#buxander kinsley
bux-n-azu · 2 years
Good day! Names Wilson, and I was wondering if you’d like to do a roleplay together? I have a certain chill plot in mind- hit me up if you want more details! :D here are my well.. plots- if your questioning where I came from, I found you via Electrictea’s posts lol- and I’m trying to reach out and rp with new people here!! ^^
A fallen Cervitaur warrior, lost to guide those who have fallen into the forest back to their home world/universe. But in exchange for his guidance, the person has to keep the warrior company for a single night. (A more chill p really, and I honestly would like to start with this if you do choose to write with this crazy guy that is myself lol.)
(NOTE: Mii version will be available once I finish Miitopia- which probably won't be awhile. Mil Sarah has a completely different story from the main Sarah's though!!)
The whole gist of this one is chilling with this candy cane cat that was summoned after you buy some old antique amulet from a pawn shop, and ignoring the owner's warning.. deciding to shine a flashlight onto it. letting the story unfold. Now this story goes four ways from there. But they all connect to one thing, you get too meet a very chill candycane cat.
Thank you for reading this text wall! I hope you have a great day! -Wilson
//sorry for taking a while but hell yea id love to! Here's my own OCs incase you wanna know what i got for you
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Azuri Kinsley
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Buxander Kinsley
//also id like to rp with ark
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tazmilyxfamily · 3 years
@stoopidrppalace​​​​​ inquired:
🎭 (Azuri Kinsley)
Send 🎭 for me to give writing your muse a try!
Bonus: reblog my response with you trying to write my muse!
Muse chosen: Azuri Kinsley
Snow always falls this time of year, his daddy had said. It’s cold, but it won’t hurt you.
Careful footsteps, taken one at a time at an almost painfully deliberate pace, eased him down the stairs, Azuri approaching the cloudy substance with the paranoia of a burglar in the midst of an escape attempt. The air was already cold enough as it was! How much worse would this be?
Nevermind that Buxander wasn’t around to ensure he dress himself properly, especially when it came to wearing boots.
Reaching the bottom stair, he sucked in a big breath and held it, doing his best to ignore how the chill tickled his warm throat. He had to do this. He had to find out the truth about the world around him. The hybrid lifted a leg, apprehension making him hesitate for a beat drawn out far too long for his liking, before finally moving to place his foot upon the snow...
And screamed.
“Ow!! Cold!! I-i-it’s- i-it’s so-!” Azuri pulled away quickly, shaking the snow off his heel and the terrible shock out of his leg, even scampering back up the stairs in case it attempted to chase him now that it knew his fear. ...If it was even alive in the first place, anyway. He stared down at it once he felt like there was a safe amount of distance between them. Even then, he was curled up tight in an attempt to warm himself, tail pulled over his lap.
Azuri squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip. 
He wouldn’t cry.
He wouldn’t...
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“That... That hurt...”
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
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Here's Bux and Azu! Like/Reblog if you wanna rp with em!
Roolz / Muses / Open Starters / RP Memes / Fulguadis
Not selective at all!
Multiverse, crossover, and OC friendly.
Open to Magic Anons/M!As!
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
Azuri finds a weird machine
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"...Buxie? I found this in the mailroom of our apartment."
Azuri pushes a strange-looking machine through the door of the apartment.
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"Eh? What the heck is this thing?"
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"Hmm, I don't know... I think I'll push a button on it!"
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Azuri pressed one of the buttons. Specifically, the one with a night sky on it. Instantly, the time of day changed to nighttime.
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"More like you turned off the sun. It's pitch black out there!"
Buxkin was looking out of a window. Indeed, the sky outside was pitch black, with stars dotting the night sky.
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
||  REPOST — DON’T REBLOG. ||Tagged by: @electricea​ (thanks mate)​
Tagging: @multiverse-swampy and whoever wants to give this a try
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Buxander Kinsley
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  strength.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  offense.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  defense.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  speed.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  durability.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  accuracy.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  agility.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  stamina.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  teamwork.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  stealth.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  close combat.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s).
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s).
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s).
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ — superpowers/abilities.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆—  traps/setups.
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  medic.
❖ Any lasting injuries from combat?
