#c: harriet
giggle-me-this · 2 years
The good news was that Nate didn’t actually need Seth in the safehouse for the geotracking the hedge witch had set up in order to track Dona to operate. That would have made everything so easy; follow Dona to wherever she was hiding out with the Daughters now that their old store front had been raided, wait until she was alone, and then have it out with her once and for all. It didn’t matter anymore, all their stupid family drama and their wounded pride; getting Dona back with her family and safe was the only important thing.
The bad news was that the tracker was glitching; it last pinged Dona’s location as somewhere off the map, in the middle of the ocean, and moving west. Which meant the voodoo cunts had probably caught wise of what the Free Traders were doing, after the raid, and switched out the SIM card on Dona’s phone.
Or at least, that’s what Nate hoped had happened.
So they were going to have to do this the hard way. Nate went through the checklist, eliminating the easy and most obvious options first; texts to his aunt, Sol, and Loxley confirmed that Dona wasn’t at Catelyn’s, at her flat, or with the Lockharts. He went to check at St. Mungo’s alone, because Nate was pretty fucking used to that, at this point, and he knew Harriet wouldn’t go there. And he learned from the Healers there that Dona hadn’t shown up for work since last week.
So the next logical thing to do was to follow up with the DMLE; it was aurors who’d conducted the raid, and surely they’d have a lead as to where the Daughters had relocated. Katie wasn’t answering texts or calls on the burner phone—which, fine, Nate was sure she was busy, if someone in the department had died.
It’s just that he really, really didn’t want to have to show his face at the Ministry of fucking Magic.
Nate waited for his sister on the street outside, smoking a cigarette, antsy. He had on a nondescript wool overcoat and dark sunglasses—as if that would do fuck-all at concealing his identity in this part of town. Even before Harriet materialized at his side, Nate noticed wix who were bustling by stopping to stare, he heard whispered hisses of ‘Pinnock.’
“Can’t say I ever imagined it’d be me here inquiring about Dona…” he remarked idly to his sister. He wasn’t sure if what Harriet had done to her hair to differentiate hers and Nate’s appearance made her more or less conspicuous. He tossed his cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it. “…can we get off the street? People are looking at us and it’s probably only a matter of time before one of them pulls out a camera, and I’m really not in the fucking mood today.”
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jbaileyfansite · 9 months
Bridgerton s1 Bloopers
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
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tuckerrule: Throwing it back to playing drums on everything but drums 🥁. Thank to @nickdemarais and @patdemarais @cheersdude__ for the sick snaps 🦂🧡🔺🌵 #cheersdude #warmup #drums #nodrums #LSDunes #desertDunes #joshuatree #pioneertown #pappyandharriets
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banburytalcs · 25 days
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NAME: harriet cavendish.
OCCUPATION: unemployed.
AGE: 23 years.
GENDER: cis-female.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
SEXUALITY: bisexual.
HEIGHT: 5'1.
HAIR: brown.
EYES: blue.
MOTHER: margaret cavendish — deceased.
FATHER: lord cavendish.
SIBLINGS: priscilla cavendish, peter cavendish, henry cavendish, older brother tbd, younger sibling tbd.
POSITVE TRAITS: courteous, agreeable, positive.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: gullible, jealous, obsessive.
FEARS: spiders, illness, not finding love, failing her family.
LIKES: dancing, romance stories, ball gowns, opals, raspberry tarts, being told she is pretty.
DISLIKES: being told what to do (though she will do it), people thinking she isn't as bright or pretty as her siblings.
HOBBIES: baking, plucking flowers, spinning in her dresses alone in her room, daydreaming.
