#c: Jordyn
silvcrignis · 1 year
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"... Okay shit clearly got CRAZY while I was GONE."
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"I don't know I kinda LIKE it."
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"Of course you do..."
0 notes
cxr0lo1 · 1 month
the animal is trapped. III
" the stash is gone!" carol spat out before kicking the shelve once again.her face was red i could almost feel the heat of anger coming out of her body " carol calm down, we need to be strategic" frieda groaned as i just stood there in complete shock " no what we need to do is teach those d block bitches a lesson! show them they cant fuck with us." carol curled her upper lip slightly before she glanced at me than shot her eyes back to frieda the second she said " agreed, but shoot a deer in the gut, you wind up chasing it down for days. shoot it in the heart? you're eating venison by dinner." i saw carol pause before chuckling and grinning " frieda, meeting you was the luckiest day i had since i found that fifty dollar bill on the bathroom floor of dairy queen." carol left as frieda stood there with a slight mischievous smirk on her face. i dont know but i had a gut feeling that frieda was lying about something but i couldn't figure what it was.
a day has passed since that happened and it was the kickball game today. i was standing a bit far from the field watching d block playing but i took a look at barbara, it was my first time seeing her and honestly i was a bit impressed with how tall she was, that would explain why carol is also tall. my eyes drifted to carol seeing her smoke and look around, probably searching for frieda since from what i know carol and frieda were planning an attack on d block but i didnt wanna be in it or in the kickball game so i just stood there watching from afar. i dont know if it was carol or im the problem but watching carol smoking while shes clearly pissed made my heart flatter.i was drifting away with my thoughts until i heard carol yell while holding a shiv up.before i knew it i saw c block running over barb and her block to attack them and jesus i was honestly glad i stayed out of this. a loud groan left my mouth when a girl from d block landed a punch to my stomach which made me hold my stoamch and quickly turn to her " fuck off you little shit! fucking hell" i spat out before punching her straight on the nose as i scoff before walking inside. stopping my tracks when i hear carol yelling " frieda!!" i turned around before shaking my head and walking back to the cell.
30 minutes has passed as i was just sitting on the top bunk with my whole thoughts running around carol. what if she got sent to shu? what if she was hurt or worse, maybe even dead. fuck i should've stayed out there with them. i look up quickly the second i saw carol walk in with her face red and her hands in fists shaking to her sides from anger "carol?..whats happened out there are you alright?" i furrow my brows as carol just ignored me and sat on her bunk. i was gonna ask again until i heard carol growl and yell at the same time as she threw her glasses across the cell. i quickly climbed down the bunk before grabbing her glasses and checking if they were broken as i look back at carol who seemed like had..tears? in her eyes, i kneeled down in front of her with a concered face " whats going?..and where is frieda?" i questioned as carol quickly looked at me with her jaw clenched " it was frieda! she fucking sold me,she ratted on me and i got 30 years added to my sentance while shes being fucking transfered to minimum!" carol spat out as my eyes widened a bit,carol arched her neck as she squeezed her eyes to hopefully hold back her tears but instead i saw her tear rolling down her cheek. i felt my heart aching as i immediatly sat next to her and pulled her into my arms "dont fucking touch me." she growled but instead i tightened my arms around her. "stop fighting care..just let it go" i said as she tried to get off my grip until i felt her stop all of a sudden i felt her body shaking, i look down at her head that was hidden in my shoulder. she was crying on my shoulder, all i could do was hold her while rubbing her back gently since i didnt know what to do. this is my first time seeing carol or even show any emotion rather than anger and disgust, it was even more surprising to me when she was crying in front of me i could tell she reached her breaking point the second she started sobbing on my shoulder while trying her best to stay quiet. " i promise..we're show her carol,gonna show her that she cant mess with you. i'll do whatever it takes." i whispered while rubbing her back. i didnt get a response instead i felt her squeeze my waist a little while shes beggining to calm down slowly, she pulled away as she wiped her tears immeditaly and got up making her way out the cell.i just sat there with a small frown on my face
frieda clearly broke her,they seemed so close and everyone here could see how close they were i dont how it was so easy for frieda to betray carol when shes the only one that carol trusted with her whole life and at the end she just betrays her so she can go to minimum. i let out a sigh as after 10 minutes of thinking i finally got up and made my way to the bathroom,stripping off my clothes as there was a bruise on my waist from the left due to that bitch in d block that punched me. i got under the shower with my eyes shutting when the warm water finally hit my skin, i needed to clear my mind from everything that happened today.
i gasp when someone pinned my shoulders to the wall as i quickly cover my body with my hands when i saw carol "whatever that happened back there, you forget it and pretend that it never fucking happened via." carol said with her jaw clenched as i sigh before nodding my head slowly "what even are you talking about?" i hum with my brows raised as carol nodded with a sneer " good." she pulled away as her eyes drifted down to my bare boobs when i put my arms down but i quickly put my arm over my boobs again,hearing her scoff before she left the bathroom.
********** 4 hours later **********
i havent seen carol play bridge today at all, she barely even left the cell she only stayed laid on her bunk with a magazine in her hand. not even the guards tried to bother her because like i mentioned everyone is afraid of her.tho honestly now that im in the same cell with her i dont find her scary,maybe sometimes when shes mad or pissed but other than that shes not really scary to me. i sighed as i walked back to the cell from the library with a bag in my hand,like i expected carol was laying on her bunk with an arm resting behind her head and her eyes glued to the magazine in her head. i left two knocks on the metal part of the bunk to get her attention as she just shot me a glare then looked baco at the magazine before saying "what?." i pursed my lips a bit before getting closer as i hand her the plastic bag that had a few jawbreakers and lollipops "here..im not used to seeing you without a jawbreaker or lollipop in your mouth" i said giving her a small smile as she raised her brows and sat up after putting the magazine aside
"aww..and you know i have a sweet tooth" she said sarcastically before reaching her hand inside the bag to grab a jawbreaker that soon found its way in her mouth "youre welcome?" i said with a raised brow as she just shot me another glare which made me press my lips togather and nod "alright nevermind then" i saw her smile so slightly,it was barely there but i swear i could see her smile somehow "oh and also..the girls are waiting for you to play bridge with them" i said as i peek my head out the cell to see them sitting at the table that carol always sits us, she nodded while sucking on her jawbreaker as she got up and walked outside making her way towards them.
after 15 minutes of just reading a stupid book i finally made my way out the cell and glances at carol with a small smile, i dont know why but it was good seeing carol playing bridge and boss around again.i sat with alex and piper again as piper said "okay what the actual fuck navia?" i furrow my brows as i look at her with my face full of questionmarks until i saw laugh probably at how confused i look " whats going on between you and carol? we barely saw you these two days and whenever we do see you you'd be in the cell with carol or library,oh my god.." she gasped as she leaned forward "are you two fucking?" i widen my eyes quickly shaking my head " no what the fuck! im just tryna help her forget what frieda do and also i've been thinking about how i could possibly hurt frieda like how she hurt carol but again frieda isnt even here anymore " i huff as i rest my chin on my palm "wait so yall good? like yall have a normal relationship?" i look at alex with a "seriously?" face expression as i tilt my head "yeah because i actually try to have a convorsation with her instead of being scared, imma have to be around her for 25 years yall expect me to be scared and not talk to her for all these years?" i said while sucking on a lollipop that was in my mouth as alex pursed her lips and shrugged "she has a point" i smile and nod before glancing at her "shes not even bad,you would get it if you were in the same cell" i said as she glanced at her as i quickly look away.
i spent about 15 minutes just yapping about random things with them until i got up to go to the cell and grab another lollipop. i walked out as she second i began walking back to them i stopped when i heard carol call out for me " hey via." i turned to look at her as i raise my brows " yeah?" i clear my throat as her eyes were focused on the cards in her hands " you ever played bridge before?" i parted my lips as i shook my head when she looked at me " no i find it a bit complicated" i shrug as she raised her brows before shooting a glare to the girl next to her who immeditally understood and got up, carol looked at me as she gastured her head to the spot next to her "come on,i'll teach ya." i look at piper and alex before nodding and sitting next to her leaving a small space between us, she showed me her cards while explaining the whole game to me " you just have to follow suit to the card led,basically play a card of the same suit. if you cant then you can use a trick" she spent about 10 minutes teaching me which i surprisingly understood,she shuffled all the cards before gesturing to the seat in front of here "go on..lets have a game of practice for you" i nodded and quickly sat there i played about 3 games with her which i won one and lost two "eh.. you're not so bad kid" she said with raised brows as a small smile formed on my lips "you're a good teacher,what can i say" i chuckle as i look at my cards "great,youre gonna be my new partner. gonna play bridge with me everyday." i nodded as i noticed her staring me again with that very small smile that anyone could barely see but again i swear it was still there.
later at night i was standing inside the cell while taking off my jumpsuit so i can put on that stupid but surprisngly comfortable sleeping clothes since i couldnt say it was a pajama " woah giving me a strip show?" i heard carol say while she sat on her bottom bunk as i roll my eyes with a small smile on my face " fuck off" i heard her chuckle as i felt my heart warming up a little when i saw her smirk, it wasnt mischevious so it made me grin a bit. i climbed onto the top bunk before laying down until i saw carol's head suddenly pop up in front of me which made me flinch a bit " hey..want one?" she raised her brow while holding a cigarette as i shook my head "i dont smoke and how did you even get a cigarette.." i raised a brow as she sneered and shrugged "y'know i have my ways..i can get whatever i want here" she chuckled and laid back down,i roll my eyes playfully before shutting my eyes " yeah yeah obviously..goodnight carol." i said as i curl up on the bunk as i heard no response from her except from the smell of the smoke. i ended up falling asleep after a few minutes of just thinking about how carol was actually being a bit sweet and a little gentle with me now.
