#c-Suite san diego
longwuzhere · 10 months
Some cool Easter eggs I caught watching My Adventures with Superman that I want to show to people so they can be in on it with comic book readers: For the first episode's Easter eggs it's here
For the second episode's Easter eggs it's here
For the third episode's Easter eggs it's here
For the fourth episode's Easter eggs it's here
For the sixth episode's Easter eggs it's here
For the seventh episode's Easter eggs it's here and here
For the eighth episode's Easter eggs post it's here
For the ninth episode's Easter eggs post it's here
For the tenth episode's Easter eggs post it's here SPOILERS if you haven't seen this week's episode obviously
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We start off the episode with this shot of Superman with the drawn on glasses. A good homage to what Lois did in the 1980 Superman II movie...
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where she not only drew the glasses but also a full suit and hat on a picture of Superman.
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Next we see Jimmy waking up and seeing someone debunking his conspiracy theories on Sub-Diego.
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Sub Diego was an actual place in the DC universe before the New 52 reboot. In Aquaman #15 and #16 (2003) , shown here (W: Will Pfeifer, P: Patrick Gleason, I: Christian Alamy, C: Nathan Eyring, L: Jared K. Fletcher for issue 15, Nick Napolitano for issue 16). The underwater city is actually San Diego, but is buried underwater thanks to a tidal wave and makes its first appearance in Aquaman #15 (2003). There was a lot of casualties from this.
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When we get to our title its "You Will Believe A Man Can Lie" a reference to the tagline for the 1978 Superman movie.
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As seen here on the poster, it says "You'll believe a man can fly".
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Next we see our villain, well one of the villains, for the episode, Heatwave.
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In the comics Heatwave makes his first appearance in Flash 140 (1963) (cover art by Carmine Infantino, Murphy Anderson, and Ira Schnapp). Heatwave aka Mick Rory is a Flash rogue usually acting as a rival to Captain Cold aka Leonard Snart. In MAwS, their Heatwave shares the same last name and powers, but MAwS Heatwave is gender flipped. You might have seen Heatwave in the CW DC comics shows where he is played by Dominic Purcell in The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.
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Lois, later in the episode, name drops Heatwave's name. Gotta be honest when Heatwave showed up I was like is that Rampage? Cuz the MAwS design looks vaguely like Rampage.
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If she does show up in MAwS, I'll talk more about her in another post, but for now, Rampage aka Karen Lou "Kitty" Faulkner, makes her first appearance in Superman #7 (1987) (full page here: W&P: John Byrne, I: Karl Kesel, C: Tom Ziuko, L: John Costanza).
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Steve drags Jimmy to film his debunking Flamebird videos and references Starro who I talked about here.
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Lois, later runs around with the Daily Planet police scanner trying to catch Superman and the dispatcher reports that a robbery is in progress at McGuinness Luxe Garage.
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This is a nice reference to Ed McGuinness who was the artist for Superman, Action Comics, and Superman/Batman in the early 2000s. If you've seen Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, then you'll know the movie takes inspiration from his character designs in the first arc of the Superman/Batman comic series. The Superman/Batman #1 (2003) cover here is done by Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines, and Dave Stewart. I like Ed McGuinness's pencils, very stylized.
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Heatwave name drops Livewire and the Gazzo mod family. Both of whom I've talked about here and here respectively
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Heatwave has been running away from Deathstroke here who has been taking our her crew. Notice that Slade Wilson doesn't have the half black half orange helmet yet that almost every Deathstroke depiction always has.
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He, Amanda Waller, and the General who I totally think is General Sam Lane, Lois's dad, are fans of DBZ cuz of the scouters they're wearing.
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Later in the scene we see the General again he's totally General Sam Lane. I'll talk more about him when we get a double confirmation through a name drop/reveal in a later post calling Amanda Waller, Mandy. What a fucking bold thing to say to Waller! Like damn! power move right there!
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Superman and Deathstroke are fighting under a highway and we see the traffic is heading to Bludhaven!
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Very good reference to my favorite character in all of pop culture, Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. Nightwing makes Bludhaven his city to protect. The city makes its first appearance in Nightwing #1 (1996) (the panel here - W: Chuck Dixon, P: Scott McDaniel, I: Karl Story, C: Roberta Tewes, L: John Costanza). Fun Bludhaven fact, its crime rate is WORST than Gotham! Also HIGHLY recommend reading the new Nightwing run cuz its fucking amazing! Won a few Eisner Awards (think the Oscars but for comic books) recently and I am not just saying that because I am a Dick Grayson fan.
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Near the end of the episode, we see Lois willing to jump off a building to prove that Clark is Superman. A lot of discourse was happening online over this, but I do want to say this is pretty on brand for her to do.
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In Superman II, Lois does something similar and Clark saves her. its just in MAwS, Clark flies to save her thus ruining the secret identity, while in Superman II, Clark does save her but he is still able to get away with it thanks to him playing it more subtly.
Don't know why people we're in such a fucking fit over something that Lois has done before.
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In the after credits scene, Jimmy, who planned a sasquatch finding adventure with Lois and Clark, but they were dealing with their shit and Jimmy was by himself, decides to do the finding on his own and meets a giant gorilla. In the first episode Jimmy mentions an intelligent gorilla in France and my guess is this is Monsieur Mallah. You can read more about him here. If you made it this far down, I appreciate you taking the time to check this post out and if you want to see my other MAwS Easter Eggs posts - Episode 1 is here
Episode 2 is here
Episode 3 is here
Episode 4 is here
Episode 6 is here
Episode 7 is here and here
Episode 8 is here
Episode 9 is here
Episode 10 is here
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Daddy's Little Princess
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader (One-Shot)
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Description: You get home after a long day at the office to near silence. It warms your heart when you walk into your living room to see your husband Bradley Bradshaw playing with your eldest and making her laugh as she combs his mustache with a doll's comb.
Disclaimers: AFAB!Reader, Tooth-rotting fluff, Babies, Bronco, Bradley
Word Count: 1167
A/N: Hi, Star here! The Top Gun Brain-Rot still has me by the throat. This was inspired by this post which suggested, Play with his mustache use barbie hair brushes on it. Obviously, the minute I saw it, my brain immediately went yup, that's a Bradshaw and so this fic was born. This is un-beta'd and un-edited by anyone other than me, so forgive any glaring errors.
AO3: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
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It's been a long, horrendous day. You'd had to go into the office for an important meeting and dress formally for it, too. The worst part was having to leave your husband and children at home alone. Thankfully, it had been one of his few days off-duty from NAS North Island. You'd kissed your babies on their foreheads as you left early in the morning and spent far too long pressed against your husband’s chest before leaving. Traffic in San Diego was no worse than it usually was, so all in all, your morning was typical. It was during your meeting that your day rattled off the rails. Your proposal was not well received. It had been ripped to shreds by every member of the C-Suite present in the boardroom that day. You'd spent the remainder of the day with your team reviewing every inch of the proposal with a fine-toothed comb and writing and re-writing pieces for the follow-up meeting in one week.
After your day, you were flagging as you got into your Jeep that evening to drive home. The one highlight of your day had been the giggle-filled voicemail you'd received during your lunch break. Your daughter's voice had been so sweet with the baby's babbling and your husband's deep tones in the background. It was apparent your mischievous little princess had stolen your husband's phone and called you accidentally. It brought much-needed energy to you and an impetus to finish work as soon as possible.
