POV: you're a fanfic writer making notes and wow these words sure are words
Puthery: Calm before a storm
Alpenglow: Rosy Mountain Sunset
Petrichor: Distinctive Rain Smell
Fulvous-Duck color
Nepenthe: A hallucinogenic used as "anti depressant"
Vespertine: Evening occurrence
Barathea- Weak Silk
Bellonoid- Needle shape
Bismer- Shame, Scorn
Blewit, edible toadstool
Blennophobia- Slime phobia
Borsella- Glass making instrument
Boutade: Outburst
Bulimy- VERY hungry
Bufoniform-Toad shaped
Brontophobia- Fear of lightning
Bugaboo- Nonsense
Buss- Mischievous kiss
Buccula-The second chin
Broch, Mangata, Moonglade-Moon ring
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mazenodeh57 · 1 year
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Showroom Byssine | Tomas Kotrc, Martin Petřík
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pyrrhiccomedy · 2 years
In my head Bellefluer looks like anya taylor-joy because Emily always tags her pictures with some variant of "evil fairie queen", am I right?
This is Bellefleur's Artbreeder portrait! Not really an Anya vibe but I'd hire ATJ to play a Heretic-style faerie, for sure.
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manfrommars2049 · 3 years
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[Homemade] fudgy&glazed lemon blondies via food
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oddlysatisfyingbot · 2 years
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I stopped pouring water right on time via r/oddlysatisfying
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🌴 It’s official, purple prose isn’t dead, you just have to go to certain parts of tungle and then you see THIS:
 with    an    arsenic    aphrodisiac.    the    swarm    of    wasps    crowds    your    anthesis.    /    rot    supersedure,    those    sweet    boscages    weep    tar———byssine    strangled    steel,    an    alloyed    climax    skewed    humanshape.
I can see why rpers like this exist in clumps. You have to be a certain type of mad to enjoy reading that shit.
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thefoodadvice · 2 years
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[Homemade] strawberry cheesecake by Byssine#love #foodpic #tasty #breakfast #cooking #delicious #yummy #foodstagram #foodblogger #foodporn #instafood #foodie #food
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fushiiguroes · 7 years
sfdhdslhe some of yalls writing styles are whack as fuck. put the thesaurus down and write what the fuck you wanna say 
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sericate · 6 years
"what's the matter ? what are you staring at ?"
                             𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌      𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐄      𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  .           /           not   accepting  .
                                  ��𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐞     𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞           /                 an    appellation    adonised    by    concrete    crown           &         earned    atop     ember  .                   these    identical    processions    begin    to       blister   at   the   heels   :                charred     sarsenet       HISSING          discarded    siseries  ,              grounding    frenzied    tarentella     to    its     pyre     as    each    anserine    onlooker    drives    a    new     nail  through    beheld    palm             (         once    made    a    marvel    by    byssine    nature      ;               the    petal  plucked  is  to  purity  stain’d ,           i    suppose  ,              &           these    men    are    learned    in    art    of    stirring    a    scene  .         )                  ❝         don’t     drink     that  .        ❞                     but    we    have    been    born    into    higher    forms  ,                 have    stood    as    receptors    of    refined    instruction    required    to    employ    encraty    over     tourmaline   talons     that    spring    forth    on    instinct            /        deign    drips    of     realgar     remnant     to     chase     maltose  .                   fool’s    mock    chalice    suspended    as    suspect  ,              vinaceous    nectar    laced    in    imitation    of    fresh    aconite  .            bitter    notes    on    baby’s    breath  .             brow  -  raising    blazon    of    holy      hyacinth  girl  .     
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                                   she    lilts    in       𝐱𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐝   𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐨              (     her    source    of     fame       &      notoriety     ) ,             bittersweet    songs    of    embedded    lore  .             raised    with    firm    grasp    on      hidden    hilt            /            a    music    box’s      porcelain   ballerina      soon    to    shatter        &        be    pieced    back    together            /             more    of    a    lark    than    a    dove  .              the    flames    have    yet    to    extend    to    where    she    flies  .                  ❝         over    there  .           baseball   cap  .          five  -  eight    at    best  .              yeah  .          i    could    have    sworn     i    saw    him    slip     something    into    your    drink  .        ❞                       disdain    falls    as    sigh  ,            tune    waning    with    a    swift    shooting    of    daggers    across    crowd  .              ❝         .       .       .        god  ,           i   hate   frat    boys  .        ❞   
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byssine · 8 years
people are always saying “trust thyself” but i literally cannot trust myself to make any decision ever
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rainbow-menagerie · 7 years
So I've been stupidly busy and way to lazy to take the give minutes to transfer this image onto my phone or just get off my ass and put byssin's info over here on tumblr. So ima just link to my deviantart like the lazy schmuck I am.