i woke up due a magazine being thrown at me, i groan and sit up while holding my head as i look at carol "what? rather being yelled at by ginger or woken up due to a magazine hitting your head?" i roll my eyes before rubbing my eyes " you seriously asking me this?" she shrugged with a smirk as she walked out the cell which i also did to go to the bathroom. i stripped off my clothes to take a shower and brush my teeth,when i walked with a towel wrapped around my body i found carol standing by the sink while brushing her teeth as she looked at me before looking at my half exposed tits i roll my eyes before standing next to her as i brush my own teeth "so you gonna let me explore them?" she said as i raise my brows "thought you werent a dyke now you wanna explore my boobs?" she shrugged with a sneer before she left the bathroom.
i made my way to the cell after putting my jumpsuit back on while drying my hair with a towel. i pop a lollipop into my mouth until i felt someone suddenly pull ity out my mouth,the second i saw carol in front of me my brows raised a bit when she put it inside her own mouth mot even bothered that it was already in mine "i gave you a bagfull and yet you still decided to take that one?" i huff as she backed me up onto the wall " you got a problem with that?" i frown slightly before shaking my head a bit "well i mean it was my lollipop but whatever" she chuckled and leaned closer before she grabbed my chin "cmon..dont be such a fucking baby over a lollipop,you want it?" she pouted mockingly while holding the lollipop in front of me which caused me to roll my eyes " okay you know what..just fuck off" i huffed until she held my jaw and curled her upper lip a bit, i waited for her to say something as she looked down at my lips.the second i was gonna push her away i froze in my lips when she pressed her lips on mine.my heart started beating rapidly as her free hand squeezed my hip with her kiss getting a bit deeper when she saw no response from me. my breath hitched a bit as i wrap an arm around her neck before tilting my head slightly. the second i retuned the kiss she pulled away before whispering into my ear "whenever you think of talking to me like that again,remember this." she pulled away with a scoff as she walked out the cell leaving me speechless with a red face.
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sydneybernices · 1 month
texting 📲 jordyn
sydney : hey beauty queen! how's it going? forgive me for not reaching out for a bit, i got caught up. however, missing you dearly. how busy are you? maybe i can bothered for a little girls night? ( @hollywoodwoods )
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traegics · 6 months
❛ you’ve been crying, what’s wrong? ❜ ( jordyn » rory
Tear soaked cheeks, bloodshot irises, there was no hiding it, no hiding the fear and pain that swirled around inside the she-wolf as she sat hidden away in the deepness of the bayou. Feet were tucked beneath her as she sat on the dock, digits toying with the laces of her shoes as she stared blankly out across the water. Regret, guilt, and fear kept her awake nearly every night, her little spot at the lake the only thing that silenced her mind and brought her semblance of solace, the stillness of the water helping her to take deep breaths, meditation at it's finest but ever since Brooks had shown up, every emotion she felt intensified and that fear that one day she'll be back in that deep black nothingness she had wound up in, her peace worlds away and leave him and her siblings without her again, break them all again pierced through her every vein. Her sister-in-law's voice cut through her thoughts, causing her frame to jump slightly as she realized she had carelessly allowed herself to ignore her surroundings before baby blue hues landed on Jordyn and hands rose to wipe at her features. "What isn't wrong," Lorelai countered softly. "I'm scared, Jordyn. That whole gala just reminded me how fragile we all are and now Brooks is here and I- God, I don't want to die again but what if this whole being back thing isn't meant to last? What if this was just part of their plan? Reunite friends and families just to rip them away from each other again. I see the way they look at me. I see how broken they all still are because of what I did and I just- I can't sleep because I'm scared that if I close my eyes, all of this will disappear again and I'll be back in the nothingness, the endless darkness that I had been in before being back."
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sellymarie · 4 months
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——- I wasn't expecting for us to meet up here, but i won't say no to meeting anyone here. i was going to invite you out for a little girls date, but this works better if you ask me. how have you been ? we haven't spoke in a while and i'm missing you, jordyn. ( @hollywoodwoods )
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catalina-martinez · 2 years
i’m going to try to see that as a compliment. (jordyn)
“Was it not a compliment,” Tatum questioned, brows furrowing as she rethought her words. “I swear I meant it as one. Sometimes the things that I say just don’t come out how I intend them too. Something I’m still working on.”
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alldancersaretalented · 3 months
Studio Switch List 2024/25
(also includes late season switches)
Link to "How many studio switches so far?"
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Jordyn Hay
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
B. Bernard C. Butler M. Caryl L. Caver E. Defoe K. Heath I. Lewis C. Nielson A. Peterson S. Peterson A. White
-> Kinetic Dance
Mary Anne Serpas
-> Mather Dance Company
Sally Schulz
-> N10 Dance Studios
Juliette Birchard Jonah Guzman
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Leila Pitcovich
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Beeta Barkhordar Harper Fish Bailee Hill Sky White
-> The Union (new studio!)
Veda and little sister Mia Weisz-Marin
-> Tribe Seven
Cate Block
3'N Motion Studio
-> BLA Dance Academy
Molly Weber Margaux Struble Chloe Todman
4th Street Dance Centre
-> Northern Force Dance Company
Hazel Brown Olena Brown
Adage Dance Center
-> K2 Studios
Dylan Kubo Aspen Walton
Adrenaline Dance Company
-> Prodigy Dance Studio
Bellarose Ramos
AE Dance Productions
-> The Company Space
Hazel Kinnick
All American Dance Factor
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Madison Virostek
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
-> Pave School of the Arts
Lily McFarland
AM Dance
-> Studio X
Brooklyn Abrams Alana Cato Asyah Lewis Baileigh McJimson Leiyah Nova
-> The K Project Dance Company
Aubrey Davis Jaden Gonzalez Rosalyn Gutierrez
Amirian Ballet Academy
-> Royal Danish Ballet School
Emma Crawford
Apples Dance Lab
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Payten Butler Sara Wren
Artistic Motion Dance
-> Abstraction Dance Company
Giselle Pilorin
-> Devotion The Movement
Sydney Duke Sunnie Pelant
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Zoe Baker GG Mier Katie Rosa Piper Ryder Tatum Ryder
Art Of Technique
-> The Washington School Of Ballet
Kaitlyn Brandely
Augusta West Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Zoe Lewis
Avanti Dance Company
-> CAP The Company
Natalie Jahn
-> Mather Dance Company
Hayden Goren Reese Goren
-> N10 Dance Studios
Saige Hibbard
-> West Coast School of the Arts
Eva Graziano
Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre
-> Boston Ballet II
Sophia Jones
Bayer Ballet Academy
-> John Cranko Schule
Amelia Chen
Big City Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Alex Cyncewicz
Brava Dance
-> Westchester Dance
Emily Pierog
Burbank Dance Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Manuela De Souza
Cache Valley Civic Ballet
-> Creative Dance Academy
Kate Baldwin Sophia Baldwin
Camarillo Academy of Performing Arts
-> Bobbie's School of Performing Arts
Peyton Root Ryan Root
Canadian Dance Unit
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Quinn Powers
CanDance Studios
-> Club Dance Studio
Preslie Ball
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Colette Stutzman
-> The Union (new studio!)
Crystalyn Chesko
Carlsbad Dance Centre
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Ansel Mullick Camille Mullick Evelyn Mullick
Cary Dance Prudctions
-> Renner Dance Company
Marlee Thomas
CC & Co Dance Complex
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke Olivia Roberson
Centerstage Dance Academy
-> West Florida Dance Company
Ava Starr Rodriguez
Center Stage Dance Company
-> JBP Entertainment
Bianca Lewis
Center Stage Dance Gymnastics
-> The Fenyx Project
Arielle Miles
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Halston Fisher Oakley Fisher Tatum Fisher
Charliz Balicao Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Payton Mueller
Cincinnati Ballet Professional Training
-> Alabama Ballet
Caroline Love Jenna Renfield
City Ballet San Francisco
-> Boston Ballet II
Maddie Austin
CityDance Conservatory
-> Boston Ballet School II
Lucian DeBellis
CJ Dance Crew
-> Club Dance Studio
Madi Cole MaKinley Cole
Club Dance
-> ??
Ashton Wullbrandt
-> Dance Studio C
Gwyneth Woods
-> Elite Dance Pro
Madisyn Rose Amos Kennedy Cicerelli Abby Honstad Jaida Morin Payton Stowe
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Tilly Allen Brinley Bennett Brynlee Bulbulian Lainey Bulbulian Makena Cameron Pallas Chiste Olivia Clouse Kensley Colman Charlotte Cook Sophia Dasalla Avery Dunwell Lena Funk Mia Funk Jaycee Grant Kalista Greer Kanon Greer Kaylan Greer Oakley Hill Goldie Hill Birdie Hill Alaina Igleski Kaydence Lawton Arianna Mendez Callie Mendez Harper O'Malley Dannika Ren'ee Quiroz Tatem Robinson Leslie Soto Nicole Soto Tatum Strauss Kate Valentine Aubrey Williams
-> Illusion Dance Company
Madyson Barney
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Taeya Stosich Tinley Stosich
Complexity Dance Center
-> Vision Dance Alliance
Ava Dowling London Dowling
Concept Pavielle
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Siena Paradeau
Conservatory of Dance Arts
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Ella Andrews Sarah Blady Charlotte Dean Sophie Dean Calli Hollenbeck Lilly May Hartley Murla
Cypress Dance Project (closing!)
-> The Fenyx Project
Ahmya Tovar Jasleen Tovar
-> Tribe Seven
Avery Farris Gracelyn Harris Kyndle McCormick Frankie Miranda Mia Narvaez Tana Nickerson Evelin Peterson Lily Savarese Paislynn Schroeder Gabriella Slay Dalilah Soto Frankie Soto Kayla Tanea Abigail Wade Melody Thiel Rianna Weck Rosalie Wickman
Cypress Elite Dance Studio
-> The Fenyx Project
Charlie Mae
Dance Academy of State College
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Emma Girdany
Dance Arts Centre ATL
-> Dance Lab (new studio!)
