#c: Morpheus
harusuki · 1 year
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TIMESTAMP ROULETTE the sandman episode 6: the sound of her wings
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infinity-warfare · 2 years
“He was so gentle, and his skin felt like white silk against my skin. And I gave what I could give to one such as he. When we made love, it was like a flame: I felt utterly engulfed, utterly loved. Treasured. I have been with many poets, many dreamers… but his love alone was ice and fire. His eyes were stars. ”
— Calliope, in The Sandman #71 by Neil Gaiman
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Phoebus: Watch your fucking mouth.
Morpheus: Impossible since I can’t see it without a mirror but go off, I guess.
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boobi-boy · 4 months
i know we're trying to get the aspec tags trending by valentines day so im gonna name some characters thatre aspec bc im aspec and i said so!
sherlock holmes (sherlock, bbc) - asexual, demiromantic.
he literally only has sex with one person ever and its for a case.
ppl come onto him and he doesnt even know???
he literally doesnt understand the difference between a date and hanging out with your friends. the difference being that a date might end in sex. he never thinks about sex so he doesnt see the correlation
morpheus (the sandman) - demisexual, biromantic
in canon hes only ever had kids/had sex with people he had to go through actual emotional turmoil to get to
also like aro-spec probs demiromantic bc it takes him several centuries to realise he likes hob (centennial husbands is cannon idc)
man is obviously a hopeless romantic which is why the existence of any of his exes plummets him into misery, which means hed see sex as an act of romance not lust. demisexual. bc i said so.
johnny c (johnny the homicidal maniac) - asexual, greyromantic
this man feels vague romantic attraction once in his whole source material and is so befuddled he tries to murder the bitch, ruining any chance he had with her because he made her agoraphobic
he HATES bodily fluids. sex repulsed. he doesnt wanna see ur jizz.
bro has no time for sex. bros gotta feed a wall.
five hargreeves (the umbrella academy) - asexual, aromantic
blud dated a mannequin. he does not understand relationships. because he doesnt want one!
dolores was simply a projection of the fact that romance is supposed to make you feel whole or whatever and he went crazy while living alone in the apocalypse
and hes so fucking autistic so he got really attached to the object bc that what the tism does to a man
thats all for now. goodnight tumblr.
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horribleweasel · 2 years
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Amaryllis flowers for pride
Someone said the Corinthian looked like a Leyendecker illustration and this image appeared in my mind.
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sandmanverse · 2 years
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Dream of the Endless in The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #5 (2022). - Art by Aaron Campbell.
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cloudn9neofficial · 7 months
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jabberw0ck3 · 10 months
Hi my name is Morpheus Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long morpho butterfly blue hair (that’s not how I got my name) with a fancy top hat carefully balanced on it that reaches my mid-back and inky black eyes with swirling color changing patterns and a lot of people tell me I look like the caterpillar (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a moth but my wings are silky and black. I have pale white skin. I’m also a netherling, and I live in a manor in Wonderland where I’m young forever (I’m ageless). I’m a steampunk goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black and different hats for every occasion. For example today I was wearing a black shirt with matching lace around it and a blue waistcoat, black pants and black boots. I was wearing a black hat with peacock feathers and watches. I was walking outside. It was snowing and raining so my wings were getting wet, which I was very sad about. A lot of humans stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
Your gentle dom Hob content is so splendid and deep and emotional and I feel so much about it. "This is the day he will learn that Hob Gadling is cruel" and the idea that Dream might try to force himself to endure things he doesn't actually want just because he believes this is how things must be... big ouch. Maybe there was an instant where they started getting intimate when Hob was starting to undress Dream and Dream tensed because he has spent a century naked and helpless and humiliated but doesn't want to stop Hob. (Of course Hob notices and is great about it that they can still do things with Dream keeping his clothes if he wants.)
gentle dom hob is very close to my heart so i am glad you enjoy him!!!
also... i may or may not have started writing a fic this week that is kind of abstractly about this very scenario thanks to this ask because i got carried away answering you, anon 👀
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rezfalling · 1 year
part two of me headcanoning all my favorite characters as autistic
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harusuki · 2 years
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TIMESTAMP ROULETTE the sandman episode 3: dream a little dream of me
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infinity-warfare · 2 years
"my darling, you will never be unloved by me you are too well tangled in my soul"
— atticus
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silvcrignis · 11 months
Stan Lee: Morpheus Sadik
Jim Henson: Polyphemus Styx
Walt Disney: Alaine Frollo
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pumpkinkingsalem · 2 years
I'm on like, chapter 20 of @xx-vergil-xx 's Hounds fic and LIKE FUCKKK
I know I'm late to the party and I have 9 chapters to read left til I'm caught up BUT COME ONNNNN DREAM LISTEN TO MATTHEW AND LUCIENNE AND GO KISS YOUR IMMORTAL MANS ALREADY
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zedeeo · 2 years
just had an insane thought . c!tntduo as the hob and morpheus breakup scene ..
Like i can’t decide if c!quackity would be morpheus and c!wilbur hob or the other way around but either way works but LIKEEE please tell me someone sees my vision
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dreamdaddymorpheus · 2 years
Your latest chapter to Fire on Fire was fire no pun intended! I was wondering how would Scarlet Witch reader react to Dream helping Calliope?
Thank you! I appreciate the compliment as well as the pun lmao I'm glad you liked it! <3
To answer your question: It's my personal headcanon that there's no bad blood between reader and Calliope but Dream didn't take her with him to rescue Calliope because reader would have absolutely gone apeshit bananas on Richard and reader's mental state is already fragile at the mo lmao I'm a simp for women too and I absolutely hate what happened to Calliope so that's how I saw that play out in my head.
I imagine reader wouldn't be satisfied with what happened to Richard but it is ultimately up to Calliope as she was the victim. She wouldn't appreciate the slight cheek to cheek moment they had hahahaha but there's no secrets between Dream and his telepathic betrothed
Will reader punish Dream by c *ckwarming him while he works without letting him cum? Who knows.
Will Lucienne need a raise? Always
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