AESTHETICS: one too many desserts, a ball of envy tucked beneath your ribcage, powdered sugar on the front of your dress, full jewelry boxes, a lap of freshly picked wildflowers, a longing you just can't shake, love letters with no name, trusting too easily yet never learning your lesson, staring at your own reflection until you don't look real, convincing yourself everything will work out.
harriet never had many complaints about life; she was someone that took what was presented to her with a smile, and never really worried about what she was missing out on. except for when it came to her siblings. though it was only in her head, or so she tried to tell herself, she often felt like she could not measure up to any of them. she wasn't ugly — at least, she didn't believe that she was — and she did not have a dreadful personality. but she was hardly ever the center of attention. especially after their mother fell ill. the caregiver role fell to priscilla, of course, and harriet found herself pushing her grief down, ignoring it the best that she could, for it didn't matter how much she missed her mother or how terrifying it was that she had slipped away from them all so fast; she was not the only one hurting, and she knew that dwelling over it would get her nowhere. besides, she hardly had time, her family being thrust into their newfound status before she was prepared, one that she could only wish her mother were here to see. it was a life that harriet had dreamed of, never having as much trouble aligning with the rules. though she may grumble about them under her breath, the perks far outweighed the bad parts of having a higher reputation to uphold. with it came opportunity, the chance to find the one thing she had always dreamt of since she was a little girl . . . true love. her expectations for the season may have been a bit high, but she refused to believe finding someone to love her deeply, one person to put her in higher regards than her siblings, was unrealistic. if only she didn't fall so hard, so fast.
priscilla cavendish: her older sister, harriet loves her and admires her . . . perhaps a little too much. sometimes she wishes she had been born first, just so she wouldn't have anyone to look up to and fall short of.
open: a list of wanted plots can be found here, though please know i would love to hear any other ideas you may have as well!
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glamfellens · 1 year
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potential new harriet face thanks to This Mod??? hmm
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junglejim4322 · 2 years
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Through a Glass Darkly (1961)
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antebellumite · 1 year
Antebellum Peeps ( TM ) As Dogs
some people and dogs were not included. include more at your leisure..
Albert Gallatin is a Labrador Retriever. He's smart, resourceful, basic, but he also gives very reasonable person vibes, even if he can feel a little boring at times. Still, that complete uninterestingness is what makes him special.
Samuel Howe is a Schnauzer. He's caring, social, protective of what he cares about for as long as he cares about it. I have never seen another dog that looks as much like a misogynist than schnauzers do. I like to think the ears and muzzle hair fit him.
William Lloyd Garrison is a Doberman. Proud, looks intimidating at first, and doesn't forget or forgive easily. Noble, just generally popular and well known. You can always depend on him to do what's right, even if it’s not exactly what you want him to do. This is Garrison as a dog breed, but also for him as a human being.
Floride Calhoun is a Chow Chow. High strung, bites strangers, and judges and ranks everyone based on their usefulness and importance to her. Fatalistic, cruel, probably some unresolved trauma as a natural consequence of being a Christian White Southern Woman in 1800s. Very Chow Chow behaviors.
Thomas Benton is a Rottweiler. Like a doberman, but more stocky, Benton is courageous, good-natured ( when he isn't faced with Clay, Calhoun, or Foote ), and confidently self assured. He's a stereotypical police dog, MANLY.
Andrew Jackson is a Canary Dog in behavior and a Greyhound in physique. He is large. He engages in dogfights. He looks fast, but is actually fairly chill and doesn't mind being lazy. He could rip someone apart. He WILL rip someone apart. He drools. He contains multitudes.
Benjamin Brown French is a Goldendoodle. Like a goldendoodle, French was created upon this Earth for one purpose. For a goldendoodle, that purpose was to remind mankind of their hubris. For French, it was to be the guiding voice of The Field of Blood. Both of them are lovable and funny unique abominations in the worst/best way.
Charles Sumner is an Akita. A very sleep deprived Akita with heart issues. Very strong, large, bear-like, and could probably take down a tank if he could. Like an Akita, though, Sumner is long-lasting and has thick skin! Metaphorically.