Ryn Andersen Tarin Belizaire Izzy Bensinger Nina Kitchen Daniella Lerman Samantha Wilson
Dance Arts Centre
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Beckett Eberhard Britta Eberhard
Dance Connection 2
-> Club Dance Studio
Claire Pistor
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Jaxon Adamson Juliette Ridenour Scarlett Ridenour
Dance Connection Scottsdale
-> The Collective PHX
Madee Richardson
Dance Deluxe
-> Club Dance Studio
Dana Homes
-> Dance Connection 2
Kamryn Arnold
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Sunday Smith
Dance Dimensions PAC
-> The House Dance Complex
Sophia Hasson Victoria Safahi
Dance Enthusiasm
-> Murrieta Dance Project
Liciana Vun
-> Phunk Phenomenon Dance Studio
Landon Indeglia
Dance Exposure 2
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Morgan Wendt
Dance FX
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Aryanna Lafontaine Cooper
Dance Inc Company
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Lauren Allan
Dance Lab OC
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Maggie Till
Dancemark Studio
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Katie Bishop
Dance Republic
-> Club Dance
Annabelle Greenamyer Scottie Greenamyer Abigail Patton
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Kaia Roseland
Dance Studio C
-> Elite Dance Pro -> Dance Connection 2
Charlotte Rathjen
-> Impact Dance
Maizey Miller Savannah Miller
Dance University
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Olivia Cherpak Stella Cherpak Chiara Siragusa Mila Steven
Dance Unlimited Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Mila Talab
The Dance Zone
Katelyn Miranda
-> The Living Dolls Dance Factory
Olivia Martinez
Dance Unlimited Colorado
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Fiona McDonald
Dance Vision
-> Becky Nalevanko's Dance Studio
Aria Telander
-> Academy of Nevada Ballet
Naya Fowler
-> The Rock
Brielle Bonas Parker June
-> Club Dance
Kelsey Jackman Makayla Jackman
-> DC Dance Factory
Kendall Kolodge
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Vida Lemos
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Haley Bertino
-> North County Academy of Dance
Ella Nani Knight
-> Pave San Diego
Paisley Publico Polly Jo Publico
Dancers Edge
-> Club Dance
Emerson Van Houten
Dancers World Production
-> K2 Studios
Claire Zhang
Dance Vision
-> The Academy
Cece Nguyen
Dansations Competition Team
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Brady Horne
DC Dance Factory
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Harper Bowen
Dellos Dance Academy
-> The Academy
Kendall Krajewski
Diverse Elements
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Kenna Bonhote
-> Dance Connection 2
Peyton Whited
Divine Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kallie Niday
DMdance Company
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Kinsley Gainer Taylor Jenkins Tyler Jenkins
Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Clara Riggs
-> Boston Ballet II
Pavel Kulev
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Summer Lily
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> San Francisco Ballet School
June Freeman
-> Westside Dance Project
Fiona Poth
DNA Dance Creatives
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Jackson Ruekert
Drapers Center for Dance Education
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Rhauri Samuels
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Samuel Gauss
Dynamic Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Crupi
Dynamic Dance Refinery
-> New Level Dance Company
Sophia Hernandez-Gonzalez
Elektro Dance Academy
-> Dance Deluxe
Alexis Gizzo
-> Eternal Dance Company
Madyson Koch
-> LA Dance
Kinsey Joan
-> The Collective PHX
Julianna Aispuro Tenley Anthony
Elevate Dance Academy
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Sidney Sullivan
Elite Classical Coaching
-> Academie Princess Grace
Morgan Ligon
-> Royal Ballet School
Izzy Keesee
Elite Dance PAC
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Lillie Lanier
Elite Dance Pro
-> Club Dance
Peyton De La Cerda Mila Michael Lucia Piedrahita Sophia Schiano River Segerman
-> Rhythm Dance Complex
Gavin Schwarze
-> The Collective PHX
Alexa Schwarze
Elite Feet Artists Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Norah Hurley
Elise Flagg Academy Of Dance
-> Central PA Youth Ballet
Ella Wilke
Ellison Ballet
-> ABT Junior Co
Victoria Papakalodouka
Encore Dance Arts
-> The Collective PHX
Laila Faith
Eternal Dance Company
-> CanDance Studios
Alaina Martinez
-> Gateway Dance Center
Juniper Wakefield
Evoke Dance Movement
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Eleanor Bullock Lucia Jade Frazier Emmy Claire Khaiden Tayah Klimuck Dylan Schaffer Maya Steinman
Evolve 26
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Blayklee Balthazar
Evolve Dance Complex
-> CCJ Conservatory
Cami Vorhees
-> Power Dance Company
Maya Rogers
Evolution Dance Center
-> North County Academy Of Dance
Presley McGraw
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Casey Archibald Liv Barrelli Karisma Colyan Kirrana Colyan Ava Cucker Elyse Dueler Alli Esposito Avery Fumillari Sofia Galati Joya Garner Sofia Gorman Kendall Hensley Kaylie Koehnen Brianna Lee Isla Marshall Emma MacKay Everly McGraw Ellie Miles Avril Overlock Drew Overlock Danielle Smart Kirra Stradwiser Vivienne Tolentino Lyla Yuceit Brooke Zamoff Shayne Zell
Expressions Dance & Music
-> Tribe Seven
Francesca Casaretto Gabi Woods
Fearless Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Marilyn Castaneda
Flashdance Studio
-> Houston Ballet Academy
Patricio Lopez
FLEX Dance and Fitness
-> The Southern Strutt
Grace Marvella
Freckled Frog Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Vallerina Athena
Fusion Dance Force
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Emily Deal Abigail Monahan Abby Rodriguez
Fusion Studios
-> Mather Dance Company
Brooke Kim Mariana Simoes
Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
-> Dance Deluxe
Bradley Kawa Breckyn Kawa
Gotta Dance Company AZ
-> The Collective PHX
Avah Gonzalez Gabriella Gonzalez Valencia Gonzalez
Gotta Dance Company CA
-> Stars Dance Studio
Tristan Jones
Greenwich Conservatory of Classical Ballet
-> Dance Town
Cassie Coughlin
-> Mather Dance Company
Lydon Thach
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hart Academy of Dance
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hathaway Academy of Ballet
-> somewhere in the Netherlands
Kennedy Kahler
Heart & Sole Performing Arts
-> Gotta Dance Company
Leigha Jessee
Hollywood Ballet School
-> United Ballet Academy
Isobel Lehman
Houston Ballet Academy
-> Boston Ballet
Sam Stampleman
-> Boston Ballet II
Michael Dadlez Layla Porter
Hudson Dance Academy
-> Avanti Dance Company
Melody Garcia
Hyphen Conservatory
-> Mather Dance Company
Makaela McCosar
iBallet Studio
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Aviva Brock
Impact Dance
-> Club Dance Studio
Bostyn Thomas Holland Thomas Presley Thomas
In Motion Dance Project (closing)
-> ??
Mila Bonilla Anniston Clarke Adrienne Diaz Bella Flores Mia Flores Lily Holbrook Isabella Luciano Mali Photnetrakhom Madeline Terry Joey Webber
-> Dance Universe
Ellie ?
-> Marshall Ellis Dance School
Renee Forseth
-> New Dimensions Dance
Annalee Ramb
-> Starz Dance Company
Elissa Loryn Sadie Moore Isabella Peixoto
-> Orlando Ballet School
Sylvie Rock
-> Underground Movement
Lila Blood Kristyeliz Laureano Valerie Santana Izzy Warren
-> Xplosive Dance Academy
Levi Caicco Valeria Luciano Isabella Quartaro Olivia Rock Abigail Torres Adeline Vozza
Innovate Dance Studios
-> Avanti Dance Company
Pressly Loomis
Inspire Dance Complex
-> K2 Studios
Eliana Guzmán Isabela Guzmán Cali Rucker Arrow Yarbrough
Inspired Movement Dance
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Brooke Toro
Intensity Dance Academy
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Lydia Onder Bryn Onder
Intensity Dancer's Studio
-> Dance Town
Nicole Losada
In The Spotlight Dance Studio
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Quinn Caroline
JBP Entertainment
-> BLA Dance Academy
Ashton Kinsleigh
JDI Dance Company
-> 4PM Dance
Addelyn Muesso
Jean Leigh Academy of Dance
-> Tari's School of Dance
Stella Vince
Joffrey Ballet School Texas
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Ella Waitz
Jump Dance Company
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Natalie Boone Reese Gilman Chloe Mullins Claire Sorensen Addison Weimann
Jun Lu Performing Arts
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Athena Hu
Just off Broadway
-> Club Dance Studio
Kaia Erby
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Sadie Daniels
-> Stars Dance Studio
Zoe Swope
K2 Studios
-> ??
