#c: josephine montilyet
fereldanwench · 3 months
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josephine montilyet photoshop; 2015
pillowfort | twitter | instagram | ao3 ⚠️ do not reupload or edit my art without my permission ⚠️
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shivunin · 1 year
Stardust Falling
(Josephine/F!Lavellan | 5,498 Words)
(This is an excerpt; full fic (explicit) is on AO3 here; as always, check the tags)
As soon as the door closed behind them, Salshira sat beside Josie and looped her arm through her lover’s.
“How’s the headache?” she asked. 
Josie sighed and let her head fall onto Salshira’s. Both of them had pinned their hair up, so the motion was padded by significant layers of hair, much to Lavellan’s relief. Josie wasn’t the only one nursing a headache. 
“Interminable,” Josie said, and sighed. “It seemed as if the night would never end.”
She lifted her face and looked at Salshira, who tipped her head back against the cushioned seat. 
“Though—there were parts that I wished would never end,” she added quietly. 
“And which were those?” Salshira asked, though she didn’t try to check the progress of her smile—it was a relief to be able to gift the first genuine smile of the night to someone she cared for. 
“Was it when that horrible woman went on and on about peacocks, or was it the bit where those three handmaids kept moving in unison even though one of them was tipsier than the others?”
Josie snorted, then pressed a hand to her face. 
“Do not make me laugh,” she said. “You know exactly what I mean.”
Salshira smiled and leaned over to kiss Josie’s cheek. 
“As you say, my lady,” Lavellan said, her tone falsely obsequious, and Josie laughed again. 
“How is the headache?” Salshira asked, “Really.”
“Horrible,” Josie said, and sighed. “I feel like my whole neck is in knots and has been for days.”
“I can help with that, you know,” Salshira said, kissing her chin just below the mole. “Turn around and rest, darling. I have you.” 
The night had been long. Salshira was exhausted, more than ready for sleep, and her cheeks hurt from the smiles she’d donned to appease the gentry. She’d averted a war and secured the Inquisition’s position in Thedas. She’d charmed nobles whom she’d rather trip down the stairs, listened to an endless barrage of comments about the uselessness of elves, and waded through rivers of blood dripping from people who looked much like her—people she hadn’t been able to save. The work they’d done today was necessary and urgent; she knew all of that. 
But the soft closeness produced by the padded bench and the candlelight, the muffled rattle of the carriage wheels over cobblestone, and the gentle give of Josie’s skin under her hands made all of it seem less important, somehow. Yes, she’d done something important, but it had hurt her to do it. This…this cleared away the dust of the other, something simple and clean and good that she could do right now to make Josie feel good. It healed some hurt part of Lavellan, too, to do this small thing for someone she l—cared for. 
“Better?” Lavellan asked some time later. 
Josie laughed slightly and relaxed back against her, dear eyes closed, hands soft and quiescent in her lap. With those hands, she’d arranged hundreds of favors and factions to her approval. With those hands, she’d repaired or destroyed the reputations of whole families. She had the grace of a master conductor, the ruthlessness of one who knew the price of failure, and the determined kindness of someone who had grown up loved and cherished and knew her good fortune. 
“I do not know how you do that so easily,” she said, peering up at Lavellan for only a moment before her eyes slid closed again. “It is a marvel.”
“I suppose I am just marvelous like that,” Salshira said, kissing the top of Josie’s head, and Josie gave an ungraceful snort. 
Oh—she adored this woman. 
It frightened her sometimes how much she adored this woman. 
“You should rest, darling,” she said again, her throat abruptly tight.
 Thankfully, Josie leaned her head back against Salshira’s shoulder and obliged without further argument. Salshira wrapped an arm around her and rested her cheek against Josie’s soft hair. 
This was the wrong time to be thinking about all…this. It was the wrong time to try to decide what she wanted. Even so…I don’t want to lose this, she thought, intensely, wholeheartedly, and squeezed her eyes tightly shut until they reached their destination.
(Read More here; as always, check the rating and tags)
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greypetrel · 2 years
14 for Aisling? C:
Ooooh thank you for this! It’s been challenging but ultimately satisfying to write… And I think I may even re-use this, meheheh. <3
With some music recommendation! (and yes if you need it this is your clue to go and watch Master&Commander again.)
And since I’m a sucker, here’s Aisling’s dress .
Tis, on the other hand, is the prompt list!
14. Holding each other's gaze
Aisling is restless.
She doesn’t know if it’s still some lingering side effects of Adamant or the new balance in friendships that the aftermath has brought, the big question mark over Solas after her decision to rehabilitate the Wardens and their quarrel in Redcliffe, Varric who’s still struggling with Cole, Radha who… She doesn’t want to think about her. Or, some nerves for the upcoming Winter Ball, now approaching closer and closer.
Oh, she’s pretty ready for the Ball, or as ready as she’ll ever be. Josephine, sweet and clever Josephine, has organised a series of formal dinners with this and that fancy noble, to ease her into the environment and into the Game with far less at stake. This is one of those evenings: the great hall, now fully functional and polished to a shine is elegantly decorated with tables and candles to welcome guests, everyone in her inner Circle who wished to participate in their best clothes, the small string quintet Josie has found and hired to teach her dancing is softly playing in a corner a suite from a composer she really likes. It’s a nice evening, for a formal dinner, she didn’t mix the forks, not even once, the food was good and Sera has still not barged in with a full beehive.
