scottxmcbride · 4 years
It was rare that a new teacher ended up at Frankie J. Scott often wondered if there was some sort of APB out on it, acting as a warning for the teachers of America, warning them to stay far, far away. It would definitely explain why it seemed only the most dysfunctional messes ended up working there. What was even rarer was that the new blood turned out to be a hot lady scientist. Basically Scott’s perfect woman, and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Since the incident with his engagement, he had been totally thrown off his game. He didn’t want these feelings, but they were lingering, doing weird things to his brain-to-mouth connectivity whenever she was around. He was sure she had caught him staring at her, and probably thought he was the words biggest weirdo when he dropped his attempt at conversation mid-sentence. She made him feel tongue-tied, and if that wasn’t bad enough, he had totally forgotten how to flirt. All in all, the outcome wasn’t looking good. 
Her classroom was next to his. He had stopped by a few times, but never quite worked up the courage to actually walk in. He thought about dropping by again, but almost as soon as he opened the door, he bumped into the woman herself. “Shit,” he mumbled, stepping back a bit to let her walk past. “Actually, no,” he shook his head. She probably thought he as completely deranged, given that he hadn’t actually said a word to her yet. She would probably be right. “Um... you aren’t going to the cafeteria, are you? Trust me, it’s not worth it.” He reached up to scratch his neck under his stubble. “I usually get my lunch at the deli on the corner. You can come with me, if you want. Trust me when I say it beats whatever slop Blaine and Shane are serving today.” 
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richgirlvenus · 5 years
closed starter for @nikkivaras​
despite showing up to the festivities a bit late, venus wasted no time having her own fun. she’d already had a few drinks, a few made by herself and a few by whatever drinks were being offered. the performances were amazing, and she had to admit it was pretty cool to see people she knew singing and dancing up there. she’d felt a little bad about missing out on the first day, but she didn’t really have a choice. her week long trip to new york brought on all of these new pressures and expectations from her father, which only added to why she wanted to enjoy herself once she got back. venus stopped by the slushmust spot of the festival to get another drink when she saw someone she recognized. shooting nikki a smile, venus gave him a side hug before pulling away to speak, “nikki! long time no talk, huh? i saw you performing with harlow, you guys were amazing! and really cute together.”
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on17thave-blog · 7 years
starter for ( @camxflynn )
“Does this tie suit me?” Nikki asked as they walked in on her wearing one of what she assumed to be their favourite tie -  just their tie. She’d been waiting for a few hours so she got comfortable on their bed and ready to give them a surprise.
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lunarchld · 5 years
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ikagconfessions · 7 years
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Lyanna left Aurora. She's still pines after her, hoping she will come back. Nikki left Scarlett. Same thing is happening. These girls need to move on. THEY LEFT.
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broestbro-blog · 6 years
Its not the worst :P
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brolyshit-blog · 6 years
You, no. Now.
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lunarchld · 5 years
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Obsessions - Miami, Florida 
Well, summer slipped us underneath her tongue Our days and nights are perfumed with o b s e s s i o n
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Little Troubles || Kayt + Nicolette
Uostein Automotive Repair - Main Street || Oct. 22 || @dancergirlnicolette
Kayt was irritated, it was obvious. She paced back and forth in her shop, wrench in hand just so she had something to grip onto. She thrust the fingers of her empty hand through her hair. She couldn’t believe Nicolette hadn’t told her she could be pregnant, of all things. First Farren, now Niks? Kaytlinn groaned, throwing the wrench into the fridge and leaving a nasty dent and scuff. 
“What?!” She snapped, twirling around on her heel as she heard someone enter the shop. Her eyes rested on her best friend’s form, irritation obvious about her form. She stood, hands on her hips, with her right hip popped out, “Oh, hey, I guess this was payback?”
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stefigerm · 9 years
Happy Thanksgiving, Nikki! I might just have to steal that pumpkin pie recipe from you one of these days.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Got the family in town and it should be fun. I am helping in the kitchen baking my famous pumpkin pie and i have to make enough for everybody. Gonna be a long day for sure.
