#c section went very well and both her and baby are healthy
permanentreverie · 1 year
I would like the entire world to know that my nephew is very beautiful.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
i realized we never wondered what happened when the first lady went into labor with the triplets
*first lady water breaks*
First Lady: Oh, looks like the babies are coming!
*runs to first lady, slips on first lady's pee and hits his head*
now the secret service has to bring their in labor first lady and their idiot president to the hospital.
ACTUALLY Kai was very calm and collected when your water broke. I mean, in reality he probably already had you admitted to the hospital a week before your due date. But let's say that due to some official business, you were with him on tour or something, or maybe due to some complications, you ended up giving birth earlier than expected to.
Now if you're in public eye, where the papz are all over the place, then the sight of your water breaking will forever live on the Internet. Of course, Kai will try his best to shield you from the cameras as he guides you towards a car, the secret service forming an impenetrable barrier around you two. The driver, a professional, is zooming through the traffic, your PA Miruko has already called the hospital to give them a heads up, the secret service arr already there to do checks on everyone while Kai is holding your hand and guiding you to do those breathing exercises.
He has prepared for this moment, all the number of possibilities that this could go down has been roleplayed in his mind and developed strategies to deal with each route. He's ready.
The moment you reach the hospital, he's in there with you, letting you squeeze his hand painfully as you scream through the labour. He's praising you, although monotonously, wiping your sweaty forehead, his own brows furrowed whenever a painful contraction hits.
Dabi was born first, and you let out an agonising scream before crying into Kai's shoulder to see if the baby is alright. Kai assured you when Dabi began to cry, and only minutes later, even more painful contractions hit you and out came Himiko. Kai smiled as the doctor told him its a girl, and Kai turned to you to tell you she was healthy as well. This time though, Kai saw the toll on your body as your breathing became shallow, your eyes losing focus as you told him you can't push again.
The doctors began encouraging you to push, and as the contractions began again, you started crying, telling them that you couldn't. That's its too painful now. Hours passed by and Kai could see that there was something wrong with you- the way you were crying, the way you gripped his hand- it was different.
"Kai, please! Help me!" You cried out before finally losing consciousness, and immeadiately Kai took action.
"GET THAT BABY OUT OF HER NOW!!! NOW!" The nurses pushed him out of the room as he threatened to kill everyone in there if something happened to you. But perhaps it was even a more horrifying sight as Kai had to watch from a window and see the doctors cut you up open and pull out the third kid.
Kai could care less about how Tomura, or his other babies were in that moment. He really did believe you were going to die and it made him feel utterly powerless to not be able to do anything.
Fortunately, you survived.
Kai sat by your side, holding your hand as you recovered from the C section. It was brutal, seeing you gutted like a fish. When you finally woke up, Kai was staring at you with tired eyes, his chin resting on his palm.
"B-babies?" You asked.
"They're fine. You did great, almost died birthing the last one though." Kai replied, his throat dry.
You chuckled, before coughing. Kai immediately poured you some water, pushing the cup to your lips as he supported your head.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked.
You sighed, looking down at your belly. "Well, the painkillers are working for now. But I suppose once they wear off, I..."
Kai leaned forward, clasping your hand with both of his. "What? What is it?"
"I-" You pouted. "I'll be left with a saggy belly."
Kai nodded. "True. But we can always fix that."
You raised a brow. "How?"
"I can put another baby in you, actually maybe quadruplets this time? Just to make sure the skin is all taut again, hm?" Kai hummed.
"Q-quad- 5 babies?!"
"No, 4. 5 is quintuplets. And 7 is septuplets-"
"Kai I will snip off your testes and my ovaries before I have 7 kids. I will literally do it-" You began panicking, only stopping when Kai chuckled and kissed your cheek.
"Alright, alright. It won't happen." Kai's lips quirked up a little, just as the nurses brought in your triplets.
They carefully placed each one in your arms. "They're beautiful, just like their mother!" One nurse complimented. You giggled, a tear slipping the corner of your eye.
"So you're calling the president ugly? To his face?" Kai asked, glaring at them. The poor nurse shook her head.
"I- no! Mr President-"
"Kai, stop." You admonished. "He's just kidding. You're fine, honey."
The nurse smiled. "Oh, well I'll leave you guys alone. I'll be back in a few to help you with breast feeding." She said before leaving.
Kai raised a brow before shaking his head. "She's not getting anywhere near your breasts."
"Really? You're jealous of a nurse now?"
"Who said anything about jealousy? I just don't think she's experienced enough. She looks fairly young."
"Well, that's alright. She can practice by fondling my chest for experience. Would look good on her resume, don't ya think?" You said without looking up from your kids.
Kai leaned over you, watching you and the babies you two made. "You're not funny." He grumbled.
"Married you, didn't I? Greatest joke of all." You smiled. "They look like little angels."
Kai shrugged. "Yeah." To him, they looked like mutated cockroaches that teared through your body to get out. They were even bloody just a few hours ago.
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And then just years later, reader was preggers again.
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
Can you a one shot or a Drabble or something of Rhett meeting/holding Amy the day she was born? the protective/good uncle vibes I got from the breakfast scene where he stole her bacon in episode one makes my heart happy and I crave more!!!
here you go my friend! i hope you enjoy!
Amy had been a hard pregnancy for Rebecca and Perry, and for the last month or so they decided to stay in a motel near the hospital so they wouldn’t have to drive the two hours to get there if there were complications or she went into labor. Cecelia stayed at the motel too, leaving Royal and Rhett to take care of the ranch and join them at the hospital when the baby was born. Rhett had been up in the hayloft of the barn moving large haybales when Royal came into the barn and told him that Cecelia had just called as Rebecca had gone into labor at the hospital. Rhett took a quick shower and changed clothes as Royal grabbed a few things Cecelia asked him to bring and within half an hour they were in Royal’s truck and on the road to the hospital. Neither of them wanted to admit they were nervous, they had too tough of exteriors for that and instead sat in silence, a country song playing lowly from the car stereo as Royal drove much faster than the speed limit allowed. Every once in a while, Rhett would get a text from Cecelia updating them on Rebecca’s progress and he’d read it out, Royal only giving a nod or a grunt in response.
When they finally arrived to the hospital (in record time due to Royal’s speeding), Rebecca had to be taken in to get a C-section, leaving the three boys and Cecelia to pace anxiously around the waiting room. It was hours later, Rhett dozing in his chair when the doctor came out to inform them that Rebecca had given birth to a healthy baby girl and that they were both doing very well. Perry was let in to see them briefly before Rebecca needed to sleep and the baby needed to be taken to the nursery. When he returned, he led his family over to the nursery window, pointing out his daughter and informing them that he and Rebecca had decided to name her Amy.
Rhett never knew someone could be so tiny as he stared through the window onto the small sleeping baby in the crib. He knew babies were small, and he’d seen many around town or at church but they never seemed this small. Rhett had this immediate urge to protect his tiny little niece, to make sure no one ever hurt her. Royal took Cecelia back to the hotel to get some sleep and a nurse approached Perry to ask if he’d like to hold his daughter again and he said yes. Staying with his brother, Rhett followed his brother to Rebecca’s room, where she was fast asleep, and the nurse brought Amy and her crib into the room. Perry held his daughter for a long time but eventually handed her over to Rhett so he could get some sleep.
Rhett had been terrified to hold his niece at first. She was so tiny and fragile and he was so big and strong and rough, he was petrified that he’d hold her wrong or drop her or do something wrong, but Perry assured him he would be fine. After teaching him how to hold her properly, he laid down on the couch as Rhett sat in a chair by the crib with his niece in his arms. She was asleep, so quiet and peaceful looking and Rhett realized he was crying as he looked down at her. She opened her big blue eyes and reached out a tiny hand, wrapping one of his fingers in the loose grip of her fist and giving what was quite likely her best attempt at a smile. Rhett would learn later that he had been the sole witness to her first smile, a fact he didn’t tell his brother or his sister-in-law when she happily exclaimed that Amy was smiling for the first time. 
“Uncle Rhett is always gonna look after you Amy, that’s a promise.” he whispered as he held her and gently rocked her back to sleep.
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lemonadeskyy · 1 year
End of 2022
It’s been a long year, but a good year. A lot has happened, a lot that I am great full for. My toddler turned 4 this year, she’s growing into quite the independent little person. Always testing her luck and pushing our buttons. My husband and I both turned 30 this year, we were born a month apart. In the native way we call each other husband and wife because we live together and have children. We spend all of our time together and function as husband and wife, but according to white man law we are common-law, either way, whatever you want to call it, we call it family. My oldest daughter, who lives in another province with her bio-dad has turned 8 this year. It’s crazy to think that in 10 years I will have an 18 year old daughter. It really makes me realize how short life really is. I miss her every day, and I can only pray and hope she’s living a good and happy life.
Cameron and I are also expecting a new baby in 2023, so far his or her due date is June! We are all very excited. I don’t know about Cameron but I am also very nervous. Although I have been taking my all my medication and doing what I can to make sure this pregnancy goes smoothly, and we don’t have a scare like I did with Aerith. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia at 33 weeks and because it was so dangerous I had to have Aerith 7 weeks early by c-section. Of course she is healthy now, obviously. But I am so happy and honestly, lucky that she survived, she was so tiny at birth. So this time around I am doing all I can to keep this baby in my belly healthy.
I went to Calgary for three weeks with Aubrey and for a wedding. It was hectic, but it was fun. It was amazing to be able to spend time with family for a little bit. It was a good break before getting back to reality and realizing I wont be going back for awhile due to this pregnancy. Which is totally fine with me, I’m genuinely enjoying my life and the family we have built together out on the island so far from home. Honestly family can easily fly to us or drive to us as well, so if they really wanted to come visit they could.
I’ve been in therapy since February as well. Friday was my last session of the year. I got a whole hour and 20 minutes which was a blessing. I am going through a lot mentally and emotionally, but honestly therapy works wonders if you let it. I am also very glad that I have a therapist who suits and vibes with me, I honestly got lucky finding her on my first attempt.
So those are the highlights of this year that I can think of right now. I have serious pregnancy brain though, so I’m kind of derp right now. I will mostly likely be writing another entry soon.
Thank you for reading <3
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mindbodyandbaby · 2 years
Pregnancy + Birth + Home
Women's bodies are extraordinary. Bleeding monthly, reproducing and harboring life, recovering from birth. Much like the fruit of its womb, the body (and, intuitively, the mind) is also fully aware of its needs.
At 37 weeks, 3 days -- I was officially diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. According to Karrar et al, "Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy-related to 2% to 8% of pregnancy-related complications worldwide. It results in 9% to 26% of maternal deaths in low-income countries and 16% in high-income countries... " Prior to this, however, I had reported to my then-midwife that I was experiencing blood pressure (BP) spikes atypical of my normal levels. Her response -- "it seems within normal limits, but we'll continue monitoring." When I asked for a protein urinalysis, my results were borderline, but again, she said that everything was "within normal limits".
Within normal limits for who? - I questioned, internally. (The problem with modern medicine - which history will surely relegate - is that it is population-based, rather than individualized. Although my baseline BP is likely substantially different from the white male specimens included in those "highly regarded studies", those studies which predicate our current guidelines still take precedent in the minds of most practicing doctors. And very few doctors are willing to put their thinking caps on to look beyond them.) Admittedly, I should have vocalized my concerns more readily. I had just transferred from my original OBGYN -- the one who told me that a resting pulse of 133 was completely normal in pregnancy, yet jumped into action when my husband reminded her that we've both completed professional training, and who was later pestered by my questioning on C-sections. (According to Huesch et al, "African American women are significantly more likely to have a cesarean delivery than other women.") So, I was acutely aware of this track record and afraid to 'rock the boat' too much.
In hindsight, I probably should have rocked the boat.
On the evening of November 2, 2021, I started to see darting lights in my visual field. Immediately, I knew. We called our doula, who told me not to worry and that it was probably just "sodium intake". Thankfully, we ignored her and called Tacoma General's Nursing Line. The nurse did not hesitate. "Immediately", she told us to come in. After about 15 minutes, our doula called back and, upon conferring with her midwife, also said to head towards the hospital.
After 3-4 hours of monitoring (and one dubious nurse), the attending remarked that I had an abnormally high amount of protein in my urine and that I did, in fact, need to be admitted and induced for preeclampsia.
Induction started off well, but I was not progressing. We tried Cytotec and positional maneuvers, but nothing seemed to work. At around 1:45 am on November 4, the doctors and nurses came in, hurriedly requesting that I change positions because the baby was distressed. Immediately, my mind went to C-section. Get. The. Baby. Out. As much as I had wanted to deliver naturally, -- there is photographic evidence of the toil that this type of major surgery takes on women from my mom's own experience -- I wanted a healthy, happy, and kicking baby more. Once we decided that this was the route to go, not five minutes later, in walked the surgeon and anesthesiologists. And a whole bunch of other people I didn't even care about getting naked in front of -- also one of my biggest fears up until that moment. But I had new fears - being alone in the operatory, not regaining consciousness, etc.
My fears did not, though, include waking up to news that my baby had possibly suffered "hypoxia-induced encephalopathy" at birth and that he needed to be transferred to the NICU for immediate follow-up. Technically, I did not wake up to any news. I woke up thinking that my baby was undergoing routine post-cesarean care. I woke up to the nurse, carefully monitoring, my blood pressure and fulfilling magnesium orders as they changed. I woke up to Ontario, calm in demeanor, and happy to see me awake. But once I hit the halls to visit baby -- in what I had assumed was a nursery -- I was struck by the news. And for six days, I lived in a haze of pampering from the best obstetrics nurses this side of the Mississippi and hell.
Sometimes - all of the time really - God moves an obstacle to make way for a blessing. Our doula, who in hindsight had been quite iffy from the start, did not show at any point of my hospital stay, but these nurses cared for me as their own. Making calls to on-campus housing on our behalf, offering up themselves to make sure my concerns were met and my comforts easily measured, and providing real wisdom in the time of complete and utter chaos. One of them even trotted me down to the NICU right before her time to clock out (and stayed with me the entire time). It was these ladies who helped heal me in that very painful recovery. Because Gabriel was initially being given morphine for comfort measures, I had opted to recover with only Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I ain't no punk, but neither are C-sections. Walking was painful. Switching sides was painful. "Showering" was painful. Eating was painful. Gas was painful. (Who knew that gas could get trapped in your shoulder?) Pumping was a disaster. The fear of peeing and pooping, alone, equally horrible. And still, I'm thankful because those women held me (and my bad gas) down. I'm thankful that my OBGYN and fellows checked in on me and tried to walk through reasoning with me. I'm thankful to have delivered the most magnetic and sweet light into this world.
For six days, though, I also lived in fear because of two of the most incompetent neonatal nurses also this side of the Mississippi. When two neonatologists have to tell you on separate occasions to 1) fed the baby with a bottle if he's showing signs of hunger (rather than insert a feeding tube) ; 2) provide the baby with an actual bed (and get him off the cooling board previously used for treatment); and 3) wean baby from morphine immediately (and only use if sucrose and swaddling have not worked) and you STILL disobey the orders, then you're asking to be cursed out. To quote my OBGYN, "you're too nice - you need to go off."
The problem with going off when you're a minority though -- it can cost you. Not only are you passive aggressively termed "angry" or "intimidating", but there are real consequences to being seen in a negative light that could potentially impact the well-being of your child. Adding insult to injury, one nurse remarked, "it's your patient Lauren." And, bitch, it's my baby. (Excuse the language.) But in effect, he was not my baby, until the hospital released him and the awareness of that was even more terrifying.
We did "go off" though -- just professionally, getting the charge nurse involved. She remarked that "some young nurses do not have the mental flexibility..." for the job. She also spoke to me about her own experiences in the NICU and appropriately quieted our fears. And I exercised my faith. Petitioning the Lord to watch over my son in our absence. Petitioning Jehovah Rapha to heal. And eventually, I was allowed to hold my baby. The neurology technician, shocked that I hadn't held Gabriel, explicitly stated that the monitor would run for 24 hours and that if there was anything to find, it was unlikely to happen in the small amount of time that we were allowed to hold him. Because of our dutiful head nurse, we were assigned a veteran nurse and not only allowed to hold baby on a more consistent basis, but to feed and love on him in that way that I could have only dreamed of days prior.
The day finally came when we were allowed to take him home. Crying out loud, "you're free!!" -- I could not wait to get the hell out of there. Although I was terrified as a new mother, I knew I had better arms and more love to give than any other person could possibly even imagine. As we loaded into my car, with our newest addition in tow, I could only think of us sleeping in our beds soundly that night. And though, we did stop in Tacoma because our poor baby was overwhelmed by the newness of his environment, we pretty much made it home and to the pediatrician's office the following day without a hitch. Still wide eyed and bushy tailed as before.
I am so thankful for this experience. It's scary and it often makes me question if we need a second child. I also wonder - from time to time - though about the ladies I met in passing, in the hallways mostly, who had been in the NICU for 100+ days. I wonder if they're being treated well; if their children are being treated with the absolute best care. I hope they are, if not already home. And still, I know, everything happens in God's perfect timing.
Karrar SA, Hong PL. Preeclampsia. [Updated 2022 Jun 9]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK570611/
Huesch, M., & Doctor, J. N. (2015). Factors associated with increased cesarean risk among African American women: evidence from California, 2010. American journal of public health, 105(5), 956–962. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2014.302381
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"I promise"
A Bang Chan scenario
A/N: mentions of pregnancy and labour, blood and childbirth, angst, fluff
After Stray Kids' contact expired with JYP, the boys went their separate ways but were still very close with one another. Minho became a choreographer, Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Seungmin signed with other companies for solo promotions. 3racha became full time producers under a different company, all 8 of them were doing very well.
Chan got married, the couple was living happily in an apartment. He set up a studio on one of the rooms so he could spend more time with her. Chan really did care about his wife but his 3racha signed a project with a sequel to a blockbuster movie and they were working on the songs for it.
"Chris I can't believe you forgot again!" y/n yelled at him. She was at her wit's end with him, she was eight months pregnant and wanted Chan to be a part of it for the final months, he promised he would take her to see her gynecologist two week ago but he was busy producing music and completely forgot. They rescheduled twice but he forgot both times. She called him several times, but he didn't hear it ringing. Now he came home, tired and upset that he completely forgot about his wife and unborn child, yet again.
"I'm not even going to say I'm sorry. I messed up big time and I'm embarrassed." he spoke.
"what do you want me to do about it?" she replied.
Chan didn't have the words to tell her how upset he was with himself. He let her down again and again and she had to go through the last months of her pregnancy alone.