And yet, she’s ill at ease in her skin and can’t wait to just jump on her horse and leave. Even if the next planned mission is in the Dirthavaren and it’s not going to be pleasant from the reports. She is irked by staying there and look pretty and play pretend and not being able to do what she wants. For example, her favourite passacalle just started and she can’t just leave Comte and Comtesse de Renard to grab Dorian and start dancing because she’d love to and they always have so much fun with passacalles.
But no, she reckons that this is all useful, so she puts up a nice smile, sips another bit of the sweet wine (the “stale molasses” in Dorian’s word, but he’s been scolded by Lady Montilyet to be on his best behaviour too) and just nods and reply something absolutely inconsequential over fox-hunting and riding in the countryside, shifting the topic to just riding with ease, at least.
The music changes to something slower, and the de Renards excuse themselves to go and dance, leaving her alone – for the wild luxury of maybe five minutes, if she’ll be very lucky and Josephine won’t notice her. So, she walks to the side, nodding to other people, gently raising her gown with a swish of green silk and petticoats underneath as she steps down to reach one of the tables and sit down for a while. The evil contraptions she has on her feet started to hurt, and between that and her growing antsier and more impatient… She needs to sit down. And so she does, placing her glass on the table as both hands discreetly fixes her skirt to sit on it without wrinkling the precious fabric, fixing the gown under her bottom before sinking on the chair and slipping her feet out of the shoes. Another sip of wine to hide the satisfied smile of toes blissfully splaying on the cool stones beneath them, pressing flat and wide and free, finally. Long skirts at least are useful to hide these little much needed moments of rebellion.
But it doesn’t last long, unluckily for her: not even the time to finish her wine, and Josephine’s there with her, looking like a jewel on herself in a dress of light, sheer silk that’s similar to what she usually wears but more forgiving and loose, more fit for a soirée.
Mistake. Josie pouts, clicking her tongue over her palate.
“Lady Montilyet or Ambassador, now, Lady Inquisitor.” She chides her, softly. “Can I steal you for a moment, or has someone asked you to dance?”
“No, Dorian’s…” Where’s Dorian, exactly? Which is by now the only one who invites her to dance in these occasions. She looks around her, but the mage is nowhere to be found. “…Lord Pavus took flight.”
Aisling states, frowning and pouting in offence that he just managed to slip away from the room without her. She’s gonna put salt in his coffee, tomorrow. As a retaliation for not even letting her know the nearest escape route and leaving her there to envy him a lot.
“Yes, I think he slipped into the gardens…” Josie whispers, soft enough that just she can hear, before clearing her throat, with an apologetic smile on her face. “On that matter… Duc and Duchesse de Mourny expressed their… Interest in speaking with you directly.”
“Why would that be related?” She asks, suspecting something.
“They have expressed… Opinions on Lord Pavus’ upbringing.”
“I see.” Maybe no salt in his coffee, then. She sighs, slipping back into her shoes and raising up, gulping down the remnant of her wine -Josie scoffs but she cares not, she’s gonna need it- and leaving the glass on the table. “Let’s go.”
“You look lovely in this dress, by the way.” Josie adds, satisfied. She chose all of her formal dresses after all, Aisling just put some words in colours and in staying away from too many frills and ruffles, which is really not her style.
“You too, you look like you’re out of a painting! Yellow looks so good on you.”
“As long as I don’t look out of my sister’s paintings.”
“Why so? Is she bad?”
“No… It’s that she never finishes them. I would hate being here with half a gown, you see.”
They giggles together at that, walking on the other side of the room, close to the door that leads to the Undercroft. The Duc and the Duchesse are there, talking with Cullen and Leliana, and they may be the most richly dressed people in the room: the invitations to the soirée clearly specified it wasn’t that formal of an event, but they must have missed the line. They’re both dressed in the most precious and translucent brocades and silks, in clothes that would be fit for a gran gala. The Duc’s mask is made of pure silverite encrusted in sapphires, the same sapphires that adorns the heavy necklace and earrings of his wife, face hidden by a mask of ivory very delicately carved in a net of flowers and vines. Her raven black hair is up on her head and made even higher by a pair of ostrich feathers that looks as soft as snow and dwindles in every little minute movement of her head. They would make even Vivienne run for the prize of best-dressed, and Aisling suddenly feels underdressed and very much like the chubby and clumsy chick of a cuckoo, with her dress that yes, it’s silk and has a round of lace to embellish the wide neckline, but that’s it.
Rule number one, tho, the one Leliana always insists onto: don’t let them know, act like you’re in control. And Lavellan’s good at control. So, she just smiles and hints a curtsey to them both, checking her movement, not going too deeply down, just the necessary. They exchange with a nod of their heads, the Duchess waves her fan -ostrich feathers for that as well of course- and Aisling instantly knows they’re not there to have a good evening.
“Your Graces, it’s such a honour to have you finally here. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome you to Skyhold before.”
“Bien-sure, Inquisitor. Your advisers were just informing us of how busy you all are, no need for you to reiterate.” The Duc says, dismissively. The lack of Lady speaks volumes.
“This war won’t be easily won, Your Graces, but the busier we are, the quicker peace will be restored, hopefully. I am enchanted that it still gave us the chance to meet.”
