witcheyedcrow · 1 year
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The little boy was so cute.
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Now, she never had any reason to be told about babies and children alike, all she had extrapolated from books, pieces of conversations and she could guess now was that they were delicate. So Ada was very, very gentle when she reached out to his hand, slowly to avoid spooking him, and poked the back of his little hand with her finger. He gave her a curious look too, and her lips pulled into a small smile. And then she thought of how weird that must have looked to his father. Though maybe he had already guessed her captivity had not been a matter of days. "I... have never seen a child before," she explained tentatively, "I don't want to hurt him."
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honorhearted · 1 year
Anna or Abe
Send my muse two ( or more ) names for them to honestly admit which one they like the most and why. / @keeperofthelight
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Ben glanced downward, shifting a moment before looking up again. Choosing between two friends was always difficult, and yet there could be no mistaking his feelings on this matter.
"I've been friends with Abraham for far longer," he murmured. "Ever since we were in swaddling clothes, our families have been connected...and when my mother passed, it was Abe who stayed up with me that night, just sitting there in silence since he knew what I needed. He was my dearest friend growing up. And in truth, I resented Anna whenever she came along, because suddenly, Abraham's attentions were on her instead of Caleb and myself. I thought we'd lost him forever..." With a slight smile, Ben concluded, "Our trio grew to allow her into our fold, and after a while -- a long while -- I started to realize I cared for Anna, as well. And now I can't imagine life without either one of them."
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When Elizabeth comes to visit Abe Woodhull and realizes that his father is the spitting image of Joshamee Gibbs. Richard probably HATES how intently she ends up staring.
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@cabbxges-and-kings​   “I need you to promise me you’ll be on your best behavior” “I promise...s other people that I’d be on my worst behavior and I gave my word, so”
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He calls people d.addy and not in a good way :((((( // cabbxges-and-kings
send me a misconception you think people have about my character and I'll explain if it's true or not: ACCEPTING
II @the-1890s-runaway // @cabbxges-and-kings
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"Excuse me? Woodhull, I am a preacher. A clergyman! A man of the cloth. I would ne'er utter such things. Why would ye' even say somethin' like tha'. Honestly, you've rendered me utterly speechless..... Daddy......."
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withinycu · 1 year
@cabbxges-and-kings must ask cur non?
In most ways America was a dream. A return to an idealized version of the Chavaniac-Lafayette of his childhood. His father had died here on this soil, and now on the same soil he had found a father-figure in his idol, the General George Washington along with all the things he had dreamed of as a boy. Glory, respect and even praise. 
But at night he often fund himself turning back into just a boy, filled with doubt and anxiety. He had not stopped thinking about the letter he had received from Adrienne informing him of little Henriette’s death. When he had left for America, Adrienne had still been pregnant with Anastasie, a child who had never met, might never meet if he had the same luck as his father. 
It was a morbid train of thought that didn’t suit him but was perhaps inevitable watching this simple farmer with his own son. “I have two daughters,” He said in response to the other man’s question. “I have not met my youngest, Anastasie. I hope she has my wife’s eyes. Henriette is too much like me.”
He could not yet bring himself to refer to Henriette in the past tense. In his memory she was still very much alive, her chubby arms reaching up to him excitedly to embrace her ‘papa’. 
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caterva · 2 years
@cabbxges-and-kings​ || unplotted starter “Hey- how hard would it be to get my hands on...” He shrugged and handed Abe a note that listed: gunpowder, aluminum powder, iron filings, copper, salt, barium.        “The 4th is coming soon- we might as well celebrate it right.”
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       “Ground beef, cheese, and buns would be great too, but something tells me I’m not gonna find a deli around here.”
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annastrxng · 1 year
🗡️ ( Abe rip // cabbxges-and-kings )
🗡️ to see if my muse would kill yours for one million dollars.  
