#c!ranboo imagine
rozugold · 1 year
perhaps a cbenchtrio for me? doing some gardening or something happy together!
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“Gardening”!! Yippeee!!
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emkini · 2 months
Personally I think Ranboo's other half should be a sheep but the twist is that the sheep part is his black half and the white half is an enderman with albinism
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beelittle · 7 months
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The evolution of their friendship
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zeb-z · 1 year
I would kill a man to get Foolish a seat at the Ordem Paranormal: Quarentena table to be perfectly clear
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sethdomain · 3 months
Guys guys can we assign what dog breed every dsmp character would be, actually;
Please please send in ur suggest dogs breed for character in dsmp in my inbox and i will draw it, one suggest per inbox plis
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bleue-flora · 2 months
I don't think endersmile were friends at all tbh
I’m not sure I necessarily do either. It’s definitely not cut and dry and I’d say the definition of friend for c!Dream is scuffed anyways. I mean maybe they aren’t friends, but to be fair there is a lot of territory between “evil abuser” and friend. Certainly, a common goal and like-mindedness can’t just be coincidental. The fact alone that they don’t want sides but friends - a big happy family - unites c!Dream, c!Ranboo and c!Punz and surely that means something. Something beyond just stereotypical slavery mind-control. I mean as was pointed out, the lessons on their own are a strange thing to consider. Because they aren’t orders - like you’d expect for mind control, but lessons. Not unlike the lessons c!Quackity teaches c!Slime actually (there’s some parallelism there or something) giving the impression of at least some sort of mentorship, however complicated. Whatever their relationship is I’m not sure friendship is an adequate descriptor in either sense…
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the bit that gets me about when Punz revived Dream was that it was so, SO similar to the set-up of Nov 16th. as someone who was there and remembered how good that felt I absolutely felt the switch coming because tonally it was absolutely the same as Tubbo making his speech and everyone hanging out, taking the festival decorations down. making plans for the future. and then Punz lead them down into that staircase that suddenly turned into blackstone and I loved that detail too - blackstone, the block everyone associates with the final control room and the prison and Not Good Things, which they pointed out in the moment! it's like the s3 era fanservice stuff with Wilbur's skin and such: knowing the references we'd recognise. and then Tommy breaks a block and it's an exact mirror of this little moment on Nov 16th where Niki breaks part of the grandstand and finds it's packed with tnt. exactly the same. then they run for their lives
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okay if i dont get this out i will explode but
the white half of c!ranboo is a shapeshifter. they don't know how to like activate it or anything and don't even know it exists but when they feel comfy or something then they will subconsciously shapeshift into something more similar to the other person.
so like enderman/ram/human hybrid when he's married to tubbo. during the artic commune / syndicate stuff he's a enderman/piglin/human hybrid or an enderman/crow/human hybrid. his skin becomes pinker and he grows tusks when he's with Michael. when he hangs out with tommy he grows flowers in his hair.
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kozzax · 3 months
Birds chirp in the distance. A music disc plays, its familiar tune echoing out over the hills. Fields of wheat sway in the gentle summer breeze. The sun sets on the horizon.
There is a home built into the landscape. A mound of dirt dug out into a comfortable living space. Its windows are lit, a warm glow coming from within. A long overgrown path sits next to it. The original planks only barely visible after so many long years.
It's been years since this home was first built. It's been so many years since the wars that destroyed this world. And yet, a young man steps out of the building with laughter and a smile on his face. He's tall, with broad shoulders and long brown hair that covers his eyes. The rams horns that adorn his head knock against the door frame as he exits, but he pays it no mind.
He drags a group of young adults out of the mound-house behind him. Their conversation is private, too private for us to know. All we need to know is that they're happy. They're happy, and at peace, and despite the faded scars that cover each of them and tell the stories of danger and destruction-- they're okay.
The boy whose hair never grew back in, whose eyes are forever burning with the flames that he fell into. The half-enderman, their crown askew and their posture hunched not in fear but to better accommodate the arm thrown over their shoulder. The boisterous demon, laughing and roughhousing without a care in the world. The young piglin child, held in the arms of a man wearing a blue cardigan and a party hat that's only barely staying put in his hair.
They walk down the overgrown path together, no worries about danger or concerns about those that might want to bring them harm. Every time they pass someone else, they pause for a moment to greet them. Every person they pass gives the tall blonde man a hug, and a smile, but the seven are left to continue their journey on their own.
