#but you don’t see me out here critiquing dmc
hamethyst · 1 year
“This game is too linear and story-centered!”
“This game focuses too much on dialogue and relationships and not enough on combat!”
Well, damn, what’s it called? Sounds right up my alley lol.
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sadstonewrites · 4 years
Fractured Psyche Chapter 5
Hey guys! I recently got an ask (who wished to remain private) who asked if it would be ok to ask questions/comment/critique the story. THe answer to that is yes - absolutely! I’m not a perfect writer by any means and although I’m doing this for funsies, I’d absolutely love to hear constructive feedback! Hope you all are doing well and staying safe!
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) x OC
Rated M
Piotr was trying his best not to vomit as he approached Wade’s body, a smoking hole where his chest should be. The beam had shot clean through to where he could see the road on the other side of his body, the edges of his uniform smoldering; the smell was enough to make everyone in the vicinity gag.
Yukio was shaking in Ellie’s arms, Ellie herself looking a bit green at the sight of seeing Wade’s body partially disintegrate in front of her. Dopinder had caught up as well, his taxi parked off to the side of the road, which he was now vomiting beside.
“Aw, dammit. I liked this suit.” Wade croaked, his body already beginning to knit itself back together in a mass of mottled skin. If it was painful, he didn’t let it on. Cable helped to pull him to his feet, unbothered by the grisly sight. “Anyone seen some ribs?”
“Mr. Pool, they are over here.” Dopinder called back, turning away to vomit again.
“Wade, are you alright?” Piotr asked, attempting to swallow his lunch back into his stomach.
“Oh yeah, just peachy. Not like I needed any of those internal organs anyways. Or major sections of my spine.” Wade grunted, “Everyone else okay? Negasonic Tropical Depression? Dopinder?”
“Fine, we’re fine.” Ellie said, her tone void of its usual iciness, clearly shaken up but trying not to show it. Piotr put a hand on her shoulder and softly squeezed it.
“Ellie, breathe. Everything is okay.” Piotr frowned. “It’s my fault, I should have warned you -”
“Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself man of steel.” Wade clapped him on the shoulder, his posture slightly bent as his spine was continuing to reform. “I don’t think anyone saw that light show coming.” Wade asked. “Anyone else tasting metal? Besides you, obviously.”
“Ah shit, Domino.” Cable said in sudden realization, taking off back towards the ruined trailer. There was no sound of gunfire, which could’ve either been a good thing or a bad thing considering the current circumstances. The rest of them took off running, Wade bringing up the rear with a slow hobble as his body reformed.
Domino had indeed stopped firing, and was standing in front of the trailer, looking upwards quizzically.
“They just...dropped.” She said, pointing up towards the roof of the trailer. Even at his height, Piotr had to get up on his toes to see the outline of the black figure laying down on the roof. They weren’t moving, no sign that they were even still conscious.
“I’m picking up vital signs,” Cable said, his cybernetic eye glowing as it scanned over the trailer. “Still alive. Someone needs to go up there.”
“Could be a surprise attack.” Domino murmured. “Catch us with our guard down, blast us with that energy beam.”
“Or they could be hurt.” Yukio offered in a small voice.
All eyes turned to Wade, who crossed his arms over the hole in his suit, his reformed chest exposed beneath. “No way, nuh uh, I already got one suit ruined today.” Wade argued defensively. “Do you know how hard it is to get this fabric in the exact shade of red?”
“I’ll go.” Dopinder announced.
“Gonna nix that one Brown Panther, the last thing we need is another bloodlust, Kirsten Dunst episode.” Wade threw up his hands. “Ah, fuck it, fine. Chrome-dome, give me a leg up.”
“Need to hurry before DMC arrives.” Piotr said, “last thing we need right now.”
“Oof, yeah, I’m with you on that one,” Wade gave a shiver. “I’m still kind of on their shit list after last time. Now, firmly but gently grab my butt and boost me.”
“I mean I wasn’t going to suggest doing it roughly but if you insist -”
“No, I didn’t mean... just hold still.” Piotr grabbed Wade by his waist and hoisted him up effortlessly. Clambering up the side, Wade looked back down at him and mimed a swoon.
“This is the second time you’ve manhandled me today, I must be dreaming.”
“Hurry it up you talking buttplug.” Cable yelled up at him.
“Fine, fine. Alright, let’s see who’s really behind this mask - Old man Jenkins or -”
Piotr caught the cracked helmet as Wade threw it off the side of the trailer; it felt surprisingly lightweight in his hands to have been so sturdy in their fight. He passed it off to Ellie - she was good with tech stuff, maybe she could get something out of it - for safekeeping. From up above, Wade had stopped talking, and from his position on the ground he could see the sudden stiffness in Wade’s demeanor.
“Wade? Are you okay?” He called up. No reply, no smart comment, nothing. That wasn’t a good sign. “Wade?”
“I uh...Oh, my god. Oh my god.” His voice was strained, near hysterical; that was cause enough for Piotr to be alarmed, climbing up the side of the trailer and raising himself up onto his feet.
Wade had the figure’s head resting on in his shoulder, the rest of their body pulled into his lap. With the helmet removed, Piotr could now see their face -  light brown hair shorn short to their head, gaunt and pale. Their skin was the color of candle wax, sallow circles underneath their eyes. In Wade’s arms, it was hard to believe that this still figure had been the one causing all the trouble when it looked like they could barely keep their head up on their own.
“I know   them, they were - we - oh god. This can’t be happening.” Wade groaned, readjusting his position to have the figure sitting up. “Hey, c’mon, you gotta stay with me. Stay with me.”
“What’s the hold up?” Cable shouted from below.
“One minute, please.” Piotr called back, taking a step towards Wade and the person in his arms. He got onto his knees and sank to the roof, eye-level with the mercenary in red. “Wade, I need you to calm down. Are they breathing?”
“Yeah, yeah they’re breathing but it’s all rapid and shallow, and their eyes are all glassy.”
“We need to get back to jet, we can give them proper medical attention there. NTW,”  he called down to the trainee, “prep emergency medical on jet.”
“You got it,” she called back up, running back to the jet with Yukio close behind her.
He turned back to Wade, still holding the mystery person in his arms. “Wade, we need to move to jet. Can you carry her-?”
“Them.” Wade all but shouted, his grip on the body in his arms tightening.
“What?” Piotr blinked.
“They’re not a girl. And...and their name is Lane.”
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