#c-2 greyhound
nocternalrandomness · 10 months
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USN C-2 Greyhound at the NAF El Centro Photocall
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jellyfishinajamjar · 9 months
The C-2 Greyhound is an angelgirl to me
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I would have the gayest raunchest carrier deck bucklingest sex imaginable with her
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brent-tumbles · 1 year
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C-2 Greyhound Advanced
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
C-2A-162144-VRC50-2010 by Michel Klaveren
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c-130hercules · 1 year
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amanitacz · 2 years
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Model of the Grumman C-2 Greyhound pixelated
Link to see more about this model on Turbosquid.com:
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soberscientistlife · 9 months
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He was declined the use of a toilet in S. C. when he returned from the war, defending Jews from Hitler, in his uniform, he could not use the toilet!!
February 12, 1946- Isaac Woodard Jr., African American World War 2 veteran decorated for courage under fire during service in the Pacific, is beaten by South Carolina police until he's blind - just hours after his honorary discharge from the military.
While covered up at first, his case soon became widely known and sparked national outrage, creating an initial spark for the 1950…s-60s civil rights and Black freedom movement.
While he was still in military uniform on a Greyhound bus from Camp Gordon in Augusta, GA en route to his home, the bus driver cursed Woodard for asking to stop to use the restroom, then pulled the bus over at the next stop and called the police.
The Batesburg, SC police beat him, then jailed him and beat him some more to the point of blindness. South Carolina authorities did nothing for 7 months, until Orson Welles, Joe Louis, Count Basie and others started a public outcry. Woodie Guthrie wrote the song, "The Blinding of Isaac Woodard"
African Archives
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
haikyuu as dog/cat breeds (prt 2.)
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prt 2 lets gooooo - i really like pondering 🤔 about their breeds (includes aobajohsai and shiratorizawa) - c prt 1.
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oikawa - he's such a ragdoll. pretty and nice coat, not too long/fluffy or thin/short. won many cat competitions. he's real sweet and friendly with your guests but once they leave he'll attack your leg for treats. he's manipulative? really smart too. a very loud cat and loves to play. can be a total brat and knock your shit over just to fuck with you. absolutely traumatizes your dogs if you have any, gets really pissed off if you smell like another cat and almost borderline bullying if you do get another cat.
iwaizumi - either a tosa or dutch shepard. he's really energetic and you thought he would calm down as he grows but nope! he's still dragging you out of bed for walks lol. somehow gentle and rough while playing with you. doesnt really bite you, only nibbles. not rlly protective of you but wary of strangers, not really hostile and open to guests. barks a lot, but will quiet down if you shush him cuz hes a good boy. def has a silver chain for a collar cuz hes cool like that 😈 really good with kids, never runs away because he's content with the life he has.
akira - a really lazy snowshoe cat. can be really mean but sweet afterwards cuz he feels bad. the type to run away if you start to cry. sleeps majority of the time and usually only eats when hes awake. really curious but doesnt like it when you have guests. likes to sleep in the middle of your bed and will fight back if you try to move him. doesn't like being picked up. at first he wasnt really cuddly but now he'll be all up in your business if you lay down.
kentaro - boerboel. he's super aggressive and protective of you, barks at everyone who isnt you. he's super rough when playing and has given you a few scars. really heavy but i can see him being kinda cuddly. he'll sit at your side, ears perked up and doing that half bark thing dogs do when something catches their eye. definitely has a chain and you have to use it a few times cuz he doesn't listen that well. fights with any dog, but does have this specific friend thats not even a dog, but a cat 😭 loves to play fetch. doesnt run away because his instincts to protect the house are too strong. not the best with kids 😬
mattsun - simple black cat that is really chill. not necessarily friendly but doesnt run away from strangers. super sleepy and his meows are really deep for some reason. not super vocal but will occasionally meow for your attention. not too cuddly but sweet. when he cleans himself it's super loud and almost obnoxious and always at night when ur trying to sleep. not very fond of dogs. doesn't necessarily get scared of anything unless he's being toyed with.