“Such lovely words and such a lovely girl all for our pleasure, isn’t it, darling?” The Duchess chortles, mirthlessly. “So polite and charming, even speaking to nobles from the Empire she favours less!”
“Your Graces” Josephine speaks, as polite and diplomatic as ever. “I’m sure you’d realise that the Inquisition was founded by will of the late Divine Justinia as an organisation that’s super-partes. Lord Pavus’ presence is detached from the Magisterium, and honours that will.”
“Mais certainement, ma chère Josephine, the institution was never in doubt. One would wonder, tho, where the true master of its pretty head lies, seeing the lenience she has for Magisters and people who were in their service.”
Dorian ran, it was for his upbringing. So, that’s it. She can see in the corner of her eyes Leliana casually moving her eyes on her, without saying a word. Expectantly. And Cullen clenching his fist on itself, reaching for the pommel of a sword that isn’t there. At least she didn’t call her rabbit. And at least now she knows that the danger lies in the Duchess, not the Duc.
“I apologise for giving you the wrong impression, Your Grace. I’m really desolate my conduct led you to think so poorly of me, but your concerns aren’t founded. Lord Pavus is far from the Magisterium, and I just freed people who were unfairly tricked in conditions of servitude. I’m sure you learnt of Magister Erimond.”
“We did, Inquisitor.” The Duchess smile, a satisfied curl in her smile. “We learnt that the Magisterium gave you space to deal with you as you see fit. And after the disaster that was Adamant... The occupation of Orlesian forts in the Approach... One wonders.”
Oh, she hates this. She hates having to justify herself to a woman who never saw more than her own monthly blood. People who killed but never by their own hands, never in front of their eyes. Josie warned her. Josie knew. Aisling thought she was prepared, but she’s not. She schools herself as best as she can, smiling amiably as she tries to think of anything that isn’t an insult to reply.
But it’s not her who speaks.
Weirdly enough, it’s Cullen to step forward and clearing his throat, catching the attention of the pair.
“One would argue, tho, what would have become of the Approach should the Inquisition have chosen to leave the matter to Orlais, and whether the Empress had means to face that threat or the War without us, right now.”
"How quaint.” The Duc smiled, venomous. “Ignoring all our effort to end the Civil War and taking all the merit for yourself. It was me who conceded Citadelle du Courbeau to the Empress, after all, and the strategic position will eventually allow her Generals to win. But what would a Fereldan country boy know? If I’m not wrong, all your experience resides in the Circles of Kinloch and Kirkwall … A couple of remarkably positive examples.”
“A Fereldan country boy who’s responsible to the aid to your own lands, your Graces.” Chimes Leliana in, smiling sweetly at the Duc. “You should thank him and the Inquisitor for their effort in freeing them from the Civil War, so you will be able to spend the summer in Fort Revasan, which Gaspard’s troops luckily conquered with no damages at all to the structure. I heard there’s a lovely view over the river from there.”
And that line, sweet as honey and sharp as a knife, has the effect of silencing the two. The Duchesse’s smile grows strained at the corners, and the Duc just scoffs, clearing his throat and not able to reply anymore without confirming that they had, indeed, conceded the other fort to Gaspard. Josie gently elbows her, signalling that it’s her turn to calm the situation down, and Aisling swiftly replies.
“Our main effort, Your Graces, is only towards peace. People, soldiers and nobles alike have suffered enough in the last year, and this only enforces Corypheus’ and the Venatori’s threat. But I am sure we can all forget about War and just enjoy the soirée, now, all matters of War could be discussed tomorrow over tea.”
The Duchesse snaps to her, her smile widening with a threat and swaying her fan gently as she but turns to Josephine, without deigning Aisling of a direct answer.
“What a remarkable work you’re doing with her, Lady Montilyet. Your dear mother would be so proud! One would almost think her a Lady, and not the wild rabbit that she is. A pity you couldn’t do anything for her poor looks. Without the ears, those horrible marks on her face and the poor dress, the transformation would really be complete.”
It’s not the first time she’s been called rabbit. It’s the first time that she’s not being addressed directly with the insult, and treated like she’s not even there. It adds to the jab, and by the way the Duchesse’s eyes darts to her on the side, it’s all orchestrated. She freezes with a smile on her face, thinking of everything else and just reacting with her hands clenching slightly in front of her, over the little bow on the belt hiding the hem of the corset. They cut her out, and she can’t reply without-
“We have different opinions on what a Lady is, Your Grace.” It’s Cullen to interrupt, again, badly hiding chagrin in his tone as he pronounces the honorific. “We may all be too simple for your taste, but at the end of the day, modesty and humbleness will get you through the winter. It will get through the winter even the people you left on their own devices in your lands, left helpless and with no shelter or resources so you could afford gemstones and feathers. Our Lady has no need to cover the smell of rot with fancy ornaments, her actions shine brighter than the most precious of diamonds.”
Were Aisling able to move her eyes, she would see Leliana smirking, an amused glint in her eyes as she observes the situation unfurling, she would see the Duc and Duchesse grumbling and falling on themselves, hear their answer lose its bite. And yet, she’s fixed on Cullen’s eyes, grateful for the saving, with him looking back at her earnestly, steadfast and proud as ever, like a rock in a storm. Thinking better of it, it’s not the first time he saved her, even if she never saw him this polished and elegant, a fancy jacket in the place of the armour, under the usual cape, face neatly shaved – no, that’s a pity, some stubble really suits him better, as it suits him better his usual attire, rough around the edges and honest. Has he ever had such pretty eyes or it’s just his words? She muses, not able to look away as she feels even more restless than before. She can’t make up her mind whether she’s blushing for real or if it’s just an impression. All that exist, for a moment, is just him, the deep, warming respect in his eyes and words, and the look they’re holding on between them.
