#c2 is more than enough let's not meet again ma'am.
mintjeru · 2 years
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still on hiatus but update on xiao rolls bc everyone knows i'm always ready to dish out primos for him
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thecosywriter · 7 years
The Lockwood Effect C2 (PercivalxOC)
Lockwood Manor, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 1924
The Lockwood Manor was an intimidating building, constructed of white marble and golden carvings which would shine against the sun rays. The rooms were large and echoed as the house elves scurried around cleaning furniture and running the house day to day. The manor was large enough to house the core members of the Lockwood clan, it had done so for centuries and for the last twenty six years it had been home to Casperia Lockwood, daughter of Lauren Lockwood.
Following the trial and execution of her mother Casperia moved into the care of her grandmother or as she called her MeeMaw. Growing up around the pure blood elitist belief system of her family had made the child rather brash and rude. Used to getting her way in most things, the family income provided for her needs well enough. Only at the age of eleven when Casperia received her invitation to Ilvermory did Casperia really get a glance at the real world. She was a half-blood, a half-breed and the family noted that but upon the matriarch's insistence there was no word spoke of it. The trial was never brought up and a harsh punishment fell on the head of any servant of family member that divulged the truth about her parentage.
At the age of 12 Casperia met the young Queenie Goldstein, a young witch who following the death of her parents found Ilvermorny as her new home. Her older sister Tina, was always the strict one, the loss of her family meant the elder sister had to care for her sibling which caused her to mature before her time truly came.
Casperia, or Bubbles as she was more commonly referred to by the sisters had no concept of what it was like to live hand to mouth, she never needed to ask for anything – having been brought up in the Lockwood household if she rang a bell her needs would be seen to. This caused a clash between the young Lockwood and the eldest Goldstein on more than one occasion – Bubbles was accused of being a snob and a princess with no concern for anyone around her and Tina was called a tightly wound old woman trapped in the body of a teenager. As they grew older Bubbles elitist upbringing was challenged on occasion and the three remained close friends, with Bubbles sending them money over the holidays or asking them to stay at the Lockwood Manor – much to the distress of her Grandmother. It was Bubbles who threw the sisters their celebratory party when they got their positions in MACUSA and now the sisters were returning the favour by offering their friend a room to live in whilst she transferred to her new job.
The sound of heels cantering across the marble flooring made the house elves scurry and hide behind the furniture, as Bubbles made her way across the great hall into and up the stairway to the first floor she caught sight of familiar looking house elf who was carrying a silver tray of tea and china.
"Pomodore!" Bubbles exclaimed as she ran over to the small creature. Not prepared for the fright the elderly house elf jumped a few metres in the air spilling the boiling water over himself.
"Oh darlin' I am sorry. I didn't mean t'scare ya'." Bubbles giggled to herself as she pulled out a green perfume bottle from her bag and spritzed around the house elf, immediately drying the rags he was wearing.
"Thank you Ma'am." Pomodore said with a shy smile as he clicked his fingers and the broken tea pot and china cups reformed and returned to the silver tray as they had been previously.
"Pomodore, where is Meemaw?" Bubbles asked as she placed the green glass bottle back into her bag.
"In the tea room Ma'am." The house elf replied with a small bow as Bubbles smiled down sadly at the creature. House elves didn't receive much kindness from their family they were seen as lesser beings and objects; Bubbles used to think that way to once. Not anymore, Ilvermorny had taught the young witch a thing or two about kindness.
"Will you be having tea?" Pomodore asked as he motioned to the tray.
"I wouldn't mind a hot chocolate darlin'."
"Thank you." The elf smiled up at the blonde woman before him as the two made their way down the stairs quietly before the atmosphere was broken by the bellowing of the older Lockwood. Madame Lockwood voice could be heard echoing from all corners of the manor, many often thought her related to the banshee – the white hair and voice that could kill a man were two pieces of evidence to support the rumour.
The house elf rushed off in front of Bubbles as she quickened her pace across the landing to the tea room. "MeeMaw!" Bubbles greeted happily as she moved to embrace her grandmother.
"Casperia darlin',I have been waiting for you for over a half an hour. Where were you?" Madame Lockwood chastised as the younger woman took her seat in the opposing white chair. Two decades had not taken from the air of intimidation the snake-like woman gave off even to her granddaughter, it was known as unwise to keep the matriarch waiting.
Pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her bag and offered one to her grandmother who refused by raising her hand and prickling her nose in disgust. With a smirk Bubbles took out one cigarette form the packed and placed it into the end of the white marble holder. Bubbles placed the holder in her mouth and lit the device, taking a deep inhalation before a matching marble ashtray appeared in front of her on the table.
Pomodore stood to the side of the white take holding the silver tray shakily in his hands, scared to move in fear of making a wrong step and receiving a beating. Madame Lockwood noticed this and snapped at the house elf.
"Are you going to pour the tea or do you want me to die of thirst?!" She hissed as she motioned to the house elf who scuttled forward placing down the white and blue china cups before filling it with the hot liquid and scuttling back into his space. Pomodore let out a small cry as the older woman cracked her white staff across the side of his face.
"Do you wish my granddaughter to go thirsty?" She barked as she continued to beat the poor house elf. "I've ordered hot cocoa, MeeMaw!" Bubbles winced as she took another drag of her cigarette.
"Then where is it? We shall just both die of thirst sitting here shall we?" Madame Lockwood snapped back to Pomodore. "I just asked'm on my way here. It's not 'is fault MeeMaw." Bubbles explained trying to stop the beating which was being carried out in front of her.
"Oh do be quiet child." Madame Lockwood snapped at her granddaughter causing her to sit back down in her chair, lowering her head in silence as the older woman finished the beating.
Once she had released enough pent up rage the elderly woman sat back down in her chair with a smile and sipped on her tea as Pomodore scuttled away to prepare the hot cocoa for Bubbles.
Bubbles tapped the ash into the marble tray and watched her grandmother, the woman she used to idolize, the only mother she ever really knew. She would often wonder to herself, that if she did not meet the Goldstein's that she may have turned out as cold as the other members of her family, it was an inherited trait that they were cold hearted people. Bubbles knew her character was far from that of a nice person, she was a snob, she was demanding and a little pompous at times; Tina was the first person to call her this to her face and over the years she kept her relatively grounded.
"I'll be fixin' to leave in the hour MeeMaw." Bubbles said as she picked up her hot cocoa and licked off the cream from the top of the mug making her grandmother grimace at the lack of manners. "I don't know why you insist on staying with those sisters, honestly darlin' you could have stayed in one of the nicer hotels. Those two…" Madame Lockwood began as she took a sip of her tea.
"Those two are my friends and offered me a place to stay with them; it would be rude to not welcome their hospitality." Bubbles spoke up in defence of her friends, giving her grandmother a gentle yet stern glance making the older woman chuckle and shake her head.
"They're as poor as church mice darlin' do you really need to mix with them? It is bad enough that you're moving to New York of all places. Why couldn't you stay in the south?" Madame Lockwood began to rant to herself, her voice getting higher and higher making Bubbles roll her eyes with a smile.
"MeeMaw please don't." Bubbles sighed as she took one final long drag from her cigarette holder and expelled the finished cigarette into the ashtray. "I should be going, going to use the Floo channel to get up there." Bubbles said as she embraced her grandmother before making her way out of the tea room to her bedroom.
The Goldstein's Apartment, New York, 1924
Tina POV It had been such a long day, I was tired, my feet were tired and honestly I am sure my clothes were tired but I still had paperwork to do. Climbing up the stairs to the apartment I shared with my little sister I leaned on the door frame and pushed open the door.
The familiar scent greeted me at the door; Queenie was cooking again. She was good for that; she always was the best at housekeeping and all manner of housewifery in general. I was thankful for that, I was never one for cooking – I remember being a young teenager and trying to cook our meals after our parents passed away. Thankfully Ilvermorny meals kept us alive as I would not have been able to guarantee our survival on the slop I used to throw together.
Smiling gently to myself I made my way into the flat and placed my files on the table before kicking off my shoes and removing my jacket and hat.
"How was work Tina?" Queenie asked cheerfully as she charmed the food in the kitchen. "The usual, mostly paperwork. Do you know what time Bubbles is supposed to get here?" I replied with a grunt as I sat down on the sofa with a light sigh, as my body relaxed into the embrace of the chair.
"Her letter said she would be arriving within the next hour. I am so excited; I haven't seen Bubbles in so very long." Queenie exclaimed excitedly clapping her hands, I smiled to myself happy to see my sister so happy.
