#but you know who else is like a killer clown spirit? pennywise.
lovleez · 4 years
cai xukun “hard to get” mv theory
i’m back at it again!
i don’t think this one will need any warnings itself because everything is connected strictly to the mv itself (no, no killer sirens this time around) (but killer clowns tho 👀👀👀) (update: the killer clown IS the warning itself plz don’t read this if you have severe coulrophobia akjhdfjdh)
i’d recommended watching this to process what goes on in this post:
hard to get mv 
theory one 
this ones going to be really weird, so if you want a sensible theory, scroll down to the second one :D
let’s start here with clown xukun:
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or more specifically, i want to talk about the clown, not xukun himself
okay here’s the driving force of this theory: this clown is a killing spirit that can possess people (and i’ll be referring to this entity as either clown  or ‘killer spirit’ throughout the rest of this theory)
(it’ll make sense later i hope)
now that this is established, let’s travel back to the beginning of the mv
the first 30 seconds or so are clearly a mix between the future and the present, as evidenced by the flashes
our first solid shot that signifies the actual start of the mv (aside from kun) is the main girl of this story
- her eyes are scouring around the room, obviously looking for something. when they settle, the scene jumps back to xukun 
moving on
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at this part, when it flashed as if she was in a confused state, listen closely and you’ll hear a little woosh multiple times
this sound does come up multiple times in the mv, but never in the actual audio itself (yes i double checked w/ full volume 😌)
when does this sound come in? whenever the clown is involved (you’ll see)
what am i implying? at this point in the mv, this ‘killer spirit’ is possessing the girl at the moment
earlier when she was looking around, the clown was looking for a new host. why? well perhaps the current one was trying to fight for control (which is why in the scene seemed like she was disorientated for a bit) (or she could be drunk but shhh) 
and who does it pick? xukun obviously. but how did the clown switch hosts 
when the girl comes up to him, she hands him a drink, and xukun drinks it almost immediately (ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᶠᵒˡᵏˢ, ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵍˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉʳˢ)
and then this happens immediately:
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which leads me to believe that there was some sort of drugging substance in there (or again, he could be drunk 🤫)
(also someone tell me why what looks like an old lady is at the club in the first place)
he heads over to the bathroom to clear his mind, but look who’s waiting for him there 
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i’m assuming this is where the clown would switch hosts other stuff aside and all
the girl seems to leave in an awful hurry afterwards 👀
probably to escape the clown or something 
xukun also leaves the party . . . but what’s this in the scene?
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a jump cut 👀👀👀
(i don’t know how to explain it for those who don’t know what that is...but it’s like  the little jump between kun walking down the path to him arriving at the mansions doorsteps in a flash)
well placed too
lend your ear to the noise before the cut 👂
it’s a whoosh, then clown giggles  👀
👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
okay, before we move into what’s happening after this scene, i’m going to fast forward the mv to 2:23
where the familiar clown giggles can be heard again, and the scene opens to the clown chasing the poor girl D:
i believe that this scene slots in perfectly to what happens during that jump
my brain tells me that when he was simply walkin down to the mansion here, but (obv) he spotted the girl and chased her down. what did he do? 
turn her into a puppet (not like literal, but you know those mind controlled human puppets you see on tv shows....yeah like those)
how’d i get to that conclusion?
when he walks into the mansion, and into the room, there’s a couch full of other people there just sitting there nearly lifeless
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these ‘puppets’ are all presumably the clown’s previous hosts (and i draw this from the fact that the girl is sitting among them)
one more thing 
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see how the girl was standing behind the couch in this gif, but when kun settles down, she’s sitting on the ground
its as if she (as a puppet) is welcoming him as the new host, and moves back to the ground to start her life as a presumably insignificant puppet
anyways lets call this theory to an end with the assumption that the clown finally found a permanent host in xukun 
(further proof he is possessed by a killer spirit...his eyes are glowing r e d...now go ahead and try telling me that’s normal 😤) (no it doesn’t seem like a reflection of the light to me,,,,where’d the light even come from in the first place?)
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theory two
(aka the more sensible one \(`-`)/ )
this one is going to be more straightforward
the second theory follows a quite simple story line:
the two, kun and the girl, could possibly be a pair (whether it be as a couple or partners in crime, the only important fact about this is that xukun is a killer in this verse) 
and for whatever reason, the girl is simply unhappy with him. so what does she decide to do? drug him, with a side of assassination in mind
so when he heads out to clear up his mind in the bathroom, she plans to murder him there 
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however, the attempt was unsuccessful, so she heads out. xukun heads out too, maybe a few hours later. 
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however, this jump cut would signify that something else happened before he arrived there
when we go back inside the mansion, to the girl, we see these shots:
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it seems like she’s rather expressionless, but she also looks annoyed
there’s also this scene (+ the lyrics)
do i gotta clear it up / swear i ain’t in a rush / i could only play with you so much
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does it not seem like he is mocking her here???
before this scene is the clown chasing her. so what does my brain conclude?
after the assassination attempt, he went after her in his killer clown attire to give her a scare, and it worked.
as we can see, she’s sitting by his feet pretty obediently so.
also there’s this scene at the end of the mv:
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its probably hard to tell from the gif, but just take a look from the mv and look at the gaze. 
he knew what she was going to go through, but probably played along to give her a lesson.
this mv is quite simple and is what it is: xukun is a killer clown who targeted the girl as his next victim, those scenes where in both theories i stated he was drugged was probably just him getting drunk, and the people in the mansion are simply his past victims (yes i could make this into theory #3 but i’m lazy)
....but where’s the fun in that
however, the solid takeaway from this mv no matter the theory is that xukun is indefinitely: a clown (an angel too 🥺) (not in the mv tho)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Take two of asking for some gay panic with the ladies, any ladies, all the ladies! Scenario preferably~
Afternoons in the Proxy Commons and Spirit Halloween
[Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Kate the Chaser X F!Reader]
[Warnings: none]
[AN: I really want to go to a Spirit Halloween, sigh]
It’s not often that you’re able to spend time in Slender manor. In fact, the place isn’t even really your domain to begin with. You come here every now and then to help with festivities the Slender Man deems necessary for “morale”. This upcoming festivity? Halloween.
