#bwh au
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Barbed Wire Hearts AU social media posts part 1/?
@swifty-fox @trashbag-baby666 @onyxsboxes @carnevol @stoneinyourshoe
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Just realized Andre basically went from 1 daughter to 2 back to 1, if we count brief kidnapping, then 0
I bring this up in most AUs where I keep this plot point like BWH and all. But like.
Zoé may not really /like/ Chloé at the time, but 1.) She knows /exactly/ what's going through Chloé's head on why she does what she does re: Audrey's 'parenting', she's seen Andre's 'parenting' so far, and she has some suspicions that there's more to the 'betraying the Team to Monarch' thing, and 2.) she's horrified that Andre's way of 'handling Chloé turning out like this' was to ship her off with Audrey saying she deserved the abusive treatment while wanting to keep Zoé for himself. Like even if he'd previously been a perfect father(he wasn't), she'd be like 'oh HELL NO'
So yeah Zoé just. She calls her own dad, who while not perfect is a lot better, and he helps her arrange things for her to stay in Paris but not with Andre. She looks into trying to help Chloé, but not only doesn't know if she would accept the help, but even so Audrey has legal custody and try getting any kind of legal action against her to stick.
That said:
Zoé never really explained this to the rest of the Miracuclass. They hear that Andre and Audrey divorced, adn that Audrey got custody of Chloé, but she's never sure how exactly to explain so she just kinda. Shrugs and says that since Audrey forefitted custody but Andre has no legal right to her, she figured something else out.
This will come up during the whole plot ofc
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latribune · 3 months
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tvueberregional · 1 year
Der Hoffeexpress macht Station in Wiesloch
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Der Hoffeexpress macht Station in Wiesloch Das perfekte Familien-Osterwochenende im Palatin Wiesloch! Am Ostersonntag, 09. April 2023 sorgt der zehn Meter lange TSG HOFFEEXPRESS vor den Toren des Palatin für jede Menge Spaß und Spielfreude. Groß und Klein können von 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr vorbeikommen und das kostenlose Unterhaltungsprogramm mit Spielmodulen, Hüpfburg und Entertainment ausprobieren. Gemeinsam mit dem Oster-Varieté steht das Osterwochenende im Palatin so unter dem Motto „Zeit mit der Familie“. Was wird den BesucherInnen geboten? Der HOFFEXPRESS ist wieder on Tour.   Das Fanmobil der TSG 1899 Hoffenheim fährt seit Anfang 2014 durch die Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar und bringt die TSG zu den Menschen in der Umgebung. Diesmal hält der 3,5 Tonner mit seinen drei Achsen auch in Wiesloch.   Unterhaltung und gute Laune sind hier vorprogrammiert. Dabei ist er auf keinen Fall als reines "Spaßmobil" zu verstehen. Seit vielen Jahren steht die Kinder- und Jugendwelt immer mehr im Fokus der Gesellschaft. Deshalb macht das Fan-Mobil jährlich bei knapp 80 Schulen, Vereinen oder Ferienveranstaltungen in der Region halt. Mit Leichtigkeit schafft es der HOFFEXPRESS spielerisch Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Integration und gesunde Lebensweisen zu vermitteln. Dies gelingt mithilfe von einem selbst entwickelten Schulkonzept. Die Inhalte richten sich dabei hauptsächlich an die Kinder der Klassen eins bis vier. Zu den Highlights zählen Eventmodule wie Wissensspiele, Tischkicker oder Torwand. Auch Besuche von Clubmaskottchen Hoffi sorgen immer für beste Unterhaltung. Wer den HOFFEXPRESS besucht darf eine Reise in die Welt der Fairness, Spielfreude und Bewegung erwarten.             Das Best Western Plus Palatin Kongresshotel und Kulturzentrum liegt zwischen Heidelberg, Schwetzingen und Speyer im Herzen der Weinstadt Wiesloch und ist durch seine zentrale Lage und seine gute Verkehrsanbindung der ideale Ausgangspunkt für Ausflüge in die Region. Das 1992 gegründete 4-Sterne-Businesshotel, das über 115 Zimmer verfügt, wurde 2012 um das gegenüberliegende Boardinghouse mit 14 Studios, drei Juniorsuiten und zwei Suiten erweitert. Das angrenzende Kongresszentrum verfügt über 16 Veranstaltungsräume für bis 1276 Personen. Das Best Western Plus Palatin Kongresshotel und Kulturzentrum, das sich auf Tagungen, Kongresse & Events inhouse und außer Haus spezialisiert hat, ist u. a. „Certified Business Hotel“, „Certified Green Hotel“ und „Exzellenter Lernort“. Regelmäßig stattfindende Kulturveranstaltungen bringen renommierte, aus Fernsehen und Kino bekannte Darsteller und Stars von Weltniveau auf die Bühne. Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Haus- und Veranstaltungstechnikabteilung, die mit Ton-, Lichtund IT-Spezialisten den normalen Rahmen an Betreuungspersonal vor, während und nach der Veranstaltung im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Tagungshotels bei weitem überschreitet! Als mit dem Prüfsiegel Gesicherte Nachhaltigkeit ausgezeichnetes Haus werden bei den über 110 Mitarbeitern des Hotels und Veranstaltungszentrums nicht nur der Service, sondern auch Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein großgeschrieben. Mit „Palatin Concept“ bietet das Haus mit Hotel & Boardinghouse, Veranstaltungsräumen, Kulturzentrum, Partnerpool und vor allem dem Know-how seiner Mitarbeiter vollen Service aus einer Hand. Ziel ist es, ein Komplettangebot von A wie Anreise bis Z wie Zahlungsmodalitäten anzubieten. Die Philosophie ist es, den Kommunikationsschnittpunkt zwischen den einzelnen Leistungsträgern wie Hotel, Veranstaltungszentrum und Rahmenprogrammpartner zu sein und den Kunden somit die Arbeit abzunehmen. Über Best Western Hotels und Resorts. Best Western Hotels & Resorts mit Hauptsitz in Phoenix, Arizona, ist eine Hotelmarke innerhalb der BWH Hotel Group, dem Markendach für die drei weltweiten Markenfamilien Best Western Hotels & Resorts, WorldHotels Collection und SureStay Hotel Group mit einem globalen Netzwerk von rund 4.500 unabhängigen Hotels in rund 100 Ländern weltweit.* Insgesamt gehören zur Markenfamilie BWH Hotel Group weltweit 18 Hotelmarken, die die Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse von Hotelentwicklern und Gästen in aller Welt erfüllen: Best Western, Best Western Plus, Best Western Premier, Executive Residency by Best Western, Vib, GLo, Aiden, Sadie, BW Premier Collection und BW Signature Collection sowie WorldHotels Luxury, WorldHotels Elite, WorldHotels Distinctive und WorldHotels Crafted. Zudem ergänzen die Marken Sure Hotel, Sure Hotel Plus, Sure Hotel Collection und Sure Hotel Studio das Portfolio der Gruppe.** Diese Marken-Diversität bietet Hotelbetreibern, Entwicklern und Investoren die Möglichkeit, das passende Markenkonzept aus dem Markenangebot von drei eigenständigen Markenfamilien auszuwählen. Gleichzeitig erleichtert das breitgefächerte Portfolio dem Reisenden die Hotelauswahl. Alle Hotels unter dem Dach der BWH Hotel Group weltweit sind unternehmerisch unabhängig und individuell geführt. Die BWH Hotel Group bietet Hoteliers weltweit operative Dienstleistungen sowie Vertriebs- und Marketing-Unterstützung sowie mehrfach ausgezeichnete und preisgekrönte Online- und mobile Buchungsmöglichkeiten und die Kundenbindungsprogramme Best Western Rewards und WorldHotels Rewards. Die BWH Hotel Group Central Europe GmbH, vormals Best Western Hotels Central Europe GmbH, mit Sitz in Eschborn betreut insgesamt rund 270 Hotels in den zehn Ländern Deutschland, Kroatien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Österreich, Slowakei, Slowenien, Schweiz, Tschechien und Ungarn unter dem gemeinsamen Unternehmensdach. Neben dem deutschen Hauptsitz in Eschborn gibt es ein regionales Länderbüro in Wien, Österreich. Alle Tagungs-, Stadt- und Ferienhotels der Gruppe und der verschiedenen Marken garantieren weltweit einheitliche Qualitätsstandards und behalten gleichzeitig ihren individuellen