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          What heat originated from the well-stoked hearth vaporizes. Suddenly, chilled skin prickles, leaving swaths of goosebumps sprawling down her arms. The color boasted upon Anna’s shocked countenance bleeds out till she is ghastly pale. Her next inhale is shuddered, as jagged as the broken windows of the tavern after the Queen’s Ranger’s fit of rage.
Bewildered and widened, maple orbs transfix upon the man making the insipid proposal of betrayal. The price ruminates in every corner of her mind. One million dollars could do much to transform the shambles of her life. 
With that money, Anna could remand Selah from the Jersey and snag Strong Manor back from the vulture-like clutches of the enemy. She could free herself from Dejong. Perhaps, she could even send more financial support to the front lines, to Tallmadge, to Washington, himself. She’s not immune to the rumors swirling around in the papers about how dire circumstances have become. How a soldier could be considered lucky if he had a uniformed jacket or even a pittance of stale bread to gnaw on. 
Every new consideration causes the tense thrum of her heartbeat to stagnate. Her own pulse, a slow thunderous sound, batters Anna’s eardrums. The brunette was aware of the fine print the accord tenders. She, herself, must terminate Abraham’s life. A life that was hopelessly entangled in her own.
Not a single moment of her childhood could be reflected upon without his presence being found right there beside her. And whilst he had put forth no or little consideration before his betrayal of her, she couldn’t entirely bring herself to be just as feckless. Not with her Abraham; the one who got away.  
The Cause itself was dependant upon him, many lives hinged on his survival. So Anna steadfastly shakes her head no. The physical reaction manifesting before the words could form upon the tip of her tongue. “No!” A breath is sucked in, her shoulders and back straightening with the refrain. “I--- I can’t.”
There’s more in the undercurrent of the singular word “can’t.” Can’t live without him. Can’t stand to watch the life flicker out of his eyes. Can’t harm a single hair on his head. Can't lose him. It didn’t matter what the phrase was ended with, Anna knew that she could never be the agent of his destruction. Not for a million dollars, nor ten million, not even to garner her own liberties or comforts. 
The brunette’s teeth clench downwards tightly. Her eyes grow steely with resolve as she remarks, “Take your money, sir, and get out of ---my--- tavern!” The order is gifted with inflamed sparks of ire. “Be grateful I do not report you to the Magistrate himself. I’m sure he’d enjoy hearing about the bounty you’ve placed upon his son’s head.”
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multipleoccupancy · 2 years
The last 48 hours had felt like utter chaos, a battle and then a night-time raid by opportunistic rebels? They must have targeted dear Abraham and Mary for him being sheltered at White Hall. He felt partly responsible for the loss of Abraham’s farm and counted his lucky stars that Baker had been there to defend them, albeit at the cost of the brave man’s life. 
It almost felt like insult for what he had to do next, his supplies were embarrassingly and dangerously low, resupply was coming but it would take weeks, he had to make do with what he had or indeed anything he could scavenge. He had made his way to the farm looking over the burned remnants of the house after dismounting his horse, an air of sadness and weariness to him, the Major was sure to greet Abraham before attempting any search through the ashes for viable weapons.
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“Abraham,” he greeted respectfully with a short and polite bow of his head as he resisted looking over the terrible scene again, he hoped the young farmer was in a forgiving mood. “The descriptions of the devastation never do quite match up to seeing it for oneself,” he gave a soft sigh while his jaw shifted, such a mess, “I am sorry for the loss of your farm, truly. I wish we were able to bring those rebels to justice.” An admittance that he thought it unlikely they would be caught, after all they seemed to have left no trace for them to follow. 
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@cabbxges-and-kings @honorhearted
Benja.min: where were you??? why weren’t you responding?
Where A.be was, apparently: 
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archaeval · 2 years
ONCE THE OFFICERS’ HORSES WERE OUT OF SIGHT, Ruby let out a long, controlled breath. This was bad. This was very bad. She had no wish to get involved with the politics of the time, but there was nothing for it. First the farmer, and now the officers, and she could do nothing but clench her jaw and clasp her hands as she returned to the office.