(Jessica Sutton) (Rebecca Sutton)
-> Studio X
Jeanne Garcia Zoey Garcia
-> The Academy
Kynzli Reece
Kaos Dance Elite
-> The Company Space
Taylor Smith
Kat & Co
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Anthony Labritz
Katies Dance Connection
-> Elite Danceworx
Taya Osso
Kick Dance Studio
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Violet Kolb
Kinetic Dance
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Catherine Owen
Kozmic Edge
-> Q3 Dance Company
Angelina Mendez
LA Dance AZ
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Syvon Stokes
Larkin Dance Studio
-> Studio 4
Lola Boisen
-> Concept Pavielle
Grace Sullivan
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Savannah Manzel
Legacy Dance Productions
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Mckenna Gerrits
Legacy Productions Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Emily Pina
Lovett Dance Center
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Logan Macy
Major Productions Studio of Dance
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Hailey Schneider
Master Ballet Academy
-> Ballet West
Melanie McIntire
-> Club Dance Studio
Hazel Silverman (also continues training at MBA)
-> John Cranko Schule
Gracie Kirkwood Lillian Rossman
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Keagan Pickett
Mather Dance Company
Mia Santiago Savy Witeck
-> The Academy
Eliana Weiss
Mekka Dance Project
-> Tribe Seven
Ainsley Scott
Meta Fair Burns Dance
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Kylie Dalrymple
Miami City Ballet Pre-Pro
-> Boston Ballet II
Olivia Santos
Miami Dancity Studios
-> Stars Dance Studio
Sabrina Lorente
Michelle's Dance Xplosion
-> Nor Cal Dance Arts
Jaxon Albano
Michigan Dance Alliance
-> Artflux Dance Lab
Mattie Mair Millie Morante
Milele Academy, LLC
-> DC Dance Factory
Eisley Beer
MJ's House of Dance
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Kiley Holgerson Ava Azzaretto Caiden Boltz Cassidy Boltz
Monterey Peninsula Ballet Theatre
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Harper Palmer
Move By Morrelli
-> Artistic Fusion Dance
Lilianna Hales
Murrieta Dance Project
-> K2 Studios
Jaedon Diaz Kloey Diaz
MVP Elite
-> 3'Motion Dance Studio
Mackenzie Mucha Madison Mucha
N10 Dance Studios
-> ??
Ariella Truong
-> 4PM
Jordan Eskenazi
-> Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts
Avery Margarita
-> Premier Youth Dance Academy
Clara Han
-> Project 21
Annie Hu Madison Ng
New Level
-> Stars
Kenny Braga Reese Braga
NJ Center of Dance
-> The Vision Dance Complex
Bella Baldino
No Limits Dance Company
-> CCJ Conservatory
Rylie Sickles
Northern Force Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Aria Johnson Sloane Johnson
North Shore Dance Academy
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Juliana Desilets Ellie Fanning Sophie MacKenzie Callie Wilkins Molly Wilkins
-> ??
Sarah Kuy
-> K2 Studios
Amelia Faizi Ella Montano
-> Mather Dance Company
Mila Malone Sierra Yen
-> Nebraska Dance
Sophia SantaMaria
-> Project 21
Reese Arkin Valeria Ochoa
-> Studio X
Jordyn Rockett
On Pointe Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Giuliana Bressler
Orlando International School of Dance
-> Starz Dance Company
Layla Jordan
Palm Beach Academy of Dance Arts
-> Dance Universe
Hattie Selene
Panama City Dance Academy
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Maisie-Rose Burkey
Paula Carr Dance Academy
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Eliza Gee
Pave School of the Arts
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Addyson Paul
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Quinn Briscoe
-> Mather Dance Company
Alexa Rauth Ava Rauth
Kennedy Bush
-> Project 21
Stella Fisk Liv Matson
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Kenzie Arrendondo Talia Ayumi Gemma DeSola Kinsley Dunn Kassidy Dunn Ellie Iwamoto James Iwamoto Harper Fisk Marlowe Fisk Tatum Fisk Kirsten Jeslyn Kailey Longshore Kassidy Luong Sophia Monje Alexa Paul Goli Ranekouhi Rylee Stabeck Isaiah Wang Hadley York
-> South County Dance
Hayden Calder
Perception Dance
-> Premier Dance
Madison Smith
Perfect Pointe Dance
-> Studio X
Danya Chang
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School
-> Ballet West Academy
Carina Fulop
Platform Dance
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Arielle Michalak
Precision Dance Conservatory
-> Dance Universe
Teagan Sanchez
Premier Youth Dance Company
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Greysen Fowler-Allen
Prestige Dance Institute
-> Renner Dance Company
Kensley Phillips
Profusion Talent
-> Studio X Dance Complex
Dallas Soffel
Project 21
-> ??
Ally Choi Airi Dela Cruz
-> CAP The Company
Dillon Barron
-> CA School of Classical Ballet
Aliya Yen
-> Stars Dance Studio
Leilani Lawlor
-> Westside Dance Project
Makeila Bartlett
Project Performer
-> Pave San Diego
Nora Aminlari
Renner Dance Company
-> Club Dance Studio
Ania Siri Olivia Siri
Republic Edge Dance Company
-> Tribe Seven
Adalynn Delaney Alayna Jeneva Cali Lynch Aubrey Warren
Revolution Dance
-> Dance Zone
Kaylin Gabosch
Rize All
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Carissa Chueng Roxanna Chueng
-> Natiomas Dance Method
Ayla Polendav
-> University Cheer Force
Addelyn Skube
Rockly Mountains Ballet Academy
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Shylee Sagle
Russian Masters Ballet
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Sheridan Stone
San Clemente Dance
-> Variant Movement
Alana Ting
SFLA Dance Complex
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Addison Parker
Skyra Studios
-> Mather
Sienna Morris
Sol Studio SSD (closing!)
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Phoebe Fatula Hayden Goebel Makenna McGrath Lily Parraga Riley Platenberg Gabby Reiss Tiffany Robinson Keira Segal
Soul Studio Dance
-> West Florida Dance Company
Callie Ludtke
South County Dance
-> K2 Studios
Paige Garrett Reese Garrett
-> Mather Dance Company
Gabby Campos
Southland Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Alisa Xu
-> Pacific Dance
Natalie Chiang
South Tulsa Dance Co
-> Next Step Dance
Allyn Green
Stage One Dance Studio
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Katie Kim
Starstruck Performing Arts Center
-> Perception Dance
Jacey Erwin Kinley Winn
Steps N Motion Dance
-> K2 Studios
Aspen Roberts
Studio 1 Dance Academy
-> Club Dance
Hadley Taylor
-> The House Dance Complex
Lyla Martin
Studio 4
-> Larkin
Elle Boudewyns Reese Ottney Leah Pribyl Vera Souvannavong
Studio 19 Dance Complex
-> Elite Dance By Damian
Alexis Crystal
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Carina Simone
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kaitlyn Allen
Studio 702
-> The Rock
Peyton Nowacki Addison Price Hailey Stuck Taylor Stuck
Studio Bleu Dance Center (closing!)
-> ??
Kristin Mitchell
-> Art of Technique
Abigail Daisy Olivia Rosiek Chloé Le Pettigrew Victoria Zhang
-> Cerdafied Dance Studios
Nick Shalin
-> CityDance Conservatory
Kennedy Thompson
-> Dance Academy of Loudoun
Madelyn Cuttin Addie She
-> Enchanted Stage
Lily Mendoza Ellie Myers Mina Oemler
-> Ignite The Light Performing Arts
Zion Landis
-> LM Premier Dance
Grace Wright
-> Mission Dance Project (new studio!)
Lily Carmello Ava Doell Aubrey Franklin Kayleigh Jo Ellie Myers Brianna Norgrove Emily Parinello Brooklyn Smith Stella Tullio Jessica Zhang
-> NOVA Elite Dance Alliance
Nicole Ocean
-> Rise Dance Center
Kennedy Mirabella Maddy Mirabella
-> TDC Dance
Ja Pelle Nayeli Wilder
-> The Dance Lab VA (new studio!)
Leilah Bell Lily Rae Bolno Audrina Brudner Bellatrix Castillo Isabella Plotczyk Ashlan Scheide Mina Terry Gina Zhang
Studio G Dance Company
-> Art In Motion Conservatory of Dance
Madilyn Rexrode
-> Artistic Edge
Devin Dalmolin
Summer's Danceworks
-> The Union (new studio!)
Cienna Fernow Ellah Perry
Summit Dance Shoppe
-> Concept Pavielle
Gabriella Maggitt Carrigan Paylor
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Lucy Mae Dunn
Synergy Academy Utah
-> Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Corra Blake
Tapio School of Dance and Gymnastics
-> CCJ Conservatory
Landry Leon
TDA Prep
-> Exhibit 3 Dance
Avery Maycunich
Temecula Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Bailey Dalton
Texas Academy of Dance Arts
-> Tribe Seven
Gatsby Lasala Quinlyn Lasala
The Academy
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Ella Carlson
-> K2 Studios
Laci Stoico
-> Mather Dance Company
Bella Puskar
-> The Next Big Thing Academy
Peyton Barron
-> The Platform Dance Studio
Malia Williams
-> YYC Dance
Kinsley Oykhman
The Art of Classical Ballet
-> Hollywood Ballet School
Kya Massimino
Theatre Arts
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Hallee Francisco
The Ballet Clinic
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Sarina Rosenblum
The Center Stage Dance Studio
Blakelyn Scifres
The Collective PHX
-> CanDance Studios
Sasha Landreaux
-> Club Dance Studio
Ellie Laird Zoie Laird
-> Elite Dance Pro
Alivya Alfonso
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Breckyn Kawa -> Dance Deluxe Bradley Kawa -> Dance Deluxe
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Mila Hiatt
-> The Union (new studio!)