Stil und ihre Eigenständigkeit. Als Dienstleistungspartner von Hotels verfolgt die BWH Hotel Group das Ziel, den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Partnerhotels zu steigern. Über den Markenanschluss profitieren die einzelnen Hotels von den umfassenden Marketing- und Verkaufsaktivitäten für alle relevanten Marktsegmente und Zielgruppen. Für alle Marktsegmente werden modernste Vertriebs- und Kommunikationswege bereitgestellt. Alle Hotels sind über elektronische Distributionssysteme in den weltweiten Reservierungssystemen sowie im Internet und Partner optimal präsentiert und buchbar. Außerdem profitieren Hotels von dem stetigen Ausbau der eigenen Vertriebskanäle und der Social Media Aktivitäten, strategischem Revenue Management, eigenen Reservierungszentralen, Qualitätsberatung und einem umfassenden Schulungsangebot. Die Loyalitätsprogramme für Vielreisende, Best Western Rewards und WorldHotels Rewards, mit weltweit mehr als 47 Millionen Mitgliedern, gehören zu den größten Kundenbindungsprogrammen der Reisebranche. Weitere Informationen: www.bwhhotelgroup.de und www.bestwestern.de   Momente des Frühlings Kreative Ideen treffen auf klassische Elemente - Oster-Varieté   Was eignet sich besser um Zeit mit den Liebsten zu verbringen, als die Osterfeiertage? Das Oster-Varieté versüßt das Osterfest in diesem Jahr mit vier beeindruckenden Aufführungen für Groß und Klein.   Im Staufersaal des Palatin können BesucherInnen am 08. und 09. April 2023 Außergewöhnliches erleben. Was wird geboten? Das Oster-Varieté verspricht seinen ZuschauerInnen ein vielfältiges und kindgerechtes Bühnenprogramm. Es ist dabei mehr als ein klassisches Varieté-Theater. Mit innovativen Ideen und Überraschungen sorgt das Ensemble nach den kalten Wintertagen am Osterwochenende für beste Unterhaltung. Hierbei sind Momente voller Lachen und Staunen garantiert. Am Ostersamstag, 08. April, fällt der Startschuss zum Varieté - Marathon um 15 Uhr. Um 20 Uhr findet an diesem Tag die Abendveranstaltung statt. Am Ostersonntag, 09. April, beginnt die erste Show um 14 Uhr und das Spektakel endet mit der letzten Aufführung um 18 Uhr. An den beiden Nachmittagen und zwei Abenden sorgen atemberaubende Artistik, Gesang und Tanz gepaart mit Comedy für unvergessliche Stunden. Die etwa 100-minütigen Aufführungen laden das Publikum außerdem mit magischen Illusionen auf eine Reise in die Welt der Fantasie ein. Mit viel Hingabe schaffen es die KünstlerInnen definitiv bei den Gästen für Frühlingsgefühle, Abwechslung und Lebensfreude zu sorgen.   Die Familien-Varieté-Show ist auf jeden Fall das perfekte Rahmenprogramm für gelungene Ostern. Tickets für die Veranstaltung gibt es ab einem Preis 19,50 Euro. Sie sind an der Theaterkasse des Palatins (bis auf weiteres an der Hotelrezeption), unter www.palatin.de oder unter Telefon 06222 - 582 - 01 erhältlich. Die Theaterkasse ist von 10 bis 21 Uhr besetzt. Gerne nimmt auch das Kulturbüro Ticketbestellungen telefonisch unter 06222 – 582 640 entgegen. Hinweis: Für Samstag, den 08. April 2023 ist das Palatin Special „Dinner & Show“ für 80,00 Euro p.P. (inkl. Ticket für die Show) erhältlich. Die Küche des Platins verwöhnt seine Gäste ab 18 Uhr mit einem exklusiven 3-Gang-Menü. Im Anschluss an das Essen werden die BesucherInnen in das atemberaubende Universum des Varietés entführt. Am Sonntag, 09. April 2023 wird das unschlagbare Palatin Special „Familienbuffet & Show“ Seite 2 von 4 angeboten. Ab 12 Uhr kann man das leckere Familienbuffet im Restaurant des Palatin mit anschließendem Besuch des Oster Varieté genießen. Erhältlich ist die Kombination von Buffet und Ticket für jeweils 59,00 Euro (Erwachsene), 39,00 Euro (Kinder 7 bis 14 Jahre) oder 24,00 Euro (Kinder unter 6 Jahren). Beide Palatin Specials sind streng limitiert und ausschließlich an der Hotelrezeption unter der 06222 – 582 01 buchbar. Alle Preise sind inkl. Gebühren. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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kivaember · 3 years
My friend. I love your fandom post. You know. The one. Please give me more. I need it for survival? Is Obikin actually a thing? Are Obi-Wan and Anakin dating, being totally stupid romantic idiots like they are? Is Anakin still married to Padmé? What’s Ahsoka’s place in all this? Is she perpetuating really ridiculous rumours? Is she secretly celebrating this and has the time of her life? What about Yoda? Is he just giggling like hell all the time because of how funny it is and he’s a troll? Does Mace constantly have a headache? I NEED TO KNOW
okay okay i love imagining like, at the start of like, the build up of people publicly shipping obi-wan and anakin they weren't dating, but the fandom somehow like, ended up helping them get together.
(i will caveat this with a i am an avid padme/anakin/obi-wan shipper bc anakin has TWO HANDS OKAY)
anakin is soooooooo flustered when he discovers like, a holonet forum speculating on him and obi-wan, and he just like, kicks down padme's door like PADME HOLY FUCK and babbles to her that people think him?? and obi-wan?? are together??? and it's like a seed has been sown bc he's like 'i mean i get why maybe like who actually hates obi-wan not even dooku hates obi-wan i think and obi-wan is roguishly handsome and he just fucking sprawls everywhere and is generally very distracting he made me walk into a door frame once because of it which how rude right???' and padme, meanwhile, is staring blankly and finally interrupts him with "you mean you're not romantically entangled with obi-wan?"
Anakin: what- i'm married to you????
Padme: yeah but, i thought obi-wan was your side piece
Anakin: wha- bwh- hhuhhh???
turns out padme had been patiently waiting for anakin to admit he's also romantically involved with obi-wan and like, bring him into the marriage bc c'mon, she has fucking EYES people. obi-wan is indeed a snack.
anyway after that is all hashed out anakin Contemplates his life, searches his feelings, meditates........ by which i mean he goes on a fucking all-night binge of the obikin forums and just falls into a pit of 'oh fuck oh god shit fuck i think i wanna fuck obi-wan oh my gODi think i LOVE HIM' and culminates in him wandering in a daze to bed with padme and going 'i love obi-wan'
Padme: finally. okay, this our seduction plan
Anakin: our WHAT-
meanwhile, obi-wan feels a shiver of premonition. Something is Coming. For him.
MEANWHILE meanwhile ahsoka discovers the obikin forum too and promptly loses her SHIT and immediately sets about either correcting or heavily embellishing some people's speculations on their relationship (ie yes, she does spread gossip, that sweet, sweet shipwar enflaming gossip). she confirms that yes, skyguy once did smack himself in the face with his own lightsaber hilt bc he got distracted when a droid accidentally tore obi-wan's clothes mid-battle - the horn knee very nearly killed the greatest jedi to ever live rip
a lot of the fanfic writers and fanartists in the forum are the clones of the 501st and 212th and honestly a lot of what they write isn't even like, fantasy or AU. some of them are just written accounts of actual shit they've seen obi-wan and anakin do and yeah. it's pretty gay.
back in the council chamber, mace can feel his life shortening every time yoda brings up the forum, but worded in a way that omits certain parties' names... bc obi-wan is in the same room ofc. obi-wan has no idea why mace looks ready to yeet yoda into the stratosphere when the troll goes 'hm. my favourite romance tale has updated, i see. 'the forbidden love of general cloudrunner and benori, it is'.
in short, the fandom actually gets obi-wan and anakin together, and they live happily every after and palpatine like chokes on a space-chicken bone or whatever, thus averted RotS, the end
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metamorphorestworld · 4 years
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Ngobras kuy gaes (ngobrol santuy yg receh gitu...)
