#but you can also learn how to run your own site if you want undeniably full control without fear of the platform host shuttering
genericpuff · 4 months
Tbh at this point you should just make your own webcomic app/website because it would probably be 100 times better than whatever going on with webtoon right now.
hahaha it wouldn't tho, sorry 💀
Here's the fundamental issue with webcomic platforms that a lot of people just don't realize (and why they're so difficult to run successfully):
Storage costs are incredibly expensive, it's why so many sites have limitations on file sizes / page sizes / etc. because all of those images and site info have to be stored somewhere, which costs $$$.
Maintenance costs are expensive and get more so as you grow, you need people who are capable of fixing bugs ASAP and managing the servers and site itself
Financially speaking, webcomics are in a state of high supply, low demand. Loads of artists are willing to create their passion projects, but getting people to read them and pay for them is a whole other issue. Demand is high in the general sense that once people get attached to a webtoon they'll demand more, but many people aren't actually willing to go looking for new stuff to read and depend more on what sites feed them (and what they already like). There are a lot of comics to go around and thus a lot of competition with a limited audience of people willing to actually pay for them.
Trying to build a new platform from the ground up is incredibly difficult and a majority of sites fail within their first year. Not only do you have to convince artists to take a chance on your platform, you have to convince readers to come. Readers won't come if there isn't work on the platform to read, but artists won't come if they don't think the site will be worth it due to low traffic numbers. This is why the artists with large followings who are willing to take chances on the smaller sites are crucial, but that's only if you can convince them to use the site in favor of (or alongside) whatever platform they're using already where the majority of their audience lies. For many creators it's just not worth the time, energy, or risk.
Even if you find short-term success, in the long-term there are always going to be profit margins to maintain. The more users you pull in, the more storage is used by incoming artists, the more you have to spend on storage and server maintenance costs, and that means either taking the risk at crowdfunding (ex. ComicFury) or having to resort to outsider investments (ex. Tapas). Look at SmackJeeves, it used to be a titan in the independent webcomic hosting community, until it folded over to a buyout by NHN and then was pretty much immediately shuttered due to NHN basically turning it into a manwha scanlation site and driving away its entire userbase. And if you don't get bought out and try your hand at crowdfunding, you may just wind up living on a lifeline that could cut out at any moment, like what happened to Inkblazers (fun fact, the death of Inkblazers was what kicked off the cultural shift in Tapas around 2015-16 when all of IB's users migrated over and brought their work with them which was more aimed towards the BL and romancee drama community, rather than the comedy / gag-a-day culture that Tapas had made itself known for... now you deadass can't tell Tapas apart from a lot of scanlation sites because it got bought out by Kakao and kept putting all of its eggs into the isekai/romance drama basket.)
Right now the mindset in which artists and readers are operating is that they're trying way, way too hard to find a "one size fits all" site. Readers want a place where they can find all their favorite webtoons without much effort, artists wants a place where they can post to an audience of thousands, and both sides want a community that will feel tight-knit. But the reality is that you can't really have all three of those things, not on one site. Something always winds up having to be sacrificed - if a site grows big enough, it'll have to start seeking more funding while also cutting costs which will result in features becoming paywall'd, intrusive ads, creators losing their freedom, and/or outsider support which often results in the platform losing its core identity and alienating its tight-knit community.
If I had to describe what I'm talking about in a "pick one" graphic, it would look something like this:
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(*note: this is mostly based on my own observations from using all of these sites at some point or another, they're not necessarily entirely accurate to the statistical performance of each site, I can only glean so much from experience and traffic trackers LMAO that said I did ask some comic pals for input and they were very helpful in helping me adjust it with their own takes <3).
The homogenization of the Internet has really whipped people into submission for the "big sites" that offer "everything", but that's never been the Internet, it relies on being multi-faceted and offering different spaces for different purposes. And we're seeing that ideology falter through the enshittification of sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. where users are at odds with the platforms because the platforms are gutting features in an attempt to satisfy shareholders whom without the platforms would not exist. Like, most of us aren't paying money to use social media sites / comic platform sites, so where else are they gonna make the necessary funds to keep these sites running? Selling ad space and locking features behind paywalls.
And this is especially true for a lot of budding sites that don't have the audience to support them via crowdfunding but also don't have the leverage to ask for investments - so unless they get really REALLY lucky in EITHER of those departments, they're gonna be operating at a loss, and even once they do achieve either of those things there are gonna be issues in the site's longevity, whether it be dying from lack of growing crowdfunding support or dying from shareholder meddling.
So what can we do?
We can learn how to take our independence back. We don't have to stop using these big platforms altogether as they do have things to offer in their own way, particularly their large audience sizes and dipping into other demographics that might not be reachable from certain sites - but we gotta learn that no single site is going to satisfy every wish we have and we have to be willing to learn the skills necessary to running our own spaces again. Pick up HTML/CSS, get to know other people who know HTML/CSS if you can't grasp it (it's me, I can't grasp it LOL), be willing to take a chance on those "smaller sites" and don't write them off entirely as spaces that can be beneficial to you just because they don't have large numbers or because they don't offer rewards programs. And if you have a really polished piece of work in your hands, look into agencies and publishing houses that specialize in indie comics / graphic novels, don't settle for the first Originals contract that gets sent your way.
For the last decade corporations have been convincing us that our worth is tied to the eyes we can bring to them. Instead of serving ourselves, we've begun serving the big guys, insisting that it has to be worth something eventually and that it'll "payoff" simply by the virtue of gambler's fallacy. Ask yourself what site is right for you and your work rather than asking yourself if your work is good enough for them. Most of us are broke trying to make it work on these sites anyways, may as well be broke and fulfilled by posting in places that actually suit us and our work if we can. Don't define your success by what sites like Webtoons are enforcing - that definition only benefits them, not you.
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alphabetboyluvr · 8 months
Hey Holly😬😬😬
So I wanted to ask have you ever come across things like copying stuff and ideas from one book?? I mean if you read a book or you get inspired from a particular scene/dialog that you re-write it but you still get called out because of that??? Do you get bothered by that?? I mean there is this😅 bunch of teenage indian authors on wattpad that every now and then starts blaming and fighting that they copied their stuff,book name,dialogues. What do you think of this??
You probably have seen the viral orange peel theory that is going viral on insta/tiktok. I was talking about that😅😅
heyaaa !!
i've seen a lot of discourse around the concept of copying / plagiarism recently and I do have some thoughts on it.
i assume you mean if i get bothered when i see people have clearly taken inspiration from my work?
i keep my feet firmly out of the fanfic reading space for a variety of reasons and one of those reasons is because i've seen how easy it is to pick up inspiration and sprinkle it into your own work without even realising—not maliciously, or ill-intentioned at all, but undeniable with retrospect.
i don't ever want to find myself in the position of having spent hours writing something only for it to be reduced to nothing because of innocent mistakes (as I've seen happen with other writers) so yeah, i don't read within the fanfic space (which is also why im terrible with recs haha).
NOW in regards to people taking inspiration from my stuff, i'm well aware that it happens. I first noticed it happened with you up? and its never really stopped.
there's a handful of stories i've seen on wattpad from people i know read my work, who write in a very similar way to me. things like plot, narrative voice, character arcs, relationships, even the way i doodle at the start of my chapters—if it can be lifted and reworked, it has, and im sure only seen the tip of the iceberg.
similarly, i've also seen big writers write scenes in their stories with an almost identical play by play to some of my scenes, but i have no way of knowing if they've read my work—but it has made me go back and check the dates of my uploads to make sure i have my 'well actually...' response ready incase any of their fans try and come for me hahaha.
i've had extensive conversations with my writer friends about this and my general thoughts are: i don't care.
i could go on a big old rant about it all, but i know my opinion is a bit odd considering i'm a writer.
writing is a deeply personal craft, but it's also something that we learn and develop through time. if people are inspired by my work, then it must mean I'm doing something right. in time, they'll develop their own style. I encourage them to continue writing until they find their own voice.
history and literature is full of reworking and retellings. Shakespeare was notorious for it!
I'm not gonna get pressed if someone is so moved by my work to the point they wanna create their own version. I'll be honoured to be a part of their creative process. of course there is a limit to this—I know there's at least one story on wattpad floating around with a similar dynamic to BD with origami being used as a crux for fears, which does make me raise my brows a little bit, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who chose to upload my fanfic for free on a website that is known to not be exactly the most original of places.
someone else writing a similar concept to mine doesn't take away from the value of my work. if anything, it just proves that my writing has had an impact.
so yeah if you ever see someone and think huh this reads a lot like hollys work, or anything like that, just leave it be. don't run people off of a site, or force them to stop doing a hobby that likely causes them joy, for my sake.
it's funny because a few people have actually asked me to write an orange peel theory fic haha. we, as writers, don't own concepts and we also write about the same seven men. there will be inevitable overlap. it's all just pixels, at the end of the day.
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yanderedbh-moved · 5 years
In this scenario, you’ve become fed up with your life as the yandere’s glorified captive. Deciding you can’t take another day of this, you attempt to just get up and walk out. Much to your dissatisfaction, though, you are stopped at the door by the yandere. After a heated confrontation, you make a split-second decision to just try and force your way past them. However, in a blind panic, the yandere grabs you and throws you with full force away from the door, accidentally throwing you up against the wall. The unexpected strength of the attack was faster than your reflexes. After your head collided against the wall, you were unable to catch yourself before landing on your back. Knocking the wind out of your lungs, leaving you stunned and practically immobile.
For a brief moment here, Connor might unintentionally have a bit of a "blackout" moment. On account of all the stress and peril of his current situation, Connor loses full control over himself and his instincts as a hardened police Android take over. Resulting in Connor reacting with such force.
After he's apologized to you and after you've allowed him to scan and assess any possible damage caused, he will do his best to explain the cause of this outburst. Partly for your own sake of understanding and partly so you won't blame him later.
Though he might not want to do this, Connor can't help but notice how he has your full attention and that you undeniably view him as a threat he will use fear to get his point across towards you. He'll explain that he's powerless to stop this shift in his own behavior, and it'd be in your best interest not to test him again if you don't want this to happen.
He knows there's no way to prevent himself from feeling guilty over what he's done; he must admit to himself this choice was made with the both of your well-being in mind. Although this hurt, it really was a necessary evil.