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drowngrief · 7 years
                              entertain    an    introduction    between    daughter    of    boscaged    brambles       &       what    acantha    departs    from    bouts    of    waywards    orthodoxy          [      although    she    needn’t    inguire    about     its      errancy       ]            /           envision     crossroads      meandered     too     far      from    telos’    fragments ,              threatening     to     SEAR     SEAMS     stitched     in     calculation’s       frenetic     sortilege       by     baring     of     innocuous     pearl ,            presented    beneath     timbres     burned        &       burnished .             MUTED  WILDFLOWERS      in     brumous     blossoming   :                a    showcase    of    flexibility    in    variant    flushes    of    hesperide .        
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                              colour     horizon    bittersweet ,            flammeous    vignette    of    hazed    wreckage    left    vapulated    between    rhyme        &           REASON         to    run     ‘ neath     torcular   guise    before    clutching    reign    of    natural    fey    to    wind    aculeiform    corona    through    byssine    strands .              ❝       what    was    that    all    about       ?       ❞         o ,      darling ,      this    sun    will    set    ‘ til    skies    bleed    red .  
                   DIALING  :         aria    montgomery       /       @secretswathed​ .     
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acerousacoria · 8 years
(( Note to self of words to use in new trolltags (from here); incomplete and very long because there’s a lot of words and Ctrl+F didn’t really help so I’m going through them all one by one
A - abditive (hidden/secret), abnegate (to renounce/repudiate), absinthial (bitter), acerous/akeratophorous (without horns), achroous (colorless), acoria (great hunger), aesopian (comprehensible only by members of a movement), aeviternal/aeviternity (endless/eternal existence), affrayer (attacker), affreux (scary), ageusia (inability to taste), agersia (unaging), agonistic (aggressive), allotriophagy (craving strange foods), anabiosis (return to life), anchorite, antiblastic (providing immunity), apterygial (finless), arrhizal (lacking roots), arrosive (gnawing), autarkic (independent)
B - bagarre (brawl), barratry (inciting violence), billingsgate (coarse language), brach/brachet (female hound / brat), brachycerous (w/ clipped horns), brachyology/breviloquence (abbreviated speech)
C - cachaemic (has poisoned blood), calver (to eat live fish), calvous (bald), canophilia (love of dogs), capistrate (hooded), carnassial / creatophagous / creophagous (flesh-eating), catarolysis (cursing to let off steam), cataplexy (feigning death), chlamydate/cucullate (hooded), cittosis (desire for strange foods). contumacious (stubborn/anti-authority), cryptadia (hidden things), cynegetic (hunting-related)
D - dacnomania (obsession with killing), dapifer (one who brings meat to the table), decalvant/depilatory (removing hair), dentigerous (bearing teeth), depascent (eating), diprionidian (serrated), diutiurnal (long-lasting), dolioform (barrel shaped), donnybrook (brawl)
E - ecdemomania (compulsive wandering), eclipsis (omission of words in speech), edacious (voracious), embonpoint (plump), epilate (to remove hair), esculent (edible), esurient (hungry)
F - 
G - gauntlet, gestatorial (pertaining to carrying), gnathal (pertaining to the jaws), gomphosis (excessive tooth growth), grobianism (boorishness)
T - tachygraphy (shorthand), talionic (retributive), temporicide (killing time), thyestean (cannibalistic), titanism (defiance of social norms), toxicophagous (eating poison), trachyphonia (roughness of voice), tramontane (uncivilized), tranation (swimming across)
A - abirritate (to habituate), aboideau (tide gate), abyssopelagic (ocean depths), acersecomic (someone who’s never had a haircut), agathism (belief that things proceed towards an ultimate good), alamode/ardass (silk), alembicated (over-refined), amaranth (unfading flower), apotropaic (designed to turn away evil), aulic (courtly),