"do you even know we’re having a child? I'm scared Christopher. Will you keep this up after the baby is born too? I can't have my child grow up longing for his father. I understand you love your work but if you love it to the extent you're forgetting about important things, why did you get me pregnant? Why did you want to bring a child in this world? For me to go through it alone? Will you even be there when I'm in labour?" y/n let her frustration out, with hot tears streaming down her face.
Chan came to hold her face but she backed away. He gave her space to cool down and opted to sleep on the couch.
For the next two weeks she she avoided him and did things in her own, she went to the gynecologist alone, and got food for herself from the store. Chan saw her entering the apartment with bags of food in her hand. It broke his heart that she was doing things for herself in the cold weather, and he wanted to make amends. He walked towards her and grabbed the bags from her hand, earning a warning glare from her.
"don't overburden yourself sweetheart" he said. She gave him the bags and went straight to their bedroom. He was right, she was overburdening herself but it was his fault. Coming out of the shower, she got into an oversized t shirt and pajama bottoms, and snuggled into the comforter. Chan stood at the threshold of the door, looking at her with soft eyes as she was facing away from him.
"can I lay beside you?" he began. Y/n missed him too much but he had to learn his lesson.
Chan felt helpless, he walked inside and knelt beside her side of the bed, facing her.
"I just want to say that I'm really sorry for being ignorant and making you go through these months alone but I promise you I will be there for you when you need me." he spoke and gently kissed her forehead, which she didn't back away from. Y/N closed her eyes, signalling Chan that she was about to sleep so he went out to sleep on the couch again.
At around 2 in the morning, y/n woke up to pain in her abdomen and lower back. It was intense and painful and she clutched the comforter. When it was over she was panting lightly. Her gynecologist told her about cramps near child birth. She got out of bed to drink a glass of cranberry juice. Looking around the house, there was no sign of her husband.
"where did he go?" she mumbled. Y/N went to check his studio and to her surprise he wasn't there either. She started to get annoyed and worried so she called Jisung to ask him if he knew.
"yeah noona he's in the company's studio with us, wait I'll pass him the phone." he answered and handed the phone to Chan, who didn't know how to explain himself.
"you're unbelievable" was all she said and hung up the phone. Chan gave the phone back to Jisung and excused himself saying y/n was asking him to come back home. The other two agreed to finish up with the lyrics.
Chan let himself in through the front door and saw y/n sitting on the couch, slightly bent forward and clutching the cushion. She looked towards him and her expression changed to an annoyed one. Getting up, she walked towards the bedroom but was stopped by Chan, who pulled her by her arm.
"what is your problem?" he inquired.
"nothing, let go of my arm."
"no, what are you trying to prove. You have been ignoring me for two weeks now, you don't even let me near you and you're doing things you're not allowed to do. Then when I'm not around, you suddenly have a problem and want me back, for what? When you're perfectly fine on your own and not speaking to me, what do you want me to do? Sit around all day? Doing what you want me to do? And be okay with with your attitude?" Chan blurted out in anger. Y/N pulled her arm out of his grip.
"I didn't call you back, I only asked Jisung where you were. And you're saying it like I made this child on my own against your will so I shouldn't expect anything for you. If that's how you felt then you should've told me from the start, I wouldn't have depended on you even in the slightest." she said and walked away, lying in bed and crying. Chan understood how hard it was for her but he had a huge thing going on and had to give time to that too. He put his headphones on and lied on the couch.
Y/n yelped in pain as she propped herself on one arm, the other one clutching her baby bump. The pain was excruciating and she couldn't even let out a scream. It was too much that tears welled up in her eyes. She looked around for her phone but she left it in the kitchen. Then she saw the time, it was 8:40 in the morning and Chan probably left for work. Squirming out of bed, she used the walls for support to walk out of the room and saw Chan sleeping on the couch with his headphones on.
"Ch-Chris" she breathed, he didn't seem to hear her since he didn't move.
"oh my God" she whined, clutching her abdomen, "Chris!" she cried. His eyes shot open and he looked to where she stood, bent forward.
"y/n? What's wrong?" he asked and hurriedly walked towards her, and saw her tear stained face, evidently in pain. He wasted no time and took her to the hospital.
The nurse told them she was going into labour and got everything ready. It was happening so fast, Chan stood there, watching his wife trying to push their child out, into the world. He was in awe of her. The scenario gave him goosebumps as we witnessed the moment. His whole world came crashing down, however, when the doctor revealed that y/n was losing blood and the baby wasn't coming out so they had to perform an emergency C-section. He was told to leave the operation theatre and wait outside.
So he stood outside and waited for any kind of news. In that mom he regretted how he treated y/n, for not spending more time with her, for letting her go through the pregnancy with him seldom by her side, for the argument he started the previous night. He was worried for her, he realized how important she was to him and he needed her. In a state of helplessness, he prayed for her wellbeing, for her to stay with him.
20 minutes later, the longest 20 minutes of his life, the nurse came out, holding a baby, wrapped in a small blanket.
"congratulations it's a healthy baby boy" she spoke and put the baby in his arms.
It felt unreal and surreal. He watched the baby, his baby, squirm in his arms, nuzzling towards his warm chest. His heart felt like iit would explode.
"how is my wife?" he immediately asked.
"she's unconscious from the anesthesia, we're shifting her to the ward, you can see her then." she answered and left.
Chan felt light headed. He didn't expect to become a father in the morning, when he went to sleep the previous night.
He went inside the room y/n was in, she laid there, little sedated but conscious. She looked towards Chan and smiled warmly. He walked to her and handed her their son for skin to skin. They looked at him with so much love in their eyes.
"our son, y/n" he spoke in a hushed voice, to not scare the child nuzzling himself into his mother's skin.
"I love him so much" y/n admitted.
"I'm so sorry. I don't have the words to express how sorry I am. You mean everything to me and I was wrong to not pay attention to you when you needed me. I won't let that happen again. I am going to protect you and our son, I promise." Chan stated.
"forget about that Chris, you promised me you would be there when I needed you and you were. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't home. I know you will keep your promise. I love you."
"I love you too."
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catacomb231 · 2 years
Kitty|Aizawa x Adult! F! Reader PART SIX
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Summary:Your baby is due 3 months early, and on top of all the chaos, you hurt yourself while trying to get to the hospital, and Aizawa gets stuck in traffic while you're giving birth!
Tags:C-Section mentions, Injury, Birth, Some blood, (let me know if I missed anything)
Part Five
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Aizawa was running down the hall almost as fast as Iida. As soon as he got the call that you were giving birth, he had Mic take over his class and rushed off. You still had 3 months! There's no way the baby is ready yet, which can be bad! (If Aizawa learned anything from all of those parenting books and videos).
He got into his car in the teacher's parking lot and began driving off to the hospital as fast as he could.
He keeps honking the car's horn, despite it not doing anything. At this point he is just doing it to let out his frustration. He got stuck in rush hour traffic and now he was moving very slowly. I need to get to the hospital!! My girlfriend is giving birth!! He thinks to himself with a tight grip on his steering wheel. I hope Y/N made it to the hospital. I hope she's okay!
After what seemed like hours, which was actually just a few 10 minutes, he gets through the traffic and to the hospital. After parking close to the entrance he gets out and ran inside and up to the receptionist all out of breath. "I need to see Y/N L/N! She's my girlfriend." Aizawa tells the woman, not in his usual calm tone.
The woman quickly typed something on her computer. "Okay, it looks like she is in room 304 on floor 3 sir." She tells him. He nods a thanks before speed walking to the elevator and pushed the third floor button. After a few seconds he arrives on the third floor and saw a doctor standing just outside your room staring down at a clipboard.
"Is she okay??" Aizawa demands as he walked up to him, getting he doctor's attention. "Yes well, Ms. L/N arrived in labor, but according to her she tripped on her way out of the house. She managed to protect her belly and the child, but the fall on her back still caused some damage to herself. So she is in the operating room now. She is getting surgery for her back and an emergency C-section." The doctor explains, causing Aizawa's eyes to widen as he went on.
"C-section?? She's still 3 months pregnant!"
"It's the only way to save the baby. I promise sir everything will be okay?" He says trying to reassure Aizawa. "If it makes you feel better, the surgery should be done in the next hour or so, so you can wait out here if you wish." The doctor offers as he pointed at four blue chairs lined up next to each other against the wall.
Aizawa sighs. "Sure.." He mutters and sits down as the doctor walks down the hall back towards the operation room. Aizawa was so worried he just couldn't sit still. His leg kept bouncing up and down. Please be okay! Let both of them be okay! I can't lose them too! He thinks to himself desperately. He eventually lays his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, falling asleep.
"Sir? Are you awake?" A feminine voice asks as Aizawa is gently shaken awake. Y/N? He groggily thinks and opens his eyes to see a short blonde haired nurse staring down at him with a clipboard. "Good news Mr. Aizawa, the surgery was a success!" She happily tells him, suddenly washing all of the tiredness away. "Can I see her?" He asks and was happy to see the nurse nod. "Of course! Follow me!" She says starting to guide him to your room.
"So what about my daughter? Is she okay??" He asks, needing to know. "Of course! She's nice and healthy! We are keeping her here for a few more weeks though. We just wanna make sure that nothing is wrong because of how early she had to be." She explained, relaxing Aizawa.
"Can I see her too?"
"Yup! Just let me know when you want to and I'll take you to the artificial incubator where she's staying!" The nurse happily replied until stopping outside of your hospital room. "Ms. L/N should be awake so just head in!" She added. Aizawa nods and slides the door open before walking in, sliding the door closed behind him.
You were sitting on the bed looking down at your lap before you heard someone walk in so you lift up your head. A smile returns to your face once you see it's Aizawa. "Shota! I'm so glad you're okay!" You exclaim happily. "I should be saying that to you." He jokes as he walked over and sat beside you, taking your hand in his.
"I'm the one who's glad you're okay. That could've gone so wrong." He tells you as he gently rubbed your hand. You put your other hand on top of his reassuringly. "I know... I was honestly so scared.. I didn't want to lose our daughter.. but at least she's okay!" You tell him and he nods, smiling slightly. "Little Miyao... I was actually about to go see her. But of course I wanted to check up on you first." He explains.
"Well go right ahead! I'll be fine. I'm pretty tired anyway.." You tell him and he nods, slowly removing his hand from yours and got up, heading for the door and leaving through it. He then follows the nurse to a small white room. When he walks in he sees his newborn daughter sleeping peacefully in this comfy heated bed with a warm white blanket, with wires sticking out of her small hands and chest.
Her heart monitor beeped steadily and there was a chair next to her bed. Miyao... He turns to the nurse. "May I hold her?" He asks. "Of course. Just sanitize your hands and put on a mask." She tells him and he nods. He went over to the table and squirted some liquid on his hands before rubbing it in. Then he put on a mask before sitting down in the chair.
The nurse lifted up Miyao and placed her in his arms comfortably while working around the wires still hooked to her. "I'll be back to check up on you." She whispers and walks out, leaving Aizawa with Miyao, staring down at her lovingly and with a small smile.
It's so nice to finally meet and hold you Miayo. You're just so cute.. I can't wait til Y/N meets you. Your mother is an amazing woman. He thought to himself while gently rubbing his finger on her small chubby cheek.
Perhaps it's almost time... I propose..
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Baby | JJK
Pairing: husband!au Jeon Jungkook x Wife!au reader.
Warning: c-section surgery, nothing too detailed. Baby fever. Very slight mention of smut. Fluff. The reader is a foreigner. Mentions of cultural differences.
The part written in italics is a flashback
Synopsis: You and Jungkook agreed not to have babies right away after your marriage, yet you find yourself witnessing a cute situation that leaves you thinking otherwise.
A/N: I am begging you guys for the gazillion time to please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.😊
Word count: 4,178.
This part can be read as a continuation to Marry you.
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Babies! Oh God! You cannot express how fed up you were because of that word. After you and Jungkook got married, your family members had nothing to talk about to you except babies. It's like they were pressuring you, well scratch that, they were, but unconsciously though. You couldn't blame them. You grew up in a culture that was not really open to the idea of "we are gonna wait a few years until we feel like we're ready."! Yeah, this ideology does not exist!
"Wait until when? I am not living more than I already am!" Your grandma would say, or "wait for what? Are you still getting to know each other after a five-year relationship?" Your grandpa would scoff, and your favourite one was "Hunny, are you kidding? You'll never be ready! No one is ever really ready! … You think me and my sister had you, kids, because we were ready?" Your auntie would say in disbelief laughing lightly at your logic with said sister, your mum, sitting next to her shaking her head in disappointment with a "can you believe her?" murmured in annoyance.
You didn't have the heart to blame your family that's how they were raised for generations, and for you to try and change their mind-set would be difficult, almost impossible. That is until you and Jungkook refused to talk upon the matter anymore saying that this is your life and you're free to do whatever you both agree on, only then did they stop nagging you; however, you knew they were not happy about it.
Jungkook on the other hand never really minded the idea of babies, in fact, if you told him that you were ready, he would gladly help you right away, if you know what I mean, but knowing your concerns, not only did he comfort you, but also respected that you were not there yet, mentally. You would always tell him "I sometimes think that I am still a baby, myself. How can I have one when I think like that!" He would chuckle, patting your head and cuddling you closely "Baby, it's okay. We don't need to have one right now! Why are you so worried about it?" He asked looking down at you since he was resting his chin on your head. "I mean, aren't you bothered about it? Don't you want to have your own child?" You pouted thinking that maybe you're holding one of Jungkook's wishes back which can make you feel that you're not good enough for him. "Well, baby, of course, I want a child, but I want to have it with you, and if you're not ready that's totally fine! I mean when I think about it, it is a huge deal, you're going to house a human being in your body for 9 long months, and your body would go through drastic changes, plus you'd have to not only take care of yourself but the baby growing inside you, as well!" Jungkook cradled you to his chest moving aside a lock of your hair behind your ear. "It's all amazing, but you're the one who's carrying a baby, I would never pressure you to do that if you're not ready!" He said looking into your eyes sincerely. "Oh, I love you so much!" You said giving him a few repetitive pecks on his lips. "How did I end up with such an amazing man!" Your lips barely meeting his, whispering before you closed the small gap between you, kissing him with all the passion and love you held for this wonderful husband of yours.
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That all changed when one day you were at the hairdresser's getting a new hair cut. You were looking through your phone waiting for your turn until you noticed a woman entering the shop. She had this unusual aura to her, like something about her seemed to interest you, she walked around as if she had accomplished something amazing but wouldn't brag about it as if to let her accomplishment speak for itself. You understood why you felt that because minutes later, two identical accomplishments followed her suit. They were two identical boys who were probably 4 or 5 years of age. You were in awe when you saw them following their mummy, like lost puppies. They resembled her greatly, and behaved very well as if their mum promised to buy them Disneyland if they did. They stood next to her looking up at her as if she is their whole world.
For a moment you imagined that with Jungkook, and what would it feel like to have a baby in both of your lives. How would it feel to have a child of your own looking at you the way these boys looked at their mum.
For weeks to follow, you were almost obsessed with the twin boys you saw at the hair salon. How they dressed, how they behaved, how they sat obediently eating their sweets waiting for their mum to finish, how their mother would look at them through the mirror every once in a while to check on them, how they cutely complimented her saying that "mummy is the prettiest girl ever!" With wide eyes looking up in amazement and cute small sticky fingers from the sweets reaching up in the air in excitement. The whole thing kept repeating over and over in your head which led you to look up some photos of babies and reading more about them and what's new in the parenting world that parents try and apply with their kids. You even reached the point where you would stop at the babies section, racking through cute onesies, making Jungkook arch an eyebrow in amazement. "Are you pregnant or something?" He would ask eyeing your belly before looking up at your face trying to see what's going on inside your head. You would shake your head slightly before reluctantly letting go of the tiny baby clothes and taking Jungkook's hand to move to another department of the store.
Jungkook, too, could feel a change in your behaviour, like how you would gaze longingly at kids playing at the park when you had your picnics there, how you would pause to listen to a show that talks about babies and how to care for them, he even caught you reading a book about pregnancy. His heart skipped a beat when you went to visit your brother after his wife delivered a healthy baby girl; you kept holding her the whole time refusing to let anyone hold her unless it was your brother's wife because she needed to feed her. He even took a photo of you, you were looking at your niece so lovingly when you looked up at Jungkook smiling brightly as if she was your own. He put it as a background for his phone.
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"Yaaah! If you want a baby that bad make one of your own!" Yoongi yelled playfully at Jungkook who wouldn't stop looking at the photo. "Ay! Don't pressure the kid." Namjoon said looking disappointedly at Yoongi for saying that. "Well, there's no pressure. It's just … I don't know y/n has been acting weird lately!" He took a last look at his phone's background before it displayed his worried features as he closed the screen. "What do you mean weird?" Jimin asked looking at Jungkook quizzically. "I don't know… it's… she'd stare at baby clothes when we go shopping even though there's no one we know who's going to give birth soon. I mean I could have brushed it off thinking that she wants to buy some as a gift or something, but no." Jungkook ruffled his black locks resting his elbows on his knees. "And you know she looks at them as if … as if she's imaging them on a certain baby, not the way she'd look at them as if inspecting the design or something, do you understand what I mean?" He looked up at his hyungs waiting for a confirmation that he's not imagining things. Namjoon nodded "you mean she inspecting the clothes as if she's buying it for her own baby, not just going through them?"
"YES!"Taehyung jumped at Jungkook's sudden outburst. "Sorry Hyung!" Jungkook muttered to Taehyung before focusing on Namjoon again. "Well, it's easy she wants a baby!" Hobi said shrugging and looking at Jungkook as if he's dumb and that this was as obvious as the sun. "No shit Sherlock! I know that. It's just she never said anything about it ." Jungkook was bewildered he didn't understand your sudden change of attitude, and if you had a change of heart about having a baby, then why didn't you tell him? "Just talk to her about it. See if she's ready or not, maybe she is, but something is holding her back, you never know!" Jin said patting Jungkook on the back. "we are definitely having a talk." Jungkook sighed lighting up his phone's screen to look lovingly at your photo holding your niece.