Before he does anything, Markus will allow the silence and fear to fully set in for you to really learn your lesson here before he even does anything. After this, he will give you a choice. Apologize for leaving and swear you'll never do this again and he'll help you out here, or you can try your little escape again and see where that leads you.
After everything, though, you know there's no way you physically have the strength left and you to try and run again. With no choice but to admit defeat, you let Markus carry you back to the bed where you'll have an awfully long time to think about what you've done.
Before now, Kara always saw herself as a protective figure to you; it just didn't make any sense to her why you would try to run from her. What made even less sense to her, however, was how could she let herself bring you harm after she promised so long ago to do nothing but love and protect you.
To make up for doing this to you, Kara swears to look after you with the utmost attention while your injuries repair themselves. No matter how minor any of those injuries might be to her, this is her fault, and she must atone for this.
Kara might really beat herself up over this because, on the one hand, she really does feel guilty over doing this to you. However, this might also be a slight manipulation tactic to convince you to forgive her over all of this.
He's barely even able to fully process what has happened before he's a cursing mess. Not exactly hard to understand why it would cause Hank so much stress to see he directly caused someone he loves so much physical pain. As he's likely become so smothering over you to cope with the way he blames himself for Cole's death. So even a rather minor incident like this has his stress levels at a maximum.
He'll start swearing before doing his best to quickly bend down and get beside you. (As swiftly as he can though unfortunately his knees just aren't what they used to be.) As a lieutenant, he has at least the vaguest of medical knowledge to check to see if you have any significant damage on the back of your head or on your neck.
For a long time, he wouldn't know what to do other than to just hold you in his arms and whispering in your ear to you over and over how sorry he is. Needless to say, this stuck with him, and he actually is more hesitant to strike out in the future or to even so much as raise his voice.
To say he was regretful was an understatement. Honestly, there were no words to describe the shame and regret he felt as he watched your body slumped to the floor, and the way your eyes wide nearly tearing with fear stared up at him. No doubt, fearing that he was about to strike at you again.
It was nothing short of heart-wrenching to watch as all his efforts to convince you he was more than the attack dog he was programmed as were crushed with one regrettable outburst. Unable to stop himself, Luther would fall on his knees at your side, pulling you into his arms, careful not to bring any further strain to your harmed body as he wept and apologized.
It's difficult for Simon to decide what to do here, and seeing the way you're too afraid to move as you look up at him isn't helping. However, considering there's no way you're planning to try and escape from him for the rest of the night, Simon would likely take off to be on his own for a little while.
Simon knows he's a strong guy. However, he knows he's not exactly the toughest around, and any injuries you suffered by his hands will likely need no more than a night to recover from. That's isolation is best for you both.
It wouldn't be until much later into the night when you think you're all alone in bed that you would feel him crawl up beside you. Only after a long time alone to think about his actions, would you get a proper apology. Even here, though, Simon wouldn't waste his breath and promising not to do this again.
Like many yanderes here, it's genuinely tough for North deal with what she's done or by extension to fully comprehend the pain she's caused. Because of that North will try to cover the feelings of guilt and shame with anger.
She'll say things like, "See what you've done! I warned you not to get in my way or to leave me and look at what you've done! How could you do this to us? You must really hate me, even after everything I've done for you!"
Make no mistake though these words of harshness of hers are nothing more than a front North is putting on. There is no one here she's more angry with then herself no matter what she might say. The one thing which would eventually break through to her though it would be the site of you curled up on the floor at her feet and pain.
He was angry at you before for trying to leave him like this but, once he fully realizes what he's done, there is no one Josh is more upset with that himself. Josh wanted to show you there was no reason to fear or hate him, but what did he do instead? Nothing but prove your fears to be true.
Despite the intensity of his own emotions at the moment, Josh wouldn't immediately rush to your side. He knows you're already afraid in the last thing Josh wants is to further scare you or stress you out.
All he wants to do right now is hold his beloved as he brushes away your tears and rocks you gently to calm you down enough to stop crying and to stop fighting his affections.
Despite the situation, there's a chance Kamski might feel a touch of pride in reducing you to such a pitiful fearful, and helpless state. Kamski might fancy himself in intellectual over a fighter any day, but he loves to see your reactions of all kinds. No matter the emotion, he can't get enough.
Because of this, Elijah can't help but chuckle and taunt you here. "My love, you really ought to know better than to try and test me like this, have you really learned so little about me?"
He would leave it up to you to get up by yourself, heal up, and decide where to go from here. After all, if there's anything Kamski finds more interesting than how you react to stimulus, it's watching how you'll decide to counter this and grow. It's all so fascinating, and he can't wait to watch more from you in the future.
To be completely honest, it's tough for Chloe to even understand how she managed to get in this position in the first place; however, but she knows this is all just a big mistake. Just some freak accident, and the sooner you can understand that as well the better.
Even though she wants to make sure you aren't hurt too badly, the shock of realizing she's why you're in so much pain has Chloe immobile with fear, and she's paralyzed with shock for a few moments.
Entirely beside herself, Chloe is all but bawling her eyes out at she's hugging you as tight as she can, exclaiming again and again how sorry she is. As well she begs you for forgiveness chillingly, also asking you never to make her have to do something like that again... Because she can and will at the end of the day do this if it means keeping you by her side forever.
Despite his initial shock over the whole ordeal, Gavin may have a rough temperament. Still, he really didn't mean to do this and is just as surprised as you at the fallout. He would be sure to try and hide his alarm and would try to use his own anger to cover what he's done.
Completely out of his element here when it comes to assessing your injuries even though there's a chance you're concussed, he will drag you back to the house to check your injuries.
Even though he wouldn't say sorry to your face or anything like that, you can tell that deep down, he wishes it didn't have to be this way, and he might even try harder to be more careful in the future.
"You're going to have to be smarter than that if you want to escape me, my sweet." Yeah, don't tell me you thought Zlatko would feel sorry or apologize to you after what he's done. Unfortunately, that's not precisely Zlatko's style. He never used pet names with you and only would really break them out if he was trying to scare you or get under your skin. And now that you're lying helplessly At his feet, your mind can't help but race as you tremble thinking of all the possible ways this man could hurt you punish you for running.
In his mind, this is nothing short of a valuable learning opportunity for you, after all, what fun would you be to keep around if you are a dull, predictable pet. Zlatko has androids he can use, which were programmed to do that for him. What he wants from you is something more interesting.
Since the shock of everything caused the wind to knock from your lungs and you to see stars for a moment, you're actually unable to move. In that time, Ralph's is horrified, wondering if he's actually accidentally killed you.
Ralph would never be able to forgive himself if this were to actually happen, so without missing a beat, he's hands and knees over you begging to wake up and answer him.
Eventually, when you do come to your senses, and you're afraid of him on a whole new level, unsure if you'll ever be able to predict his next mood swing.
Oh boy, the unfortunate overwhelmed android. He thought things were going wrong when you tried to leave, but now that he's done this to you, things are looking all the bleaker for the two of you.
Before now, Daniel felt scared and full of awful impulses, but he knew he could count on you to help him calm down in times of anxiety and not do something stupid. But now that you were the one responsible for these feelings. How could he ever hope to keep his emotions under control? It was a lost battle, to say the least.
A part of him couldn't help but feel genuinely angry with you, though. After all, you knew better than anyone how Daniel had such awful memories of being replaced and abandoned. However, still, you did this to him.
A far cry from the more smothering types of yanderes Nines isn't afraid to show you who's really in charge here; however, just because he's hard on you doesn't mean he's doing this because he wants to see you suffer. Nines might say he's testing you like this as a way to make you stronger like he's helping you here.
Nines wasn't surprised to see he was physically strong enough to do something like this to you. What did alarm him is how he struck out and hurt you at all, considering how he usually has much better control over himself and isn't so prone to outbursts like this.
Nines realizes fairly quickly the notion of you walking out on him or by extension, ever losing you in general causes him great fear and weakness. Something he doesn't want you to see. Nines wouldn't apologize or express how he hates to see you in pain; instead, he would warn you not to test him again and to leave you alone for the rest of the night.
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bluerosesonata · 4 years
The Legacy of Aika Village
[This will be the first of a few mini-articles I plan to post here, just about different things I’m passionate about. Please indulge me.]
This article originally was written back in early April- since then, Nintendo announced that the “Dream Suites” would be coming to the latest update of ACNH, as “Dream Islands.” As such, I thought it would be timely to finally post this.
Update: On July 2nd, the original creator of Aika Village made a tweet announcing their plans to remake Aika for Dream Islands in New Horizons! The legend lives on!
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Image Credit: thumbnail from chuggaconroy’s playthrough of Aika Village on Youtube.
Animal Crossing And Horror: The Legacy of Aika Village
With a lot of the world in lockdown, Animal Crossing New Horizons has become a creative and social outlet for many, leading to a lot of people who never played Animal Crossing to engage with it for the first time. I’m sure most of you have encountered the various types of people present in the Animal Crossing community by now, but there’s a type of Animal Crossing players that a lot of people didn’t realize exist, and have existed, for a while now: The Horror Town Creators.
These players were the subject of a brief write up on Polygon by Patricia Hernandez [Hernandez, Patricia. “Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now a horror game, thanks to fans.” Polygon, 24 Mar. 2020. https://www.polygon.com/2020/3/24/21190826/animal-crossing-new-horizons-horror-game-decorations-scary-nintendo-switch-blood-spatter-pattern.], who posted an article featuring quotes and pictures of people creating horror themed towns and rooms in New Horizons, but only made a brief mention of the legacy of horror that many of these players are striving to recreate: The Nightmare Suites of Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
(These next few paragraphs are a bit of a self-indulgent aside, so feel feel to skip ahead.)
Horror gets a bad rap. Horror artists get comments like “lmao what SCP is this,”  “that’s fucked up,” or get flippant remarks about it all “looking the same.” Horror writers get made fun of for only writing “three types of stories.” Even the term “creepypasta,” which has evolved into shorthand for “horror stories independently published online,” still carries the stink of derision from the typo-filled, often poorly-written shock stories the term originated from. Despite this derision, horror, as a genre, is MASSIVELY popular (and profitable as well!). There’s an undeniable appeal to it.
More importantly, horror always finds a way to adapt itself to different mediums. As one can easily see by the success of horror podcasts like the NoSleep Podcast and The Magnus Archives, it isn’t even limited to a visual format! Like fear and dread itself, the horror genre crawls on, inexhaustible, undying, and ever-present, always returning to us in ways both novel and familiar.
