#but you guys KNOW my notebooks are FILLED with these guys (mostly mikey)
feeling--pink · 5 months
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I have done it!! I have drawn the toitles!!! :D :D :D
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soldrawss · 4 years
Ok, this morning I opened Tumblr, found your blog, started checking all your rottmnt tagged posts, found your big brother Mikey AU, CRIED FOR ALMOST AN HOUR as I red every post about it, drooled all over your gorgeous art, smiled like a crazy person reading all your Human AU posts, got up with the sun in my chest and more energy than I know what to do with and have been productive since then. I don’t know what to ask (or if you take asks) but I crave more infos about your big brother Mikey AU���️
WOAH OK this was such an incredibly sweet ask and I’m SO HAPPY that my BBM au could bring you so much joy and ahhhh!!! Just thank you so much, this ask made my night <3 Here’s one of the many little stories I’ve written for the AU that I’ve sent to my friend @zacharandom (thanks for always reading my little emotional blurbs about these kiddos Zach~) Enjoy!
(I haven’t gotten into it yet (I will, it’s a separate ask I’m working on) But Leatherhead is a BIG part of the BBM au. Zach had asked if any of the kiddos had ever been to LH’s place, since LH always stays over at the Hamato’s, and I said yes, but only Donnie, and then this mini fic was born.)    Donnie and Mikey get into a 'fight'. And I say 'fight' because Donnie doesn't really know what else to call it. Because he doesn't pick fights, not really, not with Mikey. He doesn't go looking for them with Mikey like he does with Leo. Leo, who can take the worst of Donnie’s shitty teenage attitude and come out of it alright, wearing the worst of Donnie’s temper and anger like a bulletproof vest. Donnie can afford to hurt Leo cause Leo won't break because of it. He's safe to hurt. But it's different with Mikey. Mikey, who's so tired he can barely stand straight most days. Who has bags under his eyes like dark stickers, that not even doe-eyed and ever adoring Raph can peel away. And Donnie KNOWS better than to pick a fight with Mikey about it, it was mostly why he was trying to avoid the conversation altogether. Why he had hidden all the school letters and hacked into Mikey's phone to block all the emails and texts and phone calls from the school about it. He didn't expect Mikey to run into one of his teachers after work and basically blow everything Donnies worked so hard to avoid. He didn't want to skip a few grades. He didn't care what his teachers or his GPA said. He didn't CARE if they thought he was ‘wasting his potential’. He wasn't, and they had no right to complain about it to his big brother like they did. Donnie had TOLD Mikey that he didn't want to. Had gone all the extra lengths to take as many of the AP classes the adjacent high school offered, bargained and pleaded and BEGGED them. He’d do whatever it took, but he didn't want to move grades. He didn't want to quit the robotics club. He didn't want to go to school with a bunch of kids older than him and be the butt end of every baby freshmen joke in the book. He didn't want to be separated from Leo. He really, really, really didn't. And he had explained this all to Mikey. And he knew that Mikey KNEW this. But the teachers wouldn't stop hounding him, and Mikey was already so tired anyway, the weight of the world always seemed to be a weighted pressure on his shoulders that looked physical, with the way Mikey’s whole body sagged. Like every move he made was a conscious effort and pain. Donnie knew this, and he still yelled at Mikey about it anyway. And Mikey didn't yell back, cause Mikey never yelled back at them, but his voice was stern and tired and it just begged Donnie to at least consider talking about it. But Donnie’s 13, and the biggest jerk in the world because he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. And Mikey didn't deserve the one sided shouting match that was all Donnie, he didn't deserve the pointed "I can't believe you would take THEIR side, you NEVER listen to me!" And Mikey DEFINITELY didn't deserve the front door slamming in his face, the last words Donnie said hanging in the air behind him. "I HATE IT HERE!" It wasn't raining, but there was a misty cold hanging in the November air as Donnie sat at an empty park bench, somewhere in Flushing, feeling like the biggest loser in the world the second he ran away and oh,,, oh God. He ran AWAY. How could he run away? He didn't want to run away! He didn't want to run away from anything, especially if it was away from Mikey. Mikey, who deserved more than Donnie’s cold shoulder and heated words, but took it anyway, and he didn't even flinch as Donnie practically screamed at him. He just looked tired. More tired than ever. And accepted Donnie’s temper tantrum like he accepted every other bad thing that has ever happened to him. Like he thought he deserved it. And he was sad. Sad in a way that made Donnie want to throw up. Because he was one of the people who were NEVER supposed to hurt Mikey like that. But he did. He did and he ran away like a little kid and he felt so STUPID about it, jumping on the first bus he could and taking it to God knows what neighborhood and now he was sitting alone on some random park bench, the November cold sinking into his skin and thin shirt cause he didn't have the mind to grab a jacket on his way out and GOD what was he doing? He was cold and alone and probably lost and Mikey probably hated him and now- "Donatello?" Came a voice from behind Donnie, and Donnie whirled around on the park bench because he'd recognize that low and gentle voice anywhere and... Yup. There he was. Lieven Heather, or Leatherhead as Mikey always affectionately called him, standing tall and curious like. His long black hair pulled into a low bun, his green eyes leaf-like and bright, piercing through the dark park like fireflies, looking at Donnie like he was searching for an answer before he got the chance to ask the question and WOAH was Donnie not the emotional type, but he could have cried when he saw the familiar face.