I couldn't help but panic slightly about the arrival of our old friend, I mean I was happy she was moving closer to us and that we would be able to catch up. It was just…the city was on high alert with the No-Maj agitated about the possibility of uncovering our kind in the city…it was an anxious time. We did not want to set off another year of witch trials and Bubbles…well she was not the best with a wand. She never had been, earning herself her nickname from the countless times her wand would expel bubbles instead of spells. We were lucky if her wand worked properly, we had calculated at one point that there was a one in five chance that her wand would bubble over and give a dud spell; it was not the time to have such clumsy witches in the city. I honestly do not know how she got the position of Deputy of Potions and Medical Remedies to begin with..
"Oh Tina! Don't be like that!" Queenie sighed as she placed her hand on her hip with a gentle tut. "What did I say about reading my mind Queenie?" I snapped, slightly ashamed of myself for my thoughts.
"Oh, you know I can't help it! Besides, you are worrying for nothing." Queenie smiled as she walked over to me and leaned on the arm of the large chair.
"We are on high alert if Bubbles uses her wand…" I begin, slightly panicking making Queenie shake her head. "I will make sure she is under control Tina, I will show her the ropes." I winced at the thought of that, I could remember the days those two spent together in school, and they were a pair and a half. I remembered the two blondes walking along; they would get mistaken for sisters more than I would. My sister and I were a few years apart and I was focused on getting my N.E. for my Auror training programme. Queenie was best at charms whilst Bubbles excelled in potions and herbology the two combined tended to cause a few mishaps over the years.
"As I recall, the two of you were quite a pair back in school." I snorted as I took out my wand and charmed the tea pot to pour two cups for us both.
"Yes, but Tina you was a prefect – we were only having fun." Queenie laughed as she took the floating china cup from in front of her. "Bubbles practised her potions on the school mascot!" I exclaimed as I took a sip of the hot tea burning my tongue in the process, wincing I place the mug back down letting it free float in front of me.
"So the Pegasus turned pink! Honestly, he quite liked it." Queenie chuckled as she charmed more sugar into her tea. I smiled as I recalled how the Pegasus flew around showing off his fancy feathers all year until Miss Lickard charmed him back to white again.
"That is so not the point Queenie!" I snort as I stand up and go to close the curtains on the other side of the room.
"Oh Tina, you need to relax sweetie. Besides from what I have heard Bubbles has made quite a name for herself in certain circles. " Queenie said with a proud smile. I sigh, I know she had made a name for herself in the potioneer's community; she was very brilliant she always had been – making up for the lack of wand expertise I was sure.
"I bet she has." I mutter to myself. "Tina! I know the both of you didn't always see eye to eye but she won't out the entire wizarding community over a few bubbles." Queenie exclaimed with a soft smile, I groaned and nodded, she was right it was late and I was prone to overreacting.
"She is not known for being subtle." I begin what was meant to be my final argument before Queenie and I were both scared out of our morning best by the large green flame which appeared in our chimney. Queenie jumped up next to be before we both broke into a smile as the flames faded away.
"Who is not known for being subtle?" A familiar southern drawl echoed around the flat.
In the middle of our living room standing bold as brass was Miss Casperia 'Bubbles' Lockwood; nothing had really changed in the three years since we last saw each other. She was still the same over the top blonde totty we knew.
"Bubbles you're early!" I exclaim as I swallow the conversation that I was about to begin. Not the best time to be talking about it I decided.
I took a glance over at Bubbles, her ice white hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with a blue clip holding it back, her bangs fell down one side of her face her brown eyes hidden beneath a pair of half moon glasses. I took a breath was I smothered in a big white fur coat, Bubbles squeezed me with an excited squeak and she pulled away and looked at me. I coughed a little as the familiar scent of lavender filled the air; she had not learned to tone down the perfume over the years.
"Tina daaarlin'! How are you?" She exclaimed excitedly, I wince a little at the pitch of her voice. She voice not unlike her grandmother could travel through stone walls."Bubbles, it is good to see you." I say as I take a step back allowing me to take a breath of lavender free air.
"Bubbles!" Queenie exclaimed with an excited clap. "Queenie hunney, it is so good to see ya! Come here and give me a squeeze." Bubbles laughed as she opened up her arms for my sister to run into. Looking her up and down, I began to worry not so much about her magic – I worried more about her outfit… 1920's New York was not the best place to be dressing in such expensive clothing.