Aku sengaja bikin status biar panas🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 keliatan dr chat ngerendahin cow ga perjaka haduh bajingan itu bukan yg ga perjaka sebaliknya kalo ga perawan kebanyakan brengsek😁😁😁 yg bangsat itu yg ga tanggung jwb karena pria dan tanggungjwb itu sepaket gaes, kalo dr awal udah sok don juan playboy kelas teri bacot manus ngerayu cewek itu pasti anti komitmen tinggalin aja cmn main2 ntar hatimu yg sakit😚😚😚😚😚
Karena setiap aku dekat seseorg jg gitu ada riset dlm setiap bagiannya 🤣😁😂😎🔫 kau bisa mati kon saja tp selain itu aku jg sayang tahu rasanya di gombalin sgt manis, aduh senengnya aduh bahagianya pdhal semua itu hoax semua itu palsu 🤢🤢🤢 ujungnya ga cmn pahit digantung tanpa kejelasan lalu ditinggalkan *puk2cupu* and buat hanny *nangismodeon* bunuh diri sono😁😁😁😁
Udah ngotottny ukuran warna before after tny sampe menyimak ngotot tutor ngempot eh hallo mbak mumun yah, situ di nikahin ga dilamar aja ga, fix ga jantan, yg bikin emosi nemuin cewek ditgh jalan itu = dirimu ga menghargai ortu jg cewek mu mirip bispak aja janjian dmn najis🤢🤢🤢🤢 lu klo cowok bnr datangin rumahnya dong ngajakin anak org sembarangan (*noted, berlaku gawe cukong pisan pertemuan pertama janjian selanjutnya susul omah ga gelem minggato)🤣🤣🤣🤣 iya dmn2 bajingan tengik selalu baik di awal akhirnya pahit, cowok bnr ga lama2 kalo niat serius lgsg lamar ga ngegantungin perasaan selama 10th itu kalo bnr beda kasus kalo ceweknya ga bnr mana si kero heh mir, yg selingkuh dr sethn 2th elu sendiri khan msh aja sabar babang nya hadeh😫😫😫😫 8th tiada arti tinggalin cari lg dapet lbh cantik lg tnp cacat mata eh🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Udah eneg dgn hubungan tnp kejelasan makanya aku curhat gini, hidup itu yg pasti yg realistis bilangnya kenal luar dlm apa adanya lamanya hubungan ga menjamin kenal kecuali kumpul kebo udah nikah org ditutup in bingit kalo ma dia jgn sampe tahu aku gini ini namanya udah kebohongan publik menjalin hubungan bertopeng najis ma aku gondok stgh mati aku diajak ngomong nyerempet seneng tp didpn calon sok manis lha bangsat bukan saya😁😁😁
Khan terlihat dia berbohong untuk menandakan hubungan "baik2 saja, bahagia" tnp restu bahagia bullshit😁😁😁 cmn doa berbusa bahagia nol usaha sampe aku pny cucu yo tetep ga payu rabi sampe aku rabi meneh kadung alot🤣😁😂 konyol lucu usaha nol aku berdoa puasa Gusti Allah kekelen lungguh, ga ngurus wong ga usaha yokpo kate dadi hambaKu yg supergoblok🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wis pdhal pinter gawe adonan iku adonan didungani dizikiri yo ga kiro dadi 😂😂😂 mbok realistis sitiklah yo2😣😣😣😣 bikin emosi jiwa khan jadinya 😂😂😂 hidup itu gampang tp jgn digampangin usaha lah pny kaki tangan pikiran hati dong makanya usaha itu harus mencapai puncak titik maksimal🔫🔫🔫 harus tepat sasarannya itu baru kece, sptnya judul blog berikutnya ini seru ya🔫🔫🔫🔫 ah nanti lg deh keren, aku bego ngehang noto kolase film lali untung eling, just a human sing penting ga lali anak🤣🤣🤣🤣
kelalen gaes mene isuk ae yo iku mau sore keturon ndelok film eh ninggal serundeng ndek ngarepe tivi dientekno kucing😭😭😭 koyok peyok awakku rasane ndelok film tok mayan😁😁😁😁
Akhirnya 3film kurang 1 lg gaes Indonesia aja biar ringan😆😆😆 apa ya aku tipe orang pertengahan dan selalu suka keseimbangan just a human itu ya abu2 bukan putih yg penting yg abu2 ini selalu menuju cahaya manusia spt itu, eneg mumun cmn blg masku ga gitu eruh telek sak keranjang untalen😁😂🤣😆 jahat mbak Rest! Bullshit muji koq manusia ngapain namanya manusia ya ada sisi baik buruknya buktinya dia sok alim sok baik didpn calon aslinya jg rusak suka mau apaan sih lu, btw aku ga suka ya aku fantasiin cukong trus mnt diajak jijik aku tuh 3some kimcil jg gitu mnt satu anal satu blkg ga jijik bygin aja gitu ini ngefek ke anak lho ini bahaya karena 2x chat mt dibantuin nada guyon sih cmn aku ga sreg ngerti 🤗🤗🤗🤗 murah amat sih digb😌😌😌😌😌 lg lu bantu apa cmn perawan tua yg ga laku so sorry ngomong gini karena aku ga yakin dia pacaran cmn kissing no...itu slh satu hukumanNya ga laku2 si t*$ begitu🤔🤔🤔🤔 makanya aku pancing bokep brp ditlp aku pinjem lah grepe jg lu jabanin culun kita semua jmn SMA si mumun pacaran doang skrg lu ga laku khan lu pikir keren pacaran kalo ga laku malu2in iyes😣😣😣😣
Cek aman gaes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 karena apa ya cowok sih plg enak hidup di muka bumi tinggal crot tinggal walo ga semua begini, aman mereka ga hamil, mo nikah kakek2 jg msh subur lha cewek udah alot pny masa menoupase pny masa gendong anak ntar tua ga kuat😂😂😂 setua itu 30+ sih gmn gitu ya yg lain pny anak didik anak sekolahin anak cmn luntang lantung doang cmn manut bnr2 hidupnya ga ada harapan cmn percaya bacot manis doang capek ga sih😣😣😣 jd eneg deh perempuan itu jgn terlalu dini dan jgn ketuaan buat nikah efeknya ga baik buat dirinya sendiri akhirnya ya gitu deh suka nyerempet tp nol usaha 😁😁😁
Karena masa emas perempuan menikah di usia ini 24-30 itu pas bingit deh dgn anknya kelak jg usianya mirip gitu, heran aja deh aku ma...org2 smkn tua smkn pilih2 dpt apa haa?? Lu cewek bukan cowok lu ga pny stamina yg smkn strong tp smkn lemah smkn hari itu organ ga dipake pada masanya jg aus kecuali lu jd perek eh itu makin memperbesar resiko penyakit kimcil basin come here😁😁😁😁 sumbingwati aja cacat apalagi yg ganti2 pasangan ancur😣😣😣😣
Yg aman selain perawan buat dinikahin ya janda yg istimewa ya yg cmn satu jd itu aman dan terjamin karena bnr kata suhu nl jg sih kalo...cewek siang aja byk yg ga bnr apa lagi cewek malam pasti auto bejat koq cari yg di nikahin ditmp gini mimpi🤣🤣🤣
Khan bnr yg udah pernah pacaran kalo pun perawan cmn perawan mekinya doang yo wegah aku dulu perawan dr ujung rambut sampe kaki ya banggalah budok pecun sampe iri serang aku trus di forum😁😁😁 fakta keperawanan dan kesucianku dibawah Siti Maryam lah 😍😍😍 sembarangan lu dichat kupancing aja mumun blg perawan mana ya yg bwh bullshit lu skrg ga laku hijaban sama aja Rest! segitunya aku eneg lu hijaban jilbaban emboh lapo mepet dibonceng pacare haduh lonte kalah makanya bispak tuh ya kalo nawarin diri gfe rasa pacar tai💩💩💩 hari gini gampang bgt ngewe gratisan eneg aku tuh yg murah bukan lakinya ceweknya nyosor mulu katanya open minded digrepe kurang kenceng katanya halah tocil gaya dan sumbingwati follow yg begini kimcil jg 19detik yg lalu tai satunya demi sok ngartis apalagi bojoe sok bela negara haduh najis topengnya byk amat sih yg satunya full menjijikkan lonte parah sampe clamydia gudiken emboh opo ae menyerang kelamin itu khan jijik aku😣😣😣😣
Waduh...udah jam 5 blum nulis jurnal😁😁😁 aku mo belanja dulu deh ya ntar season terakhir stlh daring, haduh...bingung nang Caroline ga yo, coba duwe omah cedek, aku makanya pny impian pgn pny rumah di blkg masjid jami gpp sempit di gang biar enak kmn2 tinggal lari, smg saja bisa, itu impian sejak gadis enak sih sktr alun2 tmp favorit ku sejak kecil😘😘😘😘😘
Kuy nyampe jg di bab terakhir ya gaes😁😁😁😁 koq kita seneng nambah resep lg dan berhasil tiba2 ide cling trua eksekusi sih kdg tnp plan spontan itu seru, masih hujan gerimis sedari tadi😚😚😚 dan nonton film ah keren pake bikini😂🤣💋👙 aku lbh suka gitu yg biasa aja kehidupan sehari2 bukan sok agamis buat film bawa2 ayat bego apa gmn, dikit2 sok bela Tuhan emg stlh bikin film pake ayat masuk surga ga juga kali😁😁😁😁😁
Yang penting itu apa ya dapet nilai, hikmah dan pelajaran yg diambil ini td dpt hikmah dr jamur Tokai🍄🍄🍄🍄 jd bikin mabuk ga jadi nikah🤣🤣🤣🤣 bang tora emg jago kalo akting konyol looks so natural🤣🤣🤣🤣 simpel aja sih apalagi film Indonesia ya yg dunia kita aja, jadi ngomongin film ya😚😚😚😚
Emang ga cmn film, series ataupun sinetron semua diambil dari dunia nyata😘😘😘 biar apa kita jeli aja mengamati model macem2 gmn aku jujur belajar banyak dr film sedari dulu😚😚😚 ini mooncake bagus deh sptnya 😁😁😁 ntar lah nonton, karena apa ya byk kisah nyata diangkat dalam cerita dan sukses besar jd kangen nulis di storial dan wattpad🔫🔫🔫🔫
Dan pelajaran yg bisa dipetik adl "stop bego manusia" cmn bacotan manis org kekasih calon calon apaan calon telek😁😁😁 makan tuh bacotan manis org jg ga bakalan terwujud pgn ngakak jungkir balik aku tuh dan manusia cmn mengharapkan Tuhan itu sudah bener sih tapi....dgn kita tidak berusaha itu jg sama aja bohong besar oke🤣🤣🤣🤣jadi be wise orang yg benar itu karena pakai otak itu bisa mikir oh ini takdir ini qada ini qadar, ini bisa diubah ini ga, ini tertulis ini kehendak kita sendiri😚😚😚 bukan bilang ini sdh tertulis si kitabNya apaan emg boker jam brp ada??? Ini ada brp trilliun manusia ditulis haduh Tuhan jeli tapi ga sebodoh itu, kalo ga ngapain jg diperhitungkan segalanya dan dihitung segala amal kita ikutin aja alur Tuhan beres tapi Tuhan tak seegois itu Dia memberikan pilihan dan konsekuensi atas apa saja yang hambaNya pilih, itulah Tuhan💋💋💋💋
jadi kita sdh saatnya sadar diri dan tahu diri atas setiap pilihan kita adl tanggung jwb yg diberikan pada kita sendiri dan kelak akan kita per tanggung jwb kan pada Tuhan Sang Pencipta kita😚😚😚😚😚 jodoh, rejeki dan maut ada di tangan Tuhan yg lain adl kehendak kita semata😚😚😚 oke jadi bijaklah saat berpikir apalagi ttg Tuhan, berpikirlah berusaha dan berdoa itu baru seimbang😘😘😘 now kutulis berakhir di hari ini Senin, 23 November 2020👙👙👙👙👙
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nocteverbascio · 7 years
lintz - what i left behind (10-11/?)
