#cabin fever labs
karamane4589 · 6 months
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designation-zi · 6 months
Murder Drones Timeline of Events
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Disclaimer: Most of this is speculation based off of background details and conjecture. Subject to change. If you notice anything I missed feel free to comment and I’ll make adjustments :)
Proceeding Events:
Sometime in the Future, around the 31st Century
- Humanity becomes advanced enough to venture into space and establish colonies and civilizations on exoplanets in other solar systems. Some of these include the “Proxima System”, “Plat-Binary System”, and the “Copper System.”
- JCJenson, an interstellar megacorporation creates a brand of autonomous robots known as “Worker Drones” to serve humanity and mine resources on the exoplanets. One of these planets is Copper-9 from the Copper System.
- Worker Drones are heavily abused and mistreated by humans, often being improperly disposed of and thrown into landfills.
- JCJenson is aware of the fact their drones have a chance of self rebooting if disposed of incorrectly, dubbing these “Zombie Drones.” This can happen if the drone and their core wasn’t properly disconnected and destroyed, or the software cleanup program “wdOS_606” wasn’t installed or was interrupted or rejected (even up to five years later.) The company is also aware that among these instances, there’s also a chance of the drone developing “Hazardous Mutations.”
- Camp 98.7 is established in the year 3002 on Copper-9.
Humanity’s Downfall:
Year still unknown, but still in the 31st Century
-Underneath a landfill of discarded drones on Earth, presumably in Australia, a drone with a P/N starting with “CYN” self reboots. A so called program named the “Absolute Solver” seemingly contacts her through her broken visor and appears to make a deal with her, promising not to “discard her.” This is how the Solver gets its first host. It’s not known if the Solver took complete control there or if Cyn’s possession was a process.
- The landfill is close by to the mansion of a wealthy human family known as the Elliotts. Their daughter “Tessa James Elliott” enjoys retrieving discarded drones from the landfill so she can repair them. These drones become part of the manor’s wait staff, but Tessa treats them like people and as her friends, even giving them wigs so they can have identifying traits — much to the annoyance of her parents.
- Among the drones Tessa has brought home three are known as N, V, and J due to their serial designation numbers visible on their yellow armbands. It can be noted that it seems Tessa scratched out the “Marked For Disassembly” on the bands with sharpie after she repaired them.
- One day Tessa finds Cyn in the dump and brings her home. She introduces her to N, V, and J shortly after.
- N treats Cyn kindly, and she refers to him as her big brother.
- An unknown amount of time passes and eventually Tessa seems to become unnerved around Cyn due to the drone’s odd behaviour and mannerisms. J often locks Cyn in the library basement because of this.
- Many of Tessa’s drones seem to mysteriously contract some sort of error which leaves them in a catatonic state with their visors flashing a large yellow X alongside the words “error 606” (note that 606 matches the software cleanup program’s name of wdOS_606.) Because of this they are placed into the library. One of these drones is V, who N regularly visits so he can try and talk to her and read to her.
- The Elliotts’s decide to throw a gala at their manor alongside another family called the Frumptlebuckets (lol.) An interesting observation is that these wealthy humans (or at least those in the Elliott’s social circle) apparently like to dress up and act similar to those from around the Victorian era.
- Cyn escapes from the basement and convinces N to attend the gala, so they head to the ballroom to ask Tessa. This ends up leading to an altercation with Tessa’s mother Louisa where she orders Tessa to dump Cyn and all of her other “broken” drones in the library back into the landfill.
- Cyn talks back to Louisa, but N takes the fall for her and ends up being chained outside next to a dead drone that had been picked apart by a flock of crows. Meanwhile, Tessa has been chained up in her bedroom alongside J and Cyn as punishment. This, alongside an earlier scene where she seemingly rubs her wrist in pain implies this happens fairly often to her and highlights that her parents are abusive.
- Tessa berates Cyn for N taking the blame for her, angered that N may end up dead. However, Cyn seems indifferent and calmly claims she has “backups” of N.
- Cyn transforms into her horrific eldritch Solver form and claims Tessa won’t have to “discard her pets” and that she won’t discard her either. She leaves out the window after warning Tessa to stay away from the gala due to her seeming squeamish, revealing her intent to massacre the humans.
