travelsketch · 2 years
나의 여행스케치
사진 배경 : 경기도 구리 한강시민공원 코스모스축제
사진 저작권 : jongseong Lee
영상 저작권 : jongseong Lee
음악 : Que Sera
아티스트 : BZN  
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be
Will I be pretty
Will I be rich
Here's what she said to me
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart
What lies ahead
Will we have rainbows
Day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Now I have Children of my own
They ask their mother
What will I be
Will I be handsome
Will I be rich
I tell them tenderly
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Que Sera, Sera
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billkill · 5 months
Yall ignoring rooster like😭The first thing the screenwriter did to convince tom to take a break from mission impossible for top gun 2 was to tell him that "this story will be about goose's son"😭
Like, mav was an orphan and his only family was goose😭thats why his d*ath mattered the hell to him😭😭
Ignoring goose for icemans sake is so stupid like😭😭😭And i dont get why someone would seriously ignore roosterfor the sake of hangman
ROOSTER (the man™) is the whole premise of top gun 2😭😭😭😭😭
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Disagree with me if you can
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vintageslideshow · 1 year
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Ever wondered what your parents or grandparents did on high school fieldtrips? They were just like you, though they had a lot more fun and looked nicer.
1979: What I presume to be a business club, painting the town beige. Photos shot seconds apart but found and scanned two years apart (May 2023 and Feb 2021).
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omarandjohnny · 8 months
Oooh, that Marty pic's got me thinking- since I shaved off my Bob Smith mop, should this year's hair project be back-to-blondie bear?
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That was a good look for me.
The upkeep wasn't as taxing as babysitting my strawberry blond roots for the black hair, another tick in the plus column.
We shall see.
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ennaih · 10 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
246. Navigating Christmas (2023)
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nimblermortal · 2 years
In honor of @gravything: I’m currently reading (or trying to read) Aspects by John M. Ford. I’m... part way through the first chapter, because I read before bed, I’m catering to my jet lag, and John Ford’s books require brain power.
Ford is a very educated man who treats his readers like equals. If you’re not familiar with the War of the Roses, you won’t understand what’s going on in The Dragon Waiting (and I still haven’t figured out the murder mystery in the middle); if you’re not familiar with tabletop gaming and spy thrillers, Scholars of the Night falls flat. Even when I do know what’s going on, I catch just enough sly references to know I’m missing more of them. I can’t wait to find out what I’m expected to know in order to read Aspects.
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allbeendonebefore · 2 years
(sets the candle down and materialises a cup of decaf tea) so anyways after being very ill and then subsequently being possessed to catalogue, reorder, rebox and label every single cd, dvd and video game I could find in the house (successfully) I'm feeling quite refreshed so I'm going to finally go out tomorrow and get bubble tea or something you guys want anything while I'm out you just let me know
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merrylark · 2 years
Just saw a trailer for Our Flag Means Death on the BBC
Dad: oh, that looks good. Pirates!
Me: no. NO. I love this show. I have deliberately not shown it to you because I don’t want you to be a dick about it. ‘oh this is boring, oh I’ve lost interest, no I don’t want to watch it any more, do we have to watch it, I’m bored.’ NO. You always do that. You nearly ruined Ghosts for me. We can watch it together, but if you’re not enjoying it, do the decent thing and pretend. Okay? 
Dad: *hold hands up* fine! fine! 
Me: but you will enjoy it because it’s brilliant
Dad: is it as good as ‘eye level sticks’? (Wellington Paranormal) 
Me: even better
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flannelepicurean · 2 days
What is Goten's middle name like?
Okay, I'm not assuming my experience is universal, so y'all bear with me on this before the poll.
Where I'm from, geographically and culturally (Southeastern U.S. aka "The South"), there's this thing with kids where if an adult calls you by your middle name instead of just your first name, or your first name + surname, in a certain tone, you just... basically fucken skedaddle. Because you are In Trouble and about to be On Punishment.
So like... if your name is Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, for example, your mom or meemaw or dad or grand-uncle or whoever kin to you, or resident adult could be like, "Ruth's, cut the crap," and it's not THAT big a deal. But if they're like, "RUTH'S CHRIS!" all record-scratch style, STFU and chill, because You Know Better. Or like, if they're like, "RUTH'S CHRIS STEAKHOUSE, GET YOUR ASS OUTTA BED, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" then you grouse VERY QUIETLY but you get your ass in gear. Or if they're like, "CHRIS!" you better show up wherever that exclamation emanated from. And if it's like, "Ruth's. Chris. Steakhouse." then you're in Big Trouble.
