#c: joseph
The sound of the wards blaring was reason enough for every nephilim within the Institute to gather at the foyer, and Scarlett was right there alongside everyone. But the sight of Jace, bloody and mangled in the arms of her kin truly ripped Scarlett out of the present. She was in Seattle, holding her brother as the life faded from his eyes. His blood pooling around her in a blanket of red miasma. She must have moved from her spot in the hallway at some point--stumbling to her room and curling up on the floor there. She could feel the blood, smell it, taste it in the way she had that day. She shut her eyes tightly, pressing her hands to her eyelids as she gasped for air. Elliott's face, the sound of him choking on his own blood, those brown eyes fading from life and into oblivion. It was too much, and the memories swirled with Jace's face--his limp form. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," she repeated, quiet sobs wracking through her shaking body.
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vanecssakirby · 2 months
So, seeing as you’re my newest baby brother and you’re married to Dua, does that mean I’m related to her now? Can’t lie, I’ve been telling people my brother’s married to the queen of pop—it’s definitely earning me some cool points. You’ll have to let me know the next time she’s on set so I can fangirl properly. / @jcsephq
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aidankeef · 4 months
closed starter - @d4rkwater
local: casa grande
Aguardava na varanda da casa grande para proceder com o reagrupamento dos patrulheiros após toda a insanidade que decorreu do ataque surpresa. Seu corpo vibrava a adrenalina que sempre adorou nutrir, mas nem de longe estava em um bom estado. Tomado pelo suor e com o corpo repleto de queimaduras causadas pelo veneno, tentava controlar a respiração para aguentar que a ambrosia fizesse efeito, mas não parecia obter sucesso. Assim que notou a aproximação do filho de Poseidon, sugeriu a primeira solução que lhe pareceu cabível. "Ô peixinho dourado! Aproveita que não está fazendo nada, e nem vai precisar fazer, e me joga uma ducha de água."
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calebcresswell · 1 year
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“Hey man, how are you holding up?” Caleb asked, coming over to the other with two coffees and holding one out to Joe. He was grateful to see his friend in one piece but it was still important to check up on one another nonetheless. “It’s been a long few weeks, huh?”
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freddinho · 2 years
starter fechado  |  @joswph​
De melhores amigos na adolescência a padrinho de casamento, a amizade desses dois é daquele tipo que não importa quanto tempo não se vejam ou não se falem, basta um encontro para provar que nada mudou. Os quase três meses fora por conta da missão o deixaram com vontade de relaxar quando chegou, mas sendo um legionário, aquilo era um tanto difícil. Na primeira folga que teve, aproveitou o sol forte e convidativo para ir até o chalé de Hela. Com um sorriso que poucos viam, convida Joseph para um lugar que sabia bem que ele não curtia muito.  “Esse sol tá pedindo uma praia! Você não vai me negar isso depois de quase três meses sem me ver, né?”  Arrisca na chantagem, ainda que aquele não fosse o tipo de coisa que costumava fazer, mas estava particularmente feliz naquele dia.
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piperwilkinscn · 2 years
🧣 - one of our muses gives the other a jacket/scarf when they’re cold
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Piper realized that it must’ve been obvious that she was starting to feel the evening cold when Joe offered his suit jacket to her. “That’s really generous of you– thank you,” she replied appreciatively with a smile, the hair on her arms still standing up from the chill that she was feeling across her body. Joe’s jacket was big on her tiny frame, but she hugged it around herself comfortably. “You chose a really nice suit by the way. I’m seriously always impressed by your fashion,” Piper mentioned, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing after his kind gesture.
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veramckinncn · 2 years
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“I’ve always liked this place,” she commented, looking around at the restaurant before looking to Joe again. “I almost didn’t recognize it though– when did they renovate it? It almost looks like an entirely different restaurant,” Vera added.
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samanthacreilly · 2 years
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“I know that the crafting stall is meant for the young kids, but I almost want to go and make something for Avery,” Sam admitted to her brother as they kicked back for a snack break after checking out what the Hogsmeade Halloween festivities had to offer. “Although I’m not sure how much she’d appreciate a popsicle stick picture frame or a tissue paper ghost. She’d probably just prefer we bring her back a large stash of candy instead, huh?” she mused with a chuckle.
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willcwpicquery · 2 years
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“While I do not regret my costume one bit considering how badass I look– I wish it was a little more comfortable to walk around and sit down in,” Willow expressed with a light laugh as she took a moment before finally seating herself across from Joe. “How do we watch these Marvel movies and believe people fight full on intergalactic battles in this getup?” she joked.
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evamovska · 5 months
where,  — Movska residence closed  — @movskas
Another dinner barely squeezed into a rather busy schedule. She couldn't make excuses when it came to her father. Mostly because she didn't have the time to deal with the backlash. Of course, her care for him came second. "Дедушка." a joyful sound that these halls had not heard much of recently, echoed around the place — loud, like Sasha's footsteps, as he bounced off to his grandfather with the biggest smile; a quick flash of a head of blonde hair is all she could catch a glimpse of, before he vanished out of view.
"Не бегай, Са́ша!" the constant warning on her lips. God, this child.
Eva took off her shoes, before approaching her father in the large living room; a bottle of wine in her hands. "We can't stay long." her own signature way of greeting him. She'd add a kiss to his cheek to soften the blow.
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diioonysus · 5 months
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women in art: titania
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inkbagel · 1 month
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I drew him a bunch
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Why he so 🧍‍♂️
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theamericanpin-up · 8 months
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Art Frahm - "Sean Nymphs" - 1940's Litho Calendar Illustration - Joseph F. Hoover Calendar Co. - American Pin-up Calendar Collection
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piperwilkinscn · 2 years
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“Joe, hi,” she greeted him with a warm smile as she happened to pass him on the street, having to look up at him again to meet his eyes. “Weirdly enough I got kind of used to you being shorter than me even if it was for the night. I liked feeling like a giant for once in my life,” Piper joked. “I was just on my way to get some new fabrics for something I’m working on, do you want to come with me?”
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veramckinncn · 1 year
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“I love you baby–” Vera sang playfully into a dahlia, nudging Joe as the two worked on twisting some flower crowns together at one of the crafting stations. “Merlin, I can’t believe I didn’t bear witness to that. She’s asked you on a proper date now though, that’s promising! Right?”
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samanthacreilly · 1 year
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“I may have bought the cats some flower-shaped beds already,” Samantha admitted as they looked at the merchandise that some of the stalls had to offer. “I love these for them too though. I mean look– they jingle!” she pointed out enthusiastically as she gave the toy bird a shake for emphasis.
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