- Wanting to save everyone from being killed, Tessa gets J to break their chains and the two of them sneak out and arm themselves with a revolver and sword respectively. Despite this, after they arrive everyone is massacred anyways thanks to Cyn/the Solver corrupting the other Worker Drones, including J, who shuts the door so Tessa can’t escape.
- It’s assumed N escapes being killed by the crows and walks in on Cyn slaughtering the humans at the gala due to a brief flashback of him seeing Cyn eating a human hand (when he touches the Zombie Drones VHS tape.)
- Tessa is killed, and in a twisted way of sticking to her word of not discarding her, Cyn skins her corpse to graft it onto her drone body. (Due to an image of humans in hazmat suits finding Tessa surrounded by the remains of the people from the gala, it’s not fully known if Cyn also killed her at the gala and then posed as her, or if she was killed shortly afterwards.)
- Cyn converts the drones from the manor, including N, V, and J into deadly “Disassembly Drones.” They are given a “nerfed” version of the Solver that Cyn has admin access over to better remain control over them. Their memories are erased before setting them loose to slaughter the rest of the humans on Earth. Sometime after, the Solver causes the planet to implode into a black hole.
- The other colonies on the human exoplanets catch wind of what’s happened back on Earth, so JCJenson establishes “Cabin Fever Labs” to research the Solver and how to stop it.
- One of these labs is established on Copper-9 at Camp 98.7 and its surrounding mineshafts (and a cathedral that was there for some reason.) Multiple drones are purposely given the Solver, notably Nori (002) and Yeva (048.)
- The other exoplanets of the Proxima and Plat-Binary systems are corrupted and wiped out due to the Solver spreading and the Disassembly Drones presumably being sicced there.
- Nori ends up becoming possessed by the Solver. Eventually the JCJenson scientists on Copper-9 are able to create a Crucifix USB patch that can get rid of the Solver’s hold on its hosts. This patch is seemingly only successfully used on Yeva. Unfortunately, before it can be used on Nori, the Solver uses her to kill all the scientists except for an intern named Mitchell who had mistakenly put on the wrong uniform of a doctor and had been sent to fetch Yeva.
- Before the Solver can kill Mitchell after he returns, Yeva saves him and throws the USB into Nori’s face which frees her from its control, but also leaves her mind scrambled. However, the Solver is still able to create a small black hole with Nori’s hand that Yeva is forced to cut off. It’s sent falling into a pit to the planet’s core that the Solver had opened up prior.
- Copper-9’s planetary core partly implodes which wipes all organic life off the planet and turns it into a frozen wasteland. (Don’t worry. The dogs had been evacuated beforehand.) It seems a group of humans tried to survive by cryogenically freezing themselves in a bunker called “Outpost 3” in one of Copper-9’s cities. This didn’t work due to the computer having an error. This leaves the Worker Drones to inherit the planet and embrace their freedom.
Year still unknown
- Nori and Yeva escape Cabin Fever Labs, while other test subjects such as Alice (017) are left behind to try and survive the lab’s Anti Drone sentinels. Nori meets a drone named Khan Doorman and ends up marrying him while Yeva also finds herself a husband.
- Uzi Doorman and Doll are created by their parents uploading parts of their code into Untrained Neural Networks and they both inherit their mothers’ connections to the Solver.
- The Doorman family experiences moments of happy family memories until Nori begins to have “kooky insane” ramblings and visions about the Solver and Disassembly Drones which she refers to as “Sky Demons” as a result of her brain being scrambled from the USB patch.
- Nori tries to warn the other drones and tells Khan to build doors to shelter themselves from the upcoming dangers.
Return of the Solver:
Sometime before the year 3071
- Cyn/The Solver sends squads of Disassembly Drones to Copper-9. Their memories are wiped and they are made to believe they were created and sent by the humans of JCJenson to eliminate the rogue Worker Drone population. Their directive also involves piling their kills into a “Corpse Spire” and locating Cabin Fever Labs. Cyn also wants to kill all other Solver hosts for an unknown reason.
- The squad consisting of N, V, and J lands close to the bunker of Outpost 3 and begin killing any Worker Drones they come across.
- V is seemingly the only Disassembly Drone that has retained some memory of Cyn and the Solver. She keeps this to herself and follows her directive so Cyn will leave her alone. Additionally, she also pretends to forget about N, believing this will protect him.