All the streetlights are coming to life and illuminating the road with a golden glow as you turn onto your street and finally breathe a sigh of relief. Your husband's bright blue Ford Bronco sits in your driveway as you pull in behind it. It's only a few minutes before you're unlocking the door and finally stepping out of your heels. Rather than the giggling stampede you expect, the house is nearly silent. Sure, there is the ever-present low hum of Bluey pouring out of your living room, but the undercurrent of chaos usually present in your home with a 3-year-old, an 8-month-old, and not one but two dogs isn't there at all. You place your bag on the side table and stretch your tense muscles before padding silently to the living room and peeking in. Your son, Arden, rocks in his swing seat on the floor, suckling happily on a pacifier. Surrounding him lies the residue of what looks to be a war zone of dinosaurs versus Barbies, your daughter Maria's favorite game at the moment. You can't see her yet, but boy, can you hear her now.
"Daddy, Daddy! The dinoswars won! I twout the Barbies were gonna win. You tolded me they would win!" Her little voice pipes on and on about how sad it was that the Barbies lost. Interspersed with her chatter, your husband hums inquisitively to keep the conversation going. Your grin grows at your husband's voice when the little miss runs out of steam.
"Baby, maybe the Barbies didn't win because you forgot something?"
"What, Daddy?"
"What magic spell did Daddy tell you the Barbies needed to beat the big bad dinosaurs so you could save Ardy?"
"I hadda brush all their hairs and kiss them."
"That's right, baby. But you forgot one thing." Maria makes a little confused hum, and your husband continues, "You forgot to comb your hair and Daddy's!"
"Oh!" Her little squeal of realization is too cute. "Daddy, help!"
"Gimme the comb, Princess. Gonna make you look all pretty so we can save Arden from the big bad dinosaurs." 
You step a little bit closer. The kids are entirely occupied with the game, and the dogs, Tramp and Falcon, are curled up in one of the dog beds. The only person to notice you is your husband, who winks at you from his spot in the war zone of toys your living room floor has become. 
"All done!" He proclaims, "Don't you look beautiful?!" He smacks a loud wet kiss against her cheek as she giggles loudly.
"Daddy, wait!" Maria's all bossy now, "We forgot one thing!"
"What's that?" Your husband is the best.
"Your moostach, Daddy!" She's smiling proudly at pronouncing the word mostly correctly. 
"Alright, baby girl. C'mere. Let's comb my mustache and defeat these dinosaurs before mama gets home."
He tugs Maria to stand in between his legs and hands her the bright pink doll's comb. He sits there with unerring patience as your baby carefully runs the comb through his mustache, wiggling his upper lip occasionally to make her laugh. It's absolutely adorable to see. Bradley Bradshaw had confided to you early on in your relationship that he was afraid to have children. As he’d lost his father at a young age, he didn't know what it meant to be a good dad. All that fear turned into uncontrollable love the minute he held Maria in his arms, and he'd proven what a fantastic father he was every day since. You’re unbelievably in love with this man. That love only swells in your chest when you see the glittery butterfly clips nestled in his curls and the love in his eyes as he devotes all of his attention to your little princess. 
Unsurprisingly, of your two kids, Arden sees you first, giving you a gummy smile and squealing as he wiggles his little body to catch your attention. You step into the warzone willingly, carefully avoiding stepping on any of the toys, and heft your youngest into your arms. He’s warm and baby-soft in your arms as you snuggle him close, breathing in the scent of his baby shampoo and the special detergent you use on his clothes. Hurricane Maria is not to be deterred, though, as she wraps herself around your leg and kisses your thigh.
“Princess, princess, c’mere.” Bradley sounds so fond as he tries to free your daughter from her limpet-like grasp of your leg. “Let Mama and Ardy sit down, baby girl. Then you can cuddle her all you want!” He coaxes her away and pulls her into his lap as he sits on the sofa. You join them, letting the soft cushions conform to your body. Maria joins Arden in your arms, and you finally let yourself decompress.
"Hey, Mama," Bradley murmurs.
"Hi, B," Your voice is soft as you turn your head to kiss him. 
"How was your day?"
"Terrible. But it's better now. It’s always better when I have you and our babies in it."
You smile into the kiss he gives you, relishing in your husband's taste before focusing all of your attention on your children in your arms. Maria chatters about everything she'd done during the day, and you converse happily with her. Arden babbles at breaks in the conversation, and you love seeing Maria interact with him. It'll soon be time for dinner, baths, and bed, but for the next few moments, you can rejoice at the feeling of having everything you love at your fingertips.
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thebahwrites · 2 years
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San Diego, CA, 2011
If we are all the best there is, who the hell are they bringing in to teach us and for what?
The answer comes in the shape of one short former-pilot strutting down the aisle between rows of chairs and into the classroom. Clad in an infamously known uniform – brown leather jacket covered in patches, black jumper flight-suit style, red harnesses and all. Red stripes crossing up and around the black fabric. Fingerless and soft brown leather gloves, hand holding a clipboard. Aviator shades on.
He carried himself with the poise and confidence of his age and yet looked about their age, too. If not younger. Boyish, really. For all intents and purposes, Maverick was a legend. 
One of the original members of the North Island Iron Daggers. One of the most famous Golden Age heroes. The kind that had become one of the faces of the new generation heroes, those who had made fame and fortune through the years. But who also had given their lives facing things most of the public didn’t even know about. Not many left, nowadays..
Maverick grins as he takes the class front.
“Cutting to the chase, you’re all here because we’re bringing the Iron Daggers back– but you knew that.” Maverick clicks his tongue, leaning over the podium. Voice in that matter-of-fact tone.
“If you want out, this is the time to leave.” And simply drops the paper pile into the trash besides the podium, leaning forward with a thousand-watts grin. “Because we’re about to forget every heroics manual.” If anyone could see Cyclone’s face, sitting at the very back of the room, they’d see it contort into abject disgust and anger. Maverick still has the gall to wink back at the man.
killshot. - a Top Gun Hero AU
(Chapter 5 aesthetic.)
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Always been a fan of Art Deco, and this magnificent home in Lemon Grove, California was 3 yrs. in the making. Completed in 1941, the Church Residence showcases the romance and elegance of a bygone era as it perfectly exemplifies streamlined moderne architecture. Not bad at $1.3M. 
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Entering, those aren’t columns, they’re curved walls. 
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Okay, it’s been refurbished and preserved, and it’s very white. BUT...I look at it like this- if you’re a millionaire and have the money to buy it, it’s a blank canvas ready to decorate. LOOK at those classic curves!
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Sleek black floors. In my vision, some of these walls are screaming for Flamingo Pink. 
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The kitchen remodel is unremarkable, and too angular, but I do love that triangular cutout. Notice the door w/the classic round window. 
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Curved wall in the master. 
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And, check out the colors of this original en suite. The bathrooms alone, in this house, are worth the price.
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Will you look at these beauties? 
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Pristine exterior has curved glass windows, and look at the railing on the roof.
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Beautiful awning over the porch in back. 
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Check out the view from the roof top deck. 
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I hope whoever buys this beauty, makes her fabulous.