So what I'm wanting to know is, since we all know Goten is Son Goten, and that Chi-Chi don't waste a good middle name when a throwin' pan will do (don't get me wrong, I stan Chi-Chi but that's fucked up, but I still stan her), somebody else be callin' that Meddling Kid by his middle name, when him and Trunks Briefs (whose names go in that order regardless) whoopsie-doodle a shenanigan into a SNAFU. I'm talking tween/teen reverse-Scooby-Doo, "You woulda gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddlin' kids!" situation.
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caelenath · 1 month
Let's do this.
And by that, I mean punch me in the heart until I'm screaming.
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Killing myself in front of a flight attendant to permanently change the course of their life forever
#no need tumblr this will get to who it needs to#i get harrassed by australia border force#i get harrassed by us customs#bf suggests to get a hotel at lax#i agree#i get harrassed by tsa this morning#lax to seatac flight delayed by an hour#they say im gonna do my damndest to get you on the last flight to bozeman#which was the flight i was supposed to be on#we get there at 8:59#sea tac employees fuck around even tho we are at the remote gate#i miss my connection by 90 seconds even tho i SPRINTED#along with the other 3 folks#im frustrated bc i just came from a funeral in qld that had a fight#alaska gets me a hotel and 2 12 dollar vouchers#my dinner uses up both and still charges me 20 cents#i get to the courtesy shuttle to the hotel along with 2 others who were supposed to be on bzn#we wait at the spot directed by alaska#which was for county airporters#and miss 3 shuttles#i thot we were all in the same place#so i get kicked off my shuttle#but got them on theirs#and 3 hours later finally check into my hotel#if even ONE THING happens to me tomorrow im gonna fucking do it#i couldnt even get my luggage so im in my old clothes from brisbane and my undies need a wash but i cant change them#its not the flight attendants fault but they said theyd hold it for 10 min and then the connection still somehow left on time#even tho its the final flight to bzn of the night#i nearly killed a man on the lax to sea flight bc he refused to stop getting up and the pilot said if one more person stands up#he would taxi back to the gate
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sheslostupstate · 1 year
I will have to wait until Monday to obtain the CD
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jinxproof · 2 months
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Maggie Rizer Vogue Italia (March 1998) ph. Craig McDean via angrywaif/bzn
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sparrtington · 2 years
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-🍭🎃WIPtober 31 🎃 🍭 -
Happy Halloween everyone~| ू•ω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ
MAN...my brain hurts. No drawing for a bit. At least srs bzns pics l o l;;
The flip side to yesterdays pic~ Loki's to match some doods.
Support me! Twitter Ko-Fi Redbubble Instagram
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/727277589479243776/you-mentioned-in-an-ask-that-the-ending-of-hp-book#notes Lol, @OTF I dropped the series at around book 4, at least reading myself. Voldermort, Imo, was just such a bad villain, I really just got annoyed by how dumbly he was written, and the story really tries to hammer home "Oh he's so charismatic and so intimidating" and then all he was, was a weirdo with an overblown ego who has no sense or anything. Much better when he still played in the background. Also 100% agree with the dumbshitness of the Sirius and all that other shit mentioned.
I do think she was genuinely good at describing magical candy and making me want to hang out at Hogwarts in the early books. They felt neat! I chased that feeling for a while.
But then she tried to be all srs bzns, and she didn't have the chops.
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actual-bill-potts · 2 years
The thing abt the nargothrond debacle that makes it endlessly fascinating as a character study is that there’s no good path for anyone involved, and so many of their actions (at least at first) have completely understandable motivations.
Like. starting from the very beginning: was it dumb for the sons of fëanor to swear the Oath? We can all agree it was. And there is some very interesting meta out there on what exactly the oath meant when it was sworn, but tbh in context it mostly reads as a declaration of war against morgoth. Fairly reasonable 🤷‍♀️
And, was it dumb for finrod to swear his oath to barahir? I mean…maybe! On the one hand, by rescuing finrod barahir was kinda just Doing His Damn Job, but on the other hand he did go above and beyond. And it was a very noble and kind gesture, which is the kind of thing finrod specializes in.
So then beren shows up and begs finrod for help, which is a perfectly reasonable thing for him to do. Now, do I wish that he and luthien had told Thingol to get fucked and gone off to live happily somewhere else? Sure! But the thing is, if they stayed in doriath Thingol was probably going to arrange a little accident for his least favorite son-in-law, and if they left doriath Thingol might well have declared war on whatever kingdom they took refuge in, so if beren and luthien had come to nargothrond to ask for shelter instead things might have been even worse.