hanamaki - a simple labrador. not necessarily full of energy and lays around, not even sleeping, just watching you. kinda judgy of you for some reason and always side eyes you. not really cuddly either and just overall just exists. occasionally howls tho. sometimes he'll have the urge to play, but it's not really playing but rather straight bullying cuz he's a jerk 😒 was a really cute puppy and you miss those days a lot
ushijima - please i was so excited for this one, he's a saint bernard. a really big and heavy one too. was even big as a puppy. doesnt bark often but when he does it's loud, only really barking for your attention. he's really good with commands. likes walks and occasionally plays. he doesn't get along too well with other dogs, just because he just stands there and watches. gives the sweetest puppy eyes ever. again, really heavy, and growls when someone gets into his personal space. but he is really patient, but will run away from little kids. has teeth, but doesnt know how to use them 😕
tendo - a greyhound. a really silly one that is so cuddly, he's practically glued to you. hes so energetic and always slipping. real vocal but not too loud. gets really sad if someone doesnt wanna play with him ☹️ really great with kids and really protective of them. not necessarily protective of you. chases after cars 100%. HE HAS A FAVORITE TOY. has kinda severe separation anxiety 💔
semi - hes a beautiful grey tonkinese cat. his personality is really dependable whether he slept well. moderately playful and just really nice. hes really chill, but can get a little annoyed if someone is bothering him. not scared of fireworks or loud noises, moderately vocal. he can be a bit of an asshole tho 💔 but its okay cuz hes pretty 🫶🏼
shirabu - obviously the biggest asshole so hes a chausie. you got him cuz he was really beautiful and calm as a baby, but you woke up the same night you got him to him clawing at your toe that was poking out of your blanket. bites hard and makes you bleed. gives many battle scars 😒 surprisingly very vocal and has screaming matches with you. not necessarily very playful but he does chase you from time to time. bro he has such a mean face 😭 not fond of people or other animals. sometimes cuddles, sometimes.
goshiki - a jack russel terrier 😭 please he's all bark no bite 🤦🏽‍♀️ tries to act tough and menacing but the only thing thats menacing is the way hes a squeaker 🌚 real playful and kinda protective, but theres not much he can rlly do cuz hes a small dog. cant even fight off a cat (shirabu), and will cry out if something bigger than him goes after him. hes a real good boy tho, absolutely smitten for you and has separation anxiety if ur gone for a little too long.
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rodricksfilipinagf · 6 months
Academia AU Pt. 2 (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
CW: Baking, Smut
         Why, why did I agree to bake with Eris? I should have insisted I’d do it all by myself. Not that he would let me. He was as eager to prove his commitment and devotion to the English department as I was. Which meant agreeing to bake for its annual ball. 
         I don’t know how I was expecting Eris to live. Rich, definitely because of his wealthy father. The quintessential overstuffed bookshelves that an English professor would have. But when I get to his apartment, I’m proven right. Sure, there’s a crackling fireplace, tons of wooden bookshelves overstuffed with books (only classic literature, naturally.) There’s also cold, sterile vibes in the kitchen, with its enormous refrigerator and marble white island stocked with baking ingredients. What I wasn’t expecting were two smiling, friendly…
         “Greyhounds?” I ask.
         He sighs. “Y/N, meet Ben and Bea. They’re my pride and joy, and to my dismay, they seem to like you.” He hands me a bowl of dog treats. “Here, do you want to feed them?”
         “Sure,” I say, and put a dog treat on my hand for Ben to eat. He gobbles it from my hand easily, and Bea instantly whines, wanting her turn. She puts her paws on my thighs and starts licking my hand. “Okay, okay.” I reach into the bowl and take out a dog treat. Bea swallows it and gives me lots of tail wags. “I didn’t know you liked dogs,” I say as I kneel down and give Bea scritches behind the ears. Ben, not to be forgotten about, licks my face until I relent and pet him too. 
         “What pet would you have attributed to me?” he asks, looking as if he’s fighting off a smile. Is it possible he’s…happy at the sight of me bonding with his dogs. 
         “I don’t know. A snake, maybe?” After I say this, Ben barks numerous times as if to agree.
         This time, Eris can’t help but laugh. “Why?” A mischievous look enters his eye. “Might it be because you think I have a long-“
         “You talk this way in front of your dogs?” I shake my head. “Shame on you, Eris Vanserra. You’re not being a very good dog dad.”