Harriet Martineau is a Papillon. Intelligrnt, petite, friendly, and has a much smaller stature than most of the other dogs on here, and despite not being American, is actually much more well-educated about American politics than actual Americans! She is also tiny but gives an air of great dignity and royal elegance as well a cuteness.
Julia Howe is a Wetterhoun. She's a water dog, with a natural talent, and despite being fairly reserved, gets along well with other people. She also has a strong will and won't back down from a challenge and is actually way more tolerant and patient than most people around her notice or give her credit for.
Daniel Webster is a Mastiff. Like a Mastiff, Webster is SCARY HUGE, has a reputation as being noble and almighty, and is the perfect fighting dog ( in terms of debate ). They both reportedly have the exact same mouth shape. He's also not easily provoked, similar to the Mastiff, and is pretty docile and domesticated when it really comes down to it.
Harriet Beecher Stowe is a German Shepherd. She's willing to learn, incredibly curious, smart and she's actually competant at what she sets out to do. Stowe, also like a german shepherd, is a very recognizable kind of figure, just like how german shepherds are recognizable dog breeds.
John Calhoun is a Border Collie. He, like a Border Collie, is terrifyingly smart. Calhoun is also adaptable ( to changes in political climate ) and great at herding ( his colleagues to secessionist ideals ), like a border collie.
Jefferson Davis is a Skye Terrier. Only ever had one person he actually loved ( his first wife ), and never moved on after her death. Like a Skye Terrier, gives off large amounts of old man energy. Had some pretty funky facial hair too once you stop and think about it. I also think it's funny how I'm assigning Davis a super tiny dog when in real life he was like Abraham Lincoln's hight.
John Quincy Adams is a Shiba Inu. BOLD and ridiculously PROUD and incredibly CLEAN and GRUMPY and INDEPENDENT and UNHAPPY and DIGNIFIED and ALOOF and THERE IS LITERALLY NO OTHER DOG THAT FITS JQA MORE.
William Seward is a Siberian Husky. Seward, similar to a Husky, is stubborn, clever, capable, and despite having great intentions, does tend to have some odd ideas at times. He’s extremely determined in his tasks, perhaps overly so. They're both also dogs that are instantly recognizable on sight, and have something to do with Alaska.
John Randolph is a Pug. He just is. His health issues are infinite. He looks hideous. He is tiny. He vibrates with rage at any given moment. Every noise that he makes only alienates him more. He is such a pug I genuinely can't imagine him as anything else, even before he contracted tuberculosis.
Rachel Donelson Jackson is a Bichon. She just wants to live her life, and move on, similar to a Bichon's passive nature. Chill, going with the flow. She and Bichons share the same vibes.
Nicholas Biddle is a Pomeranian. Tiny and extroverted and happy and friendly and lively and playful! Loves being in the center of attention like any other pomeranian. Both Biddle and Pomeranians have fantastic hair and are always alert about changes in their enviroment, and aren't afraid to challenge others. Often to their own detriment.
Mary Todd Lincoln is a West Highland White Terrier. Like a West Highland White Terrier, Mary Lincoln is tiny, and has a temper that can vary wildly depending on what's going on and who she's with. She hates being rough handled and is normally assured, stubborn and self-confident.
Louisa Adams is a Pitbull. Intelligent, trustworthy, kindhearted, and genuinely a good person even if it might not seem like that at first. She enjoys taking humorous situations literally, or at least with tongue in cheek, and if you wrong her she will not let it go. She's also a pretty medium-sized figure, both in society and as a dog.
Abraham Lincoln is a Great Dane. Because TALL politicians mean TALL dogs. Yet, despite being an imposing figure, he's genuinely friendly and is incredibly loving and devoted towards others, including strangers and especially children! He's just in general laidback, but make no mistake, can definately become dangerous if you provoke him.
Henry Clay is a Collie. His defining feature is that he's sensitive and keenly aware of other's emotions, as well as very goal-oriented and is terrified of any prospect of failure on his part. He can be " single-minded to the point of obsessiveness." And like a certain other collie on this list, Clay is also great at herding people towards desired politics.