B - bahadur (self-important official), baisemain (kiss on hand), baldachin (silk and gold fabric), barege/barracan/bombycine (silk), bienséance (proper thing), brilliantine (hair oil)
C - camaca/cendal/charmeuse (silk), caritative (generous), cervicorn (antler-like), cladose (branching), coralliferous (bearing coral)
D - dapatical (costly, sumptuous), dation (act of donating), deipnosophy (learned conversation), demesne (feudal manor), deontic (relating to duty), devoir (duty), didact, dispendious (expensive)
E - eirenarch (keeper of the peace), ennomic (lawful), éolienne (silk)
F - 
G - gazar/georgette/grenadine (silk), gracility (slenderness)
T - tabaret (silk), tabinet (silk), taffeta, talar (ankle-length robe), thalassiarchy (sovereignty of the seas), thalassophilous (loves the sea), thesmothete (law-giver), togated, tournure (poise), tulle
A - abrosia (fasting), achaenocarp (type of fruit), adelaster (plant with unknown flowers), adscript (bound to the earth), adynamia (helplessness), agrology (study agricultural soil), agrostology (study of grasses), alkanet (red plant-based dye), ambsace (bad luck), amyous (lacking muscle), anguiform/anguine (snake-y), apositia (dislike of food), asitia (lack of appetite), assibilate (speak w/ a hiss)
B - bistre (brown pigment), brunneous (brown), burnet/burrel (brown cloth)
C - carpogenous (fruit eating), castory/castaneous (brown), colubriform / colubrine / crotaline (snakelike)
D - doloriferous (bearing grief/pain), dormition (sleeping/death)
E - egestuous (desperately poor), elapid (cobra-like), emarcid (wilted), epitonic (overstrained)
F - 
G - gymnophobia (fear of nudity)
T - tabefaction (wasting away), tabescent (wasting/shriveling), tabific (consumptive), tatterdemalion, taupe (brownish-grey), tenne (orange-brown), thalassophobia (fear of the sea), torpid (lethargic)
A - acanaceous (prickly), actinism (radiation causing chemical change), aeneous (bronze color), agrypnia (insomnia), almagest (astronomy textbook), arreptitious (hurried), astrionics (spaceflight electronics), 
C - celidography (marks on a planet/sun), chevelure (comet tail), citigrade (fast), cosmosophy, cosmotellurian (like heaven and earth)
D - diddicoy (tinkerer, scrap-dealer)
G - gerascophobia (fear of growing old)
T - tanquam (person fit for education)
A - absquatulate (to flee), acatamathesia (inability to understand), accollé (collared), agacerie (allurement), ahimsa (non-violence), ambulophobia, aneabil (unmarried), anuptaphobia (fear of being single), apodysophilia (feverish desire to undress)
B - basial/basiation (kissing), blarney/blandiloquence/blandish, byssine/byssoid (soft)
C - cabriole (exuberant dance), cadge (to beg), caesious (teal), callipygous (has a nice butt), callisteia (awards for beauty), carcanet (collar), chirapsia (massage), cisvestism (wearing weird clothes), claque (sycophants)
D - deosculate (to kiss), discalced (barefoot), douceur (gentlessness / a bribe), dulciloquent (speaking sweetly)
E - effleurage (stroking), eleemosynary (dependent on charity), emollient (softening), epigamic (attractive), epithymetic (pertaining to desire)
F - 
G - galeanthropy (belief that you’re a cat), gawdelpus (helpless person), gremial (intimate; on lap)
T - tentiginous (lust-provoking), thalposis (feeling of warmth), torquated (collared), trangam (showy, worthless thing), twee
A - accourt (to entertain), accubation (reclining), ackamarackus (nonsense), aestheticism, ailurophilia (love of cats), alcatote (silly elf), amphibology (dual meaning), amphigory (nonsense), apistia (faithlessness), apolaustic (seeking pleasure)
B - bacchanal (reveler), bambosh (deceptive nonsense), bedswerver (unfaithful spouse)
C - cagamosis (unhappy marriage), cardiognost (one who understands the heart), cautelous (cunning), chicanery, chouse (to cheat), clinophilia (love of beds), cocker (to pamper), covinous (fraudulent), cozen (to coax/deceive), cubation/cumbent (reclining), cyrenaic (philosophy of pleasure-seeking)
D - decumbent (lying down), desipient (playing the fool), diablerie (magic, mischief), dittology (double meaning), dizen (to dress gaudily)
G - gleek (a trick), glozing (flattery)
T - tergiversation (lying), tosh, tregetour (trickster), trumpery (trickery), twaddle
A - accessit (second place / honorable mention), agapeistic (loving selflessly), almandine (violet gem), altiloquence (pompous speech), amoret (love sonnet), appui (to support militarily)
