#by ethics and implications I don’t mean some anti shit or whatever like no please express yourself and tag appropriately
cezulian · 2 years
I always always always get into rare pairings where I find what I think is an interesting take on the characters involved and become very intense about it, and then when I’m like “Hmm I know there wont be many fics about these two together, but I really wanna see how other people see them! :)” I discover that how other people see them is as unrecognizable abusive monsters
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tenitchyfingers · 5 years
Glanced at anti-porn-unicorn’s blog and W O W! A TERF (lol the denial) a SWERF (given) AND anti-abortion? Radfems are the worst.
I absolutely sniffed it from 400534 miles away with their url being “anti-porn-univcorn” and the only alternative assumption was “oh she’s some nutcase from a christian cult” but I did 10 seconds of googling and
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(and I found this reblogged on radfem-twitter by the way.)
which translates to
“I don’t give any shits about your body or consent, ever”,
considering that consent is an all or nothing thing. If consent is at all important to you, then you’re never going to dismiss another person’s right to express consent. If I say I’m consenting to sex (not gonna happen because duh but let’s talk in absurd terms a moment) I am going to demand people respect that. Or else they get a punch in the teeth, I am a grown ass adult woman and I will NOT tolerate to be treated like a fucking vegetables by some bitches aiming to control me and how I live. 
If I wanna get fisted and whipped and insulted and pissed on in a sexual setting, then I will fucking ask someone I trust to do that for me. It just so happens that I’m not into that or even the idea of sex in general. But here’s the thing: that’s just me and my preference. Other people have their own preferences and sexualities, and nobody is better than someone else for their sexuality and how they express it. It’s a simple concept, really, and yet so many people never got that memo... which is discouraging really, since people have been nagging other people about their sex life when it was none of their business since the middle ages. 
Like it’s time to get over this shit already. It’s 2020, come on. Stop giving a shit about this, and start giving a shit about how our governments have been fucking us over and squeezing all of life and resources out of us while pitting the poor against the poor since the dawn of time, or start giving a shit about the fact that our fucking planet is on fire. Or if you want a pet ethical cause, start looking into the implications of growing brains in labs that might reach some level of consciousness somehow at some point (they will, we’re the result of millennia of evolution that started from the simplest life forms, these things have grown to the point of emitting brain waves which means on some level they will be developing to the point of being alive), which is when we’ll need to seriously ask questions about whether experimental science should progress past a certain point or not. Just saying. 
(Or, FUCK, if we wanna fight some useless fight, please, let’s fight against the export of this thing in the US - it was indeed announced that shipping would open to the US apparently 
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not because I care about it particularly (the implications of it are sad as fuck but it’s like whatever) but I can withstand controversy in Japan. It just... stays there. But if this thing comes to the US you KNOW some freaks WILL make it A Thing and will fill all of our timelines with bitching for months or even years on every fucking platform in the rest of the world. Please, let’s fight this with all we have. I can’t take any more American pearl clutching, especially when the freak ass nerds will start putting anime ladies back in there by following some jailbreaking tutorial. Naked anime ladies, even, because why not. I can’t. I’m not strong enough. Please stop this.
Anyway jokes aside, I really do not get what SWERFs are realistically aiming for. The best result you could want is an environment where sex workers are respected and protected globally, which implies also spreading full respect for women’s very personhood and complete respect for people’s bodily autonomy and right to consent first of all. And I believe this is what sex workers have been talking about the whole time while some bitch ass people outside of their industry, who never even heard a word a sex worker said, made assumption about what is best for them, which is basically like saying “we’re going to talk FOR you about something that affects you, because you’re clearly too stupid to think for yourself - and if that’s not misogyny then I don’t know what is. Which in turn reveals that SWERFs never actually gave a shit for women, only their own very restrictive and exclusive brand of women who are Just Like Them. 
But anyway, you really can’t even imagine a world without sex work. It would be like wanting to abolish all places where arts and entertainment are sold, like cinemas and theatres and concert venues. I’m not saying sex is a physiological need (contrarily to what Maslow said back in the day) but it’s a need most people have, on some level, past the baasic ones. Like nobody will ever die from not fucking (like I never fucked once and I’m still here 30 years after birth), but the vast majority of people will have the urgency to fuck at some point and I know this because I live in the real world. Porn has always existed since humans have been existing. I don’t know how they think they’re gonna successfully delete porn and sex work from the face of earth (it’s like when women joined the movement for the aboltion of alcohol, and in their defence I can understand them since they were mostly victims of violent drunk husbands, but that didn’t go anywhere and only made matters worse actually, because banning shit NEVER works) but they should probably just hang out with some nuns in a cloistered convent or just live alone far away from the world and leave the rest of humanity alone. 
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