And then, just as the sun finally disappears beyond the horizon, they reach their destination. The music disk finishes its song as they arrive at the tree, at the bench that they've met at so many times before, and at the night-time picnic that's been set there.
We don't need to see the celebration they hold. It is not our place, just as their conversations are theirs and theirs alone. But what we do see is this:
The demon pulls the cardigan-wearer into a tight hug and a noogie. The enderman takes their son into their arms and gestures for their friend to take his seat on the bench. The burly leader, covered in burn scars, leans over the back of the bench to have his head next to his friend's. The hell-raiser lights the candles on the cake that's been left here.
They sing, for their friend.
And then, eventually, the music disc starts again.
And they are home.
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afmis · 1 year
Sometimes I forget that I make my own little stories and endings and like families I made up in my head for c!beeduo and I forget everyone else does not know what I’m talking abt. Anyways. c!Ranboo was revived c!Beeduo decided to divorce but in the “we need time to grow up and work on ourselves but we’ll get married again once we’re ready” way. They still give each other heart eyes 24/7 and are disgustingly in love and spend time with michael. c!Tubbo starts his own business as a contractor and he builds houses. That makes him very happy because he loves building and building connections with people. and He lives in a small countryside town with SBI and mikey bikey. c!Ranboo returns to the end #ENDPRINCEPERIODT and rules there. He decides that’s not his life anymore. Returns to the overworld or earth or whatever. c!Beeduo get remarried. Have an actual cute little wedding. Move into a nice little cottage. And adopt like 4 more kids. And get old and wrinkly. MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER FOR THEM
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imagines where the origins ranboo and the reader meet and develop feeling for each other plsss, thank you so much!
Long ass hiatus, but i'm back with a long ass post
Meeting and Developing Feelings For Origins!C!Ranboo
Your first impression of them wasn't exactly a good one
It had been a nice, calm day when Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy had come back to the group with a stranger in toe
Since the budding community was a place for hybrids to come together and feel safe in a judgment free zone, free to express themselves without worry, you were excited to welcome someone new
Everyone had gathered in the Pube, something that had happened whenever a new face was introduced (with the exception of Niki of course, you all just met around a connecting lake to welcome her)
Phil called for everyone's attention before introducing the incredibly tall new person
The first thing you noticed was their pretty heterochromatic eyes and then their sharp, attractive features
You also took note of their clothing, which comprised of a perfectly coordinating suit and cape (a little tattered though), all in shades of black, purple, teal, and dark green
They seemed to revel in the attention, as, after Phil finished, they stood in front of everyone with perfect posture and waved for a few moments
After they expounded upon themself for a bit longer and everyone separated, you decided to introduced yourself personally
You stuck out your hand to the Enderman hybrid and, in response, they recoiled and put their hands on their hips, insisting that "You can't just shake their hand, excuse you?"
You were dumbfounded to say the least
Literally everyone in the Pube community recognized that they were all rejects in some way from the societies they hailed from so they needed to show everyone equal respect
Well, everyone but this prick, clearly
You huffed at him and left, hoping that maybe they were just having a bad day and took it out on you
That, unfortunately, wasn't the case though
Every day you had seen them after, they acted as rude and entitled as the day you met them, and, while you thought they were nice to look at, you figured a pretty face wasn't worth the disrespect, and moved on
One day though, when they were hungry, you had overheard them talking to Tubbo, who was collecting wheat in the field for bread, which caused Ranboo to whine, before they refereed to him as 'peasant'
That drew the line for you, so you decided to get to the bottom of their attitude problem
After Tubbo left, you borderline cornered Ranboo, who was sitting under a tree on what looked like maybe the fluffiest duvet you had ever seen
You had, essentially, chewed them apart, and for once, they had no cocky comebacks, just a small "I'm sorry", which took you by surprised
They even looked like a child being scolded
You sat down near them in the grass and the two of you had a much more calm discussion, and from that day on, they were a little bit more thoughtful about the way they spoke to others
Within time, you started to realize that they were becoming a different person, one who was less abrasive and closed off
While they were still dramatic and had the habit of being on the more selfish side, they started to care for the other members of your group
Sure, Ranboo wasn't exactly the paragon of virtue by any stretch of the word, but they had learned to lean on others and care for them without their pride getting in the way
They would still laugh when someone tripped or messed up and was still vehemently against anyone other than them using the Nether Roof, but, at the end of the day, they was there for their friends (they also just shown more general compassion, which was a big step up)
