philhoffman · 10 months
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10 years of Philip Seymour Hoffman as Plutarch Heavensbee in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, released November 22, 2013
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mollywog · 16 days
you're giving such strawberry energy. I just know you'd be living in 12 having some small shop and buying strawberries off of Katniss 🥹
Marie!!!! 🥰
I love this so much that I made myself a little booth for Sunday market days:
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thegoddessprose · 8 months
two different universes? do tell! 👀
The simple answer is that I like to think that your and my stuff take place on completely different timelines (Like, Virgilia and Chiasa pretty obviously don't exist on the same plane) Really, that's just how I view stuff that contradicts canon too much and my own fanon. I have this mindset to avoid silly arguments and such so we can all coexist peacefully 😁
The universe thing is also kind of an inside joke with myself because I kinda do have a THG Literary Fanfic Universe in my head. Most of my OCs are connected in some way, be it blood relations or otherwise. Like, for example, I have a fic on AO3 where Chiasa's father gets involved with Tigris (No, she's not her mother... Her mother is a whole other story entirely and also a friend of Tigris) and as I've stated in my fic, Chiasa has a nephew named Marcus who becomes a protege of Plutarch's. I'd get into more of it, but we'd be here all day 😅
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test from distractionsfromthefood on firefox, not logged in
Thank you @distractionsfromthefood, @absnow, @caesarflickermans and anyone else who worked to help solve the mystery. It appears that some browsers, like Firefox, somehow still allow Anons when you're not logged in? But other browsers do not. Weird af, but are we really surprised at this point?
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petruchio · 2 years
okay bestie but what's the book title 👀
ahh the friendship book? it’s called “platonic: how the science of attachment can help you make and keep friends”
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districtunrest · 1 year
i gotta admit, every time i scroll by fast on my dash and i see your icon, i don't see a brush stroke but a piece of beacon in front of the girl on your pfp
i'm pescetarian in case that info makes it even funnier
😂😂😂 i love it! bacon face 🤙🏻
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tinyfrenchowl · 11 months
2, 13, 16 <3
Sorry this is late, @caesarflickermans ^^' Here goes:
3. does your country have access to sea?
Yes we do ! 2 seas and an ocean for the metropolitan area !! (plus more sea access in the outremer... because we colonised those at some point)
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
No superstition, but the intricate greeting ritual known as "la bise" XD To be fair, we're also often confused, there are regional variations on the number of kisses and which side to start on... It's been used less since covid I think, which I'm grateful for, because it can be a hassle, especially with glasses.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Stereotype I hate: that we're rude. No, but living around tourists all the time can be really annoying sometimes. We're just trying to go to work/home/whatever, please stop taking selfies in the middle of a fucking bridge with cars all around Also some of it is just different concepts of what is polite and what isn't.
Stereotype I agree with: .... bread. yeah. that shit is good. There are bakeries everywhere and they are so very important.
Thank you for the ask!!
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
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philhoffman · 2 months
Do you know which magazine blackmailed him? :(
Unfortunately I don’t. I’d known that he was illegally taped at an AA meeting and it was apparently sold to tabloids a few years earlier, but I hadn’t heard about the rehab recording blackmail. I’m actually upset any of this is in the media/all over the internet now. It wasn’t exactly a secret but most publications had the decency to respect his privacy
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mollywog · 1 year
🍲 🥮 🍙
Thank you for the ask @caesarflickermans!
🍲 When did you start writing and why?
I reread (and reread and reread) The Hunger Games about a year ago and fell into fanfiction and fandom, joined tumblr, and then eventually deluded myself into believing I could do it too… so I guess it was the natural progression?
Before that I hadn’t written anything since I was a camp councilor at a summer writing camp in college.
🥮 Do you have any writing milestones you're working toward?
Hmm. I’ll be excited to finish a multi chapter WIP. But again, I’m new here, so I don’t know…
🍙 Is there a fic you wish had gotten more attention?
Lost Girl is the origin of the Finnick and Katniss friendship from Finnick’s POV within The Odds universe. It is (correctly) not tagged as Everlark and I think because of that it gets the least attention of the series 🤷🏼‍♀️
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beedelia · 1 year
1, 13, 22, 27
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
1. favourite place in your country?
i couldn't even tell you. the franches montagnes are really cool, so maybe that region. tbh there are many places i haven't visited and wants to, so my opinion might change in the future.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
if you drop the bread in the fondue, you'll get a forfeit. that's the one i can think of right now, but i probably do things that must be weird to outsiders, i just haven't realised. it's usually turns of phrase that stand out to outsiders.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
proud: the laws to protect the animals, how people can speak their national language at the government (so either french, german, or italian), how the government works with the direct democracy (it's hella complicated, but it's great).
ashamed: SVP, there's still a very cities vs countryside way of thinking, the amount of SUVs, how expensive everything is, the banks aren't all that great, n*zi gold and other stolen stuff (if you know you know)
27. favourite national celebrity?
Roger Federer, what can i say
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Happy Birthday !!! 🥳
aaa thank you so much! I had a really good birthday this year!
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districtunrest · 1 year
6, 11, 13, 29 💜
6. favorite movie?
I'd say beauty & the beast, because it's so nostalgic and good and I am always down to rewatch it, which I can't say for other movies I enjoy.
but also big shout out to meg ryan romcom(fort) movies like when harry met sally and you've got mail.
11. favorite painting?
hmm, I don't know! I don't think I have one in particular. I ought to scour my art tag and look into this, lol
13. favorite season?