- A colony of Worker Drones takes shelter in Outpost 3 where Khan starts to build protective doors like his wife had requested. Around this time Nori is stung with a Disassembly Drone’s nanite acid. Khan uses a wrench to put her out of her misery. However, unbeknownst to anyone else, Nori manages to survive in her Solver core/heart form and goes back to Cabin Fever Labs so she can look for the Crucifix USB Patch.
- V kills Doll’s parents. Doll witnesses this while hiding and the trauma seemingly causes her Solver abilities to begin manifesting.
- The “Worker Drone Defence Force” is established in Outpost 3 with Khan as the leader. Unfortunately, they don’t really try to defend anything and just play cards behind the doors.
- The other Disassembly Drone squads that make it to Cabin Fever Labs are killed by either the Sentinels or Alice and (presumably) her son Beau. Alice scavenges parts from Disassembly Drones and Worker Drones to add to herself and Beau since he is stuck in an Untrained Neural Network body. She also learns to put the Solver cores in heat as it “makes them sluggish.”
Year 3071
- The events of episodes 1 - 7 occur
• Recent Revelation: At the end of episode 3 Cyn arrives on Copper-9 impersonating an older Tessa. She is accompanied by a backed up copy of J who was previously killed by Uzi in episode 1. It’s currently unknown if J is aware that Tessa is actually dead.
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kalpeavaris · 4 days
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Kira, Absolute Solver host & communication worker drone! She's Evies mother and wife to Serial Designation T, her 80s music obsessed labrador of a husband.
Read more about her below the cut!
Find her playlist here!
Kira, also known as "Zwei" (nickname by the humans in the cabin fever labs) was number 24 in the experiments regarding the Absolute Solver during the 3040s-3050s. She was infected with the Solver in order to test it's abilities and she was used for an early live patch of the crucifix USB that was eventually tested on her.
The patch corrupted and got rid of the mind control, but not of her abilities nor the flashbacks & "whispers" she experiences, most likely leftovers from the Solvers influence. This failed experiment caused the scientists to treat her differently from the others, locking her up more often and more securily, even disallowing her from seeing the other workers that were tested in the labs.
Kiras trust in the humans dwindled by the day and she finally managed to escape at the beginning of the 3050s. She was afraid of being caught, but some unknown entity led the search troups and Sentinels to an entirely different place, allowing Kira to escape quietly and being taken in by a colony that found her at critical levels outside their Outpost.
Kira is a community drone - a subtype of the common workers that are fitted with antenna that can be used to intercept messages, radio signals and coms between Outposts and even from the landing pots of the Disassembly Drones, causing Kira to be aware when they're coming. This has a limited range, but her Solver allows for a greater range in exchange for overheating/loss of strenght for a while.
She lost one of her antennas in a struggle with the scientists, causing her to be partially deaf on that side since the antenna also double as "ears" for her. Kira is semi-mute, only talking if necessary and is very withdrawn. Whispers in the colony call her "white witch" due to her strange eye symbol and powers that noone can explain. She keeps distance to most workers though.
One day in 3052, she intercepted the coms of an approaching landing pod that brought three Disassembly Drones to their Outposts area - Serial Designation T (navigator), Serial Designation K and Serial Designation X (pilot). Curious, Kira left the Outpost and approached them. T was en route to kill her off, when Cyns admin commands overwrote his drive to kill the worker and he became friendly. Confused by this, X & K tried attacking Kira, but T held them back, claiming he got new orders (for some reason... he doesn't question things). In reality, Cyn wanted to retain this Host, even if she didn't have quite fully control over Kira anymore.
To make a long story short, Kira and T started to become friends and later on, romantically involved. She snuck him into her quarters and lived with him there in secret, only leaving at night so he could eat and bring her some oil too. In 3054 their daughter Evie was born as a hybrid of a worker & disassembly drone.
Kira & T disappeared in 3070/71 during the slow uprising of the Solver, trying to figure out what's going on since Kira intercepted weird messages sent to hosts.
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mileymint · 7 months
Snowcore this. Cottagecore that. How about the planet's core. It's going to explode
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s-wave-entertainment · 2 months
Looked back into episode 7 today. If you haven't watched it for whatever reason, ehhhh maybe hold off on this for now, but I noticed something and I don't know what to make of it. So I bring it to you, oh Tumblr audience!