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thediktatortot · 2 years
Steddilly / Harringroveson Deep Dive About Accessories & Interpersonal Relationships.
with @asininepigeon & me :)
Billy is selective about his accessories. He probably has a small bowl of carefully curated pieces.
Some from his mom's things she hadn't had time to take with her, something he's snatched while in the rich stores of Hawkins while hanging out with Tommy and Carol, a piece he was given by a really cool queer dude in San Diego and maybe something Max made him when they were really little.
It never gets worn but it has a safe home in the bowl in his bedroom.
Eddie definitely has a bunch of rings and necklaces that he's like stolen, thrift-ed, and were gifted by like Wayne, Hellfire, and the small group of rockers in Hawkins.
They all kind of lay in a jumble and he takes like 20 minutes figuring out which ones he wants to wear. And while I feel like Billy's a bit more minimalist with his jewelry, Eddie loves statement pieces.
Things that scream hey, I'm that dude u call a freak and I fucked your dude for payment of weed 😜
Billy sometimes find's it chaotic, Steve finds it amusing. Steve will occasionally steal some of Eddie's jewelry if their going out somewhere that fits more of Eddie & Billy's vibes. He doesn't touch Billy's jewelry though b/c the two of them know how particular Billy is with what he wears on his body & the last thing they want is to loose something of his lol
Billy does not wear Eddie's jewelry. It's 'clunky & gaudy'
I think Steve doesn't do accessories b/c of the kind of home he grew up in. Accessories for Men™️ are Cuff-Links, Ties, Leather dress shoes, Pocket watches & briefcases.
Steve hates all of that. With a passion.
He got his first pair of sunglasses from his dad at like 13-14 and he felt like they made him feel so cool and mysterious. He doesn't need people to see him and see his flashy things. He just wants them to see that cool, outer layer he's put over himself.
Steve hating dressing up for formal events, b/c he despises wearing suits.
He prefers his soft sweaters, jeans, and sneakers.
Eddie also hating it but for the reason of it represents The Man and fuck The Man. Like he can dress up nice, but he'd never wear a full suit.
I think Billy would dislike certain kind of suits b/c of (ew) Neil but he loves attention and showing off and looking handsome (pretty) so he'd put so much time and effort into wearing formal clothes.
Agreed. Billy would probably like the energy a suit commands if it's the right one and fits him nicely. But it'd have to be perfect.
Exactly, for billy a suit would have to be the right shade of a certain color and the right texture
Like when Steve shops for clothes, it's quality but it's soft things, it's informal wear.
Billy takes like 3 hrs shopping b/c every outfit has to mean something. There's care and precision in what he chooses to wear for a certain day. And then Eddie occasionally saves up and buy things that he really wants, like his jacket, that are really good quality, but everything else is thrifted.
Steve only wearing informal wear is part rebellion, part 'safety' because he's found happiness in the less formal, in the comfortable.
He's used to cold and formal and fake everything and he hates it.
Eddie picks his most prized pieces because he wants what he wears to say something about himself. Everything he wears tells people "THIS IS ME" and so he works hard to express himself through his clothes. And Billy wants the same thing, but in such a different way that it feels more like drawing eyes quietly where Eddie wants to draw eyes loudly.
Billy has to do it quietly too, b/c his clothes are already a rebellion and him expressing himself as much as he can against Neil.
Especially considering that one of Neil's things is presenting their family as typical middle class white suburbia, even if they aren't that. Eddie, while not in the best socio-economic status, still has the safety and freedom to be loudly himself.
Billy does his rebellion quietly, expresses himself quietly because everything else in his life is loud and aggressive & if he rebels too Loudly™️ Neil will put a stop too it.
Even when Neil is gone eventually, Billy still expresses himself quietly. I think at that point it would be him asking "Are you interested in me enough to see what I'm whispering about me" sort of thing.
He wants people to come to him, get his attention, not the other way around.If they want him enough, or want to be his friends enough, they'll read between his lines.
He's very much used to people not caring or ignoring what's blatantly there so I think he'd care so much for anyone looking below the surface. He's such a sensitive lad at the end of the day. And I think Steve and Eddie would probably notice at completely separate occasions.
They would. By different things.
Steve would notice it by watching him from afar, seeing the little expressions he makes when someone says something to him, or he's interacting with the kids or the other teens, by how he closes up around the adults for a long time.
He sees the longing stares of want when Will hugs Joyce, or Hopper reassures El that she's not in trouble or doing well. He sees the light in his eyes when someone brings up a topic he's passionate about or how he laughs quietly when he's actually amused.
I think Eddie would see it in the way Billy opens up more, how he talks more, or offers more physical touch. How he sticks around in a room for longer periods of times and can withstand people's presence more and more.
Billy craves Togetherness and he's slowly allowing himself to get it.
Eddie notices that and adjusts his own touch accordingly to how open Billy is as time goes on.
Eddie is more aware of himself and how he effects others, so he would be good at keeping psychical boundaries with Billy. I think it would be harder for Steve to do the same, as he always wants to fix things. Steve and Billy can but heads more often for it.
Yeah, I can see that. Eddie is a performer and extra as fuck and can also lead.
I think Eddie knows what to look for on someone to tell whether they're uncomfortable or not, b/c then he uses that to his advantage in making people he dislikes uncomfortable.
Like he knows how to play an audience and I think he'd be able to recognize the performance in a lot of the posturing that Billy does. Like in my mind, Billy when he's not being unhinged b/c he's like elated or enraged, is so fucking mellow.
Half-lidded eyes, soft laughs, small smiles, just generally a lot more quieter, but softer in how he treats everything and everyone.
Steve wants to fix everything b/c he can't seem to fix things at home b/c no one is ever there.
There's no communication and I think Steve probably tries to correct that himself, but stating how he feels and what he wants (unless it's something deeply deeply worrying and then he keeps it to himself. More to protect others than help himself). He also wants to help to feel useful and that can cloud his judgment, in him thinking he's making the right decision for someone when that's not necessarily the case.
And something like that would really get on Billy's nerves I feel
Steve has boundary issues because it was never an issue before with people outside of his home.
He had social boundaries, status boundaries, but he was someone who could do what he wanted in the world of his Peers because he was King Steve. Popular rich boy of the school.It's old remnants of his times before everything went down, the remnants of superiority he feels without realizing it.
It's not necessarily superiority now, but it's effected his ability to recognize when he's pushing a boundary at the detriment of everyone.
Like yes a lot has happened and yes, Steve has had a perspective shift, but he was still king Steve and his parents are still notoriously absent from his life.
He definitely does it without realizing it and I feel like Eddie but definitely Dustin and Robin (and Erica b/c she's not afraid to call someone out on their shit) would tell him whereas Billy would just bite back and tell him to fuck off, why does he even care.
Which is why I feel like Eddie and Billy would be close friends first before Steve and Billy got there.
Agreed. Steve has a little more working on himself to go through before he and Billy can truly connect. Their traumas make them a little bad for each other at first, but once they've both had time to work on their shortcomings and reactions to things, learning how they act affects others and how to better read people, they start to connect.
Like I think Eddie has his own stuff to work through, but he's much farther along I think than they are. (Not taking in crazy Upside Down shenanigans b/c that's a whole other story).
