drailcdx · 2 months
location: Deadman Acres, Lydia's house closed for @a-small-drop-in-a-big-pond lydia ft micah || in which lydia doesn't want help but needs it
"I just... I can't figure it out." Hands on her hips, eyes fixated on the mystery door at the bottom of the closet. "I've taken the hinges off, I've tried yanking, I've looked for a key, but..." She stammers, shaking her head, wiping the sweat from her forehead with her forearm. Not only was the smell still filling the house but the AC was out and she was positive if she could get underneath the house, she could solve both problems. "I can't get it open, and it's so hot in here even with the windows, but I can't find the AC unit and the blueprints of the house say there should be nothing under there but I'm sure there is, and I just..." She clears her throat, on the brink of tears from exhaustion but she'll be damned if Micah of all people is the first in this town to see her cry. "I need you and your big rancher arms to get that thing open. Please."
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voisemadeofteeth · 3 years
@thearchvillainess location: somewhere in New York lmao 
The curve of her spine formed into a bow as she stretched out, head falling back and hair falling with it as she tried to wake up, the lime green chair tilting just a bit as she lengthened her body for a deeper stretch. Deadlines had always been a nightmare for Micah, not because she was bad at meeting them, but because she worked better under pressure. When she had too much time to complete a project her mind wandered, boredom taking the place of priority thinking, and often she wondered if she should talk to her Psychologist about that.
The chair went back to resting as her weight came back forward, making an awful scratching noise against the ceramic floor beneath it. Cheeks puffed out as she stared at her computer screen, words blurring together for a project she needed to work on but just couldn’t bring herself to fully comprehend it. Her eyes drifted from the unfinished content calendar to the clock, white font reading 7:27 PM and she decided this was all she was getting done today. Micah chugged down the rest of her now cold tea and packed up her things, hitting the streets to head home for the night. There was still a little bit of evening light left, making her think if she hurried she could probably get in a run before the night casted itself over the city. She checked her phone, finally replying to texts and snapchats as she made her way to the subway, the smell of the underground filling her nose and making it wrinkle up a bit. Micah had adored New York the moment she moved in, but there were certain things she just hadn’t gotten used to yet, and the smell of the city was one of them.
Typically such things were over powered by food carts and restaurants, bars, and shops and people with expensive cologne or perfume, but the subway unfortunately could never be masked. A little while later she climbed up a similar set of stairs, exiting the subway station to the street that would take her home. The sun had started to set a little faster, ruining her plans for an outside run, though it was a beautiful night. She figured to make up she would take a longer route, wanting to soak up as much of the calm evening as she could. Her mind had wandered back to work, the just about empty document sitting on her laptop, the unfinished graphics, the client who was so picky it was difficult to even brainstorm for them. The lime green chair popped into her head, the vibrancy of it taking hold of her thoughts for a moment until she looked up to make sure there was no oncoming traffic. As she crossed the street, her gaze fell onto a familiar face on the otherside, her pace coming to a dead halt as a mixture of dread, fear, and relief washed over her. Her body went immediately cold, eyes wide as they locked eyes with a ghost from the past. Suddenly, all her senses were numb, no sounds, no smells, no warmth, just the white noise ringing in her ears as she took him in. Did he see her? He had to have seen her right? Maybe she was imagining it? The loud honking of a horn followed by a distinct What the fuck are you doing?! blared through the rush of thoughts and feelings, and she quickly finished bounding across the cross walk and out of oncoming traffic. Quickly, she turned around, trying to find Blake in the new crowd of people that had gathered to wait their turn to cross the street. 
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asher-mccarthy · 3 years
Asher: This might seem like a strange request but every time your daughter puts any type of clothing on your cat, could you possibly take a picture and send it to me please?
Asher: I just love seeing cute animals wearing clothing.
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detectivexchase · 3 years
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   “How is do you like being married?” he asked smiling at the other. Chase had gotten closer to Micah during their wedding. The male seem fun and cool. The detective had decided to invite them out for breakfast so that they could get to know each other. “Also, breakfast is on me.” he added smiling wildly. @tinydancermicah​
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andreahuts · 4 years
txxt 📥micah
ANDREA: Ring ringg, pick up the phone will ya?
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
What did you think of the barbecue?
“Micah got his weenie roasted, BIG news. Only know because I saw it while I was trying to eat my overly charred burger. They were literally at a table over. It was… astounding. I saw crying in the parking lot courtesy of Paxton, Calum and Monica fighting awkwardly over poor Shane, Quentin and Belly banging one out in the parking lot, Madison and Hollis playing Uno in one of the tents and DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH THE SOUNDS I HEARD COMING FROM THE BATHROOMS. Looking at you James and Stella. Seemed like a blast. Sad I got sunburned half way through and had to go home early. So my overall thoughts. A disaster. Did I miss anything?”