Your pseudo boss, the Slender Man, told you to head to the store and get some decorations which was ludacris in itself. He’s an almighty, powerful being and he needs you to go to Spirit Halloween when he hosts a manor full of murderers from all over the country daily?
The answer is apparently yes.
“You may take the ladies with you,” The Slender Man waves off. “They are not doing anything this afternoon.”
You drop your shoulders, knowing that it’s useless to even consider going against his word. “And we’re going to pay for this with what?”
The Slender Man makes noise of amusement before one of his long tendrils opens up a drawer to his left, opening it and producing a - a credit card? He hums quietly and lowers it down to you, depositing the plastic into your hands.
“A debit card? Really?”
“Is that a problem?”
“Where did you even get this?”
“None of your concern.” The Slender Man’s tendril finds its way to your back before turning you towards his office door, pushing you towards it. “The ladies are in the proxy commons.”
You glance over your shoulder at him before nodding, a slight grin on your lips at his general annoyance of you before pushing the big doors open. You mentally begin to think over the way to the proxy commons, the mansion bending its hallways to your destination. The halls here always smell of jasmine.
When you reopen your eyes after zoning out for a moment or two, you realize that you’re standing in front of the arch of the proxy commons. It’s actually relatively empty save for a table full of ladies you’ve only ever met a handful of times. You take in a small breath, almost hyping yourself and your confidence up before stepping in. Soft rays of sunlight pass over your skin as you walk into the well lit room and listen to the gentle hum of passing conversation.
There, sitting at a round table are four of the most influential women in your society. Jane the Killer, beauty in black. Clockwork, timeless in every sense. Kate the Chaser, a subtle treasure. Nina the Killer, devotion like none other.
They’re smiling and laughing, enjoying the afternoon with each other when Nina finally pipes up and notices you. Her eyes widen for a moment before her lips curl up into a beaming smile. “Oh, you’re finally here!” She exclaimed, hopping out of her seat. “He told us to expect you.”
Nina’s hands are cold as she wraps her arms around you, but you welcome her touch all the same. “He did?”
Kate nods, a small hum coming from her throat as she sips at her tea. “Mhm. Already got a car waiting in Rosswood’s parking lot.”
“Ready to go when you are,” Natalie pipes in as she drinks the rest of her beverage.
“Might as well uh, leave now,” you say as you catch Jane’s warm smile, voice faltering for just a moment.
The ladies nod and begin to get up, Nina linking her arm with yours before she begins to drag you towards the mansion’s entrance.
“He couldn’t just use his infinite power and use his own halloween decorations?” Natalie says as she shoves her hands in her pockets, looking up at the reasonably crowded Spirit Halloween.
Kate shrugs and locks the car before plopping the keys into her hoodie’s pocket. “He likes to keep us on our toes, I guess,” she chuckles, nodding for the group to follow her.
Jane matches pace with you and Nina (who has refused to unlink arms with you the entire time she’s been in your presence), before resting her head on your shoulder. “I wanna check out the costumes,” she says, nuzzling into you.
You smile and nuzzle her back, softly melting into her touch as you do so. “Me too.”
“I want to see the decorations,” Nina beams. “I’m thinking we go full Halloween party this year, screw the upper class!” She exclaims, now dragging you and Jane at full speed.
The notion brings a laugh from Natalie as she opens the front door, letting everyone else inside before her. “Don’t get too carried away,” she says. “We’re here to Reader can to a job,” she grins.
“It’s not like we have to make it boring,” Nina pouts.
“I’d also love to see what costumes Reader looks best in,” Jane muses. “Maybe a little bunny?” She jokes, index finger tapping your nose and making you giggle as you scrunch your nose up in response.
“What about a kitty?” Kate suggests as she glances down one of the aisles. “I think that would be purr-fect for her.” Kate grins slightly and holds her hand out to you, watching as you unlink your arm from Nina’s to travel down to the lawn decorations.
You chuckle as Kate warmly holds you while glancing at all the lawn decorations. There’s clowns, slashers, things that you’d genuinely love to have on Slender Man’s front lawn! However, you know that he’d be put off by the “tackiness”.
You turn your head to the side and that’s when you see it - a giant, poorly made Slender Man that wiggles its arms and barely lunges at whoever is viewing it. “Oh my gods,” you say, suddenly letting go of Kate’s hand and stalking towards the ungodly thing like a moth to moonlight.
Kate raises a brow and looks over her shoulder to finally see what you’re looking at, and a laugh escapes her throat. “Oh my gods, guys, look-” she says as she begins to walk over and join you, hands in her pockets.
Natalie, who had been busy talking shit at the poor Pennywise animatronic, was suddenly pulled over by Jane to see the Slender Man reject. She grins and links arms with Jane and Nina, laughter escaping their lips as the thing lunges weakly at you. “He’s so ugly,” she snorts.
“He’s always ugly,” Nina giggles as she looks upwards at the tall prop.
“Yeah,” Natalie adds on, “how dare he exist in the same space as Reader, right?”
Laughter rings out from the group as their eyes slowly move over to you.
“Beauty and the Beast situation,” Kate continues as she slings her arm over your shoulders.
“She’s gotta kiss him to make him pretty?” Nina chuckles as she pokes the animatronic’s spindly arms. “Ooooo, maybe if Reader kissed me I’d become pretty?”
You make a sound of surprise and feel heat rush to your cheeks. “What? You’re already pretty!”
“Think I might need a kiss too,” Natalie hums.
“Same here,” Jane grins.
Kate hums and presses her lips to the crown of your head. “Me too.” You laugh and shake your head before reaching into your back pocket for the list of things you need. “Ladies, we’re here on a mission!” You exclaim in a slightly flustered tone.
“We know,” Jane hums, her fingers gently playing with your loose strands of hair. “But how often do we get to hang out with you?”
“Right,” Natalie nods. “Might as well have some fun with it,” she teases in a joking tone, her hand grabbing yours.
You watch with wide eyes as the clock eyed woman raises it to her lips, gently planting a kiss on the back of it. Heat erupts over your face once more. Your heart is thumping wildly in your chest.
Nina pouts. “No fair!” She stomps her boot onto the linoleum tile. “I was gonna do that to Reader!”
Kate laughs and sways you in her arms. “Reader does have another hand.”