Horror lovers are a tight knit, but welcoming, community, and that’s one of its biggest strengths and weaknesses.The biggest drawback is that a lot of really cool stuff produced will never be experienced, let alone documented, by people outside the community. And that’s what prompted this post. I was trying to explain the Dream Suite horror movement to my cousin, and despite my best efforts, didn’t find a lot of coverage about them, beyond the fact they existed. Worse, most of those were articles written five years ago. Even so, I’ll link to a few of them at the end of this post, as they’re definitely worth reading.
For me, I wanted to share my experience of the horror town phenomena with people outside the community. The Nightmare Suites movement was really something magical, and I know that I, personally, am still trying to recreate that magic in New Horizons. And hey, maybe once you’re finished reading this, you will too.
The Dream Suite
Before we can talk about Aika Village, we need to explain the feature that made this whole movement possible. In the 2012/2013 3DS game, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, there were two areas in every town: The village, and Main Street, which laid beyond the train tracks that ran across to the north of every town. Main Street was home several important structures, including the town shop, the Happy Home Academy, and the Post Office. Later on, more structures could be unlocked and built as public works projects, one of which was the Dream Suite.[“Dream Suite.” Nookipedia, 25 Apr. 2013, nookipedia.com/wiki/Dream_Suite.] 
As for how it worked, Nookipedia explains it best:
To begin a dream, the player must lie down on the bed and pay Luna 500 Bells. They may then choose to visit a random town, input the Dream Address of a specific town to visit, or search for a town. They may then choose to visit a previously visited town or a random town, or to input the dream address of a new town to visit. While dreaming, the player may walk around the town and perform actions just as they would in the real world, but their actions will have no effect on the town.
While dreaming, the bed will be on the dream town's plaza. Luna and Lloid stand near it until the player decides to wake up. Players can borrow tools like a shovel and axe from Lloid to use within the dream. If the player lies on the bed a second time, they will leave the dream and anything they have in their pockets will be lost.
The player cannot go to Main Street or enter any buildings with doors besides homes. Additionally, messages left on the bulletin board cannot be read; instead, the board displays the town's name and Dream Address…custom designs on display in the town, such as on the ground and in houses, will be visible. The player who uploaded the town can also be found walking about. When spoken to, they will say their recorded greeting.
In essence, the Dream Suite takes a snapshot of your town at the moment you ask Luna, the NPC running the Dream Suite, to share a dream- this includes your outfit, the way  you decorated your home, the items laying around town, etc.
The most important aspect of this feature, and the one that I feel had the most impact on the Nightmare Suite creation movement, was the method of discovery. If you didn’t know someone’s code, you would be sent to a random dream of a random town, from anywhere in the world- and this is where I feel my personal experience of being in the community departs from the articles that have already been written about the Nightmare Suites.
The Urban Legend of Aika
In the years leading to 2013, I was going through some rough shit. I won’t go into details here, but video games had become my entire life. Coming into the summer of 2013, I didn’t have any friends I kept in touch with, and I was “starting over” in a city where I knew nobody- things were looking up, but outside of tumblr, I didn’t have anything even resembling a social life. Animal Crossing: New Leaf was a stabilizing force of my life during this time, and really helped me. I had the Shampoodle haircut guide saved to the camera roll on my phone, for pete’s sake.
It was in the beginnings of my friendship with a group of girls (whom I sadly no longer even have contact with), where a lot of our initial bonding happened because of anime and RPGmaker horror games. We were sitting together in the campus dining area, me playing on my 3DS, when I first learned about the Nightmare Suites.
“Have you heard about Aika Village?”
I hadn’t.
“It’s this really creepy town in dream suites, I heard about it from a friend online.” Later that day, she linked me to a tumblr post compiling a series of codes leading to different “creepy dream towns,” the first one being simply labeled as “Aika Village.”
That dream village became a phenomenon: people would write up their interpretations and theories about it, and even lead to a few articles and videos on gaming sites like IGN and Killscreen, which is why I’m not gonna even bother going into the content of the village itself.
And So, The Dream Begins…
This, in my opinion, was the draw of the Nightmare Suites. Without a way to directly share codes from your 3DS to your social media, the discovery and sharing of Dream Towns was like that of urban legends- like virtually passing notes in class, or sharing scary stories that “totally happened to a friend of my cousin’s sister” at a campfire. It felt like a cool discovery- something exclusive and scary and weirdly intimate. They had a mystique to them, a mystery of who their creators were and what they “really meant.” But above all that? They were cool as hell.
The Nightmare Suites used the limitations of the game to try and create an unnerving atmosphere in ways that were reminiscent to me of the RPGmaker horror game subgenre, and for me, created a lot of memories of excitedly typing in my once a day dream suite visit late at night in my dorm. I never lacked variety- there were so many people either influenced or inspired by Aika to make a horror town that there are entire lists and tumblrs dedicated to collecting those codes. (I even played around with the idea of making my own horror town, but never found the right inspiration, instead dedicating my time to making themed homes and custom outfits based on different anime characters.)
The sad fact that so many of these towns have been altered or overwritten, if they’re available or accessible at all, is in itself, a part of their urban legend-like appeal. While many of us may never get to experience these towns, the stories about them endure, in lists on long-abandoned blogs and youtube videos from people’s playthroughs.
And that mystique is the real legacy of Aika; While the Nightmare Suites may be gone, the wonder and dreamlike memories many of us hold from our chance encounter with it will never fade. You could even say we’re a bit…haunted by it.
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kekethegoddessme · 4 years
Teach Me Too Love You
Chapter 6
A/N: Because you asked here's another chapter…
Happy Reading!
For almost an hour Liv sits in the large bedroom thinking. How did she get here? Was she in a dream? Was this Fitzgerald guys serious? She looks around her and realize every bit of it is real. She needed to find a way out. She leaps from the bed and tries the door. To her surprise it's unlocked. She peeks out looking left then right. Not seeing or hearing anything or anyone she runs back towards the living area and right out the front door.
Fitz on the other hand was dealing with a problem. Cyrus being one of them. "Fitz this will be a problem. This will cause conflict with the Banetto family. Zoey is his daughter. She will not take this thing with Olivia laying down and that can ruin the business."
Fitz swiftly turns facing Cyrus "Mind you own business. I run this not you. My personal life is my concern."
Still standing in one spot as Fitz walks away Cyrus tries to reason "I'm doing that you are my business. It's my duty to protect the family and you. Even from yourself."
Fitz pulls out his gun pulling back the clip. For a moment Cyrus thinks he's about to shoot him. "You're going to kill me?" Fitz just looks at him with a blank expression due to the stupidity of the question. Placing the gun back behind him. "Get everyone here and worry about things that concern you. Olivia…doesn't concern you."
Once all Fitz closest men were present, he wasted no time getting down to business. "Someone has been stealing from me. If it's not you then remain quiet, but if you are the one then it's best you speak up and explain to me why when I pay you more money than you've ever made in your entire life only for you to steal from me?"
The men including Tom, Diego, and Cyrus remained silent and that's when it happened. Fitz lifted his gun and shot his biggest distributor Jake in the head…twice. In that same moment Liv was looking for a way out. She saw the entry gate and ran towards it but was stopped in her tracks by the sound of a muffle gunshot and flash. To the right of her as she stepped out into the opening was Fitz holding a smoking gun as a man's body falls to the ground. The site of a man being killed startled her causing Fitz, Tom, Cyrus and Diego to turn in her direction.
Fitz saw it coming before it could happen and started walking in her direction. Just before she hit the concrete pavement she fainted in his arms. "Fuck!" His angered expression spills out
He lifts her and carries her back to her room as his men rid of the dead body. He calls for the maid to change Olivia into sleepwear. He then sits in the chair and waits for her to awaken chastising himself for causing her yet again to faint.
The following morning Liv slowly awakens. Fitz is sitting behind her as she takes a moment to focus and slowly begin to sit up. The moment she turns and looks behind her she hears him. "How are you feeling?" She quickly sits all the way up. "Again, I apologize. You shouldn't have seen that." She drops her head after looking at him with sad eyes "But you have to know that he deserved it. He's been doing unthinkable things Cheating and stealing from his family and me. We don't forgive it. He killed himself with what he had been doing. Some of the thing I don't care to mention but it goes against everything I stand for and since he was part of my organization, I had to take care of him."
Liv still doesn't speak but finally notices her cloths have been removed and replaced with a silk spaghetti strap black nighty. She quickly pulls the comforter up to cover herself feeling exposed.
Fitz notices this "It wasn't me who changed your clothes. It was the maid."
With trembling lips "You have people for everything." She candidly expresses still not looking at him
"It's…It's one of the advantages of being a boss."
Liv finally looks at him then pulls back the covers and places her feet on the floor "Since you're such a boss, tell one of your many servants to bring me my cell phone and laptop."
Fitz jaw clenches as his sits shirtless with only pajama bottoms on in the chair. Enticement is the game, but he's pushes hard to not become frustrated "I can see you've got your strength back." She looks off into the distance "You will have your cell phone and laptop when it's the right time."
Liv internally chastises herself as she tries not to look at his chiseled chest, strong defined arms, and his ripped stomach, legs spread wide and print visibly noticeable, It was all throwing her off. She's supposed to be angry, scared even. Why wasn't she? She just saw him kill a man. His dark, dominant, sexy, mysteriousness was completely turning her on. She needed to bid her time until she found a way out before she ended up spread out wide before this man allowing him to fuck her senseless.
"Now…If you need anything Diego is here to help you." He uses his strong arms to lift himself from the chair allowing them to fall to his side "Be ready in two hours, because we need to buy a few things before we fly out."
With a sense of panic, she nervously pushes her hair behind her ear "Fly out? To where? What-where are you taking me? I'm not flying anywhere unless it back to the US."
Fitz voice drops "It wasn't and offer; It was and order."
"Listen to me Fitzgerald. You can't just drag me from place to place wherever you want without my permission. I am not your property. If this is your idea of how and what falling in love with you looks like your sadly mistaken." She finishes her statement by chest checking him with her finger
He quickly grabs her wrist and she shove him. He grabs her shoulders pushing her onto the bed straddling while trying to control being turned on by her feistiness as she struggles to keep him from pinning her hands down. All the struggling set him between her leg with his print directly on her center. She slaps him for the second time since meeting him and they both pause. She really didn't mean to do it this time and is shocked at her own behavior.
