk)
maybe my initial reaction was a bit harsh idk. but to some ppl, even if there are other words out there that can better describe their feelings, it sometimes still doesn’t click i guess? i think sexuality and gender is just something really fluid and flexible and everyone has their own interpretations and experiences with it. so when you find a word or multiple words that can somewhat or fully describe your feelings, i say just use it? plus sometimes ppl r still figuring things out.
i know that these words have specific definitions; but the lgbt community and terminologies are constantly evolving and everyone's experience is different. i just...don’t feel comfortable with ppl telling others “hey u can’t say ur both that’s bad!” it’s just...rude and invasive and really invalidating... it hurts idk. i think the community as a whole should just be inclusive and accepting and let ppl experiment and live their lives. idk maybe i’m naive. 
and idk personally, i don’t really care what ppl outside of the community really think because honestly they don’t really care either way. i personally label myself as being bi/gay but just tell ppl irl that i’m gay cause i’ll either get asked too many questions or i’ll get that good ol biphobia and idk honestly i’d rather deal with homophobia than biphobia any day tbh lol (idk biphobia is just extra gross and extra uncomfortable for me.) i just don’t tend to really talk about these things irl with ppl outside the community, and even if they are a part of the community, i don’t really talk about it much irl tbh. even my gender identity (nonbinarry) i barely talk about because it’s something that gets shot down or ignored every. single. time. so i just try to avoid these kinds of convos irl tbh lol
but on the other hand i can get ur frustrations. sometimes it can feel that ppl don’t understand the true origins, history, culture, definitions, etc. of specific words and movements and sometimes it can feel these spaces are being invaded and changed. sometimes i feel like that with other things in life and it can get a bit tiring especially if there’s lots of arguing n stuff.x_x but idk when u really think about it, the lgbt community is still really new and it’s only been a while since it’s been able to expand the way it has today--that includes discussions and dissecting what we already know and discovering new things. but i don’t think ppl who identify as bi lesbians are trying to change the word or definition at all (well maybe some? there r bad apples everywhere). for some ppl, gender and sexuality is just...really simple and they understand it fully. while for others, it’s just a hot confusing mess.
plus tbh with u; anytime ppl DO come up with new identities to explain exactly what they feel; they often get shot down and told off or to go away or that they’re not real sexualities or told they give the lgbt community a bad name etc etc. (i’ve seen and experienced this myself whaa) so i think for some, it makes them feel a bit more validated and safer if they use the term bi lesbian because at least those 2 separate identities are accepted on their own, and others will have an easier time understanding or accepting their identity instead of a quote on quote “””””made up identity””””. (which is dumb cause all words are made up lol) idk if that makes sense? but yeha it’s...hard. it’s bad enough when ppl outside the community don’t accept u but harder when ppl within it don’t accept u either.u0u 
i feel like my last post was sort of made in the heat of the moment tho and i do apologize. and no i don’t think ur a terf u didn’t come off that way to me anyways. and i do apologize if i hurt ur feelings.:-( i just...idk i constantly get invalidated on a daily basis and i get really upset seeing ppl doing the same to others. it’s tiring and feels hypocritical idk. i just feel like i’m a super naive person who just kind of wishes we can all get along and let ppl be happy with themselves. i know that’s dumb tho...sorry.;_;
i think ur entitled to ur opinion and honestly, thinking about it, maybe i got too mad earlier. i tend to be hot headed and impulsive and think emotionally first (hence why i don’t really talk with anyone).xDD but once i calm down i’m like oh wait lol 
tho honestly i’m such a ghost online so i was a bit surprised to get a message--honestly i probably wouldn’t think about it rn if it weren’t for ur message; so thank you. (i mean it in a genuine way not in a sarcastic way gerhfekjf) since i’m not a lesbian, idk how all of it feels like and all the online arguments u might have had to deal with in the past.;_; so i think i’ll just re-evaluate myself actually and try to see it through more than 1 perspective. i try to do that in general but aaa.....like i said, i’m hot headed (aka dummy thick). i do still believe that ppl should be more accepting of ppls identities, but also, i think it’s important to think about the other side of camp too.:-)
ah and if u want to pm me off anon and chat u can if u want.:-) (don’t mean that as a ‘fight me’ kind of thing  erhgfiverfuhjefuioerfj i meant cause i feel kind of bad but also if u ever wanna talk i’m free! and no don’t worry i don’t mean ‘let’s argue with each other’ eufihfjeuifj xDD ////i don’t like............confrontation whaa i just....idk i don’t like the feeling of me maybe hurting someone and not knowing if the other person is okay or not.;0; plus idk u sound cool? this is weird sorry idk how to make friends ferifjhknefuijef
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