So he can recognize a lot of things b/c unlike them he has a good adult figure that's supportive and caring and works alongside with him. It takes them a little bit longer b/c they kind of have to start on their own which is sad.
It does help that Eddie had Wayne.
I feel like Wayne would be a good influence on Billy especially once Billy gets closer to Eddie. He'd get to have, in a round about way, a healthy male figure in his life. I'm sure it confuses him sometimes, gets worried about saying the wrong things to Wayne, but after a while of seeing how Wayne treats Eddie, he'd open up quickly to the older man.
God, Wayne looking at Billy and being like "thats my kid now." makes my heart ache.
Steve doesn't know how to open up to parental figures because his parent's never opened up to him to begin with. Billy had his mom before all this, Eddie has Wayne.
Steve's unsure around adults, doesn't understand the point in getting close to them because 'he can take care of himself'.
Oh, Steve. He makes me so sad sometimes.
Steve being hyper independent, but especially after the whole breakup thing with Nancy, makes me hurt for him. And yeah, he doesn't have any adults and I don't know what the fuck the teachers and guidance people in Hawkins High are doing, but like clearly not caring a bout their students b/c wtf.
So Steve would definitely pull into the fold much later, his need for Independence slows him down. He doesn't want to be alone, but he feels he needs to prove to everyone he can take care of himself.
He doesn't want to hide away things until he's in his shower, still trying to do better but he's only fixing the things that effect other people and not fixing the things that effect him.
He would have one last final 'big bad emotion' out of all of them. breaking down over something small because he feels like he's punishing himself for something and he knows it's stupid and he knows he should reach out and he just can't so he has this big meltdown before the acceptance comes.
I think a reoccurring argument between Steve and the other two would be them telling Steve to 'say what he means' and not try to dance around what he wants.
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homomenhommes · 7 months
STORY: Ups And Downs 18
Being Served
If getting groped at the men’s store that morning was a treat, what happened later in the afternoon was a real blowout.
After getting fitted for suits and picking up a few dress shirts along with shoes, socks, and ties, we grabbed a quick lunch at the mall and then headed down to Hillcrest, San Diego’s gayborhood. Our destination was The Body Shop, which has nothing to do with automobile bodies. Rather, it’s about human bodies, specifically male bodies, more specifically gay male bodies. It’s a shop that features clothing, mostly swimsuits and underwear, as well as sex paraphernalia for gay men.
“Woody Baby!” called out the hyperkinetic man across the room as he saw Woody, Rafael, and me enter the store. Then, he practically sprinted across the floor to meet us, hugging and kissing Woody at the end. And when Woody introduced Rafael and me, the man we came to know as Jimmy hugged and kissed both of us as well.
“Good to see you again, Jimmy. Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“So busy, Baby. Holidays coming up, you know.”
“Yes, and speaking of holidays, you are coming to our annual Halloween bash, aren’t you?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Best party of the year,” he said to Rafael and me.
“Jimmy,” said Woody, “I have to run another errand, so would you take care of these young men while I’m gone?”
“Oooh, it will be my pleasure,” he gushed. “And what are we looking for today?”
“A couple of swimsuits and half a dozen pairs of underwear.”
“I don’t really need a swimsuit, do I?” I asked Woody.
“There will be events at the estate that are not clothing optional, and you’ll probably want to take a swim at the hotels when you are traveling.”
As I nodded my assent, Rafael spoke up, “But Woody, you bought me a bunch of underwear earlier this year.”
“And I wouldn’t have to keep buying you underwear,” Woody mocked, “if you didn’t keep losing it.”
“How can you lose underwear?” I asked Rafael incredulously.
“Oh, Joe,” said Jimmy, touching my arm as he spoke, “You obviously don’t know Rafael very well. He loses his underwear in one of three ways:
he hooks up with a guy and leaves his place so euphoric over his conquest that he just forgets his underwear
the guy insists on keeping the underwear as a memento of his conquest…and probably never washes it
he leaves it behind in his haste to abscond when the guy’s husband (or wife) shows up unexpectedly.”
“Or all of the above,” Woody added jokingly. As Jimmy and I poked Rafael in jest, Woody slipped out, calling behind, “Put it on our account. I shouldn’t be more than an hour. You boys behave yourselves until I get back,” and he went off laughing, as if he knew something we didn’t.
Jimmy immediately pulled us toward the most revealing swimsuits and underwear, the ones with pouches designed to protrude, not suppress. “You must try these on,” he insisted, directing us to changing stalls—no doors, only curtains—“because the sizes are not universal. The European ones tend to run small.”
Rafael and I took Jimmy’s selections into adjacent stalls, where Jimmy kept peeking around the curtains, assessing the appropriateness of each item as we changed. “That one fits, but it doesn’t do you justice. That one is a bit too small for a man with so much to showcase. Good fit, wrong color.” Each time I would try on a new pair, Jimmy would rub his hands over my butt and bounce my balls as if that had anything to do with getting a good fit.
For Rafael, Jimmy picked out one swimsuit with a built-in C-ring, a strap. Rafael asked Jimmy for his help since he wasn’t sure how to put it on. Frankly, I think Rafael was just looking for an excuse to have Jimmy cup him, and Jimmy was more than happy to oblige.
With all the groping and stroking, Rafael and I were both starting to “outgrow” our briefs, which I am sure was Jimmy’s plan all along. “Woody insisted that I take care of you,” he demanded, and with that he pulled us both out of the stalls where he could reach both of our dicks and alternate sucking.
As he was working on our cocks, other customers entered the store and greeted Jimmy, acting like nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all. They just went about their shopping. Occasionally, one would pause to take a good look or to pat Jimmy on the head, and a couple commented on the size or shape of our dicks, but they did so rather nonchalantly, like it was no big deal to get a blow job in a store.
Rafael’s cock was almost as big as mine, so I was quite surprised when Jimmy stuffed both of them into his mouth at the same time. I couldn’t imagine that they would fit, but they did, and I must say that I enjoyed the sensation of Rafael’s dick rubbing against mine as we were both getting blown, and it was a double treat when we filled Jimmy’s mouth together. Jimmy, caught off guard by all the cum, couldn’t hold it all, so some oozed out of his mouth and down his chin as he released our dicks. A customer, passing by at just that moment, quickly got down on his knees to recover the dripping spooge, which he and Jimmy then swapped back and forth as they kissed. The stranger also seized on the opportunity to lick the residual cum off of our dicks, which Rafael and I didn’t mind at all. I never knew that shopping could be so rewarding or so much fun.
Woody returned from his errand just as Jimmy had finished tallying up our purchases. “Did you guys get what you needed?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah!” we gloated, giving away a lot more enthusiasm than we probably should have.
As we were leaving the store with our purchases, the stranger who had helped Jimmy “wipe up” slipped me a piece of paper which, I realized later, contained his name and phone number.
As always, Kim prepared a delicious dinner that evening, and while we were eating, word must have gotten around that Rafael and I had been shopping for swimsuits and underwear, and as we walked around the pool, a cheer went up from the guys there: “Show us, show us, show us.” So, Rafael and I retrieved our purchases from our rooms, brought them back downstairs, and put on a show for the guys amid whistles, catcalls, gropes, and profanity laced teases.
