#byakuya togami should be a my story animated character
no-m4gic · 1 year
Hello dearest I'm back hehhe
Idk how to call you so I'll just call u no magic :⁠^⁠)
It's me again Ik ik I'm annoying but omg I adore Ur writing like Ur my fave on the app rn so I was thinking maybe if you write angst to fluff argument scenario for byakuya!? I mean u don't have to since Ik some plp aren't comfy w that do if u aren't u can just write some general headcanons lysm have a nice day cutiepie
omg angst yes thank you plasma also you can call me sitaya :) thanks for your suppport <33
i have no idea what you want the argument to be about so i just went to watch msa rich people stories
also i found out how to turn on dark mode yyyay!
i spilled noodle soup on my shirt while writing this damnit byakuya give me your money to buy some gucci and a new washing machine
warnings ;; angst obviously, abuse, hitting, yelling, dramatic flashbacks, mentions of drugs
~mod sitaya
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you heaved a sigh, listening your husband, the almighty byakuya togami, insulting one of his new servants for *accidentally* spilling some champagne on his top. you were just waiting for togami to finish his whole dramatic scene and tried not to think about the havoc going on right next to you. at least he wasn't yelling at the servant.
well since you've heard byakuya throw spiteful comments at servants several times, you knew how long this would go on for. your mind was protesting you tell togami to stop being such a bratty bitch despite already knowing the result you'll receive. "s/o. this is my business, stay out of it,". you've heard it thousands of times, and you don't want to hear it ever again.
you were zoned out until you heard those words. "you know what? you're fired, get out of my face you plebian," you turned to look to your side, only to see byakuya shooing the servant away. it looked like she was crying, too.
even though this was normal on his part, it definitely wasn't anything good on yours. how heartless of him to just send someone away for an accident and start casually sipping your coffee, right next to your partner too.
"hey dude, that wasn't cool. she was apologizing, you didn't HAVE to fire her... plus you could just wash the champagne out," you said, in your calmest demeanour. "she deserved it. what am i even paying her for if she's just going to ruin my belongings," wow. way to go. "just because you think she and almost everyone are under you doesn't mean you can treat them like trash!" byakuya set his coffee down and turned to you, giving you that all-so familiar leave-me-alone face. "if you want to side with her, how about you go chase after her and go apologize for your husband's behavior since he doesn't want to,"
"well maybe i will- and leave your hellhole of a mansion!" you got up and stormed away to your room. byakuya just shrugged and continued with his extra black and bitter coffee, you'd get over it and wear yourself out eventually.
after locking the door, you flopped onto your queen-sized bed and buried your face into the fluffy pillow, unable to tell if you wanted scream, cry or both. well, your hunger kept you distracted from your emotions... and your emotions kept you distracted from your hunger. you were tempted to grab something to eat, but you didn't want to see your husband's face right now.
you woke up to the sound of banging on your door. this... wasn't your room, were you even in byakuya's mansion anymore? it wouldn't be possible that he'd drugged you since you never ate or drank anything nor would it be possible that he or his workers carried you elsewhere as you were a light sleeper.
your thoughts were interrupted by screaming and crying. there was a painful silence before you heard something being thrown across the room and a cry before everything turned silent again.
scanning your surrondings, you immediately realize this was your old room when your eyes met a picture of you, your mom and your dad. you knew what was happening behind the door of your "room". not wanting to see or find out if your theories were true, you hid under your ragged blankets, trying to fall asleep again, hoping this was all just a bad dream.
your eyes flew open as you gasped, sitting up from your bed. your actual bed. it was all just a nightmare. a flashback. after a while, somebody started softly knocking on your door. you hated yourself at that moment for hoping it was byakuya just coming to check on you or something.
getting up to unlock the door, you passed your vanity mirror and saw you were pale, sweating and shaking. grabbing the door handle, you used all the strength you had to pull it open, revealing who you'd hope to be behind the door. your husband. "byakuya-!" you jumped onto him to hug him.
"yeah yeah, hi. i just came here to apologize for... this morning," he hugged back, with his same disgusted face. you knew he's just like that whenever he received affection, though. "so, what happened- you're all sweaty and stuff," he gently pushed you away and folded his arms, looking down (or up if you're somehow taller than daddy long legs) at you.
"it's nothing, just a bad dream," with him around, yea, you felt better, but to say you've recovered fast would be an understatement. "hm. alright," he gave you a suspicious look before turning back to where his room was, but not before announcing something you've been wanting to hear for so long. "also, since you wanted to, we're going to disneyland."
DISNEYLANDDD sorry if it's short! i rushed the ending slightly so uhm it might not have *fluff* fluff, but i tried to make it as wholesome as possible :,)
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THH 1 - Makoto Naegi
Disclaimer: These are my own personal headcanons and are just for fun! If something I post seems offensive or anything like that, please let me know so I can fix it.
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ID Information:
○ He/they
○ Demi Boy
○ Omnisexual
○ Freshman/First Year (starts HPA at age 14)
○ Class 78-A
○ SHSL Luckster (#78)
○ Born February 5th (Aquarius)
○ 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
○ 130 lbs (59 kgs)
○ A Blood
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Story Changes:
○ I don't really have that many changes I would make about Makoto personality-wise, because I really like all the protags' personalities. However, there should be no incest jokes between him and Komaru (especially in UDG) bc that's disgusting.
○ During the DR3 anime (Despair Arc), which is where the whole DR lore starts (unless you count DR0, one of the books), Makoto is 14. He goes through their sophomore and junior years at HPA and starts Trigger Happy Havoc at 17. However, he still believes he is 14 due to Junko's brainwashing. I'm not sure if I'll keep the whole "Junko doing surgery on them" because I want that to be a plot point in THH. Maybe Makoto and/or another character notices that nobody really looks their age so Junko can feel the despair of them figuring out that their memories have been erased. Anyway, by the time UDG and DR3 (Future and Hope Arc) happen, they're only 18.
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Character Relationships:
○ Sibling of Komaru Naegi, and is very protective and supportive of her. They love each other unconditionally even though they fake-argued a lot of the time before the events of Danganronpa. After they reunite in UDG and DR3 (Hope Arc), they form a closer bond than ever.
○ All of the students of Class 78-A had a very strong bond before their memories were erased (DR3 Despair Arc).
○ Kyoko Kirigiri was always an enigma in Makoto's eyes, no matter how close they seemed to get. He became interested in becoming friends to try and help zem remember zeir SHSL Talent. Kyoko really appreciated the sentiment, but kept zeir guard up just because of their situation. Once the first murder occurred, however, Kyoko went straight to work as the SHSL Detective (unknown to zem). Makoto admired this about zem and helped as much as he could. As the trials keep coming and going, they formed a true, deep, emotional connection. Together, they found the determination to try and uncover the mastermind and save their classmates. However, they didn't want to do it all by themselves, they wanted to include the people they were trying to save in the process so that nobody was left out. Kyoko admired Makoto's selflessness, and finally dropped zeir guard around them. After they escaped and joined The Future Foundation, they formed a real romantic relationship.
○ Byakuya Togami was mysterious like Kyoko, but in a different way. He was more standoffish and rude than genuinely wondering and thoughtful. Throughout the entire game, Byakuya offers information and evidence during class trials but also stirs up trouble between his classmates. He asks a lot of questions about people's Ultimate Talents, especially Makoto's. Despite this, Makoto kept hanging out with him. Byakuya seemed to enjoy the attention and talking about how he'll be the savior of the Togami Corporation. However, after his betrayal in Chapter Two, Makoto distanced himself for a little while to spend more time with Toko, Kyoko, and those who were affected by Chihiro and Mondo's deaths. Byakuya was... troubled by this. He couldn't miss Makoto, could he? He also couldn't look at people like Ishimaru and Toko in the eyes without feeling a way he's never felt before. Guilt? He didn't like this feeling and how Makoto made him feel this, but he wanted to try and fix it. So he went to the person who caused him to feel this way. They had a real conversation for the first time where Byakuya randomly asked Makoto to be his assistant and secretary. Makoto refused for now, simply because he was so confused, and they actually started to become friends! By DR3, they had a friendly "rivalry" to see who was the leader of the group in The Future Foundation.
○ Hina was very sweet and bubbly towards everyone, except if they're mean to the people she cares about (especially Sakura). Since Makoto was one of the more quiet students, she immediately gravitated towards them. They would always try to include him in their workouts with Sakura and donut runs, and gave him words of encouragement when he was feeling down. So when Hina needed the same, Makoto wanted to help. Hina admitted to having a crush on Sakura, but needed advice on how to tell her since she's worried that Sakura might have feelings for a guy from her old dojo. Also because they're in a killing game of all things. However, after Sakura's death in Chapter Four, Hina was almost inconsolable. Makoto comforted them as much as he could, but it was really Hiro who helped Hina the most. After that trial, Hina regained a smile on her face and stopped blaming herself for what happened to Sakura. Makoto and Hina maintained a very strong friendship after they escaped.
○ Makoto knew Toko from childhood, since she was friends with Komaru, but not too-too well. He knew she was always guarded, had a stammer, and found it difficult to relate to people her own age. Makoto was always patient whenever Toko said something a little rude because he knew they didn't mean it and were just nervous. Toko never treated Komaru like that, so Makoto was fine. They talked more during the killing game where Toko admitted that she was intimidated by Byakuya, but couldn't look away from him. Makoto suggested that they might have a crush on him, and Toko took it at face value. She was terrified but thrilled at the same time, and Makoto tries to keep her calm by offering her advice on how to handle these feelings. After Byakuya's betrayal, Toko didn't know what to feel and switched to Syo/Sho for the majority of Chapter Three. When Toko switched back, she decided that she would try and spend some time with Makoto and Hina to sort out her feelings. Through this, she thought she might have some feelings for Komaru, but still can't help but feel infatuation with Byakuya. By the end of the killing game, Toko learned to open up more through her writing. Makoto and them were just as good of friends as Toko and Komaru were.
○ Makoto only met Syo/Sho (goes by either name) during their second year of middle school. They were originally confused as to who Syo/Sho was, but grew to have a surprisingly good friendship with her during their third year of middle school. However, he can still be slightly intimidated by her just because she is more boisterous while they are used to being more reserved. Syo/Sho made an unexpected appearance during Chapter 2 where Byakuya told everyone Toko had DID, without her permission. Obviously, Syo/Sho was furious, but Makoto tried to keep her calm to not incite infighting during a class trial. After that, Syo/Sho only really trusted Makoto for a while. Makoto wanted to help Syo/Sho, so they decided to introduce them to some of the other students (with her permission of course, this isn't Byakuya we're talking about). Through this, Syo/Sho made a few friends, and helped during class trials through her knowledge as a seamstress (not the Ultimate Seamstress, but a seamstress all the same). After the escape, Syo/Sho and Makoto remained friends, but Syo/Sho was only truly vulnerable with Komaru.