Fanny Longfellow is a Golden Retriever. Gentle, smart, affectionate, adorable, and is incredibly tolerant of outsiders. Her friendliness is the stuff of legends, and she was incredibly popular and well known ( although not very much today ). She'll gladly pull others into her family, and she just gives really shiny Good Vibes.
Stephen Douglas is a Jack Russel Terrier. A bite that's ten times larger than his size and is very, very, fearlessly, active. If left bored or unhappy, Douglas will do great damage, like kickstarting Bloody Kansas. The Jack Russel Terrorist if left to his own devices.
Margaret Bayard Smith is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Loyal, devoted, and surprisingly responsible. She has hidden insecurities and despite what others might see as drawbacks, she has shown her effectiveness, intelligence, and presence time and time again.
Theodore Parker is a Chihuaha. He's a good guy and just wants to make sure that things turn out well for his friends and family. He's smaller than you might think he should be, but what he lacks in physical strength, he can easily make up for in bullets and words. He also needs serious modern medical intervention.
Martin Van Buren is a Pekingnese. Ridiculously fancy and small. Like a Pekingnese, also recognizably cold and determined, and tends to manipulate those around him, and tends to be stubborn and set in his ways. Yes, he truly does seem to make his own rules on how the world works, but he makes up for it by being a dandy.
Varina Davis is a Cocker Spaniel. Fancy and her hair is fantastic, gives very prestigious vibes about her. She is independent if needed, but still cares for others. Despite this, she still does have a vicious streak a mile wide.
Anna Maria Calhoun Clemson is an Australian Cattle Dog. A very intelligent herding dog, like her father, and closely resembles him. She can actually be pretty affectionate, but knows what she wants and definitely isn't afraid to nip people or bite to get there.
Adele Douglas is a Poodle, But specifically, she's of the medium-large variety. She's larger than Stephen Douglas that's for sure. She's intelligent, fancy, traditionally feminine, and is better than you in every way. She's loyal and greatly sociable and energetic. She's protective of her family, and loves them, even after they're dead.
Anne Royall is a Keeshond. She's relatively unknown, similar to a Keeshond, and can learn very quickly. She's a quick learner, intuitive, empathetic, and very persistant in what she believes in what's right, no matter what anyone else tries to tell her.
Lucretia Clay is a Newfoundland. She's calm, motherly, supportive, and a little larger than life. Doesn’t like crowds. She also has great athletic ability, which might or might not include swimming. Not sure about Newfoundlands’ business skills regarding her though.
Hugh Lawson White is an Afghan Hound. They're both dignified and aloof with a clownish streak and have also fantastic hair. White, like the Afghan Hound breed, is very old. Or at least, I always imagine him as being old.
Jessie Benton Fremont is an Alaskan Malamute. Big, smart, in charge, very influential. Prominent in her day, similar to an Alaskan Malamute and both her and the breed are distinguished and recognized today. Both of them also have something to do with a gold rush, one Californian, one Alaskan.
Susan B. Anthony is an Azawakh. She's independent and determined, as well as intuitive and understanding about what's going on around her. She's typically reserved, and while not aggressive, it does take some time and sensibility to get to know her. Fast, and both organize in groups to take down enemies.
Louisa May Alcott is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Genuinely happy, enthused, collected, and satisfied with what she has. She's confident in nature and works well with children and her family members. Despite this, she's also vigilant, and can be outspoken and revolutionary if you pay attention. Inclusively, the four Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs all contain vaguely Alcott-like traits- a fitting parallel to Little Women.
Emily Tennessee Donelson is a Borzoi. She's calm, reliable, and tends to follow others' instructions, but she's also independent and can be rebellious at times. She doesn't need you or anyone, and quite frankly, she doesn't have many strong feelings about leaving if she doesn't feel respected. I realize I am painting a very weird picture of the Donelson-Jackson family here but just listen to me ok.
