#c: Amadjes
void-botanist · 9 months
I would love to know about the elbas sitcom AU (<- big sitcom enjoyer)
Tbh it wouldn't be that different from their actual lives, lol, just played up for comedy. Also this was such a fun response to write that I did not stop myself and I just kept inventing stuff.
A lot of these characters are discussed in this powerpoint post.
Some recurring bits:
No one can remember Casper's name even when he's standing in front of them, except Nidilaenn (his kid) and Vinnek. They all call him Pa (which they do IRL) or some random name ("he has a John face"). Regardless of whether he's there or not everyone is always talking about his whirlwind romance that took him out to the Vale and left them with one less prankster. You know he always returns for the solstice episode.
People go "where's Nidilaenn" and then we immediately cut to Nid in their boat. The funny part is where the boat is this time.
"El this might be easier if you don't get so frustrated" [Ellery turns back toward the camera with the nastiest look on his face] "I'm not frustrated"
There's always a new random nonroot staying at the Yellow House to witness the shenanigans and mostly laugh them off as "wow this island is weird haha"
The nonroot is also always shocked when they find out that they were not wrong, Madge is in fact twice her husband Rigo's age, and those ages are 120 and ~60.
Madge and Rigo are only on the island half the time. The other half they're traveling the mainland and getting called back to Elbas for increasingly ridiculous reasons. While they're away someone else has to care for the lighthouse (which is why IRL they don't actually travel that much).
Herric is always meddling in something. Frequently it has a butterfly effect, where they do something tiny like borrow Milo's butter and by the middle of the episode the island is in shambles.
Herric and Urielte are the "they should just be together" couple of the series, and to be honest they don't disagree (like if they just said "nah we're friends" people would drop it but they've never said that). However they do keep coming up with increasingly silly excuses for why they won't (the real reason is Herric doesn't want to have another breakup and Urielte just doesn't give a shit about formalities).
When someone needs information, Vinnek always has a book on that. Unless it's about legal histories or contract law, in which case Milo has a book on that.
Ysa sets the mood perfectly as a bartender but never serves alcohol. Thon keeps coming up with increasingly complex names for thons juice cocktails.
While working at the docks or the lighthouse Rigo has seen sea monsters of all kinds and just shrugs it off and goes back to his book.
Madge has a bike. The island is small. She tends to ride down the lighthouse hill into town but sometimes she rides into the sea instead (Rigo: [looks up] Madge: [rides right off the end of the dock] Rigo: [goes back to his book, then does a double take]).
This would make more sense in an anime but I thought it so I'm going to say it: sometimes Nid and El grab hands and go "because the power of friendship" with the dramatic eye shine and everything.
There are as many explanations as to why Rae is missing a leg as there are islanders. Even she doesn't give the same answer every time, but she always mentions the ankle bracelet she lost.
Some episode concepts:
Some nonroot comes to stay at the Yellow House and Tirias starts spending all her time with them. Ysa and Amadjes are like "you should branch out" and Tirias is like "noooo" and all bashful about it, because the reason she's hanging around them is because they understand her obsession with an extremely niche media property that no one else gets.
A nonroot can't tell the difference between Amadjes and their cousins Amelie, Aloysius, and Asteras and convinces them all to make increasingly strange fashion choices. For some reason their dad Emil was off-island when this happens and upon his return he can't tell them apart because of the fashion.
Milo's parents Marietta and Tem come to visit and it's a series of humorously awkward interactions between Milo & Herric and Marietta & Tem, to the point that Herric will say something like "what the fuck" to Marietta (their kid) and then immediately turn to Tem and say "I find this somewhat confusing". When Milo mentions Tem to the Council they all offer their own advice: Ellery talks about not getting frustrated, Nid wants to formulate a strategy based on who swept who off their feet, Patience suggests getting kombucha-drunk with them, Tirias says to look for their passion. Somehow all of these become relevant over the course of their relationship-building.
Someone discovers that "the reason" Herric and Urielte won't officially get together is because they don't want to move into each other's houses. So they orchestrate moving one to the other, then vice versa, then into a separate third house, and it all goes really badly and they have to be moved back.
After the previous episode, Herric's ex-wife and estranged son return to demand something from them, probably money- and/or goods-related. Herric ends up moving in and/or getting the equivalent of a Vegas marriage with Urielte to fend her off. Everyone is disappointed when they ultimately undo it all.
Binna's launch is approaching and Milo is just trying to enjoy spending time with her but everywhere he goes are just silly reminders that she's leaving ("that weirdly suggestive calendar has a rocket in it!").