Addy Gaffney
-> Studio X
Kinley Cunningham
The Dance Academy of Puyallup
-> The Company Space
Isabella Scandale
The Dance Centre NJ
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Savanna Grae
The Dance Complex
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Maddyn Bauermeister Henley Raak
The Dance Institute
-> Stars Dance Studio
Maribel Weishaar
The Dance Scene
-> Studio X
Desi Alcala
The Dance Space
-> Tribe Seven
Penelope Church
The Dance Spot
-> Danceology
Alessandra Escobar-Moeller
-> Mather Dance Company
Kennedy Molino
The Element Dance Center
-> The Academy
Sunnie Stanley
The Living Dolls Factory
-> Legacy Dance Studio
Lilliana Gonzalez
The Movement Complex
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Reich
The NINE Dance Academy
-> Canadian Dance Company
Shaunaughsey Meagher
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Evelyn Rego Ivy Mae Rego
The Platform Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Kaydence Mardis
-> Dance Connection 2
Jordyn Castle
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Clara Lawless Lily Lawless Stella Lawless Arielle Michalak Charlotte Reese
The Rage Dance Complex
-> Studio 1 Dance Academy
Tennasyn Faith Giselle Miranda
The Rock Center For Dance
-> ABT Junior Co
Crystal Huang
The Southern Strutt
-> CCJ Consevatory
Annsley Huff
The Talent Factory
-> K2 Studios
Ileana Cruz Sienna Legitt Natalie Pan Quinn Pan
The Vision Dance Alliance
-> New Jersey Ballet Company
Kennedy Anderson
The Why Movement
-> Tribe Seven
Grace Gerszewski
Titanium Arts Lab
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Julliana Gould
Trademark Dance Academy
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Braelynn McKenna
Variant Movement
-> New Level Dance Company
Gabby Terschluse
Way 2 Move - Dance & Movement
-> Dance Town
Alexa Oviedo
West Coast Dance Complex
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Emily Bach
West Coast School of the Arts
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Rebeca Gomez Garza
West Florida Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Ella Dobler
-> The Southern Strutt
Macey Strickland
WestMet Classical Training
-> Sarasota Ballet School
Madelyn Murphy
Westside Dance Project
-> ??
Diana Kouznetsova Isabella Kouznetsova
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Esme Chou Olivia Marquez
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Izzy Howard
Woodbury Dance Center
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Kylie Roach
Xtreme Dance Studio
-> The Rock School
Blake Metcalf
-> Project 21
Emma Walters (also continuing training at YLAB)
Your Haven Dance Company
-> West Florida Dance Co
Kylee Kay
Youth American Ballet Company
-> Boston Ballet II
Natalie Cardona
125 notes · View notes
swandive2estuary · 5 months
new Girl released and theres a new page linked on the post traumatic manifesto caard that can be accessed through the ??? page!
felt like trying to dissect it a bit so heres my thoughts :)
i assume jordyn (the one who owns the secret page) is either a. one of the girls, b. the ??? person, or c. both. dont know much about them but i know their background is from this
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their webkins pet is also named jerma. they’re probably a fan of twitch streamers
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based on jordyns posts, i can gauge that they’re in a mental hospital or maybe a rehab place?
here are some people who are mentioned in jordyns posts:
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if i were to speculate who these people were based on the girls currently released, i think xiomara is caliber girl: assuming her password is her birth year it fits her age (2023 - 1996 = 27). i also think tahira might be splitter girl because of her particular choice in movies.
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freyja could very well be fainéant girl because of the pronoun usage (fainéant is the only girl who uses she/they only iirc)
nora is more ambiguous but i feel like it could be chocolate-box girl based on what nora chose to draw. (but if you were asking simply off of vibes i’d say irreverent girl)
but ofc the people named could very well be girls who just haven’t been released yet.
but thats just a theory… A Girl Theory! Thanks for Watching :)
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daevite · 2 years
hi gang i made a new gfm because i've spent today so far listening to my intoxicated ex yell at me and his friend and slam things around the apartment and dealing with this shit for the past 2-3 years has been (re)traumatizing and i need to get out of here asap. i'm working on getting his friend on the lease instead of me and getting a place in the same town as my university but in the meantime i need to be as prepared as i can to get out of here (still need to make sure i have a place to go to anyway) asap.
other ways to help -
c-shapp: $IthelLovik
v-nmo: @IthelLovik
i also do art commissions and sell stuff on redbubble, though my unstable health makes doing comms hard and redbubble sales only get me pennies. my art is @sardonicdoll.
thank you for reading and please reblog if you see this!
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artisticlegshake · 3 months
Noah Schmidt - SMITTY'S
Kylee Amoroso-Kawamoto - 24-7 DANCE FORCE
Vadriana Romero - NEW ERA
Rosendo Arechiga - CANDANCE
Georgi Arnold - SGSDANCE
Eva Chapelle - DANCE FORCE
Camryn Lanigan - EVOLVE
Iliana Victor - STARS
Darbye Simpson - DC DANCE FACTORY
Kaitlyn Allen - STUDIO 19
Giada Leigh - KOIN & CO
Jordyn Green - NOR CAL
Angelika Edejer - EVOKE
Lauren Fuselier - DISTINCTION
Kenzie Jones - ELEKTRO
Madison Marshall - THE COLLABORATIVE
T Amari - ENCORE
Grace McKinley - DANCE STUDIO C
Tess Devine - DANCE FORCE
Audrey La France - NOR CAL
Louise Hindsbo - EVOLVE
Kaitlyn Ansberry - ELITE DANCE
Sabine Nehls - THE ROCK
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rose-margaritas · 1 month
Hey guys! I’ve kind of been stuck in art block limbo recently, not because of a lack of ideas but instead of too many ideas. So, I’m making a poll to see what animatic you guys would like to be made first :D (to hopefully escape art block hell…)
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cxr0lo1 · 1 month
I deeply apologize for not updating guys I’ve been so busy and sick but I promise I’ll update the new chapter today!
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jerzwriter · 3 months
One Bed Prompt Fiq Reqs
These are the ones I have received; I'll cross them off as I complete them to keep me honest. I'm STRUGGLING to keep these short and get them done quickly!
Requests are closed for now - you can send them if you'd like, but just know it will be a while before I get to any new ones.
Thanks for the great response! :)
Prompt List
Ethan/Kaycee: "It's not like we haven't slept together before."
Tobias/Casey: "This totally doesn't feel like the movies."
Trystan/Carolina: "Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep?
Casey/Jordan (Rose's OH MC) "You are like a furnace, I feel like I needed to take my clothes off."
Ethan/Bryce/Tobias - "It's just for one night, we can handle that." and "Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep?"
Anon 1
Trystan/Tobias: Scenario 12 before meeting their perspective C's
Anon 2
Troy/Eli: "One bed is one thing, but only one pillow and one blanket?" and "You stole my blanket and fought me for it."
Ethan/Kaycee - "It's not like we haven't slept together before." and "I couldn't leave, you were basically sleeping on top of me."
Eli/Zoe - "One bed is one thing, but only one pillow and one blanket?" "Never thought you'd be a cuddler."
Anon 3
Ethan/Kaycee: Scenario 15 - sharing a bed used to be quite normal for us, when did that change?
Tobias/Casey: Scenario 11 - we’re camping and my tent ripped, can I please share yours?
For Merida, Olivia, and Casey - "No one needs to sleep in the bathroom. That's ridiculous!" "You're seriously like an octopus." "Can we delay getting up for a few more minutes, please?"
Chipping away at this!
Working on the others - trying to do them as true drabbles - let's see how that goes! lol
Stranded... ❤️‍🩹06.10 | Open Heart - Ethan x Kaycee
No Returns ☁️06.13 | Open Heart - Tobias x Casey
One Day... ☁️06.14 | Crimes of Passion - Trystan x Carolina
Freshly Squeezed ☁️ 06.14 | Open Heart - Casey (F!MC) x Jordyn (@rosesnink s F!MC)
New Discoveries ☁️06.27 | Open Heart (MOC World) - Ethan, Bryce, Tobias
I don't quite recall...☁️06.30 | Crimes of Passion/Open Heart Crossover - M!Trystan Thorne x Tobias Carrick
A Place to Stay ☁️ 07.10 | Wake the Dead - Troy & Eli
The Journey ❤️‍🩹🛸07.13 | Open Heart- Ethan x Kaycee
Chancing It ☁️🛸 07.16 | Open Heart - Tobias x Casey
Seeking Shelter ☁️ 07.23 | Wake the Dead - Eli x Zoe
Snugglin' Inn ☁️ 08.24 | Open Heart - Merida, Casey, Olivia (Ethan, Tobias, Bryce)
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traegics · 3 months
Closed Starter - @beavtifvltragedies (Jordyn)
"You clean up nicely, Reine," Ruslan greets, grin settled across his lips as he lowers himself into the bar stool beside her. "Where's that husband of yours your always gushing about? Surely, he hasn't left you to fend for yourself, no?"
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xoxoproject21 · 3 months
Radix Nationals Predictions
Top 6:
1st: Mila Renae (Studio X)
2nd: Stella Brinkerhoff (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
3rd:Melina Biltz (The Rock Center For Dance)
4th: Mikayla Isler (Club dance studio)
Runner ups: Aspen Brandt (Club dance studio), Emily Collins (Dance Deluxe)
Top 15:
Payton Jetson (Nor Cal Dance Arts)
Brielle Arias (Studio X)
Lauren Allison (Dance Deluxe)
Kennedy Truax (Dance Precisions)
Arianna Claxton (The Pointe Performing Arts Center)
Gemma Holmes (Evolve)
Mila Hiatt (Impact Dance)
Elise Carlson (Evoke)
Zoey Martinez (Stars)
Mila Cayetano (Elements)
Stacy Sun (Elements)
Top 6:
1st: Emily Polis (The Vision Dance Alliance)
2nd: Mika Takase (No Cal)
3rd: Tayah Klimuck (Pave)
4th: Addyson Paul (Pave)
Runner ups: Camila Giraldo (Stars), Devyn Scherff (Studio 19 Dance Complex)
Top 15:
Kennedy Anderson (The Vision Dance Alliance)
Alana Gordon (Nor Cal)
Khloe Kwon (Pave)
Braydon Ziegler (Elite Studio of Dance)
Aracely Lee (Dance Deluxe)
Piper Perusse (The Company Space)
Brooklyn Ward (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Tabitha Nan (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Skyla Lucena (Stars)
Greta Wagner (Summit)
Sarahi Lopez-Prieto (4PM)
Francesca Jen (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Top 6:
1st: Coltrane Vodicka (Evoke)
2nd: Riley Zeitler (Westlake)
3rd: Aaliyah Dixon (Summit)
4th: Georgia Beth Peters (JBP Entertainment)
Runner ups: Kinsley Oykhman (The Academy at The Brea Space), Lexi Godwin (Evoke)
Top 15:
Emmy Claire Kaiden (Evoke)
Kylee Ngo (Nor Cal)
Alexis Mayer (The Rock Center For Dance)
Sophia Schiano (Elite Dance Pro)
Vanessa Soto (Dance Deluxe)
Gage Davis (Dance Deluxe)
Halle Hunt (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Paris Dimos (Brent street)
Allison Shin (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Caitlyn Polis (The Vision Dance Alliance)
Amelia Brackman (YYCDP)
Top 6:
1st: Vadriana Romero (New Era Athletic Dance Facility)
2nd: Sabine Nehls (The Rock Centre for Dance)
3rd: Iliana Victor (Stars)
4th: Angelika Edejer (Evoke)
Runner ups: Kenzie Jones (Elektro), Audrey La France (Nor Cal) + Jordyn Green (Nor Cal)
Top 15:
Louise Hindsbo (Evolve)
Madison Polis (The vision)
Kaitlyn Allen (Studio 19)
Noah Schmidt Smitty's (Performing Arts Center)
Lily Godwin (Evoke)
Grace McKinley (Dance studio C)
Lauren Fuselier (Distinction Dance Company)
Camryn Lanigan (Evolve)
8 notes · View notes
typingtess · 1 month
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:   “Sensu Lato”        
The basics:  After a scientist/Navy Reservist is stabbed, the team works to find the attacker.  Kensi and Deeks deal with parenthood, Sam sees a possible new future.