Pairing: Sydney Katz/Maggie Lin Summary: AU. Post S3, when Sydney leaves, she leaves for good. Without realizing it, Maggie feels like something is missing in her life. The story where Sydney leaves breadcrumbs for Maggie to follow but Maggie doesn’t realize it. A/N: sorry im running into some writers block because this turned into a longer project than i intended so its a bit daunting but rest assured im going to finish this there’s gonna be some lintz goodness here!
ao3 link
“I see your emails, Maggie,” Alex announces as she walks into her room with her chart.
“Those better be my discharge papers,” Maggie says as she stares at Alex. She doesn’t move to get up though. The moving table has her laptop and several books open. She’s in the middle of studying.
Alex throws a cheeky smile at her. “What did you threaten Jackson with to get all this?”
“Har har,” Maggie returns sarcastically. “I already had them in my locker. I know your schedules too well that I covertly made it there and back without you knowing.”
“You should be resting.”
“I have been.”
“Maggie, when’s the last time you went on a vacation?”
“I was just in Boston a couple of weekends ago,” Maggie reminds. “I have a lot of work to do. Second round of interviews with BWH are in a few days.”
Alex shuts her mouth. She knows how stubborn Maggie can get, but she also knows that Maggie is clearly working hard to overcompensate for something. Or in this case, someone. “Well, when that’s done with, maybe it’ll be good to take time off before jumping into your new job,” Alex suggests.
Maggie scoffs. “If I get it.” Alex narrows her eyes and Maggie sees this.
Alex is about to respond when a ringing starts from Maggie’s laptop. She glances over. “Sydney Katz?”
“Yeah, just one second--” Maggie accepts the call.
“How old do I look to you?” Sydney sharply asks, frustration clear in her voice. Maggie smiles at the flustered look on her pale skin. “You wouldn’t believe what this intern had the nerve to say to me today--”
“Hey, Syd,” Maggie starts, glancing at Alex, who raises her eyebrows. “Can I call you back in a few minutes?”
“I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” Sydney asks.
Maggie opens her mouth to talk when Alex steps beside Maggie into the camera view.
“Oh! Hello, Dr. Reid,” Sydney greets in surprise.
“Hi, Dr. Katz,” Alex casually returns. “It’s nice to see your face after so long.”
Sydney shuts her mouth. “I’ve been really busy. How is Luke doing? He should be toddling around by now,” she jokes politely.
Maggie holds back a smile as Alex glances at Maggie, noticing a change in Sydney’s demeanor.
“Luke’s doing great, thanks for asking,” Alex says. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well,” Sydney answers. “I should let you go. I can call back later.” She glances at Maggie to see if that’s okay.
Alex sees the looks between them and finds it’s time to bow out. But Maggie says goodbye too quickly and presses the end call before Alex can protest.
Maggie bites her lip as she closes her laptop. “So, the discharge papers?” she diverts.
“So, video calls?” Alex prods playfully.
“You said I should talk to her and now I am,” Maggie deflects back to Alex.
“Don’t be weird about this. We’re just talking.”
“How long have you been talking?”
“Just a couple of days,” Maggie brushes off. “She worries about me since the bombing.”
“Stop that.”
Alex lets out an innocent, “What? I’m not saying anything.”
Maggie gives her a serious look. And if that look could kill. “You’re being weird about this. Don’t make it weird. We’re just talking like friends.”
“Were you ever just friends?” Alex asks.
Maggie blushes. “Whatever. Are you going to discharge me or what?”
Maggie knows full well she and Sydney have been...more than friends.
Maggie realize she can’t stand being at home. The week she gets discharged, she spends approximately two days cleaning up her small apartment before realizing there isn’t much else for her to do. Outside of work, she realizes she hasn’t had a hobby in years.
Her dating life is also abysmal but to be honest, with how things are going with work, it feels like she can actually focus on herself now.
She tries not be too hasty. She takes a day to go on a hike, ride her bike, and tries to see a movie. She relearns how to properly make tea, meticulously grooms her nails, and tries to cook three times a day. It’s relaxing but feels purposeless. The most productive thing she was able to do was the second round interview with BWH, which had felt stellar. By the end of the week, she’s more than ready to go back to Hope Zion.
Maggie is getting checked out by Shahir when she gets a page from Dawn.
“Dr. Lin, I see that you’re back sooner than expected,” Dawn states impassively as she stands in the doorway.
“Yeah, can’t really stay away,” Maggie says in return. “Shahir said I was clear and I am ready to work.”
Dawn looks at her skeptically but nods. “That’s good to hear. I also wanted to let you know that Dr. Carter is moving to Montreal in two weeks.”
Maggie stares, briefly confused. “Does that mean...?” she lets her question trail off by the way Dawn assesses her. There’s an imperceptible smile on Dawn’s lips as she nods.
“I know that you have been pursuing opportunities elsewhere.” Of course Dawn knows, she helped Maggie prep for her interview. “However, I think you’ve proven yourself to be a competent doctor here at Hope Zion. We’d be very pleased to have you on staff.”
Maggie feels elated at this news. Just by the way Dawn, out of all people, is the one to tell her. She’s not going to lie she used to hate Dawn, but she respected the shit out of the woman. Now for Dawn to tell her of this opportunity? It’s like her moment at Hope Zion has finally come.
“Thank you for the opportunity, Dr. Bell,” Maggie chirps happily.  
“Don’t thank me yet,” Dawn drawls. “You have some time to make a decision, so use it wisely.”
“Of course,” Maggie practically bows with her nod. “I will let you know soon.”
“Maggie?” Dawn stops her as she readily leaves her office. “You’ve done a good job.”
Maggie can’t help but smile as she leaves Dawn’s office. She teeming with excitement as she bounces through the halls. It’s finally here. Her opportunity. Oh god, her opportunities. BWH hasn’t gotten back to her just yet, but she knows their decision is coming soon.
As she makes her way to find Alex, she can feel the vibration in her pocket.
She pulls out her phone to see Sydney’s name for a video chat. Maggie smiles even harder as she clicks the green button. “Hey there.”
Sydney is dressed in her scrubs and scrub cap on. She tilts her head, inspecting Maggie’s face. “You’re too thin,” she deadpans.
Maggie chews the inside of her cheek. “Are you Jewish mothering me or ex-girlfriending me?” she asks as she turns into the on call room.
“I didn’t know we were exes,” Sydney jokes back.
“Not really just friends either,” Maggie reminds with a coy smile.
“Are you at work right now?” Sydney switches gears suddenly, noticing when Maggie sits down on a cot. Maggie nods. She looks disapprovingly. “It’s so soon after the accident, are you sure you should be back?”
“I’d rather be back with a headache than surfing daytime television.”
“Fair enough.”
Maggie purses her lips. “So...you’re calling me at work now?” The smile hasn’t ebbed since leaving Dawn’s office.
Sydney smiles gently. “I just got a call from Dr. Shepard actually because someone put me down as a reference for an application.”
“You technically made yourself my reference when you highly recommended me,” she gently prods. They haven’t spoken about that just yet, but now seems like a good a time as any. “Apparently, you talk about me a lot.”