B - bavian (unskilled poet)
C - caesura (breathing space in poetry), camaïeu (boring writing), cancellarial, cheville (unnecessary word in poetry), cimier (token of courtly love)
D - digladiate (to sword-fight)
E - encomiast (praiser), epinikion (ode to a winner), epithalamion (wedding song)
T - tabellary (auditor), threnody (dirge)
Cavmar (I guess Cavmar probably wouldn’t change his tag since he’s dead, but ...): 
A - aceldama (scene of violence), acinaciform (scrimitar-shaped), acratia (impotence), acyrology (incorrect pronunciation), agrize (to horrify/disfigure), algetic (creating pain), allision (intentional collision of ships)
B - bilge, blague (pretentious nonsense), bodach (churl/goblin), braguette (codpiece), bumptious (conceited)
C - cacoepy/cacology (bad pronunciation), caitiff (cowardly), capreolate (tentacle-like), carrack (galleon), chrematistic (about pursuit of wealth), cnidarian, conferva (algae)
D - dapocaginous (heartless), dispiteous/dolose (malicious), dolorific (causing sorrow), dontopedalogy (foot in mouth)
E - egoism
F - 
G - gilderoy (proud person), gulpin (simpleton), gulosity (greed)
T - tanacles (instruments of torture), terrisonant (sounding bad), tumid (bombastic)
That goldblood I kind of want to someday introduce who doesn’t have a name or design (I decided to name her after one of these words so now she’s) Aislin: 
A - abacinate (to blind), ablepsia/anopsia (blindness), akinesia (inability to move), algedonics (science of pleasure/pain), analgia (inability to feel pain), antalgic (relieving pain), antephialtic (preventing nightmares), antimnemonic (eliminating memories), aponia (painlessness)
B - bufotenine (hallucinogen)
C - calipace (turtle shell), cecutiency (tendency to blindness), chelonian (turtle-like), chrysopoetics (transmutation into gold), cimelia/cimeliarch (stored treasures), coenaesthesis (sensation)
D - dégagé (untroubled, at rest), demiurge (creative spirit), dreamery (place of dreams)
E - ecmnesia (loss of memory of a specific period), eidetic (vivid mental image), eidolon (apparition), eirenism (peaceful state of mind), emys (freshwater turtle), engram (lasting effect on memory), esemplasy (unifying power of imagination), eupathy (contentment)
T - testudinal (tortoise-like)
A - absolutory (forgiving), aby (to atone), acutiator (sharpens weapons), agathodaimon (good conscience), agnize (to confess)
C - cathexis (investment of emotional energy), chrysology (study of precious metals), cybernate (computer control)
D - doctiloquent (speaking learnedly)
E - elocation (removed from someone’s control), encephaloid (brain-like), ephectic (reserving judgment), exeat (leave of absence), expiate (to make amends), expiscate (to discover by examination), exstrophy (turning an organ inside out)
F -
G - gallionic (uncaring), gradgrind (one who manages with statistics)
T - tatonnement (experimentation), technocracy, tentamen/tentation (experiment)
A - alieniloquy (off-topic speech), armipotent
B - bavardage (prattle), brabble (to quarrel)
C - criant (garish)
D - dicacity (banter)
E - eft (a newt), effutiation (humbug), élan
F - 
G - gamin/gaminesque (precocious imp, boyish), gelastic/gelogenic (provoking laughter)
A - accentor (song bird), accoy (to pacify), adjutor (assistant), auceps/austringer (bird tender), avicular (bird-like)
B - boanerges (orator), bulbul (songbird)
C - caduceator (messenger), caliology (study of bird’s nests), columbaceous/columbine (dove-like), conure, culver (dove), cymotrichous (wavy-haired)
E - eirenicon (peaceful message), elchee (ambassador)
G - gregatim (in flocks)
T - tectrix (small feather)
Good-end empress: 
A - accismus (false refusal), acierate (to turn into steel), acracy (anarchy), acolouthic (after-sensation), adhocracy (unstructured government), adventitious (accidental), afterclap (unexpected effect), agist (charge with public burden), amaranthine (undying), anatreptic (overcoming), anemocracy (government by whim), anomic/anomie (lacking social norms), antibasilican (anti-monarchic), antonomasia (use of epithet instead of name), aristarchy (government by the best), astringe (binding obligation)
B - barbarocracy (gov’t by barbarians), bestiocracy (rule of beasts)