Patience's teenage grandkids come to visit and everyone is super impressed by them because uep twins are rare. They use this to their advantage. Everyone also wonders whether Patience knows what's going on, because of course they pull the most nonsense when she's not around, but she knows exactly and she thinks it's incredibly funny to play the doddering old lady.
Rae gets into a dispute with the owner of the Evly radio station she runs a weekly music show on. Madge (her sister) and Tirias (who regularly plays on the show and also has technical knowledge) decide to team up and start an Elbas radio station. This turns out to be a lot harder than they expect. It would be fun if they managed it though because then we could have a radio station set.
The port authority of Port Danziger, which is several hundred miles away on the mainland, approaches the Council and suggests they pay for docking rights even though that doesn't make any logistical sense. Nidilaenn sets out to discover whether it really is that far to sail (answer: yes) and encounters a variety of nonsense situations on the way.
A new arrival asks about Rae's leg. She says it was a sea monster. We then discover that the sea monsters only Rigo seems to notice are in fact real, but don't really hang around the island because there's not much meat there. The new arrival does not succeed in locating Rae's fabled ankle bracelet.
Following the previous episode, a human sneaks meat onto the island, which causes a massive uptick in sea monster activity. Something something an entire suitcase getting dramatically thrown into the ocean. NO MEAT ALLOWED goes unexplained into the visitor rules and the mainland press has a field day with it.
Casper returns for the solstice episode without his wife (the one who swept him off his feet and caused him to move away). He says it's because he wanted to spend time with Nid, but Nid becomes increasingly suspicious that something is off. They get sent on a wild goose chase wondering if Casper ever even got married only to discover that their stepmom was late because she was bringing a surprise for them.
Vinnek gets haunted by the ghost of Fira past, and while the moral of the episode is that they have to remember the good times they had with Fira and stop getting on the network to listlessly search for Fira, there's a lot of snarky humor on the way. Depending on when this takes place, there will also be the ghost of Casper past (not intentionally a reference lol the importance is that Casper was and is a good friend of Vinnek's who also left the island) and potentially the ghost of Dez past (another friend who left).
A paranormal investigator shows up and insists the lighthouse is haunted. Everyone says no, the lighthouse is not haunted. Eventually the investigator turns out to be right, though the spirits haunting the lighthouse are just chilling and that's why no one thought it was haunted.
Rae, Tirias, and Ysa team up to turn the pub into a club for Jes's birthday, with the heavy bass he so loves (he's deaf). Unfortunately they instead succeed at blowing out Ysa's custom skylight and invoking the ire of Ellery, one of the few people on the island who has ever been to a club. In the course of putting in a new skylight they hatch a better plan: a sort of silent disco-esque setup where they will not shatter the skylight a second time.
For some reason Haskell has to leave the island for a bit and asks Nid and El, who have been considering having kids for a while, if they would watch Lacey. I feel like everything that happens after that is just par for the course for having a 4 year old around but still it seems like even Nid will have changed their mind about kids. When Haskell gets back and is like "haha hope that didn't put you off of sprouting" the two of them are like "nah. we'll survive it with the power of friendship" with the whole solidarity clasp and everything. Then the shine fades and they say, "in five more years maybe".
Tirias becomes obsessed with a wedding shoot he found on the network and starts bothering Ysa and Jes about it. They misunderstand and think what he wants is to get married when in actuality he just wants to have an event for wearing a princess dress. By the time they get on the same page Ysa and Tirias are practically standing at the altar (I don't actually know how Elbas weddings work but you get the idea). But in the end Tirias gets what he wants and they don't actually get married...probably.
I think there should be a season devoted to Dez being there too, with episodes such as:
The rootspace episode, where Dez figures out how to decode the chemical messages of rootspace and becomes obsessed with sharing rootspace with people ("for the love of god Dez PLEASE use your words I'm tired").
The radio show episode, where Dez becomes the synth.
The toilet humor episode, where Dez discovers that one of Elbas's imports is literal shit, which goes into the dirt beds they root into at night. Have I mentioned Dez doesn't really get toilet humor? Uep and neriem, however, do on some level, even though that's not how their digestive systems work.
The laugh scale episode, where Dez notices that making serious Milo laugh is a particular point of pride among the Council. The Council in turn notices that Dez has never once laughed and try to figure out what would make him do so. 50/50 chance they either realize he can't/doesn't laugh OR some random apparently nonhumorous thing happens at the end of the episode and Dez snickers, which is enough of a laugh to celebrate.
The prank episode, where Dez takes the role of the answering machine that has a bunch of snippets of someone's voice to remix except he has extensive recordings of most islanders, which makes it extra fun. He starts pranking people with Nid but as people discover the prank they join in, and after a few days everyone on the island is in on the prank and there's no one left to bother. But then Casper shows up.