"Baby, you home?" Jungkook looked around the house for you while taking off his shoes and closing the door. "In here!" You answered from your bedroom. You heard his footsteps on the stairs knowing very well from the sound of it that he was skipping some. You rolled your eyes at your husband's child-like behaviour. "BABE!" He suddenly opened the door to your room, a huge smirk on his face as he stepped slowly towards you. "What? What's wrong? Why are you giving me that look?" You looked him up and down as if he's gone mental. Out of nowhere, he pounced on you like a cat making you put your book aside as you squirmed beneath him. "Oh my God, Kook get off. What's wrong with you!" You started laughing because he started leaving small pecks on your neck, and it was ticklish. "Tell me!" He suddenly stopped and looked into your eyes. "Tell you what?" You searched his face thinking that he might be drunk. "Tell me what you're not telling me!" He said, face getting closer to yours as you backed yours from his. "Are you drunk?" You said laughing, again. He was being unusual. "Nah, I am not. I just want to know what's wrong. Lately, you've been acting weird as if you're hiding something." He claimed as he sat beside you, taking you in his arms as your upper half laid on his bent knee; this was your position when you both had deep talks, he'd let you rest your back on his bent knee as he held you closely, usually playing with your hair locks. "You keep on checking baby clothes whenever we go shopping, you're reading a book about pregnancy and parenting, you listen to anything related to babies on the T.V. are you not telling me something?" He asked with concern filling his doe eyes as he caressed your cheek. "I … I've..." You sighed closing your eyes; words were not getting out of your mouth. "What? What is it baby? You can tell me." His thumb brushed your cheek in a soft motion encouraging you to speak up. "I … I want a baby." You said out of nowhere and looked at Jungkook to see his reaction. "Well, baby that's great. You know I don't mind, then what stopped you from telling me?" Jungkook flashed you his bunny smile, happy to know that you're ready to take this step with him. "It... It's just, you know I have been reading about it, pregnancy and stuff." He nodded, a sign for you to go on. "And it's all great and everything, but what if something went wrong?" You looked worriedly into your husband's confused eyes. "Like what if I have a miscarriage? What if something happens to the baby? Like what if …"
"Hold on, hold on … baby why are you trying to predict everything? Why can't you focus on the positive side?" He said trying to calm your raging thoughts. "What if my body is not strong enough to have a baby?"
"Baby,nooo!" Jungkook pulled you closer into his arms. "No, none of this is going to happen, we are going to keep checking up with a doctor, and everything will be fine. I'll always be by your side." He said pulling your head under his chin, then he pulled back to look you in the eyes, "and even if something happens, We will go through it together. I know it will be harder for you, but I swear that there's nothing in this life that could be offered to help you lessen your pain that I won't do it." He whispered sincerely, holding your face between his big warm hands. You hugged him tightly, "I love you so much, I don't even know what I did to deserve you!" You said crying over the fact that a man like Jungkook existed, a man who's willing to do anything for you. "Ah, baby I love you, too so much. I don't want you to doubt us or the future. You know why?" He chuckled feeling you shake your head. "Because the future is never guaranteed, but the only thing that is guaranteed is us, and I know that we're strong enough to face anything life throws at us, together." He said hugging you tighter. "Okay, baby?" He pulled back to look at you. You nodded as he wiped away your tears. "Now, about that baby..." He smirked as you laughed at his goofiness. He always knew how to make you laugh. Always.
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Now fast forward a few years, you and Jungkook are parents now. It didn't take that long to get pregnant thanks to Jungkook's stamina. Your pregnancy went on smoothly and nothing bad happened. Just as Jungkook promised, he was always right there for you, for everything; from the moment you both found out, to birth-giving, till now. Speaking of which, the poor thing was so terrified when he knew that your doctor would perform a C-section and that you wouldn't be giving birth naturally.
"Is she supposed to be awake during the surgery?" Jungkook worriedly asked the doctor as he could see that the medication they have given you were not putting you to sleep. "Oh don't worry, Mr Jeon. She won't feel a thing, we drugged the part that we will be working on, and it's normal for her to be awake." Your Doctor smiled kindly at him knowing that this was his first time undergoing something like this. Jungkook was dressed in scrubs holding your hand to keep you from panicking, the doctor also hung up something like a sheet in front of you so you won't see them perform the surgery. "Are you okay?" Jungkook whispered, trying to make small conversation with you as you kept looking at him. You nodded still looking at him as he was getting more anxious by the minute because of your intense staring, "Jungkook why are you panicking, I am the one who's having her stomach open, not you." He laughed squeezing your hand, his nerves easing a bit. "How are you so cool with this?"
"I don't think me panicking right now, would do us any good, you know." Jungkook chuckled then kissed your forehead.
An hour has already passed by when they informed you that you delivered and that the surgery was almost over, they needed to stitch you up. "Jungkook go with the nurse!" You said urgently turning to look at him. "No baby, it's okay, your mum and my mum are waiting outside, I'll wait with you here." He said calming you down, he promised that he won't leave your side until you both get out of the surgery's room together. "But, this means that they'll know!" Jungkook chuckled at your worried expression. "It's okay baby, let them know." He said kissing your forehead. "You did great, and I am so proud of you!" He was tearing up because he could not understand how women could go through all of this, he was truly amazed. "I love you." You said looking into his teary eyes, "I love you, too baby so much!" He pecked your lips before the doctor announced that you were good to go.
It definitely wasn't easy, but with Jungkook there, everything was better.
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Right now, you and Jungkook were asleep in each other's arms, appreciating the few hours of silence before everything turns back to its chaotic state in the morning. Since you've given birth, you could swear that you became a light sleeper. Your mum brushed off your marvellous discovery with a laugh claiming that it's normal for most mums to become light sleepers because you're always worried.
Just like now, your ears perked as you felt tiny footsteps softly padding towards your bedroom. And you were right, as you slowly turned in Jungkook's arms, so not to wake him up, you found your 3-year-old, Haneul, standing quietly by the door, sucking on his thumb and trying to search for you in the dark. "Haneul, baby I am here." You whispered and got up to see what's wrong. He padded softly towards you in his Stitch Kigurumi onesies that he insisted you buy from your last trip to Disneyland because that's his favourite character. "Oh baby what's wrong." You picked him up and held him in your arms cradling him as if to protect him from all the world's evil. You already knew what's wrong, he needed to change his diaper. "Come on baby, let's go to your room, daddy's still asleep." You left the room quietly hoping not to wake Jungkook up.
Haneul whimpered lightly in your arms seeing that he was irritated because of his diaper and he was still super sleepy. "Okay baby I'll change it for you, just please be quiet, your brother is still sleeping!" You prayed than Haneul won't throw a fit and wake up his twin, Hyun, from his sleep. It was too early to wake up the whole household right now.
"There, all done!" You whispered enthusiastically as he flashed a bunny-like grin at you just like his father. "Thanks, mummy." He grinned shaking his body cutely from side to side still laying on the changing table. "Anything for you baby!" You dived your head to his stomach attacking him with kisses as he squirmed beneath you. "Come on let's get you back to bed." You said putting him back in his crib and giving him a goodnight kiss. Before you could shut the door to the boys' room, you saw Haneul still standing in his crib giving you puppy eyes as he whimpered. You heart squeezed in your chest at the sight of your baby in discomfort. He wanted to sleep with you and Jungkook, but you can't let them get used to it. "Mummy!" Haneul whimpered reaching his tiny arms out for you. You sighed, your heart was too weak to leave him alone in the dark, you just couldn't do it. His eyes were starting to tear up as you went up to him. "God, you guys are my weakness." You muttered to yourself. As you were about to pick Haneul up, Hyun started to turn in his sleep, slowly waking up. Another pair of doe eyes slowly opened up, fluttering due to the dark smooth locks that were getting in its way. "Mummy!" You sighed great now both of them are awake and they will refuse to go back to sleep in their cribs.
Jungkook woke up to an empty bed, he jolted awake thinking you must be with the kids and that you might need his help, but didn't wake him up. He walked to the kids' bedroom to see you holding Haneul in your arms with him sucking on his thumb, drowsy eyes fighting sleep as you looked at Hyun who was carefully climbing out of his bed. "Careful baby!" You seemed to be fine, but your voice told otherwise, it was laced with worry, fearing that his leg might slip and he would get hurt. Hyun climbed down carefully then went up to you tugging on your nightdress and whimpering grumpily. Jungkook entered the room, "come here, buddy." He said scooping Hyun in his arms. "Baby, you woke up!" You frowned not liking the idea of him getting up so early. Since giving birth to your beautiful baby boys, Jungkook has put you and the boys as his top priority, and he was always there making sure you don't need anything. You didn't want him to wake up so early for once so that he could enjoy his sleep before going to the studio. "I didn't find you in my arms, so I got up to look for you." He said gazing at you lovingly. You kissed him on the cheek, he smiled and told you to go to bed with Haneul "I'll change Hyun's diaper and come right behind you." He said planting a kiss on your forehead. "Okay, baby." You said pulling Haneul closer to your chest.
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A few minutes later, Jungkook and Hyun joined you and Haneul in bed. Haneul was fast asleep with his head resting on your chest, and Hyun was still awake looking up at Jungkook. "Come on buddy, go to sleep," Jungkook whispered running his fingers through Hyun's black locks that he inherited from his dad. "Appa!" Jungkook hummed softly in response. "Sing to me." Hyun traced his small fingers over Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook smiled closing his eyes for a few seconds enjoying the feeling as he started singing softly and quietly so that Hyun would go back to sleep.
You smiled, recalling all the things you've been through up until this moment. You remembered how you both were shocked when you found out you were having twins. That day was the best day of your life, you cried in happiness so much that Jungkook thought it was your hormones getting the best of you. "No... I'm just … I'm so happy." You said whipping your tears. That night you sat on the bed with Jungkook holding you in the same position that he would hold you when you're both having a deep conversation. You told him about the twins you saw that day, and how you were so fascinated by them and how they interacted with their mum. Jungkook smiled softly at you as he rubbed your belly. You both decided that you wouldn't tell anyone that you were having twins, and that it would be a surprise to your family and friends. The shock on their faces when they entered the room to congratulate you to find each of you holding a baby was priceless.
"Oh my God, are...are... You gave birth to twins!" Your grandma said in tears astonished by the surprise. "Oh, my dear bless you." She cried as you nodded with a big smile on your face. Your mum and Jungkook's mum were the ones who were in great shock because they were the ones who were waiting in the waiting room to suddenly find two nurses coming out with two babies. "How could you not tell us something like that?" Your mum asked whipping her tears as she looked at Haneul who was sleeping soundly in Jungkook's arms. "We wanted to surprise you." Jungkook replied as your dad smiled with tears in his eyes as he kept looking between you and Jungkook. "Congratulations sweetheart!" He planted a kiss on your forehead, proud of you. "Thanks, dad."
To say that the boys were shocked is an understatement. Poor Hobi kept looking left and right at each baby. "What the … twins?" Jimin burst in excitement as Yoongi grinned down at Haneul and Namjoon patting Jungkook's back smiling at Haneul, too. "They're so cute!" Jimin said excitedly as you handed him Hyun. "Careful, hyung!" Jungkook said worriedly, eyes watching Jimin like a hawk. "Look at our Jungkookie being a protective father," Jin said laughing with Taehyung bursting in laughter.
The boys kept pampering your kids to no end. Jin and Jungkook would even make sure that you and Lilly, Jin's wife, have play dates for the kids, seeing that Jin and Jungkook are the only fathers in the group. Life was treating you good with everyone surrounding you with love and care.
"What are you thinking?" Jungkook whispered. You looked at Hyun to find him fast asleep. "Nothing I was just remembering the day the boys blessed us with their existence." You smiled patting Hyun's back as you lifted the blanket to his shoulder. Jungkook's eyes gleamed at you as he smiled, probably remembering that day, too. Having kids is a huge deal to any couple but with Jungkook being there as he promised, you felt that everything is alright, and you didn't have anything to worry about. You and Jungkook fell into a deep sleep holding each other's hands as both Haneul and Hyun slept soundly between the two of you.
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Haneul means heavenly 🌌
Hyun means bright or intelligent.🤓
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Pregnancy Series - ,,Spinn Off’’
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RFA + Minor Trio with a MC who doesn’t want to give birth in C Section
⚠️ Sensitive content -> mention of: labor pain, blood, fluids ⚠️
Pregnancy Series: Part 1 // Part 2  // Part 3 // Part 4.1 // Part 4.2 // Part 5 // Part 6
HEY! So, since you all liked the Pregnancy Series a lot and I still had a writing which is dedicated to birth and Family I decided to post this as a ,,Spinn off’’ however this writing was written before I decided to write the Pregnancy Series so the story will be probably different from the original series! 
The both of you were at a diner when you suddenly got contractions, feeling pain in your whole body.
You couldn’t tell him for sure what was hurting you, but you knew that you would give birth to your baby soon.
When you suddenly felt water run down your legs, you immediately knew that this baby was impatient to meet the world.
You were gasping for air and holding Jumin’s hand when another wave of pain overcame you, making you go down to your knees and hold onto your abdomen stronger.
,,Mr Han, we will bring you to the hospital,’’ Driver Kim said, trying to get you up.
However, you stopped Jumin when he was too tired to move you. ,,The midwife said to wait for the ambulance in case the baby comes in the car…’’ you gasped and looked between him and the driver.
Jumin nodded, reminding that you were right and so all guests were brought outside while pillows were put on the floor so that you could lay down and feel a bit more comfortable.
,,Heeee heee hu….’’ he helped you to breathe, showing you the right rhythm.
Finally, the ambulance came, however, things took a bad turn and he quickly noticed that something wasn’t going the way it should…
,,She is having complications. We need to give birth in C-Section! Quickly!’’ one paramedic said as your eyes flickered. You were so weak by now.
He couldn’t do anything but just watch, but suddenly you found a bit of strength to go against the paramedic.
,,No! No wait,’’ you called, sobbing and trying to hold in Jumin’s jacket.
,,C-Section is so bad for the baby!’’ you said to Jumin.
He looked at you as you sobbed ,,She will die if they don’t do it…’’ Jumin told you and brushed your hair with his hand.
And so, to save your daughter, you clunched your eyes and let them rush you to the hospital, even though natural birth would have been better in your opinion...
,,The baby is in the wrong position. The legs are down,’’ the doctor told you.
There were just a few weeks to go until you would be due and there wasn’t the possibility that the baby would turn around this late in the pregnancy.
,,What? I don’t want it… I heard so many bad things,’’ you said as your hand laid on your belly, your child was kicking.
You were sad and kind of angry, you wished for a natural birth so much. Maybe one in the water.
But now this all disappeared.
,,The baby could hurt himself. I can’t help you, I’m sorry. And nowadays, the medical care is so good that your baby will be more than fine,’’ the doctor tried to make you feel better.
Zen patted your hand and smiled at you.
His red eyes looked at you as he tried to make you feel better.
,,It’s not that we have another option, MC,’’ he mumbled and kissed your hand.
Suddenly you began to cry. Those days, it happened a lot.
,,I know,’’ you sobbed.
,,That’s why… ah… I wanted to see my baby, to give birth at it, and what if they cut or hurt him?’’ you asked him.
,,I will be by your side and make sure nothing goes wrong, I promise…’’ he lastly told you, making you feel just a bit better.
,,We already did it once. The doctor back then told me that the next time there was a chance that I could give birth to my baby naturally and right now you are-ugh! Telling me no?!’’ you asked the nurse as she told you that you had to get ready for surgery.
,,Yoosung! Are you or aren't you a doc! Say something!’’ you said angrily to your husband.
He looked at you helplessly as he mumbled that he was a vet and that there was nothing he could do.
,,Mrs Kim, the baby's head is too big. It could get very dangerous for your newborn,’’ she told you and looked at you apologetically.
Suddenly you began to hiss. ,,Last time it hurt like hell! Yoosung! You did this again!’’ you hissed angrily while you held his hand.
He nodded and kept kissing your forehead as he apologized.
He knew how much you wished for this birth to be normal and that you wanted to see your child and not have countless people around you cut you and close you up again.
,,I will get you ready now, Mrs. Kim,’’ the nurse smiled and took out a razor to make your abdomen free from the hair for the surgery.
And just like back then, they gave you sedatives as you cried to yourself.
,,I… wanted to stay awake this time,’’ you groaned when you suddenly felt yourself feeling sleepy.
Yoosung could just cry as he saw you in pain.
Once again you both decided to go to a very big hospital and just like the last time, nothing was done the way you wished for it.
Not even Yoosung was allowed to stay as he was sent outside where Jumin and Jaehee, as well as Zen waited for him.
His daughter was sleeping in Jaehee’s arms as Zen approached him, patting him to ask why he was crying.
,,They didn’t do it how we wanted again,’’ he mumbled and looked over to the surgery room.
,,Why C-Section?’’ Jaehee asked the doctor.
You looked from her to the man in the white clothing as he explained why he had to perform the surgery.
,,But what if you accidentally cut my baby? Or what if something goes wrong? I’ve heard so many bad things,’’ you mumbled, looking at Jaehee.
The both of you fought so hard for this baby and to become both mothers.
You did everything right and now the last step would go like this?
Jaehee stroked your hair as she nibbled at her lips.
,,How much time do we still have?’’ Jaehee asked the doctor as she wanted to talk to you.
,,About half an hour,’’ he said, but before going out he looked back at the both of you. ,,Although, there’s not much to decide if you want to give birth to this baby well,’’ he said and with that he left you with your thoughts and fears.
,,Let’s do it, Mc,’’ Jaehee said as soon as he was out.
,,I know that we have to go with it, but I heard so many things and I thought this would be my body…’’ you whined.
Jaehee nodded as she kissed your nose. ,,Soon we will have this wonderful baby in our hands and then we will be able to enjoy our time, but one last time let’s do this, for the baby.’’
You were pregnant with twins. When Saeyoung found out, he was scared at first.
Scared that he wouldn’t be a good father, that he would turn out like his mother, that his children wouldn’t like him…
The young man struggled with a lot of things, but when one day, you fainted early on in your pregnancy, he knew that he would love these children with his everything and that with you he had nothing to fear.
You would be by his side and support him and since he already loved and worried about his unborn children so much, there was no way that he would turn into a monster.
And maybe that’s why he was so protective of you when you felt the sharp pain and the ambulance had to pick you up, just to tell you that the babies would come way too early.
,,We need to perform a C-Section,’’ the doctor nodded and asked Saeyoung to sign the document.
He was about to sign when you stopped him. Gasping for air, you tried to check if there was another way.
,,Delaying the birth won’t be an option. It could put you or one of the babies at risk. Twins usually come earlier so there is nothing to fear. We will do our best.’’
Even if you still didn’t trust the doctor, you decided to go with it and so you were transported away to a place Saeyoung couldn’t keep you safe on his own anymore…
The both of you looked at each other as the doctor told you the news.
You were currently pregnant and in your final trimester.
Everything went well these past 38 weeks.
Your baby was healthy, you were healthy, and you enjoyed every single moment of it.
But right now, the only thing you felt was disappointment as the doctor told you that you probably couldn’t give birth naturally, but needed a C-Section as the baby turned around at the last minute so the feet of your newborn were down and the head upside down.