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eleanorvankamp · 5 years
text mssg 📲 micah
eleanor: do you ever just text your ex and ask if you can share kids bc same
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catferro · 5 years
txxt ;; mj 'n ryan
RYAN: Hey MJ! How are you holding up?
RYAN: Do you want to go get funnel cake with me sometime?
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silashewitt · 6 years
Silas was walking around the festival area with a hot chocolate in his hands. He raised his eyebrows at Micah when he was approached. “You look like hell, still.”
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whichwaylulux · 6 years
her face lit up with such joy when she saw the most familiar face out of the blue. “micah!” she bounded over running to the boy. all she wanted was a wonderland face, something to show her that home was still there. “it’s me lulu!” though who could ever really forget lulu. her excitement was rare and this was one of the times she showed a different side to herself. “hi.”
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@infexted for micah
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lydiabellerose · 6 years
“So your sister texted me,” Lydia said to the other. “Said she was going to beat my ass at the Stonewall verses Haileybury game.” She let out a slight laugh. “We’ll see about that.”
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voisemadeofteeth · 3 years
Andres had really taken to this new position. He much preferred working for someone who wasn’t his father. But more than that, he felt more like he was his own boss. Sure, he took contracts from the gang, he never saw himself as an employee for them. It really didn’t even feel like work, tailing people, gathering information on them, then striking at the best possible moment to get away with a murder. That being said, he had taken to a new method of getting information by outsourcing a few of his contracts. That was what led him to Micah, knowing he could get a glimpse of his target before ever having to get close to him. Any sort of space he put between him and his potential victims was always a bonus. Whatever he’d pay for Micah, or anyone else for this service was probably a small percentage of what he’d eventually get paid for the hit.
He sat at the bar, in the corner and away form everyone else. Andres picked up his drink and pointed to a booth, tucked away, without patrons near them. “Over here,” he directed her. They’d be going over some sensitive materials, he wanted to stay somewhat away from prying eyes. He took a seat and sat down on one side of the worn booth. “You want a drink?” he offered, motioning for a waitress to come over. “I doubt this is the sort of place you’d normally go to,” he teased. It was her appearance that made him think that, filling out a narrative in his head about who she was. “It’s not an Applebees,” he added for good measure, thick with playful condescension.
Doubt this is the sort of place you’d normally go to. Micah just smiled and shrugged, sliding into the booth and letting her camera and bag rest next to her; the perks of always working on the go. “I’d love a drink, actually.” There was a time where she would’ve said he’s right, that her normal scene was some overcrowded and overpriced bar full of people her age with a sprinkle of those older. But since Chicago she found herself in places like this more often than not. The scars on her ear and neck, her own self inflicted scars on her wrists, the cigarette burn marks left  on her back, they were all reminders of that. But he didn’t need her life story, nor did he probably care for it. 
The waitress quietly came by and she let him order first, giving herself time to think of what she’d like. She still came up empty but ordered anyway. “Can I just get Gin, please?” She asked, the waitress asking what cocktail she wanted. “No, just.... Just Gin and ice.” Micah knew it was because she didn’t look like the type to be a hard drinker, but she grew up in the boonies with an alcoholic father it was the only way she knew how to drink. “Anyway...” Her attention went back to Andres as the waitress went off. “What’s up, what can I do for you?” She asked, figuring it would be best to be brief.
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clarygooding · 6 years
The graduation was long, and Clary was already bored as she sat in her seat next to her brother, waiting to walk the stage. She leaned over a little toward her brother, whispering, “Yo, I’ll cheer for you, if you cheer for me,” she replied, knowing that there wasn’t anyone there for them at graduation.
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katedavenport · 6 years
“Hey Micah!” Katie said, running to catch up to Micah. “Can we talk?”
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lobarlow · 6 years
Lo was pacing slightly when Micah walked through the door. “Hey,” she said, obvious worry upon her features. “I know you don’t really talkto him, but have you heard from Alex at all recently?”
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
What couples do you want to see? and what hook ups?
Like everyone else, I need Micah to put his dick in Pax’s mouth so he’ll stop whining all the time. Evie and Shane would be something I wouldn’t mind watching unfold. Couples, though? Charity and Chlamydia and Gabe and Gonorrhea. Easy. 
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