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hammondcast · 2 years
Hammond Report May 14 2022 From Jon Hammond
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Hammond Report May 14 2022 From Jon Hammond 
Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/hammond-report-may-14-2022-from-jon-hammond 
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z3kdOUOUYU 
FB https://fb.watch/c-YBua7ocR/ 
Hammond Report May 14 2022 From Jon Hammond
 Jon Hammond 
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 Publication date
 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
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 Hammond Report, May 14, Saturday, Podcast, Announcement, NAMM Show, Kick-off Concert, Photography, Music, Arena Plaza, Hammond Organ, Music Stories, Jon Hammond, bye bye now
Jon Hammond Band NAMM Show Announcement: happy and excited we're going to play kick-off concert as the doors open at 10AM June 3rd! Right after Grand Opening Performance by The Disneyland Band! - Join us at the ADJ Arena Plaza Stage
Jon Hammond Funk Unit
Friday, June 3, 2022 10:00 AM to 10:40 AM
ADJ Arena Plaza Stage
In-Person Only
All Audiences
On the Band L to R: Joe Berger Charles McNeal, Ronnie Smith,(Koei Tanaka can't make it from Tokyo this time unfortunately), Jon Hammond, Chuggy Carter / Leslie J. Carter
Funky Swinging Jazz and Blues instrumentals original compositions by organist Jon Hammond featuring international soloists. As seen on cable TV for 38 years Jon Hammond Show, long-running music, travel and soft news program. Jon Hammond and band members have been performing at NAMM Shows and Frankfurt musikmesse for 33 years, as well as Music China, Japan Musical Instruments Fair and toured Germany with 21 piece Landesjugendjazzorchester German Youth Jazz Orchestra. ASCAP Composer Publisher and Member AFM Local 6 and Local 802 AFM Musicians Union, 2014 NAMM Believe in Music award recipient.
Bands at NAMM
Photo credit: Lawrence Gay master photographer
 2022-05-14 18:33:53
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Hammond Report, May 14, Saturday, Podcast, Announcement, NAMM Show, Kick-off Concert, Photography, Music, Arena Plaza, Hammond Organ, Music Stories, Jon Hammond, bye bye now 
Hammond Report, May 14, Saturday, Podcast, Announcement, NAMM Show, Kick-off Concert, Photography, Music, Arena Plaza, Hammond Organ, Music Stories, Jon Hammond, bye bye now
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void-botanist · 27 minutes
1, 7 and 12 for the two ocs asks, for any oc couple of yours hehe <3
I never talk about Tirias and Amadjes lmao so let's do that. I even have pictures hehe
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1 - How did they meet? Amadjes has always lived on Elbas Island, and they were one of the first people Tirias met when she moved there ~14 years ago. They were already a sign language teacher at that point and helped her a lot with the transition between Standard Osbok Sign Language and Elbas Island Sign Language.
7 - How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet? They don't live together, so they're especially good about having date nights, usually every week. Typically they meet at Amadjes's house because then they won't be bothered by anything going on at the pub, which is attached to Tirias's house. Plus, because Tirias's house is really a little wing of the restaurant, there's more room to hang out at Amadjes's.
12 - Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it? They have sooo much affection for each other, which they usually express by being condescending little shits to each other. I'm exaggerating, but they are masters of affectionate teasing. They also cuddle a lot, and Amadjes makes Tirias's favorite muffins, and Tirias watches all of Amadjes's favorite trash movies, and they stay up too late, as always.
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void-botanist · 9 months
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
🎯 -What do they do best?
for some of your faves that don't get enough spotlight from the fourth android!! :Dc
!! I'm here rubbing my hands together going "yes...yes!" about people being excited about my goofy little guys. Here's some more Elbas Islanders:
✨ - How did you come up with the OC’s name? A few of the Elbas Islanders are recycled OCs that kept their names (like Milo). The rest were named with this vague desire for sort of vintage-sounding names, because of the whole "Herric is just a 19th century charismatic rich man" vibe that got refined and toned down (subverted?) as I worked on the history more, and because if Elbas existed in the real world it would have been founded in 1898. This included Rae and Madge. Their names are short for Ravenna and Margaret. I thought "Ravenna"/"Rae" was pretty and went with her status as a minor celebrity (first person sprouted on Elbas and a minor radio personality) and "Madge" just matches her whole chaotic energy. Also, I feel like I have to also mention Amadjes because I said "Amadeus is a good name" but it's not pronounced "amodjus" like my brain wants it to be. So I just made a new name that was pronounced that way.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? I like how Rae just sort of becomes something new every time I consider her. She's always been a musician, with the perfect soft voice for welcoming you to a jazz radio show, but with today's advent of an actual Elbas sitcom AU she also become a bit grizzled sailor (no she did not lose her leg in a sea monster accident but I think she does say that). Madge, on the other hand, has this immaculate younger sister energy for no reason and it's delightful. She's unstoppable. She prefers to wear a pink virgin killer sweater on the reg. You get it. As for Amadjes, I forget this, but he's an actual linguist, working on his own research into the modern divisions between Confluence sign language and Elbas Island sign language, which is pretty cool.