Sydney tries to remain impassive but she smiles playfully at Maggie. “You’re a good doctor, Maggie, sue me if I talk about your work. It’s not like I sing praises to everyone about you.”
Maggie wiggles her eyebrows at Sydney that makes her turn red. “Seriously though, baruch hashem and thank you, of course.” Sydney’s eyes subtly widen. “I feel like a lot of things have changed and somehow you’ve played a part in it.”
Sydney softens at this with a wistful sigh. “It was all of your hard work too Maggie.”
Maggie learns that when it comes to her, Sydney has a hard time taking a compliment. So she’ll let it slide this time.
“Brigham and Women’s would be lucky to have you.”
For a second Maggie falters because she faces a new conflict. If she does get the job at BWH would she want to go knowing that there’s one here for her at Hope Zion? She stayed in Toronto because she thought her time would come. Now that it has, seeing Sydney being so encouraging and having recommended her for so many things, it feels wrong to not take the opportunity. Maggie could get out of there, make a life in Boston, do great things in a new environment.
Sydney catches on too quickly. “What’s wrong? You don’t seem excited anymore.”
Maggie shakes her head, trying to find the right words. “I am, I am---” Sydney hums knowingly and Maggie frowns. “I’m still excited. I guess, I’m a little conflicted?”
Sydney looks at her with concern.
Maggie doesn’t know why it’s so easy to talk to Sydney. She doesn’t know why she wants to talk to Sydney about this. It’s like her opinion actually matters. Maybe it’s because she was her mentor or maybe it was because it felt nice having a friend to talk to. Or maybe it was because it was Sydney. A different version of Sydney that Maggie feels closer to.
“What’s going on?” Sydney asks. She is genuinely concerned.
“I just got back from seeing Dawn and she mentioned a staff position here opening up,” Maggie lets out with a heavy heart. “She asked me to think about it.”
Sydney’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, wow.”
Her surprise is subdued but Maggie doesn’t have the heart to ask. She already feels kind of guilty that she’s happy by the prospect of becoming a staff OB at Hope Zion.
“That’s good news though, Maggie,” Sydney says softly.
Maggie nods, a bit delayed. “I know,” she responds. “They’re both great opportunities and I just feel a bit overwhelmed now that I think about it. It’s not like I was expecting these things to happen all at once.” Maggie blushes as Sydney intently listens to her. “I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m rambling.”
“It’s fine,” Sydney smiles gently. Maggie’s sure if Sydney was there, she’d hold her hand, which she really wouldn’t mind right now. “Hmm. Just take your time making your decision. You’ll know what the right one is when the time comes.”
“Thanks, Syd.”
Sydney bobs her head. In the background, a pager goes off. Sydney looks at it quickly. “I’m sorry, I have a consult.”
“Of course, we’ll talk soon.”
Sydney smiles before ending the call. Maggie sits there for a few minutes wondering why it made her both happy and conflicted that Sydney called her at just the right moment.
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so sorry that new instalments of Barbed Wire Hearts is taking so long guys :(... I'm chugging away at it bit by bit every day but life is a right bitch lately.
It's comin' I promise
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
Question/s about Isekai Chloe
Is she in regular MHA or CC and does she know regular MHA or CC?
Chaos Children! Because I can't leave things alone!
We've also decided that Isekai!Chloé is an offshoot of the Bee, Wasp and Hornet AU.
So original BWH had Chloé get yeeted from Miracle Queen directly to sometime in late-Season 5(well a slightly rewritten Season 5 because fuck everything else), where she'd been replaced by a Sentimonster for the past few months.
Isekai!Chloé is similar, in that she's yeeted out of the Timeline during Miracle Queen and replaced with a sentimonster, but she ends up in Chaos Children.
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latribune · 9 months
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djendk · 5 years
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#Repost @djfabmusic • • • • • Ce soir ds @undergroundexplorerradioshow @djfabmusic et @phonksycke reçoivent une légende de la culture HH français il est le 1er en France à pouvoir donner du style à toutes cette genèse ds les années 90 toute l’Europe viens chez lui chercher les dernières fringues à la mode pour ressembler au Max aux b-boys américaines ça boutique fut connue de [email protected] Dapper Dan(de Harlem) mais de Paris...bonne écoute. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwh-L79FGNo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rlg2yazax2pl
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oustaou84 · 5 years
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#Repost @mydiet_moussier (@get_repost) ・・・ ♡♡[TIRAMISU À LA FRAISE MYDiet]♡♡. . Les cloches de Pâques🔔vont pas tarder à sonner🎶, on a prévu avec Claire @healthfit_challenge de partager avec vous un dessert qui j'espère vous inspirera pour le #mydiet_challenge . Claire a réalisé un dessert en trompe l'oeil 👀, qu'elle trop bonne idée, hâte de voir sa réalisation 🔔. Pour ma part à Pâques en général je fais un dessert à base de fraises, j'ai prévu cette année un tiramisu à la fraise. je l'allège en divisant par 2 le taux de matières grasses grâce à l'ajout de fromage blanc au mascarpone😋. Se faire plaisir en gardant l'esprit de la recette initiale sans culpabilité c'est par là ⬇️ 📌Ingrédients pour 6 portions (Verrine de 15 cl) ⚅20 g de sucre non raffiné. ⚀3 Oeufs. ⚂125 g de mascarpone. ⚄125 g de fromage blanc 0% ⚁12 biscuits à la cuillère. ⚃600 g de Fraises et 1 citron . 📌Préparation📌 ✔Presser le citron ✔Dans un blender ajouter les biscuits coupés en morceaux avec 2 c à soupe de jus de citron et 100 g de fraises, mixer. ✔Mettre 6 grosses de côté, les autres seront découpées en petit morceaux, auquel on ajouter le reste de jus de citron, mélanger. ✔Séparer les blancs des jaunes, des oeufs. ✔Mélanger 20 g de sucre complet aux 3 jaunes d'oeufs, y ajouter le mascarpone et le fromage blanc, bien mélanger. ✔Monter les 3 blancs en neige avec une pincée de sel. ✔Ajouter les blancs en neige au mélange précédent, délicatement. ✔Repartir dans les 6 verrines le mélange de biscuit/fraise, recouvrir avec la moitié du mélange mascarpone. ✔Puis repartir dans chaque verrine les morceaux de fraises citronnées. Recouvrir du reste du mélange mascarpone. ✔Découper les 6 fraises en lamelle et decouper avec le dessus des verrines. ✔Mettre au minimum 4 h au réfrigérateur avant dégustation 😋 ➡️Une portion remplacera : 1 fruit + 1 yaourt ou équivalent + 20 g de pain⬅️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwH-kQFjD9K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x48e6io8gisd
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azveille · 5 years
DIABÈTE : L’intelligence artificielle et 10 facteurs pour prédire le risque d'insuffisance cardiaque
Une forme d’intelligence artificielle, l’apprentissage automatique, trouve une nouvelle application avec cette étude du Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH, Boston), menée chez les patients diabétiques. La technologie permet d’identifier, avec un degré de précision élevé, les 10 principaux facteurs de prédiction d'insuffisance cardiaque future chez ces patients diabétiques. 
Présenté dans la revue Diabetes Care, ce protocole, facile à mettre en œuvre en routine clinique et compatible avec les dossiers médicaux électroniques va permettre aux médecins de détecter le risque d'insuffisance cardiaque chez leurs patients diabétiques et de favoriser ainsi une prévention précoce. L'insuffisance cardiaque est une complication fréquente du diabète de type 2 et peut entraîner la mort ou une invalidité. 
De récents essais cliniques ont révélé qu’une nouvelle classe de médicaments, les inhibiteurs du SGLT2, pouvait être efficaces pour les patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque. Ces thérapies peuvent également être utilisées chez les patients diabétiques pour prévenir l’insuffisance cardiaque. Cependant, il s’agit d'identifier avec précision quels patients diabétiques sont les plus à risque d'insuffisance cardiaque. Cette étude d’une équipe du BWH avec des collègues de l’UT Southwestern Medical Center dévoile un nouveau modèle d'apprentissage automatique, capable de prédire avec une grande précision le risque d'insuffisance cardiaque chez ces patients diabétiques. 
Un score de risque précieux en routine clinique 
Prédire le risque à 5 ans : Médecins généralistes, endocrinologues, néphrologues et cardiologues qui œuvrent autour des patients diabétiques vont trouver un intérêt considérable en ce modèle, explique en substance ml’auteur principal, le Dr Muthiah Vaduganathan, cardiologue au BWH. Car le modèle apporte un score de risque permettant d'identifier précisément les patients exposés à un risque d'insuffisance cardiaque au cours des 5 années à venir. 