○ Makoto was originally really awkward towards Hagakure just because he's a 21-year-old in high school. Also because her predictions always seemed to have Makoto be the butt of a joke or on the losing end of fate. Although, some of his predictions towards the game may have held some truth? It also has a lot of divination tools that helped during the investigations. Although he didn't have much to contribute during the class trials, it's laidback attitude and casual demeanor bring a much needed break from the constant tension of the killing game. She quickly became friends with a lot of the other students and gave them his "wisdom" whenever they seemed down. After the escape, Makoto and Hiro remained friends (friendly, but not too-too close). Hiro made it very apparent that he wanted to try and find it's mom, and Makoto agreed to help.
○ Childhood friends with Sayaka Maizono, which grew into a true friendship and crush during Chapter One. Makoto naturally gravitated towards her and Toko because he already had a previous connection with them. Sayaka always seemed to have really good intuition and judgement of character, so she wanted to talk to Makoto ever since middle school. There seemed to be reciprocated romantic feelings between the two, but Sayaka was also terrified of everyone else. After she became Bloodied (after she was killed), the reality of the situation stabbed Makoto in the heart, and they decided that their last promise to Sayaka would be to find who killed her.
○ Makoto is neutral with Leon Kuwata before his Free Time Events, and sympathetic and friendly with him afterwards. Leon really liked to vent to Makoto about his years in baseball. He also found it really fun to make baseball puns to the unsuspecting Makoto. Leon's ambitions of being a musician seemed to only be fueled by lust, and Leon quickly realized that after spending time with Makoto. He later realized that he missed baseball, but still really wanted to be a singer. So, Makoto helped him to try and do both. After Leon was revealed to be the Stained (new name for the Blackened) Makoto felt betrayed and shocked, but still holds some sympathy towards him. Makoto doesn't hold anything against him, but they realize the severity of the situation the class is in.
○ Is originally intimidated by Mondo Owada, but grows to respect him as they gets to know him (again). They talked a little before the first trial, but after Chapter 1, he avoids Mondo a little more because he originally accused Makoto of murdering Sayaka. During Chapter 2, Mondo give Makoto a genuine but awkward apology which Makoto really appreciates as someone who was never really close to any of his classmates in middle school. They talk more about each other's lives and what they're going to do once they escape the game. After the second trial when Mondo is revealed to be the Stained, Makoto feels more upset than shocked. Again, they don't hold any feelings against Mondo and are mainly upset by their situation and the loss of their classmates. Not only that, but he feels sorrow for the Crazy Diamonds who just lost both of their greatest leaders.
○ Makoto's first impression of Chihiro Fujisaki is that she was really cute and likeable. As they got to know each other, it didn't take long for them to become friends. Makoto learned that Chihiro really respected living creatures, and liked to think about reasons for things. They're really smart, even when it isn't related to computers, but she looks down on herself because she isn't physically strong. Makoto reassured her that everyone has their strengths and that her chance to shine would definitely come. They felt they could be very open around each other (and maybe Chihiro even had a little crush on Makoto ;) ). Makoto is also really impressed by her knowledge of coding and programming. When she became Bloodied during Chapter 2, it was devastating for Makoto and it brought him back to the first trial.
○ Kiyotaka Ishimondo has a difficult relationship with everyone, as he's not used to being on a friends-level with people. Makoto is the first person to be patient with him (along with Mondo, but this post is about Makoto) and they have an understanding of each other. Makoto shows Taka things like dressing casually and doing things simply for the sake of relaxation and enjoyment (Taka found out he really liked calligraphy). Taka also shared how he despised so-called "geniuses" because they remind him of the tragic fall of his late grandfather. After the losses during Chapter 2, Makoto takes it upon themself to comfort Taka and give him a safe place to vent. After he becomes Bloodied in Chapter 3, Makoto almost breaks down.
○ I'm revamping Hifumi Yamada entirely for this one. Makoto tried to talk to Hifumi first because he's read a lot of their fanfics and manga before. Both Hifumi and Makoto were reserved people in middle school so they became friends very quickly. They always talk about their hyperfixations and fandoms. Fandoms gave Makoto and Hifumi places to make friends and places of comfort when they needed it. Toko, Hifumi, and Makoto even planned to create a studio to make their own series (Toko more reluctantly than the others), and revamp Hifumi's old Fanfic Club from it's high school.. When Hifumi "died" the first time, Makoto was terrified for his friend. He had hope that Hifumi would make it, but was anguished once he didn't, and became another Bloodied.
○ Celestia Ludenburg originally had more interest in Makoto than Makoto did in xem. Xe was interested in the SHSL Luckster to see if that talent could beat the SHSL Gambler. Through playing card games and stuff with xem, Makoto became intrigued but cautious towards Celeste. She never believed that everyone would escape, which confused and worried Makoto a lot. Although, it seemed that she really enjoyed sharing xer gambling exploits with the other students. During the third trial, it was revealed that "Ludenburg" wasn't really her last name that xe was faking xer accent. When xe was revealed as the Stained, Makoto felt... different than the other times. He felt betrayed because of all the lies, but also tired. Celeste wasn't really someone they were friends with so there wasn't too much of a connection, but losing three classmates because of xer actions hurt.
○ Similar to Mondo, Makoto was originally intimidated by Sakura. They were introduced to each other through Hina, and Makoto grew to love and respect Sakura. They really appreciate all the efforts she takes to keep herself healthy and protect the people around her. Sakura revealed that there was someone stronger than her that she defeated to become the SHSL Martial Artist, and that person was her father. She also told Makoto that the secret to training is not only building muscle mass, but learning how to use each muscle group along with you mind. There is another person who is stronger than Sakura, Kenshiro. Kenshiro is her rival, and the person that Hina believes Sakura has a crush on. While Sakura may respect Kenshiro, she only views him as a rival towards her ultimate goal, as well as another member of her family's dojo. She also revealed that although she is very strong and comes across as masculine, she has a desire to be feminine. Both Hina and Makoto reassured her that it was okay to feel that way. Sakura always consoles Makoto and gives him advice when it seems no one else, not even Kyoko, can. Hina and Makoto grew even closer after Sakura's suicide in Chapter 4, and banded together with the rest of the survivors so far to try and put an end to the game.
○ Makoto only knew Mukuro Ikusaba as the fake Junko Enoshima and never really got a chance to grow close to her. "Junko" was also a bit of a matchmaker for the five days she was alive. However, Mukuro had all of his memories of Makoto, and has a little bit of a crush on him. Makoto always wondered why "Junko" acted so nervous around him, but never figured out why because she died so early on in the game.
○ When the real Junko was revealed as the Mastermind, Makoto was traumatized, angry, and upset. He felt like yelling, crying, and vomiting all at once. His friends helped keep them steady, but they couldn't help but wonder WHY Junko felt the need to do all of this. He will always consider Junko an enigma, but doesn't give her any benefit of the doubt or sympathy. It was terrible and unforgivable, but what happened happened and Makoto only wants to focus on helping his friends cope with the trauma that she caused.
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insomniac-jay · 3 years
Redesigning The Trigger Happy Havoc Boys
So this lovely post you should look at got a lot of positive feedback, I decided to to make the one for the boys since some of them have the most atrocious designs ever (Looking at you, Hifumi).
Makoto Naegi
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Listen, I know Naegi is meant to be generic and boring but for the love of GAWD, please at least give him a good outfit. For starters, I made his hair curly because I headcanon him to be Asian and Hispanic mixed. Also he’s fat and he has freckles.
As for his outfit, I decided to give him a black long sleeve shirt, a dark green t-shirt with a four leaf clover on it, a black hoodie with some graphic designs because his canon one is cursed and ugly, ripped jeans, and red sneakers. He wears a chain on his pants with lucky charms on it.
Byakuya Togami
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For someone with so much money, Togami has very poor taste in fashion and haircuts. Someone get this man a stylist. First of all let’s get rid of his Karen haircut and traded it for slicked back hair. Next I gave him wider glasses. When it comes to his outfit, I decided to dress him a designer suit. He wears a white jacket with cuffs and gold lining, a dark green shirt, white pants, and designer shoes. I gave him gloves bc he doesn’t like to touch plebians (except for his bfs) and gave him more bling bc he likes to flex. I want him to be the obnoxious rich kid.
Leon Kuwata
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Listen I know his whole thing is like whether or not he wants to do baseball or rock music, so I gave him a mix of both (or at least tried). The roots of his hair are black but then turn to ginger because of his mixed heritage and made his hair longer. I also gave him more piercings because I want him to look like a true punk.
I gave him a black Letterman jacket with all sorts of pins on it such as a trans flag, a bisexual flag, BLM and Eat The Rich on one of the sleeves, and an anarchy symbol. His baseball uniform is the one from the splash art because it’ll be easier on my life. I got rid of his ugly ass shoes because they’re a crime against humanity and a cardinal sin. They are replaced with some good ol’ punk boots.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
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Hiro’s canon outfit is so ugly Kodaka ffs give your characters good designs. They looks like a hobo outside a 7/11 that might scam me.
First of all I gave them glasses rights because I believe in glasses Hiro supremacy. Next I gave them vitiligo and tattoos because I also believe in that. For their outfit, they wears a black shirt but it’s hella unbuttoned bc they lack in self preservation, dark purple jacket with star signs on it, black pants, and sandals. Also, I gave him the dreads from their beta design bc pls,,, give them good hair. They also wear a headwrap. 
Mondo Oowada
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You can tell I’m gonna have way too much fun with this one and that I’m gonna play favorites. I gave them tattoos and a missing tooth bc I can. He also has scars on his body bc y’know he gets into fights. One of the sleeves of their jacket is missing because I refuse to believe that wouldn’t happen, he doesn’t wear a shirt and instead wears a haramaki, and black pants. I replaced his loafers with boots bc to quote my mutual on Discord, “When you gotta lead the gang at 6 but go to church at 7″. I also have him a headband bc that’s the style.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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Another redesign that you all can tell I’m both playing favorites and having too much fun with. I gave Kiyotaka fangs so him and his bf could match. Next I gave him round nerd glasses bc he hits different with those on. For his outfit, I decided to keep his canon outfit but make it even better. I gave him more medals and a tie as well as gloves and a belt. He also gets a sash with all sorts of pins on it.
Hifumi Yamada
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Hifumi ily and kin you but Kodaka did you so dirty. First, I fixed them fucking leg proportions bc they are my villain origin story. Next I made pheir hair soft and curly. For pheir outfit, I gave phem a dark grey cardigan, orange suspenders with anime pins on them and a few pride flags on them, khakis, and some sneakers. I also gave phem an ita bag.
That’s all. Might do Goodbye Despair next, who knows.
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Please respect the pronouns I use for certain characters.
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bullshittierlists · 3 years
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Spoiler Warning!!! - This review will contain spoilers for all of SDR2 and the first chapter of DRV3 as well as slight spoilers for DR1. You’ve been warned.