🎯 - What do they do best? Rae: drums. She had to make some modifications after losing her leg but they were her first musical love and she will never give them up. Madge: bedside manner. She is actually a trained doctor and she pretty much just makes house calls. Amadjes: baking. They are known as the best baker on the island, especially when it comes to cakes, despite the sheer volume of cookies that Milo makes.
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void-botanist · 9 months
Happy STS! If your characters went out to karaoke, which song would they belt out at the top of their lungs?
Finally getting to this one! My mind remains full of Elbas Island so if we pretended that they know Earth music:
Milo: the idea of him doing Barbie Girl with Binna, where he is Barbie and Binna is Ken is just too funny to not be the answer.
Nidilaenn: Major Tom (Coming Home).
Ellery: Poor Unfortunate Souls. He wants to be dramatic about it and he wants you to understand how dramatic he's being about it.
Patience: Hollaback Girl. You know Mel is singing backup.
Mel: Last Dance by Donna Summer.
Tirias: she literally cannot sing so she would either put on a song everyone knows (All Star) and let them sing it while she hams it up or announce that this is a rendition of John Cage's 4'33". These two things get different responses from the audience but they are functionally the same thing.
Ysa: Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks.
Rae: Any Way You Want It by Journey.
Madge: Sucker by Jonas Brothers.
Rigo: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa.
Haskell: no, I don't do karaoke, no...well, I guess... Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
Lacey: the most heartfelt rendition of Mary Had A Little Lamb you've ever heard.
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hammondcast · 2 years
Hammond Report May 13 2022 From Jon Hammond
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Hammond Report May 13 2022 From Jon Hammond 
Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/hammond-report-may-13-2022-from-jon-hammond 
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6MG1NzWCew 
FB https://fb.watch/c_GwwKh2e-/ 
Hammond Report May 13 2022 From Jon Hammond
 Jon Hammond 
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Hammond Report May 13 2022 from Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from Jon Hammond the organ player & accordionist - today's music story is about an old standard from 1935, talkin' about these foolish things at the Sk PRO Hammond organ - Home is where the fast internet is folks! Prayers up for Dom Famularo he's going under the knife this morning - and the people in Ukraine! Be careful out there folks, keep masking up in the new surge - I'll be back tomorrow, on TV tonight and I'll be at the NAMM Show next month - come up and say hi, but not too close if you recognize me with my KN95 mask on - look for the Panama Hat - c u,
Jon Hammond
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Gai Lan Chinese Broccoli veg-noodles today! Jon Hammond
NAMM Show wow, concert schedule just emailed to me - very proud happy and excited we're going to play kick-off concert as the doors open at 10AM June 3rd! Right after Grand Opening Performance by The Disneyland Band! - Join us at the ADJ Arena Plaza Stage
Jon Hammond Funk Unit
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Friday, June 3, 2022 10:00 AM to 10:40 AM
ADJ Arena Plaza Stage
In-Person Only
All Audiences
On the Band L to R: Joe Berger, Charles McNeal, Ronnie Smith, (Koei Tanaka can't make it from Tokyo this time unfortunately), Jon Hammond, Chuggy Carter / Leslie J. Carter
Funky Swinging Jazz and Blues instrumentals original compositions by organist Jon Hammond featuring international soloists. As seen on cable TV for 38 years Jon Hammond Show, long-running music, travel and soft news program. Jon Hammond and band members have been performing at NAMM Shows and Frankfurt musikmesse for 33 years, as well as Music China, Japan Musical Instruments Fair and toured Germany with 21 piece Landesjugendjazzorchester German Youth Jazz Orchestra. ASCAP Composer Publisher and Member American Federation of Musicians Local 6 and Local 802, 2014 NAMM Believe in Music award recipient.
Bands at NAMM
Photo credit: Lawrence Gay master photographer
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Hammond Report, 13 May, podcast, music stories, standards, fast internet, Panama Hat, Sk PRO, Hammond Organ, Photography, Jon Hammond, bye bye now 
Hammond Report, 13 May, podcast, music stories, standards, fast internet, Panama Hat, Sk PRO, Hammond Organ, Photography, Jon Hammond, bye bye now
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