“They came to warn me about a rebel spy,” she said, voice carefully and perfectly even. “They said he’s been spotted in the area, and that he’s dangerous.” A pause as she fought through the tension in her throat. “Are you dangerous?”
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witcheyedcrow · 11 months
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❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜ ( Abe being rarely nice // @cabbxges-and-kings )
"I usually do," Ada admitted with a quick, hesitant smile - it was still hard to do that, to smile at other people. She kept feeling as if she'd be attacked for it. But Abraham as far as she was concerned was one of her saviors for letting her stay there until fully recovered, and that helped her soften up. She usually didn't get it, however, so she wasn't sure of how to make conversation. Not without little Thomas there as a buffering, at least. "How... are... your cabbages?"
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honorhearted · 1 year
Never have you ever? (For Abe, Astrid, or Lydia!! Whoever you feel more drawn towards! )
Send my muse “Never have I ever” + an act, and if my muse has done it, they’ll take a drink. / ALT: Send my muse “Never have you ever” and my muse will list an act they think your muse has done. / @cabbxges-and-kings
Ben grinned, already pushing his stein across the table in preparation for his win. "Truly?" he mocked. "Abe, the fact you would even challenge me -- the man who arguably knows you best -- to a game of this sort proves how damnably stubborn, not to mention, oblivious you can be. Unless you just misunderstood the rules?"
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Still, friendships were oftentimes built off heckling, so smug in his amusement, he loudly declared above the din in the tavern, "Never have I ever flashed my bare arse -- out a window -- at Farmer Dodson and his flustered wife." Chewing his cheek to bite back a grin, Ben ultimately failed as he said, "I'd never seen a woman swoon before that moment. She must've been unaccustomed to such pale, flat surfaces."
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curseconsumed · 2 years
Make no mistake, we’re not friends. ( Abe @ Bradford lmao // cabbxges-and-kings )
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Bradford smiled, amusement flickering across his dark eyes as he sipped from a small glass of sherry. “You know, instead of snarling over there like a yappy little stray, you could come over here and join me. I am a guest of your father’s, Mr. Woodhull, so it would behoove you to treat me with the proper respect.”
Boots slapping heavily against the wooden flooring, his smile widened as he made a slow, almost serpentine approach. “You surely realize that any enemy of mine is also an enemy of the king’s? You might wish to carefully evaluate your next words -- unless, of course, you don’t mind finding your neck elected for a demonstration of treason.”
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uh... let me get this straight. i must have misunderstood you. ( Abe @ anyone for the strangest crossover ever, feel free to ignore this!! // cabbxges-and-kings )
Elsa licked her lips, looking away nervously. “No… um… no you really didn’t.” She admitted softly. “What you just saw me do… I really did freeze a path over the river so I could cross it quickly,  and melted it before the ruffians could follow.” The white blonde could only stare awkwardly at the ground for so long before she knew she had to look up at the flabbergasted man again. She supposed it made sense. The Arendelle family lived in York City, and her businessman father had always been a vocal supporter of King George. With the death of himself and his wife in a shipwreck, and no sons, Elsa inherited the business. Most people assumed she inherited her father’s politics as well. What almost no one knew was that she had a particular condition that left her wary of throwing in behind either side. Unfortunately, it seemed that this innocent gentleman traveling to Brooklyn had stumbled upon her secret as well. “I’m sorry if I almost melted it under your feet. I didn’t think you would be following… but I could hardly leave you behind with those fiends.”
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Richard and Abe sitting in a tree, B-I-C-K-E-R-I-N-G. Must be exhausting being so unliked all the time, Mayhew!
Anonymously ask my muse a question about any of their relationships you've seen them in on this blog: ACCEPTING
II @cabbxges-and-kings
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"Tell me 'bout it! Seriously, all I've ever done was be nice and police and grace Woodhull with my Scottish-gentlemanly-charm. And yet!? Here he is. Dislikin' me for absolutely NO reason. Doesn't he know I've ne'er done anythin' wrong in my life? EVER!?"
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