Actually, he was already crying before, but crying because you’re happy to see someone and crying because you’re a jerk to your big brother are two completely different types of emotions, and Donnie tried to hide it either way by rubbing at his face with the back of his wrist. LH’s namesake leather jacket is HUGE on Donnie, but the 12 year old takes it without a fight because LH does NOT look like he's willing to negotiate, as he holds a bag of groceries in one hand and holds an umbrella over the both of them in the other, saying that his apartment is just a few blocks away, and it'd be best to get out of the cold. The tall man doesn't press Donnie for details, doesn't ask why his friend's kid brother is out at 8pm on a school night, all the way on the other side of the city, eyes red with something between tempered anger and grief and skin pale with November cold. Donnie is thankful for it. He doesn't feel like explaining himself quite yet. The second hand hurt from before is still raw in his chest, and even though he knows he's the one at fault, he can't really shake off the sinking black hole feeling in his chest. So the 10-minute walk is mostly silent. LH lives in a grey bricked building, on the third floor, and his apartment is exactly what Donnie would expect if he really thought hard about it. It was a simple studio, minimalist and uncluttered, but that seemed more because the place felt untouched rather than because LH was a particularly clean guy. All the electronics on in the kitchen where stainless steel and spotless, Donnie half suspected they were untouched because of the garbage can filled with dollar store Ramen noodle cups and forks in the sink. His grey walls were bare, and he didn't have a TV,  but there was a large bookshelf that covered the expanse of one wall, filled to the brim with thick books that looked like they belonged in the reference section of a library. There was a little queen-sized bed shoved in the corner, neatly made, and looked rarely slept in. The only sign of life in the little apartment that felt much too small for the nearly 7-foot man was the little desk that sat beside the bed, which was covered in astrophysics textbooks, notebooks filled with scribbled notes and a few orange study note cards that had Donnie's older brother written (metaphorically) all over them. Lh motioned to the chair at the desk with a nodded, "you can sit there if you want. I'll make some Valerian tea." "Valerian tea?" "Helps with stress." "I'm not stressed." "Right, of course not. Still tastes good." And Donnie doesn't really like tea, he'd much prefer coffee, or one of the energy drinks Leo sneaks him during school lunches because Mikey doesn’t buy them, but he knows better than to ask for that. He knew about LH’s anxiety disorder and underlying PTSD, from a past that Donnie didn't know any details about except from snippets he'd overhear here and there from the hushed late-night conversations LH and Mikey would have when they thought that Leo and Donnie and Raph were asleep, and he knew that caffeine wasn't something LH indulged in often because of it. The tea tastes fine though. It's hot, and burns his throat a little, but Donnie doesn't care enough to wait for it to cool down to enjoy it. Because it hurts, and Donnie figures he kinda deserves the pain. It's after a few quiet minutes, Donnie sitting at LH’s desk while LH leans against his kitchen counter, that Donnie reaches for a courage he doesn't usually possess and tells LH everything.
About the extra AP classes, and the nosey teachers, and the way it feels a bit too suffocating trying to be everything everyone wants him to be.