I see no god up here other than me
Gundham Tanaka- His name is GUNDHam TaNAKA
Sonia Nevermind- This is my third time typing this rant. I literally don’t know why people hate her so much?? There are two main arguments that I’ve come across. The first is that she is boring and shouldn’t have survived, but that’s the same as Asahina and everyone seems to love her. (Don’t get me wrong, I also love her, but all she had were donuts and her relationship with Sakura) She’s just a cute girl with some occult-ish quirks and I don’t see why that has to be such a bad thing. The other, more prevalent, argument is that since she’s at the center of the infamous love triangle, she must be the root of all its problems. It’s really frustrating when people blame her for Kazuichi’s faults. I’ll talk more about Kazuichi later, but his terrible qualities are a result of his own actions, and Sonia shouldn’t be blamed for being the object of his affections. It’s honestly blaming the victim and I’m sick of it. Obviously, she hasn’t treated him perfectly and I understand why people are frustrated with it. The only example of this, though, is in chapter four when she goes back-and-forth between treating him coldly and praising him when she should’ve just rejected him a long time ago. However, I think I can understand where she’s coming from in this chapter. I think it was kind of a Shuichi/Kaede situation. She had already figured out that Gundham was the killer, but didn’t want to admit it to herself, and definitely didn’t want to tell everyone else even though he was more than ready to admit it. Therefore, she treated Kazuichi coldly whenever he was getting close to the truth (or treating her poorly) and praised him whenever he was leading the group in the wrong direction. I don’t have any evidence that these were the times she treated him this way, but that’s how I remember it. Anyway, Kazuichi should stop being a creep, and apologists should stop rationalizing it. Her one slip-up in this case when she was panicked and worried for her closest friend does not make up for all of the other times Kazuichi treated her terribly.
You’re the best
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu- Boss baby boss baby boss baby. Also, he’s a fantastically fleshed out character and his relationship with Peko makes me cry literally every time :)  I just wish his character development had been a bit more stretched out, instead of on-the-spot like it was. I also kinda wish his sudden development had been a result of the despair disease, but you can’t have everything.
Nagito Komaeda- Recently, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how SimpleFlips calls softlocking in SM64 “gay baby jail” and Komaeda makes me think of that.
Chiaki Nanami- I’m not quite as attached to her as everyone else seems to be, but I totally see the appeal. Cute girl, cute backpack, and plot-relevant??? Incredible.
Ibuki Mioda- She’s just so fun. I don’t typically like characters who are loud for the sake of being loud, but I can’t help but love her. This was the first game I fully voice-acted for fun (the girls, at least) and Ibuki was definitely one of my favorites. It just feels good to yell sometimes, you know?
Hey, I think you’re pretty cool, I like you a lot
Peko Pekoyama- I’m a simple woman. I think of chapter two, I cry. At least, the epilogue of that case. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Twilight Syndrome Murder Case and I definitely didn’t like the, albeit fake, serial killer twist. It didn’t feel natural and just felt bad. Loved hearing Sonia say “Sparkling Justice!”, though.
Hiyoko Saionji- I totally understand why people hate her. I get it, I do. But I just can’t bring myself to hate her. She’s obviously not a good person, but I have shit taste. Byakuya and Kokichi aren’t good people, but everyone loves them anyway. I just think she’s so funny and terrible, I can’t help but get attached. I’m not usually the type to like little sister characters, or even bullies, but she’s just such a perfect combination of the two that I can’t help but love her. I also obviously am not the biggest fan of Mikan (I’ll explain, I swear) so the bullying didn’t really affect me too much.
Hajime Hinata- He’s the protagonist. I don’t really know what to tell you. I used to believe in Hajime supremacy, but I’m starting to understand the Shuichi supremacy now, so idk, Hajime might end up lower after I finish V3.
Byakuya Togami/Ultimate Imposter- He’s just such a good guy. I know that the real Byakuya is an ass, but the imposter is so nice and supportive. I can’t even take him seriously as Byakuya anymore because of how supportive he is. The real Byakuya could never. I just finished his last free-time event and he really feels like his own person now, which I can imagine is all he’s ever wanted. He isn’t Byakuya to me anymore, he’s himself. I just don’t have a unique name to call him by.
I remember you
Mahiru Koizumi- Her photography thing was cute, I liked it a lot. I don’t know the basic stance people take on her crush on Hajime, but I thought it was really cute and believable. I don’t know if I ship it, but I can see it in canon. It makes sense and works well.
Akane Owari- She’s a jock. I feel pretty neutral about jocks unless they have another prevalent thing that fits my interests.
Nekomaru Nidai- Again, a jock. I’m just not the biggest fan. I know that his backstory makes up for a lot of his inherent jock boringness, but I just can’t get into him as much as some other people can. I definitely see the appeal, though.
Usami/Monomi- She’s a mascot. Cool. Honestly preferred Monophanie.
You are literally the worst. Actual scum. Leave this planet and never return
Mikan Tsumiki- I told you I’d explain. First, I need to explain some personal reasons I didn’t like her, rather than objective characteristics. Like I mentioned with Ibuki, I voice-acted the whole game with each of the girls. Never before has a voice physically affected me as much as Mikan’s. In order to make her voice so high and quiet, I have to close my throat and tighten my jaw. It makes my throat, jaw, and head hurt all at the same time and it feels awful. The only time this wasn’t the case was during her breakdown and that’s because I couldn’t make her say those things with that voice, it didn’t make sense. Which brings me to my next point: her breakdown. I didn’t like it. At all. It wasn’t interesting and it didn’t make sense. I know that everyone else was sad because she was bullied a bunch and began to romanticize it, and yeah, I feel bad, but it wasn’t enough to make me like her. Her breakdown made a little more sense after watching the anime, believe it or not, but it was still not great. She could’ve been easily redeemed for me if she had a different motive for killing Hiyoko. I don’t really have an opinion on whether or not Ibuki should’ve lived longer, or even survived, but I definitely agree with Hiyoko dying during the third case, I just wish the motive had been different. It would’ve been so powerful if Mikan’s despair disease had made her remember her past with the bullying, and then she realized how much she hated it. She started to notice how Hiyoko was treating her and finally snaps. She kills Hiyoko in cold blood on purpose, instead of on accident, and covers it up in a more reasonable way instead the literal impossibility that we actually got. Then, in her breakdown, instead of pleading for forgiveness, she tries to rationalize her actions and convince everyone else that she was in the right by killing her. It would’ve been much more interesting and would’ve made much more sense. I also wish she had made use of Ibuki’s despair disease (which made her gullible) and commanded her to hang herself instead of staging the other thing, because it was a lot of extra work that was really unnecessary and it would’ve made more use of the despair disease other than a plot contrivance for Junko’s entrance. This kind of turned into my review for the third chapter, but still. Killers are always more fleshed out in their respective chapters, so their existence is often pretty much tied to the events of that chapter, since everything typically revolves around them. I might as well add here that her execution was really basic and underwhelming, but as far as I’ve seen, I’m not alone in that opinion.
Monokuma- It’s kind of an ironic hate with Monokuma. Sure, he makes me laugh, but he’s also fuel for the killing game, so... I don’t know. He pisses me off sometimes, but he’s also pretty funny at other times.
Kazuichi Souda- This is basically a continuation of the Sonia rant, so here we go. I would like to preface this by saying that in the context of Kazuichi’s free-time events, he’s one of my favorite characters. However, in the main story, I placed him here. I would normally average out my opinions of his different forms, but his optional events don’t make up for his actions that are required to be experienced. While some of his quips toward Sonia made me laugh, they still made me uncomfortable to some extent. It’s honestly frustrating to see him try so hard when she obviously isn’t interested in him. Some people choose to see this as an underdog story, but I think it’s just annoying and low-key creepy. He’s constantly fetishizing Sonia and keeps making moves on her even after she treats him coldly. He isn’t brave or cool for doing this, like the media would like you to believe, he’s creepy and persistent, and not in a good way. While I do agree that Sonia should’ve just turned him down from the very beginning, I still don’t put all of that blame on her. I’m sure she’s had her fair share of creepy guys making advances on her and she’s just had to take it, since she’s a princess and it would hurt her noble reputation. Kazuichi should also be able to think for himself and see that she’s not interested. It shouldn’t be completely up to her to get him to stop. He should be able to take a hint and back off, whether she tells him directly or otherwise. She definitely hints to him that she’s not interested in some of the later chapters, but he completely ignores it and keeps trying anyway. I wouldn’t have such a problem with him if he didn’t represent a very real issue that we are facing in the world today. Nice guys will, unfortunately, always be plaguing our society and it doesn’t look like they’re getting any better. It doesn’t help that the media continually raises them up and convinces them that they are in the right, even though they definitely aren’t. No man is entitled to any woman and people need to stop sympathizing with men who are rejected and keep pushing. In almost every post I’ve seen from Kazuichi apologists, they explain that Sonia should’ve given him a chance. Really? She did give him a chance. She gave him several chances, in fact, more than she was entitled to. The first time she acted coldly towards him was at the end of chapter 4. That’s four entire chapters, plus a prologue, of chances that she gave him. She was always polite and talked to him when he approached her. Maybe she saw this as her noble duty, but either way, she didn’t reject him outright the first time she saw him. She tried to be friends, he was creepy, and then she started to hint that she wasn’t interested. This is a natural progression for her character and is in no way wrong of her. He is not entitled to her attention and should learn to back off when he’s not wanted. The other big reason I see that people don’t like Sonia is because she basically ruined any chance of Kazuichi and Gundham having any sort of relationship other than rivals. Again, it’s not Sonia’s fault that they both liked her. It’s also not her fault for choosing Gundham over Kazuichi, since he treated her respectfully and they also shared interests. She also didn’t need a specific reason to choose Gundham over Kazuichi, because she is free to make her own choices based on anything she wants, including nothing. Even though I said all of this, I do actually wish that Gundham and Kazuichi could’ve had some kind of relationship. I think it could’ve been very interesting, but it didn’t need to be devoid of Sonia. I think it would’ve been just as interesting for Gundham and Kazuichi to talk with Sonia as it would’ve been for her to introduce them to each other more formally and get them to become friends. I think it could’ve been fun for Kazuichi to have a little playful resentment towards Gundham for getting the girl, but instead, he went completely off the deep end. If he had just backed off like I suggested earlier, maybe they could’ve had that relationship that everyone longed for. I am also obligated to say here that I think all of his free-time events were absolutely adorable and the fact that he gets motion sickness is the single best piece of comedy every written.
Teruteru Hanamura- I’ve been doing a lot of rants and I’m kind of tired of it. You know why I don’t like him, I don’t need to explain it. He’s shitty, blah blah blah. His tiny bit of plot with his mother didn’t really do anything to redeem him for me and I just plain don’t like him. Sorry, not sorry.