You pressed your lips together and Saeran could see that your hands were trembling.
You were scared of giving birth, but now that this problem came up, you were also unsure.
But you knew that you didn’t have another possibility other than to agree with him.
,,I don’t like that they will have to use so many medications, I heard that a lot of things can go wrong,’’ you mumbled on your way home.
You were still holding his hand. The both of you walked slower as it was hard for you to keep up with him.
,,I know, I understand,’’ he gasped. He too, to be honest, would have liked to see you giving birth naturally, but on the other hand it would be less painful for you, he thought.
,,Baby, why can’t you turn around?’’ you asked your baby and received a kick.
,,Yeah, thanks!’’ you laughed and held the spot you were just kicked in with your hand.
Saeran supported your back with his hand as he led you home. ,,I know how you feel, but I will do my best to stay by your side even in surgery and the next time, for the next baby, we can have a natural birth, I am sure of it!’’ he smiled, making you feel a bit better.
He rubbed his hands together as he sat on the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room.
Jumin was next to him as he was leaning back.
He seemed relaxed on the outside, but to be honest, he was also worried.
For Lucy, the little girl he was the godfather of and you, a person who changed his best friend's life for the better. He was grateful to you.
But to know that you actually had an accident didn’t make him feel that good, knowing that you were 39 weeks pregnant, however, made his stomach twist.
,,Mr. Kim,’’ the doctor asked and looked around, mustering the attention of the two handsome men in the waiting room.
,,Yes?’’ Jihyun got up and tried to gulp. His throat was just so dry…
He was scared of the words of the doctor, but he felt at ease as soon as he was told that Lucy was okay.
,,She just has a little stitch in her arm and will probably have a little headache, but please don’t worry. However, your wife,’’ he stopped.
Jihyun felt his legs tremble as the doctor said ,,however’’, what did that mean?
,,We need to give birth to the baby now in a C-Section to prevent it’s death, but she is against it. We need to hurry, so if you would please try to calm her down so that we can begin,’’ he mumbled.
Jumin chuckled a bit. It was a serious matter, but he didn’t expect anything else from you, the woman who would fight everyone with everything she had.
Jihyun nodded and followed the doctor, seeing you with all those scratches and the blood made his heart sink, but he didn’t hesitate to approach you.
,,Hey,’’ he said, a bit sad as he noticed that your hands were trembling.
,,Jihyun,’’ you said. From the sound of your voice, he knew that you were on the verge of crying.
,,It’s too early,’’ you sobbed.
,,They will hurt him. I’ve heard so many bad stories… I don’t want to,’’ you mumbled, finally sobbing now.
,,I understand, Mc. I love you so much and I wish I could make you happy, but they have to or the baby will die if we don’t hurry,’’ he softly explained, trying to make you lay back as his fingers touched your trembling lips, following the shape of your red lips he loved so much.
,,You will be able to see your baby soon and Jumin is outside. Nothing will go wrong and we will keep an eye on it okay?’’ he asked you.
Slowly, you didn’t fight back as the nurse began to do her work, someone else shaving your abdomen.
One last time, you looked over to Jihyun who also seemed very emotional, but still managed to smile at you as you softly closed your eyes.
Now it was his turn to be strong for you...
This morning was supposed to go differently when you woke up.
You guys actually wanted to have fun together on your couch and watch a movie, eat some food, and talk about the future.
But nothing came like that.
You suddenly felt dizzy in the bathroom and immediately called Vanderwood as you were beginning to panic.
,,I’m here,’’ he gasped and held you. ,,I’m here, Mc, what’s wrong?’’ he asked you again.
Softly, but weakly, you managed to tell him that you felt a slight pain between your legs.
At first he was scared, scared to death when he heard about your pain.
But as he arrived at the hospital with you, he calmed down.
The news that you would give birth soon made him nervous, yes, but he wasn’t scared that something was wrong with the baby or you.
Well, for now at least.
The situation quickly changed after three hours.
,,She’s too weak!’’ the midwife whined to the doctor.
Vanderwood was actually ready. Everyone was but you.
He saw you there, gasping for air, sweating and crying.
His heart was breaking as he saw how much pain you were in.
,,C-Section, we can’t go on like this,’’ the doctor calmly said and nodded to the nurses. Apparently, they all knew what to do.
Suddenly he heard your whimper as you looked to him
,,Please don’t. I will do better, but don’t,’’ you whined, searching for his hand.
Vanderwood didn’t think twice and held your hand as he tried to smile.
,,It will be alright, Mc, I promise. Nothing will happen to you or the baby, okay? Don’t worry, I will stay here,’’ he promised and tried to stroke your head. He tried to swipe the sweat away and noticed how hot you were.
Was this a fever or just from the hard work?
He knew that you wanted to fight back, say something, do something against the decision, but as you were so nervous, they decided to put you to sleep while the surgery was ongoing, making you close your eyes slowly.
,,I’m here,’’ he said and looked down to the medical staff performing the surgery.
🤰🏻ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ sᴇʀɪᴇs🤰🏻Masterlist here
27.05.2021// 23:15 MEST
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Family - 31
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2069
Warnings:  Pregnancy, labor, surgery, breastfeeding
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 31: The Whole Family
I was in full active labor seven hours after I lay down to nap with Steve.  My water broke at around nine that night, but it was just a small trickle and it took a little while for me to realize it had happened.
It was quite a strange feeling to be in labor while everything was just going on as normal around you.  We were experts at it this time, so babies were being breastfed and given tummy time.  Dinner was served and eaten together.  Riley and Pietro were given their stories and a bath before being put into bed and all the while I was getting these strong, debilitating pains that lasted barely anytime every 20 minutes or so.  There was a rotating roster of people who stuck by my side depending on what needed to be done in the house and when all the kids were down for the night Tony suggested that maybe we should just go down to the Medbay and see how things were going.  Turns out the answer to that question was; ‘not well’.
“Elise, honey,” Doctor Schroeder said, as I lay back on the bed with a bunch of probes attached to me, and one inserted inside me and attached to the crown of the baby’s head.  “The baby is in distress, we really need to do the c-section.”
“What?” I said, the alarms beeping around me as my blood pressure shot up. “No, no, no, no, no.”  Beside me, all the color had drained from Tony’s face and he started fidgeting where he stood.
“It’s going to be fine,” the doctor said.  “But he needs to come out.  We need to put you under as soon as possible.”
“But… I…” I couldn’t think straight.  I didn’t know why he would be in distress now.  I had made plans.  I’d gone into labor, I was supposed to deliver like Wanda and Natasha had.
“El, princess,” Sam said, stepping close to me and crouching down by the bed.  I looked at him, still panicking.  “Honey, I’ll stay with you the whole time.  Okay?  I won’t leave your side for one second.  We’ll get Edwin out and when you wake up, we’ll all have a happy and healthy baby boy.”
I felt tears prick my eyes but I nodded, feeling a little bit more sure about things.  Everyone backed off a little and I was moved onto a surgical bed and set up with an IV and wheeled into surgery.  Everything felt like a blur as I was given an anesthetic and oxygen and talked off to sleep.  I remember the last thing I could focus on was the light above me and Sam’s voice telling me he was right here with me and everything would be okay.
The next thing I was really aware of was my throat hurting and how cold I felt.  “Hey, El,” Sam said, gently.  “You waking up?”
I managed to force my eyes open but they fell closed again right away, I shook my head slowly.
“It’s okay, princess,” Sam said, running his thumb over the back of my hand.  “You can keep sleeping if you want to.  Everyone is fine.  Edwin was crying up a storm as soon as he took a breath.  He’s with the others now.  His feet and hands were a little blue and his pulse was a little high, but everything settled once he got used to being out in the big bad world.  They don’t think he’s going to need to be in intensive care or anything.  Just your blood pressure stressing him out.”
I relaxed as Sam spoke and seemed to doze off for five minutes or so before waking again.  A nurse came over to check me over.  “Do you have any pain, Doctor Cooper?”
I nodded and pointed to my stomach where they had cut.
“Do you want some pain medication?”  She asked.
I nodded again and started crying - though I wasn’t actually sure what was setting it off.
“Hey, El,” Sam soothed.  “It’s okay, honey.  I’m still here.”
“And you’re going to see your baby very soon,” the nurse added as she adjusted something on my IV.  The pain started to back off again, but I couldn’t seem to stop crying.
“What’s upsetting you, princess?”  Sam asked.
“I don’t know,” I cried, my voice raspy.
“Aww, honey,” Sam soothed.  “Having a bad reaction to the GA leaving your system.  It’s alright.  It’ll back off soon.”
I’m not sure how long it took to start feeling more awake but they brought me juice and crackers and checked me over before letting me go to my room where the others were waiting with Baby Edwin.  Sam stayed by my side the whole time, talking me through every little medical thing that they did so I wouldn’t worry.
I was wheeled into the room and was greeted by all the others who were seated around on the various couches and sofa chairs set up.  They all stood at once except for Tony who was holding the little bundle in his arms.
“Hey, sweetheart.  They said it all went fine.  How are you feeling?” Steve asked.
“I'm okay.  Feel weird.  I was pregnant and now I'm not anymore,” I said.  “Usually a thing that happens between those points.”
“You had a baby,” Steve assured me.  “He's right there.  Tony’s won’t let anyone else hold him.”
“Hey! You all got a turn,” Tony argued.  “But I helped make him, I’m proud of my good work.”
“Puh-lease, Tones,” Clint snarled.  “You jizzed inside her.  Who hasn't done that?”
“Hey, not in front of the baby!” Tony said, covering Edwin’s ears and looking at Clint with a scandalized expression on his face.
“Alright, alright,” Natasha said. “I think it’s time for Elise and Sam to get their chance holding him.”
Tony got up and carried the little bundle over.  He was wrapped in a blue blanket with just his face showing and he was sleeping peacefully.  He had a fine head of brown hair and a little button nose. “Look at what we made, El,” he said as he put him in my arms.
“I can’t tell who he looks like more,” I said, looking down at him.
“Well he has blue eyes,” Tony said.  “But that could just be because they haven’t settled.”
“He’s perfect either way,” Wanda said.
I smiled down at him and ran my finger over his cheek.  “Hey, Eddie,” I said softly.  “Sorry I missed you being born and stressed you out so much.”
“He’s fine,” Wanda said.  “I promise.”
“A hearty lad,” Thor added.  “You have nothing to fear, my life.”
I smiled and kissed Edwin’s forehead.  “Good,” I said.  “That’s the main thing.”
“Not to hurry you along, El,” Sam said. “But I want a turn too.”
I giggled.  “Okay, but only because you stayed with me the whole time.”
Sam grinned and took him from me, and I lay down, closing my eyes.  “Maybe we should leave you to sleep, honey.”
I mumbled something, trying to ignore the pull of sleep, but finding it hard to resist.  “Mishka,” Natasha scolded.  “It’s the middle of the night and you just had major surgery.”
“We’ll be here when you get up, and so will Edwin,” Bruce said. “You should sleep while you can and heal so you can come back home as soon as possible.”
I nodded slowly.  “I’ll stay with her,” Tony said.
“What a shocker,” Clint teased and came over and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  “You did good, El.”
“Thanks, Clint,” I murmured.
The others all came over and kissed me goodnight before leaving.  I dozed a little while Tony fussed around and eventually set himself up to sleep on the foldout next to me.
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The following day I woke up to the sound of Edwin crying.  Tony had him cradled in his arms, trying to soothe him as the nurses came and propped my bed up.  I have no idea how long I’d slept for, but the sun was up and the room was filled with flowers and balloons.
“There’s your mama,” Tony said.  “We were starting to think you were going to sleep all day long.”
“Sorry, Tony,” I said.
He shook his head.  “You’re healing.  It’s fine.”
“How’s your pain?”  One of the nurses asked as she fussed around me.
“About a seven,” I said.  “Maybe seven and a half.”
“We’ll get you something.  Are you hungry?”  The nurse asked.
I nodded.  “Very.”
“Okay,” she said.  “I’ll organize that too.  And are you going to breastfeed?”
“I’m going to try,” I said.
“Okay, let’s see if we can do that first,” she said, gesturing Tony over with Edwin.
It took a little bit of doing but we eventually had him latched and suckling.  I knew I wasn’t really producing anything much yet, the surgery would delay my milk production, but it was important to get him to suckle to bring it on.  He suckled with a scowl on his face, staring up at me with his dark blue eyes as he gripped at my breast with one little hand.
The nurse left to go order my breakfast and my pain medication and Tony sat on the side of my bed and started playing with Edwin’s hand.  “You ready to see the others?”  He asked.
“Yeah.  That’ll be good,” I agreed.
“Your mom is here.  Those are from her,” he said, pointing to a large bunch of white roses and blue irises set in a blue box with foil balloons attached that read ‘It’s a boy’.  “You okay seeing her too?”
I nodded.  “Yeah, that’s fine too.”
“FRIDAY, let them know,” Tony said.
By the time the very large group that consisted of my husbands, wives, children and mother came through the door, Edwin had stopped feeding and fallen back to sleep and I was slowly eating my way through a plate of French Toast with fresh berries.
“There she is,” Steve said, kissing me hello.  “You slept for so long.”
“I guess I was tired,” I agreed.  “I’m up now.”
“You otay, mommy?”  Pietro asked, coming over to the bed and putting his chin on the side.
“I have a big cut,” I said, caressing his hair.  “But I’m okay.  I missed you.”
“I misted you too,” he said.
Thor and Bruce lifted both Riley and Pietro up on the side of the bed.  “Be careful of your mother, she has an injury,” Thor said.
“Don’t touch her tummy,” Bruce added.
Riley immediately ignored both of her father’s instructions and gently patted my stomach.  “Tan I see?”
“It’s just a bandage right now,” I said.  “But I can show you when they come and change it if you really want.  It has stitches because they had to sew me back up.”
“Otay,” she said and promptly stole a strawberry off my plate and started eating it.
Pietro’s lip began to quiver.  “Dey sewed you up?”
“It’s okay, honey,” I said, pulling him in close.  “I’m okay and so is your new baby brother.  Did you see him?”
“Yeah, he’s borwing,” Riley said, matter-of-factly making me laugh a little.
My mom stepped forward and kissed my cheek.  “Congratulations, darling,” she said.  “He’s so beautiful.  They all are, but Edwin looks just like you when you were born.”
“Thanks, mom,” I replied.
Everyone settled around the room.  Some cradling babies while others looked over their shoulders.  Everyone was relaxed and happy and completely present as a family.  It was a little melancholy to think how back when I was born, my mother had me, and I looked so much like him, and yet I didn’t have this.  I would grow up not knowing that this deep love and devotion was a real thing.  That I wouldn’t know it until one day when I knocked over an ex-Russian assassin on the way to work and somehow that act would lead her to become fascinated by me.
In the end, it didn’t matter.  Every little thing that happened in my life led to this.  Me here with the people I loved most.  With the people who I had chosen to be a part of my life.  I wouldn’t change a single thing if it meant I would lose this.  I might not have known it growing up, but my kids would.  This was my family.
~ END ~
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P15
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I went and got the door as y/n went to make some coffee I opened the door letting Wisse and Luke into the apartment the three of us muttering about this and that as they headed inside "Hu, benny?" Wisse asks
"who's the fat old braud?"
instantly I smirked a little trying not to laugh as she turned around and looked like she was about to murder him "You have a will right Wisse?"
"Yeah why?"
"Becuase... she is gonna kill you" I smirked going to sort the chessboard up
"Come here you little!" she yelped going to try and grab him but I up an arm around her and lifted her off the floor enough she couldn't get out my grip "No benny let me at him!" she complained till I put her down
"Boys, Y/n y/l/n I'm sure you've met before" I told them
"Ohh yeah, Hi y/n" Luke smiled getting himself a seat at the table
"Hu, I didn't recognise you, sorry y/n" wisse smiled "What uhh... what is she doing here?"
"I live here" she argued
"lives here? Ooooooohhh Benny got a girlfriend" Luke laughs
"Yes. I did"
"I... I don't have a response to a yes as an answer"
"so shut up"
"You guys actually a couple then?"
"Yep, very happily" Y/n smiled
"Extremely happily" I smiled giving her a kiss
"Lucky dick got the cute girlfriend" Luke sighed
"cute fience" I corrected
"Really? your gonna hitch yourself to him?" Wisse laughed
"Hey!" I complained
"Well, I suppose I have to" she giggled stroking her baby bump
"what!" Luke laughed excitedly
"can you guys not tell?" she laughed
"Awwwwww there's gonna be a tiny baby!" Luke smiled
"why!" wisse complained "why would you let him procreate? I thought we all collectively agreed to not let his genetics get anywhere else?"