It's gratefulness that makes her heart beat faster, sure, but maybe it’s something else, a doubt in her thoughts creeping its way up.
Her train of thoughts is abruptly interrupted by Josephine, elbowing her again casually as she clears her throat. Aisling startles, suddenly even more restless and antsy in her skin, but snapping back to the present, as Josie finally concludes one of the most unpleasant exchanges in the last series of dinners and teas with aristocrats.
“Now, this is too lovely an evening to talk about War, Your Graces. Shall we forget all unpleasantries and enjoy the rest of the soirée? You haven’t told me how did you find the canard à l’orange. We heard it’s your favourite.”
Aisling doesn’t care of the duck. It was delicious and tart and she loves citruses in savoury dishes, now. But, she’s still with the deep need of running out and find the loose strand of her thoughts, unfurl them one by one and hopefully get a grip over herself. She answers mechanically at a couple of questions that are asked to her, frowns at Leliana who’s still looking at her like the cat who licked the cream, and politely excuses herself out of the group with an excuse, promising everyone and no one in particular that she’ll be back in no time, wishing a nice evening.
Dorian had an escape route. To the gardens, then. She struggles not to raise her skirt with both hands, launch the heeled slippers somewhere -she doesn’t care now, she doesn’t care that they were bought by Mahariel and she treasures the chance to wear them- and just run out and away. All her self-control gets in keeping her pace poised, smiling and nodding at people who greet her along the way, and finally -finally!- open the door to the garden and slip out in a swish of silk.
The air outside is chilly, Spring still too early to warm the evenings up. She doesn’t care about goosebumps, and now, just now, bends down to take both shoes in a hand and finally run to a quiet, dark corner where she can fold on herself and groan loudly, voice muffled by the green silk on her thighs.
It’s friendship.
It’s just friendship.
He did it out of friendship, she would have done the same in an inverted situation.
The word, tho, has now a crack in it. It’s friendship, she counts him as one of her best friends here, after all...
And yet-
She wonders, for the first time, how would it feel to thread her finger in his hair and undo whatever he did with so much pomade to keep it in order.
She shouldn’t think these things. He’s her Commander, they’re at war and he’s her friend.
And yet-
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erthlyheavn · 11 months
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@cxffeeshxp said: your penmanship is atrocious. ~Jax to Pomni
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Pomni let out a gasp, immediately covering her writing with her hands. She had decided to keep a journal of sorts since she was going to stuck here for an...indeterminate amount of time she hoped jotting her thoughts would help keep her from going insane. And she planned on making some notes that might her figure out where the exit was.
"C-can I help you with someting, Jax...?"
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xolaanii · 3 years
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“I need to go shopping.” Dragon Age: Inquisition
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freckled-lili · 3 years
Me as I begin falling for yet another romanceable video game/visual novel character:
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galleryalamalz · 7 years
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i remember the taste of salt water on my lips
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w-h-4-t · 4 years
How am I awake and why? Spite, rage and Apollo has blessed me with th o u ght™ (singular)
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109 notes · View notes
knifeearsairaly · 4 years
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“If I risk it all Could you break my fall? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating I want to feel love, run through my blood Tell me is this where I give it all up? For you I have to risk it all.”
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redtrevelyan · 5 years
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The women of the Inquisition, and the men who plague love them
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subtletyislost · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Josephine Montilyet, Josephine Montilyet/Female Trevelyan Characters: Josephine Montilyet, Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Female Trevelyan (Dragon Age), Original Characters Additional Tags: Inspired By in this case truly just means 'a rewrite of', this is the second time I've written a fic in this series, for the record I may or may not rewrite the third one as well, but the fourth one's first chapter will be rewritten, Anyways, with all that out of the way, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, all of these are references or implied references, Backstory, Sad with a Happy Ending, Andrea is a love-sick puppy and so is Josephine, but neither of them have enough courage on their own, to just talk, see notes for additional information Series: Part 2 of Named for Andraste Summary:
The longer Andrea stays in Haven, the more she regrets the day her eldest brother took the throne in Ostwick--as that was the day she lost contact with the person she loved most in the world--and the more she begins to wonder if maybe it truly was Divine Intervention that led her to Haven in the first place. Not necessarily because she's supposed to save the world, she thinks, but rather because now she has a chance to change her fate and win back the woman she lost to her brother's bigotry so long ago.
Once, when she was young and selfish, Lady Josephine Montilyet accused her mother of lying because of something she hadn't even understood the significance of. With no knowledge of the bigotry that tore them apart, she continued for years attempting to contact the love she'd lost the day Tomas Trevelyan took the throne. Now fate has seen to it that that woman is back in her life, but she's changed so much. Josephine isn't sure she even wants the answer to why the love was lost between them.
See the, extremely long, note at the end of the fic for an explanation of what’s going on. Here is the second of the rewritten fics for my Inquisitor Andrea Trevelyan. 