Wow, this took way too long. I forgot I had so many opinions on these characters. I would’ve said a lot more about Gundham, but it’s kind of my thing here to say more about my second favorite characters and characters that I don’t like than my favorite characters, and I knew there were going to be several rants, so I decided to keep his very short. My definitive favorites list is Gundham and then Sonia, with a pending Fuyuhiko in third. The four dark devas are the best characters and I’m so upset they weren’t on here. I would apologize for my Kazuichi rant, since it had two parts, both of which were very long, but it all needed to be said because I’m sick and tired of Kazuichi apologists. They keep coming across my dash and I would like to be rid of them. If you like Kazuichi, that’s fine, I actually quite like him, too, you just need to acknowledge his faults instead of just rationalizing them in a bad way. If someone wants to send me reasons why Sonia is terrible, I’ll listen, because I’m sure I’m probably being a bit of a Sonia apologist, although I feel like her actions were a lot less impactful. Sondam supremacy, thank you, goodnight.
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ao3feed-komahina · 3 years
by Not_so_sober_clown
Danganronpa, but set in an alternate timeline where Junko Enoshima never started the killing game and instead of the biggest,most awful, most tragic event in human history. She created a despair inducing outbreak that still ende up eliminating half of human kind and turned them into cannibalistic monsters lurking for flesh to satisfy their blood lust. Leaving war, sorrow, and blood stains around every corner.
This story will have some of my own personal headcanons for the characters and everyones favorite, ships, sprinkled in here and there throughout the storyline. There is obviously spoilers for the games and animes. Also I should like mention there will be spelling errors that I have probably missed.
Warning for descriptions of gore, cannibalism, nudity and murder
(Oh oh i know a tag says izuru and hajime are twins but its kind of like they are but by the end they wont be because they were truly just the same person)
Words: 3385, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Kamukura Izuru, Enoshima Junko
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Chiaki Nanami/Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Amami Rantaro/Shinguji Korekiyo, Nidai Nekomaru/Owari Akane, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko
Additional Tags: Human Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Alternate Universe - Hinata Hajime is in Class 77, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Minor Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Mutual Pining, Developing Relationship, Enoshima Junko Being An Asshole, How Do I Tag, lots of death, Fujisaki Chihiro and Nanami Chiaki are Cousins, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Minor Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Enemies to Lovers kazuichi/gundham
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So on the Danganronpa subreddit, I usually see posts of people editing a character's sprite to mimic a different character's talent. Like, what if Ibuki was the Ultimate Gymnast, or what if Hajime was the Ultimate Detective. It got me thinking, just how much different would the games be if the talents were switched? So just for fun, I thought I'd write up some ideas on how the first game would differ in this scenario. The one rule here is that the story, twists, deaths, and character relationships remain the same, despite the talent changes. EDIT: Okay, mostly the same, obviously parts of the story have to be updated or changed in order to accommodate the talent changes.
The changes (Junko remains the Ultimate Despair though for story reasons):
Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Affluent Progeny / Kyoko Kirigiri is the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader
Byakuya Togami is the Ultimate Soldier / Toko Fukawa is the Ultimate Lucky Student
Aoi Asahina is the Ultimate Moral Compass / Yasuhiro Hagakure is the Ultimate ??? (Detective)
Mukuro Ikusaba Junko Enoshima is the Ultimate Fanfic Creator and the Ultimate Programmer
Sakura Ogami is the Ultimate Gambler / Celestia Ludenberg is the Ultimate Pop Sensation
Hifumi Yamada is the Ultimate Clairvoyant / Kiyotaka Ishimaru is the Ultimate Fashionista
Mondo Owada is the Ultimate Baseball Star / Chihiro Fujisaki is the Ultimate Swimming Pro
Leon Kuwata is the Ultimate Martial Artist / Sayaka Maizono is the Ultimate Writing Prodigy
Now the changes I thought of:
1) Makoto is still the wholesome, lovable boy we know him as but this time, his attitude on life has changed thanks to his wealthy lifestyle. He's "humble" for a rich man but it's clear he's not used to living among the "regular" people. Examples of this could be a scene where Makoto is surprised that the cafeteria menu isn't five-star quality, complaining that his shower only has one shower head when the Naegi mansion has five, and mentioning in passing that Komaru's favorite necklace is worth $100,000.
2) Junko says that she specifically messed with Yasuhiro's memory since he was the sole threat to her operation. In the final chapter, she mentions that she had to restart the game since Yasuhiro, with his memory as the Ultimate Detective still intact, managed to solve the mystery within the first few hours. So before she restarted the game, she screwed up Hiro's mind so that he became a bumbling idiot.
3) Kyoko's cold nature now comes from the fact that she's one of Japan's most notorious criminals. However, she secretly despises what she became as apparently, her father disowned her after he found out about her biker gang connections. She believes that her father was trying to protect his reputation as it would be a bad look on the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy if he had a criminal daughter.
4) Sayaka's childhood relationship with Makoto is changed to that her early writing career was supported by the Naegi family. Apparently, she came to the Naegis for help in publishing her novels, which is how she met Makoto.
5) Byakuya's dickish attitude is now more of a tough drill sergeant. He sees everyone around him as "weak" and wouldn't survive a day in the battlefield. (basically, Byakuya in this version is every tough soldier guy stereotype who thinks civilians are snowflakes that need protecting)
6) I'd like to imagine that Mukuro would be somewhat of a zany fangirl. Like, she still has her fun personality, but now it's directed to talking about her favorite fandoms and the latest story she wrote. Then, when we get to the "Mukuro Ikusaba, 16th student, watch out for her" section, we learn that she was actually the Ultimate Programmer. Makoto, Kyoko, and Byakuya then hypothesize that maybe Mukuro set up Hope's Peak Academy to trap them all in. It makes sense as only a master computer programmer could maintain control over the entire academy. - side note: Alter Ego is also changed to that of a mysterious program with no face. It wants to help the students escape but won't reveal its true face since it doesn't want to expose its "creator's" identity.
7) Okay, I admit, I made Mondo the baseball star intentionally. Just...imagine chapter 2 but instead of dumbbells, he used a baseball bat. But on a serious note, in this version, I imagined that the accident that led to Daiya Owada's death was that Mondo hit a ball right into a drainage ditch during a heavy storm. In a fit of stupidity, Mondo tried to retrieve the ball (the ball could be a heirloom to the Owada family) but got caught in a sudden rush of water. Daiya managed to pull him out but at the cost of his own life.
8) Celestia's arrogant behavior now comes from her being a "celebrity". She believes the entire class loves her music and that they worship her like her legions of adoring fans. Makoto also makes a side comment where he mentions that Celestia attracts people because she has the "alternate, lolita goth" thing going for her, even though her music fits with the typical J-pop scene. When it comes to her name, "Celestia Ludenberg" is her stage name and she refuses to go by her real name as she wants to be seen only for her pop sensation persona.
9) Toko's internal hatred is made even deeper in this version as she thinks she doesn't belong with the class. It's bad enough that she already hates herself, it's made worse since she knows that she doesn't have a special talent as she was just picked on random. However, the luck side also works to her advantage as it's explained that Toko somehow managed to avoid capture from the police even though she's an active serial killer.
10) I imagine that Hina as the Ultimate Moral Compass would be more of an "etiquette cheerleader". She's still fun and bubbly, but now she'll make you laugh while also telling you to eat your vegetables and clean up your room. But she still loves donuts and she fully believes that only a person pure of heart could've came up with the idea of donuts.
11) Not much changes with Sakura's character. She's still best friends with Hina and she still loves the class, enough to commit suicide. This time, she talks about her suicide as if she was making a huge gamble. In her mind, she believes that if she goes "all in" and bets her life away, that will lead to the remaining students banding together to stop Monokuma.
12) Hifumi Yamada is still a gross pervert, but instead of making fanfic/2D art/manga/anime jokes, he now makes clairvoyant jokes. Stuff like, "I see in my future...Ms. Maizono will be my girlfriend!" or "Mr. Naegi, if you keep doing good deeds, I foresee in your future that not only will you live a long, happy life, you will also marry both Ms. Kirigiri and Ms. Asahina!"
13) Kiyotaka is still a really forceful person but now he's all about people's fashion. Stuff like, "MAKOTO NAEGI, FOR AN AFFLUENT PERSON, YOU CERTAINLY DON'T DRESS THAT WAY!" or "MONDO, YOUR ATTITUDE IS AS BAD AS YOUR AWFUL OUTFIT!". Guess you can say he's the actual fashion police. But on a serious note, his backstory is changed to that of a successful male model who has inspired legions of men to always look their best. Something about how you should look your best in order to be at your best.
14) Chihiro is still scared of everything around him but takes comfort in the idea of swimming. He explains that swimming is the one thing he isn't afraid of in life and that by focusing all of his life on swimming, he reached Olympic levels of skill.
15) Leon Kuwata isn't really changed. However, now it's revealed that he managed to block Sayaka's attacks and throw Hiro's glass ball at the incinerator with his ultimate martial arts skills.
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kamimint · 4 years
imposter ryota and teru 😌
You seriously want all three at once fuck you 8m doing imposter you have to send the other two in seperate asks whore
°How I feel about this character
AAAAAAA;AA I love him so much he is SO pretty and handsome and fucking perfect have you looked at him . Have you. Have you.
°All the people I ship romantically with this character
Liek .. all of the boys. Basically. But more specifically Ryota, TeruTeru, Gundham, Hajime, Gonta, Kiibo, Souda, Nekomaru, [little a Komaeda. Little a], Ryoma, Fuyuhiko [he can snap him like a twig], Ishimaru, Yasuhiro, .......... Yeah I'm a gay man .
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ibuki, Mikan, Sonia, Akane, practically all of the girls .
My unpopular opinion about this character
If you call him fatgami I'll kill you. He is SO much better than Togami and he doesn't deserve to be downgraded like that. Also he should not be so obsessed with food, I get that he finds comfort in fast foods and having an interest in food is fine, but he's constantly eating and constantly talking about food and body weight and as a fat person I am so sick of it. The Dr team is like haha fat person eat a chicken wing!!!!!! Please laugh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
He should not have died so soon. He could've been amazing in class trials and he could've had so much interesting story and character development. I don't care if he was a killer, victim, or a survivor, he should've been around until at least the fourth trial. I wish so bad that he could've had a huge reveal over who he actually is. He technically does get a reveal in the game but not by choice and it's...barely seen as important. I would've loved if he could've freaked it as a blackened and pulled off his disguise and have everyone freak out. He had a reveal of choice in the anime but it again wasn't seen as important. Everybody was like who're you and he's like I'm the shsl imposter and they're like oh where's Ryota then they don't care about imposter anymore. The whole reveal is under a minute long and nobody cares about it at all. I want to see him go apeshit after murdering someone or at the end of the game during the final trial as Junko tried to pursuade them and Byakuya shows up. Which either makes him reveal himself or forces the others to try and figure out who's the real Byakuya Togami. Gerrrr grrr grrrr grrrrrr ANGY
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Danganronpa Another Episode 2: Jan’s Imagination
A while ago, I talked about sharing the ideas I had for an eventual Danganronpa: Another Episode 2 since I’m fairly sure there won’t be one, and I guess it’s about time I should. I will be doing so in three parts: First, the things I would really have hoped or even expected to see. Second, the things I have imagined when making-up my own plot for it. Don’t judge me, it’s a thing I do. Third and finally, random ideas I had that would make me say “JUST IMAGINE THIS”.