".... when did you agree that?" I complained
"Like six Christmas' ago" luke shrugged
"well it's a bit late for that, he's due next month" she smiled
"she" I corrected
"He" she giggled
"Now we playing or not?" Luke asked
"Course, you rest up you need anything you ask okay," I told her so she nodded going to read her book on the chair
I sat playing with the guys a good while, y/n kept out of it mostly reading her chess books on the chair, she would bring drinks and food whenever we needed it even if all of us told her no she should rest baby but she did it anyways, it was getting late and she was getting tried I could tell as she was watching a game her little eyes would sometimes flutter shut, her head sometimes would droop but whenever I blew her a kiss she'd perk up again for a moment or two. "I think it's bed time for mummy. You boys have fun" she smiled as she slowly pushed herself up stroking her bump "Okay, we'll be quiet, you rest up alright" I told her taking her hand "I will" she smiled "Sleep well y/n" wisse smiled "Rest that tiny human growing in your person oven y/n" luke laughed She gave my head a kiss before she slowly walked into the bedroom getting ready for bed I focused on the game for a good while but I couldn't take my eyes off her, the door to our bedroom open just a crack just enough I could still see her, laid on our bed, her head on the pillow, the gentle orange light casgading across her, her hair all over the place, her face so peaceful and sireen, her little nightie holding her so tight where she was growing so much, her book open on her page it fallen on the duvet her hand still holding it the other on the pillow, I rested my head on my hand just watching her sleep so peacefully her bump rising and falling in the covers "Dude I think benny's broke I just checked him." Wisse says "Not broke. He's got a pregnant wifey it's gonna be a distraction. I mean look I can wave a hand in his Face and nothing" luke laughed "Benny? You in there man or have you shut up shop tonight?" "Hu? Ohh sorry guys" I sighed "I think I think I need to turn in too. And I can't leave her all alone she can't sleep without me" I smiled "well finish up another time maybe once baby comes" "Alright, see you around" wisse laughed we all said our goodbyes and they both left so I shut up and went climbing into bed with her "You didn't have to Benny, I could have waited till you-" "Shhhh. You where sleepy. I should have kicked them out hours ago so you could sleep." "But chess-" "Shhh, sleep. You and our baby are more important" "Nothing is more important then chess to you" "You are. And so's baby." I told her "I have to take care of my girls. Besides I was tried too and you know I can't sleep without you either" "Okay Benny if your sure" "Of course I'm sure little lady, now you rest that tummy shouldn't be long now till baby comes"
I woke up softly and gently "Uuummmm good morning little lady, and my sweet little baby" I smiled trying to cuddle her but something was wrong. The bed felt wet. Her body was shaking. Her hand in mine in a death like grip, "Benny! Something's wrong!" She yelled "What! What's wrong!" I asked quickly waking up seeing her she was panicked, sweaty, in alot of pain the sun not even up yet "I think baby's coming" "Baby's coming! Are uhh are you sure?" "I don't know, I couldn't sleep because of my tummy and then I had an accident and now it won't- aaahhhhhh!" "Okay... Okay... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pack the bag! I think right? Yes! Pack!" I said trying to remember what the hell I was gonna do getting out the bed and starting to pack her back "what was I meant to pack?" "BENNY!" "I'm sorry y/n I forget" "It's on the list in the fridge. Now hurry up!" She yelled turning to sit on the edge of the bed, I grabbed the list and packed he's a quick bag getting myself dress too "Right next uhh we need to get you to the hospital, but I don't think an ambulance is really worth it, then again I get stuck in traffic, what I'd the car breaka down I can't deliver a baby! What if the ambulance has to stop for baby to be born and then our kiss born in an ambulance? Do I have everything, did you want anything before we go little lady? A drink, some food? A shower? Do your hair maybe?" "Benny... There is currently what feels like a human being with a watermelon sized head trying to force its way out of my Virgina, Get your skinny ass in that car and take me to a fucking doctor now!" "Okay, okay." I nodded realizing how panicked I was I helped her up and out into the car with her bag, I quickly locked up and by the time I got back she was screaming "okay it's all gonna be okay, just try not to focus on the pain" I reassured her "Easy for you to say!" "Right let's get baby to the doctor" "Now!" She screamed putting my car into drive for me almost making us hit a lamppost "Y/n I understand your in-" "BENNY! DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR!" She screamed "Or I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOVE EVER CHESS PIECE YOU OWN UP YOUR ASS!" "Yes dear" I gulped quickly getting the car going
I dropped y/n off and the nurses happily took her, I went and got parked and rushed into the office they directed me to the little seating area where a few other men sat waiting "But I - I promised her I'd be with her" "Sorry we can't allow it she's a six thirteen" "Six thirteen what does that mean?" "I'm sure the doctor will explain later sir please take a seat" I sighed and went taking a seat waiting till one of the other men spoke up "Hey? First?" "Yeah." I answered "It never gets easier kid" he laughs coming to sit in the chair beside me "I just... I wanna be with her you know make sure she's okay" "Hey, she's a fucking lot stronger then you think she is" he laughs "this is our fourth. I always worry about her. At the end she always tells me not to worry" he laughs "Yeah, she's a strong one. I know she is" I smiled "do you know what a six thirteen is?" "Yeah," "Please. I just wanna know" "It means there's been a complication, and everyone non essential has to be kept out for safety" "Something's wrong?" "It could be something small, like breach, or backwards or anything like that" he shurgs "or a c section. They class that as a six thirteen" "Oh God." "Relax it's probably nothing" he says "my boy was a six thirteen. Came out backwards the stupid boy" "Well I guess it's just a waiting game" "Pretty much kid" We sat chatting about this and that for a few hours or so it was getting late now, or early. Not sure which to class or as but everyone would peek up whenever a nurse came around the corner and just as the sun began to peak over the windows a nurse came "Watts?" "Yes!" "Follow me please" she says I nodded and followed her to a little room but she didn't open the door, "baby is born. Happy and healthy. Mummy's doing fine if a little stressed we'll start getting sorted to get her home congratulations" she smiled before she headed off, I was excited happily opening the door to the little hospital room the blinds open letting the sweet purple, orange and gold of the sunrise flood the room, and there on the bed was y/n sat up a little shaken her hair a mess, a smile on her face with a job I'd never seen before, and in her arms wrapped up in a little yellow blanket was a tiny little baby only moments old. The baby was giggling ever so softly as y/n stroked the baby's skin I'd never seen something so beautiful I wanted to cry "Hello y/n" "Hello Benny" she smiled "come" she smiled patting the little chair beside the bed, I smiled going over and sitting with her both of them bathed in the rays of the sunrise "You okay?" "Ummmm. Tried" "I can guess so" I laughed "they wouldn't let me in" "They said because of things I forget what they said but she's happy and healthy" "She?" "She. Benny meet your daughter" she smiled letting me see the cute little squishy face of our little girl, she was so cute and beautiful I almost cried "A daughter. I have a daughter. Hi little one, uhh nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her tiny hand "God damn it Benny, you don't have to introduce yourself to her" "She doesn't know who I am yet, I'm just being a gentleman about it" I said giving her little head a kiss which made her giggle more "are you okay?" "Fine Benny" she laughed so I gave her a kiss too "she has her daddies." "She does. But I'm sure she'll grow up and be as beautiful as her mummy" "In sure she will. Thought if any names for her?" "I get to name her?" "Umm you won. You where right about it being a girl. You can name her" she smiled I looked at our little girl thinking of all the girls names I knew many of them I didn't want to use as I'd slept with girls named that and that would be a werid thing but the more I looked at her the more ideas went quickly though my mind until, I saw the sun just shimmer a little the rays of gold, purple and red across the room from the sun as it rose and it casgading across her little face "Aurora" I smiled "Aurora. I like it" she smiled "I think it suits her" "It does. Little aurora" "Little aurora watts" "Aurora y/l/n. Not your wife yet Benny" "You would be if someone would get the wedding sorted and let me marry her already" I laughed "I know, but maybe aurora watts so she gets used to it" "Good, she was like this close to being named scillian you know that right?" "I know I'm surprised it's not chess related or are you saving that for any boys" "Kinda, plus not alot of chessy girls names" "That and scillian is our sex safe word" "Yeah that too" I laughed "so you ready to get aurora home?" "Very ready Benny"
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Biology doesn't matter, love does
BAU!Reader x spencer
Summary: So this is kinda like Link and Amelia situations from greys. Where the reader thought she was early in her pregnancy but then was told some news and Spencer and her go through some stuff but in the end fluff, haha lol
a/n: again this is me watching greys and criminal minds way too much haha. Hope you enjoy this drama filled Criminal minds tic.
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As you and Spence walked into the bullpen you just spoke out your lovely thoughts. I mean it was a pretty wack thought since you are far in your pregnancy and well, you knew Spencer would either freak out, or for a change laugh, but you knew that puppy dog eyed genius, he would worry.  The thought was going to jump out of nowhere, so you felt it was best to just speak about it.
“How late is too late to get an ultrasound.” you asked Spencer as he just processed what you said. “Wait what?” he said as you nodded and walked along as he kept the same expression when you reached the others. “Well there's the answer to my question.” you said arriving at your desk and having morgan overhear your conversation.
“Question to what baby mama?” morgan said. “Nothing.” you said sitting on your chair.
“You haven't gotten an ultrasound?!” Spencer finally broke as he got his cell phone out and Morgan just looked at you in shock with a laugh.
“Woah baby mama, you haven't gotten an ultrasound?” he said as you placed your hand on your head regretting ever speaking your thoughts.
Honestly the only reason you didn't get it was one, you were a pretty busy woman, and well, to be honest it never crossed your mind. I know i know, that sounds horrible, but i mean you weren't really trained for this part of your job, as a human being. But then again you lacked common sense when it came to motherhood. As you were working on your paper work from passed cases, Spencer was still on the phone, with whoever he was talking to.
“Okay yes, thank you so much, goodbye.” Spencer said after a while as he smiled at you.
“I made you an appointment, so you have to go alright?” he said as you gave him a half smile.
“I will go, as long as you go with me?” you asked as you made him blush.
“That I can agree to, it's today at lunch…” he said as you baffled.
“What.. I just wanted to take a nap, but I guess I could nap while I wait.” you said as spence just shook his head playfully, enjoying the way the hormones had taken over his girlfriends body. As lunch hit, you made sure to tell hotch about your whereabouts and headed over to Spencer who was waiting for you at his car.
“You were serious about this huh?” you asked as he nodded slightly.
“Well yeah i mean i should be worried about them and i'm surprised you didn't mention this before, you tell me everything, like that one time you got a mosquito bite.” he said as you giggled.
“Well, I needed to know i wasn't going to die, and my boyfriend happens to be somewhat of a genius, so i had to ask you, and I'm going now, aren't I?” you said as he smiled and nodded.
Becoming a mother was a surprise for you and Spence, you two had just started dating and you had told him you wanted to take things slow. Now here you are having a baby with your boyfriend of 5 months. Yeah 5 months. Your relationship was pretty slow, I mean you two have been friends for years but you didn't know you would be falling for one another, but when Spencer had admitted his feelings to you it was unreal, but you knew that was your chance to tell him how you felt as well. As your name was called you walked into the room and got set up so the OB could check you up and ask questions, you know the usual. She was showing you guys the side profile of your kid. To Spencer this was a moment of new beginning, I mean he's having a baby with a girl he's always loved, and well he couldn't be more happy. You were over the moon when you told Spencer, at first you were a little scared, but once Spencer knew he had been there for you through everything, and you were grateful for that.
“Do you want to find out the gender?” the OB asked as you two looked at one another.
“What do you think?” Spencer asked as you were thinking, and you knew the suspense was killing him so you wanted to find out.
“We should find out.” you said as he nodded with a smile as the OB did her searching and smiled.
“Well this is a healthy baby girl.” she said as you two looked at one another in excitement about having a girl, you two didn't really mind at all what the gender was but the team knew whatever the baby is, they will be so smart they'll be in college by the time they get to kindergarten.
The OB wanted to look some more to see how far developed you were and you let her do her job, but then you being a profiler saw the way she flipped back and forth and seeing very closely the developments of your baby.
“You said you're 20 weeks?” she asked looking back at you as you nodded quite confused.
“Yeah I am.” you said as Spencer held your hand and you looked back at him with a smile.
“Well you seem to be 24 weeks.” she said as your eyebrows knitted.
“Uh are you-are you sure?” you asked as she nodded and you knew she wouldn't lie, she spent years studying this type of stuff.
“Yeah you are.” she said leaving you with a couple thoughts.
“Oh god.” you said as Spencer looked at you in quite confusion.
You were thinking back to everything, i mean you and your ex were having sex near the end of your marriage, but was it that possible that he was the father? He never wanted kids though, so how could that even be possible. As you sat on the car seat in silence, Spencer had parked the car in the office parking lot and looked at you wondering what the “oh god” was.
“Is everything okay?” he asked as you were brought back into reality facing Spencer.
“Yeah everything is fine, why?” you asked about covering up your lie.
“Well you were surprised at how far you are, is that something bad?” he asked as you shook your head.
“No that's a good thing, it's just that, it's starting to feel real.” you said as he nodded and held your hand.
“Hey don't worry about it, i know you're going to be amazing.” he said as you smiled.
You both had got out of the car and ended up getting called into a case. you were still okay to travel, so you went along with the team just not out in the field, beside going to the coroners to check on the dead victims. This case was a little too much, I mean the unsub was targeting pregnant women or women who were trying to conceive so you were strictly told by hotch to stay inside at all times and to not be alone when going outside.
During this case you had been avoiding spencer, but you knew this secret of yours had to come out somehow and some way. As were looking at one of the victims, jj had joined you, she had also noticed a slight change in attitude.
“Hey, what have you got?” she asked as you were looking very closely at the victim.
“I mean beside the obvious attempts at a c-section and failure to keep the baby alive, i would have to say this is overkill. Same with the other women who were trying to conceive, genitalia was brutally stabbed.” you said as she gave you a half smile.
“Jj why are you smiling.” you asked goofy as she shook her head.
“No nothing, it's just well one, you are looking at women who were brutally killed and two I want to know if everythings alright?” she asked as you sighed.
“Well for one i am scared and two I am pregnant and I have no idea who the father is.” you said bluntly as she reacted with shock.
You had explained to her that you and your ex had sex before your divorce, as a last harrah, and well a month later you had started dating spencer and lets just say things got hot, and now you were stuck with the unknown father of your child.
“Have you told him?” she asked as you shook your head and started to cry.
“No..i haven't, i'm scared.” you said as she had given you a hug.
“Look Spencer is reasonable, he will understand,” she said as you nodded.
As you left the coroner's office you had seen Spencer with his bulletin boards marking up maps. Hotch had asked everyone to take a break once you got in and Spencer looked for you hoping you would talk to him.
“Hey do you wanna grab lunch?” he asked as you nodded and followed him to a conference room that was full of files as he brought pizza and a couple of drinks. You giggled at the sight of your boyfriend who would literally die to take care of you, but the thought that he might not be the father broke you. “I have to tell you something.” you said as he looked up at you wondering what this was about. “What is it?” he asked as he scrunched his nose.
“You might not be the father.” you said as silence grew thicker than fog. You knew he would either be mad or just something related to mad. You understood if he was going to be mad because you were scared and well emotions were allowed.
“What do you mean “might not be”?” he said, breaking the silence as you saw his emotion turn to sad. “My ex, Dan...we had some, you know, before we got a divorce.” you said as he nodded.
“And you're not sure who the dad is?” he asked as you nodded, very shameful. “Yeah, and I want you to know that no test is gonna change the way I feel about you. I love you so much. Biology to me doesn't matter.” you said with tears running down as you wiped them off as he sighed wanting to weigh in. “To me it does y/n i want to know. Dan was in your life once, you don't think he would want to be in your life again, if he knows you're pregnant with his kid?” he said as you nodded. “Those feelings for dan are long gone, that doesn't mean i want him to be in my life if its his, i want us to move on together.” you said as he just stayed lisent.
You got up leaving him and getting back to case, and giving Spencer some space. You felt really shameful, it hurt Spencer seeing you like this, not knowing what to do, but he needed time to think about this.
As you sat looking through more files the next day and figuring out why this unsub was doing this, your little genius was kicking as you groaned a little. You placed your hand on your belly trying to calm her down a little.
“So now you're trying to help me huh.” you spoke to her as she kicked some more.
“Okay okay, tell me why this unsub is getting at pregnant women, or women who are trying to get pregnant.” you said as she kicked some more but that didn't really get you an answer.
As you sat your brain was clicking some more connecting all the pieces like a puzzle and you got it. “Oh my gosh.” you said getting to the conference room where everyone was waddling your way there. “Get garcia on the phone.” you said out of breath as morgan called her and you sat down from your little run that seemed like a mile run.
“Hello, what can I do for you?” she asked as her usual perky self. “I need you to cross check these names of the victims in fertility clinics, and make sure all these women went there sometime last week or this week.” you said as morgan raised his eyebrows at how out of breath you were.
“Did you run over here?” hotch asked as you nodded.
“Yes I did, and little miss genius kinda helped out.” you said as you calmed down as garcia did her magic.
Your team had gotten so close, but there was something missing, you had redone your     profile, but something struck you. So you raised your hand so weirdly.
“What's up y/n?” Rossi asked as you looked at what you did, it was a habit you had in the academy. “Uh sorry, but have we considered that the unsub might be women?” you said as they looked rougly at the evidence on how the unsub left the victims.
“I really doubt that.” spencer said as you nodded and the rest of the team was left shocked at what had just happened.
“Well I mean they look like they are left in funeral-like positions and style of clothing, almost like the lost of a loved one.” you said as Spencer again spoke.
“Loved ones don't do this to person they love.” he said as you nodded looking down again
“y/n is right, the way these women are dressed neatly and placed in like funeral positions i’d say she's a woman.” hotch said as he sternly looked at Spencer as he nodded.
You were moving on trying to get closer to see who this woman was. I mean you were still pretty far away from that, but you knew you'd get close.
“So we said this might be her mother, but what if she had a significant other and these victims are the meaning of what she couldn't have.” you said as jj agreed.
“That could explain how she stabs the genitalia, could be that she also couldn't have kids either and is showing her version of what it's like.” she said as Spencer jumped in.
“I mean it's kinda unlikely,” Spencer said as you scoffed.
“Can you just trust me for like a minute,” you asked as he rolled his eyes.
“I've been doing that.” he said as the room went silent.
You had redelivered your profile, but there was no active moment of the unsub, so you had to just wait. This was the hard part of it. You knew that if you wait someone would lose their wife and their chance of having a child. You then felt a weird feeling in your belly that was unrecognized, you knew this was not normal so you just stood there trying to feel what this feeling was. You groaned some more, getting the attention of rossi.
“Hey you alright?” he asked as you shook your head.
“I'm not sure, it's a weird feeling-ah.” you said as he walked you out to take you to the hospital to make sure you and the baby were alright. You were hoping this was normal. A middle aged women had come in to check you out. She had smiled at you looking at your belly. Rossi was in the room with you and he thought it was weird how she looked at your belly then at you, but he stayed quiet.
“Okay so what you are experiencing is braxton hicks, which is normal.” she said as you nodded.
“Oh okay, how soon can i get out of here.” you asked as she checked.
“In a little i just need to make sure this is correct before you leave.” she said as you nodded.
After she left rossi and you were talking about the encounter and had penelope look her up to see if she was a possible suspect. As he went out to make that phone call you just started talking to her and while rossi and penelope were talking she found out that she had been doctors for all of the victims, and once that phone call ended. She had walked into your room.
Rossi had started running towards your room making sure she didn't place a hand on you.
She came closer and closer to you and you were getting scared at how close she was to you.
“Is everything okay?” you asked as she nodded.
“Yeah, I just wish I had a baby.” she said as you half smiled.
“I'm so sorry about that,” you said hoping she would calm down.
“Yeah you are, but you don't deserve a child.” she said as she grabbed you but once she did rossi was behind her with security. They had surrounded her making sure she had no weapons on her and they took her away and you sat in relief. You were able to get dressed and walk out of the hospital and met up with Rossi in the car.
“You alright?” he asked with a hug. He was kinda a father to you so this was normal. “Yeah i'm alright, i'm thankful you were there.” you said as he smiled. “How bambina?” he asked as you placed your hands on your belly. “She's fine, kinda scared, but she's a badass.” you said with a laugh.
“I'm not the type to mingle, but you know Spencer will love you no matter what right? Even if you do the paternity test.” he said as you nodded. “I know rossi, but i did do the paternity test,” you said as his eyes grew wide. “Good news or bad?” he asked as you smiled happily.
