#c: mali
spacejams · 11 months
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hazeldragonblossoms · 3 months
aita for trying to summon a god to resurrect my wife?
i (142m) recently lost my wife (139f) to terminal illness. we were married for nearly 127 years, and were survivors of a disaster that destroyed our home city and killed nearly everyone in it. she was my best friend, the love of my life, and the light of my world. i’ve spent months trying to move on, but the pain of losing her has only grown stronger since her death, with my grief eventually leading me to quit my job and travel in the hopes of finding something else to live for. i will be upfront in admitting that, in the process of quitting, i blew up the school i worked at (no one was hurt), almost killed my assistant (he’s fine), and released a bunch of monsters from the abandoned gated community i had contained them in a few decades prior (long story).
anyway, during my travels i came across a relic that contained immense necromantic power, but i quickly realized that i would be unable to utilize it for my purposes on my own, as my wife had been dead for several months by that time and was well past the point of resurrection by conventional means. long story short, i decided to harness the power of the same god that caused the disaster that destroyed my and my wife’s former home.
as it turns out, my former boss (????m) picked up a kid (13x) off the street around the same time this was happening, and tasked my brother (also 142m, we’re twins) with teaching them magic. i won’t bore you with the details, but this thirteen year old now keeps following me around and fucking up my plans to reunite with my true love, which i’m frankly tired of.
(side note: this kid also won a fighting competition that hasn’t been won by someone from our school since i attended. i need to remind you, they are thirteen. i’m not certain they’d ever used magic before my boss picked them up, so i have no idea how this possibly could have happened, or when they had the time to even attend the fights since they’ve seemingly dedicated the majority of their time to fucking me over for no good reason.)
my ex-boss seems to think that summoning this being is a “bad idea” and could “destroy the world,” but 1. i’m doing it in my already ruined hometown and 2. i think that the world is a small price to pay to have my wife back. it’s not like it’s worth much without her in it, anyway.
edit: shut up about the fucking giant tree it’s an unrelated current event. you can’t prove that i actually did anything to him, and it’s rude to accuse people baselessly
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thepmmmwitchproject · 5 months
omg the collage...
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Guess who forgot about the collage while starting on the rpg 💥💥💥💥💥💥
Anyways, I want to very much thank @lemon-lark (Mali Chinda), @shitposterxdxdxd (Rosa Reinoso), @honestlyboringperson (Qiu C. Stars), @witchmagia (Fendi Nevio), @twistyrob-1425 (Matsuri Amai), @moshi-roulette (Hikaru Naklejka) and @viaticdionysus7 (Koharu Mochizuki) respectively for participating !! See in the next one!!
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therainingkiwi · 4 months
i was just watching celebrity jeopardy and one of the clues described medieval timbuktu as "a college town" and i think my entire brain has been rewired
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that-wizard-oki · 2 years
OH MY GODD writing fanfics pre-sylvia’s death is so hilarious cause every time i type “professor drake” YOU NEVER KNOW WHICH ONE I’M TALKING ABOUT. THERE’ THREE OF THEM LIKE WTF DO I DO LMAO
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holyfauks · 2 years
open  → f/nb/m.
connections → ex, best friend, step/rl sibling or parent, professor, another skater, etc. 
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the sparkles shone on the silicon wrapped around her waist. she spurted out a bit of lube onto the toy, stroking it slowly and watching the person in front of her. “do you realize how good you look right now?” she asks, smirking to herself as he stands above them. slender fingers run up their back, but a surprising strength pushes them down more so their ass is in the air. “i’m completely in control of you now, you know that... right? i can see how much to want me inside of you.” she’s teasing, licking plump lips as a hand comes down and smacks them on the ass. just to elicit a reaction. 
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gomezst · 1 year
maliorf ha dicho : ❛ ¡qué lindo es el amor! ❜
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mientras exclamación zumba en sus tímpanos, desea poder contagiarse del entusiasmo, deslavado por las preocupaciones venideras luego del arresto, cuando marrones se clavan en figura contraría, pone su mejor sonrisa  “es bueno ver que hay personas con humor para celebrar” palabras sinceras, asentimiento dirigido a interlocutora a forma de apoyo  “creo que no hay mejor sentimiento que el de estar enamorado” continua en busca de hacer platica, queriendo alejar los pensamientos cargados de fatiga.