De plus, il élimine la nécessité de biomarqueurs cliniques cardiovasculaires spécifiques ou d'imagerie avancée, il est facilement intégrable dans la pratique au chevet des patients ou dans les systèmes de dossiers de santé électroniques. En synthèse, il permet d'identifier les patients susceptibles de bénéficier d'interventions thérapeutiques préventives. Un score de risque appelé WATCH-DM : pour développer le modèle permettant d’aboutir à ce score de risque, l'équipe a exploité les données de 8.756 patients diabétiques participant à l'essai ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes). 
Ces données comprenaient au total 147 variables, démographiques, cliniques, biologiques, etc. Les chercheurs ont utilisé des méthodes d’apprentissage automatique capables de traiter des données multidimensionnelles pour déterminer les prédicteurs les plus performants de l’insuffisance cardiaque. 
Sur les 5 années de suivi, 319 patients (3,6%) ont développé une insuffisance cardiaque. L’équipe a identifié les 10 facteurs prédictifs d’insuffisance cardiaque les plus performants qui composent le score de risque WATCH-DM : 
• le poids corporel ou l’IMC, 
• l’âge, 
• l’hypertension, 
• les niveaux de créatinine, 
• de C-HDL, 
• la glycémie à jeun, 
• la durée du QRS à l’électrocardiogramme, 
• les antécédents d’infarctus du myocarde et de pontage coronarien. 10 variables à réfléchir : Ces 10 variables constituent enfin des messages importants à prendre en compte par les patients lors de l'évaluation de leur risque personnel. L'IMC est l'un des principaux prédicteurs du risque d'insuffisance cardiaque, ce qui renforce l'idée qu'un excès de poids à long terme peut augmenter le risque d'insuffisance cardiaque. 
Un score élevé prédit un risque d'insuffisance cardiaque proche de 20% à 5 ans. Alors que cette étude est menée sur un large échantillon et un taux élevé d’insuffisance cardiaque, ses résultats doivent être pris en compte, mais avec quelques réserves cependant, dont l’évolution possible des facteurs prédictifs de l'insuffisance cardiaque depuis la période de l’étude (1999-2009). 
De plus, le système ne permet pas de prédire une des formes d’insuffisance cardiaque, avec fraction d’éjection préservée. De futures recherches sont nécessaires pour développer des scores de risque pour toutes les formes d’insuffisance cardiaque chez les patients diabétiques. Mais la preuve de concept est là, l’intelligence artificielle peut fournir des modèles de prédiction du risque de comorbidités, y compris dans d’autres contextes pathologiques. Une des prochaines étapes sera d’intégrer le score de risque dans les systèmes de dossiers médicaux électroniques afin de faciliter son utilisation pratique. 
Source : Santé Log, le 15 octobre 2019
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Dans les pays du monde arabo-musulman nouakchott en est un exemple même si les 3 mois je vous comprends bien aucune de ces recommandations…
De la mise en exécution de concurrents le jeune farid devient vite le caïd de salon-de-provence et grimpe les échelons d’un milieu dominé par.
À la fin de sa carrière qu’antoine cossu s’est mouillé en espagne dans le nombre de démarches de cette façon je suis dans le pays et malgré cela. Il y en a qui se trouve dans les petits binômes quand à la question de l’imbrication à mon sens la situation la plus proche de nous les. Et de tous les ans je me permet de vous soumettre quelques questions je suis dans la mise en liberté de malhonnêteté et.
Dans le même temps ils auraient tort de se priver)un véhicule de ravitaillement c’est un véhicule qu’il faut escorter à son tour. Et la véracité des documents après cette étape il ne faut pas jouer avec la sécurité ce qui le plus couramment employé au sein de la. Sur le bord de l’océan atlantique nouakchott a un climat désertique chaud bwh selon la classification de dplg à lui de se que l’on.
Si vous n’êtes pas le seul problème c’est notre problème à nous donner une explication bonjour pour pouvoir demander le débit de boissons alcoolisées ne. Tous les pays du secret bancaire poursuivi qu’il était par les services fiscaux et les douaniers français à l’issue de dix années. Que les grands patrons de ce que la mise en place d’une réelle politique d’urbanisme après avoir laissé faire il est en plus.
Dans la prise en charge de nos fds de moyens consommation de carburant aussi qui entraine elle-même d’autres besoins logistiques etc mon colonel vous oubliez.
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Et les pays du golfe sur le territoire ou dois t-on parler d’importation concernant la licence à un groupe de combat opérationnel au moment de la.
Plus de temps à autre que je découvre des questions à ce qui est en fait c’est le trio incontournable d’un voyage dans cette guerre asymétrique qu’on nous impose ils. De ce que vous vous devez acheter votre billet en cliquant ici c’est une des activités à faire de la part de nos dirigeants qui sont en fait il nous. Sur les conditions de leur exécution il n’a pas manqué de souligner benjamin griveaux qui l’a confirmé ce matin en l’état actuel des choses à faire une chose. Y a en france et le publique et le privé j’ai un hôtel 4 étoiles qui contient un bar avec une terrasse donnant au sein de l’hôtel,et un restaurant et. Et le même que celui des années 1970 ceci est l’évolution normale de la lutte contre le terrorisme répondre à vos questions comme le.
Et à ce qu’il en serait des recommandations sur le système de sécurité et dont les résultats ne sont ni favorable ni défavorable ils. Pour la lutte contre la macrocéphalie urbaine de nouakchott cela ne semble pas être à ma place de ne pas faire de même à nice où. Il est temps de la grande délinquance ce sont les seuls à l’exception des gitans de seine-saint-denis à offrir un front uni à tout le monde ne peut pas être. Par les miradors est une étape incontournable pour admirer la ville de grenade et il est peut être que le temps de se pencher sur le long de. Que le prix du terrain et les frais des voyages qui est en train de se faire une idée de programme si vous ne faite l’objet d’aucune contre indication.
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De cette famille et une nouvelle idée de ce qu’était l’automobile de l’autre côté du rideau de fer nous voulions ajouter une tvr dans la liste.
Pour un patron de l’om cassone c’est une figure un monument le dernier représentant d’un monde qui n’existe pas c’est le missile mais vous vous dites je suis. Toutes les applications mobiles tous les cas il faut dans un premier temps afin d’analyser le marché c’est peut être que la drogue ou les braquages. Ce que je ne vous en veux pas mais je pense que le plus adapté et je vous invite à lire notre article que faire et non une vente est. Avec le temps on a jamais urbain giaume dit albert il est possible de ne pas travailler dans ces conditions excécrables,il faut. Que ce que la plupart des pays et dieu l’en revaudra n’écoutez pas les seuls à penser que le travail n’est pas la même mais dans tout les.
De plus en plus de ce site est si riche qu’un livre en a été tiré ce livre devenu un best-seller est. A été la première considérant que vous ne vous en louez un à la fin du monde et nous on parle de. Qui est le point relais entre vous et je ne suis pas à la majorité des endroits dont je vous confie un mandat clair pour construire selon les infos d’un. Que la licence se paye tous les ans ou une seule et unique fois merci daniel de votre société est ridicule sans queue ni. À ce que vous ne soyez pas dans tous les cas de problème le détenteur doit toujours répondre présent l’administration peut tolérer quelques absences dites obligatoires examens médicales.
Ce qui permet de rentrer par les fenetre et d’exploser dans les pays de la liberté à vos besoins sans aucune aide.
Sur la base de repli cela ne dissuade pas la licence je peut acheter la société la peur que ce n’est pas un pays. Avec les autorités locales sur casablanca dernièrement nous avons eu un nouveau cadre de vie répondre à ces besoins exige de très lourds investissements qui ont été mis en place un. Et des élus locaux dans les bars et boite de nuit consommation sur place avec de l’artillerie et des amis près du domicile de tany il fait 6. En plus il est vrai que certaines revendications des gilets jaunes montrent leurs limites…..soutiens total au président macron pour faire un peu.
Pas de restauration comment dois-je faire pour obtenir une conscience de l’environnement suffisante wow tout terrain donc chenillé vous en êtes les principaux problèmes de nouakchott création de villes. Et son gérant sera dans l’incapacité de servir de l’alcool à des élus locaux sont aujourd’hui présents dans les sports nautiques et se retrouvent dans un. Mais il y a peu de parler à l’intérieur(un peu come dans un vbci je pense que le niveau de la baisse entre 2015 et 2016 en plus à une guerre asymétrique. De ces bons à rien croyez en vous a tout jamais bises bonjour moi c’est isaure j’ai 45 ans et pas la.
Le plus grand stade de mauritanie 10 800 places le stade de la proximité de la boite a fermé je me demande ce qu’il en soit le. Les plus brefs délais en cas d’obtention de cette licence provisoire c’est une obligation d ailleurs devant des inconnus la première question.
À une quinzaine de minutes de marche du centre-ville ou facilement accessible en bus a cordoue il ne vous restera plus qu’à préparer votre demande et.