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ngl i ship thom and josephine i mean look at them
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thereinafter · 4 years
Chocolate Box 2021 exchange letter below.
Hi, dear chocolatier! Thanks so much for creating for me. For fic, I’m good with whatever rating you want to write and any tense/person/structure. I’m also requesting art for everything besides OW. I’ve copied my signup below with a DNW list for each fandom, and those are followed by my general art and fic likes lists.
Dragon Age: (fic, art) Aveline Vallen/Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age) Aveline Vallen/Female Hawke (Dragon Age) Cassandra Pentaghast/Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age) Cassandra Pentaghast/Leliana (Dragon Age) Cassandra Pentaghast & Myrna (Dragon Age) Dagna/Sera (Dragon Age) Isabela/Leliana (Dragon Age) Josephine Montilyet/Leliana (Dragon Age) Leliana/Morrigan (Dragon Age)
For all the / ships I requested, I would be very happy with anything inspired by the likes lists below. Cassandra/Leliana, Josephine/Leliana, Leliana/Morrigan: I’m forever interested in all their history we don’t see as well as how they might interact when the Inquisitor or Warden isn’t around. Cassandra/Inquisitor, Aveline/Hawke: I’m good with any variant of female player character and will always love flirting and tension/confusion happily resolved, or facing things together, or just cute/romantic moments. Aveline/Cassandra, Dagna/Sera, Leliana/Isabela: show me how they might meet for the first or second or third time and spark something?
For Cassandra & Myrna (of the Mourn Watch): “Down Among the Dead Men” was my favorite Tevinter Nights story and I’m fascinated with Nevarra and the Grand Necropolis as described there. Have these two met before in the past? Do they have to work together on something for the Inquisition or post-DAI? Since I read TN I’ve wanted a fic where they interact (and preferably get along eventually).
I would also love art of any of these pairings! See general art likes list below.
DNW: setting AUs (except for art), background male player characters, pregnancy, non-canon major character death, unhappy endings, daddy/mommy kink, noncon
Crossover: (fic, art) Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age)/Kassandra (Assassin’s Creed Odyssey)
I still feel like this should happen. Magic or basically magical AC tech or in recurring dreams or however you want to handwave transportation between universes, I would just like to see them in the same place and maybe breaking some things together. (alternatively: I did art of them arm-wrestling one time and if someone wants to write me that fic I would love it.)
Also more art! Fighting back to back? Kassandra flirting with Cassandra? Wearing clothes from each other’s world? A Greek-vase-style pastiche?
See general fic and art likes below if you want more ideas.
DNW: AUs other than the canon settings, pregnancy, non-canon major character death, unhappy endings, daddy/mommy kink, noncon
Emelan - Tamora Pierce: (fic, art) Dedicate Lark/Dedicate Rosethorn
I love the four kids, but I love Lark and Rosethorn the most. (Note: I’ve only read up to Shatterglass as of now, but I don’t mind references to later books if you want to set something later.)
A few fic ideas, feel free to mix up or use anything else from my general likes list: - An adventure by themselves without their students? Or an attempted romantic outing that turns into one? - Writing to each other when one is away? (Rosethorn travels a lot; has Lark ever gone somewhere and left her to manage Discipline?) - Observing traditions and the turn of the year at Winding Circle, from their POVs? - Ways they might use their magic together or experimenting with that?
I would also love any art you want to do of them: see the general art likes below.
DNW: setting AUs (except for art), pregnancy, non-canon major character death, unhappy endings, daddy/mommy kink, noncon
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon: (fic, art) Sabran Berethnet/Eadaz du Zāla uq-Nāra (The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon)
Reusing some of my Yuletide fic prompts, feel free to mix these or use things from my likes list: - A missing scene from when their relationship was secret, before Ead left the first time? - Sabran’s experience of one of the times Ead was hurt and recovered? - I’m always here for long-distance pining and letter-writing. - Post-canon reunions, whether it’s Ead visiting Inys, or Sabran finding ways to meet her elsewhere, or Sabran carrying out her plan to abdicate. I would love exploration of the other courts and lands in the book, especially Yscalin rebuilding from the draconic takeover, and the Priory. - I’m still curious about whether it’s possible for Sabran to learn either type of magic and whether she would explore that, and whether there might be other trees.
I would love art as well! Any canon scene illustrated (the rose under Sabran’s pillow? the bath? the candle dance scene?), or just any art of them you want to do. General art likes below.
DNW: setting AUs (except for art), non-canon pregnancy, non-canon major character death, daddy/mommy kink, noncon
Original Work: (fic) Female Adventurer in Need of a Challenge/Lady Stuck in Tower of Ridiculous Traps (Original Work) Female Inventor of Ridiculous Traps/Female Master Thief (Original Work) Female Avant-Garde Artist/Scandalous Demimonde Actress (Original Work) Female Palace Cook/Female Royal Taster (Original Work) Female Paladin/Incarnation of Her Goddess (Original Work) Female Knight on Noble Quest/Witch Who's Far Too Distracting (Original Work) Brave but Stubborn Female Knight/Famous Female Bard Who Has a Crush on Her (Original Work) Dethroned and Dishonored Queen/Lone Loyal Female Knight (Original Work) Female Knight Who Loves Baths/Female Sorceress Who Loves Baths (Original Work) Female Knight Who Loves Baths/Female Water or Hotspring Spirit Who Loves Knights (Original Work) Wandering Lady Knight/Her Pining Female Friend She Writes Letters To (Original Work)
I nominated:
Female Adventurer in Need of a Challenge/Lady Stuck in Tower of Ridiculous Traps: I was imagining the kinds of elaborate traps you find in D&D manuals, but other types also work! I just like the idea of bonding through solving bizarre dangerous puzzles from opposite sides of a barrier.