Three days later, Rafael and I went back to Brooks Brothers to pick up our new suits. As promised, we showed up about ten minutes before closing. As François sent the other employees home and locked the door, I flashed back to all the nights I had closed up the hardware store back in Columbus. I felt sad at the loss of my home, my friends, and my family, but at the same time, I gave thanks for my new home, friends, and, yes, my new family. As my thoughts turned to all the trysts in the storeroom, my dick got hard again, and François definitely took notice.
François was all bottom and delighted at the prospect of giving his ass to two tops. Of course, over the past few months, I had come to enjoy the pleasures of being a bottom as well as a top, but that night, I was delighted to sink my hard dick into a hot ass. I had also come to learn that Rafael was versatile too and was more than happy to tag team François with me.
For at least half an hour, Rafael and I rotated spit roasting François, five minutes or so fucking his ass and then five minutes fucking his skull. “Oh fuck!” gasped Rafael as he drilled François’ hole. “Oh shit, man. I’m comin’, I’m comin’! Jeezzus fuckin’ christ!” As Rafael filled François’ bowels, I felt my own cock stretch and throb in François’ mouth, so I was surprised when he pulled my dick out and panted, “Not here, mon ami. Breed me. I want your seed in me.”
When Rafael was totally spent, he collapsed onto the floor, and I took his place in François’ love canal. I loved the sensation of sliding into his hole after Rafael had lubed it up for me with his man cream. It was not just the feeling of the smoothness of entry, but the thrill of sharing that most intimate experience with another man, a friend, knowing that my own juices would soon be mixed with his—an experience I had shared so any times with Mr. Sullivan back in Georgia.
When I exploded inside of François, I screamed, not like Rafael had, but a deep, long, visceral, primal, almost feral scream, hoping my noise would not attract the mall cops. With my body totally spent, I collapsed on top of François with my eyes starting to water. If Rafael and François noticed at all, I’m sure they thought they were just watering from the intensity of my orgasm. It couldn’t be tears. No, I was way too tough for that. Butch guys like me didn’t cry.
Back in my room, I took a shower and made a commitment to call my sister Amy for her birthday. She had kept in touch with me, giving me updates and encouraging me to keep going, even when things were really tough on the streets and in the seedy motels of Atlanta. As I was drying off, though, my phone rang. It was Amy.
“Thank you, Joe. It’s the best birthday present ever.”
I couldn’t imagine why she was being so effusive. “It’s just a sweater, Sis. No big deal.”
“Oh, yeah, of course I love the sweater too, but I’m talking about the other present.”
The other present?
“I know it’s old, but it runs beautifully. You’ve kept really good care of it, and it means all the more to me knowing that you gave it to me.”
My car. Mr. Block…or Woody…sometimes I wonder who’s really calling the shots around here…bought my car, and instead of selling it, he gave it to Amy, telling her that it was a present from me. Damn!
“You…you’re welcome, Amy. I don’t really need it here, and I couldn’t think of anybody better to pass it along to than you.”
We spent the rest of the evening catching up. I told her about what a nice place I was living in and all the fantastic people I had met. Of course, I didn’t tell her about “those” experiences, but I did tell her that I would be going to Greenwich for an art show in a couple of weeks.
“Oh, you’ve gotta tell Eric,” she insisted. “I know he would love to see you.”
“Really?” I questioned.
“He loves you, Joe. He asks about you all the time.”
This didn’t seem like the older brother I barely knew, but New Haven is just down the road from Greenwich, so maybe he would come over to see me. I hoped so, but I wasn’t going to hold my breath.
To be continued
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diversyfund6 · 3 months
DiversyFund Reviews
Website: https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/diversyfund-investing-review
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DiversyFund reviews describe the firm as a reliable option for five-star, personal investing with prompt and professional customer service. We have over $100 million invested through DiversyFund from 30,000 investors who believe investing with us is made simple and easy. Reviews indicate we provide users with clear, concise information regarding accounts and other financial news. DiversyFund is the perfect investment opportunity for everyday people who want to build wealth in a meaningful, impactful way. We make lucrative investing strategies–used by high net-worth individuals–more accessible to all levels of wealth and investment experience. Our team will develop a personal, strategic investment plan to maximize your earning potential and eliminate traditional investment barriers like broker fees and unreasonably high minimum investments. We offer real returns, diverse portfolios, and opportunities for everyone to get involved.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8AM – 6PM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DiversyFund/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DiversyFund/
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Trying to remember Lord John remillard tried to get the surgical suite from Concord Massachusetts and he thought he did he took the walls out and he took the equipment and he thought it matched it was the right room no. He was two floors down or one floor down
In the song my name is Luca comes to mind and she's trying to use it as a threat it's absolutely true and Hera went nuts on her and it worked now Trump is upset in the max say that's reserved for us.
-there are several other things happening. What is there looking at this Harley-Davidson idea of bringing back the 883 a.m. a lot of people want it including Mac Daddy and then so our son and daughter asked how the owners who own the company let's take a quick vote who wants at least the 883 engine to be in production she's asking for a vote please place your votes now.....
Ben Arnold yes
Mac Daddy yes
Bja yes
Aaron Minke yes
Terry c yes
Original founding person to just not have ownership Dolores yes
Our son and daughter the original designers yes
Bob seger assisted with the design and engineered it yes and for his wife who is missing yes
There are more but for now this is probably 90% of the stock ownership and 80% of the people involved in creating the bike others are casting their vote now
John Gallagher and he created the windscreen the seat and other items on the early Harley-Davidsons yes
And for my sister who is missing she helped design the Sportster yes
The women Sarah Alicia Tricia who helped design the Sportster yes
Several people who had assisted designing the cruisers and other big hogs chip from San Diego yes, Steve ahern from Otis yes, Blake hodus who helped design the motor and it was very important yes will and Bill who did the final engineering and made some changes that were drastically needed they say not that bad but needed and stop having correct us and they're saying okay yes, Tommy f who came up with the color scheme and gas tank and her son and daughter say it's one of the biggest aspects of Harley-Davidson and for the cruisers too and he says yes and he appreciates the combination, JC and Mary who headed up the team primarily no but they had several design aspects mostly the electrical and primary ignition and our son and daughter are going to say yes because they would and would say we don't see why there would be a reason why I would say no would you find one. And there's several of us so I'll say Thor and Freya and our conjuring and there's several of his cadre race really Frank Castle hardcastle Duke nukem Blockbuster in about 10 more of us he says five women and five men yes for all of the above, Jason and Lily yes and they designed the tires and it was very good design and has been a staple for road tires since oh, Neil adamiak his signature chroming method worked very well for Harley-Davidson and he says yes even if our friend doesn't understand every single damned incident that ever happened in his very short lifespan so far, Garth Myers and sister Corrine yes and they helped design the color scheme with Tommy f and they came up with a special way of presenting it now they wanted to widen the forks and it made it to staple and Hallmark and with the tank and the forks it almost sold the bike completely, The Rock and wife yes and they help the sign the actual profile to be like a chopper when it first started coming out yes and there's more and the chopper design is for speed
There are more and we want you to submit it to Mac Daddy and he can share it with people and if there are any nays