Written by: Faythallegra Claude and Indira Gibson Wilson
Faythallegra Claude wrote season 13’s "Perception" and season 14's "Glory of the Sea".  Indira Gibson Wilson co-wrote, “The Frogman’s Daughter”, "Signs of Change" and “Hard for the Money” and was the sole writer for "Lost Soldier Down" and "Let it Burn".
Directed by: Kevin Berlandi directed the season 14 premiere, "Game of Drones".
Guest stars of note:  Duncan Campbell is back from “Sleeping Dogs” as Agent Castor, Brandon Raman as Arjun Sethi, Jason C. Louder as Dr. Daryl Howard, Krishna Smitha as Natasha Graham, Lisa Marie as Dr. Claire Winchester, Kelby Keenan as GenBioSys Tour Guide and Jordan Murphy as Chief Technology Officer Tom Fields.
Our heroes:  Look for moths.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  In San Diego. Sam:   Setting conscientious objectives. Kensi:  Wants to spend a little more time with Deeks even though they work and live together. Deeks:   Driving Rosa to school while listening to podcasts and introducing her to 70’s rock is the highlight of his day. Fatima:   Tasked with organizing Hetty’s office. Rountree: Doing well with his denim investment, looking at growing his empire to real estate. Kilbride:  Getting Fatima cool DoD access.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Working on a Russian case. Sam:  Looking at his future. Kensi:    Wanting some romance. Deeks:   Mr. Romance. Fatima:  Not happy Kilbride was messing up Hetty’s office. Rountree:  Obsessed with the future. Kilbride:  Looking for a possible replacement.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Don’t know but she’s planning Sam’s future.
Who's down with OTP:   Kensi and Deeks are trying to navigate being both parents and a couple in love.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Sam and Rountree were more mentor and mentee than pals.
Fashion review:   Sam wears a chocolate brown pullover sweater.  Kensi is jogging in a black zip-up fleece jacket, a red athletic bra and red running tights.  While working, Kensi has on a white and grey striped sweater.  Deeks is jogging in a medium grey longs-sleeve tee and light grey joggers. In the office, Deeks is wearing a medium blue light-weight hoodie over a white undershirt.  Fatima wears a white turtleneck under a short black sweater.  Rountree wears a black jacket over a medium grey sweater.  Kilbride wears his ‘uniform’ – blue three-piece suit, light blue dress shirt, blue tied with red stripes.
Music:   “WOJ” by EverythingOShauN is playing in the lab to start the episode.  “Feels” by Nina-Symone plays as Kensi and Deeks leave the office.
Any notable cut scene:  For the second straight episode!  And there are two!
Number one has Sam and Rountree entering the lab building.  Rountree is still discussing real estate – thinking of buying a multi-unit home.  He’d live in one unit, Jordyn would live in another and he would rent out the third unit to cover expenses.  Sam gives Rountree a non-committal “not a bad idea”.  When Rountree says interest rates are high, Sam agrees but with little spirit.
Number two is after the kidnapping with Dr. Winchester is in the back of an ambulance getting some oxygen.  She asks about Dr. Howard, who is in ICU but is expected to live.  Dr. Winchester tells Sam that Dr. Howard’s work will save the world.  Sam things the world needs all the help it can get.  When the ambulance drives away, Sam sees Rountree looking at a lovely home.  Sam teases Rountree about having it all planned – nice house, a dog.  Rountree likes the idea of a dog.  Sam tells Rountree that things work out when a plan comes to fruition.   Rountree is waiting for a “jewel of wisdom” from Sam.   Sam tells Rountree to “pivot” – be prepared to pivot.  Rountree will thank Sam in ten years, according to Sam. 
That “pivot” scene should have stayed – it works beautifully with Sam’s conversation with Kilbride at the end of the episode.
Quote:  Kilbride:  “Henrietta evidently knew this office needed me and probably thought I needed it, too.  Now, you don't open that envelope till you're sure you want to take this job.” Sam:  “You know, in the past I would have given you a flat-out no.  But my life has evolved into something that I barely even recognize.  I think it's time for me to reevaluate where I want to go, how I want to get there.” Kilbride:  “You mean setting goals.” Sam:  “Ah, I wouldn't call it that.  More like conscientious objectives.” Kilbride:  “Tomato, to-mah-to.  But let me know what you decide as soon as you can.  I want to be able to leave at a moment's notice and somebody has to do this godforsaken job.” Sam:  “Well, you make it sound so fun, Admiral.”
Anything else:  In a lab, a scientist is examining an insect under a microscope.  “WOJ” by EverythingOShauN is playing and the doctor is signing/rapping along.  His phone beeps.  Putting away his bug by covering the petri dish, the scientist picks up his things to leave, forgetting his car keys.  Walking to the lab’s door, he passes a wall of small caged creatures – bugs, reptiles, animals.  The scientist speaks to his charges before singing his way out of the office.  He turns off the lights and is gone.
As soon as the scientist leaves, a person wearing black and a ski mask enters the lab through a side door. 
The scientist gets about halfway down the hall when he realizes he doesn’t have his keys.  Returning to the lab, he sees the masked person and confronts the intruder.  The two struggle, knocking over some petri dishes, including the one with the insect the scientist was studying.  After the scientist is knocked to the ground, the intruder pulls out a knife and stabs the scientist several times. 
Kensi and Deeks are out for a run.  Rosa is going to be carpooling to school with a classmate’s mother driving them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Deeks wants a full investigation into the mom, making sure her driving record is clean.  For Kensi, carpooling would give Kensi and Deeks a chance to have a little time for themselves in the morning – they could go jogging.  Deeks is not happy – he loves listening to podcasts with Rosa as they go to school, introducing Rosa to 70’s rock songs is the highlight of his day.  Deeks will have that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but Tuesdays and Thursdays, Rosa would carpool.  Deeks thinks Tuesdays and Thursday will suck until Kensi points out that he saying spending time with her would suck.  
Deeks explains that they already spend a lot of time together – they both live together and work together like superheroes.  Kensi doesn’t think they are superheroes.  Kensi wants some romance.  Deeks doesn’t – who needs romance when you’re married.  Kensi is offended.  Digging a hole, Deeks explains that romance is based on lies – wearing clothes you’d never wear, wearing perfume that masks a person’s true smell and well, bouquets of flowers are just dead flowers that were murdered for romance.   Kensi is sad – she’s not going through life on autopilot, going through the motions.  Deeks comes around – they could go to a taco truck they like, maybe a wine bar and a movie.  Kensi calls it a date and Deeks doesn’t.
In the office driveway, Sam is talking to his father about dinner – Korean barbeque and Japanese food.  Raymond doesn’t see much of a difference.   Sam cuts the call short when the Admiral walks up.  Sam actually invites the Admiral to join him and Raymond at Benihana – the Admiral will think about it.  He has other business with Sam.  Callen is working with the San Diego office in a Russian smuggling case.  Sam saw the memo about Callen working in San Diego.  The Admiral is worried – Callen is taking on a lot with the case, the wedding, Pembrook, the whole Katya business.  Callen as a lot of plates spinning in the air.  Sam is sure Callen can take of all that’s on his plate. 
The Admiral’s concern is less about what’s going on now but what will be going on when the Admiral is unavailable to lead.  Kilbride wants Sam as the acting supervisor of OSP.  Sam wants no part of that - he’s a field agent.  Kilbride is worried that some outsider may take over the office – “some blue-flame outsider” – and Callen would have a hard time with that.  Sam as the leader would work better for Callen.  Sam is now unsure so the Admiral gives him some time to figure out what’s best for the team.  Sam sighs – he knows the Admiral did that on purpose.
In the firing range, Fatima and Rountree are shooting.  Both did quite well looking based on the paper targets.  Rountree asks Fatima how often she thinks about the future.  She tries to stay present.  Rountree is the opposite – he’s is obsessed.  Fatima mentions doomsday prepping and Rountree already has his “end of the world kit”.  He is visualizing his future.  Fatima is a fan of visualization boards but that’s not Rountree’s style.  He wants to have a ten-year plan, especially since the denim brand he invested in is beginning to show a profit.  If there is a year’s worth of profit, he’d buy a home in Los Angeles and look for new investments – a good investment that could change the world.  Fatima asks if a special someone changed Rountree’s future plans.  A call to Ops saves Rountree from answering.