         His face blanches, despite his jovial mood seconds earlier. “Shall we start baking?”
         “Um…okay,” I say, reluctant to stop playing with his dogs. 
         “Go in the living room. Go, go,” he says to the dogs, and they obediently go and settle onto their dog beds.
         “Their beds are in the living room?” I ask, washing my hands.
         “They have two each, one in the living room, and one in my bedroom. Through they don’t like use the bedroom ones. They’d rather take up too much space on my bed.”
         “Aww,” I say involuntarily. The thought of Eris being squished by his enormous dogs in bed sounded almost…cute. I dry my hands with a paper towel, determined to flush those thoughts out of my head. Eris Vanserra was not cute. He was a pain in my backside. Speaking of which…
         “I’m surprised you didn’t want to do brownies. From a box. The easy way, right?”
         My nostrils flare. “You just had to ruin it by being infuriating.”
         He raises an eyebrow. “Ruin what?”
I let out a sigh. “You being a decent human being.”
         I start kneading the dough. “You know my last class actually went well. My guest lecturer was superb.”
         Eris’s fist tightened around the rolling pin. “Oh, really?”
         “Yeah,” I say. “Rhysand really engaged the kids.”
         He snorts. “The fact that you call them kids says it all. They’re young adults. And should be treated like so. You’re not even presenting them with anything challenging.”
         “Oh, like you would know,” I fire back. 
         “So what makes Rhysand so special?” he skewers, using the rolling pin to flatten the dough. 
         “Well, like I said. He knows what the students want. First he did a reading of his latest romance novel, then he did a Q and A for whatever questions the students had, and then he led them in a writing workshop to see what they could do.”
         “I bet he did,” mutters Eris. 
         “The students loved him, which is more than I can say for you,” I say, laying out the chocolate chips. 
         “So I decided to do what you said and I picked up a romance book. His romance book.”
         I laugh. “Let me guess. You hated it.”
         “How could I not? It was dull and derivative.”
         “How dare you call it dull?” It was one of my favorite recent romance novels.
         “You mean have an opinion? Is this what you’re like in the classroom?” He continues, “It was riddled with cliches and went by them motion to motion, as if it were a paint by numbers. That should be something you’re familiar with.”
         “You are so annoying!” I explode.
         He snorts. “As if you’re not? Everything you say I want to shut you up.”
         “Well, too bad for you.” I flare my nostrils and glare at him. 
         He narrows his eyes. “You know what?” He takes a fistful of flour and releases it into my hair. 
         My face burns with rage. 
         He snickers. “This is a good look for you, bunny.”
         “Ughhh, you are such a child,” I stew.
         “Oh, really?” He raises an eyebrow. 
         My eyes go to the vanilla extract and his eyes follow mine. His hand is faster than mine and before I know it, he trickles vanilla extract down my cleavage.
         My blood is boiling by now. “Fuck you.”
         Eris smirks. “If you say so, bunny.”
         His lips crash into mine and I feel his fingers grip my ass and squeeze it as he lifts me onto the kitchen island. I pant heavily as he tears off my shirt and undoes my bra, tossing it away. I unbutton my pants and kick them off as he does the same to his pants and boxers.
         He fingers the edge of my panties. “If I were to remove these, would I find you wet for me?”
         “Fuck no,” I spit out.
         Eris clicks his tongue. “You know I punish liars, right, Y/N?”
         I grow wetter and wetter as he talks, and as he strokes outside my panties, I’m convinced he feels it. 
         “Mmm. Let’s see,” he says as he whips them off. He circles my very, very wet entrance with his finger. “Looks like someone’s been a bad girl. And you know what happens to bad girls.”
         He cleans up my sopping wet pussy with his tongue, teasing very close to my clit but not quite reaching it. 
         He tops me on the kitchen island and starts covering the underside of my breasts with slow licks. My nipples are hard by now, which is exactly what he wants.
         Eris examines my stiffening nipples with ravenous eyes. “Bunny, are these for me?” He gives me a wicked grin. “You shouldn’t have.” He takes a nipple into his mouth, giving it tantalizing licks before biting it hard. 