And we're asking the max involved and one is not the screaming guy several of them are submitting in a secret ballot they're about 20 involved so far 10 are saying yes around 10:00 and now now there's 12 and that's a bad number so you have to move on you're up to 14 who say yes one is blabbing and they're increasing the tempo now you have about 16 yes and Mac will have to try and get them to verify it and the waiting for the remaining four who they say we're not on board the plane thank you and he's really tired and punchy exhausted needs more nutrients has been poisoned and threatened to rags and they get that. I believe we have 20 yes. There were some people funding it and some of them are not around Daniel says yes Hope design the motor and insisted on the tie downs and our son didn't know why until later so they had to put them in and he wants in on the action so we are going to request ability to make the 883 and others are too and initial investment into the 883 it's just like with every other new motor very welcome his funding then we'll try to match others will too they say including the max and besides Trump's three and Lori and several others there are about 15 women two of them are always around and it is Jenna she helped with the color coordination of Harley Davidson to make it block letters and to make it clear and with the Chrome lettering she says yes, and the two playing The joker and Harley Quinn are saying yes and they helped study it and test it and put rubber grommets in when needed and it was needed in case you bought him out and people bought him down yes and yes, Justin says yes and says I'm in a movie and people like it and I'm in trouble and yes for his wife who we think is missing not Dead okay Justin, there's several others there's the girl who is friends with Timmy Doyle she came up with a smaller seat for ladies yes and her husband who came up with a kosher seed for men yes and he says we got to get him on board and we will, we don't need a smaller seed that's been explained, and there are several other women and several Mac women and a totally about 20 were involved some are financiers and want to finance and we will accept that and we're sending it to Mac Daddy. He's going to have a complete list of names and he's going to go through it and he is going to start to talk to manufacturers the motor is going to be very hot there's tons of demands already he wants to names in please confirm me the next 10 to 15 minutes to get it done and we're going to look for those who want to manufacturer on the list and stop making that stupid noise Chris you don't have a factory it says I'll use trumps you mean you'll have him do it no.. what will it be just look at the fax, I don't want to look at the damn fake facts and stop talking this way you stupid idiot so I'm going to try and get this done now I'm starting to get some in from my boys I'll say they're still alive and okay the obvious answer
Mac Daddy
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unitedaidgroup · 7 months
United Aid Group
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Call Now 888.262.9957
The Highest Level of Education and Consulting in Student Loans.
100% Client Satisfaction. 100% of the time.
Our Services
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We provide document preparation services for all of the student loan forgiveness programs making the process simple and stress free.
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If your taxes or wages are being garnished because your loans are in collections, we can prepare rehabilitation program documents that may get you out of default and into a more manageable payment plan.
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Do you qualify for lower payments? We’ll prepare the documents to get you enrolled into the income driven payment programs.
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Are you a teacher? Do you work for the government or maybe a non-profit organization? Ask about the special loan forgiveness programs available to you.
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Some forgiveness programs require you to send documents to the DOE annually to remain in the program. Never miss another annual certification again.
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We substantially increase the chances for students to receive compensation from schools that had borrowers take out an unnecessary amount of high interest debt for a degree that is closed or useless in the work field. 
Financial Freedom Starts With You
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Student loan debt in the U.S. is currently at 1.64 trillion.
The average student loan balance is around $34,000 and the number of borrowers defaulting on their student loans is at an all-time high.
Besides the ample amount of stress it can cause, these financial burdens prevent far too many from purchasing homes, starting a small business, or taking out loans that are essential to improving one’s livelihood and future.
In United Aid Group, We take pride in being advocates for student loan borrowers on their journey to financial independence providing timely, accurate, and professional service. By maintaining a culture of integrity and stewardship, we believe in building and sustaining trust and value among the students nationwide.
The United Aid Group customer service has been great​.​ They always respond back and if I have a question or problem their staff is always their to answer and straighten it out. Fritz especially has been wonderful​ and helped me through this confusing process. ​Two thumbs up!​
Quincy C.
Thank you very much for all your help to solve my student loan problems. I highly recommend this company to my classmates who need to consolidate their student loan. I am so happy to start making the payment in the amount that I can afford.
Jessica W.
I was in over my head and in default. My taxes and wages were being garnished and it was killing me. United Aid Group took me out of collections and stopped the garnishment! The United Aid Group has made the process easy and they are extremely easy to work with. I couldn’t do any of this on my own and I wouldn’t know where to start. They have great customer service and every time I call with questions there’s always someone there to answer it.
Brian P.
Let's Chat!
Use the form below to contact us regarding your debt situation. Please be as detailed as possible. To help us best service your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.
For job opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for new and exceptional talent to lead the firm into uncharted fields of practice.
The highest level of education and consulting in student loans.
  501 West Broadway Suite 800,   San Diego, CA 92101
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skytrustindia · 10 months
Boost Your Online Presence with the Best Digital Marketing Company in San Diego
Boost Your Online Presence with the Best Digital Marketing Company in San Diego
Welcome to SkyTrust digital marketing agency in San Diego, where we strive to empower businesses with cutting-edge strategies and unparalleled results. In today's competitive landscape, having a strong online presence is crucial for success. As a leading digital marketing company in San Diego, we are committed to helping your business thrive in the digital realm. In this blog, we'll delve into the services we offer and how they can elevate your brand to new heights.
1. Why Choose Our Digital Marketing Agency in San Diego?
When it comes to digital marketing, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Our agency stands out for various reasons that make us the preferred choice for businesses of all sizes:
Expert Team: Our talented team of digital marketing experts brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. From SEO specialists to content marketers, we have the right people to drive your campaigns to success.
Customized Strategies: We understand that every business has unique goals and challenges. That's why we tailor our strategies to suit your specific needs and target audience.
Data-Driven Approach: Our decisions are based on data and analytics. We continuously monitor and analyze campaign performance to optimize results and ensure maximum ROI.
Full-Service Solutions: From search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing to content creation and web design, our comprehensive services cover all aspects of digital marketing.
2. Services Offered by Our San Diego Digital Marketing Company:
a. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our SEO experts employ proven techniques to enhance your website's visibility in search engines. By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing on-page elements, we'll help drive organic traffic and boost your search rankings.
b. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: With our data-driven PPC campaigns, you can attract highly targeted leads to your website. We manage your ad spend efficiently, ensuring you get the most out of your budget.
c. Social Media Marketing: Engage with your audience on social media platforms through compelling content and strategic campaigns. Our team will help you build a loyal following and increase brand awareness.
d. Content Marketing: High-quality content is the cornerstone of a successful digital marketing strategy. Our content marketing team will create valuable, shareable, and SEO-friendly content that resonates with your audience.
e. Email Marketing: Nurture leads and build lasting customer relationships with our result-oriented email marketing campaigns. We'll design engaging newsletters and automated sequences to keep your audience informed and connected.
f. Web Design and Development: An aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly website is crucial for converting visitors into customers. Our web design and development team will create a stunning online presence that reflects your brand identity.
3. Success Stories: Discover how our digital marketing agency in San Diego has helped businesses like yours achieve remarkable results. Through case studies and client testimonials, you'll see firsthand the positive impact of our strategies on their online presence and revenue.
4. The Power of Local SEO in San Diego: Local SEO is vital for businesses targeting customers in specific geographic locations. We'll explore the importance of local SEO in San Diego and how our agency can help you dominate the local search results.