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lunarchld · 6 years
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Text: Nikki
Luke: Will you believe me if I said I did my laundry all wrong and now my white clothes are blue and yellow?
Luke: You probably will believe this, it's not that surprising
Luke: hALP :(
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Hounds of Hell's Kitchen [Seth/Nikki]
If it was one thing which could be said for being the designated driver for his brothers during their early days as a team, it was that it gave the former linebacker the sort of confidence in his driving only subscribed to by Cesaro with enough coffee or Bayley on a sugar high. What drove Roman however was a terrifying, tranquil fury as the blaring of car horns stopped fazing him after the first few times of deftly maneuvering through the vehicles on the interstate which were moving far to slow for his liking, and it was only when he was at Newark’s borders did it strike to him that the sun had almost set and he hadn’t so much as touched food or drink for the past few hours which barely registered in his mind as the engine revved up again to tear through the boulevards.
Neither of those was important---what did was the fact that in an hour, perhaps less, trying to commandeer a vehicle was out of the question. Already he could feel the latent hunger that drove the other side of him; primitive, instinctive and full of wrath at this point, and when the growling voice in his head had asked him what this ‘Dave’ would taste like, he hadn’t been able to give an answer but for the first time the moral retort to the notion was noticeably void and he could already feel it gnawing in anticipation at the edge of his mind, waiting to be unleashed once more.
Turning on the radio, the chill in his stomach dropped a few more degrees as he heard the AMBER alert set out for his little girl, wherever she was---on the upside, the ex had done exactly what he’d told her to. On the flipside, Joelle was still nowhere to be found and all he had was the vague notion that she could be somewhere in the Broadway district, given how Dave had promised to take her to a show there---as spunky as the tykebomb was, the fact that she was all of seven years kept ringing in his head, seven years and bearing the wide-eyed naive innocence that came with her age and the possibility that she was (she had to) going to come out of this changed for the worse was something he had to consider.
The ringing of his phone caught him offguard for a moment; Roman’s eyes were too focused on the traffic ahead to see the number registered on the screen, merely turning on the Bluetooth earpiece he wore.
“You’re quick. That New York traffic I hear in the background?”
The chill in his blood was sub-zero as the familiar drawl warbled through the other end and Roman almost stopped dead in the middle of the highway before regaining most of his senses and driving on.
“Where the hell are you?” Roman demanded heatedly, grip on the steering wheel turning his knuckles white as the flow of vehicles slowed down up ahead for a police check.
“What did you do with her?!”
“Calm your tits, Papa wolf. I’m not telling you where she is, that would ruin the fun! And hey, I didn’t do anything to your precious little puppy dog. Yet.” The last part seemed to be added as a taunting afterthought as the former Evoltuion member went on breezily as though they were talking over tea. The slowing traffic allowed Roman to scan his device for a number---one unregistered unfortunately and from what he could see was likely a public payphone, one of the thousands scattered around the city.
“Might change though. Little bitch bit me when I caged her up to cool her down. Figure I should charge with interest, you know what I mean?”
“You hurt her I swear to god Dave, I’m going to murder you. They wouldn’t find your body for a fucking decade, I’m gonna see to that myself!” Roman snarled after he had passed the police blockade---spouting death threats in the midst of officials, he was still lucid enough to realize that was a bad idea.
“Which is why I’m not letting her go just yet. You want her? We’ll make this fun. You go through me, you might just find her. Or she can starve to death down there for a month or something. Fuck if I care really.”
Down there. Cellar, Basement, his mind quickly reconciled. Outside, darkness was falling across the city and Manhattan’s skyline gleamed like a faraway mirage. The shift as far as he could tell took place when dusk had completely given way to the pitch black of night, anywhere between eight and eight-thirty. If he didn’t get there in time, he was going to have to abandon this vehicle somewhere to continue the hunt on all fours.
“You wanna dance?” Roman enquired dangerously, already feeling the subtle shift starting with eyesight which sharpened to the point that he could see the shapes in the dusky dimness as clear as daylight.