         I blush as I grow even wetter. 
         He smirks. “You like that, bunny?” He eases his dick inside me and starts thrusting into me. 
         I let out a moan. 
         “You looks so hot under me,” he tells me. “I like you a lot better this way.” He starts pounding into me harder and harder.
         He starts circling my clit with the tip of his dick, and I let out an excruciating moan. 
         “Want to finish, bunny?” he asks. “Admit you’re attracted to me.”
         I hesitate. 
         “I already licked your pussy. Your feelings for me are pretty obvious. I just want to hear you say it.” He smiles evilly at me. “Anytime now, bunny.”
         “Fine,” I breathe out. “I’m attracted to you, you asshole.”
         “That’s more like it,” he says before he plunges his dick into my clit. I let out an earthshattering scream as Eris loudly groans. 
         “Did you finish?” I ask. 
         A sinister look enters his eyes. “Not quite,” Eris replies as he takes his hand and closes it around his dick, spraying my face with what remained. 
He snickers. “Thanks for admitting you’re attracted to me.” What a dick.
Eris lets me clean up in his bathroom, claiming haughtily that we’d better get some work done with our baking if we didn’t want to waste the evening. 
         As I cleaned up my face, I wondered if this was something Eris wanted to do for a while or only did during the spur of the moment. Either way, it was hot. I was sort of ashamed to admit it, given he’d treated me like absolute trash. But I hated to admit that he did also satisfy me sexually. 
         When I opened the bathroom door and saw him there, I couldn’t help but blush, thinking about how he made me feel. 
         “Are you done?” he asks tersely. 
         “Um, yeah,” I say, stepping outside. 
         “Good,” he replies, stepping into the bathroom. 
         I make my way back to the kitchen, wondering what was up with him. It was understandable that he wanted this to be a one-time thing but now he wasn’t acting like himself. 
         In fact- I swallow- he acted most like himself when we were fucking. What happened? I start sprinkling chocolate chips into the dough. Not that I want him to do it again- he was a repugnant asshole…but also the sexiest man I’ve ever been with. 
         I almost didn’t hear him come in. “So Y/N…” I hear him say, but then my phone rings. 
         “Hang on,” I tell him. I dig out my phone from my purse. “Hello?”
         “Hello, darling,” Rhysand’s voice purrs. “How is your gorgeous self?”
         “Oh.” I blush, and Eris’ eyes narrow. “Great, Rhysand, what’s up?”
         “I just wanted to know if…guest lecturers such as myself were welcome at the English Department Charity Ball this Friday night. I wanted to check before leaving town completely.”
         “Oh. Yeah, Rhysand, you can absolutely come.”
         Eris was positively glowering at this point. 
         “Fantastic. Would it be too forward of me to ask you to be my date?”
         “Your date?” I repeat. I glance at Eris, who just looked at me blankly. “It’s not really a date…event. Thank you for asking, though.”
         “Of course, darling. I’ll see you there.” 
         Eris deigned to say, “Rhysand” after I hung up the phone. “He asked you out?”
         “Yes,” I say. Just because he fucked just now didn’t mean that he owned me. “So?”
         He shrugs. “I don’t care.”
         I let out an incredulous breath. “What, were you going to ask me?”
         He rolls his eyes. “Why would I? Go with perfect Rhysand, who enthralled all your students.”
         “Wait,” I say. 
         “No, I wasn’t going to ask you,” he said, bunching up the cookie dough into little balls. “Why would I? I despise you.”
         “I- I despise you too,” I say. “Us fucking was a one-time thing.”
         He gives me a cruel smile. “Do you want it to be a one-time thing? I may hate you, but I don’t hate fucking you,” he assures me. 
         My heart lifts in spite of itself. “Fine.” I don’t want to seem too eager. 
         He nods. “Fine. Should we get back to baking?”