Conclusion: As a top-notch SkyTrust digital marketing company in San Diego, we take pride in driving business growth through innovative strategies and impeccable execution. Let us be your partner on the journey to digital success. Contact us today to discuss how we can elevate your brand's online presence and achieve your business goals. Remember, the right digital marketing agency can make all the difference!
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With Kiss, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses, David Lee Roth, and Helloween. Shortly after, Mustaine fired Behler and Young, accusing Young of getting thoughts of a relationship with Mustaine's then-girlfriend. Around this era, Mustaine produced the debut album from Seattle thrash band Sanctuary, known as Refuge Denied. In February 1987, Megadeth opened for Alice Cooper on his Constrictor tour.
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hesioddreaming · 1 year
We are the premier ADU contractors for transforming your home seamlessly
Looking to add an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to your property but unsure where to begin? Better Place Remodeling is your trusted and reliable ADU contractor. What is an ADU? Known as a backyard cottage, guesthouse, or granny flat, a self-contained accessory dwelling unit is separate from the main home. It is typically designed as a smaller home, but with all the amenities needed, including a kitchen, bathroom, living area, and sleeping area. You can use them for rental purposes, in-law suites, home offices, or even as your primary residence. Why Build an ADU? Many homeowners are choosing to add ADUs to their properties for a variety of reasons. The most common ones are: By renting out the unit to tenants, homeowners can generate additional rental income. ADUs can increase the value of your property and make it more attractive to potential buyers. ADUs can accommodate aging parents or grown children who want their own space in a family. You can utilize an ADU as a creative studio or home office. Why Choose Better Place Remodeling? In addition to the time and money involved in building an ADU, Better Place Remodeling understands that ADUs are often a significant investment. This is why we do our best to deliver top-quality work that exceeds your expectations. The following are some reasons you should choose us to build your ADU: Our experience: We have built ADUs for homeowners throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area for years. Your ADU project will be handled by our experienced team in all aspects, including design and construction. 1. Personalized Service: We listen closely to our customers' needs and preferences to tailor our services to make them fit their needs and preferences. It's important to us that you are always informed about the progress of the project throughout it. We use only high-quality materials and equipment in our ADUs to ensure that they last for years to come. Our competitive pricing without sacrificing quality is one of our strongest advantages. Our Process To ensure you receive a timely and cost-effective ADU construction, we follow a detailed process. The following is what you can expect when you choose Better Place Remodeling to build your ADU:
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Initial Consultation: We conduct an initial consultation to learn more about your vision for the ADU and to discuss your budget and timeline. A design that meets your needs and preferences will be created by our team. Besides CAD drawings, we can also produce 3D renderings of your project to assist you in visualizing the outcome. Our team gladly handles all your local permits and approvals. When the design is approved, construction begins. Our team keeps you abreast of the progress and ensures that your project is completed on time and on budget. To ensure that you are satisfied with the finished product, we conduct a final walkthrough with you. Conclusion Whether you're looking to build an ADU or remodeling your house, Better Place Remodeling has the skills you need. In order to best serve our customers, we are dedicated to providing high-quality work and personalized service. Schedule a consultation with us to see how we can transform your home.
Better Place Remodeling 1804 Garnet Ave, San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 217-4429 https://www.betterplaceremodeling.com/
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0 notes
pink-factory · 8 years
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이 C. + 레안 에스트라다 C. REE + REANNE ESTRADA
이 C. 현 미국 샌 디에고 거주/활동; 설치, 조각, 사진, 퍼포먼스, 소셜미디어, 공공차며프로젝트 C. Ree lives and works in San Diego; installation, sculpture, photography, performance, social media, and projects with public involvement
레안 에스트라다 현 미국 로스 앤젤레스 거주/활동; 드로잉, 조각, 설치, 공동퍼포먼스, 사회참여미술 Reanne Estrada lives and works in Los Angeles; drawing, sculpture, installation, performative collaborations, socially-engaged art
끈적이는 (울트라 바이올렛) 전송 홍천 국제 팬클럽으로부터 Glutinous (UV) Transmissions from the Hongcheon International Fan Club
동서울 버스터미널 공공 전송 6.10.16 East Seoul Bus Terminal Public Transmission 6.10.16
비디오 영상, 13:47, 2016
video projection, 13:47, 2016
인간 현수막 끈적이는 옷 Human Banner Glutinous Suit
핫 핑크 스판덱스, 홍천 홍보언어로 인쇄된 현수막, 명품과 꿈이야기 발췌, 분홍돈, 2016
hot pink spandex, printed banners with hongcheon marketing language, myung-poom, and dream excerpts, pink money, 2016
홍천 국제 팬클럽 자료 Hongcheon International Fan Club Materials
배지, 안내문, 2016
buttons, flyers, 2016
이 C.와 레안 에스트라다는 ‘끈적이는(울트라바 이올렛) 전송 홍천 국제 팬클럽으로부터’이라는 제목으로 비디오, 조각, 공공활동, 퍼포먼스, 설치와 사진 작업이 포함된 연속 프로젝트를 진행하였다. 이 중절된 프로젝트(interrupted project)의 여러 작품이 홍천미술관에서 전시되었다. 그리고 이 프로젝트 작업에서 작가들은 다음과 같은 개념들을 탐구한다:
팬–지역주의(pfan-regionalism) … 탈주의 선(lines of flight)은 무형이며 전승될 수 있으면서 끈적거리고 물질적이며 쫄깃쫄깃하다.
팬–소리(pfεn-sori) … 지역이라는 곳은 경계 아니라 소리와 시간성, 관객, 그리고 연출로 정의하는 개념.
팬–텀(phantom) … 가시 스펙트럼을 넘어가는 지식과 경험의 형식.
팬–심(fpandom) … 무형문화재나 유명 설화의 주제가 되지 못하는 일상의 습관을 중심으로, 활동(예: 꿈을 사고 파는 것, 팬(선풍기), 아니면 홍천의 복잡한 땅 자체).
Artist Statement
Artists C. Ree and Reanne Estrada developed a series of works in video, sculpture, public practice, performance, installation and photography for ‘Glutinous (UV) Transmissions from the Hongcheon International Fan Club’, an interrupted project from which a few artifacts were on display at the Hongcheon Art Museum. The artists explored ideas of:
팬-regionalism (pfan-regionalism) … in which lines of flight are both intangible and transmittable but also glutinous, material, sticky.
팬-sori (pfεn-sori ) … which defines a region not by borders but through sound, time, audience and staging
팬-tom (phantom) … the forms of knowledge and experience just beyond the visible spectrum
팬-sim (fpandom) … which centers ordinary positions which may never be held up as Intangible Assets or subjects of great folktales, whether they are dream buying, fans or the complex land of Hongcheon itself.
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discountdoorwindow · 1 year
What is the cost of door installation at Home Depot?
Your doors are the focal point of your house. Anyone who enters your house will go through the door first. The design of your door tells the mood of the house's interior. There are many designs to make your door beautiful and shining. You must also check what design or door type suits your house. After all the research on which door will best suit your house. You need to find the best door installers in San Diego. Read more: https://discountdw.com/c-235304-installation.html
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...#BerniceMcMurrayScott. Join us this #WomensHistoryMonth as we honor women that have made an #impact on our #WorldHouse.