In Ops, Fatima tells Sam and Rountree about the scientist, a retired Navy reservist Commander Dr. Darryl Howard of Whitley University. Dr. Howard is a tenured professor of entomology at Whitley specializing in pesticides.  He is alive, barely, in a coma at Cedars.  LAPD is at the lab investigating what, if anything, has been stolen.  Dr. Howard works for the Navy’s office of special research so the Admiral is looking into what Howard was doing for them.  The bigger concern was a similar attack last year at Glenforest University.  Gallons of pesticides were stolen and used in a bombing attack at a local city council office.  Six people were hurt in the bombing.  An extreme anti-government movement – the Patriot Mission Society – is believed to be behind the attack. 
Video cameras outside of the Whitley lab show a figure walking out with a duffle bag.  Sam doesn’t think the duffel bag would not carry the gallons of pesticides needed to cause a substantial explosion.  Fatima disagrees – Dr. Howard had access to chemicals – severely restricted use chemicals - that a normal person could not get at a home improvement store.  Some of these chemical as so powerful that it wouldn’t take much to cause a lot of damage.  Asking about Dr. Howard’s family, he has an ex, Layla Lewis.  Castor is going to pick her up and bring her to the boat shed.  Sam wants Kensi and Deeks to interview Lewis.  While Sam and Rountree go to the crime scene, Fatima is going to investigate the Patriot Mission Society to see if they are planning another bombing.
The lab is a mess – so much so that Sam says “wow” when he sees it.  The hard drive from Dr. Howard’s computer is missing.  While everything has been ransacked, the animals/reptiles/bugs in their cages are untouched but one cage is missing.  Sam thinks maybe the whole crime scene was set up to cover up the theft of the cage and its contents.  They need to speak to someone who knows about the lab.
Castor introduces Leyla Lewis to Kensi and Deeks in the boat shed.  Moving her to the couch, Kensi asks about Lewis’s relationship with Dr. Howard.  They were a couple for about 20-years but Dr. Howard only cares about his work.  They’ve been separated for five years.  She calls him a lovely man, a genius but he wants to change the world with his insects.  When Deeks asks how, Lewis explains that people need to understand what is happening to the earth, insects and animals with certain chemicals being used.  Dr. Howard is driven by the science and learning, not money.  Lewis admires him – just can’t live with him.  It’s hard when all the person you love wants to talk about is work.  Kensi couldn’t agree more. 
Lewis is so sorry about what happened to Dr. Howard but it all makes sense now.  Dr. Howard said he thought people were hacking his e-mail, hacking his phone, making threats against him.  Lewis thought he needed to see someone over his paranoia, especially when Dr. Howard started cancelling some of his speaking engagements.  At a speech, he thought someone in the audience was following him from lecture to lecture.  Lewis is crushed – she didn’t believe him.  And Dr. Howard certainly didn’t deserve this, he’s a kind soul.
At the lab, Sam has Dr. Howard’s assistant, a young grad student named Arjun Sethi, reviewing the checklist of Dr. Howard’s lab creatures.  Rountree asks who would steal the hard drive but Sethi has no idea.  There should be four moth cages but one seems to be missing.  When Sam isn’t happy with the Sethi’s surprise, Sethi explains he’s been out of town for two weeks.  Maybe the moths were moved.  Reviewing the pesticides, some are missing.  Why would someone steal the moths, hard drive and pesticides?  Dr. Howard is studying the negative effects pesticides have on soil, insects, reptiles and humans.  His research, which was disseminated widely, may lead to enemies in the big agriculture pesticide business.  Sam wants a list of all the pesticides Dr. Howard was researching so they can crosscheck them with the ones missing. 
Watching Kilbride go through the drawers in Hetty’s office, Fatima offers to help since she organized the place for Hetty.  The Admiral is not interested.  Fatima asks if she could ask what he’s looking for.  She could, according to the Admiral but that won’t guarantee a response.  He wants to know about the Patriot Mission Society.  Five are in prison, one died and the seventh member is in ICU after a bar fight.  Kilbride wants Fatima to check other local terrorist organizations as he continues to look through Hetty’s file cabinets.  Fatima tries again to help but Kilbride slams a file drawer closed to chase her away. 
In the boat shed, Kensi has info about Dr. Howard’s security at the five conferences where he spoke this year.  All five had incident reports with the last having a heckler removed from this audience.  The heckler, a woman in her 30’s, had no ID.  She was released without providing a name to security.  Deeks gets Fatima on the plasma screen looking for the heckler at the Terrace Theater in Long Beach. 
After Fatima is off the screen, Deeks recalls he and Kensi saw The Queen Experience at the venue.  They had fun.  Deeks agrees but now they have couples fun, married fun like Costco for the little samples, family dinners, carpools – family fun.  Kensi asks if Deeks remembered what Layla Lewis said - Deeks remembers the bugs and saving the world.  No, Kensi said it was easy to lose touch with each other dealing with the daily grind.  Deeks tells Kensi that she is the most important person to him in the world.  But the two of them only have 377 left.  Kensi is confused – 377 what?  377 days until Rosa graduates high school and goes into the world as an adult.  It flies by.  Kensi loves that Deeks loves being a family man.  But she doesn’t want to lose touch with the two of them “being us.”  Deeks understands.
Sam and Rountree meet Sethi in the lab’s hallway as it looks like Sethi is leaving.  Sethi provided a list of pesticides Dr. Howard was working on along with Dr. Howard’s ranking of the pesticides for their strength and damage they cause.  Based on the way the intruder left the building, it has to be someone familiar with the lab.  Security provided a list of all the ID holders in the building but Sam wonders if there is another way to get into the lab.  Visitors can sign in at the front desk.  Sethi is free to go.
Sam and Rountree figure that it is possible the moths and pesticides may have been stolen by someone who doesn’t want Dr. Howard to go public with what happens with the pesticides.  Fatima comes over comms.  While Dr. Howard was studying nine different pesticides, there were two that he was particularly critical of – matrazine and nitrithazine.  They are highly toxic to the point that they change the cell structure of lizards.  And if these chemicals can change cell structures of lizards, they might to the same to humans.  Allurum Tech and GenBioSys make the two chemicals.  When Dr. Howard went public with his research three-months ago, both companies took significant financial hits.  That may be motive.
In the Admiral’s office, he is putting something into a 5X8 envelope.  Fatima arrives with news of the woman causing a scene at Dr. Howard’s speeches.  Natasha Graham is a public relations manager for GenBioSys.  Fatima has a video of Graham but warns the Admiral that it was made by a college student and has a made by college student feel.  The video is of Graham being dragged out of the lecture with all sorts of special effects, video looping and music.  “People have entirely too much time on their hands,” Kilbride grouses.  GenBioSys has been trying to discredit Dr. Howard and his research.  That has the Admiral wondering how far the company would go to protect the product.  Kensi and Deeks are going to the company to find out.
In a greenhouse, a woman is leading a tour featuring the good GenBioSys does with their pesticides.  Kensi and Deeks join the tour late, posing as tourists from San Luis Obispo.  He snarks about her complaints that they never go anywhere.  They are being shown the way GenBioSys grows lettuce.  While the group looks at the lettuce, the tour guide asks Kensi and Deeks “Strawberries or wine?”  Deeks thinks the lettuce is plenty.  She wanted to know what they grew, strawberries or wine.  Maybe garlic.  They are wine growers – the Smithingtons.  They have Smithington Wineries.  The tour guide asks some specific wine questions and Kensi and Deeks provide different answers.  The tour guide dreams of owning a vineyard and Deeks agrees – it is so romantic. 
Kensi spies Natasha Graham and while Deeks looks like a bunny with lettuce, they walk over to talk to Graham.  Kensi confirms it is Natasha Graham while Deeks asks for kale that doesn’t taste like kale.  Oh, can I get some of that?  Kale ruins everything.  Back to the show, Kensi asks about Dr. Howard.  Kensi flashes her badge, Deeks flashes the video of Graham being dragged from the lecture.
At the lab’s front desk, Sam tells Rountree that if someone signed in with bad intentions, they’d use a fake name (isn’t that Day One lessons at FBI school?  Pay attention Tess).  Dr. Howard had one guest sign in but over five nights in a row – Dr. Claire Winchester from Braddock University.  That would be too risky for Natasha Graham to be going in five nights in a row.  Rountree asks Fatima to check out Dr. Winchester.  Maybe she knew what trouble he was in.
Natasha Graham denies she is the woman in the video.  Kensi accuses Graham and GenBioSys of going after Dr. Howard by breaking into the lab, stabbing him and stealing his research.  Graham is stunned.  She only went to one of his talks and only spoke to him once, the day before the attack.  The pesticide that GenBioSys is very important to her, to the company.  Kensi asks if Graham knew Dr. Howard – she didn’t.  Dr. Howard was hired by GenBioSys to study the pesticide before its release.  When he panned the product, the company went to smear him and release the product anyway. 
Matrazine was Graham’s first big product launch.  And the company believes it is safe.  So did Dr. Howard at first.  But Graham was tipped off that Dr. Howard was also working for a competitor.  When he was confronted about working for a competitor, Dr. Howard thought matrazine “would poison the Midwest and babies would grow two heads.”  While she tried to discredit Dr. Howard, she wouldn’t hurt him.  Asked for an alibi, Graham was on a terrible Tinder date at Del Frisco’s (I love Del Frisco’s – pay attention Tess).  The waiter Rodney saved her from a terrible date.  Graham returns to work.
Walking in a residential neighborhood, Rountree picks up a flyer for a house for sale.  The neighborhood is great and close to the office.  Sam notes the homes in the area go for $1-million to start.   Rountree may be looking for a home closer to Texas.  Walking onto Dr. Winchester’s property, Sam mentions her office said she was working from home and there are cars in the driveway.  Her front door, however, is ajar. 