         “Yeah,” I say. So he wants to fuck me, but he doesn’t want to date me. That’s fine. That’s perfectly fine. Maybe I should give Rhysand a chance…
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hawkeykirsah · 7 months
Snippet Sunday
A small Matchmaker Goose AU snippet for you lovelies! <3
Logistics, as so often, left a lot to be desired. Nearly fourteen hours of transit later Mav disembarked the C-2 Greyhound, stepping onto the deck of the USS Enterprise, Ice and Slider just in front of him, Hollywood and Wolfman behind him. He wished once again for Goose’s presence at his side, rolling shoulders and head trying to get the crick out of his neck. A warrant officer met them and led them straight to a conference room for the mission briefing. “Mav!” a voice called when he entered. Maverick looked up and saw Merlin waving at him to join him. “Looks like I get to backseat for you for now,” Cougar’s former RIO grinned at him. Well, that answered that question at least.
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lobstersinmyhouse · 10 months
Hmmmmmmm tough question. This is in no particular order.
Boeing 757-300
Consolidated PB4Y-2 privateer but specifically the firefighters
Grumman C-2 Greyhound
Vought F8U-1 and RF-8G Crusaders
Grumman S-2 Tracker series
Convair CV-880
Ryan lightning bug target drones. All of em.
NAA XB-70 Valkyrie
Buran OK-GLI Analog in-atmosphere test article
Northrop F-15 Reporter (two F-15s! Who knew!)
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nocternalrandomness · 2 years
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Grumman C-2 Greyhound coming into NAS El Centro
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askwhatsforlunch · 7 months
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The Greyhound is a very simple, but delightful little cocktail, especially if you're, like me, rather keen on gin! If you order it at a bar, you might want to specify you want gin though, and not vodka (unless you do want vodka), as it is often made with the latter, too! But the original version, the one created by Harry Craddock , mixologist extraordinaire, at The Savoy in the 1930s, was made with gin as the poison! This, and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, give it a nice kick, and a little shot of Vitamin C alongside the spirit, and when it rains ceaselessly outside, both are welcome! Happy Friday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
6 ice cubes
45 millilitres/1 1/2 fluid ounces good quality London Dry Gin
1/2 ripe pink grapefruit
1 lime wheel
Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes.
Pour Gin over the ice.
Thoroughly squeeze the juice of the grapefruit halve, and strain into the glass.
Give a gentle stir with a spoon. Garnish with lime wheel.
Enjoy Greyhound immediately.
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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Without the CMV-22, the U.S. Navy needs 15 former C-2A to carry out missions aboard the aircraft carriers
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/20/2024 - 20:58in Military
The uncertainty of the return of the tiltrotor V-22 to full operation is leading the U.S. Navy to rethink its plans on how to refuel its aircraft carrier fleet in the short term, with more uncertainty in the long term, and the remaining C-2A Greyhounds become essential.
The service had initially planned to retire its remaining 15 C-2A Greyhound onboard delivery (COD) aircraft in the next two years and replace them with a total of 38 CMV-22B Ospreys, which DOT&E reported "not to be operationally adequate".
“For the luck of the Navy, the C-2 Greyhound is still available,” said Vice Admiral Air Boss Daniel Cheever at a panel at the WEST 2024 conference, co-organized by the U.S. Naval Institute and the AFCEA. "Limited operational impacts at this time, but there are still operational impacts. And when you look to the future, there are significant operational impacts."
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As part of the Greyhounds' planned retirement, the U.S. Navy stopped training new C-2 pilots and began to reduce spare parts and logistical support for the 60-year project.
This transition, completed on the West Coast, is now paralyzed with the grounding of the V-22 in the U.S. Marines, Navy and Air Force after the fall of a USAF Special Operations MV-22 off the coast of Japan late last year.
The grounding of the Ospreys has already been out of operation for 75 days, with no indication of how long the grounding can continue.
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CMV-22B Osprey.
The suspension of operation of the tiltrotors forced the U.S. Navy to exchange the V-22 aboard the West Coast aircraft carriers USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) and USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) for the C-2As of the East Coast Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 40, the "Rawhides".
"The VRC-40 is currently emerging to fulfill the mission [COD] for aircraft carriers deployed in the 5ª and 7ª U.S. Fleets," says a statement from the Naval Air Forces. "There was no change in the planned retirement of C-2A for 2026."
Although there is still no change in the plan for the C-2, there is little indication of any of the forces for how long the V-22 will be able to remain out of service. After the initial grounding of the fleet, there was very limited information about the underlying cause of the grounding, in addition to a "potential material failure".