And how it all feels too lonely. He barely remembers his mom. He’s starting to forget dad. Mikey works all the time and Raph goes to a completely different school. If he moves up a few grades, then he loses Leo too. And he just can’t deal with that. He can’t deal with everyone, some way or another, leaving him. And how in some, backward, twisted way, it sometimes feels like people are trying to get rid of him. And he just can’t take it anymore. Donnie likes LH. He's smart and collective and cool and he's super nice to Mikey and he’s pretty much everything that Donnie wants to be when he grows up. And he's friends with LH. LH gives him pointers on his science projects and he teaches Leo how to punch a bully like its nothing and he's patient and understanding and helpful with Raph's temper and he's a godsend of a friend the Hamato clan didn't know they could afford after April had came into their lives and Donnie LIKES Lh. But he didn't think they were good enough friends for Donnie to deserve THIS. LH listened to him patiently and quietly. Nodding at the appropriate moments in Donnie’s tearful and half-hysterical rambling about his school and his GPA and how he didn't mean to take it out on Mikey and he didn't mean to run away but GOD he was so sick of everyone looking down on him like a little kid and like HE didn't know what was best for him and didn't have a choice in deciding HIS future. And he expects LH to get mad at him too, cause he was Mikey’s friend first before Donnie’s, and Donnie YELLED at Mikey, and Donnie WASNT going to sob like a child about it, but his head lowers and there's a stupid stinging in his eyes and he sniffs once or twice anyway when he mutters "God, I'm so stupid. Mikey probably hates me right now and is so mad at me." And he can hear LH sigh, and put his own cup of tea down, before walking over to where Donnie sat and crouching before his chair. "That's funny you think that, because when I texted him earlier, he sounded nothing short of scared out of his mind and relieved." "You texted him???" "Well yeah, of course. He called me shortly after you ran out, singing the same tune you are about how you're so mad at him and he didn’t mean to fight with you and that you probably hate him. That’s probably the only reason I even saw you, I wouldn't have known to look out for you if he hadn't told me to keep a lookout for you." And that, woah, Donnie felt a million times worse now because of COURSE, he didn't hate Mikey! Donnie wasn't even MAD at him. He was just being a stupid stubborn teen who took out all his frustrations and insecurities on the last person in the world who deserved it and boy oh boy, this whole thing was so stupid anyway.
“How about he finish our tea, wait for you to get a little bit warmed up first, and then get you back home so that you can tell everything you just told me to your brother. Because I think we both know how much he’d want to hear how you truly felt about this situation.”
And that... that sounded good. Because after his entire mini-rant, it felt like a shadow had been cleared from over Donnie’s heart, and now he wanted nothing more than to go home and hug his big brother for all his worth and apologize about a million and half times. Maybe more. Donnie hadn’t decided yet.
After they had finished their cup of tea, and LH had given Donnie one of his warmer college sweaters to wear before they took the subway back to the Hamato residence, where Mikey stood in front of the building, red-cheeked and shivering from the cold in a giant puff jacket and pajama bottoms, waiting for them.
Donnie didn't even wait, he ran the second he saw the familiar orange jacket that belonged to one of his favorite people on the planet and broke into a breakneck sprint, colliding into his older brother’s chest and waiting arms, and breaking into a choked cough when Mikey’s arms instantly wrapped around him like he always belonged there.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run away!" Donnie rushed to say because he didn't want a second to go by without Mikey knowing that, but Mikey was already running a gentle hand through his hair and hushing into the crown of his head.
