#ca' d'oro
wgm-beautiful-world · 6 months
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Ca' d'Oro - VENEZIA
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mishimamiravenecia · 29 days
(English / Español / Italiano)
The Palazzo Ca' d'Oro, located on the banks of Venice's iconic Grand Canal is a testament to Venice's rich architectural Gothic legacy. . Originally adorned with glittering gold leaf, vermilion and ultramarine ornaments, this masterpiece truly lived up to its name, which translates as 'House of Gold'.
It was built in the middle of the 15th century (1421) as the residence of the Procurator of San Marco, Marino Contarini. In 1916, Baron Giorgio Franchetti donated it to the Italian government and, after some renovations, it was opened to the public to display the works of art that the nobleman had collected throughout his life.
Among the most valuable works are the St. Sebastian by Andrea Mantegna, the Portrait of Marcello Durazzo by Antoon van Dyck, the Double portrait by Tullio Lombardo, the Venere allo specchio by Titian, two views by Francesco Guardi, the Crucifixion by Jan van Eyck, the Sleeping Venus by Paris Bordone and what remains of Titian s frescoes painted on the side façade of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, among which the Juditta stands out. By Vittore Carpaccio and workshop are the three canvases with the Stories of the Virgin from the Scuola degli Albanesi.
In addition to the exhibition rooms, the museum houses various workshops for the conservation and restoration of works of art.
El Palacio Ca' d'Oro, ubicado a orillas del emblemático Gran Canal de Venecia, es un testimonio del rico legado arquitectónico gótico de Venecia. . Originalmente adornada con brillantes hojas de oro, bermellón y adornos ultramarinos, esta obra maestra realmente hizo honor a su nombre, que se traduce como "Casa de Oro".
La construcción se hizo a mediados del siglo XV (1421), para ser la residencia del Procurador de San Marcos, Marino Contarini. En 1916, el barón Giorgio Franchetti se lo cedió al gobierno italiano, después de unas reformas se abrió al público para exponer las obras de arte que el noble reunió a lo largo de su vida.
Tra le opere di maggior pregio vi sono il San Sebastiano di Andrea Mantegna, il Ritratto di Marcello Durazzo di Antoon van Dyck, il Doppio ritratto di Tullio Lombardo, la Venere allo specchio di Tiziano, due vedute di Francesco Guardi, la Crocifissione di Jan van Eyck, la Venere dormiente di Paris Bordone e ciò che resta degli affreschi di Tiziano dipinti sulla facciata laterale del Fondaco dei Tedeschi, tra cui spicca la Giuditta. Di Vittore Carpaccio e bottega sono i tre teleri con le Storie della Vergine provenienti dalla Scuola degli Albanesi.
Oltre alle sale espositive, il museo ospita vari laboratori per la conservazione e il restauro di opere d'arte.
Il Palazzo Ca' d'Oro, situato sulle rive dell'iconico Canal Grande di Venezia, è una testimonianza della ricca eredità architettonica gotica di Venezia. Originariamente adornato con scintillanti ornamenti in foglia d'oro, vermiglio e ultramarino, questo capolavoro era davvero all'altezza del suo nome, che si traduce come "Casa d'oro".
Fu costruito a metà del XV secolo (1421) come residenza del Procuratore di San Marco, Marino Contarini. Nel 1916 il barone Giorgio Franchetti lo cedette al governo italiano e, dopo alcuni lavori di ristrutturazione, fu aperto al pubblico per esporre le opere d'arte che il nobile collezionò nel corso della sua vita.
Tra le opere più preziose ci sono il St. Sebastiano di Andrea Mantegna, il Ritratto di Marcello Durazzo di Antoon van Dyck, il Doppio ritratto di Tullio Lombardo, il Venere allo specchio di Tiziano, due vedute di Francesco Guardi, il Crocifissione di Jan van Eyck, la Venere addormentata di Paris Bordone e quel che resta degli affreschi di Tiziano dipinti sulla facciata laterale del Fondaco dei Tedeschi, tra i quali spicca la Giuditta. Di Vittore Carpaccio e bottega sono le tre tele con le Storie della Vergine della Scuola degli Albanesi.
Oltre alle sale espositive, il museo ospita diversi laboratori per la conservazione e il restauro delle opere d'arte.
Video: mimejorvenecia.com
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ross-nekochan · 2 years
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Saint Sebastian @ Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro, Venezia
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apoptoses · 5 months
what if drinking cocktails at the hotel danieli bar and reading anne's journals about her own stay at the danieli in 1996 was the actual high point of my life and it's all downhill from here
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lemuseum · 10 months
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mypepemateosus · 1 year
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lucidlea · 2 years
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snellblogs · 10 months
Italy Journal 4
Arsenale stop on Colonna,
Garibaldi street
June 23
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There were magnificent buildings everywhere, one was the Academia, the Art Gallery of Venice and it went on and on.  When we did disembark the water taxi it was to visit the Ca d’Oro, a museum that housed a private collection gifted to the State.  It was housed not in a museum but a private home. There was a floor of every kind of marble.  There were present day marbles but some that had been used in antiquity, or similar more modern marbles, in order to re- create the effect of ancient floors.  It made patterns of circles and from that rose columns and outside the long room was the Grand Canal and a private jetty. 