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malaitg · 1 year
[ugly]:  para que nuestras musas compren ugly sweaters a conjunto.  ♡  ( @veecys )
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llegó con la sonrisa más grande que podía esbozar al frente de su hermano, con las prendas de ropa abrazadas bajo un brazo. “ mira, mira. ”  abrió un sweater y se lo enseñó expectante a su reacción. “  el grinch kardashiaan~ ¡los quiero! ” dicho eso le dio uno a su hermano y el otro se lo probó ella. “  hay que llevarle uno a kitty.  ”
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myarlert · 2 years
Sorry I’m late, this took longer than expected ♥️
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spacejams · 11 months
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maraboutguezovignon · 2 years
Témoignage de retour d'affection chez le grand marabout guezo vignon
Témoignage de retour d’affection chez le grand marabout guezo vignon
Merci maitre Après ma rupture avec mon chéri j’étais tombé dans la dépression, je n’arrivais pas à surmonter et a accepter que je l’avais perdu. Je savais que sa nouvelle copine l’avait envoûté, j’ai alors fais une vision chez le grand marabout guezo vignon qui me l’a confirmé. Grâce à son rituel de retour affectif, mon homme est revenu, et on vit actuellement ensemble. Merci maître. Pour plus…
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fundacaojerichohq · 2 years
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Nome: Mali ‘Mary’ Chirapaisarnsakul.
Codinome: Krystal.
Aniversário: 10/08/1999.
Nacionalidade: Tailandesa.
Espécie: Humano.
Identidade de gênero e pronomes: Ela/dela, cisgenero feminino.
Moradia: 7° andar.
Ocupação: Segurança.
FC: Milk Pansa Vosbein, atriz.
Plots de interesse: Todos.
Extrovertida, perfeccionista e corajosa.
Desbocada, ranzinza e teimosa.
Mary sempre gostou de ser o centro das atenções, gostava da carreira artística e tinha sonhos para ser grande na área, isso espelhava dentro de seu lar, fazia de tudo para ser elogiada por seus parentes, principalmente seu irmão mais velho que tinha uma enorme ligação. Quando aconteceu a morte dele foi um choque, ela começou a fazer várias coisas erradas e isso acabou influenciando em várias escolhas de sua vida.
Ela decidiu se mudar pra Seul para treinar em academias de luta para aumentar seu potencial dentro da área e deixar o ramo artístico para trás, mesmo que fizesse umas besteiras ou outras, queria ser um destaque no meio dos lutadores. Passou por riscos por conta de questões machistas que ainda prevaleciam na sociedade, buscando se fortalecer com isso.
Depois de um tempo seus pais pediram para que a mulher fizesse uma transferência para a fundação Jericho, para poder ficar mais perto de seus irmãos e focar naquele desejo de se tornar agora uma grande caçadora, assim como seus irmãos estavam sendo.
Fúria incorporada;
Armamento rúnico;
Cúpula protetora.
Dois leques com lâminas de coloração holográfica.
Força: 3
Destreza: 4
Vigor: 3
Carisma: 3
Aparência: 2
Manipulação: 1
Percepção: 2
Inteligência: 2
Raciocínio: 3
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panikea · 6 months
Co mówią nam rodzice kiedy jesteśmy mali? Uważaj. Uważaj, bo się potkniesz, uważaj bo coś sobie zrobisz. Zawsze uważaj. Nigdy ryzykuj. Wychowujemy w ten sposób stado konformistów, którzy boją się stracić to co mają. Mimo, że to co mają jest czasami chuja warte. I jest dalekie od marzeń Ale jest ich i jest bezpieczne i lepiej mieć kawałek niż zaryzykować i nie mieć nic. I ja to rozumiem. Nie każdy jest stworzony do rewolucji. Łatwo jest powiedzieć: chcesz coś zmienić? Nie gadaj, tylko zrób to. Mało kto jednak potrafi zrobić coś wbrew swojemu strachowi (nie chcę pisać o opuszczaniu wewnętrznej strefy komfortu, bo to totalnie zgrane i zużyte). Mało kto potrafi stać się nieuważnym i zrobić krok w przepaść. Nawet jeśli jest się młodym. Bo owszem można czasami, zamknąć oczy i skoczyć a siatka sama się pojawi i nas uratuje i będziemy później przekonani że to był doskonały krok. A inni będą nam zazdrościć. Czasami można jednak skoczyć, spaść na dupę i boleśnie się potłuc. A ponieważ żyjemy wizją przyszłości, nasza wyobraźnia wrzeszczy z przerażenia.  Ludzie dzielą się na tych którzy robią i na tych, którzy opowiadają że zrobią. I tych drugich jest bardzo dużo, a tych pierwszych bardzo mało. Czy jest sens wstać rano, iść do swojego szefa i powiedzieć mu, że pierdoli się to wszystko w czapkę i się rezygnuje? Nie, oczywiście że to nie ma sensu. Z całą jednak pewnością należy od czasu do czasu usiąść na piachu, popatrzeć w las albo morze, otworzyć butelkę wina albo whisky i powiedzieć sprawdzam. Sprawdzam czy jestem szczęśliwy/szczęśliwa. Sprawdzam czego mi brakuje. Sprawdzam jak daleko jestem od swoich marzeń. Sprawdzam czy je jeszcze mam. Sprawdzam czy czuję satysfakcję. Sprawdzam, czy moje życie, moim zdaniem ma sens. Sprawdzam jaki jest mój cel. Zanim zaczniemy zmieniać swój świat, spróbujmy zrozumieć siebie.