"Shhhh, shhhh it's ok, buddy. I know. I'm just glad you're home." And Mikey still had bags like bruises under his eyes, and looked on the point of breaking if Donnie hugged him too tightly, but he still smiled at Donnie with all the affection and warmth of the world when they pulled away, and Donnie couldn't fight the urge to spit out, "I don't hate it here! And I don't hate you. Ever! I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry Mikey." And Mikey replied with a soft smile and an "I know, kiddo. It’s ok." But there was relief like a balloon losing helium in his eyes and shoulders, like he would have believed differently if Donnie hadn't said anything, and Donnie made the promise there and then that he’d do everything in his power to make sure Mikey never thought that way, even for a second, again. LH hadn't stayed over for the pizza movie night that Mikey offered as a silent ‘thanks for bringing my kid home’, so Mikey and Donnie saw him off at the subway station, and made the few blocks back to their waiting apartment and waiting little brothers with their arms around each other in a side hug. Neither one of them wanting to let each other out of their grasps. And there had been a promise to talk about it later, because Donnie was feeling a little more up for negotiation even though Mikey swore up and down that he’d back whatever Donnie decided to do 110%, but it could wait till another day, when both of their nerves and hearts weren't so tender and raw with emotion. Tonight, they would just sink into the weathered old couch that was softened by a million quilts, and out on a Mothra vs Godzilla movie, and squeeze themselves between an over-excited Raph, who couldn't stay still and just HAD to act out all the Godzilla fight scenes, and a relaxed Leo, who sprawled his legs over Donnie's lap despite Donnie complaining about it, but Donnie didn't make any effort to push him away because Leo kept keeping a wary and watchful eye on his two older brothers, probably knowing more about both sides than either one of them, and keeping his legs over Donnie was half for familiarity and half to keep him from jumping up and running out again and huh, maybe he wasn’t so relaxed after all. Guess Donnie had more than a million and a half apologies to make. Better round it off to a good 2 million, just to be safe. Because Donnie couldn't rightly blame him for keeping a careful eye out, but Donnie had learned his lesson. He wasn't running away again. He wasn't running anywhere if it was away from his brothers. Away from the only family he’s ever had. Because donnie was stubborn and stuck in his ways. And he wasn't going to quit the robotics club, and he wasn't going to skip grades and he wasn't going to leave Leo behind and he wasn't going to be left behind. Donnie wasn’t going to run away. Because Donnie wasnt going anywhere.
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(one of the doodles I did for this particular story)
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ezilyamuzed · 6 years
The New Kid
Summary: Reader is a 10-year old kid that often has trouble fitting in with others because she is seen as different. She meets two different people in a short period of time that seem to get it. To get her. 
Warnings: Fluff. Brief playground violence. Bullying. 
Setting: 1989.
A/N: Started as a completely random one shot, however realized that this can squeeze itself somewhere along the “There’s no place like home” series since that has been the focus of my thoughts as of late. Please excuse any grammatical errors since I am human. Any feedback is always welcomed! 
*The picture is not mine, it came from google. Not trying to violate any copyright laws!
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It was sunny Saturday afternoon as you laid, sprawled out coloring in your mom’s office. She was busy grading papers on the History of Norse Mythology. You doodled the stories she had often told you as bedtime stories. Thor with his mighty hammer and lightning. The goddess Freya with her cats. Character’s you knew all too well that you could have probably aced the college level exam although you were only 10 years old. A knock on the door brought both of your attentions to the doorway.
“Dr. Y/L/N?”
An older man walked in with dark hair that had little flakes of grey starting through the sides with scruff to match. He was wearing a beat-up leather jacket over top of a plaid flannel and denim jeans. He looked nervous as he saw you laying on the floor. 
“Yes, how can I help you Mr.?” your mother replied.
“John ma’am,” he stated. “I some questions you might be able to help me with. A friend told me that you were the best at this kind of thing... Bobby.”
Your mother’s eyes widen as her breathing slowly decreased. “Y/N, why don’t you go see if you can go play with Dr. Brown’s mice again sweetie?” she said while looking down at you from her desk.
“But mom…” you started to argue.
“Y/N, out now,” she snapped.
You got up slowly while scrunching up your nose to her. She was mad, so you knew that you should follow her orders although you’ve been in her office plenty of times when people came in with questions. They usually didn’t even give you a second look as you typically hid off to the side. 
You looked up to the man as you walked past. His dark hazel eyes watching you closely with sadness in them, like he knew a secret. You turned the corner out of the office to move down the hall as you heard his voice speak up while closing the door. “Does he know?”
You didn’t want to play with Dr. Brown’s lab mice again. The last time Luci bite you hard. Raph would often just sit there. Gabes would run around like a maniac, and Mikey would attack the other mice around him if he didn’t have your undivided attention. You opted to go outside and sit along the steps to the building instead. The college kids were all busy in their own conversations about papers and tests coming up as they all walked past in a hurry. Some of them that knew you would give you a friendly smile and wave. This was your home. After about twenty minutes the door behind you opened slowly as the man strolled past you down the stairs.
“You get everything you needed mister?” you asked politely. 
He turned his head to you and gave you a sheepish smile. “Yeah, kid. Your mom is really helpful.”