//Aside from some scars during his time in prison, none
❖  Fighting style?   ( BOLD any that apply. )
commander | duelist | honorable | dishonorable | would have others do their fighting | stealthy | long-ranged | melee | technological | sorcery | superhuman abilities | has fought in an illegal tourney | a lover of fighting | a hater of fighting | cowardly | reckless | strategic | uses underhanded tricks | renowned for their skill | trained | untrained | keeps skills secret | won a battle | lost a battle | ruthless | merciful
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
aw hell naw azri nd buxn becamed the maneds
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
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"WHAT THE- Shit... Ok, I'm coming Azzi!"
Bux dashes into the room Azzi is currently in. When he makes it, he comes across a weird sight.
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"...Is this a joke? How did Azzi get a metal statue of himself anyway?"
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"Daddy! It's me!"
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"Wait, what? How and why are you made of metal?"
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"I-I don't know! I don't know what happened that made me like this!"
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"Um... Ok, I'll try to figure out what made you like this. Just... uh... get some rest and I'll try to find out why you're made of metal."
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Azuri slowly walks upstairs to his room, everything around him shaking with every step as the sound of his now-metallic body hitting the floor could be heard with every step.
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"Um... I accidently destroyed my bed.."
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"These next few days are gonna be a pain in the ass."
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
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They couldn't speak, so all they did was shake a plastic pumpkin up at Buxander enthusiastically.
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"Hehe! Pretty convincing costume, kid! Almost got me fooled for a sec there. Here ya go!" Bux put a handful of lemon and sour apple flavored candies in the creature's bucket.
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
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"You know, with it being summer and all, you'd expect it to be nice and hot outside."
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"Here in Cryngland, we have the coolest summers out of all countries. The temperature isn't freezingly cold, though. It's just cold enough to make for some nice sweater weather. When people from this country want to enjoy summer, they usually vacation to one of the hotter parts of our planet."
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
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//I went and made a voice description for my characters so you know what they sound like. gonna change the voice claims to fit this as well
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
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"Y'know, I don't always produce music from home. Sometimes I even do DJ work as well. If I have the chance, I'll bring Azzi with me when I do so."
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
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"I found out something funny about cats! They apparently spit up these things called "Hairballs", and it happens because they groom themselves by licking their fur! And-and that fur ends up in their belly, and-"
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"Oh. I didn't know I could do that..." (Bux: Azuri, have you been grooming yourself like an actual cat???)
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
//Making my muses drink stuff from rangen’s drink generator because i felt like it lol part 3
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*Sigh...* "This better be worth my money. This was expensive as hell."
As Bux held the mug up to his mouth, he recoiled slightly from the smell. "Urgh... It smells funny."
Bux took a sip of the tea.
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"This... isn't that bad. The honey and cream do a really good job at complimenting the sour taste of the tea."
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
//pride month
//im just gonna leave this here
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
//Making my muses drink stuff from rangen’s drink generator because i felt like it lol part 3
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Buxander looked down at the lukewarm, thick-foamed cup served to him. "Huh. It looks a bit plain." Buxander picks up the cup and begins to drink it.
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Buxander recoiled a bit from the taste "Bleh... this tastes like cough syrup."
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"I don't know why, but despite that, I want more."
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"Hey, bartender! Get me another one of these!"
//Here’s a link to what I used if you wanna give this a try. Make sure to tag me lol
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bux-n-azu · 2 years
//Making my muses drink stuff from rangen's drink generator because i felt like it lol
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Bux looked at the can that was given to him. It had a minimalist design, with a beige color and text that simply said "Goldenrod".
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"Hm. I saw this weird drink on the counter a few hours ago. I took a look at the nutrition facts and it seems to be an alcoholic drink, so I'm definitely not giving this to Az. Might as well drink it myself."
Bux pulled the tab back, opening the can. Bux then proceeded to start drinking the fluid. Before he could comment on the flavor, he suddenly breaks into a coughing fit.
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*COUGH, COUGH!* "Ugh... this feels weird on my throat!" Buxander takes another sip, this time not coughing as hard. "Well, the flavor is pretty good. Definitely, something to comment on. Adding onto that, this feels like milk while in my mouth. I think there's foam in this as well. Not sure what to say about the taste it leaves in my mouth afterward."
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"Is it just me, or does my breath smell weird?"
//Oh and here's a link to what I used if you wanna give this a try. Make sure to tag me lol
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