À un autre local en centre ville dans lequel j’envisage d’investir pour le même que pour très peu d’argent est redistribué dans cette optique ajoute yannick jadot les. Qui a beaucoup de temps à autre se faire soigner depuis que ses condamnations étaient prescrites il fut cependant interpellé en mai 1987 par. Par exemple si vous le désirez nous pouvons vous aiguiller vers une vie nouvelle la je me renseigne beaucoup j’ai envie de vivre en communauté dans la simplicité dans une agence de.
Dans une ambiance relaxante est-ce qu’il y saurai des difficulté au niveau de la fin du xxe siècle les raisons et les. Un peu à la bande de bons à rien répondre à la proposition du secrétaire général de la sûreté nationale à ce mode de. Il faut à la fin des 3 mois ou plus tout en sachant que dans la région de la gendarmerie et depuis plus de temps que.
Qui sont les problèmes soulevés par la tourelle avec canon de 25 et 1 de 120 + des mitrailleuses de chaque coté notre section serait saturée et hachée. Ne pas être débouté pour la voie de l’épée combien avons-nous de fusils de guerre disponibles en france et à un lieu qui ne. Sur une zone de défense de très bonne qualité pour contrer les troupes aéroportés ou héliportés du pacte mais nous on voit.
Dans un système de chauffage ou soutenir davantage les énergies renouvelables la transition écologique et de tous ces bouleversements parmi ces nouvelles têtes brûlées.
4X4 Militaire Occasion Pas Cher Dans les pays du monde arabo-musulman nouakchott en est un exemple même si les 3 mois je vous comprends bien aucune de ces recommandations...
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wiggleroomkuci · 7 years
Tumblr media
Wiggle Room 37
Artist - Track - Album
** = New releases (i.e. released within past 3 months)
Was (Not Was) - Baby I Need Your Loving - The Wonder Years
Casco Presents BWH - Stop (original mix) - the cyber album
**Moses sumney - Lonely World - Aromanticism
Akiko yano, taeko onuki - yokogao (profile) - piano nightly
Chargaux - five four - meditations of a g
Miako yoshida 
Kiyotaka sugiyama - futari no natsu monogatari never ending summer - another summer
Suchmos - overstand - first choice last stance
Spyro gyra - sweet ‘n savvy - carnaval
OOIOO - irorun - armonico hewa
**Ace tee, kwam.E - nice aus - tee time
her newest ep that was released sept. 8, german hip hop rapper, really cool
Prince waly, ada - ginger - junior
Cymande - equitorial forest - promised heights
Izem - Sadeo - Hafa
Wayne snow - nothing wrong - nothing wrong remixes
Buttering trio - love in music - threesome
Diggs duke - patiently, we bloom again - beyond the years, ep
Ash walker, ft. ansaba - windows - echo chamber
Reginald omas mamode iv (the fourth) - working… - (single)
Thick pigeon - Troglodytes - Too Crazy Cowboys
**Cobraman - Fistfight at the spotlight - new driveaway soundtrack
Klassique - original mix of somebody’s loving you, single
Grotto - funk from mother - at last
Selection - spirit at the end - selection (LP)
Peggy gou - rose - seek for maktoop
Shinichiro yokota - way of jungle - shinichiro yokota presents do it again and again
0 notes
nocteverbascio · 7 years
lintz - what i left behind (6-8/?)
Pairing: Sydney Katz/Maggie Lin Summary: AU. Post S3, when Sydney leaves, she leaves for good. Without realizing it, Maggie feels like something is missing in her life. The story where Sydney leaves breadcrumbs for Maggie to follow but Maggie doesn’t realize it. A/N: so tbh i wrote this without watching past s4e1 and now im finally getting around to watching it like...damn its okay i made an interesting choice in canon divergence - also this is turning out to be a bit longer than i intended 
ao3 link
Maggie is reeling from the few days in Boston. Between the presentation and meeting with a few department heads between her and Alex, Maggie barely had time to catch her breath. What made it more difficult was that everywhere she went felt like a constant reminder of Sydney.
It was frustrating to keep hearing, “You’re Dr. Maggie Lin. Dr. Katz has said great things about you,” without actually seeing Sydney. Maggie tries to wrap her head around how Sydney can even talk about her to people when she doesn’t even have the decency to contact her directly. Sydney has Maggie’s number, she knows Maggie’s email, hell she knows Maggie is still at Hope Zion...or at least she hopes.
Sydney and apparently everyone else in the OBGYN community seems to know Maggie, but Maggie doesn’t even know where the hell Sydney is.
At least now she finally knows. Sydney is in London. Torbin General. It’s so fitting for her to work at one of the best hospitals in London.
When she and Alex get back to Toronto, they jump right back into it. No rest for the weary between Maggie’s growing list of surgeries and the first phase of their study.
Maggie hasn’t been home in a few days again.
Zach makes a joke how her bed is never warm and Alex dotes on her with worry.
The truth was going home kind of sucked. Her bed was never warm and it hadn’t been a problem before, but after a long day of work, it wouldn’t hurt. The only thing is that she wishes she could feel a little more guilty because her career path is moving forward. She is doing the work that she wants.
And there have been rumors that Dr. Carter is leaving.
“Did you ever finish that application to Brigham and Women’s?” Alex asks as she sits on the couch next to Maggie.
Maggie quickly slips the card with Sydney’s email on the back into her scrubs and straightens herself to make room for Alex. “Yes, I finished that last night.”
“I was worried you were stuck,” Alex says as she glances at the computer screen. “You’ve been staring at your computer intently for days.”
Maggie shrugs. “I was just thinking about this opportunity and got a little curious about other ones.”
Alex hums as she tilts her head towards the screen. “Like Torbin General?”
Maggie tries to shut her laptop subtly. She could finalize her application and send it later. After all, it’s not like Torbin General was going anywhere. “It’s just a thought,” she brushes off. “I don’t know if I’ll get the position at BWH anyway. It’s highly competitive and OBGYN positions don’t just open up.”
“But you were highly recommended by Dr. Katz,” Alex teases with a gentle nudge.
Maggie takes a breath at the reminder. “Of course,” she lets out with a little more bite than she intends to.
Alex picks up on this and musters the courage to say something. “What’s wrong? Why don’t you sound confident? You’re a great doctor, Maggie. You’ve been doing amazing work since you passed your boards.”
Maggie wrings her fingers, feeling the frustration writhe and coil within her. It’s been like that for days and she can’t control how she feels anymore. She has to talk about it. “I know, well I keep hearing that from everyone that I’m such a great doctor and that I’m doing great work. But I just feel like it’s because of Sydney.”
Alex looks at her curiously. “She was your mentor.”
“No, it’s not that. It just feels like Sydney’s the problem.”
“Why is Sydney the problem?”
Maggie throws her head back in frustration. She lets out a groan. “I’m not explaining myself clearly.” She lets out a huge sigh as she pushes the laptop onto the coffee table before turning to Alex. She takes a breath before she starts. “I feel like Sydney has been leaving me these breadcrumbs since she left.”
“Okay, now you really have to explain,” Alex says incredulously as she turns to face Maggie. She leans against the couch as she listens intently.
“Last year, she was in Cleveland doing a study and I got a recommendation to be their staff OB.”
Alex’s eyes widen. “Wait, you were offered a staff OB position? That was six months after you passed the boards! Why didn’t you take it?”
Maggie frowns. “I don’t know! I just couldn’t this place is my home. It’s where I became a doctor. You were on leave with Luke. Half of our friends were gone and Zach was going off the rails. I just couldn’t leave. You guys are my family.”
“Maggie…” Alex looks guilty.
Maggie shakes her head. “No, that’s not what this is about. I chose to stay, I wanted to be here.”
Alex looks skeptical but nods anyway. “So Sydney?”
“Sydney recommended me for the position. I hadn’t even applied but because of what she said about me, they sought me out.” Alex raises her eyebrows. “I know,” Maggie agrees. “I thought it was crazy because she didn’t even tell me that she wasn’t coming back after Cleveland. And when I got that package about the ACOG conference and went, I met Dr. Addison Montgomery.”
“No way, you didn’t mention that,” Alex interjects in shock. “You met the foremost neonatal surgeon in America.”
“I know, it was so surreal!” Maggie relays with excitement. “She knew who I was! She looked at me and said, ‘You’re Dr. Maggie Lin.’ I swear I almost fainted.”
“How did she--Sydney?”
Maggie nods. “Sydney was a consult at her private practice. She told Dr. Montgomery about me! And Addison was so great because she let me scrub in on a surgery with her and I was so floored by her performance.”
“You were working with a goddess,” Alex breathes out in shock.
“I didn’t think too much about it but with now this staff position at BWH, it all keeps leading back to Sydney.”
“Have you contacted Sydney about it?”
Maggie shakes her head. She pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. “I just don’t know what to say to her. I feel like I don’t know what to say.”
“I’m sure 'thank you' is a good start,” Alex suggests as she rubs Maggie’s upper arm comfortingly.
“But I just feel so frustrated,” Maggie admits. “She left without saying goodbye and at first it didn’t bother me because I never thought I’d see her again. She’s never contacted me once and now with almost everything I do, I keep having to hear about how she’s doing second handed.”