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#Repost @berniceaking
Today I join @TheKingCenter in honoring my mother, #CorettaScottKing. Join us this #WomensHistoryMonth as we honor women that have made an #impact on our #WorldHouse.
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#Repost @berniceaking
Today, I join @TheKingCenter in honoring my paternal aunt, #ChristineKingFarris. Join us this #WomensHistoryMonth as we honor women that have made an #impact on our #WorldHouse.
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#Repost @bcgmag
Dr. Mae Carol Jemison is a physician, engineer, physicist, and former NASA astronaut. She became the first Black American woman astronaut to travel into outer space. #WomensHistoryMonth
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...#madamsultewan #nelliecrawford who was the first #blackactress to sign a film contract and be a featured performer. Born in 1873 (!!!) and the daughter of slaves, she started in the stage on the East Coast and then headed to Hollywood to pursue her dreams. Appearing in both of the #dwgriffith controversial films #birthofanation and his follow up film “Intolerance” she cemented herself as a character actress, appearing before some of the then best directors in Hollywood. The Gish sisters, Gloria Swanson, yet due to her race was often uncredited and her roles limited to domestics or characters of a nature that Hollywood rules had implemented for non-Caucasian actors. But she’s an important part of #womenshistory #womenshistorymonth #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #blackhistoryisamericanhistory #blackhollywood “We never did discover the origin of her name. No one was bold enough to ask.”-Lillian Gish
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...Dr. Toluwalase Ajayi, who serves as the co-medical director of adult palliative medicine at Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego, for being chosen as this year's 39th Senate District Woman Making Herstory! 🙌 Thank you for your work advocating for health equity initiatives at Scripps and for your tireless commitment and service to the community. We're continually inspired by your compassion for others. 💕 Hit the link in bio to read more.
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...highlights Deputy Commissioner of Equity and Inclusion Wendy García.
Wendy Garcia is an executive-level diversity and inclusion strategist with over 15 years of experience in government. In 2014, Wendy was appointed Chief Diversity Officer for the Office of the New York City Comptroller, where she served on the cabinet/c-suite as an oversight and compliance agent for the inclusion of women and people of color; the Comptroller’s Office manages over 260 billion dollars in Pension Funds (the 4th largest Pension fund in the nation), and a 110-million-dollar operating budget, with over 700 employees. Wendy worked cross-functionally with 16 different departments ensuring the inclusion of minorities and women within New York city contracts regulations, city policies, corporate boards, pensions /investments, and the workplace.
Wendy’s advocacy has made history. In April 2022, Wendy was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Equity & Inclusion at the New York City Police Department. As the Deputy Commissioner, Wendy is responsible for creating, implementing, and evaluating strategies throughout the New York City Police Department to ensure processes and procedures are inclusive, transparent, impartial, free of discrimination and harassment, and equitable for all members of the NYPD. Wendy earned a Master’s degree in Urban Policy and Management from New School University with a concentration in Economic Development, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations at the University of Delaware 🙌🏽🇩🇴
#WomensHistoryMonth #NYPDWomen #NYPD #NYDO
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...When everyone is going one way, I chose to go the other. I don’t like standing still," Najah Bazzy
While many recognize Bazzy for her roles as a humanitarian and interfaith leader, there's so much more to her than that.
Born in southeast Michigan, Bazzy’s career began after she earned her nursing degree from Madonna University. From there, she spent over three decades working in critical care and transcultural nursing, drawing from her personal experiences as a child to help those in need.
Bazzy has served as CEO of Diversity Specialists and an adjunct professor at Michigan State University’s Institute of International Health and also co-founded the Young Muslim Association, where she still serves as a senior adviser for the organization.
She is widely regarded as a leader in Muslim healthcare and ethics and has drawn from her personal experiences to provide diversity and transcultural trainings to the United States Army, the United States Department of Justice, the International Red Cross and more.
Bazzy also founded and serves as CEO of Zaman International, a needs-based organization that helps households meet their basic needs, breaking the cycle of poverty by providing food, clothing, shelter and more to women, children, seniors and the terminally ill.
Bazzy, who has drawn on her life experiences to stand for justice and help those in need with love and compassion, has been selected as the Michigan honoree for USA TODAY's Women of the Year.
Check the link in our bio for more.
#detroit #michigan #usatodaywomenoftheyear #usatodaywomenoftheyearprogram #womenoftheyear #womenshistorymonth @michiganstateu @madonnauniversity @zamaninternational @usatoday
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sprintsigns · 1 year
Unique Vehicle Wraps
Beginning another business? Haven't the faintest idea concerning how you ought to promote? Do the promoting organizations threaten you and your wallet? Try not to have a lot of funds to begin with? What about financial planning on a special vehicle wrap for your vehicle or getting one on lease for this reason? It certainly gives another importance to the term 'promoting in a hurry'. It'll set aside you cash and other important assets. Simply give your vehicle to any company in San Diego offering vehicle wrap office and they will give you the best quality vehicle envelop by your financial plan. What a simple method for promoting yourself! You should simply cruise all over. It's productive and efficient. Caught in a tight spot? Essentially your promotion's getting took note. On account of the extraordinary vehicle wrap. Get more information please visit here https://www.sprintsigns.biz
In any event, when your vehicle is left in a carport or a parking garage, individuals will see your promotion and consider it, regardless of whether it's briefly. As per the American Shipping Affiliation (ATA), a conveyance truck establishes 16 million visual connections in a solitary year. Presently if by some stroke of good luck your promotion was on that truck. Do you understand the business you could produce from all that watcher deliver? What're you sitting tight for? Contact organizations in San Diego which offer vehicle wrap administrations and give your business a kick off immediately. The organizations in San Diego will likewise help in ensuring, the sign on your wrap is reasonable to your business and states the sort of items or administrations you're giving, alongside the data required for clients to reach you, when intrigued. Is there a reason you might want to fabricate mindfulness for?
Vehicles wrap your vehicle, and go on an outing round the town, teaching without saying a word. It's truly easy and that straightforward. Vehicle wraps are a success with avid supporters. Vehicle wrapping your vehicle with your #1 neighborhood group's logo will go quite far in reinforcing your help towards them. It likewise gives you a method for flaunting your group's tones and told every individual who you support. Assuming that you like to drive quick and appreciate dashing with companions, you can spread the word about it with crazy hustling vehicle workmanship on your ride. Set up dashing signs and company logos. You let the company know what you like and they will transform your vehicle into a mean superstar ride. There are lots of various varieties and conceals to pick from. Experts at these organizations assist you with picking which tone or shade best suits your vehicle, your character and what you're going for. They give full, half and quarter wraps for anything going from a trailer to a RV. There are various materials used to graphically design your vehicle and transform it into the ride you want. Vehicle wraps can comprise of Aluminum, Acrylic, PVC, wood, polystyrene, froth and different plastics. Be that as it may, hardly any organizations in San Diego utilize 3M Vinyl Decals which are durable and won't disappear whether sun or tempest. You'll have the option to partake in the graphically designed imaging for quite a long time into the future.
Sprint Signs and Vehicle Wraps
Address: 9020 Quioccasin Rd  Suite C. Richmond, VA 23229
Phone Number: (804) 741-7446
Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/XE5Kw6X6giMEqMKy8
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