That being said, this is all for fun, and I can already sense this post is going to be a mess. DRAE is my favourite Danganronpa game, so don’t hesitate to see this whole thing as some random fangirl going wild. I’ll be illustrating with screenshots for attention. Here we go!
1. Things I would have hoped or even expected to see.
Though some people have been thinking about a DRAE with new main characters such as Maki Harukawa and Himiko Yumeno, and while I like this idea, my vision of a new game has Komaru Naegi and Touko Fukawa as main characters. It takes place around the same time as the events of SDR2, and possibly follows until the events of DR3: Kibou-hen. The scene where Komaru and Touko come back to… drink some water I guess, in the anime, could potentially be the ending of the game. In that case, searching for Monaca like in Mirai-hen would be part of the game, and it clearly doesn’t put her as the main antagonist. She would just seem like one, but once again, be revealed as harmless. The other kids (Nagisa, Jataro, Masaru and Kotoko) are obviously not antagonists either. Just like they are in the anime when they ask for Monaca not to be harmed, I would imagine them to be in regular contact with Komaru and/or Touko (though I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t trust the latter because of her foul mouth, messy appearance, and other personality who’s a serial killer) and for them to be their allies. They could even be the ones explaining their mission or giving them side quests.
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But then who’s the main antagonist? Could be a completely new character, but I struggle to imagine for such an important new character to be introduced during a part of the timeline that’s already been covered in the series. It’s definitely not impossible though, but my first idea for a, if not the antagonist of this game, would be Haiji Towa. Yes, you heard me right, Haiji, probably the least popular character out of the whole series, would be an important character. It definitely seems like we have more to see from him, as by the end of the first game, he clearly looks like he’s experiencing completely new emotions that he hadn’t quite been able to grasp before. Plus we just know he’s not dead, thanks to the end credits that show him alive… somewhere.
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Of course, one could argue that he could have died (killed himself, or been killed by the Monokuma kids because he’s not much of a fighter) after that, but then what would be the point of showing an illustration of him alive in a new place during the end credits? It definitely tends to suggest that he’s still here, somewhere. I believe that given his development, and his personality in the past, there is no way that he plays any role other than an antagonistic one. Moreover, seeing Komaru come to terms with the fact that he’s absolutely not their ally anymore would be very interesting. I can see him having been overcome by despair and wanting for the Monokuma kids to stay as they are, keeping the city in despair. Alternatively, he could actively want to kill them, putting Komaru and Touko in a position where they have to protect the kids from him while simultaneously running away from them, but that’s not really how I would interpret his new ideas by the end of the first game. I’m describing him as the main antagonist here because he’s the only character that’s already been introduced in the series that I can imagine having this role. However, while I am absolutely certain that he would appear in this new game, he could be like Monaca, a smaller antagonist, that’s not as important. We could even imagine the game as not having just one main antagonist, but multiple “smaller” ones; a pretty interesting concept in my opinion, given that in Danganronpa a lot of characters experience despair, and so in different, personal ways, leading to different reactions or crimes. There could be one antagonist per chapter, leading to different missions, each time being defeated. Some could see hope again, some could be put in prison or even die, or if they have green hair and twintails, become a NEET. With these “smaller” antagonists bothering Komaru and Touko along the way (and potentially Nagisa & co giving them side quests too), the main mission would still be to free the Monokuma kids and bring order back to Towa City. A way to free them from their masks would probably be introduced, and in my idea of the game, explained by local blonde guy who looks like he has really pretty nipples Byakuya Togami. It would of course be achieved in the end, explaining their presence along the survivors of the Final Killing Game. The city would have yet to be rehabilitated, but the kids wouldn’t cause anymore chaos, leaving room for hope. Now you may wonder, why would Byakuya even be here? Well you see, there’s something I would really like to see happen in Danganronpa: it’s a conclusion on Byakuya and Touko’s relationship. Because you see, I personally believe that Touko sees Komaru as a friend (maybe even the very best friend), and still has feelings for Master Byakuya.
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(No offense to Toukomaru shippers. I am personally very attached to canon and believe this ship doesn’t follow what the game insinuates, plus really love Touko and Komaru’s relationship as friends, always being eager to see this kind of friendship portrayed in stories. I however have nothing against it and understand its charisma.)
But their dynamic is currently awful. Byakuya doesn’t reciprocate her feelings and is more often than not mean to her, while she simply won’t accept that he doesn’t like her and probably sometimes rightfully creeps him out. Almost nothing has changed since Trigger Happy Havoc, and it’s about time it does. Now, I’m not sure what would really happen. Either Byakuya could warm up to her and realize he is actually more attached to her than he thought he was (which could maybe happen in a situation where Touko is put into danger, probably around the end of the game) and they would end up together, or, and I think that’s the most interesting option, she could come to terms with the fact that he won’t love her, while he – and that change in attitude has been somewhat introduced in Mirai-hen regarding other survivors from the 78th class – accepts to be nicer to her in the future. This could be an evolution lasting the whole game, with Touko questioning herself the whole time, and the conclusion could be triggered by an event in which they have to work together, why not to save Komaru from a bind (explaining why, though she’s the main character, Touko wouldn’t be with her, and they would be alone together). I think a serious conversation and collaboration between Byakuya and Touko is what Danganronpa lacks. Them not ending up together would probably explain why Touko still looks as messy in Kibou-hen, as I would imagine Byakuya wanting his girlfriend to look like a good wife for the heir of the Togami family, and Touko gaining enough confidence to try and look like she does in her fantasies. And bear in mind that this is not a bad ending in my opinion. By finally accepting their situation, Touko would get to move on and eventually come to fall in love with someone else, and she could actually be friends with Byakuya, to whom she was very attached after all.
I think I’ve covered about everything. The characters would then be Komaru, Touko, supported by Byakuya and the Warriors of Hope, and the antagonists would be Monaca (shortly), Haiji (mainly or shortly too) and eventual new characters (or, why not, randos from the Danganronpa universe that we’d all forgotten about and didn’t expect to see as antagonists/important characters). The main goal would be to free the Monokuma kids from their masks, being delayed by side quests and the antagonist(s). The drama would be Touko and Byakuya’s relationship being worked out. With all this in mind, let’s move on to the second part!
2. Things I have imagined when making-up my own plot for it.
Don’t worry, this part probably won’t be as long as the first. The difference is, most of what I enunciated in this first part makes sense when you look into the current canon, and works towards a complete, logical plot. What I will be talking about now are ideas I had, things I thought could potentially happen, but they’re not necessarily linked to each other and didn’t really work with what I think Danganronpa: Another Episode is actually meant to be. For example, I’ve imagined for Touko’s final revelation that Byakuya won’t love her to be triggered by a very different event. In that one, Byakuya would be the one put in danger, and Touko would risk her life to save him. She would survive, but be injured – I have imagined the ending to take place in a hospital in which she is recovering (I guess in that idea of DRAE2, the game takes place after Kibou-hen, and not before it). Byakuya would warm up to her simply because he’d realize he got scared for her life and because he’d be thankful for what she did, but still wouldn’t fall in love with her. Touko’s revelation would, like I explained in the first part, be the end result of her questioning herself the whole game. (This scenario actually also works very well with them getting together in the end. I simply don’t think it’s as interesting.) I didn’t include this in the first part because as I just said, it wouldn’t really match the timeline as well if she’s hospitalized, because it didn’t really include Komaru, and because while it may be more dramatic, it’s not as logical as my idea of them having to work together and just having a talk about it.
I’ve also imagined Nagito Komaeda being a character in the game – the game, once again, taking place after Kibou-hen. It would be unclear whether he’s an ally or an antagonist at first, with Touko not trusting him even though Komaru insists he’s not in despair anymore, and eventually be revealed to be their ally. I think it would be interesting to see Komaru and Touko react to him not being their enemy anymore even though his personality seems mostly unchanged, and to see him trying to make-up for his past mistakes. However, this would require for the 77th class to come back from Jabberwock Island for some reason, and most likely for some of his classmates to appear as well. I’ve imagined Hajime Hinata being the one to finally reassure Komaru and Touko that Nagito is not their enemy, for instance. Since I remember there being posters with Mikan Tsumiki’s face on some walls in the first game, if she shows up, I’ve imagined there being a line from either of the two protagonists about how they remember associating her with the Ultimate Despair. Nagito could play a role that mirrors the one he played in the first game, but shows what has changed about him and the side he wants to take.
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Another idea could be that in this game, instead of searching who are the hit list targets, Komaru and Touko would actually search for the characters themselves. This would be a nice way to get a grasp of their personality and actual link to the 78th class students (I’d love to learn about Mondo Oowada’s friend, for instance) or to know what happened to them. However, I’m not completely sure that’s possible, as some of them can be assumed to be dead, and this is supposed to be Hiroko Hagakure’s job. Plus, I’m not sure what they would really bring to the wider plot.
I think that’s about all the things I’ve imagined that didn’t show up in my possible plot. In that case, let’s move on to the least interesting part of this post!
- Taichi Fujisaki comes back, but he’s actually one of the antagonists, assuming that there are multiple, like I proposed. He’s been taken over by despair after his attack, having been injured and maybe even sheltered by someone in despair – or he’s being forced by someone taking advantage of him to work against Komaru and Touko’s plan. In the first case they’d have to show him reason, in the second one, he would probably get defeated on purpose to give them a chance to move on.
- There’s a controller at some point, and it’s supposed to be used normally in order to advance in the game, but Komaru gets PTSD from the “break the controller/don’t break the controller” thing. Worse, a controller is actually to be used to finally free the children from their masks.
- Komaru finds herself having to spy on Future’s Foundation activities because she feels like Byakuya is hiding things from her. She goes alone because she doesn’t want to hurt Touko’s, who completely believes in Byakuya, feelings, and hides somewhere in his office, in a location FF would be temporarily using in Towa City. That’s when she discovers Byakuya’s coworker (a new character!!!1!! and ally, just like Byakuya, a member of FF) is actually his boyfriend. She doesn’t know if she should talk to him about this, and whether she should tell Touko or not.
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She finally asks him if he’s really gay, and his reaction is something like “yeah, so what?” like he never thought it was a secret and doesn’t see how it’s an issue.
Yep, I put that part right at the end so that you’d read the whole post without thinking I’m stupid and delusional. Now you may.  
And that’s it! I hope a few people will have sticked with me until the end, and I hope this is somewhat interesting? I’d love to know what your own ideas are so please tell me (by reblogging this post, commenting it, or sending me an ask, feel free to do any of these), same goes with what you think on my own! Which ones are your favourite? Are there any you feel don’t make sense? I’ll say it again, I love DRAE. With the poster in NDRV3 and the open ending to the first game, I really hoped there would be a second one. But with Kodaka having left Spike Chunsoft, I don’t think that’s going to happen anymore, and frankly, hope it won’t (unless it somehow comes from him). I know a lot of people don’t care and some fans even dislike the guy, but I think as the main scenarist, Kodaka is the most important creator of Danganronpa and it won’t really be Danganronpa if he doesn’t have his say in it. If he comes back to the series, I hope it’ll be for a DRAE2, but I don’t think it will happen.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3izrOtc
by Not_so_sober_clown
Danganronpa, but set in an alternate timeline where Junko Enoshima never started the killing game and instead of the biggest,most awful, most tragic event in human history. She created a despair inducing outbreak that still ende up eliminating half of human kind and turned them into cannibalistic monsters lurking for flesh to satisfy their blood lust. Leaving war, sorrow, and blood stains around every corner.