They were still definitely a bit of a drama queen, but you'd be lying if you said that you disliked the dramatization and theatrics they brought to your otherwise monotonous life
On a rainy afternoon at your house when they were feeling particularly vulnerable, they shared with you that they had been kicked out of the End by their parents, who had sealed the portals behind them, and how it made them feel frustrated, betrayed, and completely alone
They knew they could be a cocky jerk sometimes, but their own parents kicking them out of the entire realm caused their chest to ache and them to feel a worryingly long lasting sadness that they hadn't experienced before
You didn't know how else to comfort them, so you offered a hug
With a small, halfhearted "I guess I'll allow you to touch me", they accepted it, leaning into you
That wasn't the last time they allowed himself to be like that with you
You weren't dating by any means, but it seemed like that moment of vulnerability they shared seemed like a to bother you and invade your personal space (within reason), though its not like you necessarily minded
That was until one day they showed up to your house, walking in and announcing themself without knocking before stopping in from of you, which wasn't an uncommon occurrence
Their posture was as impeccable as always as they stood in front of you, arms behind their back
They starred at anywhere but you and started shaking and letting out a low, rumbling grow (something they did during stressful moments, you had heard it for the first time when they were expressing their trauma to you)
You were worried that something was wrong until they, still averting his gaze, said you would be going on a date with them
You knew that, while they phrased it as a statement, it was really permission, and you granted it
Immediately they breathed a sigh of relief and reverted back to the same overly confident persona they always carried, they were overdoing it a bit this time, but you figured you'd give them a pass for the moment
There may have been a rather rocky first impression, but you wouldn't trade them for the world
This is a side note, but guess who gets full access to the Nether Roof now
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rozugold · 7 months
Benchtrio (and Micheal if you feel like it) exchanging cards and candies with each other :D
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I rlly liked how the sketch came out so I colored it :]
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rainecreatesstuff · 1 year
where is the cranboo Echo animation huh
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nerdyenby · 2 years
OUR LIL GUY USES HE/THEY!!! I am genuinely so freaking proud of them I could cry. I don’t think it’ll fully sink in for a while, but he means so much to me and holy crap am I so proud of them for getting to a place where they’re ready to share that with us.
Anyway, have this picture I have saved of them (I cut out the fan who was in the picture but let their watermark)
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I don’t know if they identify as trans but this picture means so freaking much to me and it feels timely :))
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want all my bear smp guys to hang out in the c!aimsey finale sooooo bad
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fancy-fangs · 2 months
"oh c!ranboo was such a pussy" "c!ranboo was so annoying they didn't have a single backbone" ARE YOU ALL CRAZY??? DID WE WATCH THE SAME DSMP???
Imagine you're just a guy, you don't remember anything, you don't know where you came from, you don't know where you are, you barely remember who you are and you see you have nothing to your name. You see this big ass nation full of people and PEOPLE ACTUALLY KILLING EACH OTHER - of fucking course you'd keep to yourself and try to not start conflicts!!!
He literally saw how people were hunted and murdered over simple disagreements!!! He literally saw how people got tortured for not doing what they were told!!! Of course he would follow the laws and whatever else he was told. Of fucking course they didn't go around starting fights and punching people around.
They were literally already at the bottom of the food chain and saw what happened to ppl who were already better off than him. Why the fuck would he not just choose to listen to everyone else.
Plus as mentioned before, he didn't know shit. He didn't know how things worked. He didn't know how their community and society worked. He didn't know the rules of their made up countries. Of course he'd just listen to what people told him. What fucking other option did he have.
Yes he was a people pleaser intrinsically from the start and obviously that stayed a part of his character (plus meta reasons and bla bla) but some people are acting like he was the biggest loser for behaving the way he did.
PLUS he got so much more confrontational when he had things to lose??? When he owned things, when he had a husband, WHEN HE HAD A CHILD - he was fucking ready to kill over them no hesitation. He didn't care enough about his own back, but he kept Tubbos like a guard dog that bites off your hand if you make the wrong move.
Do not tell me Ranboo didn't have a backbone and was such a pussy, when he literally would have fought philza about leaving tubbo alone.
C!Ranboo was a teenager with self worth issues in a society where people killed and tortured over the smallest disagreements. I think he was okay to be a bit of a "yes-man"
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