Calling into the house, Sam and Rountree go in with their weapons drawn.  A man shoves Rountree through Dr. Winchester’s dining room table.  The man runs out a back door with a laptop.  Dr. Winchester is being shoved into the back of an SUV in an alleyway behind the house.  Shots are exchanged with Sam hitting the man who pushed Rountree through the table.  The injured man tries to make his way to the SUV but the vehicle races out of the alleyway.  He keeps running until he hits the streets, when a vehicle runs over the injured man.
As the coroner’s office takes away the dead guy, Sam tells Rountree that Fatima has a BOLO out on the SUV and Kaleidoscope is looking for the vehicle.  None of the neighbors have security cameras that face the alleyway.  With Dr. Winchester spending so much time with Dr. Howard, Sam knows something is up with the three armed men who were sent to kidnap her.  Rountree thinks it is because she and Dr. Howard were working together.  Sam disagrees – Dr. Howard didn’t have what they want so they’re trying to get it with Dr. Winchester.  Sam is going to search the house, Rountree is going to check with the neighbors.
In Ops, Fatima tells Kilbride that she hasn’t been able to track the SUV.  The Admiral has his own bad news.  Telling Fatima to pull up the DoD database, something she never had access to until the Admiral got her, there is a file on Dr. Claire Winchester.  She is a DoD civilian contractor.  Her work at Braddock University is a DoD project and it is in conjunction with Dr. Howard’s work.  The DoD is sending a technical specialist to the boat shed to work with Kensi and Deeks.
Fatima’s tablet beeps – the dead man has been ID’d.  He’s Zhang Chin, a Chinese citizen and a legal U.S. resident.  The Admiral notes that is an odd mix.  Chin has an old student visa – he attended Whitley University but never graduated.  Checking who sponsored the visa, it is New Origin Talent, a Chinese recruitment agency.  The Admiral is familiar with New Origin Talent – they help China steal intellectual property and work in espionage.  Dr. Howard and now Dr. Winchester must have been targets for whatever they were working on.  Kilbride wants an address from Chin – maybe they can trace where the kidnappers took Dr. Winchester.
At the house, Sam is looking around when Rountree returns.  Neither found anything that will help rescue Dr. Winchester.  One neighbor saw a vehicle with dark tinted windows parked on the street for a few days.  Sam thinks by grabbing Dr. Winchester and the laptop, the kidnappers got what they came for.  Sam sees an Apple Watch charger – Fatima can ping the watch’s location.  He’s worried that once the kidnappers get what they need from Dr. Winchester, they may kill her.
Once again, Castor brings Kensi and Deeks a visitor, this time DoD Chief Technology Officer Tom Fields.  While Dr. Winchester’s kidnapping is troubling, Fields is really worried about the theft of the moths.  The moths are more important.   Funded by the DoD, Drs. Howard and Winchester were working to create moths that would take out agricultural pests.  The moths carried viruses that would end the need for pesticides.  A good thing, according to Deeks.  It is a good thing, Fields explains until “malicious actors” use the moths to spread viruses that could kill crops – devastating harvests.  Dr. Winchester was kidnapped to recreate more moths.
Fields explains that insects are hard to control.  Once released, they’ll reproduce.  If the moths carry a virus that would damage harvests, half the food supply for the US could be gone in six months.  Asked how the Chinese government would even know about the moths, Fields doesn’t know.  Dr. Howard’s lab had top security clearance with his lab assistant managing projects, materials and data.  Deeks points out that the assistant didn’t know what the moths were for when questioned.  Impossible, according to Fields.  Dr. Howard worked closely with his assistant, “he trusts Arjun.” 
As the Admiral arrives in Ops, Fatima is going through Arjun Sethi’s e-mails.  Nothing really jumps out.  Getting everyone on comms or the phone, Kensi thinks that if Dr. Howard was as paranoid as he ex believed, maybe he never told Sethi about the moths.  Sam and Rountree disagree – Sethi was supposed to know the lab inside and out.  Even if he didn’t know exactly what the moths were being used for, he’d know that it was a classified DoD project. 
A beep on Fatima’s tablet signifies that Sethi’s bank records are in.  Not much money in the account but there was a crypto transfer of $5,000.  Looking at the crypto account, there is $30,000, mostly coming from a company called Flow Genis.  Fatima sees that Dr. Howard had a special company for his speaking engagements, maybe Sethi has a similar set-up.  Checking, Flow Genis has been getting money from New Origin Talent.  Sam and Rountree are sent to find Sethi.
Racing out of the lab, Sethi is taking a back staircase, panting as he runs down the stairs.  Sam is on the landing below Sethi, Rountree on the landing above.  He’s caught.
In interrogation, Sam explains to Sethi that they know he lied to NCIS about the pesticides and the missing moths.  He can help himself by helping them find Dr. Winchester.  Sethi has no idea where she is.  “This was not part of the plan.”  Rountree wants to know what is the plan.  Sethi was paid to give “first looks” at Dr. Howard’s research.  Explaining that Dr. Howard wouldn’t cooperate after Sethi tried to recruit him, Sethi tried to sell New Origin Talent offering a big grant to the lab.  When Sam suggests Sethi set Dr. Howard up, Sethi assures them he did not.  Sethi was sure he could convince Dr. Howard there was no harm in taking the money. 
Sam tells Sethi he is in violation of the Patriot Act and his actions could be seen as treason.  Asking one more time, Sam wants to know where Dr. Winchester is.  Sethi knows about a lab in Shanghai.  She could be on her way there.
Outside of interrogation, Sam and Rountree go the new boat shed armory.  Fatima has intermittent tracking data from Dr. Winchester’s watch.  It is near one of three airports on the Westside.  She sees that New Origins Talent has a private jet at Santa Monica Airport – the watch beeps leaving the 10.  Kensi and Deeks join Sam and Rountree.
With the SUV showing up on Kaleidoscope, Fatima tries to guide the Sam/Rountree and Kensi/Deeks to Dr. Winchester.  Sam and Rountree cut them off but they are able to go in reverse to try to leave a street.  Afraid to fire into the SUV and hit Dr. Winchester, Sam asks Fatima if she can switch off the SUV’s engine through vehicle security services.  
Kensi and Deeks are able to cut off the SUV before it leaves the street.  As the SUV barrels toward Sam and Rountree, Fatima is able to get the engine cut.   Sam and Rountree get the bad guys out of the front of the SUV, Kensi rescues Dr. Winchester in the back of the SUV.  Deeks finds the moths. 
Returning to the office, Kensi finds a lovely floral arrangement on her desk.  “You murdered flowers just for me,” she says to Deeks.  Deeks said the flowers were already dead – no blood on his hands.  Calling himself Mr. Romance, Deeks asks Kensi out on a date.  Pulling something out of his back right pocket, there is a grade school way to ask if Kensi would be his girlfriend.  In his back left pocket is tickets to see Gregory Alan Isakov at the Terrace Theater.  Kensi is thrilled.  Knowing they have so much on their plate, Deeks doesn’t want to lose what got them to where they are now.  Though Deeks wouldn’t mind seeing Kensi in her torn up Levi’s – “a big part of our thing.”  That’s why she wore them on every single date.  Deeks thinks it feels like 10-years ago, he doesn’t want to lose their spark, lose “us” or lose Kensi.  Kensi thinks Deeks could see a whole lot more of her.  Deeks is going to call his mother to stay with Rosa – he and Kensi are going to have a standing date night.  The two leave.
Kilbride finds Sam as he’s leaving. Dr. Winchester is out of the hospital.  She’s banged up but OK.  The DoD is happy with NCIS’s work and the moths are accounted for.   Sam says in all his years as an agent, moth recovery was a first.  Kilbride admits that what he loves about working with NCIS is that he does something new almost every day.  Sam starts to talk about Kilbride’s job offer.  Before he can say much, Kilbride hands Sam the envelope he was working on earlier.  It was what he was given when he took over the job.  He thought Hetty sent it but couldn’t prove it.  Kilbride wasn’t thrilled with the idea of working with “a bunch of misfits” but Hetty knew the office needed him and that he needed the office.  Handing Sam the envelope, Kilbride doesn’t want Sam to open it until he’s sure he is going to take the job.  Admitting that in the past he’d have been an automatic no, Sam admits his life has changed “into something that I barely even recognize.”  He’s reevaluating – setting “conscientious objectives”.  Sam will give the Admiral an answer soon.  Kilbride wants one in case he has to “leave this godforsaken job” for some reason.  Besides, the Admiral tells Sam, “it is never too late to explore other pathways.”  He learned that from his son, proving “you can teach old dogs new tricks.”
Sam gets into his car and starts to open the envelope.  Thinking better of it, he says “You haven’t gotten me yet, Hetty.”
What head canon can be formed from here:   According to the internet, “Sensu Lato” means "In the broad sense".
This was an incredibly talky episode.  The basics were interesting but my attention kept floating away and that’s not usually a problem I have.
Callen’s absence was one of the best explained ones in a while.  Of course the San Diego office would want Callen for a Russian arms dealer case.
If Dr. Howard thought someone was after him, wouldn’t he be more careful about his exit from the lab.  He’s there late, it is dark, he leaves without his keys or anyone from campus security.  Back when I was in college, if a student didn’t feel safe leaving, security would walk them to their car or to the bus stop.  A fancy entomologist would get security if he asked, military background or not.
Sam’s future was interesting.  I think his lack of interest in Rountree’s real estate dreams in the cut scene was Sam weighing being a field agent with someone young like Rountree and maybe being the Rountree’s boss down the road.
The Kensi and Deeks scenes were great.  While I think Kensi is 100% right, it is admirable how much Deeks wants to be a great father – especially considering his past.
An average episode – the guts of the episode could have worked in any season – with a lot of talking.
Episode number:   This is episode 18 of season 14, the 320th episode of 323.  Winding down here.
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