hutchhitched · 5 years
Would you ever write a fic about yourself and Seb Stan? Lol....
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I don't watch much tv either, but if you liked The Office you should watch Parks and Rec if you get time. OMG, hilarious.
Treat yo’ self! That’s the other Parks and Rec reference I know. I mean, it’d be really hard to miss that one, lol. It’s already on my list of shows to watch/catch up on. I was watching The Office, once upon a time before Parenthood. Lost track of it shortly after my oldest was born. Been playing catch up ever since then. To be fair, though, even before kids, I only ever managed one maybe two shows that I’d watch regularly. Thanks, for the recommendation, lady!
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I’m looking for this fic. It’s set after Peeta is back in Thirteen. Katniss is in the shower and Peeta breaks in. She talks him down from his episode and then they make whoopie for the first time.There’s a scene where Peeta pulls a handlebar off the wall and Katniss throws it down a laundry shoot so they’re both unarmed. Anyway, I know it was a multi chapter fic. Katniss gets shipped off to fight and the story gets pretty angsty after that. I believe it was incomplete. Thanks
The story you are looking for is Random Reality Shifts by Wakebytheriver.  
Enjoy. :)
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mocalmangeal · 4 years
Inappropriate ask time- how’s the 👶 💩 story coming?
Actually have not written it cause I ended up having a lot of stuff to do yesterday.. but imma work on it when I get home today
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ashyblondwaves · 4 years
pine mire fae
pine 🌲 - what’s something you’ve had since you were a child?
Does college count as since a child? I’ve had this throw pillow since I was a Freshman and I still sleep with it every night. I mean, it’s older than my kids even lol. We lovingly refer to it as “college pillow”
mire 🏞 - how often do you go into nature?
Not as often as I’d like. I always feel so calm when I’m in nature and I absolutely love taking pictures of it. I really need to make it a goal this year to get out with my camera and get back into my photography.
fae 🌠 - what’s a fact about yourself that you don’t know how to explain? I’m the calmest anxiety ridden person you’ll ever meet. That’s really the best way to put it. I’m super chill and super anxious all at the same time. I could be going through some shit mentally but you’ll never know it unless you know me really well. Otherwise, I just come across as a super laid back, go with the flow type.
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papofglencoe · 5 years
I want to move into the Knives Out house. Amazeballs.
I WAS HOPING YOU’D SEEN IT! You’d mentioned not getting out to the show often, and I was like.... BUT... YOU... MUST! That house is basically perfect, minus the creepy fucking dolls. 
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lovely-tothe-bone · 5 years
I just wanted to say thank you for rebloging all of this awesome Everlark art lately. As a newbie it’s so exciting for me because I’ve never seen a lot of it before! Keep up the good work 😘
🥰 thank you! It's always nice to know whether the content you're sharing is actually what's wanted. I don't think you're a newbie at all, I'm sure you've been participating in the fandom much longer than me. I've only been using Tumblr for about a year and a half, even though I've had a Tumblr since the year it launched. Before that I had only been reading FF for about 9 months before @sunsetsrmydreams convinced me that there was nothing to be scared of on here. Before that I really just loved THG but kept to myself. The HP fandom was the only experience I'd witnessed and the size of it pretty much scared me off from trying to participate in anything like that. Although I'm not sure I would've wanted to participate when THG was peaking either so I can't really say I regret coming late.
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panemposts · 5 years
Thanks for digging up those old posts, totally loving them!
@butrfac14 you are very welcome! There are a lot to go, and I’m enjoying the “trip down Memory Lane”! 
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hutchhitched · 5 years
Would you ever write a Galeniss fic? Eww.
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Uh, I’d include it as a setup for Everlark, but otherwise...
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you turd, I can't believe it was you. (actually yes I can) lol nice job keeping everyone on their toes :).
I would like you to know... this is literally the first time I can recall using this emoji...
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Hi I am trying to remember this fic that I read. It takes place in district 13 and everyone ( including Peeta and Finnick) is together in 13. The guys are planning a bachelor party for Peeta; Gale buys him duct tape to keep his leg from falling off (it was a funny story) and Finnick gives him a gold fishnet? Does this sound familiar? I think it was on ffn. Thanks!
Peeta's Honeymoon Survival Kit by Medea Smyke
Thank you @hawtsee​!
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mocalmangeal · 5 years
Do beans belong in anything?
All of the green beans belong in my tummy
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ashyblondwaves · 5 years
I just saw that comment you wrote about feeling not great about drafts for unfinished Everlark stories and OMG please don't feel like that (I hope that isn't negative positivity), I'm so impressed by all of your writing. I for one have gotten so much enjoyment from so many of your fics I don't ever want you to feel that way- your stories are amazing.
Awe thank you! That really means a lot! It’s hard not to feel like you’ve left people hanging, so it’s nice to see a message like this after such a long time ❤️❤️
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creamytinydays · 5 years
When are we going to get some more Pumpernickel?
How about...soon! :D
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You are seriously the fairy godmother of this story.
Thanks for the ask!! :)
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Pictured above: @butrfac14 comforting my WIPs ;)
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mega-aulover · 4 years
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Happy Friday Eve my notifications came in just a few minutes ago... A New Path updated!
Lunch time recriation @endlessnightlock 🤩
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hutchhitched · 5 years
Is today the day? Tomorrow?
Tomorrow! Squeeeeee!!!!
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