This story will have some of my own personal headcanons for the characters and everyones favorite, ships, sprinkled in here and there throughout the storyline. There is obviously spoilers for the games and animes. Also I should like mention there will be spelling errors that I have probably missed.
Warning for descriptions of gore, cannibalism, nudity and murder
(Oh oh i know a tag says izuru and hajime are twins but its kind of like they are but by the end they wont be because they were truly just the same person)
Words: 3385, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Kamukura Izuru, Enoshima Junko
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Chiaki Nanami/Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Amami Rantaro/Shinguji Korekiyo, Nidai Nekomaru/Owari Akane, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko
Additional Tags: Human Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Alternate Universe - Hinata Hajime is in Class 77, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Minor Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Mutual Pining, Developing Relationship, Enoshima Junko Being An Asshole, How Do I Tag, lots of death, Fujisaki Chihiro and Nanami Chiaki are Cousins, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Minor Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Enemies to Lovers kazuichi/gundham
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3izrOtc
0 notes
healing-hanyou · 6 years
Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Love Live for the ask meme
Ace Attorney:
Favorite Male Character: Miles Edgeworth. Shi-Long Lang is great as well. I also have a soft spot for Klavier, Sebastian and Apollo. And, naturally, my space son, Clay Terran.
Favorite Female Character: Kay Faraday!! Props also go to Mia Fey and Trucy Wright, as well as Athena and Jinxie.
Favorite Het Ship: Farabeste (Sebastian/Kay). Cykesquill as well, but I’m very specific about how and when I like it...like, ridiculously specific. Diego/Mia is good as well. For something more ridiculous that I think would be fun, Clay and Athena could have had a great dynamic. Maybe even Clay and Jinxie, if we go out and be totally wild.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Klapollo, Langworth, Nahyuta/Simon. Vera/Trucy, lady Cykesquill, Robin/Myriam and Athena/Juniper for the ladies. 
Least Favorite Male Character: how to I condense the list of the bastards? Kristoph is evil, but I cannot deny he had charm as a character - he’s terrifying, but fascinating, so I cannot name him as my least favourite. I think I’ll go with either von Karma or Blaze Debeste. They’re responsible for so much misery, and they don’t have any tragic reasons for being the way they are.
Least Favorite Female Character: Ma//ya Fe//y. I know the reasons people have for liking her, and I can forgive some flaws in writing, but she simply has too many of them. I know she is a courageous girl who ultimately wishes to do good, but the way she acts, especially in the first two games... just make me go ‘hmmmm’. Honestly, my favourite games in the series are those where I don’t get to see her. Young Pearl is also very low down on the list, and she was my least favourite for a long while, but her teenage years made me soften up to her, she’s pretty great in DD.
Least Favorite Het Ship: anything that encourages abuse, like Grant/Lana? Why would you do this? Also, I’m not fond of Athena/Apollo or Juniper/Apollo. Apollo is far too gay in my eyes to ever be together with a girl. Phoenix/Maya is another one I dislike.
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): same rule as above applies. Aside from those, I... don’t have many slash ships I actively dislike, surprisingly? My main one would be Wri//ght//wor//th, since, in my opinion, it’s very overhyped, and I cannot turn around in this fandom without seeing it, but even that is mostly just...annoyance.
Dirty Little Secret: I haven’t forgotten about my dumbass theory. I’m just...really fucking slow.
Headcanon(s): this will need to be answered in its own separate asks. I have headcanons for everyone. For now, though - Jinxie Tenma is a Fey.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I like Gyakuten Kenji far more than the original games. In general, games with a protag that’s not Phoenix and newer games in the series I tend to like more. Not to imply that the original trilogy was bad or anything, but... Edgeworth is far more solid as a protagonist, not only because his side was relatively unexplored, but because his investigation methods were so much more sensible. Phoenix has this ‘wing it’ approach, which works fine, until you see past it. When you see past it, the tension build-up it tries to pull fails massively, and you just get annoyed by Phoenix never thinking ahead for anything, or being oblivious. With Edgeworth, when there are moments of tension, they appear because of something genuinely unexpected, or because Edgeworth made a miscalculation (which allows character growth). Even when Edgeworth has to pull dumb or crazy shit, it feels like it makes sense, because he thinks, even when he panics. Also, Phoenix is tied down by the worst accompanying duo of Maya and Pearl all the time, while Edgeworth acquires an absolutely amazing set of sidekicks (and he not only gets fun new ones, like Kay and Lang, but there’s so much detail in his interactions with Gumshoe, Franziska and Larry as well? It was great to see the Edgeworth/Larry dynamic of the friendship). Plus, I like the Logic Chess things, the soundtrack is my favourite (how exactly COULD you even attempt to top Shi-Long Lang’s theme???), at least if we’re not counting PLvsAA as a part of this universe, and I like the visuals of it much better. In short, everybody should play these fucking games right fucking now, and storm Capcom offices so they actually port GK2 for the Western market.
A lot of the same criteria apply for the newer games, too. While DD was a comeback for Phoenix, it was a game with mixed protagonists, and it was a new Phoenix as well. Apollo probably has my second favourite supporting character crew after Edgeworth, and, at the time, his Perceive mechanic was refreshing to see after being stuck to the same gimmick for 3 games. Same with Athena. She differs dractically from both Phoenix and Apollo, and brings a new mechanic and a new set of associated people. In other words? I’m happy this series is trying new things, and exploring extra protagonists where it can. It has improved a whole bunch as a result.
Favorite Male Character: Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Nagisa Shingetsu. Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko, Nagito Komaeda. Shuuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi, Rantarou Amami.
Favorite Female Character: Aoi Asahina, Celes, Touko Fukawa. Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Akane Owari, Ibuki Mioda. Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Toujou, Maki Harukawa, Tenko Chabashira. 
Favorite Het Ship: Togami/Asahina, Ishimaru/Asahina, Hinata/Ibuki, Tanaka/Pekoyama (I’m especially fond of this one, also titled Soft Animals Edge Duo). Sonia/Kuzuryuu is also great, though that is a platonic ship, as I headcanon Sonia as aro.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Naegi/Ishimaru, Naegi/Togami. KomaNaegi is quite pure, but a friend also got me into KomaSouda as a complimentary ship to TanaPeko. A crackship, but still a favourite is Izuru/Ryouta. And, of course, the ultimate fave - Saiouma. (A nice shoutout also goes to Oumota and Amamota). As for the ladies, Kirizono and Celesgiri, and all gay Asahina ships are good, SoniAkane & Pekobuki. In V3, Tenko is mega gay, so there’s a chance for every gay ship, however, my favourite one is Tenko/Maki. If we’re talking non-Tenko ships, Angie/Maki sounds fun.
Least Favorite Male Character: in DR1, surprisingly, none. Well, Hagakure can get on my nerves, but I like just alright all of them. In SDR2, Nidai, in my opinion, didn’t have that great of a development, so I guess him. Though I also have plenty of issues with Souda. In V3, Gon//ta Go//ku//ha//ra.
Least Favorite Female Character: All DR1 girls are good, and even if they aren’t, they’re at least interesting or entertaining. But if I have to pick, Junko, if we’re judging morality. In SDR2, Mi//kan Tsu//mi//ki and Hi//yo//ko Sai//onji,in terms of morality and/or being dicks. In terms of rather poor writing (despite having a good idea), Chi//a//ki Na//na//mi. In V3, H//i//m//i//k//o Y//u//m//e//n//o and K//a//e//d//e A//k//a//m//a//t//s//u. The final one is also my least favourite in the entirety of the series as a whole.
Least Favorite Het Ship: Jun//ko//ma//e//da. In general, any Junko ship is not very good for plenty of reasons. Na//e//gi//ri. In SDR2, Souda/Sonia (she’s clearly not comfortable with him), Nidai/Akane, Hi//na//na//mi.. Not sure if should be mentioned here, but romantic Kuzupeko? Mostly because I cannot picture it as a thing. I do, however, like them platonically, they do care about each other a whole bunch. In V3, Sa//i//ma//tsu (never make me look at it). 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Chi//hi//mon//do. Even if I do like Mondo okay, it’s not healthy. Ka//mu//ko//ma. Son//dam. Jun//ko//mi//kan? Mahiru/Peko for sure. Kiib//ou//ma, too.
And the one I guarantee I’ll receive anon hate over - Te//n//hi//mi.
Dirty Little Secret: this series somehow manages to combine the good with the ridiculous in such a way that I can accept.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I am the literal embodiment of unpopular opinions in this franchise. I think V3 is the best game of the series, and it had a brilliant twist (both the start one and the final one). I don’t really ship the most popular ships, the obvious exception being Saiouma (and, to an extent, SoniAkane? It’s a popular Akane ship, at least). I think Saihara is a far better protag choice than the other option that was presented, since the story and its structure was made to fit him. I’m the unpopular opinion and rarepair central in this fucking thing. (Please help me.)
Love Live!:
Favorite Male Character: yay for not having prominent males, which means I get to skip 2 more questions here.
Favorite Female Character: In Muse’s, my top 3 is Hanayo, Eli and Maki. In Aquors, my top 3 is You, Kanan and Dia (though Mari and Chika are also very lovable).
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Makipana! It’s very very cute. I also quite like HonoEli. HonoMaki is also quite nice. In Aquors, YouKanan or DiaKanan. 
Least Favorite Female Character: Not unpopular by any means, but Ni//co Ya//za//wa. In terms of singing voice, Kotori. In Aquors, R//i//k//o S//a//k//u//r//a//u//c//h//i. 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Ni//co//ma//ki??? I will never understand why people like it. In Aquors, Chi//ka//ri//ko and You//ri//ko. 
Dirty Little Secret: I quite like A-RISE. Every song they’ve ever done is an absolute banger, as the youth says.
Unpopular Opinion(s): would you look at that. Another fandom where I’m the monarch of rarepairs.
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What if Goodbye Despair was a stage play
A/N Continuing from the one where class 78’s killing game was a stage play, class 77 got inspired by and got permission from class 78 to do this, this AU features Hajime with SHSL Guidance Counselor, by @ronin-warriorsfanatic
“The traitor is among you” Monokuma’s voice rang.
Backstage we see Junko reprising her role as Monokuma, and Hina acting under the roll of Usami/Monomi, Chihiro and the real Ryouta are working on a computer to get the animation for each murder sequence ready.
“This is going to be a huge hit.” Chihiro stated.
“Yeah, there’s a limit to special effects, and the animation here is the best I could do under short notice.”
“It’s fine, Ryouta, besides everyone’s gonna love it.”