Female Inventor of Ridiculous Traps/Female Master Thief: Professional rivals to lovers? Longtime couple who collaborate? (Bonus idea: prequel to the first prompt?)
Female Palace Cook/Female Royal Taster: I like the idea of one falling for or trying to seduce the other through food creations, under the noses of the royalty. Maybe the taster is also a bodyguard, or just another servant with a risky job?
Female Avant-Garde Artist/Scandalous Demimonde Actress: I’d be here for this whether you want to set it in a real historical period or a fantasy/SF world. Too many feelings and sublimating them through art? Modeling turning into more? A secret relationship, or a volatile on and off thing? I could also see this as a found documents or research notes type of story (or something like 5 times = 5 works in an exhibition?)
Female Paladin/Incarnation of Her Goddess: A dramatic h/c situation, or a reward for faithful service? Or maybe they have a comfortable old-married type of relationship? I could be into any of these.
Female Knight on Noble Quest/Witch Who's Far Too Distracting: Kind of the opposite of the above. They just keep running into each other and catch feelings? Or the witch wants to interfere and ends up helping? Or the quest is actually a bad idea and the witch saves her life?
I didn’t nominate but would delightedly read any take on these (all the lady knights edition): Brave but Stubborn Female Knight/Famous Female Bard Who Has a Crush on Her Dethroned and Dishonored Queen/Lone Loyal Female Knight Female Knight Who Loves Baths/Female Sorceress Who Loves Baths Female Knight Who Loves Baths/Female Water or Hotspring Spirit Who Loves Knights Wandering Lady Knight/Her Pining Female Friend She Writes Letters To
See the long list of general likes below if you want more ideas.
DNW: unhappy endings, death of requested characters, underage sex (<18), daddy/mommy kink, incest, noncon, a/b/o
General fanart likes:
I draw it myself, and I don’t really have style preferences for fanart; I��m interested in however you interpret my request in your own style!
- If one of my fic prompts or my likes below suggests something (non-explicit) you want to draw (whether one scene or sequential), I’d love to see that. I always like to see characters doing things they’re good at or looking formidable or happy. And for shippy art, I am always here for handholding, hand kisses, regular kisses, cuddling, and/or other romantic moments in contexts that make sense for the characters.
- Dressing the characters up or down is also fun. Fancy clothing or armor, things they might wear that we don’t see in canon, or illustrating what they do wear in canon if it’s a book. Partial undressing and dishevelment. Different historical AU looks (as an exception to my setting AUs DNW).
- I’d also be into a piece that’s more of a character study expressing something about them through formal visual elements and symbolism (as opposed to a narrative scene).
- If emulating other art styles is fun for you, I’d totally enjoy any kind of famous artist/historical style pastiche. Or, my love of in-universe documents and worldbuilding definitely extends to art, so something like an in-world manuscript page or notes/doodles/sketches by a character or an in-world portrait of them would make me quite happy.
General fic likes
If something’s not on this list, that doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t like it, but I enjoy these things pretty reliably. Take from it and mix these up as you wish.
for both gen and shipfic: Relationships among women, complex and powerful female characters, adult characters with some level of life experience Casefic if the characters do cases or missions: anything like another episode or chapter from the canon Lighthearted slice of life/ day-in-the-life stories when the canon focus is more on big dramatic events Epistolary or found-documents stories, and other unconventional story structures Time loop stories, Rashomon-style stories, and other sets of variations on a theme (including “five times” fic) Canon divergence AUs Worldbuilding/exploring places and times we don’t see much in canon; in-universe mythologies, stories, songs, plays, etc.; holidays, personal or cultural traditions, celebrations People or events from characters’ past resurfacing to complicate things Magical or scientific accidents or anomalies making weird things happen Heists, rescues/jailbreaks, investigating mysteries big or small Court plotting, dealing with complex etiquette/social rules, intrigue, spying, disguises and fake identities Road or sea or space trips, wilderness survival situations, exploring ruins/haunted places/caves/dungeons/etc. Sparring, duels, tournaments, competitions whether serious or not Making things for each other, whether it’s art or music or crafting or food or magic or whatever, and giving gifts Competence porn/demonstrating how good they are at what they do (but perhaps being awkward or lost in other contexts) Learning or teaching others new skills, or trying to Temporarily caring for animals or babies/children when they’re not used to it