For the Marines, the situation is more terrible, said Lieutenant Karsten Heckl during the panel. He said that the operations of the 31ª Marine Expeditionary Unit based in Japan, the 26º MEU deployed in the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group and the 15º MEU that is preparing to be deployed aboard the Boxer ARG had "dramatic impacts".
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Navy officers said that Marines are allowed to use Ospreys deployed aboard the Bataan ARG in specific emergency situations. A main mission of the 26º MEU, currently deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean, is the evacuation of non-combatants from Lebanon.
Last month, the Assistant Commander of the Marine Corps, General Chris Mahoney, said that the Force risks losing proficiency with the aircraft the longer it stays on the ground.
"At some point, if a pilot does not fly, if a maintainer does not turn a wrench, if an observer or crew chief is not exercising his profession, this will become a matter of competence and then there will be a matter of safety," he said.
Tags: Military AviationCMV-22B OspreyGrumman C-2 GreyhoundUSN - United States Navy/U.S. Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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merklins · 9 months
Fine. The Furry Roster, part 1 of however many parts it takes: All the Gordons are cephalopods. Reasoning: Freeman's deep sea thing + Swap's tentacles + Doc is strange and bizarre + Freeman compares Loverboy to a cuttlefish in Act 1 + Literal Actual Octopus "Gordon". Freeman/Storyteller: Architeuthis/Giant Squid Swap/Overlord: Vampire Squid (they're really weird AND the vampire thing) Doc/Hypnos: Firefly Squid (those fuckers GLOW) Player/Power Trip: Blue-Ringed Octopus (chill but also dangerous) Gordon B/Leading Light: Cuttlefish Seven/Last Resort Gordon: Giant Pacific Octopus Worldstop crew: Malcom Challender: Unicorn (something something his ability to manipulate Source seemed magical to the AI? Really it's just because our Malcom fictive has a ponysona but no actual fursona) Darnold: Pitbull (seen as aggressive but tend to be sweethearts; very loyal) Benrey/"Forzen": Blue dragon sea slug / garden snail (Benrey is a slug, but his Forzen disguise is quite literally him retreating into his shell) Y2KVR crew: Benrey (also Loveletters Benrey): Heterometris spinifer/Giant blue scorpion (for obvious reasons + they're blue) Spork (also Valentine): African Gray Parrot (They're smart as FUCK) Coomer/Lovetap: Mantis shrimp Bubby/Dr. Feelgood: Fire salamander Forzen/DJ Heartbeat: Mongolian death worm (this is not a real animal, however, they are supposedly attracted by rhythmic thumping similar to a heavy bass beat) Darnold/Smooth Operator: Cinnabar chanterelle (yes, the mushroom. Consider the emails to be similar to the mycelial network. I know this is getting weird. It will get weirder.) Tommy/I Don't Remember His Lovecore Name: Common crow The Restrictor: Raven (Half-Life G-Man is associated with ravens sometimes)
More will come soon.
"blackmailbutler asked:
Furry Roster Part 2 Of Something:
Admins: Admin C: Tri-color Monitor Lizard G-Man: Komodo Dragon Da Boss: Blue Poison Dart Frog Admin F: Blue jay (Like a blue jay, most of his aggression is a bluff; he's loud and abrasive, but doesn't actually want to fight) Admin P: Praying Mantis (green and can sort of punch things) Admin Darnold (he is mentioned one time in Act 1): Clownfish (orange + Darnold is mentioned to have been taking care of Joshua, which made us think of Finding Nemo because of the whole parental figure thing? Mostly going on vibes because we know nothing of him.)