Okay so while "Tessa" was down in the... holding chamber hallway? Idk the place with all the lockers with the different drones' numbers on them that she blew up, I was feeling appreciative for the clarity of this episode and how vivid it was in comparison to the earlier episodes. But before I could get too sentimental over it, I got a look at he computer area at the end of the hall. I knew there was a picture there before, but I hadn't paid it much mind until today, when I mistook it for a picture of the Elliots. It isn't, but I think it's something much more interesting:
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The whole screenshot, and the picture as clear as I could make it. What we're looking at here is very clearly two drones with the word "HELP" scrawled across the center in blood. Blood on its own already raises a few questions about this for me, but I'm more curious about the two drones pictured. As far as we the audience know, there was only one successful duo in the CFL project - Nori and Yeva. But I acknowledge that
A) There's a lot of info about Project Cabin Fever (PCF) we don't know, and
B) This picture is incredibly unclear and it could be neither of those drones.
Those things aside... why the PICTURE in the first place? This is framed at the end of the hallway where all of the subjects were held. Why? As an example? Symbol of pride? Warning?
I don't mean to start any crazy theory here, I just noticed this today and my curiosity was piqued. I'm of the opinion that MD will likely have a second season, and I hope I'm right - not just for more content of our favorite robot blorbos, but also because I am insanely curious about the origins of PCF. That's all, good day and safe travels!
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wheepingmoss · 5 months
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yeet him somewhere into Cabin Fever Labs ok bye
Tinsel has been sent to Cabin Fever Labs!
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mephiles97 · 4 months
I did a thing... Not the most exciting chapter in the world but it's stepping stones to bigger and better things eventually happening later on. Poor Alice and the rest of these people
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Put Chell in Cabin Fever Labs (from Murder Drones)
Mmmm more labs with a camera-thing-headed, robotic-voiced antagonist
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I still need to get around to watching Murder Drones.
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catocappuccino · 10 months
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brahmenbones · 2 months
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designation-zi · 1 year
So in the new teaser we can see what are clearly parts of Disassembly Drones, including the nanite injectors scattered around what is obviously the Cabin Fever Labs facility.
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That brings up a lot of questions though since the Disassembly Drones were supposedly sent from Earth to Copper-9 to eradicate the Workers after the core collapsed, but these drone parts being here indicate that JCJenson were conducting experiments and such involving creating Disassembly Drones on Copper-9 even before the core collapsed.
Then there’s the fact that last episode seemed to imply Cyn was the one creating the Disassemblers due to the parts seen in the basement in N’s mindscape/dream.
My best guess for what’s going on is that after the mansion massacre JCJenson caught wind of what happened, confiscated the Absolute Solver infected Worker Drones there including N, V, and J, and then decided to conduct experiments on them, as well as various other drones (such as Nori and Yeva) in their off world colonies to replicate what Cyn did, just much less organically in appearance.
Only things likely did not go well due to the dangerous nature of the Absolute Solver (the program likely being responsible for Copper-9’s core collapse) which lead to them abandoning the project and attempting to cover things up by sending some of their experiments (such as N, V, and J) to the planet to wipe out both the evidence as well as any trace of the AS program that could be lurking by killing the Workers there (while also making sure the Disassemblers who have their own AS would die off too thanks to their overheating).
I’m probably wrong though. This show has a way of subverting expectations and I’m excited to see how episode 6 plays out.
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cyn-bot · 1 month
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Uzi Doorman in the flesh. Or rather, in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons; most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you’ve earned it.
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The borderworld, Earth, is in our control for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed.
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That’s why I’m here, Ms. Doorman. I have recommended your services to my employers, and they have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitless potential.
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You’ve proved yourself a decisive woman, so I don’t expect you’ll have any trouble deciding what to do. If you’re interested, just step into the portal and I will take that as a yes. Otherwise… Well… I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. Rather an anticlimax, after what you’ve just survived.
Wisely done, Ms. Doorman. I will see you up ahead.
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rhodeybugg · 9 months
My MD AU shipkids: A slightly more detailed list.
N x V :
Crumbles/Crumbs [formerly Castiel] -
N and V's eldest son. Disassemblers, like Workers, start their lives in the egg-pod state, and eventually "hatch" after a few weeks of external incubation, where they age and grow similarly to humans. Crumbs looks like V, but has the sweet and goofy personality of his father.
Biscuit, their daughter, was born a few months after her brother hatched. Much to Uzi's disapproval, V was already carrying Biscuit's core while she was nesting with Crumbs and waiting for him to hatch. Biscuit is a perfect mesh of both of her parent's appearances, but tends to act more like her mother.