And for beren, who’s been running a singlehanded guerilla campaign against morgoth forever, it’s actually not that unreasonable to assume that the full might of nargothrond could at least provide a convenient distraction for him to get in and steal a silmaril and then get the fuck outta there. Should he have resigned himself to being a wandering depressed bastard being fed by birds and having a price on his head instead of asking nargothrond to sacrifice many lives for his own happiness? Maybe! But like, the Elves were attacking angband anyway.
So then beren shows up and makes his request, and you gotta feel sorry for finrod because this is genuinely an impossible position. If he says no, he’s breaking an oath (which is not only srs bzns in beleriand, but also seems to be somewhat metaphysically impossible, at least I hope so for the sake of feanorian woobifiers everywhere). And it’s not only the oath; beren is the latest in a line of men who finrod has watched over for ages, a line of men who have loved and trusted finrod, and who have died for him. Since Bëor. Beren probably has bëor’s eyes or smth. He can’t say no.
But on the other hand, if he says yes, either:
a) they succeed, steal a silmaril, and bring it back to Thingol. At which point the wrath of the feanorians is going to fall on doriath, and probably nargothrond too. Right after dagor Bragollach, when things are already so fragile. Also, the feanorians currently in nargothrond are gonna be pissed the hell off.
b) they fail, and morgoth crushes them to death, and probably gets the exact coordinates of nargothrond out of them and crushes the whole realm.
But, the feanorians (Maedhros anyway) can probably be talked round more easily than morgoth. So I’m sure finrod was hoping for option a.
But THEN he breaks the news to c&c. And they can’t take it well; from their perspective, he’s setting his oath, which (presumably) doesn’t doom him to everlasting darkness if he fails, against theirs, which DOES doom them to everlasting darkness if they fail, and. well. that doesn’t seem very cousinly, does it?
It’s ALSO reasonable for the people of nargothrond (independent of c&c) to be a bit wary of their king wanting to go on a mad quest against morgoth when fingolfin JUST went on a mad quest against morgoth and lost rather spectacularly. and idk if finrod could do that much abt it, other than really guilt trip them.
(tbh it’s always seemed to me like finrod gave up real fast to c&c. possibly he figured it was actually better to involve as little of his kingdom as possible in his doom and make it so that the ire of morgoth and/or the fëanorians was focused on him and beren rather than the entire kingdom of nargothrond. and from a purely pragmatic point of view I don’t know that he’s wrong; celegorm and curufin are both good, experienced leaders, and presumably have been helping out around nargothrond anyway, and also there’s orodreth who seemed to do a fine job pre-túrin (the elves of nargothrond are remarkably gullible it must be said). granted finrod could probably have pulled Thingol into the union of Maedhros had he been around, but without the silmaril being stolen the union might never have happened in the first place. Also even if it had the union would have unquestionably still had nargothrond with finrod, which might have helped. but finrod couldn’t be expected to know that.)
anyway i think things went really wrong when c&c started making rash proclamations, and it’s interesting that curufin in particular is so passionate about finrod not going, when there was a different way: just have beren show Thingol the silmaril, then ask him to bring it back to the fëanorians, by theft if necessary. he could hardly say no to that after being helped so generously by finrod. you’d think curufin at least would have thought of that. but I think curufin was feeling so betrayed that finrod of all people was gonna leave and go after a silmaril that he stopped thinking clearly, which is something Elves and also people do a lot.
And of course when finrod throws his crown at their feet it doesn’t help. But again, pretty reasonable after they were like "if you succeed we WILL kill you and probably enjoy it. But you won’t succeed, cuz morgoth is scary and you’re all losers." And after they’ve sent him to his death, well, they’ve cast themselves as the villains of the story, and they have to see it to the bitter end. Not big on redemption and second chances in the first age, elves.
So in summary: no one was being all that evil in nargothrond, but unfortunately they were set at cross purposes by the Narrative, and neither finrod nor c&c were at their best when it came to being a Good Leader bc they were emotionally compromised, but they weren’t bad either…
And also if c&c were to be reunited with finrod in valinor eventually, I think he’d be much angrier abt curufin shooting beren than anything else. They had a point in nargothrond and might even have been playing into his master plan to go alone; shooting beren was just petty. And also a dick move considering finrod had just given his life for beren like 5 seconds ago, I mean come on guys. he ripped out a werewolf’s throat with his teeth, give his last wishes some respect.
So: the majority of the blame goes to the curse of the silmaril for fucking things up yet again, thingol for being a sexist dipshit and not listening to his wife, and of course sauron and morgoth for the whole. yknow. thing
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