You sigh playfully and relent, watching as the clad in purple woman bounds up to you.
Gonna be a busy shopping trip, huh?
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Stephen King: 10 Best Supernatural Villains
Know the terror and madness of Stephen King's 10 greatest supernatural villains!
The name Stephen King conjures up images of horrific creatures, monsters, places, and some of the most enduring villains in fiction. These are beings of unimaginable evil that test the limits of the protagonists' will to survive, and some of these villains have gone on to become almost as famous (or infamous) as the writer himself.
While many King villains are monsters of the human variety (serial killers, power hungry despots, nihilists, etc.), his most memorable are the supernatural ones who use their dark powers to twist the orderly world around them into chaos and pain.
Pennywise the Clown isn't the only monster you need to fear at night. King has created plenty of other horrific things that go bump in the night. Here are just a few of his best supernatural madmen and monsters...
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10. Gage Creed and the Pet Sematary
Pet Sematary (1983)
“Don’t go beyond, no matter how much you feel you need to, Doctor. The barrier was not made to be broken. Remember this: there is more power here than you know. It is old and always restless. Remember.”
When Louis, Rachel, Eileen, and Gage Creed moved to Ludlow, Maine from Chicago, their cat Winston Churchill in tow, they wanted a peaceful new life in the more rural locale. What they got was a descent into death and madness almost unmatched in modern horror fiction. In the novel, the Creed cat is killed. Louis fears telling his daughter and buries the beloved pet at a nearby “Pet Sematary,” an old Micmac Indian burial ground. The cat returns home, much to Louis’ shock and delight, but it’s not the same friendly animal. It’s a listless, mean, half-alive creature that does not have a fondness for life.
Further Reading: Every Stephen King Film and TV Adaptation Currently in Development
When Gage is killed by a truck, overcome with despair, Louis buries his son in the Sematary. What comes back is a true horror of epic proportions. Gage is such a disturbing villain because he once existed as an object of purest affection. The once totally innocent soul is now corrupt and ridden with supernatural darkness. The Pet Sematary itself is rumored to once have been a burial place for cannibals, and the spirit of a Wendigo dwells in the soil.
Now, Gage is back with the most ancient of curses coursing where blood once flowed. Every father’s nightmare turned even darker. King felt the book was too dark even for him and shelved it until his wife, Tabitha, and his friend, the author Peter Straub, encouraged him to share his bleak vision of paternal loyalty with the world.
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9. The Leatherheads
Under the Dome (2009)
“God turned out to be a bunch of bad little kids playing interstellar Xbox. Isn't that funny?”
Much more frightening than typical villains, the Leatherheads are an alien race responsible for the construction of the Dome that covers Chester’s Mill. They are in the same vein as H.P. Lovecraft’s cosmic horrors, beings much older and more powerful than humanity. The mere sight of them could drive a man mad. They are beings with the power of gods but no connection to or feelings for humanity. Just cold observers that exist on a different layer of reality.
The Leatherheads construct the Dome the same way a child makes an ant farm, out of a morbid curiosity to watch how lesser creatures exist. Their casual disregard for humanity makes them truly terrifying because, unlike some of King’s other antagonists, there is really no way to fight them.
The Leatherheads are mentioned in King’s chilling short story N., but it is in Under the Dome where readers get to experience the sheer paralytic terror that would occur if an alien species of ancient intelligence turned their attention towards our little backwater planet.
Read More: It Chapter Two Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
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8. The Raggedy Man
Cell (2006)
“What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle.”
Fans of The Walking Dead need to recognize. King does zombies too, and they are sphincter-tighteningly scary. In Cell, a pulse travels into cell phones all over the world. Anyone on their phone at the fateful moment is turned into a zombie. These villains are a different breed than the popular Romero clones, as the pulse also unlocks latent powers of the human mind like telepathy and levitation.
The Raggedy Man is the leader of the zombies. He thinks, organizes, and commands. He has all the nihilistic hunger of a zombie, but he has planning skills and foresight which make him a truly frightening antagonist. His goal is to spread his people around the globe and take the planet for his horde. He sees humanity as a threat to his people and seeks to destroy them to protect his new race, which could make him literature’s first sympathetic zombie villain. He is often seen wearing a crimson Harvard hoodie giving the creature an atypical zombie air of intelligence and capability.
The name of Harvard’s sports teams by the way? The Harvard Crimson. Well played Mr. King, well played.
Read More: How It Chapter Two Differs from the Book
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7. Kurt Barlow
‘Salems Lot (1975)
“That above all else. They did not look out their windows. No matter what noises or dreadful possibilities, no matter how awful the unknown, there was an even worse thing: to look the Gorgon in the face.”
King’s only foray into vampires (the classic ones, anyway), Barlow was the writer’s way of getting the whole mythos right the first time. ‘Salems Lot was King’s second published novel and his first of many novels centering on the idea of a preternatural creature releasing the beast inside of regular people. It was also his first small town novel, a setting King would return to many times over the decades.
Barlow’s story mirrors that of Dracula, from the shipment of his coffin and native soil from overseas to his arrival and reign of terror in a contemporary setting. He even has his own personal Renfield, Richard Straker, his own gothic mansion, his own legion of dark minions, and a twisted grip on the residents of ‘Salems Lot.
Further Reading: 10 Best Stephen King Horror Novels
Barlow was more of a catalyst, using embraced residents as pawns to tighten his grip on the town, but his very presence on the page was accompanied with a sense of urgency and dread.
In a 1995 BBC radio drama of ‘Salems Lot (that is well worth seeking out), Barlow is played by Pinhead himself, Doug Bradley, which automatically gives the vampire tons of villain cred.
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6. George Stark
The Dark Half (1989)
“Cut him. Cut him while I stand here and watch. I want to see the blood flow. Don't make me tell you twice.”
Stephen King once wrote under the pseudonym Richard Bachman and published some of his more experimental works like The Running Man, The Long Walk, and Thinner. His experience as somewhat existing as another person inspired King to write the Dark Half and inspired the creation of one of his most cold-blooded killers, George Stark. 
In the novel, Thad Beaumont was a successful author who wrote violent crime novels under the pen name of George Stark. After revealing to the world he was actually Stark, Thad and his wife stage a mock funeral for the author to symbolically cut ties with the violent crime fiction Beaumont wanted to leave behind. This is where King brings the terror.