Robert Hayne is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Adaptable, highly affectionate, playful, patient, eager to please, and both of them have a higher mortality than others. Both Hayne and the CKCS breed are both highly adorable and dandy-ish as well.
Margaret Eaton is a Basenji. She's friendly, a bit gossipy, though reserved with strangers. She cannot be trained and she and the Basenji both resemble pariahs in their lifetime. She has her own goals and wants and isn't afraid to try and reach them. Eaton also just in general feels like she'd be a sort of square, short-furred kind of dog, and I also think she doesn't like wet spaces.
Henry Longfellow is a Samoyed. He's optimistic and friendly and lovable and unique and I have an instant revulsion against using the same dog breed twice, otherwise, he'd be a Golden Retriever. The Samoyed's incredibly long and poofy white coat also resembles the long beard that Longfellow developes later on in life.
Sarah Polk is a Yorkshire Terrier. Fairly humble, but still elegant, important, and an air of prominence if she feels like it. She also isn't often taken seriously, despite her genuine great advice, but that's okay, because through god and girlbossification all this are possible.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is a Schipperke. Determined, steadfast, sturdy, and like a Schipperke, is great at organizing and 'herding' people into organizing movements and the like. She's also a rarer kind of dog breed because the portraits taken of her look very prim and proper, which I'm pretty sure was all on purpose, but either ways, it still works.
Maud Howe is a Saluki. She is very freelancing, independent, and a rather creative person, all of which are incredibly similar vibes to a Saluki. She's shy, but despite this is also a socialite and interacts with others, playing a part and serving in various societies to help her community. She seems like a very special person, in the end, and really does deserve to be called a special breed of dog.
Sarah Goodridge is an English Setter. She's a gentlewoman by nature, intensely friendly, and she's very active and adores visitors, as well as being sensitive to criticism.
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bigtopbozoids · 2 years
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Yet another restored page from Loon's "Bozoids: a Natural History of the Bozo Familiarus." Here Loon discusses common types of headcrest seen in Bozoids. The term "Cap 'n' Bells" has fallen out of fashion since the original publication, with "cone" being the accepted term these days (but it doesn't have the same character if you ask me)
A notable absence is the "10 gallon" style of hat crest. This is because Loon's text was originally published in the late 19th century, several decades before the Rodeo Bozoid had been bred. While "natural history" is in many ways an outdated text, it served as a springboard for modern bozology, and our understanding of these amazing creatures would be severely lacking without it.
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honorhearted · 2 years
We didn't happen the way we were supposed to
I know that I should hate you I know that I should hate you
Pulled the knife out my back, it was right where you left it But your aim's kinda perfect, I'll give you the credit
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sassmill · 1 year
Fuck it I’m about to add historical costume consultant to my resume
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jbaileyfansite · 2 years
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Various BTS from the filming of Bridgerton s1
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michaelchallpics · 2 years
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And in more uplifting news: this lady (Tasha Cooney is her name) filmed a lot of the princesses concerts (and more?) when they were on tour last year and hopefully soon a video will be published with some of her footage.
A strong woman…and a friend to the band.
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
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lsdunes and anthonygreen666: Enjoying the desert moon 🌕 see you tonight at @.pappyandharriets
📸: @.patdemarais / @.nickdemarais
(L.S. Dunes Instagram | April 8, 2023)
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wraystars · 1 year
Women History Month 2023 - 31 Days, 31 Books, 31 Black Authors
As we say goodbye to Women’s History Month 2023, here is a recap of our 31 books for 31 days from 31 authors. Even though Women’s history month is over, these books are available 365 days of the year. Let’s continue to support Black authors all year round. Day 1 – Dem Boyz from Da Bottom – Diamond D. Johnson Four brothers, Taliban, Tedman, Tremaine, and Taahid, better known as the Williams…
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diver5ion · 2 years
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