Piotr C. pokolenieikea.com
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holyfauks · 1 year
muse: mali dickson. 24. top. figure skater. bisexual.
starter: closed for @carp3diems​​ - any connection (fake dating for appearances, recent step siblings, her boyfriend’s sister, etc.)
plot: based on 1ff from this meme. (still accepting)
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the moan that leaves mali’s lips is a lot louder than it should be, considering she had pulled her tits out in the bathroom at this ‘family function’ after following valentina into it. with her hand at the back of her neck, she tugged her closer and made sure that perfect little mouth was wrapped around her nipple. “that’s a good girl... fuck, suck harder. i want a reminder of how dirty you can be,” she breathes out, knowing she should probably whisper but not giving an absolute fuck. her ego and utter desire for the girl since she SAW her wasn’t going to be hidden any longer.
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jstor · 10 months
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Oof, this one is brutal: brass figurine from Southern Ghana or Mali depicting a leopard attacking a man (20th c.).
It comes from the Manchester School of Art Collection on JSTOR, which includes 400+ additional images open to everyone.
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yasamsallik · 1 month
Karabük’te korkunç bir kara para ağı mı var ? Araştırmacı Gazeteci Ersin Eroğlu dehşeti anlattı...
Karabük'te Afrikalı öğrenci istilasının arkasında, Karabük Üniversitesi'nin ikinci, üçüncü sınıf Afrika ülkelerinde Karabük'e gelmeleri için yaptıkları sonuç garantili sınavlar var!
Lise diploması olmayanlar bile getirilmiş!
Bu sözde sınavlar; Maarif Vakfı'nın himayesinde gerçekleşiyor! Dikkatinizi çekti mi? Maarif Vakfı!
Bu olayı bir süredir zenci erkeklerle Türk kızlarının evliliğinin teşvik edilmesinden ayrı düşünmeyin!
Üniversite bahanesiyle getirilip Türkiye'de kalmaları amaçlanıyor.
İktidarın Suriyeli, Afgan ve Müslüman Afrikalılarla oluşturmaya çalıştığı ümmet toplumu projesinde görevli üniversitelerden biri Karabük Üniversitesi'dir.
Fatih Ergin.
malesef 😔
Bugün şunu gördüm:
Karabük Üniversitesi yabancı öğrenci sayıları:
(YÖK 2022-2023'e göre 11 bin 890)
Çad 1386
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Vasat zekalar n'olicek yurt dışında da yabancılar okuyor diyecekler. Yurt dışı bir defa zekileri alıyor kendi ülkesinde ona çalışma alanı var. Biz ne yapıyoruz. Kendi halkımızın sırtından kendi çocuklarının kontenjanından başka ülkelerin hizmetinde çalışacak çocuklar yetiştiriyoruz.
Kaldı ki Türk gençleri yurtdışında okuyamıyorlar. Kabulü ve davetiyesi olsa da vize alamıyorlar. TC vatandaşlığı el altından arap ülkeleri vatandaşlarına koşulsuz şartsız sağlandığı için Avrupalı Amerikalı Kanadalı diyor ki ne bileyim ben senin muhammad el hakeym iken muhammet haki adını almadığını.
Şimdi sağlıktan sonra yargıda da sınavsız denklik şartsız arap afrikalı hakim savcı başlarsa hiç şaşırmam
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