sm0kebreaks · 3 years
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a lot of thoughts happening at all time in no cohesive ordere
​Twitter / Itch.io / Night Street AU
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actormorgan · 4 years
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  “How are you doing?” Noah asked with a coffee in his hand as he and Timmy walked side by side. It was cold and night time, Noah had texted the younger male to meet him so that they could have dinner. Noah had been so busy and had just gotten back so decided to catch up with Timmy. “I hear that the last episode of the season will be your final one,” he said looking at his friend a little bit worried about them. @timothy-boystown​
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Even though she was supposed to be staying in the infirmary for the next few days, Tessa had convinced the nurse to let her have some freedom; and as long as she was back in time for her treatments, she could pretty much hang out in her room or elsewhere on campus. So she was in her dorm just touching up her makeup to cover the remaining bruising on her face when she saw a familiar reflection in the mirror. “What do you want, Timmy?”
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kravitz-j · 9 years
O que é, Timmy, seu irmão não pode te procurar sem que haja suspeitas da sua parte, não?
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Who is your favorite person at Weatherford?
I don't want to pick favorites, but I find Judith fascinating, and Timmy is very cute!
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Which sibling are you closer to? Timmy or Tessa?
"I'm still not sure why it matters as to who I'm closer to. I love both of them equally, But I guess if I had to choose it would be Timmy,because he lets me do things I know Tessa doesn't approve of."
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Which of your siblings are you closer to?
"That's not a very fair question. Im very close to both Timmy and Tessa. They are my best friends they understand me when no one else can. So I'm not choosing between them."
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papabeear-blog · 10 years
'I think I'm falling for you' [very accurate]
"Qué… ¿Qué dices? ¿Hablas en serio? Es decir, ¿realmente estás diciendo lo que creo que estás diciendo?"
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papabeear-blog · 10 years
Después de despertar con un pésimo mal humor, había recibido un desayuno express en cama hecho especialmente por Alfred, quien había hecho algún comentario sarcástico sobre su resaca. Lo peor vino después; el dolor de cabeza pudo quitárselo con pastillas y su desayuno, pero los mensajes de Conner solo hicieron que se pusiera de mal humor. Encima le reprochaba, cuando él era el que debía estar molesto. ¿Cómo era posible que no recordara nada? Sin embargo, terminó rindiéndose y le pidió a su mayordomo que lo llevara a casa de Conner, donde encontró la llave escondida debajo del tapete, como siempre. Entró, cerrando la puerta detrás de sí, y caminó hasta llegar a la habitación de su mejor amigo. Estaba despeinado, y tenía ojeras, y a pesar de que había sido reprochado por Alfred, no se había molestado en arreglarse. "¿Qué quieres desayunar?"
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