“Good.” you said as he smiled taking you back to the pd where everyone was waiting for you two.
They all asked how you were doing and you just told them it was a false alarm and it was a normal thing that happened in the pregnancy. So you all started packing and took off home.
As you got to your apartment, you had sat on your couch resting your legs. You were starting to take a nap until there was a knock at the door. You got up to open only to reveal Spencer with a sorry look, you smiled that he had shown up.
“I'm sorry, I don't care if she's not mine, I care that you and her are healthy and are in my life. I love you so much, both of you, and I don't want to force myself to be alone, when I have you two in my life.” he said as you opened the door for him to come in.
“I mean today you seemed to express the way you feel.” you said as he shook his head again.
“I know It took me a while to come around, but i wanna spend this life happy with the both of you, even if im not her father.” he said as your eyes spilled tears. He had gotten close to you and wiped your tears away.
“Thank you for this, but I did the test and I got the results.” you said as his eyes started to water too.
“She's yours spence.” you said showing him the results as he read it and he was smiling and he took you in his embrace at what he just heard.
“She's mine.” he said with tears in his eyes and a happy smile.
“Yeah she is.” you said as he got down to your belly kissing it as you played with his hair.
With this happy news you and spencer were over the moon. Even if she wasn't his he knew he would love and be there for her no matter what as long as he had you and your little bean.
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amelialincoln · 3 years
Could you please do a cute family trip to the beach like a babymoon but with scout or something like that?
Hotel California 
“Give it to me.” Link stuck an outstretched palm into her sight of vision. Amelia pulled back as he tried to snatch the phone as a result of not receiving a reply.
“It’s Tom, this patient is critical. He asked for advice.” Amelia leaned away from her frustrated husband.
“Okay, and I’m sure Tom is completely capable of handling it on his own.” Link finally grabbed the phone from her hands, glancing at their conversation. “You’re unbelievable. He didn’t even text you, you were just being controlling and asking for updates.”
“It’s my patient! He should be sending me scans and keeping me informed.”
“Uh no...he should be doing the opposite of that because that’s what I asked him to do.” Link rolled his eyes and leaned back on the beach lounger. “Let it go, Amelia.” She sighed, looking out onto the beach and fixating on Scout who was building a sandcastle a couple meters away.
“He should have sun--”
“I’ve applied it twice in the time that you’ve been obsessing over your phone,” Link teased. “I thought this babymoon was going to destress you but maybe we just should’ve stayed home.” Amelia grinned at him as he beckoned for her to join him on his chair. She interlaced her fingers around the bottom of her bump and slowly moved to sit in his lap. “Man, you’re huge.” Link faked a struggle as she laid back on his chest.
“Shut up,” she laughed. “You're giving your seven month pregnant wife a little too much grief today.”
“Almost eight,” he ran a couple of kisses along her neck as clipped the salty curls out of her face that were getting tangled in the warm breeze. “Did you take your BP this morning?”
“Link,” Amelia groaned. “Can we just relax about everything for a bit?”
“You’re the one checking your phone constantly. The whole reason we’re taking time off from work is to try and get it down.”
“Don’t worry, Carina has made that very clear.” Amelia awkwardly crossed her arms over her swollen stomach and pouted. “It’s weird, I never had a single blood pressure issue with Scout.”
“Probably because you weren’t chasing around a two year old while working full time at the same time as growing a baby.”
“I don’t want to have the conversation about working less again. Mer works full time and she has three kids.”
“Fine,” Link sighed, running a hand through his shaggy hair. “I just want you both to be healthy.” He wrapped his arms around her abdomen, providing a bit of relief by pulling up a bit. “I don’t know how you carry this around all day,” he laughed.
“I haven’t moved from this seat in the last three days,” she leant her head back to meet his eyes. Link didn’t have Amelia’s naturally tanned skin and had gotten quite the sunburn on the first day. It had gotten better but his cheeks were still tainted crimson. Link grinned as her deep, blue eyes stared up at him and pressed a lingering kiss to her swollen lips. 
“Maybe we should move to California. I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a bikini all day.”
“Been there done that,” she laughed. “Addie would probably melt if we told her that she could actually see her godson on the daily.” 
“Jake’s a nice guy. I wouldn’t mind having them around often,” Link mused, glancing at Scout and giving him a wave.
“Dadda! I made a hospital in the sand!” Scout hollered. “For you and Mommy!”
“Good job, bud!” Link shouted back, shaking his head with amusement. “That boy is your son through and through.” Amelia grinned as she glanced at Scout, who was resembling her brother more and more every day.
“Does it bother you?” She teased.
“Not at all. The next one’s gonna be all me.” He soothed a couple of kicks that were beginning to flutter over her bladder.
“I need to get up and walk around or she’s going to get restless,” Amelia sighed, placing a hand over his. “This one is going to be hyperactive for sure.” Link ginned, nodding and picked up the newspaper beside him as Amelia put on a straw hat and sunglasses and strolled over to their son.
“Hi Mama,” Scout babbled, handing her a shell. “I finded this for you.”
“Thanks, baby,” Amelia smiled, opening her palm towards him. “We can add it to the collection.” Scout had insisted on giving Amelia almost every shell he’d found on the beach. The “collection” consisted of almost a hundred pieces of shells, barnacles and sea glass at this point. “Can we go see auntie Addie again tonight?” Scout asked absentmindedly, digging a hole with his pudgy hands.
“No bud, we’re going to visit Charlotte and Cooper this evening. We’ll see your auntie tomorrow though.” Scout let out a large sigh but nodded.
“Aw, look at ya!” Charlotte’s outstretched arms greeted the family from the doorway. “Come here.” She pulled Amelia into a gentle hug before kneeling down to Scout’s height and ruffling his dark brown curls. “Hey, mister. Want a popsicle?”
“Charlotte, you’ll ruin his dinner,” Amelia groaned but Scout was already squealing happily as Georgia led him into the kitchen.
“Look at you acting all motherly. I remember you basically smuggling Mason candy every time he came to the practice.”
“Is he here tonight?” Amelia asked.
“Nope, he went with Coop on the trip. They feel bad about not being able to see ya but we had no idea you were even coming.” 
“Our bad. It was all very last minute,” Link replied, breathlessly leaning over to give Charlotte an awkward hug while juggling a couple platters of appetizers.
“I wanted to help him bring stuff in.” Amelia rolled her eyes. “Apparently, I’m too fragile.”
“Fragile and Amelia Shepherd aren’t two words I would put together in a sentence often,” Charlotte joked, welcoming the couple into the entryway. “Addison mentioned that y’all were having a bit of a struggle with this pregnancy.”
“Oh, of course she did,” Amelia eyed Link with exasperation. “I’m fine, everyone’s been making such a big deal.” She grabbed one of the plates from Link’s hands spitefully and practically marched into the kitchen. 
“Well, isn’t she just a ball of delight,” Charlotte chuckled. “Come on in, Link. It’s nice to see you.”
Saying their goodbyes was hard as always. Amelia would do anything to try and convince Charlotte to come work at Grey Sloan and Charlotte would do anything to try and get Amelia to move back to California. Finally Scout’s grumpiness, as a result of his bedtime passing, meant that the couple had to leave and Amelia’s poor attempt to hold back tears failed as they finally got into the car.
“Hormones.” Both Link and Amelia said in sync as they met each other's gaze. Amelia craned her neck to peer back at Scout who was fast asleep in his carseat, soft snores coming from his mouth. They pulled into their hotel as the sun disappeared from the horizon. Amelia went to pull Scout out of his carseat out of habit before Link tugged her aside and picked their sleeping son up into his own arms.
“You got the hotel key?” He asked.
“Yeah,” she replied with a yawn.
“Tired, babe?” Link turned to glance back at his wife, who was waddling slowly behind him and tried to hide his amusement. Amelia nodded, catching up to him as Link slowed down. “Sounds like it's bedtime for everyone.”
“Apparently not,” Amelia groaned, rubbing the underside of her belly as the familiar flutters started back up again, receiving a sympathetic look from Link as she unlocked their hotel room. Link placed Scout carefully on the hotel’s king sized bed without a sound and began to fish through their suitcase. “His pjs are in my bag. I wasn’t sure if we were going to put him down at Charlotte’s or not.” She took off the heels that she heavily regretted wearing and rubbed her swollen feet.
“Probably would’ve been smart. Poor guy is exhausted.”
“We can sleep in. Flight’s not until one,” Amelia responded softly, brushing her son’s hair out of his face. Scout didn't even flinch, dead asleep.
“She still kicking?”
“Not as much anymore.” Amelia ghosted a hand over her abdomen. “Had me worried for a sec.”
“Don’t jinx it.” Link grinned, finally finding Scout’s pjs in Amelia’s bag and throwing them at her.
“No kidding.” She pulled their son’s popsicle covered t-shirt off and motioned for Link to run it under water in the sink before taking off the rest. Link came to sit beside her as she finished buttoning up Scout’s dinosaur onesie and rubbed her back gently.
“Can I take your BP now?”
“Link, I just want to go to bed,” Amelia sighed, leaning into his touch and closing her eyes.
“I know, babe. It’ll just take a second.” He grabbed the portable monitor from his suitcase and secured the strap around her arm. Link watched the screen intently as the strap inflated and began to deflate before the final number came up on the screen. “One twenty-nine over eighty.” He bit his nail, glancing up at her. “I mean it’s a bit better.” Amelia looked away, shaking her arm out of the band and trudged into the bathroom. “Amelia,” Link sighed, following her and waiting as she splashed water on her face before picking up her toothbrush.
“One twenty-nine over eighty is crap,” she mumbled, through a mouthful of toothpaste. “This whole thing is stupid. The more that people freak me out about numbers and bad outcome statistics and birth plans the more I get stressed.”
“Who’s talking to you about bad outcome statistics?” Link demanded with a hint of anger in his usually calm voice.
“Addie.” Amelia spat in the sink. “She’s worried about placental abruption. She thinks our best bet is C-section.”
“Okay, well Addie is not our doctor. Carina said that as long as we monitor you closely, a natural birth is completely safe.” Amelia shrugged, turning back into their bedroom. “I thought that’s what you wanted?”
“I want our baby to be safe,” Amelia affirmed. “I think Addie should do it.”
“Carina is perfectly capable of delivering. She’s been through this with us the entire time. She knows your condition better than anyone and Scout turned out okay,” Link pressed, watching Amelia trace a protective hand along her bump absentmindedly. She glanced up at him, seeming to give into exhaustion.
“Can we talk about this tomorrow?” She begged.
“Yeah.” Link nodded, giving in to his tired wife. “Of course we can. Let’s get you to bed.” He unbuttoned her dark blue dress that complimented her eyes perfectly and unclasped her bra before handing her one of his oversized t-shirts.
“My boobs are huge,” she complained, crawling into bed.
“I know. You were in a swimsuit with me all day,” he teased, undressing until he was in his boxers and slipping into bed beside her. “Hey,” he chuckled, as he received a pathetic slap from a pillow. “I wasn’t complaining.”
“My pregnancy with Scout was so easy.” She shook her head, trying to think back to if her ankles were the size of grapefruits back then.
“You were probably just distracted by all the drama,” Link joked. “I remember some good complaints. The braxton hicks were bad.”
“I don’t have anything to compare those to yet,” Amelia nuzzled her head into Scout’s who was lying fast asleep in between the couple and yawned.
“Go to sleep,” Link’s hand found her hair and he ran his fingers along her scalp gently. “My babies all need rest.” Amelia nodded, slowly nodding off to the soothing effect of Link’s fingertips and the crashing of the waves from outside their hotel room.
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duggardata · 3 years
Welcome to The World, Maci Jo!
Get The Data Here.
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At 6:00 AM on February 9th, 2021, Alyssa (Bates) + John Webster welcomed a healthy baby girl, Maci Jo Webster, into the world.  She is Alyssa + John’s 4th Child and 4th Daughter, joining sisters Allie Jane (b. 2015), Lexi Mae (b. 2017), and Zoey Joy (b. 2018).  The Websters revealed the birth via People, saying—
“We couldn't be happier or more thankful to add a fourth little girl to our family.  Maci Jo is perfect in every way, and we can't wait to see the girls’ reactions to meeting her for the first time.”
Read on for Maci’s impact on Alyssa + John’s and the Bates Data...
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Pregnancy Announcement
The Websters announced Alyssa’s 4th Pregnancy in People on August 6, 2020.  Due February 17, 2021, Alyssa was 85 Days—i.e., 12 Weeks, 1 Day—Along, at the time.  (Note—Several of Alyssa’s IG Posts, e.g., #34Weeks and #38Weeks, actually didn’t match up with a February 17th Due Date.  However, Alyssa gave that Due Date initially—then, confirmed it yet again just days before giving birth.  Based on this...  It seems her Due Date was February 17, and wasn’t changed.  Alyssa simply isn’t a stickler for accuracy in Instagram hashtags!)
Alyssa + John’s Data.   Here is how far along Alyssa was when she announced each of her 4 Pregnancies—
#1 / Allie   137 Days Along   (Due April 10, 2015.)
#2 / Lexi   145 Days Along   (Due January 27, 2017.)
#3 / Zoey   136 Days Along   (Due April 2, 2018.)
#4 / Maci   85 Days Along   (Due February 17, 2021.)
As you can see, the Websters announced Pregnancy #4 quite a bit earlier than any of her prior pregnancies.  Before Pregnancy #4, it was ‘typical’ of Alyssa + John to announce 139 Days Along (or 19 Weeks, 6 Days).  This were more–or–less consistent too; it varied by a SD of only 5 Days.  With Maci, the Websters announced at a mere 85 Days Along—i.e., a whopping 54 Days and 10.8 SDs from their average.  Unsurprisingly, this shifted their data quite a bit...  Moving their ‘typical’ Pregnancy Reveal from 139 to 126 Days Along (–13 Days).
Bates Family Data.   Looking at the Bates Family Data, Maci’s data shifted the  ‘typical’ Pregnancy Announcement from 106 to 105 Days Along (–1 Day) (i.e., Exactly 15 Weeks).  Since then, the Bateses’ve had an additional 3 Pregnancy Reveals—Whitney w/ Jayden, Josie w/ Balka 2*, and Tori w/ Charlotte—which further shifted the ‘typical’ Pregnancy Reveal to 103 Days (–2 Days), 103 Days (No Significant Change), and 104 Days (+1 Day).     
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Sex / Name Reveal
Alyssa + John did a Sex Reveal for Maci on September 12, 2020, on YouTube Live.  They did her Name Reveal shortly after, on September 18, 2020, also on YouTube.  Alyssa was 122 Days Along for the Sex Reveal and 128 Days Along for the Name Reveal.
Alyssa + John’s Data.  Here’s when and how Alyssa + John did Sex and Name Reveal for each of their 4 Pregnancies—
#1 / Allie   Did a joint Sex + Name Reveal, separate from the Pregnancy Reveal, at 196 Days Along (Exactly 28 Weeks).
#2 / Lexi   Simultaneous Pregnancy Announcement + Sex Reveal, when Alyssa was 145 Days Along (20 Weeks, 5 Days).  Separate Name Reveal at 229 Days Along.
#3 / Zoey   Simultaneous Pregnancy, Sex, and Name Announcement at 136 Days Along (19 Weeks, 3 Days).
#4 / Maci   Separate Pregnancy Announcement, Sex Reveal, and Name Reveal...  Sex Reveal on Day 122 (i.e., 17 Weeks, 3 Days).  Name Reveal on Day 128 (i.e., 18 Weeks, 2 Days).
Pre–Maci, the Websters typically did the Sex Reveal on Day 159, then a Name Reveal on Day 187.  Factoring in Maci, a Webster–‘typical’ Sex Reveal shifted from 159 to 150 Days Along (–9 Days), and a Webster–‘typical’ Name Reveal shifted from 187 to 172 Days Along (–15 Days).   
Bates Family Data.   Factoring in Maci to the Overall Bates Data, your ‘typical’ Sex Reveal shifted from 140 to 138 Days Along (–2 Days).  Since then, it has shifted again due to Sex Reveals for Jayden and Charlotte, and ‘typical’ went from 138 Days, to 137 Days (–1 Day), to 137 Days (No Significant Change).
Among Bateses, a joint Sex + Name Reveal remains the norm.  
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Delivery vs. Due Date
Alyssa’s Due Date was February 17, 2021.  Maci arrived on February 9, making her 8 Days Early.   
Alyssa + John’s Data.  This is Alyssa’s earliest delivery, to date.  How’s how far along she was at delivery for each of her 4 Pregnancies—
#1 / Allie   1 Day Late
#2 / Lexi   1 Day Early
#3 / Zoey   5 Days Early   (Citation for Pregnancies 1–3.)
#4 / Maci   8 Days Early   
Bates Family Data.   This is tricky, since so many of the Bateses deliver early...  Let’s just exclude all births that occur before 37 Weeks (“early term”).  Prior to Maci’s arrival, excluding deliveries before 37 Weeks, your ‘typical’ GrandBates was 7 Days Early (6.7).  Factoring in Maci, it’s still 7 Days Early (6.8)...  There’s No Significant Change.      
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Labor / Delivery Details
Prior to the birth, Alyssa stated that she planned to deliver at a hospital.  (With Pregnancies 1–3, used a birth center, so that was a change for her.)  Based on the photos, it appears that she did, indeed, deliver at a hospital.  Alyssa stated that John “help[ed] deliver and cut the cord.”  Also, they told People—
"We praise God for a healthy labor and delivery, and are very grateful Mommy and Baby are both doing well!”
That, plus Maci’s Birthweight / Length—6 Pounds, 3 Ounces and 18 Inches—are basically all we know about the delivery.  Sounds like there weren’t major complications, and probably no C–Section.
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Alyssa + John’s Procreative Pace / ESOQ
In 2019, Alyssa dealt with debilitating cardiac arrhythmias, which required two ablation surgeries to correct.  During this time, Alyssa experienced symptoms on a daily basis, and struggled to function.  Given these serious health issues, Duggar Data will count Maci’s Child Spacing from the day of Alyssa’s second, successful ablation (August 29, 2019), rather than Zoey Joy’s DOB (March 28, 2018).  So, while the Zoey–to–Maci gap is really 1,049 Days, Maci receives an Adjusted Child Spacing of 530 Days.