C - catholicon (cure-all), cementatory (binding), chirocracy (gov’t by force), ciplinarian (anarchist), cleronomy (inheritance), cosmarchy (devil’s rule over the world), curule (high authority)
D - debel/debellate (to conquer in battle), deicide
E - eclat (to make notorious), eleutherian (freedom-giving), émeute (uprising), enantiodromia (replacement by opposite), epinician (celebrating triumph)
F -
G - giganticide, gramercy (expression of gratitude/surprise)
T - tyrannicide
A - abessive (absence/lack), aboulia (indecision), absterge (to clean/purify), acatalepsy (unknowableness), accidie (sloth), acciaccatura (short note before long one), acedia (sloth, listlessness) acescence (souring), acharné (furious/desperate), aculeate (prickly), adespota (anonymous works), adevism (denial of gods), adiaphoron (belief something’s indifferent about), adnomination (punning), adonise (to adorn), adumbrate (to foreshadow), adust (scorched), aeolistic (long-winded), afferent (bearing), agelast (never laughs), agnosy (ignorance), agowilt (fear), aigrette (plume/jewel spray), aischrolatry (worship of filth), aleatoric (depending on chance), alethiology (study of truth), alible (nourishing), aliicide (murder), allemande (courtly dance), almoner (alms-giver/social worker), alterity (being different), altitonant (thundering loudly), amadelphous (outgoing), amerce (to deprive/to punish), amicicide (murder of a friend), anaerectic (destructive), anencephalic (brainless), anfractuous (winding/intricate), anglice (in plain English), animadvert (to criticize), anisothenic (being of unequal strength), annomination (pun), anoesis (not-understood sensation), antiloquy (contradiction), antiperistasis (resistance), antithalian (anti-fun), antipudic (concealing private body parts), appetence (craving), arefy (to wither), aristarch (severe critic), armigerous (entitled to bear arms), armisonant (loud with battle noises), asperse (disparage), aspidate (shield-shaped), assurgent (rising), ataraxia (tranquility), athanasy (deathlessness), athymia (melancholy), atimy (disgrace)
B - badinage (banter), badious (chestnut-colored), barathrum (an abyss / someone insatiable), barnard (decoy), baryphonic (having difficulty speaking), bathysmal (in ocean depths), battue (indiscriminate slaughter), beldam,  bellecism (inclination to violence), belliferous (bringing war), bellipotent (militarily powerful), bellwether (leader), benefic (benign), benthic/benthos, berceuse (lullaby), bethel (seamen’s chapel), bewray (to divulge), bindle (blanket roll), bismer (shame), bletherskate (speaker of nonsense), boeotian (stupid), borborology (filthy talk), borné (narrow-minded), bourasque (tempest), boutade (sudden outburst), breedbate (someone seeking argument), breme (fierce), brimborion (nonsense/trash), brobdingnagian (big), bugaboo/bushwa (nonsense), bulimy (great hunger), bullyrag (to badger)
C - cacaesthesia (morbid sensation), cachexic (physically/mentally unhealthy), cacodoxy (wrong opinion), cacoethes (bad habit), cacogen (antisocial person), cacotopia (state of maximum bad), cafard (depression), calefacient (warming), callant (boy), calumniate (to slander), camarilla (king’s associates), camisade (night attack), camorra (traitors), camsteary (unruly), canaille (riffraff), captious (peevish), captation (seeking recognition), carnaptious (bad-tempered), carriwitchet (pun), casuistry (flawed moral reasoning), catachthonian (underground), cauponate (questionable trade), causerie (gossip), celation (concealment), celsitude (loftiness), cerberic (vigilant), charientism (euphemism), chevisance (gain), chrestomathic (useful knowledge), clinamen (prejudice), colluctation (strife), colytic (restraining), comity (civility), commination (threatening), concetto (witticism), concinnity (elegance/harmony), conspurcation (defilement), corybantic (excited/frenzied), cothurnal (tragic), crepehanger (pessimist), crescive (growing), croceate (saffron), cullion (rascal), cunctation (delay), curvet (frisk), cynosure (object of interest)
