ecstarry · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic | february 7: star | word count: 453
Regulus’ heart quickened as he read once more the note that James had given him. The parchment contained only time and place with his initials scribbled at the end and a heart attached to them. 
He was nervous, he always was with James. They hadn’t been dating for long, but Regulus was unable to contain his longing every time James slipped through his mind. 
He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, hoping he looked presentable enough for whatever surprise James had planned. Regulus dabbed a drop of James’ favorite cologne onto his fingertips before pressing them against the warmth of his neck, a familiar ritual he started when he witnessed the effect it had on the Gryffindor. 
Regulus’ steps faltered as he arrived at their meeting spot. He lingered at the door before allowing his body to walk towards the room. Their room. 
“James, are you-“
Regulus stood in silent awe, his lips parted but not a sound was made. He yielded at the sight of James patiently waiting for him as he took everything in. There were hand painted stars on the wall next to their bookshelf. They had started to fill it long before they even shared their first kiss, the wood was now decorated with lights softly glowing around the room. And there, by the couch, sat a record player, surrounded by his favorite albums.
James kept his attentive gaze on him as he wandered around their familiar room. Still unable to believe what his boyfriend had done, he cautiously started walking towards him. “What is this?” His voice barely more than a whisper. 
“It was your birthday, and I didn’t know.”
Regulus felt the warmth of a blush creeping up his neck as he confessed, "We weren't dating yet." He closed his eyes as James’ hands delicately held his face between them. “I already wanted you then, love.” Regulus instinctively reached for the other’s boy shirt as he basked on the sound of James’ voice. 
“I want you, too,” was all that his body allowed him to respond. The words felt simplistic in comparison to the deity that James Potter was to him. 
Regulus felt the gentle touch of James' hand as it left his face, its absence replaced by the warmth of James's palm against his waist. “I want you to look at me.” He always spoke softly to him, and Regulus obeyed any of his commands. He started back at James, knowing he will never feel as warm as he does between his arms. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you, too.”
There, within the sanctuary of their shared room, where every corner held memories and promises, they wove a new pledge between kisses—a promise of forever.
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