So...  Here are the Child Spacings associated with Alyssa’s 4 Pregnancies—
#1 / Allie   322 Days  (Wedding to Allie)
#2 / Lexi  656 Days  (Allie to Lexi)
#3 / Zoey   426 Days  (Lexi to Zoey)
#4 / Maci   530 Days  (Surgery #2 to Maci)
When calculating Procreative Pace, Firstborn Allie doesn’t count.  So, up until Maci, Alyssa + John’s Procreative Pace was (656 + 426 Days) / 2 = 541 Days.  Now, factoring in Maci, that shifts to 537 Days (4 Days Faster).  It is a modest acceleration, but an acceleration nonetheless!
Their ESOQ is now 17 Children.   
When To Expect Webster #5
Given the data, here’s what’s now forecast for Webster #5—
Pregnancy News   March 2, 2022
Due Date   August 3, 2022
Projected DOB   July 31, 2022
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, yours (13)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 4.3K
Warnings: language, description of injury, birth-giving (stuff around it)
A/N:  First of all, I apologise it took me over a month to update this story that is so close to my ❤. Hope this update was worth the wait. We have two chapters left! Second of all, this is a tiny roller-coaster haha. Enjoy! Also huge apologies if I left someone out from the tags!! 
tags:  @milky-baek @itsbaekhyunsbutt @luvhtears @shesdreaminginoverdose @cynthbee @jummyjammy @junmyeonnoona @littleflowercrown13 @sebootyforlife​ (if you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know!)
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13
Winter left Korea completely, and warm spring slowly welcomed itself, together with it your due date as well. 
Cherry blossoms were about to be in full bloom and you asked Sukyeong to join you on a weekend stroll while Baekhyun was away on a hapkido competition with the university team. You hated staying alone and he probably hated it even more, given your blood-pressure that still didn’t stabilize itself as it should have, though it never became as severe as before. He even made Sukyeong promise to stay the night at yours so that you could have a “girls night”. When you asked why so suddenly given you barely ever did those before, he just shrugged and said: “Once you give birth you won’t be able to enjoy her company.” And he was right. Both of your lives were about to undergo huge changes, so you supported Baekhyun in doing whatever he wanted and needed to do and the same went for you. The idea that your carefree, independent lifestyle was about to be changed scared you.
“Are you sure you’re fine with walking so much?” asked Sukyeong carefully as you slowly made your way around Socho lake, the highest building of Seoul, Lotte tower, hanging above you, throwing a humongous shade over one side of the lake.
You ran your hand over the huge bump as you smiled. “Yes, don’t worry so much. It’s not like I will give birth right now.”
“You know I’m pretty sure everyone here thinks exactly that.” She looked around, noticing few people giving you a look-over. “Do you always get this many stares?”
You shrugged and took a deep breath of air. The pollution was not bad that day and the sun rays warmed up your skin in a pleasant manner. “Yeah, I do. But what can I do.”
“When is the due date again?”
“Mid-May,” you replied, the mention of the big day dampening your mood for a moment, “but that is if the pregnancy goes as planned. Apparently it’s more than likely I will go into labor earlier.”
Sukyeong tried not to pale at that, instead cleared her throat and pointed to a nearby bench. “Let’s sit. Your feet are terribly swollen,” she said, trying to sound lighthearted.
Not wanting to sound stubborn, you followed her even though you wanted to enjoy walking a bit more. It would be a mistake and you knew it, so you sighed big time once finally sitting down, the pressure in your legs easing up a bit.
“Why does Baekhyun still leave when he knows you can go to labor anytime soon?”
“I didn’t say any time soon,” you retorted, giggling at her overprotectiveness. “And I managed to persuade him to do the competitions while he can. If anything the birth might come early May. Which is Baekhyun’s birthday,” you said smiling. “If that wouldn’t be the coolest gift I could give him, whew. Three kids,” you chuckled and Sukyeong followed.
“Well, just make sure you’re healthy. You come first no matter what.”
Her words reminded you of your boss and his daughter-in-law; how she passed away while giving birth. Trying not to let it influence your mood too much, you looked up at the cherry trees through which sunlight was making its way. 
“It’s not like I can affect the outcome,” you finally replied, “but I will try my best.”
“You better,” she almost whimpered and you looked at her, just to see her eyes bulged in fear.
“Worst case scenario they will have to open me. Even worse? They might first let my vagina tear up before deciding the rest of the kids need to come out through c-section.”
You giggled when Sukyeong gasped in pure terror at what you just said. It was obvious she didn’t know all the things that could go wrong while giving birth and you weren’t about to spill all the secrets despite you wanting to vent about it because you were scared. So scared. Terrified.
“Can you still have sex after it... happens?” she asked warily.
You smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I can. But let’s not talk about it, it’s giving me stress.”
She was fast to massage your shoulders. “Yeah, let’s not stress you out. Baekhyun will kill me if he finds out I have as much as made you frown.”
Finally, the days that you would have to wait in the waiting room of your doctor in the clinic were lessening. Bearing three babies, it meant appointment visits every second week. Surely, you would get tired of the place and dread coming every time. Especially when every second week you would be bigger and heavier than the previous one, making it more tiring to come and spend a couple of hours outside of the house.
You looked up with worried eyes at your boyfriend who was reading a leaflet about breastfeeding, which immediately put a gentle smile on your face. The idea of Baekhyun not being scared or deterred of these topics was incredible for you. He was a special man, indeed.
When sensing your stare, he looked up with big puppy eyes, his lower lip caged between his teeth. “Huh? You said something?”
You giggled quietly as to not to disturb other ladies in the waiting room and shuffled a bit closer on the seat to press against his side. “You seem to be way too immersed in that woman's breast, honey.” You flickered your gaze downwards on the leaflet; the smiling lady holding a baby to her breast with an alarmingly slim body, yet obviously very pregnant stomach, sitting uncomfortably with you. They photoshopped everything these days.
Baekhyun gave you a confused look, blinking twice before snapping out of his weird reverie. “Oh, this- no, no,” he shook his head, smiling abashedly which you found absolutely adorable. “I was just thinking that we should talk about your plan about breastfeeding with the doctor. Do you think you can breastfeed three kids?” he asked thoughtfully, waving the leaflet in front of your face while his other hand rested on your thigh, squeezing it so that you would pay attention.
You sighed quietly, already tired at the idea of having to go through that process. It made you feel guilty, but if you were honest with yourself, you were scared and tired and achy and the last thing you wanted to think through was how your breasts would become the main food source for three tiny lives. You quickly rested your head on Baekhyun's shoulder so that he wouldn't see your fading smile. “I haven't thought about that, honey. But you're right. Let's discuss that. Maybe she can give me some life hacks.”
He chuckled softly and you instantly felt better, the sound lifting your spirits. He knocked your knee with his playfully before he settled lower on the chair so that you would be more comfortable.
As your eyes wandered around the room, you noticed several stares of the ladies who were waiting in the room, their gazes lingering on the two of you, some more on Baekhyun and some more on your huge stomach. You swore one of the young ones sighed while eyeing Baekhyun up, and you held back a scoff, feeling sudden pride that he was yours and the kids you were bearing were his.
“Your husband is so caring,” smiled the nurse that was at the reception desk, looking at you. “You both sure will be good parents.”
You pressed your lips together in a shy smile, not telling her that Baekhyun wasn't your husband. Baekhyun didn't say anything, either. The nurse continued anyway, saving you from replying: “You may enter now, the doctor is ready for you.”
“Thank you,” smiled Baekhyun handsomely at her as he swiftly stood up, holding your hand in his gingerly, both of you making your way into the well-known office.
Once settled inside, you faced the ever-so positive doctor of yours. It seemed she was more excited about your pregnancy than you were.
“So, the typical question,” she smiled widely, connecting her long, elegant fingers in front of her face, “any difficulties? Problems? Dizziness caused  by blood pressure?”
“No, thankfully none of that.”
“Great,” she winked at you, “the date is fast approaching,” she chirped as she went through your records, “but as I said last time, it is very likely you will go into early labour. There is no need to panic, though, dear,” she told you kindly. “I suppose you know all of this information by now, but just to tell you once again: the best is to go to the hospital once the water broke. Unfortunately, the likeliness of them sending you home only due to slight contractions in state-owned hospitals is very high,” she shrugged, obviously annoyed at the fact. “Therefore, the best is to stay calm, wait until it becomes too much and the water breaks. Until it did, it is only the small prelude to what is about to come.”
Baekhyun was listening carefully despite knowing most of the information already, while you dreaded the entire talk about the moment everything would start happening. You kept imagining the whole process in your head, one imagination worse than the other. It was difficult to point out what exactly was it that scared you so much, but the entire idea of having to go through terrible pain, your body failing, or babies' lives failing was enough to send you into a severe panic attack.
 “I can see you are worried,” said the doctor to you. “But it will be alright. Keep it up just like until now. You know, for the fact that you are expecting three, you both seem way too calm and zen about it,” she tried to joke, laughing.
Baekhyun giggled while you gave her a weak smile. “I guess we are trying to preserve the calm atmosphere before the arrival of the three babies,” replied Baekhyun lightheartedly.
You nodded. “But doc, you will be there, right?” you asked in a small tone. “I mean, in the hospital, when it happens.”
She smiled, her features softening. “I am not letting the chance to bring three babies to this world slip away, sweetie. I'll be there, and we will get through it together.”
Gracing her with a gracious smile, you nodded in acknowledgement before Baekhyun brought up the topic about breast-feeding.
“Oh, yes, very good question,” she gave him a huge smile. “You have a couple of options here. Obviously, you may breastfeed and you can also pump. Pumping is the best when having multiples, of course, but it is up to the mother what would work the best for her. Three babies can be quite the handful to breastfeed, but let's not forget that it is the best way to be close to your little ones. Mother's arms are the safest they will ever be.”
Baekhyun smiled down at you affectionately before turning to the doctor. “Yeah, we should still consider pumping-”
“Once the babies are born, we will figure out what works the best,” you chimed in gently, looking at your boyfriend who turned to look at you. You smiled at him. “We still don't know what will happen after the birth, but knowing that pumping is an option is certainly good.”
You knew well what went through Baekhyun's mind at that moment. He didn't like it when you conspired around what would happen after birth, because whenever you did, it almost always led you to two conclusions: either one of the babies would be dead or you would be dead. As much you both fought around it, you couldn't help yourself, and he tried to understand your train of thoughts, just to ease you up, but he would still voice out the hatred around the idea of him losing you.
That was why once you left the clinic, he stopped you on the street, his gaze heavy and serious. “Listen, I just want you to know that-” he took a deep breath, ignoring your eyes looking at him warily, “-whatever the hell happens during birth, you come first. I love our children already, and I couldn't be a more excited father-to-be, but-” he exhaled sharply and held your cheeks in his warm palms, his eyes glistening, “you come first to me. Always. I can't go on without you and if it ever, godforbid, comes to the decision to choose,” he shook his head, already trying to rid his mind of the terrible images, “I am choosing you over...over… the babies,” he whispered eventually, obviously pained.
You could barely make out the gentle features of your obviously scared boyfriend, because of the emotional tears that welled up in your eyes. You crashed into his chest, pushing yourself as far into him as you could, your hand having a death grip on his long-sleeved shirt. His words moved something inside of you, something much deeper than just a simple word of love and adoration. He really could get under your skin and make you feel special even through uttered words. Baekhyun was something so rare and so precious, it made you weep in gratitude. Because he was yours.
“You won't be going to training this evening?” you asked, emerging from the bedroom after your small afternoon nap you grew to be needing so much.
Baekhyun was crafting up some food in the kitchen and it actually made your stomach grumble in hunger. He looked behind his shoulder. “You're up, babe? Yeah, no training tonight for me. Jiyoung can lead the training by herself. I trust her on that.”
You nodded, coming to stand close to him, reaching up with your hand, drawing circles over his back between his prominent shoulder blades. “I'm glad you will be staying.”
“How are you feeling?”
You shrugged, still a little sleepy. “Alright, no pains so far.”
He smiled at you, nudging his chin towards the empty counter next to him. “Give me company?”
You nodded eagerly and he was fast to bring a chair to help you sit up on the counter before moving the chair out of the way. You leaned back on the cabinets while resting your hands on your belly. “What is daddy making, hm?”
“Something very delicious and packed with all the vitamins mummy needs,” he replied nonchalantly as he was chopping up vegetables.
Humming in satisfaction, you watched Baekhyun do his magic around the kitchen.
“Nothing gives you a tummy ache?” he double-checked again when he took out spam from the fridge.
At the sight of spam, you grew even more excited. “Nope! I already can't wait to try the food,” you wiggled your legs in the air and he laughed.
You chatted away the time he was moving around the kitchen, cooking and preparing plates. He was talking about the competitions and how well they had been doing in the ranks which made you proud, because of course Baekhyun would do well. He always did.
Baekhyun cleaned up the kitchen before serving the food on the plates and he walked to stand in front of you with a gorgeous smile. You returned it, opening your legs so he could stand a little closer, which he did. Leaning in and kissing you gently, he hugged you to him, hiding his face in your neck while one of his hands reached for the hem of your shirt, bunching it up to reveal your stomach. He wordlessly caressed it with gentleness before pulling away to give you another kiss on your lips.
“Love you,” he whispered into your lips, pecking you again.
You giggled and he moved his head to your tummy.
“And I also love each and every one of you, my loves,” he mumbled to the bump and pressed three kisses. Just then, you gasped, feeling the discomfort of the well-known action by now. Couple of tiny feet could be seen on your skin covering your stomach, and both you and Baekhyun laughed affectionately when you saw Baekhyun incredibly happy that the babies were so responsive to his honey-like voice. It had been happening for a few weeks now where he would kiss them goodnight or goodmorning and he would receive a kick in greetings.
Your heart swelled with love and warmth, and for a moment you became eager to see him with the babies and how he would play with them and treat them. He would look so lovely, you thought while watching your boyfriend giggle and caress you a bit more before bringing you into a happy kiss.
“I love you, too,” you mumbled in between and he gave you a curious gaze. You smiled. “I didn't say it back just now.” And then you pressed his cheeks together with your hands. “Aaah, what to do with you, you're so cute! Your cheeks!” you screeched in a coo-voice that made him frown at you which only made him look funnier to you. “Wah, but really, Baekhyunnie, what the hell? It isn't fair for you to be so dangerously hot and then suddenly cute like a puppy!”
“Yah, yah, enough,” he muffled through his squeezed lips, “the food will get cold.”
“But you are soooo cuuuteeee!”
“Who are you this cute for?” you rambled on, giggling happily and finally let go of the poor man.
Baekhyun leaned away, still in shock at your antiques, though you could see amusement glistening in his eyes. “I suggest not to do this to our babies. It's a traumatic experience.”
You burst out laughing and he followed too,when he suddenly became serious and leaned in closer, his breath fanning your ear which sent shivers down your spine, halting your laughing fit. “You're so lucky I can't do anything to you right now, sweetheart. But just know that I am keeping a punishment list for you once you give birth, mummy.” You felt his hands squeezing the outer side of your thighs, his fingers sliding down and under your knees.
You swallowed harshly and looked at him when he turned to look at you. “That was hot.”
He smirked. “So I'm not so cute anymore, huh?”
It has been a day now that you started to feel slight pains just like on the days when you had a strong, painful menstruation. When the first wave hit, you started to get a feeling of what was about to happen. You just didn’t expect it to start happening so... soon. There were still a few weeks left. Were you even ready for what was about to go down very soon? You had to be even if you weren’t.
The next day you went to bed in peace, Baekhyun bringing your body closer to his even when he knew you would grow very warm over the night and shift away. He caressed your bump before he lifted the blanket and your shirt, and moved to kiss the skin tenderly.
“Goodnight, my loves,” he pressed three kisses and kept looking a little longer in hopes to see a kick back in reply. Few days ago one of the babies kept kicking like crazy and Baekhyun concluded it was the hapkido baby. You giggled, already imagining Baekhyun teaching your kids hapkido, them in their little uniforms and having little, clumsy moves.
“No activity today,” he rasped with an amused smile as he lied down next to you properly but you stopped him with a guilty smile. “Huh, what is it?”
“I really need to pee. Can you come with me to the toilet? Pleaseee,” you wailed, trying not to wiggle too much because you were growing uncomfortable with the slow start of contractions and the pee pressing down on your uterus.
Baekhyun smiled and nodded. “Let’s go.” He took your hand and helped you up. 
Quickly tiptoeing to the bathroom, once finally inside, he leaned against the sink while you sat down on the toilet, looking up at him with big eyes.
He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, the shirt tightening around his pecks.
You felt a stronger wave of pain in your lower tummy and you groaned gently as your pee seemed to become endless. Baekhyun noticed too.
“Wow, when was the last time you went to the toilet? That’s a lot of pee there, mummy,” he joked, mistaking your groaning for relief but you didn’t feel the relief peeing was supposed to give you anymore.
You raised your butt lightly and looked between your legs (or wherever you could look due to the big tummy) at the water-like liquid streaming strongly down your thighs.
“You okay?” asked Baekhyun, frowning when he saw you looking longer than it was normal.
Another small, but stronger wave of pain washed over your insides and you felt like crying as you looked up at your concerned boyfriend. It was about to start.
“Baekhyun. My water broke.”
“I'm so scared, Baekhyun,” you whimpered when you were in the hospital room, both of you left alone until the contractions would get intense enough to go into labour. “I'm so scared.”
Finally, you could let your guard down. You were heaving, your body already reacting to the pains, growing more and more frequent and painful. Sitting on a huge, pink pilates ball, you tried to sway your body on it while your arm was connected to an IV drip, but there were tears streaming down your face..
“Shh, shh, it's alright, you're alright, baby,” he cooed gently as he sat behind you on a chair to hold you up. “You're doing great.”
You pressed your lips together to prevent an ugly sob. “But what if-”
“No what ifs,” he replied calmly from behind, sweeping your hair back and tying it into a messy ponytail so it wouldn't be in the way. “Everything is going as planned, honey.”
You were quiet for a minute, fighting the bulge in your throat. Your legs were wobbly and it seemed like you were heading straight into a panic attack, which was anything but good.
Baekhyun, sensing your stiff composure, stood up and right in front of you, helping you up on your legs. “Sweetheart,” he mumbled lovingly, searching your gaze. You focused your eyes on him. “I've got you. I'm here and we will get through this together.” He held you close, eventually deciding to hug you. “If you need to cry, do it. Don't hold back.” Lazily, he drew circles over your lower back that he knew was the most painful part of your back. It brought instant relaxation, though you still hissed at another wave of contractions that made your knees weak.
Baekhyun supported you, holding you up as you groaned, hiding your face in his neck. “It hurts,” you whimpered weakly and let out another groan when a strong pull rushed through your lower abdomen. Your breathing grew frantic, sweat breaking around your hairline.
“I think-” you paused, squeezing your eyes shut as the contraction wouldn't go away.