Further Reading: Stephen King's 10 Most Terrifying Human Villains
The novel started with a flashback that dealt with the removal of an eye from the brain of a young Thad. It was the eye of a twin that was conjoined in the womb to the writer, an incident Thad had all but forgotten about. It was actually the eye of George Stark, who later rises from the mock grave the Beaumonts planted him in to go on a killing spree that leaves even the most seasoned reader with PTSD.
Stark is the embodiment of the darkness in the hearts of all men. The most frightening part of the book is that, even though Beaumont is desperate to rid the world of Stark, part of him is attracted to the freedom evil gives Stark and the realization that the evil is a part of him.
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5. Rose the Hat
Doctor Sleep (2013)
“She's the Queen Bitch of Castle Hell. If you mess with her, she'll eat you alive.”
Rose the Hat, an immortal energy vampire from the 18th century and the leader of a cult of killers known as the True Knot, is one of King's scariest villains to date. Manipulative, ethereal, beautiful, and hungry for the "steam" -- psychic energy -- that keeps her and her band alive, Rose will whatever it takes for her next meal, even if it means torturing little children and killing them. 
In Doctor Sleep, the sequel to King's The Shining, Rose becomes obsessed with hunting down Abra Stone, a young girl with a powerful Shine, which puts her at the top of the True Knot's list of potential food sources. Rose hatches a plan to kidnap Abra, but the girl proves elusive, especially after she teams up with Dan Torrance, a survivor of the horrors of the Overlook Hotel with his own Shine. Together, along with some help from some friends and one surprise guest from the afterlife, Dan and Abra are able to fight back against Rose and the True Knot.
But the road to the end of the book is soaked in blood, as Rose claims victim after victim. She might not look like a monster but Rose is as monstrous as they come. 
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4. The Overlook Hotel
The Shining (1977)
“This inhuman place makes human monsters.”
If there is one thing King’s constant readers have learned after decades of nightmares is that places can be as evil as people, an idea that is personified in the Overlook Hotel, the setting of The Shining. On the surface, The Shining is a classic haunted house tale, but beneath the surface, it is so much more. It is a deep look into the fragility of fatherhood, the bond of trust between father and son. As Danny Torrance, the psychic child who journeys to a secluded Colorado hotel with his caretaker father and loving mother discovers when the father he trusted is transformed in a raging madman by the power within the Overlook.
Further Reading: How The Shining Examines the Immortality of Evil
The novel’s most riveting sections feature past accounts of other times that the Overlook weaved its dark magic, transforming good men into monsters. The walls of the Overlook can barely contain the rage within the heart of the hotel, and as The Shining plays out, readers discover just how corrupt the place is. Make no mistake, it may not have arms to swing an ax, or legs to chase down its victims, but the Overlook is a hungry sort of evil that demands to be fed. Just try staying at a Motel 6 after reading King’s classic. I dare you.
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3. The Crimson King 
Insomnia (1994), Black House (2001), The Dark Tower series
“I am the Eater of Worlds.”
The Crimson King is often mistaken for It, and it is not completely clear if they are the same monster, but the regality and level of reverence the King’s minions hold for him seem to suggest that he is different than the sewer-dwelling eater of children. This beast is the embodiment of evil in King’s shared fictional universe. He is first introduced in Insomnia, where he tries to kill a child prophesied to topple the rule of the King forever.
The King is later revealed as the monster behind the events of the novel Black House, and he is the overarching villain of the Dark Tower series, the monster responsible for trying to bring down the structure of reality.
Further Reading: A Reading Guide to the Stephen King Dark Tower Universe
Stephen King suggests that all his villains, supernatural or otherwise, are pawns of the Crimson King. The name itself carries some great metatextual flavor as, of course, Stephen King himself is the one truly responsible for the evil in his worlds. The half of the writer that creates and is responsible for these horrific monsters is also named King. Stephen King is the writer, father, husband, and Red Sox fan. The Crimson King is the dark overlord of the fictional universe and the monster maker.
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2. Pennywise the Dancing Clown
It (1986)
"Float?" The clown’s grin widened. "Oh yes, indeed they do. They float! And there’s cotton candy..."George reached.The clown seized his arm.And George saw the clown’s face change.
Every twenty-seven years It rises to devour the children of Derry. It awoke when a homosexual couple was beaten by a gang of thugs in 1984 to again reign terror on the children of Derry. It was put to rest by the Losers Club, a group of misfit teens, in 1958 only to rise again, decades later. It killed the leader of the Losers’ (Bill Denbrough) little brother in one of the most hair-raising prologues in horror history.  
It is another of King’s manipulator villains, as It controls the darker residents of Derry, such as bully Henry Bowers to do Its bidding. It is a cannibalistic clown that lives in the sewers, a leprous mummy, a giant spider, or a series of orange lights called the Dead Lights that drive people mad when gazed upon.
Unlike the similar creature, the Crimson King, It does not commit evil for glory or power. It devours because It hungers. The lives of innocents exist only to fill the void of It's being. And let’s face it, nothing, NOTHING is freakin’ scarier than a hungry clown in a sewer.
Read More: It Chapter Two Ending Explained
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1. Randall Flagg
The Stand (1978) Eyes of the Dragon (1986) Hearts in Atlantis (1999) The Dark Tower series
“My life for you.”
Not so much a single villain, but the archetype of all villains, Randall Flagg is King’s greatest singular creation of evil. Flagg first appeared in The Stand, the Dark Man who gathers the worst of humanity to rebuild a new civilization in his own dark image. The Walkin’ Dude had a propensity for crucifying any whose beliefs ran contrary to his.
Flagg is the greatest of King’s manipulators, able to inspire loyalty in those with dark hearts, as seen by the Trashcan Man in The Stand and even Mother Carmody in The Mist. All they have to do is say “My life for you,” and mean it, and Flagg will be there to inspire their dark deeds.
He was revealed to be the main antagonist to Roland in the Dark Tower series and is the ever-present evil in all men. Flagg is walking the back roads of reality just waiting for a chance to whisper in humanity’s ear and stir up some good, old fashioned chaos.