Both have a moment staring into each other's eyes. The moment is undeniable with bated breath they rhythm of her own beating heart. The desire to kiss her, the desire to kiss him is not lost on either of them. The room becomes silent as they are lost in the moment. "Olivia, If you hit me again…"
"What? You will kill me?"
"Is this what you call a temper? How come you're not Italian?"
"How many black girls do you know?"
"It looks like one is all I need to know." He states lifting up off her onto his feet "Look Olivia it will be a good year. I just need to not react so quickly, because I lose my vigilance when I'm around you." He walks towards the door as Liv sits up and watching his every move. Diego brought your things from the hotel. You have a very impressive amount of shoes for a five-day stay."
Liv roles her eyes and looks off as he walks out of the room. Liv finally takes a break as she falls back on the bed. What is wrong with you Olivia. This man is holding you against your will and all you can think about is sleeping with him. She thinks to herself before deciding to get dressed to check out the grounds since it appears this is where she will be staying for the next year.
An hour or so later Liv is dressed and makes her way out back where she sees Fitz standing talking on the phone. Diego and Cyrus are there as well standing next the table with a large spread of fruit bagels cheeses, croissants and many different juices. "Your breakfast is ready Ms." Diego meets her as she made her way past Fitz. He couldn't take his eyes off the red v-cut dress that tied around her neck. It was backless and had a spit for days and earth tone wedges with wrap around leg straps. She was enticing him and he knew it.
Fitz turns and watch her as she walks past him without a word. Cyrus just chuckles to himself before pulling Fitz disappearing inside of the home. Liv takes a seat. "Enjoy your breakfast." Diego encourages
"I think your boss wants me to gain weight. This is too much food for one person."
"I think he just want to take good care of you- you know. Make sure you have everything you need."
"But he said you were here to help me with everything I need, so I need you to sit down and help me to enjoy this food, so I don't have to eat alone." Diego takes a seat and does as he's asked
Liv and Diego enjoyed the platter of food followed by him showing her around the grounds. She learned that he wasn't much of a talker and was very loyal to Fitz. So after about and hour she decided to sit in the outside lounge area and take in the sun giving Diego a break. Within minutes she was asleep.
She woke to Fitz sitting across from her staring at her. "That's really creepy how you're always watching me sleep."
"You're beautiful. What can I say? I've dreamt of moments like this over the last three years but anyway today I have some business to take care of. You will be accompanying me."
"I told you Fitzgerald I wasn't going anywhere with you."
Fitz jaw tightens and he looks at Tom and Diego and nod. Giving them the go ahead to bring the car around. He stands and pulling Liv from her laying position to her feet and makes his way to the front of the home. Liv is like a pouting child being dragged along.
The drive was long, so she just admired the view and continue to pout. Fitz decided to start up a conversation "You know Italy is a place of love. Atna, known also as "Momgibello, 'beautiful mountain." Fitz shared as they drove past the scenery of the mountains. "There's an old legend about Zeus and Typhon and of course love." He continues but Liv has her smirky come back "It bet Typhon didn't fall in love with Zeus in a year of her birthday." It was a statement not a question.
It also caught Fitz off guard that she knew about the legend shutting him down momentarily with a smirk on her face.
"This gets easier Olivia if you just cooperate a bit more here."
"I really don't have a choice now do I?"
Fitz remains quiet the rest of the ride. Liv continues to watch him out of the side of her eye as he admired her dress, legs and yes her. She didn't notice that he too watched her admiration of him.
Twenty minutes later they arrive at their destination. Liv didn't know it, but Fitz was taking her on a shopping spree. Unfortunately, Fitz thought this was a way to her heart. After seeing she had beautiful clothes and shoes he came up with this idea. It was downtown section of Italy and had many expensive shops. They stopped at all of them.
At first Liv refused to try on any of the clothes. She quickly changed her mind because he threatened to remove her clothes for her. After about ten different stops and the security arms filled with boxes and bags of clothes purses jewelry and shoes, they made a final stop in the lingerie store following Fitz as he walked inside. Liv figures what the hell she might as well get this over with but what she didn't expect was Fitz to walk into the dressing room while she modeled the underwear. He completely ignored her in the other shops as she tried on the many dresses and pant's set in all the other stores at least she thought he did.
She had on a black lace bra with straps that crossed over the chest and cheek-less panties with the same design. She immediately felt his presence when he walked in. "Get out Fitzgerald." Fitz looks her up and down as he leans against the mirrored wall. "Get out, or else I—" He cuts her off "Or else what?" Still checking her out
She inhales as she watches him unable to take his eyes off her lower region. She then seductively walks towards him stopping directly in front of him running her finger over his exposed chest where his top buttons where open. "Or else I guarantee you…this will be the last time you'll see it."
Without thinking and feeling a sudden erection from her closeness he steps forward and backs Liv into the opposite mirrored wall and gently palms her neck. "If I order it, I will see it. I decide when I'm going to see it." Liv roles her eyes and pushes his hand from her neck but doesn't move from her position. Fitz looks down at her lower half again before exiting the changing room.
Liv is livid. She quickly removes the garments before her juices expelled from within. Something about the way he placed his hand around her neck aroused her. His dominance turned her on more than she'd like to admit. Why did she not feel like she was in danger with this man? Why did she want to straddle him right there in the dressing room? Why was she playing hard to get?
Here she was being held against her will. No communication with anyone outside of his world. Told that she had to be here for a year before she can choose to leave…and yet she desired this man in the worst way. Yes, she was angry more at herself then him. How is that even possible? How dare he threaten her? Test her boundaries. Push her buttons. Admire her to her face and still manage to turn her on. The irony of it all made her livid. Who did he think he was? Her man.
Liv quickly dresses grabbing the garments she just took off and storms out of the dressing room. She throws them in Fitz face. "See it on yourself!" She growls out before walking out of the store. His security team is about to go after her, but he raises his hand to stop them.
Once outside she looks all around before running away. She ends up on a balcony off the water where she sees two Italian police officers. She runs up to them. "Help please, I need help. I've been kidnapped and being held against my will. I'm American and not from here. Can you help me?
The two officer's look past her and speak to Fitz in Italian saying, "Good morning Mr. Grant." Liv doesn't even have to speak Italian to know what they just said. The officer's walk off and Liv slowly turns to see Fitz standing there looking sexy dressed in all black, almost Italian like with his hands in his pockets. "Are you lost pretty lady?"
He slowly walks towards her "If you plan on running you should where different shoes. Sometime fighting us futile. You just have to accept the situation. The faster, the better for you. You can either make it hard for both of us for the next year, or…take part in an adventure that fate has given you."
"It wasn't fate; it was you."
"Sometimes we have to make our own luck Olivia."
Liv takes a moment to take in what he's said before walking closer to him "Is it true what you said earlier?"
"What did I say earlier?"
Tilting her head to the side "That you won't touch me without my permission?"
"I'm not the monster that you think I am."
She brushes her hair out of her face "I want my cell phone and my laptop. Now…and something normal for dinner…like spaghetti. This is Italy after all…right?" She turns and walks away with a smirk on her face
Fitz has a smirk as well because he knows he has just won round two.
Until next time…Keke
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epowerie · 4 years
The Cost of Electric Car Charging Points for Businesses in Ireland
According to BloombergNEF’s 2019 EV outlook report, around 550 million electric vehicles (EVs) are going to be on the roads worldwide by 2040. Across Europe, EV sales are expected to significantly increase by 2021 as the EU implements stricter measures to further cut CO2 emissions.
The Government published its Climate Action Plan in 2019 which has committed to banning all petrol and diesel new vehicles sales  by 2030. The action plan has also set a target of 950,000  electric vehicles on the road by 2030 which is very optimistic but clearly demonstrates government policy & support to the sector.
With these initiatives and the eventual drop in the cost of owning EVs’, experts believe that plug-in cars will become mainstream soon making electric car charging points essential and establishments that have them will definitely have a competitive advantage to start with until the charging points are in every house/business in the country.
The Benefits of Having Electric Car Charging Points
EV chargers on your premises can attract more customers. Electric vehicle owners will prefer businesses that have charging facilities making it convenient for customers to top up their cars while they dine in a restaurant or stay in a hotel. If you fail to provide this need, prepare to lose these customers to competitors with charging stations.
Installing EV charging points is a good way of supporting efforts to protect the environment. Being eco-friendly can improve your company’s reputation, making it more appealing to consumers.
EV Chargers will also increase your internet visibility as popular sites like Tripadvisor.com and Booking.com have included EV charging in the “Amenities” filter. There are even applications like Zapmap, EV Hotels etc. which help EV owners find charging points resulting in businesses being able to attract new customers from a wider market. The chargers themselves can be a source of extra revenue as well depending on the business model you use.
How Much Do EV Charging Points for Businesses Cost?
There are two main factors which can affect the cost of setting up an EV charging infrastructure – the price of the charging unit and the installation cost.
EV chargers have different specifications which affect their prices. Commercial Chargers have more features including back office billing & reporting capability. Commercial Chargers may have an LCD display or a built-in technology that enables the company to accept credit card payments not required by domestic home chargers.
Charging speeds directly affect the price of the charging equipment. Rapid charge points (DC Chargers), designed to charge EVs at a faster rate, are more expensive to install and these are generally found at motorway service stations enabling consumers to get a quicker charger to complete their journey.
Installation costs depends on several factors like the amount of civil works required, materials used and labour. Installing stations on existing structures require more work which results in bigger expenses.
Cable runs also affect the installation cost – having longer cable runs means more expense. Meanwhile, installing charge points back to back can cut down installation costs since they can share the same charge post, same cable run & same civil works.
For commercial stations, the biggest expense is undeniably installation cost but there are ways to lessen this like hiring a certified charging provider. This kind of company employs experts who can come up with strategies to mitigate project costs.
The government is actively promoting the installation of chargers which qualify for Accelerated Capital Allowances (ACA) to businesses that want to invest in energy saving technology.
Every company has unique requirements which is why the cost of putting up EV charging stations is not the same for all businesses. Consulting a trusted EV charging provider is the only way for you to know exactly how much budget you would need for this project.
