#but yh i'll probably make some more of the other characters in the future !!
2rose2furious · 2 years
i've seen other ppl make picrews of tbs characters and i LOVE making picrews so i made some roses and damiens !!
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one of my favourite picrews !!! i use this one all the time !! [x]
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idiot + dumb(affectionate) but i really like damien on this one!! [x]
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they have matching coffee cups in this one🥺 i really like rose's expression here too, but damien's was hard [x]
also demi damien is a head canon of mine so yh
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and the last ones! i really like this creator's art style !!! [x]
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natashasbitxh · 8 months
The anon that send you about how they aren't that close as friends and how they always dance around each other's. Wow anon I adore you.
That's exactly, it's there. But I was calling it the wall, like they put a wall on each other's, as if they cannot comprehend what the other is thinking but at the same time they're actually so similar. I have to say, yesterday I watched a lot of the old videos and that helped me to kind of understand this journey they are.
At first Chance wasn't afraid to look at him, he would always take an opportunity to said something to flirt, as a character or with a comment (this is important for the future).
In some videos, Shayne would be surprised how he would relate to whatever Chance has to said, an opinion or liking and then, it started slowly. Them laughing at the other jokes, also the looks came more from Chance, Shayne didn't looked that much like he was afraid of looking idk.
But the more vids later, probably like the challenge pit or the reddit one's, Shayne will be looking at Chance when he talked, I mean he was talking to everyone but he would look to Chance directly. You can see in his eyes to what direction he's was looking at.
The way he feel attacked by Mr. Peanut. The way he actually was the only one that new it was Chance secret about sleeping with a katana, for me it shows, they were actually paying more attention to the other in a silent way, by looks and listening to the other. Oh darling they would listen as if it is the most important thing.
And yet for some reason, if you see a video of them from those times and one from this times, you couldn't see any difference in the fact that they still don't know how to properly idk have like a banter. But I do feel like they understand the other more.
For example Chance doesn't flirt anymore, at least not like in the first vids, it shows he understands maybe or he just has a different mindset. To be honest I can't put into words how it is this way they interact. 'Cause Shayne it's looking a lot, but he doesn't try to be close, they just trying to see what the other is doing, like admiring from far away.
As is they are afraid of the other in a good way. I feel like they would get lost in a conversation about why they feel the same thing about a topic, and yet that would be it.
They laugh at the other's jokes more freely, they aren't super friends or anything, but maybe this will only show how great of a duo they could be, I know that Shayne is an easy person to make him laugh, but let's be honest here, nobody does it like Chance.
Another thing I would totally write is how in the theater video, you just can see how they don't know how to properly act in the scene, like yes they are acting those parts, but I do feel the emotions of just wanting to run away from both of them, they don't know how to properly act that way. It's uncomfortable in an interesting way I would say 🤨 not in a bad or good day, just curious.
I would be watching more videos, if I found where they shift I'll share it with you.
This was the closest I could get to show how I see them.
no truly, I love my anons sm u rlly come up with mind-blowing stuff!
yh, the wall makes sm sense! I rlly see it! And yes their journey is so interesting to me! U can rlly see them getting closer!!
and Chanse is such a bold person and outgoing, so I feel like he found it fun to be like that in and out of character!
everything you just said, I agree! It's been like a visible gradual build up, whether it's platonic or not!
yes, we talk abt Chanse looking all the time but Shayne has rlly started to be heavy with the eye contact too! And ur so right for saying the reddit and challenge pit vids because those r some strong lowkey shaynse vids.
OMG THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME OF THAT!!! I completely forgot Shayne guessed correctly that it was Chanse, like he pointed at him and everything and then when it was revealed he was so mad he was right but wasn't listened too😭
I would definitely say they are visibly closer then earlier videos but yh I guess there's still that same little bit of hesitance
yh I get what you mean, a lot of admiring. And they rlly do give each other their full attention!
Well you saying abt them getting lost in a topic just reminds me of that one vid where they get lost in a convo abt nature documentaries! Like, another case of them unknowingly having something in common!
yes, Shayne rlly does laugh at Chanse! And honestly Chanse rlly laughs at Shayne too! Like before he even gets to the punchline (yes this is abt the Queen Nefertiti joke)
Them in the theater vid is so interesting to see! Just this sorta awkward vibe especially from Shayne, it's like he doesn't know what to do!
tysm for sharing ur thoughts, I always love to read them!!
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shai-manahan · 2 years
Chapter 2 def. needed to be calm after the first chapter. The MC will fall apart otherwise haha. But I really liked it. I’m really invested with how the MC deals and interacts in their daily life with their current predicament and hate from other people. Just talking back to them and to keep challenging their views and beliefs like in at the station just not backing down hell yeah for the MC !😁
Who was that guy that entered the room and thought he said something clever and the MC can just be ‘Oh we can go right now’ and BAM 💥 fear intensifies haah love it 😄
But yh getting off topic anyway, I liked the first chapter and action but! the interaction with all the characters and some well earned peace even more. Cuz we are immediately thrown into danger at the start of the story and it was great to have a chance for the MC to catch their breath.
I totally forgot to post this, I'm sorry 😭
Thank you for the kind message, anon! I really appreciate it, though of course I still have to take in consideration the criticisms I get.
Like, I'm avoiding it entirely for now so I could focus on writing, but I'll definitely go through at least one playthrough in the future so I could figure out how to make it better without changing the overall vibe or the need to rewrite.
Also, you're probably talking about Bertrand lmao. That man's going to be much more than an annoyance tbh but I'll always love the options I have reserved for those interactions. Those are the parts that are more important for me to pay attention to because they're precisely the scenarios where the MC needs to have control over. Especially as things might get... worse....
Again, thank you for this! I'd never stop appreciating compliments from y'all :D
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