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Marc Buxton
Nov 11, 2019
Stephen King
Horror Movies
from Books https://ift.tt/2ZWR727
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aaronsniderus · 7 years
25 Trending Halloween Costumes in 2017
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means we receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. Please check out our disclosure policy for more details. 
There’s a certain magic that happens every Halloween. It’s the one time of year that we can be someone or something else for just for a few hours. We can live out our greatest fantasies – being a crime-fighting superhero or becoming an underdog on the rise. We can also attempt to face our fears: creepy clowns, malicious witches or the prospect of having to see another character from the Disney movie “Frozen.”
From nostalgic characters of the 20th century to heroes “in a galaxy far, far away,” here are 25 of the top trending Halloween costumes in 2017.
For the Nostalgic
Perhaps one of the most anticipated trends this Halloween is the return of some beloved, classic characters. It seems like everyone’s caught the nostalgic bug, giving new life and a fresh face to these 20th-century characters.
‘Hocus Pocus’
The Sanderson sisters are back and witch-ier than ever. Based on the 1993 Disney movie “Hocus Pocus,” this famous trio has seen a resurgence of popularity with the debut of the Halloween costume and decoration line.
This year, rock a Sanderson sister trio with your closest friends or family members.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Bonus: There’s even a Billy Butcherson mask!
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
More like baewatch, am I right? The hit television series of the late ’80s and ’90s received a reboot in 2017, with the likes of Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron (swoon).
Give a new meaning to throwback by rocking the “Baywatch” beach uniforms. You might want to check the weather, though. Depending on where you live, your outfit might say Malibu beach, but the cold October chill may say otherwise.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Men’s Baywatch Costume
Women’s Baywatch Costume
‘Beauty and the Beast’
“Baywatch” wasn’t the only movie that hit the screens in 2017. One of the most treasured Disney movies of all time was revived from cartoon to real life, bringing back all your childhood feels. That’s right, we’re talking about Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.”
This “tale as old as time” spurred new costumes this Halloween season. If you’re looking for something more than a provincial costume, grab your favorite book and rock a Belle costume.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Peasant Belle Dress
Belle Ball Gown
Bonus Points for dressing up as the Beast!
Image: Target.com
For the Super Fans
If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from Halloween costumes, it’s that they’re largely based off of popular television series or top box office movies. Like we said earlier, Halloween is the one day you get to live through your favorite characters. This section is for super fans.
‘Game of Thrones’
“Halloween is coming.” (That’s the quote, right?) Dress your best as a Game of Thrones character. This medieval fantasy features the likes of kings, queens, knights and several mythological creatures.
Get ready to conquer your friend’s Halloween party by dressing as Jon Snow. Unleash your inner Queen of Dragons with a Daenerys Targaryen costume.
Image: HalloweenCostumes.com
Dragon Queen Costume
Dark Northern King Costume
‘Stranger Things’
Things are about to get, well, stranger this Halloween as Netflix welcomes the series return of “Stranger Things” this October. No need to ask if you should stay or go this Halloween: You should definitely go out and rock this next costume.
Get ready to fight the Demogorgon in the Upside Down by dressing up as your favorite “Stranger Things” star: Eleven!
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Eleven Costume
For the Horror Junkies
For the thrill-seekers, Halloween is a time to face your fears and dress in scary clown costumes or spooky skeleton suits. If you’re looking to frighten your friends, consider dressing up as your favorite horror character.
Pennywise from ‘It’
Born from a ’90s reboot and based on Stephen King’s horror novel “It” is Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Personally, I don’t know anything that’s more unsettling that a killer clown, and King’s character sure fits the bill for all things Halloween.
“You’ll float, too” with this Pennywise costume, scaring everyone who encounters you this Halloween.
Image: Amazon.com
Classic Pennywise Costume
Pennywise Costume
Twisty the Clown from ‘American Horror Story’
What is it with clowns, people? This next one could give Pennywise a run for its money. (Get it?) Featured in the television series “American Horror Story,” enter the clown Twisty – a truly horrifying twist to a common circus clown.
If your goal is to give your friends a heart attack this Halloween, this costume is sure to do the trick.
Image: Amazon.com
Twisty the Clown Costume
For the Heroes
Up, up and away to your nearest Halloween store after you see these next costumes. We all have an inner hero just waiting to be unleashed, and Halloween is the perfect time to dress as your favorite superhero.
Wonder Woman
This iconic heroine burst through the screens this year in her very own live-action thriller. Dodging bullets and running into battle, Wonder Woman has had an appeal with women young and old.
Unleash your inner Wonder Woman this Halloween by gearing up in her battle-ready outfit, re-mastered for the release of the new movie.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Classic Wonder Woman Costume
Wonder Woman Costume
‘Guardians of the Galaxy’
Known for its killer movie, sequel and rocking soundtrack, “Guardians of the Galaxy” won the hearts of audiences everywhere with a team of villains turned superheroes. The misunderstood team of heroes packed a punch on screen, and now you can do the same with your costume.
You can dress as Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket and even Groot. Grab a bunch of your closest friends and make a statement this Halloween.
Image: Amazon.com
Gamora Costume
Drax Mask
Rocket Costume
Groot Costume
Star Lord Costume
Star Wars
It’s no secret that Star Wars is a timeless classic that’s favored during Halloween season. It has a perfect mixture of heroes and villains, underdogs and fantastical creatures. And, they’re still making new movies, so you’ll have a fresh selection of characters this year.
The force is strong with these 21st-century heroes, with the launch of the most recent movie, “The Force Awakens,” and the anticipation of the eighth episode, “The Last Jedi.” The famous franchise gave us new characters to love, such a Rey, a Jedi in training, and her partner-in-crime and bad-guy-gone-good, Finn.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Rey Costume
Finn Costume
Don’t forget about fighter pilot Poe Dameron!
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Whatever theme you choose to run with this Halloween, remember that it’s a time for fun and fantasy. No matter your age, October 31 is the one day a year we get to live out a person or thing that either inspires or frightens us.
Don’t let your Halloween spirit stop at your front door! If you’re gearing up for a party this month, check out our list of 13 unique Halloween decorations that are sure to shake up any event.