“Is that what you want?”
“I want to finish what I started.” The voice shot back scathingly.
“That thing you started which I recall I almost stopped if Bayley wasn’t there to stop me from bashin’ your brains across the wall?” His own tone snapped back testily with a manic little chuckle. Roman was thankful for the young diva’s interference yes, but there were nights when he honestly wished he could have ended the man’s life right there and then. This was one of those times.
“I got news for you, meathead. Bayley’s thirteen hours away down in fucking Florida. Do you have any idea what you’re askin’ for?”
There was silence as though the man on the othe line was contemplating the merits of what exactly he had wrought before tersely speaking up again.
“Hell’s Kitchen. We’ll……talk there.”
The line went dead immediately and Roman ran his tongue across his teeth, feeling the edges grow subtly jagged. Dave was desperate for a rematch of their tussle down at Winter Park, a tussle he had come out of with a stab wound the last time and the feeling of being strangled half to death and blood gushing between his fingers. The cold, tingling sensation of animalistic fear was there still, but found itself violently overpowered by paternal instinct as Dave’s threat to leave his baby girl to languish played over and over in his head. Had he even fed her? How long had she gone without food?
”Don’t you worry darlin’” He spoke softly to no one in particular, as though she could hear him all the way from here wherever she was.
“Papa’s gonna find you, and he’s gonna bring you home.”
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jonas-cunningham · 10 years
Text: Sweetheart
Nikki: Sounds like she has a slight problem with having a kid on board while the other person should make time to check on her as well. Plus cops haven’t shown up on the boat therefore she knows he hasn’t done any serious damage to anyone or themselves. She sounds like a keeper grumps.
Jonas: Sounds like he as a slight problem with having to work all the time. Does she know what it's like to deal with all these demanding assholes on the ship? They haven't shown up yet that is, the week is not over yet. He sounds like a keeper, sweetheart.
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[BellaUno] Madam, I am unsure as to your situation currently but I have been informed that there may be trouble at hand. [BellaUno] At the risk of turning this into a full-blown emergency, I require information as to what exactly is going on and why your husband isn't responding to his calls. [BellaUno] The concierge has confirmed with my informants that neither you nor he are in the room. [BellaUno] And there has been property damage on-site. [BellaUno] Is he alive?
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innercitywolves · 10 years
Let Loose The Hounds [Roman&Nikki]
'DO. WE. GET TO KILL. THESE ONES?' Jaeger's booming barks carried over to where he was though Roman didn't need any verbal assurances as to the Ovcharka's intent when all that had been running over in the dog's mind as far as he could tell the moment he'd explained to all four of them the situation was 'Killkillkillkilllkillkillkill'
"They touch one of those kids, damn well I'll consider it." The Skinwalker uttered coldly as all five of them barrelled through the back alleys with Remus up ahead---the Malamute's speed was nothing to sneeze at and Roman despite his height or perhaps because of it was slower than the rest of the pack.
'Get on all fours, sir. It's faster.' came the brisk yap from the German Shepherd up ahead as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
"I don't---" Roman had just been about to explain to her why human physiology didn't allow for that when something in the back of his mind whispered harshly,
'Do it.'
Before he could even question it, his palms were on the ground and he did his best to lop alongside the pack, halfway expecting to trip over his face and not at all expecting that Mackenzie was speaking the truth---it came naturally to him, just as the pelt on his head and back felt like a second skin and soon enough as hands turned into slim paws and fur flew in the wind and his tongue lolled upon elongated fangs, he was leading the small contingent of dogs towards the Hospice which he had dropped by just a day ago, the palpable fear in the doctor's voice still ringing in his ears.
The shift had been subtle as far as shifts went, his return to an upright position swift as they approached the loading bay in the back of the establishment where the medicine shiptments arrived.
'Those do not look like they are hospital-issued.' Memphis the Rottweiler rumbled up as he narrowed his eyes at two men who were tense and muttering clipped bits of conversation at one another though what was being referred to were the two Doberman dogs who were also present. Clearly as guards.