You bit your lip nervously before asking him the question you were dying to know. “You’re going after monsters aren’t you?”
He was pushed back in shock at your bluntness.  He rubbed the back of his head nervously before responding. “Where did you get that idea kid?”
You shrugged up your shoulders quickly. “You’re not the first one who has come to my mother to ask questions. Most of them usually have fake badges, but you look like the others who don’t care to pretend.”
He gave you a little nod as he walked over to sit next to you. “So how old are ya kid?”
“10 years old. Pretty young to be thinking about monsters being real don’t ya think?”
“I might be a kid, but I’m not blind. There are strange things that happen all the time. There aren’t many other explanations,” you replied while rolling your eyes.
“You’re pretty smart there. You must take after your mom. What about your dad?” he questioned while staring towards your face for your response. 
“He thinks I’m crazy, but he is the crazy one,” you said while shrugging your shoulders again.
“I see,” he said softly. “It’s not an easy thing for a kid. I got two boys around your age.”
You nodded your head in agreement as he got up and told you to take care of yourself, maybe seeing you again someday. John, the one adult who didn’t call you crazy. The one adult who seemed to understand. 
Monday morning in school was busy as usual. Classmates bragging about their weekends like they hadn’t seen each other in years. You didn’t even care to participate in the gossip and story sharing. They all knew what you were probably doing the last two days anyway, hiding in your mom’s office, probably reading another book on the supernatural. Going off on a shopping spree and getting new things that would go out of style the next week was a waste of time to you. Spending a Saturday night to braid someone else’s hair while talking about boys sounded like torture. None of it mattered in the long run. What you looked like, what you had, the group you hung out with, none of it would matter in the end. They were just things to fill the void for most people’s loneliness in the world. Although you didn’t really have “friends”, you weren’t lonely. You knew who you were and you were okay with it. You were just different…
A new kid had walked in as the morning bell rang. Typical 10 year old boy with a round face that was covered in freckles wearing jeans and t-shirt that had an interesting charm laying from a black cord around his neck. As the teacher looked at the note he handed her, she motioned for him to sit next to you in the back. He nodded and slowly walked toward you with his eyes focused on the ground. 
“Everyone turn to page 148 in the American Culture textbook,” you teacher said while turning her back to the class to start writing something on the board. The boy looked around uncomfortably as he sat down at the desk. Everyone was pulling out their books and supplies while he had nothing. You pulled out an extra notebook and pen that you had in your book bag and handed it to him. He gave you a surprised look as he gave you a soft thanks. His bright green eyes shined with gratitude. You nodded and pushed your desk towards his while laying your textbook open to the page between you. 
The rest of the morning continued with you trying to help the new kid catch up. He was grateful, but also seemingly uninterested in what was going on. His eyes always focused on the door like he would have to leave again at any second. At recess instead of reading the book you brought from your mom's office, you decided to get to know the new kid. To make him feel welcomed at least since all of your peers didn’t seem to notice. It must be hard being a new kid you assumed. You knew it was hard enough being the weird kid.
“You doing alright?” you quickly asked as you approached his side while walking out to the playground.
“Yeah, just…don’t know how my little brother is doing. Also, my dad…not sure exactly what he’s up to,” he said while kicking the gravel around with his sneakers while focusing on the pattern he was creating.
“I’m sure they are fine,” you smiled.
“Don’t talk to that freak kid,” yelled a voice behind you. Billy. The sheriff’s 11-year-old son that was only an inch shorter than you, but at least 50lbs heavier. He had tormented you for the last year, ever since his dad caught you in the abandoned farm nearby. You had lied and said that you were just looking, but the salt, iron bar, lighter fluid, and matches found on you gave you away. You were up to something and wouldn’t flinch from your story although they tried. 
“I can talk to whomever I want to,” spoke up the voice next to you defensively. Was he defending his new kid rep, or you?
“Freak found another freak to be her friend,” Billy taunted while bouncing his weight back and forth. He was making silly faces suggesting two people French kissing.
“Seriously dude, stop it. Alright?” You looked over at the new kid and saw that his face was getting red with anger. His fists clenching next to him. 
“Get out of here Billy. Stop being a jerk,” you hissed. 
“Y/N got herself a boyfriend…another FREAK!” he yelled. 