The post 25 Trending Halloween Costumes in 2017 appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/25-trending-halloween-costumes-in-2017
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mikebrackett · 7 years
25 Trending Halloween Costumes in 2017
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means we receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. Please check out our disclosure policy for more details. 
There’s a certain magic that happens every Halloween. It’s the one time of year that we can be someone or something else for just for a few hours. We can live out our greatest fantasies – being a crime-fighting superhero or becoming an underdog on the rise. We can also attempt to face our fears: creepy clowns, malicious witches or the prospect of having to see another character from the Disney movie “Frozen.”
From nostalgic characters of the 20th century to heroes “in a galaxy far, far away,” here are 25 of the top trending Halloween costumes in 2017.
For the Nostalgic
Perhaps one of the most anticipated trends this Halloween is the return of some beloved, classic characters. It seems like everyone’s caught the nostalgic bug, giving new life and a fresh face to these 20th-century characters.
‘Hocus Pocus’
The Sanderson sisters are back and witch-ier than ever. Based on the 1993 Disney movie “Hocus Pocus,” this famous trio has seen a resurgence of popularity with the debut of the Halloween costume and decoration line.
This year, rock a Sanderson sister trio with your closest friends or family members.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Bonus: There’s even a Billy Butcherson mask!
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
More like baewatch, am I right? The hit television series of the late ’80s and ’90s received a reboot in 2017, with the likes of Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron (swoon).
Give a new meaning to throwback by rocking the “Baywatch” beach uniforms. You might want to check the weather, though. Depending on where you live, your outfit might say Malibu beach, but the cold October chill may say otherwise.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Men’s Baywatch Costume
Women’s Baywatch Costume
‘Beauty and the Beast’
“Baywatch” wasn’t the only movie that hit the screens in 2017. One of the most treasured Disney movies of all time was revived from cartoon to real life, bringing back all your childhood feels. That’s right, we’re talking about Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.”
This “tale as old as time” spurred new costumes this Halloween season. If you’re looking for something more than a provincial costume, grab your favorite book and rock a Belle costume.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Peasant Belle Dress
Belle Ball Gown
Bonus Points for dressing up as the Beast!
Image: Target.com
For the Super Fans
If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from Halloween costumes, it’s that they’re largely based off of popular television series or top box office movies. Like we said earlier, Halloween is the one day you get to live through your favorite characters. This section is for super fans.
‘Game of Thrones’
“Halloween is coming.” (That’s the quote, right?) Dress your best as a Game of Thrones character. This medieval fantasy features the likes of kings, queens, knights and several mythological creatures.
Get ready to conquer your friend’s Halloween party by dressing as Jon Snow. Unleash your inner Queen of Dragons with a Daenerys Targaryen costume.
Image: HalloweenCostumes.com
Dragon Queen Costume
Dark Northern King Costume
‘Stranger Things’
Things are about to get, well, stranger this Halloween as Netflix welcomes the series return of “Stranger Things” this October. No need to ask if you should stay or go this Halloween: You should definitely go out and rock this next costume.
Get ready to fight the Demogorgon in the Upside Down by dressing up as your favorite “Stranger Things” star: Eleven!
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Eleven Costume
For the Horror Junkies
For the thrill-seekers, Halloween is a time to face your fears and dress in scary clown costumes or spooky skeleton suits. If you’re looking to frighten your friends, consider dressing up as your favorite horror character.
Pennywise from ‘It’
Born from a ’90s reboot and based on Stephen King’s horror novel “It” is Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Personally, I don’t know anything that’s more unsettling that a killer clown, and King’s character sure fits the bill for all things Halloween.
“You’ll float, too” with this Pennywise costume, scaring everyone who encounters you this Halloween.
Image: Amazon.com
Classic Pennywise Costume
Pennywise Costume
Twisty the Clown from ‘American Horror Story’
What is it with clowns, people? This next one could give Pennywise a run for its money. (Get it?) Featured in the television series “American Horror Story,” enter the clown Twisty – a truly horrifying twist to a common circus clown.
If your goal is to give your friends a heart attack this Halloween, this costume is sure to do the trick.
Image: Amazon.com
Twisty the Clown Costume
For the Heroes
Up, up and away to your nearest Halloween store after you see these next costumes. We all have an inner hero just waiting to be unleashed, and Halloween is the perfect time to dress as your favorite superhero.
Wonder Woman
This iconic heroine burst through the screens this year in her very own live-action thriller. Dodging bullets and running into battle, Wonder Woman has had an appeal with women young and old.
Unleash your inner Wonder Woman this Halloween by gearing up in her battle-ready outfit, re-mastered for the release of the new movie.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Classic Wonder Woman Costume
Wonder Woman Costume
‘Guardians of the Galaxy’
Known for its killer movie, sequel and rocking soundtrack, “Guardians of the Galaxy” won the hearts of audiences everywhere with a team of villains turned superheroes. The misunderstood team of heroes packed a punch on screen, and now you can do the same with your costume.
You can dress as Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket and even Groot. Grab a bunch of your closest friends and make a statement this Halloween.
Image: Amazon.com
Gamora Costume
Drax Mask
Rocket Costume
Groot Costume
Star Lord Costume
Star Wars
It’s no secret that Star Wars is a timeless classic that’s favored during Halloween season. It has a perfect mixture of heroes and villains, underdogs and fantastical creatures. And, they’re still making new movies, so you’ll have a fresh selection of characters this year.
The force is strong with these 21st-century heroes, with the launch of the most recent movie, “The Force Awakens,” and the anticipation of the eighth episode, “The Last Jedi.” The famous franchise gave us new characters to love, such a Rey, a Jedi in training, and her partner-in-crime and bad-guy-gone-good, Finn.
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Rey Costume
Finn Costume
Don’t forget about fighter pilot Poe Dameron!
Image: SpiritHalloween.com
Whatever theme you choose to run with this Halloween, remember that it’s a time for fun and fantasy. No matter your age, October 31 is the one day a year we get to live out a person or thing that either inspires or frightens us.
Don’t let your Halloween spirit stop at your front door! If you’re gearing up for a party this month, check out our list of 13 unique Halloween decorations that are sure to shake up any event.
The post 25 Trending Halloween Costumes in 2017 appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/25-trending-halloween-costumes-in-2017
0 notes
aion-rsa · 5 years
Stephen King: 10 Best Supernatural Villains
Know the terror and madness of Stephen King's 10 greatest supernatural villains!