“Let's call the nurse,” suggested Baekhyun before quickly helping you sit down.
You would have called after him to stop him from going away from you, but you lied back down, pushing your legs together, the pain growing almost unbearable.
Nurse arrived quickly followed by your boyfriend who tried his best not to look too shocked. After a quick check-up, the nurse smiled. “We are ready!”
Three babies being born (two girls, one boy) too early, you were separated from them right after squeezing them out. Not having time to even properly hold them, you only got to see the nurses placing them in the blanket before rushing them out of the room while their cries were piercing through your ears. You were swimming between complete exhaustion and overdrive as you cried from pain that came from your body as a woman who just gave birth and at the same time as a mother who couldn't even hold her babies in her arms after finally helping them out and into the world.
Baekhyun was completely helpless, standing next to you and trying to get a glimpse of the little ones, but he wouldn't let go of your hand. You were desperately holding onto him for dear life. 
Feeling his own tears roll down his cheeks at what just happened, Baekhyun quickly brought your head to him, hugging it to his chest while you cried, your voice already hoarse from screaming before. 
Nurses were roaming around you and it was just a matter of seconds as you heard them telling you they had to stitch you up and your doctor, the ever-so-kind doctor, appeared in front of you. “Give her anesthesia.” She looked at you and Baekhyun, who wouldn't let go of you. “The babies will be alright, but they need to be in the incubator for the time being because of the early birth, sweetie. Please calm down. Right now we have to stitch you up.”
“S-stitch me up?” you stuttered.
She had an apologetic smile and she shot a glance at Baekhyun, who straightened up. “You are severely torn up. So let's quickly tend to the open wound.”
You grew almost sick at the idea and you were sure Baekhyun was completely frozen, though he snapped out of it pretty quickly as you whimpered again in fear. Exhaustion was taking over you quickly.
“You're doing phenomenally, my superwoman,” Baekhyun whispered into your ear as he caressed your hair, pressing multiple kisses there. He was completely shaken up by what he had just witnessed in the past hours, but he had to stay strong for you just a little longer.
You sighed once more before you saw the doctor ducking between your legs again and starting another small intervention.
You closed your eyes and focused on Baekhyun's powerful presence.
You were left without your three babies.
You were left torn open.
But you were alive.
You all were alive.
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courtofjurdan · 3 years
One Chance part 17
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A/N: Hey peeps, I know it has been ages since I updated this, but here I am with an update. By the way, when you see “~”, it means its switching to past and then when you see another one, it goes back to present. And I got all my info from google and tv shows for this chapter so if it is not entirely right, I’m sorry. This is the last chapter. I have an epilogue planned also. I hope you enjoy this!
Jude felt pain ripple through her stomach and then felt wetness down her leg. She looked down expecting it her water to have broken but instead she was met with blood. As the pain intensified, the blood got worse.
“Cardan.” “Cardan!”
At that moment she realized she was at home alone. She went looking everywhere for her phone. Finally, she found it on the kitchen island, and called for an ambulance immediately. She called Cardan next telling him to either hurry and come home, something is wrong with the baby, or meet her at the hospital when the ambulance arrives.
Cardan hurried home from his job. He got there after the ambulance arrived. He went with her to the hospital and she was admitted quickly. They needed to do an emergency C-section before anything worse happens to the baby. They rolled Jude to the operation room, Cardan right behind her getting dressed in sterile paper clothes.
She gave birth to her baby, and the whole room was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Jude began asking, “Why isn’t she crying?” She looked to Cardan who had tears running down his cheeks and she knew her worst fears were being confirmed. She started to scream, “No, no, no…”
“Jude!” Cardan put his hands on her cheeks. “Wake up, baby. It’s a dream.”
Jude opens her eyes, tears falling out. Her breath coming in pants.
“Take a deep breath with me.”
Jude copies Cardan breaths. After she is calmed down, Jude says quietly, “She was dead and I couldn't do anything about it.”
Cardan knew what she was talking about. He put his hand on her very swollen stomach, “Look she's okay. You feel her kicking and moving around in there?” A nod of her head. “That means she is happy and healthy in there. There is nothing to worry about.”
~~~ Jude is 38 weeks now. She’s now very round, extremely emotional, and has crazy nightmares all the time. Cardan is always there to comfort and care for her around the clock.
Two months ago Jude and Cardan moved into the house his dad had bought for them as a gift. It was a two story house with 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. They decided to get a house where they could live forever. A house they could fit their ever growing family.
Cardan got closer to his dad. His dad finally met him halfway into wanting a relationship with him. They met at least once a week for dinner or coffee. Cardan got a job at his company, a very good paying job. Unfortunately for Jude, Madoc still hasn’t wanted to mend their relationship, but Jude is okay with it. She doesn’t want someone that doesn’t want her.
When Christmas came around five months ago, they decided to have everyone get them baby stuff rather than presents for themselves. They basically had a baby shower for Christmas. Jude liked it because she is not a fan of planning parties or events.
It’s now the end of May, and Cardan and Jude finally graduated from college. They got to do virtual college because of the current predicament they were in. They only had to go to some classes, but mostly they did it from home. Definitely this last month, Jude just wasn’t feeling up to do stuff. She is always tired and sore, and just needs to take it easy. ~~~
Jude looked back at Cardan as he wiped her tears away and put her hand over her stomach to feel her baby kick. She repeated Cardan’s words, “She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s okay.”
Cardan kissed her cheek. And rubbed her back as Jude processed everything.
Then she grunted, “I need to pee. So help me up before I pee in the bed.”
Cardan laughed before he got out of bed and helped Jude steady her feet on the floor.
~~~ Jude has to pee a lot. Cardan swears she has to pee every 20 minutes. Which means Cardan has to help her every 20 minutes. But he doesn’t complain to her, it’s half his fault that she does, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Cardan never realized how hard it was on women to grow a baby. He thought they just gained weight and got tired but no, he was wrong. He didn’t know how uncomfortable Jude would be as time got closer. He didn’t realize how swollen her feet would become, how sore her back would be, the amount of loss sleep because the baby was restless or she was too uncomfortable. It made Jude so strong in his eyes.
Jude’s chosen family, Van, Liliver, and Garret, and her blood/adoptive family, Taryn and Vivivenne, were always there for her. And her family was excited to see their niece and become aunts and uncles. Her chosen family was surprised when Jude came to them and mentioned about them being aunts and uncles for her little one. She explained to them that they were more than just best friends. They were more like brothers and sisters to her. They all had an unbreakable bond with each other.
Jude and Cardan have set up the nursery. Jude insisted that she wanted a faerie book style room. And Cardan gave that to her. It’s a room any little girl would want, and when it came to Cardan, he would give anything both of his girls asked. But seeing Cardan trying to put baby furniture together was the best thing Jude has ever seen. She sat in a rocking chair every night watching him struggle, it was the best entertainment. At one point, he decided to call for backup, and Van and Garret came in and helped. So then Jude got to watch all three of them struggle together. But they eventually got it put together.
Jude has started to have Braxton-Hicks contractions for about a month and a half. Cardan hates them. Everytime she has one and she stills, he starts to freak out and Jude has to tell him it’s fine and calm down. It’s not like he feels the pain from them. But Jude is secretly happy he’s there for her and he cares so much about how she feels. ~~~ Once Jude goes to the bathroom, she asks Cardan if he will make breakfast for her. Her breakfast included popping some toaster strudels in the toaster and putting the rich icing on top. Jude basically has been craving anything sweet. So if it’s sweet, Jude wants it.
They eat breakfast and Jude decides to go to the baby room and go through stuff/ organize. She is nesting. She has gone through the hospital bag about three times already, she’s organized the kitchen several times, she cleans everything that she is able to, demanding Cardan to clean the stuff she can’t. And again, Cardan does it, because he doesn’t want to be on Jude’s bad side at the moment.
When Jude was resting from her organizing, Cardan got ready and left for work for his dad’s company. Cardan insisted that he stay with her until the baby is born but she said she would be fine alone. In the end, Liliver came over the days Cardan had to work. Liliver liked to call it their “girl time” before the baby got there.
It was about 7 o’clock pm when Jude decided to get a shower. Cardan was off at 8, and he was bringing home food which was right up her alley.
Now dressed in her pajamas, which consisted to be some stretchy legging and Cardan’s t-shirt, she made her way back to the bedroom. When she met the threshold of the bathroom and bedroom, she felt wetness run down her leg. She paused. All she could think was “Is this really it?”
She called for Liliver. “Hey, Bomb!”
Liliver was there in a couple of seconds. She saw Jude’s pale face and immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”
Jude stuttered, “Umm I- I think my water broke.”
Liliver looked down and saw the puddle of water gathered at her feet. “Oh okay, yeah. So, let’s just go sit down on the bed, I’ll clean that off the floor, and I’ll go call Cardan, okay?”
They slowly made their way to the bed. Liliver got a towel and put it over the fluid to dry it up, and got her phone out and called the man of the hour.
“Hey Cardan, I need to come home. Now.”
There was a pause. And then he seemed to find his words, “Uh, why? What’s wrong?”
“Well, all I have to say is ‘are you ready to go have a baby?’ Jude’s water broke.”
Heavy, nervous breathing came back to her, “Oh my gosh, really? Okay, okay, I’m leaving now. Is she okay? Crap, no she’s probably not okay, what am I thinking, she’s having a baby. Do I need-”
Liliver stopped his rambling, “Cardan, stop, Jude needs you to come home. Everything’s okay right now. I’ve got it handled.”
“Okay, I’m leaving right now.” With that he hung up.
Bomb helped Jude get some shoes on and braided her hair so it was out of her face. Knowing if it was down, all her hair would stick to her face from the sweat that was already starting to bead on her head as her contraction got stronger.
After she finished having one, Liliver asked, “Jude, have you been having contractions today?”
Panting, she said, “Yeah. I thought it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Why didn’t you tell us? Cardan would have stayed home with you.”
Jude glared at her. “Exactly, Cardan would have stayed home and fussed over me. I don’t want someone taking care of me, I’m a big girl.” No, what Jude didn’t say is that she’s scared. And saying it aloud makes everything a reality, and she is not ready to admit that yet.
Not fifteen minutes later, Cardan comes through the front door. He walks quickly to their bedroom. He sees Liliver and Jude on the bed. The former rubbing Jude’s back through her contractions.
Cardan bends down in front of her and gives her cheek a kiss. He grabs her hand and waits till the contraction passes, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.
When it is over with, he tells Jude, “I’m going to change my clothes real quick, and we will head out, okay?”
Jude nods her head. Cardan can tell how nervous and stressed she is.
He gets up, changes into some sweat pants and t-shirt, puts some Nike high tops on, and goes back to Jude, bending down in front of her, “Okay, you ready?”
Tears immediately fill her eyes, which isn’t a shock, she cries about everything these days, but when her body starts to shake with nervousness, Cardan knows this isn’t her just being an emotional basket case.
He immediately has his hands cupping her cheeks, “Hey Love, what is it? What’s wrong?”
A sob wracked through her, “I’m scared, Cardan, I’m so scared. What if I fail her? What if something goes wrong?”
He put his hands on either side of her stomach, “Hey I’m scared too. But guess what? We get to meet our little princess today or tomorrow, and that’s all that matters. She is going to be so loved. You’re going to be an amazing mom, I know you will be. She is going to love you so much. It’s okay to be scared, but don’t doubt yourself.” He gave a kiss on the lips. “You’re so strong, nothing is going to go wrong.”
Jude opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment a contraction hit her, and the words dissipated from her lips. But Cardan was there to rub her back, and tell her to breathe.
After it was over, Cardan grabbed the baby bag from the living room and headed out to the car with Jude. Liliver promised she would clean up a few things and lock the house before she leaves. Cardan thanked her, internally grateful for such a friend.
Cardan helped Jude into the car, and then got into the driver's seat. He blew out a big breath, and a wide smile bloomed on his face. He looked at Jude and said, “Let’s go have a baby.” He leaned across the middle and put his hand on Jude’s belly and kissed her lips excitingly. It made Jude smile right back.
The car ride wasn’t too bad. Even though Jude grunted and cursed, she didn’t complain once. She held onto Cardan’s hand while he drew circles on top of it, asking if she was okay. Which just aggravated her.
Once arriving at the hospital, the nurses took her back to a room. The room had machines, obviously a hospital bed, a chair for Cardan, and in the corner was a little bed for the baby to be checked out in. It was so surreal to them.
Cardan helped Jude change into her hospital gown, and helped her lay in the bed. The nurse came and put monitors on her stomach, one looked at the baby’s heartbeat and the other could tell when contractions came and how strong they were. The nurse then started on IV to put her on some fluids.
Doctor Tatterfell came in to check how far she was dilated. Which was a 5, she couldn’t believe she was already halfway there. Hence, she has been having contractions since this morning so I guess it does make sense.
But now, at 10pm, the contractions hurt bad. She held Cardan’s hand like it was her last lifeline. And Cardan, the ever encouraging boyfriend, let her, and he massaged her back and whispered sweet nothings about how good she was doing and how strong she is.
She got into different positions throughout the hours to try and relieve some of the stabbing pain that pursued every 5 minutes.
After finishing having one, Jude said, “Cardan, next time massage my lower stomach and my lower back at the same time. It might help.”
So that’s what Cardan did. It seemed to be the best right now to relieve some pain. Soon a nurse came in asking if she wanted an epidural which she immediately said yes.
They again checked to see how dilated she was, and they told her she was at a seven, and then they went ahead and gave the epidural.
Soon, Jude was numb from the belly button and down. Cardan held her hand as the needle went into her back. He couldn’t believe how big the needle was though, he was very nervous for her, not that he would tell her that. But she took it like a champ. Cardan let her know that much too.
Now she was laying back down, getting in a comfortable position on her side. Cardan wiped a cold rag on her forehead, she had sweat quite a bit in the last three hours.
He laid the rag down on a tray and muttered, “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. Rest now while you can, okay? I’ll be right here if you need me.” He was going to sit in the chair they had provided him.
Jude spoke quietly, “You rest too.” Jude ran a hand over her stomach. “I have a feeling we won’t be sleeping much tomorrow.” She smiled up at Cardan.
Cardan softly laughed and kissed her lips right before he went down and kissed her belly.
Soon they both were resting and asleep. Jude got about 2 hours when she started to feel the numbness wear off. She didn’t wake up Cardan, wanting him to get as much needed sleep as he could get.
Taryn came in while they were still sleeping. Jude wanted someone there that could document this moment, and Taryn said she would happily record and take pictures of this monumental day.
But soon, the pain increased, which means her groans of pain got louder. Unfortunately, she couldn’t keep it quiet enough, and Cardan heard it. He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand.
After the pain subsided a little, she called out, “I feel a lot of pressure, Cardan.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You feel like you need to push?”
She nodded her head.
Cardan spoke quickly, “Okay, wait just a second, let me get a nurse.”
Cardan opened the door, went out the hall a little bit and got a nurse. In no time, Jude’s team of nurses and her doctor came into the room.
Doctor Tatterfell checked her and said, “Okay Jude, when you feel another contraction go ahead and push.”
Some nurses held her legs back while Cardan held her hand and let her squeeze it to the point of it feeling like it was breaking.
After 15 minutes of pushing, Cardan muttered into her ear, “You’re doing so good, Jude. I’m so proud of you. You’re almost done.” Cardan could tell how tired she was.
She pushed again and panted, “I can’t. I can’t push anymore. It hurts and I’m so tired.”
Cardan looked past her legs and back at Jude, “Jude, honey, you can do this. She’s almost here. She’s already crowning. We just need a few big pushes, and she’s here. I know it hurts, and you’re tired, but it’s going to be so worth it when this is all done.” Tears started to well up in his eyes.
Jude put a determined look on her face and breathed in deep, and pushed.
Cardan mumbled to her, holding her hand, “Push, push, push, push. Good job, baby.”
This happened two more times, and on the third push, Jude felt relief. She then heard her baby girl crying, and her baby was placed on her chest. She gathered her up in her arms, admiring the little body that wailed with life.
She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, couldn’t help the sob that tore from her throat. She heard the nurse ask Cardan “Dad, would like to cut the cord.”
He did, and turned back to his girls. Jude heard a sob to her right, and turned her head to see Cardan with the widest smile on his face, tears falling from his eyes.
Cardan looked at Jude, kissed her forehead, kissed the baby’s head and said, “She’s so beautiful.”
Jude sniffed. “She is.”
They took the baby away to be checked by the nurses and doctors while they cleaned Jude up from the rest of the birthing part.
Taryn was still there and did her part. She took pictures and recorded like she was supposed to. She cried while she did it. This was an experience she would never forget.
They weighed the baby and checked her height. She was 7.4 lb and was 19 inches long. Born on May 28, 2020 at 1:09 am.
Soon the nurse came back over with the baby. “Okay. Here she is.” She gave the baby to Jude. “Do you plan to bottle or breastfeed?”
“I plan to breastfeed.”
“Okay then let's see how she does.”
The nurse helped her get the baby to latch, it took a couple of tries but she did it. After the nurse saw everything was going well, she left the room along with Taryn to give the family some alone time.
Cardan cupped the baby’s head as she fed from where he stood, “Jude, you baffle me. You brought this sweet baby girl into the world, and you did amazing. You did amazing carrying her for the last 9 months. And now we get a lifetime of happiness together.” He gently grabbed Jude’s chin from where she was looking at the baby so she would look at him. “Jude Duarte, marry me.”
Jude’s eyes widened and she whispered, “What?”
“You make me the happiest man in the world. I want to live with you forever, I want to raise our children together as husband and wife. I want to attempt to be the man you deserve every single day for you and our family. You bring out the best in me. So will you make me an even more happier man if that’s even possible today and marry me?”
Jude eyes filled with more tears and she nodded, “Yes, Cardan, yes, of course.”
They kissed as the baby unlatched herself. Jude broke the kiss and looked down. The baby had gone to sleep. She looked at Cardan and smiled, “Okay, dad, are you ready to hold her?”
Cardan nodded enthusiastically and held out his arms. Jude met him halfway and gave him the baby. He sat down in his chair by the bed and gazed adoringly at her.
And for the hundredth time that day, Cardan cried. He let the tears roll down his face, unashamed. This was the happiness of his little family, his baby girl that had dark brown hair, and looked to be like golden brown eyes from the little bit she did open them, and his fiancé that blessed him with all this joy.
He looked down at his baby and ran a finger down her cheek, and with a thick voice, breathed, “Welcome to the world Liam Rose Greenbriar. I’m your daddy.”
All Cardan could think of was he was so thankful that Jude gave him one chance.
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