"We didn't expect you for another hour." Queenie exclaimed as she pulled back from her friend. "Oh I love this!" My sister gushed as she stroked Bubbles' white fur coat, the thing must weigh more than she did. "Do you like it? I brought you and Tina some goodies from home. I will get them out in a sec' if you wan'" Bubbles said excitedly, a bright smile shinning from her face. She was always oblivious to her own eccentricity.
"We thought you were going to be here in an hour or so." I say cutting off the high pitched girl talk. "Well I thought I would have more time to fix my things but MeeMaw had the house elves fix ma' things for mey' whilst I was in town, so I had nothin' to do when I got home. So I thought I'd come right on over and see my two favourite witches!" Bubbles explained with a grin, I smiled and shook my head – her accent was as thick as cream cheese...
"Where are your things?" I asked as I noticed the distinct lack of boxes and bags.
"In here." Bubbles said as she rattled a little white sequin purse in front of her. I nodded, knowing very well that it would have been the charming work of another family member to place all of her things in that small purse.
"I have some paperwork to finish tonight; you can get yourself settled in the spare room." I smiled as I picked up my files from the table and returned to my seat in the chair. The tea cups still hovering mid-air.
"I'm fixin' to do that after I go to the little girl's room…." Bubbles said as she removed her coat and hung it up on the rail and totted down the hall.
"Second door on the right Bubbles." Queenie called out making the second blonde exclaim and turn around and go back a few doors.
"Thank you Baby!" She exclaimed before shutting the door behind her.
Once Bubbles was out of earshot I let out a long sigh as I leaned back against the chair."See, she is so much calmer than she used to be Tina! She was so happy to see us, I could feel it." Queenie said nudging me on the shoulder making me nod. I was too tired for this amount of drama.
"I will fix' ma' room up girls, I will be right out!" Bubbles called as she left the bathroom and toddled into her spare room. "Alrighty hunnie." Queenie called back with smile.
"I'm just worried, she has never been very good with her wand and we are on such a high alert at the moment…the timing is not the best." I think to myself, knowing full well that Queenie is listening in. It was a help to have a her gift at times, I didn't need to say what I was thinking she would just know.
"Oh, she won't be a problem; anyways she will be in MACUSA most of the time with her new position anyway." Queenie said quietly as she waved her wand and stopped all the charmed items in the kitchen and made up the table for dinner.
"Just relax hunnie." Queenie smiled, I nodded and sat down at the table as the food was placed in front of us. It was quiet…a little too quiet; I picked up my glass of water to take a sip but let out a small scream as an explosion sounded off from the spare bedroom.
"You were saying?" I sighed to myself before placing the water down and fixing myself with my wand.
As the sisters ran into the spare bedroom they were caught with what looked like a small bombsite, Bubbles clothes had scattered all over the room, her stockings hung from the lighting and some books lay sprawled across the floor. "What happened!?" I exclaimed as I took in the mess of the room, thankful no one was hurt.
Bubbles stood in the middle of the room with her wand out, looking embarrassed as she bit on her lower lip and let out a groan. "Oh gosh! I'm afraid still as skitty as a wet cat with ma wand." Bubbles sighed as she placed her wand into her ponytail.
Queenie chuckled and pulled out her wand and with a few incantations the room was fixed back to how it was before. Clothes all hung up and everything unpacked and in its place. "See all better, no mess. No harm. No problem Tina." Queenie smiled as she sat down on Bubbles' bed. "You will need a permit- " Tina sighed as she leaned on the wall.
"You are still wound as tight as an eight-day clock Tina darlin'" Bubbles chuckled as she sat back on her bed next to Queenie. "You will need to go to MACUSA for a permit. Your North Carolina permit is not valid here." Tina said with smile as she finally began to calm down, walking over to the bedside table and leaning on the desk.
"I am going to go first thing on Monday." Bubbles announced with a smile, pulling out her wand the two sisters held their breath for a moment."I am better than I was with my wand though girls…lookie' here." She giggled as she pointed her want at the pot of flowers, the two sisters let out a small exclamation of NO! Before the pot shattered into pieces.
"Dag'namit! I was meant to turn them pink…" Bubbles sighed as she leaned back on the bed. Tina took a deep breath and straightened her work clothes and stood up from the table before addressing her friend. "Maybe I need a new wand?" Bubbles sighed as she looked over her wand.
"Maybe we should have a no wand rule in the house…"
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