The name Stephen King conjures up images of horrific creatures, monsters, places, and some of the most enduring villains in fiction. These are beings of unimaginable evil that test the limits of the protagonists' will to survive, and some of these villains have gone on to become almost as famous (or infamous) as the writer himself.
While many King villains are monsters of the human variety (serial killers, power hungry despots, nihilists, etc.), his most memorable are the supernatural ones who use their dark powers to twist the orderly world around them into chaos and pain.
Pennywise the Clown isn't the only monster you need to fear at night. King has created plenty of other horrific things that go bump in the night. Here are just a few of his best supernatural madmen and monsters...
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10. Gage Creed and the Pet Sematary
Pet Sematary (1983)
“Don’t go beyond, no matter how much you feel you need to, Doctor. The barrier was not made to be broken. Remember this: there is more power here than you know. It is old and always restless. Remember.”
When Louis, Rachel, Eileen, and Gage Creed moved to Ludlow, Maine from Chicago, their cat Winston Churchill in tow, they wanted a peaceful new life in the more rural locale. What they got was a descent into death and madness almost unmatched in modern horror fiction. In the novel, the Creed cat is killed. Louis fears telling his daughter and buries the beloved pet at a nearby “Pet Sematary,” an old Micmac Indian burial ground. The cat returns home, much to Louis’ shock and delight, but it’s not the same friendly animal. It’s a listless, mean, half-alive creature that does not have a fondness for life.
Further Reading: Every Stephen King Film and TV Adaptation Currently in Development
When Gage is killed by a truck, overcome with despair, Louis buries his son in the Sematary. What comes back is a true horror of epic proportions. Gage is such a disturbing villain because he once existed as an object of purest affection. The once totally innocent soul is now corrupt and ridden with supernatural darkness. The Pet Sematary itself is rumored to once have been a burial place for cannibals, and the spirit of a Wendigo dwells in the soil.
Now, Gage is back with the most ancient of curses coursing where blood once flowed. Every father’s nightmare turned even darker. King felt the book was too dark even for him and shelved it until his wife, Tabitha, and his friend, the author Peter Straub, encouraged him to share his bleak vision of paternal loyalty with the world.
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9. The Leatherheads
Under the Dome (2009)
“God turned out to be a bunch of bad little kids playing interstellar Xbox. Isn't that funny?”
Much more frightening than typical villains, the Leatherheads are an alien race responsible for the construction of the Dome that covers Chester’s Mill. They are in the same vein as H.P. Lovecraft’s cosmic horrors, beings much older and more powerful than humanity. The mere sight of them could drive a man mad. They are beings with the power of gods but no connection to or feelings for humanity. Just cold observers that exist on a different layer of reality.
The Leatherheads construct the Dome the same way a child makes an ant farm, out of a morbid curiosity to watch how lesser creatures exist. Their casual disregard for humanity makes them truly terrifying because, unlike some of King’s other antagonists, there is really no way to fight them.
The Leatherheads are mentioned in King’s chilling short story N., but it is in Under the Dome where readers get to experience the sheer paralytic terror that would occur if an alien species of ancient intelligence turned their attention towards our little backwater planet.
Read More: It Chapter Two Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
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8. The Overlook Hotel
The Shining (1977)
“This inhuman place makes human monsters.”
If there is one thing King’s constant readers have learned after decades of nightmares is that places can be as evil as people, an idea that is personified in the Overlook Hotel, the setting of The Shining. On the surface, The Shining is a classic haunted house tale, but beneath the surface, it is so much more. It is a deep look into the fragility of fatherhood, the bond of trust between father and son. As Danny Torrance, the psychic child who journeys to a secluded Colorado hotel with his caretaker father and loving mother discovers when the father he trusted is transformed in a raging madman by the power within the Overlook.
Further Reading: How The Shining Examines the Immortality of Evil
The novel’s most riveting sections feature past accounts of other times that the Overlook weaved its dark magic, transforming good men into monsters. The walls of the Overlook can barely contain the rage within the heart of the hotel, and as The Shining plays out, readers discover just how corrupt the place is. Make no mistake, it may not have arms to swing an ax, or legs to chase down its victims, but the Overlook is a hungry sort of evil that demands to be fed. Just try staying at a Motel 6 after reading King’s classic. I dare you.
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7. The Raggedy Man
Cell (2006)
“What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle.”
Fans of The Walking Dead need to recognize. King does zombies too, and they are sphincter-tighteningly scary. In Cell, a pulse travels into cell phones all over the world. Anyone on their phone at the fateful moment is turned into a zombie. These villains are a different breed than the popular Romero clones, as the pulse also unlocks latent powers of the human mind like telepathy and levitation.
The Raggedy Man is the leader of the zombies. He thinks, organizes, and commands. He has all the nihilistic hunger of a zombie, but he has planning skills and foresight which make him a truly frightening antagonist. His goal is to spread his people around the globe and take the planet for his horde. He sees humanity as a threat to his people and seeks to destroy them to protect his new race, which could make him literature’s first sympathetic zombie villain. He is often seen wearing a crimson Harvard hoodie giving the creature an atypical zombie air of intelligence and capability.
The name of Harvard’s sports teams by the way? The Harvard Crimson. Well played Mr. King, well played.
Read More: How It Chapter Two Differs from the Book
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6. Kurt Barlow
‘Salems Lot (1975)
“That above all else. They did not look out their windows. No matter what noises or dreadful possibilities, no matter how awful the unknown, there was an even worse thing: to look the Gorgon in the face.”
King’s only foray into vampires (the classic ones, anyway), Barlow was the writer’s way of getting the whole mythos right the first time. ‘Salems Lot was King’s second published novel and his first of many novels centering on the idea of a preternatural creature releasing the beast inside of regular people. It was also his first small town novel, a setting King would return to many times over the decades.
Barlow’s story mirrors that of Dracula, from the shipment of his coffin and native soil from overseas to his arrival and reign of terror in a contemporary setting. He even has his own personal Renfield, Richard Straker, his own gothic mansion, his own legion of dark minions, and a twisted grip on the residents of ‘Salems Lot.