You didn’t mean to strike him that his nose started to bleed. Well, okay you did. As he caught his balance his eyes filled with rage. He began to charge after you but was met with another fist, this time from your playground companion that sent Billy onto his back.
A smile rose upon your face as you heard your teacher screaming for everyone to settle down. She pulled both of your arms into the building while another teacher tended to Billy’s wounded ego. 
“Y/N, I’m calling your mother right now. And you…” she said while glaring at the new kid. “I’ll be notifying your parents as well to take you home. We do not tolerate that kind of behaviors in this school.”
She left you both to sit in the hall. You leaned your head back onto some lockers while watching him rub his knuckles gently. 
“You didn’t have to do that you know,” you said while nodding to his hands.
“The guy was a jerk,” he said with a shrug. “Anyways I don’t really care, I’ll probably move on to somewhere else by the end of the week.”
“Move around a lot?” 
“Yeah, my dad does a lot of…on the road jobs,” he said while stretching out his legs. “So why did he call you a freak anyway?”
You rolled your eyes to his question. Why wouldn’t he, was all you could think. It’s not like you were like them…normal.
“I just don’t quite fit in I guess,” you said with a shrug. “Not really interested in talking puppets from outer space named Alf or playing on a game boy.”
“What do you do then?”
“Read mostly. History books, primarily about myths and legends.”
You’ll probably be some kind of teacher one day huh?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged. “My mom is a professor, so I guess I could stay in the family business.” 
Your teacher’s voice made your whole body shudder as she motioned to you to follow her into the office. Your dad was probably already on his way, or even worse…your mom. You got up slowly as her eyes glared at you to hurry up. 
“Guess I’ll see ya around then kid,” you said while looking back to him.
“Hey, Y/N,” he yelled. “I’m Dean by the way.”
“See ya around then. Dean.”
Dean. The new kid. One of the only people you had ever met that stood up for you. He hadn’t even known you, and he stepped in. He didn’t show up to school the next day, and after a week everyone else seemed to have forgotten he was ever there. The empty desk sitting next to you would often remind you of that brief moment when you had someone you would call a friend. Your Protector. Dean, the green-eyed boy. 
Tags @waywardbaby @jaylarkson
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coupleokits-blog · 7 years
Little Baby Freshman pt. 3
Trigger warning!!! Starting to get into hazing and baby play. If you don’t like this content or are uncomfortable with it, please stop reading. - Daisy
Daisy shut her alarm clock off. She didn’t want to disturb Annabell and she was up before her alarm for her 9AM class anyway. She leapt out of bed and put on the outfit she chose for her first day of school, a pale yellow dress with little green and white faded flowers printed all over it. She slipped on sandals, pinned her signature daisy next to her ear, and twirled her hair curl into place. After double checking all of her books, notebooks, pens, and pencils were in her book bag, she tossed it over one shoulder and headed out the door.
Roaming toward class, Daisy took time to focus on her first day’s schedule. She had three classes scheduled for the day and would have time to eat lunch somewhere between her middle and last class. There was a rush event for KIT tonight as well that she was very excited for.
She stopped at a little cafe on campus to grab a blueberry muffin and a vanilla iced coffee to enjoy on her way to class. She made it to the lecture hall early and got a good seat in the third row, center. She thought it wasn’t too showy but it wasn’t obnoxiously good girl, either.
While noshing on her muffin, she was setting up her books and notebook so she was prepared when the professor came in. People were slowly filtering in. Some looked nervous, some looked excited, and some just looked downright tired already. Daisy saw her screen light up and turned her attention there.
*I c u d:*
It was a text from Mikey. Her heart skipped a beat and then she looked around confused but with a smile. When she looked back at the entryway at the top of the stairs, she saw Mikey smiling smugly back at her leaning in the doorframe. He was wearing a dark blue baseball jacket, dark jeans, and had his book bag slinked over one shoulder lazily, the leather strap visible in his hand and on his shoulder.
She waved shyly at him and he started down towards her. “This seat taken?” he asked. She motioned to the seat next to her and he sat down. He tossed his backpack on the ground and pulled out a notebook and a pencil.
“I didn’t know you were taking ANTH 101,” Daisy said. Mikey shrugged.
“It fulfills some social science credit or something,” Mikey replied.
“I never did ask you what your major is,” Daisy implied.