Are you planning to install EV charging stations on your business premises?
ePower are the preferred installer of business EV charging points in Ireland. Call us now on 1800 99 88 77 to learn more about our products and services!
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CloudFunnels Review – ClickFunnels Rip-Off or Real Deal?
Welcome to our CloudFunnels Review!
Have you seen an advert for a wonder thing called CloudFunnels that will give all that you need to make glorious arrangements channels and expected to check whether it was just a ClickFunnels rip-off, or whether it was the real deal?
Taking everything into account, we are so upbeat you are doing your assessment as it is the best way to deal with dodge online stunts and simply find authentic ways to deal with get money on the web.
Exactly when you have a thing like this one that is offering a lot of features at a really negligible exertion, especially when you balance it with ClickFunnels, you have to represent the request what they are not telling you… We expected to see it for ourselves and check whether it was genuinely going to empower a novice to acquire money on the web.
Arrangements Funnels are incredibly ground-breaking, when you have the pertinent data to put them decisively, yet there is also an inspiration driving why ClickFunnels gets high evaluations, whether or not it is an exorbitant decision.
CloudFunnels cases to offer all that you need to start an online business, which suggests they are concentrating on learners, so is CloudFunnels straightforwardly for a youngster wanting to start on the web, is it a stunt or a certifiable article… we should find as we experience our study.
We should start with a smart thing audit…
Thing Review Summary
Thing Name: CloudFunnels
Originator: Cyril "Jeet" Gupta
Thing Type: Sales Funnel, Membership and Email Marketing Builder Platform
Cost: $37/month or $67 on-time charge, notwithstanding upsells ($261 + $20/month)
Best For: More Advanced Marketers with an Established Business
Framework: CloudFunnels offers a phase to make bargains channels, enlistment, purposes of appearance and email displaying endeavors all from one spot. Regardless, their promoting is all over. Some bit of it is concentrating on someone wanting to start an online business (anyway they won't have a thing or traffic), concentrating on someone planning to start an association and concentrating on a present sponsor. They are endeavoring to make out they are exceptional and better to ClickFunnels by keep referencing them, which makes them sound like a copycat and there are issues with the customer reviews on their business page.
As a rule, I wouldn't endorse this to someone wanting to get money on the web. It is too much like other IM programs where they promise you the world anyway miss the mark on the very critical stuff that you will require.
Rating: 35/100
Recommended? For More Advanced Marketers, Maybe. Verifiably Not for Beginners
Here's My Top Recommended Program>>
Rundown of sections
Thing Review Summary
What is CloudFunnels?
How Does CloudFunnels Work?
The sum Does CloudFunnels Work?
What We Liked About CloudFunnels
What We Didn't Like About CloudFunnels
My CloudFunnels Review - Final Conclusion
How We Make Money Online
What is CloudFunnels?
CloudFunnels offers you a program that grants you to make bargains channels, investments, introduction pages and email exhibiting endeavors in just two or three snaps…
Regardless, there is by all accounts a mixed message on their business page. The top communicates that "Building Your Business Online Just Become Affordable". Regardless, there are strategies for building an online business that have been free for quite a while, we do just that with auxiliary publicizing. Regardless, the mixed message is apparently that they are undeniably concentrating on the complete beginner, as a further evolved promoter would no doubt straightforward their business page.
Do whatever it takes not to misjudge me, anyone online will show up at a point where they need to abuse an average arrangements channel and email advancing is up 'til now an incredible promoting strategy. Regardless, that is the explanation a logically advance promoter may benefit by this program, while there are some unquestionable openings that you ought to regardless leave and convince elsewhere to have the choice to use this item.
The first is a site, as they are not offering a site as a significant part of this… The second is the genuine traffic that will see your business pipe.
There is no point having a business pipe or an email get page, if no one is coming to see them.
In this way, they are promising all of you that you need to collect an online business… anyway a normal arrangements channel provider will truly outfit you with stuff that will help you with improving your arrangements.
There is also the reason for what are you going to progress with these business channel designs they are giving. That is the explanation we feel this thing may benefit someone who starting at now has a thing to offer and is planning to make the accompanying step with their business and not a complete amateur who is going to need to make sense of how to walk around they start running.
In any case, I don't get that vibe from their business page.
Further down their business page, they again notice it being the ideal time for you to "Make a Successful Online Business"
They also notice the 3 requirements for electronic displaying accomplishment:
Making Sales Funnels and Maximizing Customer Value
Make a Membership and Build Profits Further
Concrete a Relationship Using Email and Profit Forever
Taking everything into account, I am going to thoroughly contrast to a point. Those 3 centers are critical, beside there is a focal issue and that is there is no notification of having a thing or organization to make a business channel on. See how in one breath they are concentrating on a beginner in the first place an online business, anyway they are letting them miss the mark at the central hindrance.
We have seen an unnecessary number of these ventures that promise all of you that you need to start an online business, however they don't outfit you with all the information.
I do acknowledge that you will get a phase that will allow you to make a business channel, etc like they state yet there is little point doing that until you have something to progress or sell.
If you are a novice and are scanning for a way to deal with acquire money on the web, yet have not wandered into anything yet, by then you are best off keeping away from this program at the present time and taking a gander at a genuine planning program that will help you with starting with a strategy for getting money online from a redirection you have. We recommend Affiliate Marketing. It is novice neighborly and doesn't require confronting difficulties with a thing like this one. With our proposed planning stage, Wealthy Affiliate you can start for Free and build up a course of action of things to propel where you may benefit by a business pipe stage at some point later. Snap HERE to get acquainted with Affiliate Marketing.
If you do have a thing or organization, or maybe a site and need to see how CloudFunnels work, keep scrutinizing on.
Hi, We are John and Gem
We Learned the Secret to Making Money Online... Need to Know How We Did It?
Let Us Show You How WE Did it!
How Does CloudFunnels Work?
CloudFunnels offers a phase that can either be encouraged in the cloud, or they even let you download it and move it to a webpage you viably own. They balance themselves with ClickFunnels a ton, anyway there is an inspiration driving why ClickFunnels is a market boss and choose to function as they do.
They are surely a further evolved program and I would not fast this for fledglings or even moderate promoters, you should win incredible money before you put assets into ClickFunnels, from my perspective. In any case, manager among why they keep their funnels cloud-based is that they can successfully keep awake with the most recent without any issues rising, notwithstanding they fuse refreshes without a limit.
Taking a gander at the demo video, they have an easy to use strategy for making a business pipe and have an assurance of formats you can use. Adjusting the business page is fundamental with their WYSIWYG in-developed publication supervisor, which implies it is natural and you can believe a to be see as you change the page.
At the point when your funnel is live, you are worthy to share it and they have different consolidations you can use to share them or get portion.
Blends for Payment are:
Warrior Plus
As they furthermore offer an Email Marketing exertion formats, etc. They similarly grant you to join with the going with autoresponder associations:
Mail Engine
Dynamic Campaign
Steady Contact
Mail Chimp
If you have to see how CloudFunnels truly works, see the demo video underneath brought to you from the owner:
My most prominent issue isn't with whether the thing will do what it affirms to do, anyway it is the truth they are concentrating on complete novices communicating that this will give all that you need to start an online business whenever it absolutely leaves behind a significant open door the part about having a thing and how to attract visitors to your business channel.
No Product + No Traffic = No Sales.
By then, we get into the costs which as regular with a program overflowing with exposure on their business page, the base thing is confined with what it offers. Which implies you have to pay more to get more features.
Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?
Studies have shown that over 70% of the people who need to get money online have not made their first dollar yet. Along these lines, you're not alone!
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yellowjets · 5 years
Response to Ilhan Omar 2.0
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Two undeniable truths about Ilhan Omar: she hates Trump and she hates Israel. You cannot argue this. Omar has made it her mission to cause fear of Israel in the Democratic party, misrepresent them, use that fear to incite more hatred against Trump, rally against him, and further her own political agenda.
1. "Under pressure from Donald Trump"
What the average American may not understand, is that Bibi doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do. Trump's comments may have been the green light to go ahead with this decision, but it is highly likely it would have happened anyway. Israel gets pressure from many world leaders about other issues and Bibi chooses not to listen. Trump does not hold some sort of power over him, and Omar suggesting otherwise is really just an attempt at causing more fear of Trump on the left.
2. "Trump's Muslim ban"
Ahh yes, the old Muslim ban, something that never actually happened. Again Omar uses a false American concept to sweep the real reasons she's been banned under the rug. Both Omar and Tlaib are supporters and advocates of BDS, a movement that is widely accepted as not only anti-jewish, but also has been proven to heavily effect Arabs living in the West bank in a negative way. All it does is breed hatred towards the Jewish state and leads to boycotts of Jewish businesses outside of Israel. (Remember the last guy who did that?) This is the reason they are refused entry, not because of faith. You really think the leader of any other country would allow people in who directly call for the boycott of said country and its people? Absolutely not. But of course, Omar knows she can lie about this because people are ignorant and will not bother looking for correct information.
3. "Limits our abilities to learn from Israelis"
Yay! The first true statement. Unfortunately it's irrelevant considering its pretty difficult to learn from people you're busy boycotting. Literally no one, not a single person on this planet actually believes you want to "learn from Israelis". This was an expose Israel mission from the get go. One that has been conducted many times before, and usually ends up with not much to expose, and turns into some libellous exercise instead. Recently there was an assertion in a final year test in Australia that the IDF destroys homes in the West bank because the Muslim population refuses to accept Judaism. This is unbelievably untrue, and extremely damaging to Jews everywhere. This is the sort of mess Omar and Tlaib would have come back spouting. If you don't believe me, two seconds ago Omar was talking about a non existent Muslim ban in Israel.
4. "Resisted peace efforts"
Now I'm not exactly sure which peace efforts Bibi has participated in, but when the most recent peace deal has been rejected by the Palestinian government, Hamas is still firing rockets from Gaza and organising protests that involve incendiary kites and balloons, as well as Molotov cocktails and burning tires, the Palestinian government is still encouraging terrorism from the West bank by paying out families of terrorists, and changing the schoolbooks in Palestinian classes to be even more anti-jewish, when all of this is realised, it really fair to say that Israel has resisted peace?