D - daedal (displaying inventive skill), damoiseau (male version of “damsel”), darraign (to vindicate), debarrass (to disentangle), declassé (below one’s class), decollate (to behead, to disorganize), decuman (large), decurtate (to shorten or abbreviate), dedition (surrender), deflexure (deviation), dégringolade (downfall), dehort (to dissuade), delenda (things to be destroyed), deliration (madness), delirifacient (causing madness), delphically (enigmatically), demersal (living underwater), deodate (gift from god), depaysé (out of one’s element), desiderium (longing), diacope (deep wound/incision), diamanté (glittering), diallelus (circular argument), diogenic (cynical), dirigent (guiding), disembogue (to throw into the sea), disimmure (to liberate), disorbed (deprived of authority), dissentient (dissenter), dithyrambic (passionate, frenzied), dodoism (stupid remark), dominicide (killing one’s master), doomster, donnism (self-importance), doxastic (of opinion), draffish (worthless), ducdame (meaningless refrain), duncical (stupid), dysaesthesia (loss of sensation), dysania (struggling to wake up), dysbulia (loss of wllpower)
E - ebullition (agitation, boiling over), ecbatic (indicates results without intention), egency (need), emberlucock/embrangle (to confuse), emicate (to sparkle), encraty (self-control), endarchy (centralized government), enervate, enosis (union), entelechy (perfect realization of ultimate goal), epicureanism, epideictic (done for show), epigon (successor), epinosic (unhealthy). equiparate (to treat as an equal), eremite (hermit), erethism (irritability), ergasia (workaholism), eristic (pertaining to argument), esclandre (unpleasantness), espiègle (mischievous), essoin (giving an excuse to not appear in court), eucrasy (fitness/physical well-being), eunoia (mental health), eunomia (being well-governed), euphuism (affected writing style), eupraxia (correct/orthodox action), eutrapely (wit/urbanity), exaugurate (to desanctify), excarnate (to remove flesh), exheredate (to disinherit), expatiate (to wander, to write about in detail)
F -
G - galbanum/galimatias (nonsense), galère (group of undesirables, unpleasant situation), gasconade (to boast), gaucherie (awkward remark), gaudiloquent (speaking joyfully), gaumless (stupid), gement (lamenting), genarch (head of family), genetrix (mother/female ancestor), geratology (study of decadence nad decay), gerent (ruler, manager), grandeval (ancient), grinagog (one who constantly grins), gripulous (greedy), grith (sanctuary), grithbreach (breach of the peace), groundling (commoner), growlery (retreat for when angry), guignol (something intended to horrify), gunarchy/gynaecocracy/gynarchy/gynocracy (government by women)
T - tacenda (secrets), tacent (silent), taction (touch), tahr (wild goat), takin (goatlike animal), tallage (feudal tax), tapinosis (degrading speech), taradiddle (nonsense), tarassis (manly hysteria), tardiloquent (speaking slowly), tardigrade (slow-paced), tarpan (small wild horse), tarriance (procrastination), taws (whip), taciturn, teen (grief), tegminal (protecting), telegnosis (clairvoyance), teleonomy (governance by purpose), telos (purpose), temenos (sacred place), temerarious (daring), temperative (calming), temporaneous (short-lived), tenebrose (gloomy), tendentious (meant to advance a cause), tenue (bearing, manner), teramorphous/teratoid (monstruous), teratism (monster), terraqueous (amphibious), thanatoid (deadly), thelematic (of free will, voluntary), thelemic (allowing people to do as they please), theomastix (god-send punishment), thereoid (bestial), thersitical (violent in speech), theriodic (malignant), thiasus (worshippers), thole (to endure), thrasonic (boastful), threnetic/threnodic (mournful), tigerism (swagger), timbrous (sonorous), tiro (novice), tonish (fashionable), toplofty (haughty), topophobia (stage fright), tortious (doing wrong), torvity (grimness), traditive (traditional), traduce (to slander), tralineate (to deviate), transpontine (melodramatic), tristiloquy/tristisonous (mournfu), troglodytic (cave-dwelling), trucidation (slaughter), tufthunter (toady)
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thefoodadvice · 2 years
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[Homemade] coffee bean cookies by Byssine#love #foodpic #tasty #breakfast #cooking #delicious #yummy #foodstagram #foodblogger #foodporn #instafood #foodie #food
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thefoodadvice · 3 years
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[Homemade] brownies by Byssine| The Food Advice - Food, Health and Lifestyle
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