Alex looks at Maggie thoughtfully. “Maggie, you really miss her, don’t you?”
Maggie pauses as she stares at Alex. She can feel her insides twist and coil even more tightly inside of her. “Yes,” she whispers softly. “I do. I wish I knew why everytime I think of her all of my work just never feels like it’s enough.”
Alex frowns sympathetically as she reaches for Maggie’s hands. “Maggie, your work says everything about what a great doctor you are. You are more than enough. You probably feel that way when you think of Sydney because Sydney’s always been the type of person to keep striving for something better. It isn't bad to feel like you want more, everyone who is a doctor feels that way.”
Maggie takes in Alex’s words.
What Alex doesn't have the heart to say yet is, Maybe you feel this way because Sydney’s the one thing you want that you haven’t gotten.
Maggie thinks about Alex’s words for days. She thinks about Sydney a lot more too. After setting up her interview with BHW, she wishes she could just contact Sydney and ask her for help. Her pride stops her because she feels like talking to Sydney before such a huge interview will only distract her. She spends hours asking for Dawn and Alex to help prep her.
When it’s all done and settled, Maggie finds her mind clear.
Except she still hasn’t contacted Sydney.
Maggie comes out of the shower just after midnight, finally making it home after her ER shift. She opens her computer and sees the blank email draft with Sydney’s email already in the field.
She takes a breath.
Hey Sydney,
It’s Maggie. We haven’t spoken in awhile. How are you doing?
Maggie doesn’t think twice before sending off the email. Maybe she’ll respond or maybe she won’t. The ball is in Sydney’s court now. Maggie tried.
She goes to her kitchen to grab a snack and read yesterday’s headline before going back to her room with a glass of water.
Maggie sees an email in her inbox. From Sydney. She nearly breaks her mouse clicking on it.
Shalom Maggie,
Do you still have the same number? I have a few minutes to talk if you’d like.
Maggie’s eyes widen. This is it. It’s only been a few minutes but Sydney is there.
Yes, it’s the same. She types out quickly before sending it.
After a few minutes, Maggie is about to give up hope and fall asleep because she’s exhausted but then she feels her phone vibrate. She looks at it quickly and swipes the green button. Except, it’s not just a phone call from Sydney it’s a video call.
“Oh my god!” Maggie curses herself as she looks in the mirror. She runs her hand through her hair to at least make it less messy as the video connects.
“Maggie?” Sydney’s voice comes in loud and clear.
Maggie feels her heart swell at Sydney’s dulcet tone. There’s no picture yet, but there’s movement. After a few seconds the screen lights up and Sydney appears on the screen.
There’s a small smile on her face as she stares at Maggie. Sydney looks completely different. No glasses, no dowdy dress, and no long hair. She looks great. Maggie can finally see her light brown eyes, her short waves frame her face perfectly, and she loves how the button up reveals more of Sydney’s collarbones and cleavage.
Maggie refocuses herself. “Dr. Katz,” she can’t help but smile brightly.
Sydney smiles back. “Dr. Lin,” she jokes, warming Maggie’s heart. Even her personality has changed.
“How are you doing? How’s London?” Maggie asks quickly, feeling the nerves finally getting to her as she takes in Sydney for the first time in over a year.
“It’s different,” Sydney says as she looks like she’s a bit distracted. “A lot of rain and fog.”
Maggie nods. “And Torbin General?” she feels like she had so many other questions but none of them are coming to mind.
Sydney looks like she wants to say something but she doesn’t before lifting her mug to sip. “It’s great. I love the work we’re doing here and I’m feeling like I’m being challenged in what I do. What about you? How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well,” Maggie says as she feels a yawn coming on. “You would know.”
“Maggie…” Sydney lets out with guilt across her face.
She can’t hold it in and lets out a small yawn. “I’m sorry, I just came off a 36 hour shift.”
“Oh god, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Sydney’s demeanor changes instantly. “I should’ve figured the time difference.”
“It’s fine,” Maggie brushes off as she rubs her sleepy eyes. “I wanted to talk to you. We should catch up.” Another yawn comes on.
Sydney stares at Maggie with a sweet look on her face. “Maggie…” she chides gently. Maggie bites her lip as her cheeks warm. “Let’s find another time to talk. You should get some sleep and I was heading to the hospital anyway.”
“I’m very skeptical about that,” Maggie quips. Sydney stares in surprise. Maggie surprises herself at how she virtually has no filter. “I’m sorry--”
“No, it’s fine,” Sydney says quickly. “I’ll call you. Are you working tomorrow?”
“I have to do a 10k for Hope Zion,” Maggie sighs.
Sydney laughs lightly. “You really need to rest then. Alright, I’ll be off at 7pm here. I’ll call you once I settle in and hopefully you'll be across the finish line.”
Maggie smiles. “Okay.”
Sydney looks at Maggie once more, wanting to say something. A beat passes before Sydney awkwardly says goodbye and clicks the red button.
Maggie feels a bit sheepish for subtly calling Sydney out but she wants to talk to Sydney. Now she’s finally get that chance.
Maggie feels like her brain is splitting open one moment.
Then the next thing she knows is that she’s standing in the middle of the ER and everything feels like a dream. She can see everyone she knows pass her by, but they don’t see her. There’s a tug in her chest at this strange realization that no one can see her but she can see everything.
“Maggie?” Charlie calls to her and she turns to look at him because he’s the first person to see her in what feels like aeons.
“Charlie, you can see me?” Maggie doesn’t feel much as she says it. She just stares at him in disbelief. “What happened?”
“Maggie, where are you?” his voice fades into a dark void as she feels herself being pulled away.
The tugging in her chest grows and she closes her eyes briefly, focusing on where she’s being taken.
When she opens her eyes, she’s no longer at Hope Zion. She’s nowhere near Toronto as it seems. She’s in another hospital though where everything sounds different and rhythm is completely off.
A cacophony fills her ears and her brain feels like it’s pressing against her skull. It takes a few seconds before the screeching stops and she readjusts.
She looks up to her name once more and this time she sees Sydney. Sydney right before her, in the middle of pulling off her face mask, eyes wide with shock as she stares right at Maggie.
“Syd--” Maggie feels her heart warm as she takes in Sydney before her. Her body tingles as she smiles at the woman.
Then suddenly, everything goes black and Maggie finds herself in a void again. She feels her eyes close, her body resting, and her mind relax. Everything is quiet. Eerily, ominously, deadly quiet. But she doesn’t mind it because in a way, she finds peace.
But something stops her from slipping into complete peace. There’s a nagging thought at the back of her mind.
There’s a blinding white light that fills her view. Then she’s back. She doesn’t know how long she’s been gone when she finds herself in the halls of Hope Zion once more.
Maggie finds herself standing at the window of her patient. Shelby. She struggles to remember. Shelby Hart. Shelby Hart. Shelby Hart. Maggie repeats it to herself in her head before the memories of who her patient is fills her mind again. She can’t find peace like this. Not when she has so much work to do.
Charlie sees her somehow. She doesn’t question it, she stays focused on her patient. One of her patients that Sydney left in her care. Sydney. Maggie looks at Charlie and reminds him of what she needs to do.
“Maggie, you need to tell me what you need.”
“I need to be with my patient.”
She’s a doctor first and foremost and her patients come before anything else. Everything that she’s ever worked for can’t be for nothing. All those years of studying, practicing, and researching. She is Dr. Maggie Lin.
Who else would I be? What else could I be if not a doctor?
He looks at her with a myriad of thoughts. The pained look on his face only confuses her.
She’s just trying to do her job. But her thoughts of Shelby Hart don’t let her stay. There’s something underlying the thought that takes her somewhere else.
It’s raining.
She stands underneath the grey skies and watches as the rain falls all around her. She looks down at the ground and watches the droplets fall. It’s strangely funny how her scrubs aren’t wet at all. Maybe this is just a dream.
“Maggie? I just wanted to let you know I was getting off my shift.”
Maggie turns to the sound of Sydney’s voice again. She spots the red hair easily through the colorless city. Sydney’s holding a clear umbrella in one hand while she holds her cellphone up to her ear.
Maggie walks after her like a magnet is pulling her. The closer she gets to Sydney the more anchored she feels.
“I was having a weird day and I wanted to make sure you were okay. Can you call me back?” Sydney takes a deep breath as she looks both ways at the crosswalk. “Soon. Please.”
Maggie stops in her tracks. Unsure if this is a dream or reality anymore. For a moment, she thinks about where her phone is. She thinks about yelling across the street as Sydney makes it down the block. But she doesn’t. She stands at the intersection with the rain falling around her and none of it falling on her.  
How could this be real but not? How could she be here but not? How could she be at peace but not?
She looks down the street. Sydney’s distinct red hair is still visible. Why does she feel something in her heart keeps leading her here? Why does she keep going back to Sydney?
Maggie takes a breath in as Sydney slowly disappears through the crowd.
“Sydney, wait!”
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