It started with a simple idea, the first play featured Hope vs Despair, while that battle is played out once again, Chiaki had a better idea than just repeating the message, she wants to prove that Talent doesn’t have to be everything in life, let’s go back 2 months after class 78’s finished play. Makoto sat at his usual spot at the cafeteria, usually classes don’t interact with each other, but the Ultimate Gamer, Chiaki Nanami decided to sit next to him today.
“The play your class did last time was amazing.” Chiaki said suddenly.
“Chiaki…thank you.”
“Which is why I wanted to do a version of it with my class, and was hoping for your permission.” Chiaki asked.
“Of course you can, we didn’t patten it or anything.”
“With that said, they got to work… Makoto, Byakuya, and Kyoko gathered with the 77th class to discuss the details of the play. The class discussion was mostly similar to how 78 did it the first timr, punishments based on talents, but due to constraints, they had to anaimate each execution, from there they decided who to die and who gets executed. They even got multiple costumes that Junko loaned, and Tsumugi Shirogane from the 79th class to edit each one just incase the specific scenarios came into play, and Kaede Akamatsu from the same class to perform the music to help set the mood for the story
Teruteru offered to be the killer for the first case, but nagito’s idea to kill someone was a good choice as well, so they added elements of his plan into the first case.
Everyone there voted for Hajime to be the main protagonist here, and he offered to pretend to not remember his talent to sell the point of "talent not being everything”, and came up with the Kamukura persona as “SHSL Hope” for a plot point, Tsumugi loaned them a long black wig to use. They all accepted this, they also brought over Kotoko from the elementary division to play Hiyoko (to set up a huge plot twist)
Peko offered both the death of Natsumi Kuzuryu as a motive, and Sparkling Justice as a plot point. Mahiru offered to be the victim of this case, and that Hiyoko offered her character to be hit with the blame.
What Surprised everyone was that Mikan offered to be a killer at some point, and that both Ibuki and Hiyoko offered to be her victims.
Gundham of course chose to be a killer, but Nekomaru offered it at the same time, so they both wrote 2 versions of that part of the script and the proceeding trial, and acted them out, the version woth Gundham as the killer worked better for all of them, so they went with that.
Hajime was chosen to survive due to his plot armor, Sonia volunteered to be a survivor, Fuyuhiko didn’t feel like killing nor being murdered, so he bevame a survivor Kazuichi became a survivor for comedic effect, and Akane had the same reason as Fuyuhiko.
Throuout the process, Nagito offered for his character to be the personification of Hope’s Peak’s philosophy. He set up a scenario where his death looks like a suicide, but the “traitor” grabbed something filled with poison, and have that person throw it. They all enjoyed the idea of that.
The rest was history, Junko would take the stage for the sixth class trial, chihiro will pretend to be Alter Ego, and each execution would be animated due to time constraints and an inability to actually perform each execution on the stage. The real Mitarai made each video of the killers, and shown them to his class, they all approved his work. Mahiru worked on creating fake photos for both the second motive, and some of “Izuru Kamukura” being the Ultimate Photographer made it a sinch to create fake photos.
Now back to the show, the Ultimate imposter took his togami disguise off, and his school clothes were underneath.
“I don’t know how much longer I could’ve gone.” TUI stated.
“Ah, you did well for being a fake Togami.” Hina said after covering her mike.
“Yeah, Shirogane really did some amazing work with the costumes and crap.” Junko added, doing the same.
Back on stage:
“The killer is you, Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Chef!” Hajime declared.
Chihiro and Mitarai took that as their cue to activate the video where Teruteru was tar and feathered by monokuma, then dipped into the volcano.
Sometime later, Teruteru returned backstage.
“You fought really well out there Teruteru!” Hina complimented.
“Thank you, thank you, you’re too kind, now if you excuse me, I have to make the dishes for the after party.” The midget chef informed before heading off.
The deaths of Mahiru and Peko were next, Peko profusely apologizing to Mahiru for such a death, but Mahiru shook it off as no big deal, and gave kudos to Peko’s performance.
Later Ibuki and Kotoko wound up dead, and Mikan execuded. Mikan started crying backstage, and hugged both of them, they hugged her back as a sign of forgiveness, and complimented her performance.
At this point, references to class 78’s play were profusely shown, and the audience clapped when they noticed each reference.
The idea of a “Mechamaru” was one the coach came up with himself, and after his death, Gundham was found guilty. Both of them returned backstage to watch the end of the play.
Next, Nagito’s character went completely insane, and his unsolvable murder-suicide began. It was heart wrenching, the audience shed tears when they saw him all tortured and bloody. Once back stage, he changed into clean clothes while Mikan took care of any potential injuries, class 77’s ultimate lucky student tended to suffer from some form of disease in real life, and Mikan’s been treating it in real life, although she didn’t really need to.
The trial went on slightly longer then the others to show off the complexity of this case, but when they reached the end.
“Do you understand what you’re saying!? You’re asking me to kill you!” Hajime yelled.
“Don’t vote for me because I’m the traitor, put your faith in me and the bonds we forged here.”
At this point, monomi and Chiaki were killed brutally, and Chiaki made it backstage.
“Chiaki…you did great out there.” Mahiru stated.
“Thank you, but Nagito deserves some credit, I mean..his death was the perfect unsolvable murder.”
“You’re too kind, but I’m glad I could serve as a stepping stone to make this play shine as bright as it possibly can.”
“Not this again, Nagito, you have a vouce in the class just as much as the rest of us.” Mahiru sighed.
The sixth trial soon began, Makoto took the stage, then pretended to be a program Monokuma created, then left as soon as he was found out. Monokuma referenced Frieza from DBZ, then after Chihro activated the smoke effect, Junko took the stage in a cellphone prop, Makoto shortly rejoined the trial with Kyoko and Byakuya shortly after. Then Junko fell to defeat once again once the survivors and class 78 members triggered “force shutdown”, with that the last execution played with Usami defeating the giant Junko.
With the completion of the play, the crowd began cheering loudly, and the applause sounded like thunder.
“Wow, killing game plays really are getting popular here.” Hajime stated.
“It’s because they enjoyed the first one and the omakes to it that the sequel to danganronpa did so well.” Chiaki added.
“Well, you guys worked hard on it, you should be proud of yourselves, and the plot points were amazing as well.” Makoto praised.
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kimmysfandomblog · 6 years
Ohh, 6, 9, 11, 19 and 25. For all the games, but if it's too hard to pick, you can have one by game :p
Thank you, Serahne!!! ^ v ^
From here: https://kimmysfandomblog.tumblr.com/post/170470327942/lafumiko-hi-people-i-was-searching-for-a-good
Spoilers for V3, so these are under the cut!
6. Favorite plot twist?
DR1: Gosh, it’s a tie between Sayaka being the one killed and even planning to kill to escape the game and Naegi escaping execution!!! Bot of them realy threw me for a loop! I will say that discovering Sayaka was murdered left the greater impact, though, and was the reason I stuck to Danganronpa early on. It blew my mind at the time!
DR2: Hajime being Izuru/the “mastermind” was the most shocking thing to me! I really wasn’t expecting that??? I really came to love Hajime a lot by this point, and was feeling incredibly sorry for him already. When we were exploring the school for the last trial’s investigation and the Hope Cultivation Plan came up, I kinda figured it out. I don’t think I connected the dots completely though, ahaha. Also, just the fact that all of them were evil and responsible for spreading Despair worldwide was such a great plot twist, in my opinion!
DRAE: There weren’t many plot twists in this game, but I guess the most shocking was that Monaca was not an invalid. Like, she was pretty obviously the one running the show, and she was obsessed with Junko, but her faking being handicapped to control both her family and friends for sympathy and to get what she wanted was a genius plan on her part!
V3: I honestly didn’t like them all that much, especially Kaede not being the protag. The ending one where Tsumugi reveals everything is a lie (literally) wasn’t bad or good in my opinion. Like, I wasn’t necessarily disappointed by the ending like I thought I would be (that one was spoiled even before the game released in Japan because I couldn’t blacklist on PC and thought going through Hajime’s tag would be okay :( Damn you, dataminers!!!), I kinda just accepted that this was it. Also the trio being alive was not an exciting plot twist in the least (I love you Himiko and Maki, but your survival kinda makes me go ehhh with how the game ended). I guess that only leaves Kaito being ill and dying before his execution killed him as my favorite! I really liked how that last execution (not counting Danganronpa’s execution) was the reverse of the very first execution we see (Jin Kirigiri’s), and I already loved Kaito. It was nice that Kaito’s final goodbye was a middle finger to Danganronpa’s theme of killing the blackened with an over-the-top execution!
9. Favorite Ultimate Talent?
These are all very tough decisions…
DR1: Ultimate Biker Gang Leader! I honestly would never expect such a talent to exist, and I gotta wonder how HPA was able to gather data for that talent, hahaha. It helps that I found Mondo endearing even if he swears a bit and reacts with violence. He hast a golden heart full of regrets, and I liked his backstory! Also the talent itself is just… really cool.
DR2: Ok, so this is kinda weird, but Ultimate Lucky Student. Makoto was a totally different kind of Ultimate Lucky Student than Komaeda’s, where all-in-all he is an average guy and his luck only affects him sometimes. While that is an interesting talent, it’s not as interesting as Komaeda’s. Komaeda is probably the truest definition of Ultimate Luckster! His luck is tragic. It takes away any personal relationships and turns it into materialistic fortune. It is so powerful it warped Komaeda and his view of the world drastically. Gosh, it is very interesting and gets me wondering what could possibly happen around Komaeda because of his luck in different situations and with different people. Truly, a fascinating talent that I wouldn’t bestow on anyone!
DRAE: There were only a few people with an Ultimate Talent here, haha. I liked that Kotoko was the Ultimate Li’l Drama who actually will not perform for anyone (understandably) and the Fighter of the Group! If that counts, haha. Otherwise we only have Byakuya, Fukawa/Syo, Makoto, and Komaeda (and technically Izuru but he is on the screen for, like, 5 seconds and has every talent, so that would be boring anyways). If I had to choose between the four talents without Komaeda repeated, I think the most interesting would be Syo’s Ultimate Murderous Fiend! It’s really interesting to me that she’s a split personality of Toko. I kinda have to wonder how Toko can get exhausted easily, but Syo can slash and dash, even hurling herself several feet in the air, without breaking a sweat!
V3: It is a tie between Ultimate Anthropolgist and Ultimate Mage Magician! Unlike with the previous installments of the series, I was able to just see the talents before knowing the characters, though, so Ultimate Magician was the one that really caught my eye since I’m obsessed with Fantasy AUs, especially of the RPG kind with that class system! I’ve also always been really fasinated by Magic and magicians in general, haha. After playing the game, though, Kiyo really sold me on the Ultimate Anthropologist talent! I was a Cognitive Science major in the school within the university that focuses on the humanities, so not only am I very interested in human cognitive thinking as individuals and as a group, but I took a lot of history and some anthropology courses. I really nerded out with Kiyo and Shuichi during those FTEs! History/Folklore is truly fascinating! 