"Hospitals don't need that sort of protection. These men aren't staff." Roman murmured quietly as he could, gaze moving from Jaeger to Memphis, to Remus and then Mackenzie. Truth be told they were privvy to his commands even without verbal cues when in the same general vicinity but he was still used to talking to them.
"Rem, you're bait. Twerk that furry ass and trashtalk them mutts into giving chase. Jaeger, Memphis, ambush formation, take them down. Don't hurt them too much, they're just doing their job like you guys. Mac, you and I are takin' on Bulk and Skull there. 75% chance they're carrying arms, remember what I taught you--zig-zag patterns."
'On it boss~!' The Malamute who gave him the impression of being on Placebo half the time pranced out into the light right into the men's line of sight and two seconds barely passed before the Doberman dogs were barking up a storm alongside Remus' echoing yaps. Curses in canine language that Roman had yet to actually comprehend seeing how many of them were references to old gods or how their mothers had been raised by sewer rats.
As Remus zoomed by into the nearby alley with the two dogs on his tail, they were immediately jumped by the vicious Ovcharka and the Rottweiler who were all business, teeth crunching hard into the back of their necks to shrill yelping and as the agitated shouting of the two men picked up and they ran forward with guns drawn to break up the tussle of dogs, neither noticed the two figures darting towards them.
'DISARM!' The mental command rang out from Roman as Mackenzie lept forward to clamp her jaws like a bear trap on her target's gun hand and the sound of steel clattering to the turmac followed.
"SON OF A BITCH!" came the roar from the second man, a gaunt looking fellow who had aimed his own gun at the growling Asaltian only to have his trigger arm forced a side and an elbow driven into his face.
"She's female actually." Roman pointed out like it was the most natural thing in the world as he kicked the fallen gun to a side, watching as Remus lopped back giddily to gather it up before he narrowly avoided a wild haymaker which grazed his cheek lightly.
"Play nice and we'll---"
The flash of steel which the man reached for at his belt made the Skinwalker move much faster than expected as one the blade of a hunting knife was pressed to the man's throat.
"Na-ah-ah-ah. Not tonight. Don't let the Kevlar vests fool you tough guy, we ain't with the cops. Make one wrong move. I dare you."
The silence was punctuated by the whimpers which were slowly dying out as Memphis held on to one Doberman by the neck, this animal ceasing to struggle and was curled up in a submissive manner. The one Jaeger had targetted though had ceased to move altogether save for jerky motions as the Ovcharka snarled and swung and ripped deeper into a throat where air no longer passed, tail wagging furiously as though this was the most fun he had in ages. Roman smirked a little before whistling and calling out,
"Ey big guy. Come here and say hi to tonight's entree."
Dropping his prey one he was certain every last bit of fight had been extinguished from it, the massive and bloody bear-like dog let loose a volley of booming barks at the two humans and ran forward with fangs bared.
The man had about pissed his pants when Jaeger stopped exactly one foot in front of him, bristling like the unholy lovechild of a porcupine and sea urchin of death.
"Smart." said Roman curtly as he retrieved the gun and tossed it aside to Remus who tucked it into one of the pouches the dog wore on his vest.
"How many of you in there?"
No words passed the Skinwalker's lips as his nostrils flared and his hearing focussed on the sound of the man's pulse. It was racing certainly, and the fellow was rank with fear and fear alone. Not a single expression suggested he was lying.
"Right." He dragged the man over to one of the heavily-armed trucks and tossed him inside bodily, whistling for Mackenzie and Jaeger to drag over the other who suffered the same fate.
"Hope you two bought playing cards, 'cause this is gonna take a while."
The steel doors slammed shut as he bolted them from the outside, dusting his hands before gesturing for the four dogs to heel before following him to the emergency escape nearby.
"The three are probably just on the third floor like she said. We got our work cut out for us. Let's head up there first and hope shit ain't hit the roof yet."
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