5. "Restricted movement of Palestinians"
I think you spelt "Israelis" wrong. Palestians, while yes they do have to go through rigorous security and checkpoints between borders, are able to move freely between all areas of the West bank and Israel. Israelis, however, are unable to go to many parts of Palestinian run areas in the West bank, many of which include holy sites for the Jewish people. A Palestinian, may take any bus in Israel or the West bank, an Israeli may not. Unless of course Omar means Israel blowing up terror tunnels... That would tend to restrict Palestinian movement, but I'm sure any normal person would agree to that one.
6. "Limited public knowledge of the brutal realities of the occupation"
My FAVOURITE! Just because you, Omar, seem to have very limited knowledge of pretty much anything Israel/Palestine related, it doesn't make that Bibi's fault. The truth is out there, maybe like, go on Wikipedia as a starting point. The reality of the "occupation" is that Gaza is uninhabited by Jews, and has had no IDF presence for the last 5 years. The West bank has areas totally run by the PA where Jews cannot enter, and an IDF presence to limit terrorist attacks on Jewish civilians. That is the reality.
7. "Aligned himself with islamaphobes like Donald Trump"
Fair point, also irrelevant when you yourself align with and support terrorists who openly call for the destruction of the Jewish state, and the wiping out of the Jewish people.
8. "It is my job..."
It is not your job to lie about the realities of the conflict, to express biased support for one side, attempt to go to a country with the intent to "expose" (read: lie about) it, and then whinge about how you weren't allowed the opportunity to learn from them when you have already expressed intent to boycott those who could teach you.
9. "Insult to democratic values"
My right to kill someone is outweighed by their right to live. Your right to go to a country with the intent of supporting it's enemies, who have called for its destruction and the murder of its people is similarly, outweighed by their right to live.
Final thoughts:
Israel made the right decision. These women would have come in with the intent to slander Israel when they got out. That would inflame the already existing conflict even more and potentially cost lives of both Jewish and Palestinian civilians. For Omar and Tlaib to sit there and whine about it is pathetic. They know why they can't go, they know by making a fuss they will gain support, but Israel knows the cost of letting them in will be greater.
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josbird · 5 years
Signage that Distinguishes Business, Products and Services
You will not need to be worried about looking after the signage and ensuring that it doesn't crease or get damaged. Business signage is the principal building block of your advertising and marketing and advertising campaigns. Besides highlighting your place, custom made business signage is your very first opportunity to demonstrate a possible customer your business' personality.
Signage from an outdoor signage maker in Dallas is the simplest way for you to introduce a specific product or service which your company might offer. Vinyl signage is cost effective and in demand because it appears sleek and is relatively quick and simple to apply employing the most suitable tools. Besides retailers and eateries, digital signage creates a difference for common locations, that can typically be confusing. To begin with, if you're not yet selling digital signage, it is a good way to cross-sell your current clients. Digital signage doesn't serve single purpose like the conventional signals of directions. Improved property value Designing the signage has a substantial influence on the worth of a property. Employing PVC canvas in designing your signage has become the most sensible step you could take.
Enclosure design should satisfy the requirements of all age groups and not only children and visiting schools. The interior design of a retail store plays an important part in attracting clients and increasing sales. So naturally it's important to thoroughly plan and execute the ideal design for your sign.
Somehow you have to find permission to use photos on a web site. Successful small business owners are justifiably pleased with their institution's name. Therefore, if you're a potent small business operator, choose according to your own preference from the massive array of advertising signs that will be best suited for your enterprise. Indeed, your customized sign should become your trademark, a calling card to prospective customers.
Advertising balloons are attention getters and they're quite effective at it. Some advertising balloons are made to be tiny on purpose. A giant advertising balloon can be a superb add-on to your current marketing campaigns. The reseller decides whether to be involved in that procedure. The timing of the promotions may also be set based on the peak times of the gym so it can reach a maximum number of individuals. Therefore, if you've been searching for a sign company Hoboken NJ, contact Signarama of Piscataway today, and together we'll make certain your next signage project is a whole success and enables your business stick out from the crowd!
As long because there are people who have to purchase things, there'll be someone hoping to sell it to us through advertisement of some sort. Advertising ought to be left to professionals. In a time when it is one of the biggest industries in American business, advertising and marketing agencies are collecting huge fees to draw attention to your product or service. Since you might well know, advertising is all about catching the interest of a specific audience to make them aware of the products and services your organization is offering. Before you run the very first ad, you ought to have a list of all of the points you would love to include during the duration of your advertising campaign. Before you run the very first ad, whether broadcast or print, you need to know how the upcoming several ads are likely to work with that initial one. If a magazine ad is too pricey, you may want to think about a newspaper ad.
Ideally your signage design ought to be as timeless as possible, therefore permitting you to re-use precisely the same portable signs for a number of events. The plan of the space layout also needs to be considered. Great design, concise message and on occasion an excellent discount voucher together with the leaflet can definitely generate maximum response.
You can learn a lot by an organization by just visiting and seeing how you're treated. Your custom made sign has to be unique to your company, branding your company with a stimulating and visually compelling company logo. If you would like to guard your institution's name, slogan and logo from being stolen and used by somebody else it is possible to find that protection once you trademark a name. Now, even there are various businesses, services, goods, agencies and other bodies employing an ideogram composed of icons and signs, only a symbol or emblem, and a mix of an image and sign in the shape of a logo.
All you have to do is promote your organization such that people just need to come and see what you offer. Small businesses have plenty of choices for advertising their business. Undeniably, the very first step in advertising your company is to get a sign. You must understand that the farther that your company or event is being seen, the more customers you're able to reach.
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yukokafka · 5 years
Strategic Signage for Business Promotion
You will not need to be worried about looking after the signage and ensuring that it doesn't crease or get damaged. Business signage is the principal building block of your advertising and marketing and advertising campaigns. Besides highlighting your place, custom made business signage is your very first opportunity to demonstrate a possible customer your business' personality.
Signage from a known great sign company is the simplest way for you to introduce a specific product or service which your company might offer. Vinyl signage is cost effective and in demand because it appears sleek and is relatively quick and simple to apply employing the most suitable tools. Besides retailers and eateries, digital signage creates a difference for common locations, that can typically be confusing. To begin with, if you're not yet selling digital signage, it is a good way to cross-sell your current clients. Digital signage doesn't serve single purpose like the conventional signals of directions. Improved property value Designing the signage has a substantial influence on the worth of a property. Employing PVC canvas in designing your signage has become the most sensible step you could take.
Enclosure design should satisfy the requirements of all age groups and not only children and visiting schools. The interior design of a retail store plays an important part in attracting clients and increasing sales. So naturally it's important to thoroughly plan and execute the ideal design for your sign.
Getting the Best Signage
Somehow you have to find permission to use photos on a web site. Successful small business owners are justifiably pleased with their institution's name. Therefore, if you're a potent small business operator, choose according to your own preference from the massive array of advertising signs that will be best suited for your enterprise. Indeed, your customized sign should become your trademark, a calling card to prospective customers.
Advertising balloons are attention getters and they're quite effective at it. Some advertising balloons are made to be tiny on purpose. A giant advertising balloon can be a superb add-on to your current marketing campaigns. The reseller decides whether to be involved in that procedure. The timing of the promotions may also be set based on the peak times of the gym so it can reach a maximum number of individuals. Therefore, if you've been searching for a sign company Boise Idaho today, and together we'll make certain your next signage project is a whole success and enables your business stick out from the crowd!
As long because there are people who have to purchase things, there'll be someone hoping to sell it to us through advertisement of some sort. Advertising ought to be left to professionals. In a time when it is one of the biggest industries in American business, advertising and marketing agencies are collecting huge fees to draw attention to your product or service. Since you might well know, advertising is all about catching the interest of a specific audience to make them aware of the products and services your organization is offering. Before you run the very first ad, you ought to have a list of all of the points you would love to include during the duration of your advertising campaign. Before you run the very first ad, whether broadcast or print, you need to know how the upcoming several ads are likely to work with that initial one. If a magazine ad is too pricey, you may want to think about a newspaper ad.
Ideally your signage design ought to be as timeless as possible, therefore permitting you to re-use precisely the same portable signs for a number of events. The plan of the space layout also needs to be considered. Great design, concise message and on occasion an excellent discount voucher together with the leaflet can definitely generate maximum response.
You can learn a lot by an organization by just visiting and seeing how you're treated. Your custom made sign has to be unique to your company, branding your company with a stimulating and visually compelling company logo. If you would like to guard your institution's name, slogan and logo from being stolen and used by somebody else it is possible to find that protection once you trademark a name. Now, even there are various businesses, services, goods, agencies and other bodies employing an ideogram composed of icons and signs, only a symbol or emblem, and a mix of an image and sign in the shape of a logo.
All you have to do is promote your organization such that people just need to come and see what you offer. Small businesses have plenty of choices for advertising their business. Undeniably, the very first step in advertising your company is to get a sign. You must understand that the farther that your company or event is being seen, the more customers you're able to reach.
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Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Voice Lessons near Me and How It Can Affect You
The Ultimate Voice Lessons near Me Trick You would like your student to have the ability to do solo facing a crowd. Likeability And Trustworthiness The sound industry, since you may already understand, is frequently a rough-and-tumble world. Obtaining your own way of singing will cause you to find unique, which is what the public appreciates and wishes to hear. Other benign styles have a tendency to demand nuances which are quite successful during operation, but aren't conducive to optimal vocal production. The chief objective of children's singing courses would be to create the learning process fun. You ought to know and take the compulsory time to learn all the basics of singing to be able to apply them.find a vocal coach Whatever your musical intentions are we can help you achieve them! Working in quite difficult conditions, do not assume you can readily fix what crises may erupt. If you're a parent, you can trust I will be a good, safe effect in your son or daughter. 1 Get The Best Guitar Lessons In the event you're looking for the ideal school for singing lessons, you want to find choose just the very best. You're also welcome to sit in online lesson in any given moment. All vocal lessons are customized to create sure you get just what you need and will need to realize your objectives, in as short a time as you can. Music Makers School isn't liable for any lost or stolen property, at any moment. Music Authority presents several group courses for kids. You find out how important it's to you and how much are you prepared to invest but it will pay off I promise. Understanding Voice Lessons near Me Behind every superb singer is a amazing teacher. Learn how to turn into comfy hearing your voice as other folks do. Any specialist performing kid ought to have a voice instructor to prevent them from damaging their own voice. Learn the tunes which you want to know! You'll also learn to sing louder and approaches to continue to keep your vocal chords healthy and callous-free. The music is similarly quite emotional, heartfelt, and stirring to hear, and frequently emotional expression and volume appear to go together. Voice Lessons near Me - Dead or Alive? It is likely to come across workshops and peer groups by looking online for key words associated with the kind of group you desire. If you are looking for strong, effective vocal training you've come to the proper site! Other calls for various functions are a good deal quieter.male vocal lessons As you are here researching the perfect music school for you, please think about the advantages of being a student and figure out why we're your very best option for music lessons. You won't run tons of vocal coaches since there are plenty to pick from. As you are here researching the very best college for you, please think about the advantages of being a Creative Soul Student. Liliya is a licensed practitioner and really among the most dedicated teachers you could possibly meet. Acting classes will enhance your voice-over functionality regardless of what area you're leaning towards. Regrettably in the region of singing, there's quite a whole lot of poor education going around! In our experience, nearly everybody is able to understand how to sing far better. In your quiet location, start by focusing on the words of your goal and move to associate an image or pictures of everything you'd like to manifest.