Mad Science Team: Sleepless: Canada Goose (Acts like an asshole most of the time + Canada + probably loud as fuck) Harold: Protogen (it's MY furry AU and *I* get to choose the species. AND Protogens are COOL) Electrobubby: Electric eel (duh) Politerey: Duck (mostly because we are a Benrey and Forzen siblings truther) Project Coolatta: Lace Monitor Lizard The Old Man: Lace Monitor Lizard (they're monitors to call back to a certain other father-son duo, but unlike GVRV and C, they're the same species to represent them NOT being estranged)
Merch Team/The Last Resort: The Party Pontiff: Mantis shrimp Wheels: Okay so you know how people make anthro planes? That but a Greyhound bus. Yes he still drives an actual bus. I told you last ask that it'd get weirder! Tommy Bahama: Marine iguana (He does the beach tour IIRC. Plus I wanted him to be a lizard like some of the other Tommies.) Dr. Perky: Golden orbweaver (laser grid = spiderwebs, plus golden/orange color scheme) The Bellhop: Tropical leatherleaf slug (Vibes only. Plus he can retract one of his eyestalks to fit the one-eyed thing.)
???: Barney Calhoun: Harbor Seal Alyx Vance: Leopard/Deer (based on our pre-existing furry!Alyx. Eli is a deer, and she wears a little headband with some of his shed antlers on it.) Capital M: Changeling (think MLP. What do you mean that's just the ponysona that I got assigned by the system. I don't know what you're talking about.)"
me time answer time (:
OH MY YOU ACTUALLY DID IT. YOU ACTUALLY HAD THEM ALL. AND!! THEY'RE ALL SO AWESOME TOO?? I don't know much about the lizard selections for the Coolattas BUT!! Absolutely AGREED on the Gordons being cephalopods that is SO SO COOL. The bright colored rings of the blue ringed octopus on Player and Power Trip? OHHH THAT'S EPIC.Love the sea slug snail thing you have going for worldstop benrey. YES!! Attention for the worldstop benrey!! Love that guy. cherish that guy. AND Y2KVR FORZEN AS THE WOOORM. THAT! IS! SUCH A COOL WAY OF TYING IN MUSIC TO CREATURES. AND!! Same goes for Y2KVR Darnold! Because OH! MY! GOD! MUSHROOM MYCELIAL NETWORK FOR THE EMAILS YES YES YES THAT!! IS AWESOME. love mushrooms (: kicking my legs and giggling DUDE!! You have so much good stuff here HOW AM I TO SAY STUFF AT IT ALL? Literally ALLLL of these are SUCH! GOOD! CHOICES! I could be here forever. Mad Science Harold as a Protogen, YIPPEE! Forzen and Benrey connections? ALWAYS welcome! WHEELS. AS A BUS FURRY. /VPOS. Dr Perky as an orb weaver I LOVE ORBWEAVERS YES YES YES I SEE THE VISION AND IT IS WONDERFUL. And you certainly covered your bases huh? THE MCDONALDS WORKERS FROM HLVRV. AS FURRYS. IN! MY! INBOX!! /pos
and of course. ponysona ponys mlp hlvrv on the merklins tumblr ONCE AGAIN!! A lovely selection by the way changelings are so epic and cool always <3
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queenmarytudor · 2 months
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Mary I's Fight For The Throne
c.20th April 1553 - Mary is given a gift
The Duke of Northumberland is still keeping Mary informed of the health of Edward, though as Imperial ambassador Jehan Scheyfve notes "not with so much detail as before." 1
At the end of April Northumberland sends her "her full arms as Princess of England, as she used to bear them in her father, the late King's, lifetime.". 2 Mary's coat of arms had been stripped from her aged 18 after the birth of her sister Elizabeth, where "the badges usually born by her lackeys on their coats-of-arms were instantly removed, and replaced by the King's scutcheon." 3
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Her coat of arms combined the Tudor arms of the English lion and French fleur de lys, with her mother's Aragon arms, supported by a crowned falcon and greyhound; the greyhound belonged to the Richmond family - Mary's great-grandfather Edmund Tudor, was the first Earl of Richmond. 4
Jousts that were supposed to take place on May Day (1st May) are put off until Whitsuntide (25th May). 5
The Duke of Northumberland arranges to marry his youngest son Guildford, to Jane Grey, eldest daughter of the Duchess of Suffolk and cousin of Edward and Mary. 6
1. Spanish State Papers, 28th April 1553
2. Spanish State Papers, 28th April 1553
3. Spanish State Papers, 15th September 1533
4. College of Arms, London website
5. Spanish State Papers, 28th April 1553
6. Spanish State Papers, 28th April 1553
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