“I’m going for architecture right now,” Mikey said. “What about you, Ms. Honors?”
Daisy chuckled a little bit. “I’m going for international business with a minor in French.”
“Oh, so you start a crazy business in France and I’ll build you a crazy cool building,” Mikey joked.
Daisy giggled again, “Sure, sounds like a plan.” The professor came in, rushing because he was late. The two exchanged glances like “look at this guy” and then class began.
That night, Daisy and Annabell were getting ready in their dorm room to head to the KIT rush event. They were talking about their first day and trying to brainstorm what might go on at the event.
“I heard that they invite the guys from ΔΟΓ and they do a lot of stuff together,” Annabell gossiped.
“No way, how would they get to know the girls, then?” Daisy said, suddenly nervous.
“I don’t know, something about how they interact with the guys and stuff,” Annabell shrugged. “Some girl in my MATH 104 class said her friend rushed last year and that’s what happened to her.”
“Is that all she said?” Daisy asked.
“Yeah, she didn’t say much else. They’re super secretive,” Annabell replied as she finished curling her long brown hair. The bunny hopped over to the mirror to put on her makeup and jewelry. “I heard that they only accept like 10 girls a semester, though. They also rarely accept freshmen on their first try, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much.”
Daisy nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” In her head, she thought but I hope they like me enough. My mom would be so proud. “You almost ready?”
“Yeah, just putting the finishing touches on,” Annabel closed her pearl necklace around her neck and pulled up black lace gloves to her elbows. Daisy thought she looked stunning in her black cocktail dress, high strappy heels, gloves, and pearls. Daisy came and stood next to her, giving her outfit the once over in the mirror. She thought she and Annabell looked totally different. Annabell looked elegant in her all-black and pearls while Daisy was wearing mostly white and light blue with silver accents. She thought she looked good, though.
“Alright, I’m ready!” Daisy said. Annabell smoothed down her dress, grabbed her purse, and ushered Daisy out the door to the event.
Daisy and Annabell reached the KIT house, just a few blocks off campus. They could see the lights on inside and a bunch of people through the window. There was a banner that read “Welcome back, sisters!” draped under the large, light up KIT letters on the side of the top floor of the two story house. Daisy and Annabell exchanged a glance then walked up the steps to the front door. They were about to knock, but there was a handwritten sign on the door that instructed everyone to come in and make themselves at home. Annabell opened the door and the two nervously went in.
“Hi!!!” an eager deer wearing a navy blue shirt with sparkly light pink KIT letters on it came over almost immediately. “Welcome to the KIT house! My name is Elsie,” she introduced herself, pointing to a nametag on her shirt. “Are you two interested in rushing KIT?”
Daisy nodded and Annabell spoke up, “Yes, we’re interested. We’re freshmen and-”
“FRESHMEN! How exciting!” Elsie almost shrieked, clapping her hooves together. “Come in, come in! I’ll show you to the other girls. Oh! Don’t forget to fill out a nametag,” she held out two name tags and two permanent markers. The girls hastily filled them out and Elsie ushered them into a back room with some couches and other girls drinking from blue cups. A lot of the girls were wearing matching navy blue and pink letters like Elsie, the rest were dressed to the nines like Daisy and Annabell. Some looked nervous, some looked totally natural.
Elsie brought them over to a gorgeous red panda who was talking to some of the other KIT sisters by a beautiful stone fireplace. “Girls, this is Melanie, she’s the current president of Kappa Iota Tau here on campus. Melanie, I found two freshmen for you!” Elsie said motioning to the two girls.
Melanie held out her paw and looked at them from under her eyelashes, “nice to meet you-” she read their name tags, “Daisy Mae and Annabell. You’re just in time, we were just about to get started.” The girls shook her hand and then Melanie took a step up onto the fireplace mantel. “Quiet!!!” she commanded the room, “welcome to the first rush event for Kappa Iota Tau for the fall 2018 semester! Tonight we’re going to do a little getting to know you and play a few games. As some of you may know, our brother fraternity Delta Omega Gamma is also here on campus and they live right next door to us. We want to see how you’ll work with our brothers so they’ll be joining us for some of our rush activities. Oh boys!”
At her beckoning, frat boys wearing the ΔΟΓ letters came streaming in the back door. The brothers were wearing hunter green shirts with yellow letters and the pledge-hopefuls were all dressed nicely in various button ups and slacks. A husky wolf joined her on the mantle, clearly a little buzzed.