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How Custom Web Development Benefits Your Business in 2022
What does Web Development mean?
Web development is simply how websites are built, implemented, and displayed on the internet. It pertains to the work behind the scenes that creates a functional website that performs a set of particular, defined functions. This includes various aspects of network security, web content development, web designing, web publishing, database management and more. And to make the website look better and work well, it needs the application of DOM or Document Object Mode; HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Google can penalty every website on that server until the issue is resolved.
The Role Of Web Developers
Web developers are programmers who specialize in the development of applications relating to the World Wide Web or distributed network applications. These network applications typically run protocols like HTTP from a Web server to a client browser using associated programming languages like JavaScript, C#, Ruby and PHP—to name a few.
High-paying Job
When choosing a career path or switching to another, salary is not the only significant factor, but most of us undeniably consider it as well. With thoughts like, “Would it help me pay my bills?” or “Is it enough to provide for my family?” Web developers’ salary is definitely not cheap. In a Glassdoor report, the average salary of a web developer is $93,402 per year which makes it one of the most lucrative jobs in the market.
Be the boss of yourself
Yes, you can be a freelance developer and be your own boss. You can have better salary rate negotiations for your skills and codes. You don’t have to be tied down to just a single company; instead, you can be a freelance developer, where you can work for various employers with your flexitime work schedule. And because you’re a freelance developer, you won’t have to deal with annoying officemates. The choice is all yours. In simple words, web developers are programmers who use programming tools and write codes to “tell” a website what to do or how to function. They are like the directors and scriptwriters behind every movie.
Improves Creativity
As mentioned earlier, designing is part of the job of a web developer. And creativity is a vital skill for web development. You get to mold your own creativity and come up with different ideas. As time goes by, you will also learn from yourself by re-using your previous idea. And the limit? Only your imagination.
Have an Interesting and Fun Experience
Most of us grew up being excited and thrilled about magic. When we watch magicians perform we always have the thought, “how did they do that?” But making something disappear or appear physically is not the only magic in this world.
Programming is like magic on computers, websites, and software. You can make texts appear or disappear, create a clickable button and even drag pictures wherever you want on the screen. It all depends on however you want software or a website to work. But the magic on computers isn’t the only thing that makes web development a fun and exciting work. It is the thought that you are creating something to make people’s lives easier and more enjoyable.
Become a better problem-solver
Problem-solving is one of the most important skills a developer should have. As you think of the logic of certain codes and face bugs, it sharpens your mind and improves your way of thinking or how you approach different kinds of complex problems. You’ll know your limits, and you’ll be more challenged to exceed your capabilities and enhance your innate talents.
Scalability and Flexibility
Most of the website builders are neither scalable nor flexible suggesting their lifespan is very limited for any serious business. Custom website design offers customers with a user-friendly approach. Developers can scale the website’s design process and make necessary adjustments whenever needed. At the beginning custom developers set up a proper structure when designing the site’s roadmap. The website can be customized as needed or on an ongoing basis. Template websites do not provide us with a customization option, as many unnecessary codes that cannot be edited, create it. Open source CMS provides much more scalability and flexibility although it comes at a price and usually requires a professional or business to be able to manage the system. With custom building, you can build your own website with scalability in consideration.
Freedom for Optimization
The ability and freedom for optimization for your business is one of the biggest and most important reasons to customize your website. Even though with open source CMSs, you can do a lot this is the most crucial part. It should not only be a marketing and branding function to build a website. You can create whatever you want on your website from the start rather than going through thousands of functional and development choices. Including designing features that will support your business processes, you can also create a customer journey that best fits your business and customers. In addition to simplifying your customer journey, you can also use a tailor-made website to automate many of your business functions.
Be A Part of the Job for the future
Today, almost everything can be found on the internet. Answers to question whether they make sense or not, online shop, online course and tutorials, online entertainment such as movies and games, and even online dating is on the internet. As this generation’s technology becomes more and more popular and in-demand globally, so is the need for people with programming skills. And all these are not just for today, but also tomorrow. A computer scientist and a professor, Alan Kay once said, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
Join The Fun!
Isn’t it interesting to be a contributor to today’s trends? Isn’t fun to be a part of the fast-paced growth of technology? Whether you already have the skill but wasn’t able to sharpen it or even if you don’t have a programming background at all, it’s never too late to start learning to join the fun of coding! Aside from a CS degree from prestigious schools, coding bootcamps are created for people who have a burning desire or genuine interest to learn to code. At Coding Dojo, we offer a 14-week journey of becoming a developer. With intensive experience during the bootcamp, you will learn how to code not just with great instructors, but also with people whom you can learn with and have the same goal as you. Isn’t it interesting to be a contributor to today’s trends? Isn’t fun to be a part of the fast-paced growth of technology? Whether you already have the skill but wasn’t able to sharpen it or even if you don’t have a programming background at all, it’s never too late to start learning to join the fun of coding!
Aside from a CS degree from prestigious schools, coding bootcamps are created for people who have a burning desire or genuine interest to learn to code. At Coding Dojo, we offer a 14-week journey of becoming a developer. With intensive experience during the bootcamp, you will learn how to code not just with great instructors, but also with people whom you can learn with and have the same goal as you.
Concluding Lines
In a nutshell; here are some of the benefits of custom web development for effective management of your business.
The design of your website will be unique.
You can optimize your web design that best fits your business.
The website will be more flexible and secure to the as per the needs of the company.
The scalability of your website could be great.
Your websites load times will improve significantly.
Before you decide to go for either web design or website template, it’s better to consider what’s going to be more beneficial. It’s also wise to bear in mind that you want your business to stand out among others. You may be investing more initially on Custom Web Development, but it can be a great investment in the future success of your business.
Courtesy: web development services in lahore
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s4g2world · 3 years
SEO Training Course - Why You Need It
Website owners and web developers definitely know the importance of an SEO training course. It is an undeniable fact that if you want your website to achieve success, you need to be knowledgeable about the latest SEO strategies and information. It is not just enough to know the meaning of SEO; you also need to know how everything goes. SEO is a complex topic and you surely need a professional help to fully understand what it is and learn how to optimize your site effectively.
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The Importance Of An SEO Training Course
With ample knowledge and skills, you can drive more traffic to your website by using effective SEO techniques. Here is a list of reasons why you need to take a course on SEO:
1. The Competition Is Getting Tougher - If you try to search for a particular topic on the web, you will definitely notice the huge number of websites in which you can find what you are looking for. With this alone, you can definitely say that the competition to be on top of search engines is getting tougher. When you know about the latest and effective SEO strategies, you will be able to efficiently optimize your website.
2. Cheaper Than Hiring An SEO Company - In order to drive more traffic to your site, you can hire an SEO company to help you. However, opting for this kind of decision is pretty costly. Hiring an SEO company can cost you a lot so if you want to opt for a cost-effective choice, taking up an SEO training course is your best option.
3. Fast and Convenient Learning - There are many resources online regarding search engine optimization. However, searching for great resources online might cost you too much time and effort just to find the best. With an SEO course, the information you need to learn will be provided to you fast and hassle-free. You are also guided efficiently during the whole training. The best thing is, you will be able to have a deeper understanding about SEO with ease and convenience.
Indeed, search engine optimization has become an important aspect for a certain business to achieve success. If you run your own company and has a website, taking up an SEO training course will definitely give you a deeper and better understanding about what SEO is all about. With thousands and thousands of websites which exist online, the aim to be on top of search engines has become a tough competition among websites.
So if you are looking for reliable SEO training professionals, you can do online hunting. Today, there are companies or websites which offer SEO trainings whether it is your first time to learn SEO or not. These courses are available for amateurs and professionals who wish to learn more about the latest SEO information and techniques. The thing is, even if you already have a good understanding of what SEO is, you still have to be updated with the latest. If you want to become knowledgeable about search engine optimization, taking up an SEO training course will certainly provide you with great benefits in the long run.
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app-web-developers · 3 years
Why should you Hire a Shopify SEO Expert?
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Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the act of creating online content that maximizes its exposure in prominent search engines’ organic search results. As a result, it will be a valuable addition to the marketing plans of most firms. However, SEO is not straightforward since the most well-known Search Engines, such as Google, frequently employ complicated algorithms to analyze websites, necessitating knowledge and ability in order to perform properly.
With so many organizations and people mastering the art of Shopify and becoming Shopify Experts, they will be the ones to help you with these difficult tasks like transferring your shop from another platform or building a new e-commerce site from the ground up.
Although Shopify is a user-friendly platform, there are numerous reasons why a Shopify SEO Expert may assist you in building your shop more effectively.
Search Engine Optimization
Despite one may think of SEO, it is undeniably effective. The search engines, in particular, will bring up certain choices that must be understood.
That’s why, if you want your shop to be prominent, the search engines need to know your unique preferences. As a consequence, your original investment will pay off as your site receives more targeted visitors.
Shopify experts are knowledgeable
When it comes to managing your company’s website and online presence, you want it to be as efficient as possible. If you don’t have any prior experience running an SEO campaign or optimizing your shop, don’t panic; Shopify SEO expert has a team of specialists ready to assist you.
Because they have spent practically their entire lives optimizing Shopify websites to increase their performance, the SEO Shopify specialists have the knowledge and skills to optimize your online store. It’s best to put your faith in them to assist you enhance your store and expand your business.
Allow you to devote more time to your business.