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Upstairs were paintings and statues, some furniture pieces, but mostly pieces from the 15th and 16th ceneturies Italian art, the most famous being Mantegna’s St Sebastian. My favourite was an icon of the Vergin Mary and child, with that simplicity of ancient art prior to the renaissance.  Another favourite was a picture of three purveyors of the coin exchange because the central figure reminds me strongly of a family member, dressed in sixteenth century dress and beard.
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We ate lunch sitting high above the Grand Canal with the world going by in boats and with us looking down on the excitement and the continual motion of the sea everywhere.
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From there we walked further into this area passing a lovely closed church with a large statue of a monk in front of it, St Sarpo.  We were travelling on to the Ghetto. 
Everywhere around the central square the buildings are tall and ancient.  The buildings are pink like sugar, brown, some peeling and yet the signs of age are beautiful in this city.  The sun continued to shine and the guide was funny and entertaining.
There we saw one of the internal gardens in the city, where gardens are intensely private affairs, one just sees a few trees from a distance, drooping over a tall wall, sometimes with pink blooms, and occasionally as one approaches Garibaldi Street restaurants there’s the smell of jasmine or seringa,.
Travelling home by boat in the rush hour, there were boats everywhere.  We were on an express water taxi which felt like the driver was throwing the boat into the wharfs with a crash and grinding the gears and dashing off again like a wild horse.  We left the dock, dashed off again, throwing the boat into the heaving turquoise sea and the rush of the water traffic. 
We walked home through the Biennale gardens, with tall Cypress trees and a grey statue of Garibaldi.  At night in the gathering evening we came across the white Campanale that one can see from sea as one approaches Venice.  Beside it is San Pietro and San Anna which is falling down.  In the nearby area there are streets that are hushed and houses that are empty,  though there is some rejuvenation going on.  History and the present collide.
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Tonight, there is a thunder storm and it is raining heavily.  Lovely to be here.
Lynne Pearl (Author of Thiel) (goodreads.com)
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beautifulvenezia · 7 days
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Day 151: The ground floor of Ca' d'Oro | Daily Venice for you!
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centuriespast · 1 year
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CARPACCIO, Vittore The Annunciation 1504 Oil and tempera on canvas, 130 x 140 cm Galleria Franchetti, Ca' d'Oro, Venice
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kestarren · 11 months
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Real 'Liminal pool', Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro, Venice (tagged 'waterroom'), by Antonio Monfreda.
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Galleria Giorgio - Palace - Ca' d'Oro, Venice, ITALY
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mishimamiravenecia · 1 month
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(Español / English / Italiano)
La entrada principal del Palacio Ducal recibe el nombre de Porta della Carta ('Puerta del Papel') porque en ella se exponían los decretos oficiales; es de estilo gótico flamígero y presenta en el tímpano un león de San Marcos( simbolo de la Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia) ante el que se arrodilla el dux Foscari
La Porta della Carta, proyecto de los arquitectos Giovanni Bon y Bartolomeo Bon (también autores de la Ca' d'Oro) fue terminado en 1442.
The main entrance to the Doge's Palace is called Porta della Carta ('Paper Door') because it is where the official decrees were displayed; it is in the flamboyant Gothic style and has a lion of St Mark (symbol of the Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia) in the tympanum, before which the Doge Foscari kneels.
The Porta della Carta, designed by the architects Giovanni Bon and Bartolomeo Bon (also the authors of the Ca' d'Oro) was completed in 1442.
L'ingresso principale di Palazzo Ducale è chiamato Porta della Carta perché vi si esponevano i decreti ufficiali; è in stile gotico fiorito e presenta nel timpano il leone di San Marco (simbolo della Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia), davanti al quale si inginocchia il Doge Foscari.
La Porta della Carta, progettata dagli architetti Giovanni Bon e Bartolomeo Bon (autori anche della Ca' d'Oro), fu completata nel 1442.
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Italo Calvino (lyrics), La tigre, Music by Mario Peragallo, ca. 1957-1960, for Giro a vuoto [Le canzoni di Laura Betti], All'insegna del Pesce d'Oro, 1960 [Centro Apice (Archivi della Parola, dell'Immagine e della Comunicazione Editoriale), Università degli studi di Milano, Milano]
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kaitropoli · 9 months
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Pałaso Dogal | Venezia, Veneto.
Built in the 7th century and reconstructed in the 13th century, this Venetian Gothic landmark features small columned loggias, tracery with quatrefoil openings, ogge arches, and reliefs from capping ornaments to ropework.
Venetian Gothic architecture borrows aesthetics from Byzantine and Islamic architectures. Another design similar to Doge's Palace is the Ca' d'Oro, also found in Venice, Italy.
Photo Credits:
"L'Arcangelo Gabriele annunziante, sull'angolo di Palazzo ducale a Venezia adiacente alla Porta della Carta" by Giovanni Dall'Orto, taken 30th July 2008.
"Venezia , Veneto" by Kaz Ish, taken 12th July 2012.
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mypepemateosus · 11 months
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