“My name is Blaine, and I’m the president of Delta Omega Gamma!” he yelled, which got a bunch of whoops from his brothers. “Tonight, we’re going to kick off the event with a game. Freshmen!!! Step forward!!!”
Upon his command, seven boys and nine girls stepped up to the mantle and lined up facing the two presidents. Daisy saw Mikey at the end of the line and smiled quickly before Blaine started yelling more instructions and she snapped her attention forward. “The name of the game is pin the binky on the freshmen!” There were snickers running through the lettered members of the crowd. All of the freshmen shifted nervously and looked around the room. The other people who were rushing looked relieved.
“Now now, don’t look so scawed!” Melanie said in a baby voice, “it’s nothing bad! We just want to know who our little babies are and who will have to take care of them.” She leaned forward and patted a shy looking black cat on the head. “Upper class pledges, step forward! Freshmen, turn around and face the back of the room, upperclassmen line up against the back wall facing them.”
A hole parted in the crowd that was against the back wall. Eight girls and seven boys lined up against the back wall. A bespeckled ram started handing binkies and blindfolds to the upperclassmen. Having an idea of where this was going, the black cat ran out of the room trying not to cry. The front door opened and closed quickly and everyone watched her go. A couple of boys in the corner began snickering again.
“Well, at least we have an even number now,” Melanie stated coyly.
“The rules of the game are simple!” Blaine roared. “Upperclassmen, you will put your blindfolds on and try to walk in a straight line to the freshman across from you. Your goal is to get the binky in their mouth. First pair to do this successfully wins!”
“Freshmen, no moving from your spots. You can open your mouth and try to catch the binky, but no stepping forward or anything to help,” Melanie added. “Any questions? No? Good! Upperclassmen, blindfold up! On the count of three, you can start making your way to your freshmen.”
Some lettered brothers and sisters made their way to help the pledges tie their blindfolds up. Melanie and Blaine started counting off slowly, swapping numbers. When they got to two, the brothers and sisters spun their pledge around to disorient them and when Blaine and Melanie shouted “3!” in unison, they pushed them in the direction of the freshmen. The crowd roared and cheered them on.
Daisy was a bit nervous and didn't really like this, but she was sure it was all in good fun. Probably to weed out the weak ones. She looked across the room at the skunk girl making her way towards her. She had her arms outstretched and a big, pink binky in her hand. Daisy thought she’d play along and cheer, trying to gain brownie points for the rush week. The other pledges noticed what she was doing and joined in. Melanie looked slightly impressed for a minute, but then went back to drinking her drink.
Just as her skunk girl was getting close, she heard a cheer come from somewhere to her right. A lion guy had just gotten his green binky into the mouth of his freshman, none other than her buddy Mikey. Some brothers were patting them on the shoulders and smiling. Mikey looked happy even with the binky hanging goofily out of his mouth. He saw Daisy notice him then seemed a to blush a little, spitting the binky into his hand.
“Looks like we have our first winners for rush week!” Blaine announced. “Who do we have here?” He leaned over to read their name tags. “Looks like our baby is Mikey and our caretaker is Alax.” He took their paws and raised them high, eliciting another cheer from the crowd.
“Alright, ya dogs, settle down,” Melanie said. “Everybody else, introduce yourself to the person across from you. You’ll become good friends. You won’t have to do everything with them, but they’re going to be your good pal. Well, hopefully for a little while.” She laughed. “Anyway, that’s all for tonight’s games! Now go meet people and have fun. Oh and freshmen, I wouldn’t lose those pacifiers if I were you.” She winked, stepped off the mantle, and went to pump up the music.
Daisy turned to the skunk girl in front of her and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Daisy Mae. I just go by Daisy, though.”
The skunk girl dropped the binky in her hand. She seemed annoyed. “I’m Sam, I go by Sam. We were so close to winning.” She rolled her eyes and made her way into the crowd. Daisy was a little startled by this reaction but shook it off. She looked around and saw Annabell laughing with her girl and Mikey was still in the circle of dudes that surrounded him after they won. *Well, this is going to be interesting* - Daisy thought to herself. She put a smile on her face, went to get a drink, and decided to make the most of the night and mingle.
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