It will take a lot of effort and time to build and optimize your Shopify website, with only a little amount of time left over to focus on your business. In this situation, hiring Shopify professionals who are also SEO specialists is a viable option.
We understand how important it is to be concerned about operations, make plans for future changes, and keep an eye on your consumers. It’s difficult to strike a balance between all of this and optimizing your Shopify site. As a result, employing a Shopify digital agency will allow you to focus entirely on your business. Simply put, all you have to do is devote your time to helping develop your physical presence while Shopify SEO Company expands your internet visibility.
Better Branding
When it comes to your company’s branding, this is undeniably true. With Hire Shopify SEO Experts, you can take your branding to the next level. As a consequence, you’ll have a beautiful, consistent-branding website, as well as tools to enable you grow and maintain your business on your own terms.
Ongoing Advice
Shopify Experts have managed a number of profitable shops and have kept that position thanks to their extensive understanding of the eCommerce industry. When selecting a Shopify SEO professional, Shopify Expert Partners will assist you in selecting the appropriate eCommerce platform as well as remaining current with Shopify upgrades by providing several pieces of advice.
Outsourcing makes sense
Other responsibilities, such as accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll, are often outsourced when you run a firm. Instead of spending hours learning about eCommerce, you can rely on our professionals to do it for you with Shopify SEO Expert. Because you only have so much time to devote to your shop, this will effectively save you time.
When Should You Consult a Shopify Expert?
A Shopify expert can assist you whether you are just getting started or have already devised a strategy but are unsure how to put it into action. Begin by identifying the issues that need to be addressed before engaging a professional. You could desire a new website, a new design, or a new app, for example. A Shopify design professional is on hand to assist you with your search. They’ll use all of their skills to develop the greatest website, graphics, or apps for your company.
It will cost money to hire a Shopify expert. Take time to consider how much money you can spend while creating a company strategy. Before you sign a contract, you must know this number. Although a Shopify setup specialist may be extremely beneficial to your business, all of their efforts will be for naught if your payments cause you to go bankrupt.
It’s time to start looking for a professional if you have the necessary cash. Simply searching the keyword will bring up a plethora of flashy websites offering to provide you with the greatest results. When sifting among these specialists, it’s important to look at their websites, case studies, and shown competence to make sure they’re capable of doing the job.
SEO is both an art and a science, as we may well know. Industry standards can change on a daily basis, and they are also subject to incremental modifications over time. Hire Dedicated Shopify Experts, who are typically highly adaptable and capable of adjusting to changing situations.
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superimmersivemedia · 3 years
Top 7 Reasons to Opt for WordPress Web Design in London
WordPress web design in London is the easiest, powerful, and best website platform for a variety of websites. It is a free, open-source website-making platform. Technically, it is written in PHP that uses a MySQL database. Many people use this platform to create their personal and business or commercial websites which is also cost-effective comparatively. Moreover, it is a versatile content management system (CMS).
7 Key reasons to opt for WordPress web design in London-
Are you looking to start your own blog website or a business website to showcase your business? Opt for best WordPress website development London. You must know that WordPress is not only the popular CMS but used by millions of businesses and web designers as well. Undoubtedly, it is easy to use, versatile, and can be learned by a relatively new user.
Most often people ask why they should use the wordpress platform for creating their website as different other platforms are also available. This article brings the top reasons that make WordPress the ideal platform for web designing-
Customisation- Wordpress has been a driven force behind successful website development and designing. You can see many websites are made using this platform as a result of the easy customisation that it provides. It also offers intuitive and user-friendly features that make it possible for both website design professionals and beginners to develop and build websites as per their needs and specifications.
Not only are there thousands of custom plugins and themes available online, but you can use most of them without investing a single penny. Some are not free to use, but quite affordable. This is why most of the websites have these free and inexpensive plugins and WordPress is widely used for web designing. In addition, many recent browsers are compatible with WordPress customised websites so it is easier for a website to reach a broader audience worldwide. 
Endless plugins- WordPress comes with various amazing features that can be extended with plugins to provide maximum functionality. As many plugins are available it is easy to develop an actively functional WordPress site. When we talk about the plugins of wordpress, it is endless, both free and premium. Most essentially, you can easily download and install plugins of your choice for free with just one click. It depends on you whether you want to choose a free or premium one. 
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Excellent themes- 
When it comes to creating and designing a nice-looking website, you must have some of the attractive themes that will serve the root function. Choosing the right and stunning theme for your website can encourage successful and attractive websites. However, you need to test the theme before applying it and make sure it meets your needs. Different types of themes are available for your website to choose from. Some of them are free, while some are inexpensive. 
Search engine Friendly- Are you planning to use SEO techniques in your website for a great return? You should be aware that WordPress web designing is organised with search engine-friendly features that come default with it. Hence, it is easier to get your objectives of search engine optimization. Also, you will have the freedom to make web addresses (URLs) that are familiar to the search engines, publish content, and install plugins available online. You can easily optimize your website for a higher SEO ranking. 
You are not only able to immediately submit your content to publish so it can be ranked easily and quickly but its content management option enables you to control how your content is distributed and indexed to reach higher.
In addition, along with the instinctive content management system, link management, and customizable permalink system, your website can be arranged to look precisely how the search engines want it to look. 
Inexpensive- Creating a WordPress website is easy and cost-effective. Themes and plugins are free, otherwise very inexpensive to customise your website effectively. All you just need to spend on domain and hosting for your website. 
Easy to Use- You as an operator don’t need any coding knowledge to operate your website as the user interface is simple and user-friendly. Your designer will customize and modify your site to meet your personal touch.
When we talk about a website, the design part is one of the most important parts that will make or mar it. When the design looks fantastic, it lures the attention of visitors, as well as helps turn visitors into loyal readers. When a website doesn’t have a good design and is user-friendly, it pushes away potential readers from your site. A functional and compelling visual website is a key so you need to hire a professional that can meet your needs. 
Various types of Websites by WordPress web design in London-
WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that powers both the backend of the website (the interface where a user logs in to make changes or add new content) and the frontend (the visible part of the website that your visitors see on the web).
Types of WordPress websites-
Personal blog- It is created by many people to share their thoughts, photos, reviews, tutorials, recipes, and so on. Anyone can create this with the help of a professional designer to publish their content quickly. 
Portfolio website- This is epically designed to showcase your artwork, design skills, and much more. 
Forum website- It is a kind of website where users ask questions or share advice.
Business website- Currently, many businesses are interested in making their online presence so they need a website to let their customers know about their companies. This is where WordPress can help you in a cost-effective way. You can customise it as per your company’s need and your potential clients can contact you, ask for a quote, schedule an appointment, etc. 
E-commerce website- If you have an e-commerce website and want to market your products and services online, a wordpress website is your need. You can also add an online payment system to your website to collect payment. Wordpress could be a great option for your online store. 
E-learning website- Now many educational institutions are providing online classes. You can also create an E-learning website by using wordpress. Your students can take online courses easily, track their progress, download resources, and do other such related activities effectively without any hassle. 
There are also some additional types of wordpress websites that can be developed such as wedding websites, membership websites, event websites, informational/brochure sites, jobs boards, etc. Functionality can include fundraising, event booking, blogs, news, contact forms, image galleries, and much, much more. All you just need to hire a professional team that has expertise in WordPress website development in London. Professional teams have years of experience and skill that helps to get this job done easily. 
Get various features by WordPress web design in London-
A wordpress website offers several amazing features to take advantage of-
A good speed- You can get a good speed operating your website as it is continually determined to remove code bloat- a reason behind slowing down a website. 
Mobile responsive - It is both computer and mobile responsive so the users will never get any hassle. 
User interface- It doesn’t include any intricate settings. You can easily operate wordpress just by knowing some tricks. 
Custom menu- It is easy to create navigation menus with links to your pages or custom links
Media file library- It incorporates a built-in media library so you can upload and embed media files easily. Also, you can do basic image editing. 
Built-in blog- All you just need to write your blog or content and publish it simply. 
Search Engine Optimization- It provides an outstanding code base for SEO that enables your content to be found via search engines such as Google or Bing and also encourages organic users to click through to your website. There is also a new edition of wordpress to be used that offers various advanced options. 
To improve your SEO further, you need to install a WordPress SEO plugin, such as Yoast. It shows how your website appears on search engines and enables you to write specific SEO titles and meta-descriptions. 
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How should you protect your WordPress site?
Bots are continuously active across the internet, searching for flaws to exploit in your website. Hence, it is essential to be concerned about appropriate security protection for your wordpress website so that it would ensure that your site is not hacked or infected with a virus. 
You need a superior security plugin such as Wordfence that will incorporate a firewall to block malicious traffic and a security scanner to check site files and content for malware. You can also implement automatic updates for both WordPress itself and any plugins that would help to patch any software security problems quickly. 
In addition, do not forget to back up your website frequently which means that you will be making and storing a copy of your site’s files and information. It ensures you are able to run your website again after a security issue. It can be carried out either manually or with a backup plugin.
How to select a company for wordpress web design in London-
Undeniably, anyone can build a wordpress website as per their needs by learning from online tutorials. When it comes to customising, optimizing, or improving the functionality of your WordPress site, you must consider a professional team that can help you in it. by using their expertise and skill, they can ensure the best and effective wordpress website development in London at the best pricing range. 
What you should look for-
Proficiency- Make sure your web designing company has expertise in WordPress and has relevant WordPress case studies. They must have experience in creating different sorts of wordpress websites as per the client’s requirements and specifications. 
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Value- When we invest money in something, we usually desire to get the best value of our money in return. Different companies charge different costs for building a wordpress website. Some of the leading and highly experienced companies may charge a higher hourly rate. Remember, they not only get your project done within a time frame but help in potential issues that would save your time, money, and energy in the long run. 
Customer support- From the first meeting or conversation to building or designing your site to post-project service, a company should be able to offer ongoing support to keep your website up-to-date, secure, and functioning at its best. This is the responsibility of your service provider. 
Clarity- Whether it is work, timeliness, or cost, a company should maintain clarity and transparency. They ought to respond to all your queries with clarity and ensure that the work of your project will be completed within a deadline at the best pricing range.  
In a nutshell, make sure you are comfortable with the team of your wordpress designing team.  
Hiring a company for WordPress web design London? You can visit www.imwebdesignmarketing.co.uk.
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