for shipfic (pre-relationship, get-together, and established-relationship stories are all interesting to me if I like the ship) Everything above plus: Longtime friends, partners in arms or work or crime, old friends or former lovers meeting again, old enemies who have to admit they like each other, rivals who respect each other … to lovers Long-term established relationships where they know each other better than anyone Cute/playful moments, escalating flirtations whether awkward or skillful, good-natured teasing, surprising each other, discovering new things about each other, trying to impress each other, distracting each other consciously or not Giddy crushes, pining that’s eventually happily resolved, angst with happy endings Having a lot of feelings and not knowing what to do with them, repression, extended UST, slow burn, emotional romantic revelations Hurt/comfort, fighting beside each other, disproportionate reactions to the other being hurt or possibly hurt, facing external threats together, rescuing each other, tending each other Loyalty and devotion, us against the world, bodyguarding, protectiveness, love conflicting with other loyalties, noble self-denial and sacrifice, courtly love Being inspired by the other to create, or achieving things for the other’s sake or in their service, whether secretly or openly Forced-intimacy-by-circumstance tropes like only-one-bed, huddling for warmth, fake dating, marriage of convenience, handcuffed together, dreamsharing/psychic bonds Ascetic/hedonist or repressed/libertine or inexperienced/more experienced dynamics “The grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one,” or prickly/stoic/intimidating/jaded characters softening for a particular person, or allowing themselves to have fun with them Secret relationships as a source of angst and/or for the excitement of sneaking around (though I prefer infidelity not be the reason, unless it’s a forced/political marriage situation) Dancing, whether it’s formal dancing with sexual tension or meaningful romantic dancing or getting uninhibited on a dance floor Meaningful handholding Language of flowers/fans/other symbolic communication and private codes Bathing/dressing/doing hair/other physical caretaking, watching each other sleep, holding each other for comfort, having a hard time not touching Reading/storytelling/singing to each other Reunions after separation, or stealing moments away from everything to be together
for sex scenes: cuddling, kissing, laughing, tasting, eroticized hands and voices, clothed/semi-clothed sex, complicated undressing, talking whether emotional or joking or dirty, asking for things, curiosity/discovery, playfulness/inventiveness, eagerness/desperation, being overwhelmed by feelings, having to keep silent or hold still, interruptions and delayed gratification and intentional drawing things out, body worship, sex against walls, informal mild kink (e.g., tying up, holding down, blindfolding, taking direction, honor bondage, scratching/marking, tearing clothes, mutual roughness), sexy letter writing, one fantasizing about the other, decadence and sensory/sensual details, voyeurism/exhibitionism if it’s IC, writing/painting on skin, sex pollen, magical/ritual/magic-enhanced sex
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empresstress13 · 5 years
OC Stats
I was tagged by the amazing @dreadhobo! 
I’m doing both of my Trevelyan Twins: Esther and Eve. (under the cut for length!)
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art by @lillotte17
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art by @justanartsysideblog
Full name: Esther Trevelyan
Gender:  cis woman
Sexuality: bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Mother: Milisa Trevelyan, Father: Benjamin Trevelyan, Sister: Eve Trevelyan, Cousin: Lilith Trevelyan, Cousin: Grace Trevelyan
Birthplace: Ostwick
Job:  Enchanter, Herbalist, Healer; possible: Herald of Andraste, Inquistor (Modern AU: Opera singer or botanist)
Phobias: being alone
Guilty pleasures: she has a huge sweet tooth
Hobbies: gardening, singing, reading, herbalist
Morality alignment: Lawful Good/ Neutral Good
Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert - extroverted
organized/disorganized - slightly disorganized (more so than Eve)
close minded/open-minded - open minded
calm/anxious - usually calm
disagreeable/agreeable - very agreeable
cautious/reckless - in-between
patient/impatient - patient
outspoken/reserved - outspoken
leader/follower - leader
empathetic/unemphatic - empathetic 
optimistic/pessimistic - optimistic 
traditional/modern - a bit more traditional 
hard-working/lazy - hard-working 
otp: hmmm. . . .this has changed? I’m not sure yet. 
Acceptable ships: Someone who will treasure her ♥ (Krem?)
ot3: maybe? 
brotp: Eve (literally yes. . . ), Lilith Trev, Vivienne, Krem, Josie
notp: So. . . when I first started Esther’s playthru, I was intending to romance Cullen. . . but it never felt right? She currently hasn’t romanced anyone. . . 
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arty by @justanartsysideblog
Full name: Eve Trevelyan
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Pronouns: she/ her
Family: Mother: Milisa Trevelyan, Father: Benjamin Trevelyan, Sister: Eve Trevelyan, Cousin: Lilith Trevelyan, Cousin: Grace Trevelyan
Birthplace: Ostwick
Job: noble of ostwick, possible: Herald of Andraste, Inquistor
Phobias: Apathy
Guilty pleasures: Jewelry, competition (she’s more competitive than she likes to admit)
Hobbies: chess, mathematics, sparing 
Morality alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert  - extrovert
organized/disorganized - organized 
close minded/open-minded - in-between
calm/anxious - calm
disagreeable/agreeable - in-between, is very diplomatic usually
cautious/reckless - cautious 
patient/impatient - patient
outspoken/reserved - in-between
leader/follower - leader
empathetic/unemphatic - leans towards empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic - “realist” 
traditional/modern - in-between
hard-working/lazy - hard-working
otp: Haven’t 100% decided on a single otp yet
Acceptable ships: Josephine Montilyet 
ot3: hmmm. . . I don’t think so
brotp: Esther (literally), Delrin Barris, Dorian, Leliana, The Iron Bull
notp: men
tagging - @befooled , @ellstersmash , @justanartsysideblog , @roguelioness , @dirthara-mama , @katalyna-rose , @buttsonthebeach , @wardsarefunctioning , @thevikingwoman , @adventuresinastrangeworld
As always:  Feel free to ignore! Only do this if you have the time and/or inclination.♥ Love y’all!