Further Reading: 10 Best Stephen King Horror Novels
Barlow was more of a catalyst, using embraced residents as pawns to tighten his grip on the town, but his very presence on the page was accompanied with a sense of urgency and dread.
In a 1995 BBC radio drama of ‘Salems Lot (that is well worth seeking out), Barlow is played by Pinhead himself, Doug Bradley, which automatically gives the vampire tons of villain cred.
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5. George Stark
The Dark Half (1989)
“Cut him. Cut him while I stand here and watch. I want to see the blood flow. Don't make me tell you twice.”
Stephen King once wrote under the pseudonym Richard Bachman and published some of his more experimental works like The Running Man, The Long Walk, and Thinner. His experience as somewhat existing as another person inspired King to write the Dark Half and inspired the creation of one of his most cold-blooded killers, George Stark. 
In the novel, Thad Beaumont was a successful author who wrote violent crime novels under the pen name of George Stark. After revealing to the world he was actually Stark, Thad and his wife stage a mock funeral for the author to symbolically cut ties with the violent crime fiction Beaumont wanted to leave behind. This is where King brings the terror.
Further Reading: Stephen King's 10 Most Terrifying Human Villains
The novel started with a flashback that dealt with the removal of an eye from the brain of a young Thad. It was the eye of a twin that was conjoined in the womb to the writer, an incident Thad had all but forgotten about. It was actually the eye of George Stark, who later rises from the mock grave the Beaumonts planted him in to go on a killing spree that leaves even the most seasoned reader with PTSD.
Stark is the embodiment of the darkness in the hearts of all men. The most frightening part of the book is that, even though Beaumont is desperate to rid the world of Stark, part of him is attracted to the freedom evil gives Stark and the realization that the evil is a part of him.
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4. Blaine the Mono
The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands (1991)
“Choo-Choo, thought Jake, and shuddered.”
You will never look at Thomas the Tank Engine the same way again. Blaine is a sentient train in the Dark Tower series, a machine driven insane by underuse. Blaine once housed a powerful computer mind, but the network has since broken down, making the train deranged, cruel, and suicidal.
Roland and his ka-tet need the train to travel out of the Wasteland so Roland can finish his quest for the Dark Tower. They board Blaine. They are horrified when they find Blaine has gone completely insane. The train forces them into a game of riddles. The situation gets worse, as the ka-tet realizes Blaine will kill himself by derailing at great speed with them aboard.
A crazy, sentient, thundering locomotive with a face is scary enough, but couple that with the fact that the train suffers from crippling mental health issues, and you have one of the most unique monsters in literature. There is a second voice inside Blaine, Little Blaine, who begs the ka-tet to help him, adding even another layer to the tragic nightmare that is Blaine.
So essentially, Blaine is Gollum if Gollum was a runaway train: a riddle loving, murderous, schizophrenic machine who has been ruined by pain and emptiness.
Read More: It Chapter Two and the Horror of Anti-Gay Bigotry
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3. The Crimson King 
Insomnia (1994), Black House (2001), The Dark Tower series
“I am the Eater of Worlds.”
The Crimson King is often mistaken for It, and it is not completely clear if they are the same monster, but the regality and level of reverence the King’s minions hold for him seem to suggest that he is different than the sewer-dwelling eater of children. This beast is the embodiment of evil in King’s shared fictional universe. He is first introduced in Insomnia, where he tries to kill a child prophesied to topple the rule of the King forever.
The King is later revealed as the monster behind the events of the novel Black House, and he is the overarching villain of the Dark Tower series, the monster responsible for trying to bring down the structure of reality.
Further Reading: A Reading Guide to the Stephen King Dark Tower Universe
Stephen King suggests that all his villains, supernatural or otherwise, are pawns of the Crimson King. The name itself carries some great metatextual flavor as, of course, Stephen King himself is the one truly responsible for the evil in his worlds. The half of the writer that creates and is responsible for these horrific monsters is also named King. Stephen King is the writer, father, husband, and Red Sox fan. The Crimson King is the dark overlord of the fictional universe and the monster maker.
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2. Pennywise the Dancing Clown
It (1986)
"Float?" The clown’s grin widened. "Oh yes, indeed they do. They float! And there’s cotton candy..."George reached.The clown seized his arm.And George saw the clown’s face change.
Every twenty-seven years It rises to devour the children of Derry. It awoke when a homosexual couple was beaten by a gang of thugs in 1984 to again reign terror on the children of Derry. It was put to rest by the Losers Club, a group of misfit teens, in 1958 only to rise again, decades later. It killed the leader of the Losers’ (Bill Denbrough) little brother in one of the most hair-raising prologues in horror history.  
It is another of King’s manipulator villains, as It controls the darker residents of Derry, such as bully Henry Bowers to do Its bidding. It is a cannibalistic clown that lives in the sewers, a leprous mummy, a giant spider, or a series of orange lights called the Dead Lights that drive people mad when gazed upon.
Unlike the similar creature, the Crimson King, It does not commit evil for glory or power. It devours because It hungers. The lives of innocents exist only to fill the void of It's being. And let’s face it, nothing, NOTHING is freakin’ scarier than a hungry clown in a sewer.
Read More: It Chapter Two Ending Explained
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1. Randall Flagg
The Stand (1978) Eyes of the Dragon (1986) Hearts in Atlantis (1999) The Dark Tower series
“My life for you.”
Not so much a single villain, but the archetype of all villains, Randall Flagg is King’s greatest singular creation of evil. Flagg first appeared in The Stand, the Dark Man who gathers the worst of humanity to rebuild a new civilization in his own dark image. The Walkin’ Dude had a propensity for crucifying any whose beliefs ran contrary to his.
Flagg is the greatest of King’s manipulators, able to inspire loyalty in those with dark hearts, as seen by the Trashcan Man in The Stand and even Mother Carmody in The Mist. All they have to do is say “My life for you,” and mean it, and Flagg will be there to inspire their dark deeds.
He was revealed to be the main antagonist to Roland in the Dark Tower series and is the ever-present evil in all men. Flagg is walking the back roads of reality just waiting for a chance to whisper in humanity’s ear and stir up some good, old fashioned chaos.
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Marc Buxton
Sep 12, 2019
Stephen King
Horror Movies
from Books https://ift.tt/2WJAXDa
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