29. dream job?
a nurse navigator / charge nurse where i don't take patients but help the floor and work like an 11a-11p shift
send me a girl blogger question!
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philhoffman · 1 year
Phil and his love for Carhartt. 2023 influencer career
He walked so 2020s fashion could run! He IS the blueprint! I just left for a trip and don’t have my laptop or else I’d post every photo I have of him wearing it—this is just what I have on my phone rn 😌
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mollywog · 10 months
Cecelia - District 8
This response about Victors Responsibilities by @caesarflickermans has been plaguing my thoughts lately - specifically the idea that Victors weren’t all ‘used’ the same way.
It had me thinking about Cecelia from District 8…
District 8 is one of the first to revolt after the 74th games. With our limited view of Panem through Katniss, we don’t know if there had been rumblings of revolution there prior, but it might make sense that they had been on the brink of unrest far longer or had tried before.
Twill mentions working 4 hour shifts after attending school, demonstrating that children of District 8 worked prior to turning 18, unlike in D12. (Ignoring that Bonnie, a school teacher, is required by policy or to make ends meet, to also work the additional factory shifts.)
Katniss suggests children of Victors have a higher likelihood of being reaped and yet Cecelia has three children.
Maybe birth rates had decreased as a form of protest or as citizens lost hope that their children’s lives would get better. A drop in births would mean a decrease in the available labor force and the inability to meet Capital demands.
Cecelia could have been a strategic winner, or at minimum a convenient one - Giving the District a Victor and a year’s worth of parcel days.
Snow could have required that Cecelia get married, settle down, have children (maybe he promised they wouldn’t be reaped, which made it all the more ironic when she was reaped for the 75th games.) Making Cecelia the ‘Mother of District 8’- a tiny token of hope to temper further unrest for a while.
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little-de-vil · 11 days
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A little gift for @persephoneprice and anyone else who gives a shit about my OCs. Behold: THEIR INSTAGRAMS! This changes DAILY, but I always have some form of consistency when it comes to each one. This wouldn't be possible without @caesarflickermans' Instagram template!
For Celeste, I focus on very front-facing pictures with a warm, creamy color palette. Nothing extreme!
For Vance, his is very geared towards his native District 2, with little to no posts related to the Capitol. That was intentional because of both his image as a Victor, but also because it's where he's most comfortable. All of the pictures of his kids are in nature, which isn't what they focus on in their own accounts, but is where they are most comfortable too (at least for the two older ones). The picture in the far left middle row is the exception to the rule with young Celeste (FC'ed by Anya Taylor-Joy) in her extravagant wedding dress.
For Wren, he goes by his mothers theme of very front facing pictures, but doesn't have the same organization. Very much a current moment/hodgepodge of whatever is going through his mind. I purposefully gave him the most recent picture (top far left) as one of a mountain in 2, which he posted after he found out that he and his family wouldn't be going home for the Harvest festival that year and wanted to give the people of the Capitol a glimpse of his home. I am also partial to the middle picture of the middle row since that's a picture of Swan House (Snow's Mansion) that I took the first time I visited there!
For Cassia, she doesn't post too often, only on special occasions (like her father's birthday) or when she's told to by her team (like that top far right picture showing off a dress she wore for the Victory Tour that she hated). I also wanted to give her hints of her romantic life with the middle video of her and her partner, Angus, another Victor from District 10 (I think I made him the 69th? Idk, he's still a huge WIP).
And last but not least, Marina Livia Snow! I just finished hers up yesterday and this was the most difficult one to do by far I’m still not entirely sure if I like it! I wanted for her to have this eternal image of youthfulness and innocence as she is a literal child, the most Capitol of the trio, and she's also Snow's favorite so double whammy! And as we all know, it is only the children in the Capitol who are allowed to maintain their innocence. I wanted hers to be very bright, very social and very materialistic (I think I succeeded in the latter in an earlier draft of it, but that's neither here nor there). I wanted hers to mirror her mothers the most in terms of content and color, as a proximity to whiteness.
I wanted their story highlights to all have a similar format, from parents to children.
For Celeste because she is always "on," I decided to start with her prep first before going into her family. The pictures she chose for them are equally beautiful and presentable. I also wanted to her to have a sense of ownership over them, hence "my" XYZ for everyone.
For Vance I had him start with "quarries/mountains/rivers/rocks" based off a Peacekeeping funeral song I wrote. As for his family, I made sure that Celeste was still a bit more Capitol as that is her area of comfort, and for his two eldest children to be out in 2, along with their district nicknames.
For Wren, I wanted there to be joy and laughter seeping out of the pictures of his family, as a ways to remind himself of those times [the last one is of his partner in District 7, more on him later].
For Cassia, I wanted the pictures of her parents to be very one-dimensional and distant since that's more or less how she feels about them post-Games. Another silly picture for Wren, of course, and another hint to her partner, who the people nicknamed "The Butcher." I also wanted to have a Pre-and-Post story highlight for her to have everyone be that much more aware of the shift in public image after the Games.
And finally, for Marina's story highlights of her family, I wanted them to be very casual, with Celeste's seeming as such as it's still heavily manufactured for this sense of casualness (think "Beauty Base Zero").
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beedelia · 1 month
talking with @caesarflickermans we headcanoned that plutarch not only has too many notebooks, but he also has some pretty pocket knives and he normally always carries one. a very practical man who isn't ashamed of carrying a man purse filled with useful things. truly an icon.
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