Also! Feel free to tag me back for a different OC if you want! ;)
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veridium · 6 years
Just a Few Opinions On Josephine Montilyet and Why I think We as a Fandom Don’t Deserve Her 
Hello. Local salty fandom sapphic here. We’re coming to you live from the Dragon Age fandom where, as always, we as a collective need to remember some things and check ourselves before we, as the cool folk say, wreck ourselves. 
Tonight’s Headline: Josephine Montilyet’s romance and character arc are not boring, you’re probably just mad there wasn’t explicit content and have fallen down the rabbit hole of her moniker “the Disney Princess” of Dragon Age. 
I can think of few other upsetting moments in my fan experience than watching the romance comps on YouTube with Josephine content and seeing all the comments that were lamentations about how A). her romance was boring, B). people wanted to see her naked, and C). fetishizing her anyway with infantile tropes. It was especially upsetting considering how much LGBTQ+ women, and particularly LGBTQ+ women of color, are expected to be both desirable and undesirable, fetish and foreign. 
Now let’s get some hot takes straight here, collectively, once and for all:
1. Josephine Montilyet is a grown ass woman and has seen some shit. That “Disney Princess” reputation akins her to a characterization of being a teenager or even young adolescent girl: innocent, fun, charming, but ultimately  A MINOR. Josephine is in her late 20s at least, is the heir apparent of her family and their Estate, and has been a nationally appointed Chief Ambassador to Orlais before coming on board as Chief Ambassador to the Inquisition. Before that, she was a Bard, and educated in Orlais -- which, come on, have you seen Orlais? That place ain’t exactly a Florida retirement community. Shit happens that would make your eyebrows burn clean off before breakfast. 
The woman has seen, heard, and done some shit. Yes, she’s principally non-violent, but we all remember her swift and SCALDING threat to that noblewoman’s marriage with a mere pair of gloves placed on the proper table. 
Also, fun fact: grown ass women can be just that, grown, and not be your sexual object + entertainment. IMAGINE. 
2. It is not Josephine Montilyet’s job in the game’s story to be the Inquisitor’s girlfriend. In fact, it’s none of the possible LI’s main job to be there, be sexy, and be naked. She is the Chief Ambassador and Diplomat -- she is the political operating face of the Inquisition. She has shit to do, she probably isn’t paid enough, and she has to also manage her family’s wealth and affairs as a SIDE hustle. The woman burns the midnight oil like nobody else. 
To lament and despair that she isn’t more explicit, that there isn’t more sexiness or objectifiable content in her personal arc + romance arc, misses the point of her presence. 
Also can we just talk about how shit ain’t good in game fandom unless there is sex?? Like, come on, ya’ll. Sex is not the pinnacle of character depth, character dynamics, or plot. It isn’t the holy grail. It’s sex. Establishing some kind of content heirarchy for SEX of all things is ridiculous. You know what shit I’d roll in my grave to see in games? Queer characters not being shat on, characters of color being the default character creator setting, disabled characters being protagonists without a second thought as to their capabilities, RELATIONSHIPS THAT ARE MORE FOCUSED ON EMOTIONAL AND FRIENDSHIP-GROUNDED ASPECTS THAN TITTIES. 
One of the reasons why I loved and continue to love Josephine’s romance arc is who wonderfully romantic and safe it feels to love her. You’re not going to lose her to a bury your gays trope, you’re not going to have to break up with her for some outlandish, shoe-horned reason, she isn’t going to be possessive or ugly about your relationship. It’s a happy ending, it’s a futurity, it’s a kindness that the Inquisitor gets to have and live off of during an incredibly difficult several years and onward. 
3. But it’s important to remember that as wholesome as it is, Josephine as a character is complex as any of the others. She has a near impossible job, succeeds at it, and she is determined to do the right thing and be earnestly moral throughout it all. She is committed to nonviolence but she is no doormat: she knows how to get things done, how to get to people, how to achieve an end result. She is cunning as she is kind, erudite as she is practical. She works from a place of tolerance and acceptance, and loves an Inquisitor regardless of gender or race for who they are. 
She survives working in one of the most volatile socio-political climates by sheer will and grit to be good. There’s a wonderful beauty and strength to that. Her romance arc is about appreciating all of that, about seeing how someone can be good even when they are submerged in treacherous tumult. 
Yes, it’s cutesy to have her be the Fairytale Princess of all the DA romances, but don’t forget just the scope of what she accomplishes in her ONE. GAME. TENURE. She builds an Inquisition diplomatically from the ground up, she supports the Inquisitor and fellow Advisors without fail, sustains the cause after Corypheus and jockeys for its survival and purpose during the Exalted Council. She dedicates years of her life to a cause she believes in and puts her heart and soul into it, and her relationship with the Inquisitor. I’m not a Josiemancer because I prefer a “safe and boring” experience, I’m a Josiemancer because she’s a badass. 
So, let it be known, that indeed, Josiemancers got it good with the lack of heartbreak and tragic ending. But just know, we also got it good because Josephine Montilyet is an amazing character, with an amazing message, and she does not deserve anything less than the best. 
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galleryalamalz · 7 years
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[ s h o w  me that you’re  h u m a n ] - a playlist for josephine and cullen
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