11. A character you’d revive?
Alright, this is a tough one for some of these because most of the ones I liked who died died “well,” as in their story was finished and satisfying. I’d surely love to see them alive again, true, but if we are going by canon and I could only bring back one, then it almost feels cheap. Kinda like “DR3 cheap.” That makes most of these characters not my favorites, but ones i felt deserve a second chance/should have survived.
DR1: Ishimaru. He isn’t my favorite character (I’m honestly gonna place him in the “he’s ok!” range), but he clearly didn’t have any satisfying development. You can’t get FTEs from his Kiyondo form, and he dies having done very little as Kiyondo other then some inconvenience regarding Alter Ego! It would probably be super interesting to see what he would do in later chapters, and if he ever snaps out of it in the chapters after.
DR2 (assuming the DR3 anime never happened): Saionji died for nothing, let’s be real here, lol. She was just barely going to reform herself and become a better person, and then she dies, offscreen, on accident. A friend also helped me realize that we never come across her murder weapon. I think that what would have been the best solution was not having a double murder. Plus, it would make it interesting to see whether she is able to forgive Kuzuryuu at all or not, how that affects the groups trust in each other in later parts of the game (since it is really hard to get close to her since she doesn’t trust people easily), and especially her reaction to being Ultimate Despair, as well as her growth spurt.
DRAE: Chihiro’s dad Taichi. He and Yuta died for shock, but how sad would it be if he was alive and found out his son was killed? And that his son’s legacy, Alter Ego, survived? Man, what a tragedy! It would have been nice to see him tag along with Toko and Komaru to the adult’s base and maybe try to hack into devices, or slowly give upgrades to Komaru making her life a little easier. He could also join Togami and leave Towa City.  He’d be an incredible asset to Future Foundation, but he would either refuse out of grief, or he’d take time to warm up to the idea, before accepting and becoming the head of any project regarding the Neo World Program/Alter Ego Chihiro, working closely with Miaya, and keeping close to those who had been Chihiro’s friends.
V3: hmmmm, this one I don’t know for sure. It’s between Hoshi, Miu, Kiibo, and… this may surprise you, but Angie as well.
*** Angie Negativity, you can skip it ***
I hate Angie, but she honestly needs the story development. She got the most abrupt ending, another offscreen death, and no resolution. Honestly speaking, if she had a better story and some form of redemption/questioning of her actions, I would like her a lot more. She just never learned that what she did was wrong, and unlike in her FTEs, telling her “no” made her stick more to her own opinion. Like, initially I didn’t like Celeste in CH3, but I actually grew to like her because she had that backstory that made her want to be more than she was, and she anyways accepted her death in the end without being spiteful and ruining the secret of Alter Ego, even giving the others a hint of where she kept him. She was leagues a better character than Angie. Angie, I was starting to kinda accept her after finishing her FTEs when I was still in CH2 (even if I hate the racial stereotypes, what with orgies, sacrifices, etc). She really made me mad when she refused to listen to anyone else and manipulated others to agree with her (I have an extremely soft spot for Himiko and Gonta, so my bias didn’t help her at all). I’ll give her that she’s really sly and a lot smarter than she tries to let on, but  her cutesy personality combined with manipulation to convert to a religion, suggested by light brainwashing using her paintings (and the fact the others were converted overnight), all so that she can get whatever she wants, and then not seeing any kind of downfall: no backlash or consequences because of what she did? It makes me mad. I’m sorry. I hate her and yet, she is one of the people I’d revive, hahaha. Geez, I honestly tried to like her despite my initial feelings I would dislike her, lol.
*** End of Angie Negativity ***
Kiibo dying while the other three survived is something that rubs me the wrong way since he almost never got respect until he was destroying the school, even when he was one of the few character that were actually helpful during the trials. Honestly, if the others survived, which, given the ending, was kinda pointless, then him surviving as well wouldn’t detract from the impact. Seriously, if anyone deserved to survive, it would be him or Maki.
As for Miu, her death felt like a cop out, for some reason. I can’t explain it exactly… I know that her being killed was because they needed her to go after Kokichi, so that they could get him to trick Gonta to kill her, but it feels wrong somehow? Like there was unfinished business? She had the electrohammers, electrobombs, a remote control, and a bug catcher, her more amazing inventions, made after her death. All her upgrades to Kiibo were very useful, but not as amazing. A drone and the camera set up are really simple, too. Her working with Kokichi on these amazing inventions feels like a plothole instead of plausible. It would be really nice to see her survive since, despite being vulgar, she’s really entertaining! And I wonder how she’d react to being told she wasn’t real, nor was she actually a genius inventor.
And I can’t forget Hoshi! He died horribly for no reason. Kirumi could have bashed him in the head with a tennis racket, or against the wall or something, after she knocked him out. There was no need to pin the blame on anyone. The second trial p*ssed me off so much because it was unnecessarily convoluted and cruel for no reason and anyways made no sense. My heart truly goes out for Hoshi. He had a horrible life! He was imprisoned for killing the Mafiai, was a true hero, and I wish he could have learned that he could find something to live for.
So yeah, V3 was the hardest for me this question, hahaha. I honestly can’t choose between these four. BIG SIGH
If this was bot the answer you were hoping for and you just wanted to get a list of my faves who dued, it would go like this: Sakura, Komaeda, Taichi, and Kaito! Priority goes to Sakura since Ko lives post-canon, hahaha
19. Favorite Free Time Events
DR1: Alright, honestly I need to actually play this game myself. I’ve only seen LPs of the game, and the anime does not have FTEs. The only FTEs I recall are Sayaka’s, Chihiro’s, Ishimaru’s, Kyoko’s, Sakura’s, and Asahina’s. I don’t think I can really say which is my favorite, but I really like Sakura’s and Kyoko’s. I just… can’t remember most of their backstories ^^
DR2: DR2 had too many good FTEs. Komaeda’s are probably the ones I liked the most, though? I didn’t care much for Komaeda initially. He was an interesting character, and I didn’t hate him (I was very neutral). I felt like there was more to him, so when I played the game myself after abandoning the LP I was watching, I went after him first and it changed my mind completely! I like it when a character’s background is explained and matches consequences and actions the character makes during the main story, and DR2 did this really well for my taste. Komaeda’s helped explain everything and made him a sympathetic character and helped me to understand him. Of course, it also sparked the Koma/Hina shipping, hahaha. If I had to come up with a runner up, it would be Souda’s for a similar reason! His also ties really well to the main story, especially with not being able to finish his FTEs until like after CH4, after he is done doubting Hajime.
V3: I’m stuck between Kiyo and Maki’s. Kiyo’s had more of an impact on me, though, because it flipped my initial suspicion I would hate him. Him being fascinated with anthropology and teaching Shuichi about it made me seriously love him as a character even though I was sure at the time I would hate him since I was spoiled about the incest plot twist. Maki’s was really well explained and tied nicely to the game’s story. She is kinda like Komaeda, in a way, hahaha. She had a tragic backstory because of her talent, been through hell, lost someone very precious to her, and her talent makes her actively try to avoid people and trust them. And, like I said before, I like FTEs that help explain why a character reacts the way they do (although in her case, a small part of her FTEs do land up in the main story, so I say they were slightly less effective, but tied better to the story)
DRAE doesn’t have FTEs, but there are explained backstories of the kids, and I loved Nagisa. His was the most relatable, with all of that pressure to succeed, never feeling good enough.
25. Saddest Death
DR1: 100% Sakura’s!!! She’s a real gem of a character, and I wish Danganronpa had more female characters that were like her! Anyways, she was so interesting, and not just for how she looks or her talent, but that she was the traitor torn by family duty and her loyalty to her friends. She thought that the best way to end this killing game was by sacrificing herself so that the group would not be split. She was so selfless and loved so much, yet she was treated horribly in her last hours because Monokuma made sure to make her as disliked as possible. And then he spits on her death further by stealing her last letter and will so he could use Hina to make the trial more interesting. My heart goes out to her more than anyone in DR1.
DR2: My gut instinct was to say “Komaeda” or “Nanami”, but truth be told, CH2 wrecked me! Peko’s execution really got to me because, firstly, I never suspected her, and secondly, her backstory with Fuyuhiko and the fact she killed and died to save him made the execution 10 times worse to endure! I hadn’t seen her FTE’s all the way through the first time, but I saw most of them and while she hadn’t been a favorite, she had a cute personality! I really did like her!. What made her death worse was Fuyuhiko’s reaction and him trying to intervene. I’m getting shills remembering it ^^;
DRAE: Most probably Taichi! Though it is hard to choose between him and Yuta, Taichi’s was the one that was most tragic, because up to his dying breath he was so excited to be able to have the chance to meet his son again. I mean, even if he did survive, his son would still be dead, but somehow it just felt worse than Yuta’s since we seemed to get to know Taichi better (he worked at Towa for the company, we talked to him more and his love for his son).
V3: Another hard one, and it is between Kaede, Hoshi, and Gonta… I feel like none of these three should have died, or at least for Gonta and Hoshi, not the way that they did. Gonta’s was the one I felt the most emotional over leading up to his death because of the present feeling of how Kokichi betrayed him and the feeling of how it wasn’t even his fault, really. Kaede’s I felt the angriest at because she was 100 times a better protag than Shuichi and I loved her. It doesn’t help that her death was especially tragic and her execution was gruesome (not that Gonta’s wasn’t gruesome, but it was too weird for me to feel much). Hoshi’s I felt the saddest over during the trial because of just how not-fair this was. I don’t even hate Kirumi, I really hate the writers for the trial because of all the pointless and illogical parts of the case and how Hoshi was murdered, but I ranted enough about it.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Danganronpa: chronicles of the 78th class
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fyl4sm
by sarc_sm
Hi! My name's Makoto naegi! This is my story, the story of Hope's Peak high and the 78th class.
In this story, you have a weird electrical bear, him teaching us about: murders, investigations, trials, and a whole lot of friends along the way!
Don't be alarmed! Even though he uses us as an example in his teachings, they're well thought out! who knew despair was such a big deal?
Anyway, I guess I should start with the beginning, huh?
Well, it all began when I got a letter from Hope's Peak...
Words: 370, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Maizono Sayaka, Kirigiri Kyouko, Enoshima Junko, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Fukawa Touko, Togami Byakuya, Celestia Ludenberg, Asahina Aoi, Kuwata Leon, Yamada Hifumi, Ikusaba Mukuro (brief mentions), Ogami Sakura, Oowada Mondo, Fujisaki Chihiro, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa), Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack
Relationships: Kuwata Leon/Maizono Sayaka, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: monokuma teaches the 78th class, junko and monokuma are different people, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), monokuma teaches the class:killing affairs, Naegi and co. learn about murder through monokuma and his stories, the stories are the murders in the game, No Actual Character Death, thought of this at 3 am, the ending theme of the anime is amazing and sad, :'(, Free Time Events (Dangan Ronpa), Some hints of romance, eventually
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fyl4sm
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