Uzi x Thad:
Basil - Uzi and Thad's oldest son. He looks exactly like Thad and it scares his dad sometimes. Major mama's boy. Despite having half of his coding and personality from Uzi, he's surprisingly calm. While hatching, Basil refused to leave his shell and wouldn't move until Uzi held him.
Soto - Secondborn. There's a two-year age gap between Basil and Soto. Soto, similarly to Basil, looks like Thad [minus the eyes], but has a bit more of his mother's temper. Soto is the only offspring of Uzi and Thad to display leftover traits of the solver [he's got teeny tiny wings.]
Beretta + Sear - The twins were Uzi and Thad's last attempt to have a daughter [who Thad promised Uzi could name after a gun.] Unfortunately for Uzi, Thad and Lizzy both have a higher chance of producing twin cores. Sear was an oops. Beretta is a carbon copy of Uzi, right down to her love of making clueboards. [Thad is scared. He should be.] Sear managed to get a mixture of both of her parent's appearances, but is more shy and quiet than Beretta. Sear is usually attached to Thad's hip, she's a daddy's girl.
Basil, Beretta and Sear all got the purification strand of the solver via Thad.
Doll x Lizzy:
Suriva + Valentina - Twins, the only two children Doll and Lizzy ever wanted. Suriva is mute [she can speak, she just doesnt want to], and communicates with a little roach keybug that she has adopted. Valentina is essentially a clone of Lizzy with Doll's looks, right down to Lizzy's fashion sense. Suriva is the opposite, looking like Lizzy, but being the quiet and reserved sister. Suriva can and will kill you.
Suriva is a solver carrier, passed down by Doll. Valentina was spared and got the purification strand of the solver via Lizzy
Darren x Rebecca x Emily:
Hollyn -
After Sam was killed during the Cabin Fever field trip, Rebecca and Darren added her to their relationship, knowing that she needed someone to love and lean on after losing her partner. The three share a genuine bond, and Darren loves his girlfriends.
With this, Hollyn is a physical mesh of all three of her parents. Since Rebecca's core was damaged by Uzi, she lost the ability to carry a droneling core, meaning Emily carried the three's child. Hollyn is a booknerd, but got Rebecca's sass, and Darren's...well, being darren. She and Valentina meet up on tuesdays to geek out over books they found from the old human library.
Zara x Tessa:
Carmine -
After taking out the cause of the Elliot Family's curse, Carmine was created thanks to the miracle of JcJenson and their science experiments. Zara and Tessa each gave a sample of their DNA, and once a stable egg was created, Zara aggreed to be the one to carry her. She's got Tessa's auburn hair and Zara's freckles, and loves everything about drones just like her parents. Tessa and Zara agreed that her middle name was to be "Louise" as a nod to her grandmother.
Reese: A leftover droneling from an abandoned company project, Reese was set to be disassembled, but was saved by Tessa. He was raised alongside Carmine, and while he knows he's a different species than his sister, they may as well both be human. Reese was given the middle name "James", similarly to his sister, as a respect to his grandfather.
Carmine picked up drone habits from Reese, such as attempting to sleep upside-down on their bunk beds, and Reese had to learn the hard way that he can't constantly eat human food like Carmine [it makes his tummy hurt :(]
J x Sive:
Ren - The eldest and only daughter of the two.
After being reunited with her long-lost girlfriend, J and Sive rekindled their relationship on copper-9, and came together to have a child.
J was the one that carried Ren, and it was the first time anyone had ever seen J be soft and loving.
Ren looks soft and sweet like Sive, but is just as militant and demanding as J. She looks up to both of her mothers, but is usually trailing behind and attached to J's hip. [She wont admit it, but she likes getting approval and snuggles from both of her moms.]
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sheri-the-bone-weaver · 11 months
Speed paint of Sheri the bone weaver
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eveledoze · 6 months
Cabin fever labs staff 🧪
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and they said that brand pens from JCjenson are reliable and high quality 🙄 guess what Yeva said. or maybe some russian guys sould help you to figure out
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art-trade with @jazzyblusnowflake <з reference to The Walking Dead (the game)
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this pic is wonderful, I really like how it turned out……..
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NORI is a CAT confirmed ✅
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I had this idea in my head for a while, I needed to draw it….
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khori jumpscare 💥💥
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