#cage but cas isnt gonna let him leave
sampilled · 1 year
AU where Cas only gets Sam out of hell long after dean is already dead.
Cas is so lonely, he sees no point in continuing to try so he goes on a suicide mission to get sam from the cage, he doesn't expect to succeed but he does.
he rebuilds his body around his mutilated soul.
no dean. no bobby. no no one.
they are each others everything, cas puts everything into trying to heal sam, theres only so much he can do but he spends every minute taking care of him. his new purpose is to care for sam, this is all he has!! hes not gonna give him up or let anyone take him!!
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The Daughter of a Righteous Man- Chapter 26
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After her husband is drug to Hell, Ava Winchester and her brother in law Sam try their best to do right by Dean and raise her daughter, only to find that good intentions aren’t always enough. Loving someone isnt always enough.
Chapter Twenty-Six, The Winchester Way
Dean and Ava had been calling, trying to get me to disengage. Lilith was coming for me. I didn't understand how they knew, but it didn't really matter. I knew I could take her. I'd been working up to it. So I sat in the dark in my motel room. I knew she would find me, so I didn't bother looking for her. It was up to me. I knew I was the only one to stop her, and if Dean and Ava were here I wouldn't be able to. We were weaker together.
The door opened and a blonde entered. "Hello, Sam,” she purred.
She was no longer a little girl, but I'd recognize those white eyes in the darkness anywhere.
"I've been waiting for you."
Lilith smiled a bit, she looked almost coy. It made my blood run cold. "Where's the knife, Sam?"
"On the nightstand. By the bed." There was no use lying. I didn’t need the knife, anyway. 
She walked toward the bed, eyeing the knife that gleamed in the moonlight through the window of the motel room. She paused and knelt down. She lifted the corner of the rug to expose my, evidentially not so cleverly placed, devils trap. She rolled her eyes, and met mine as she pressed her finger to the trap. I watched the mark seem to ignite in front of me and burn away to nothing. "You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that,” Lilith said sweetly.
"How 'bout this?" I said, standing from my seated position. I'd been practicing, draining demons, studying with Ruby. Somehow, Ava leaving me may have been the thing that saved the world. I wasn't distracted, and I didn't have anything left to lose.
I held my hand out, palm flat toward her, and I concentrated on her. On the smoke within her, willing it out, willing it to burn up inside the poor woman that happened to be her host.
Lilith's hair blew back, like from a gentle sea breeze, but she was otherwise undisturbed. A grin grew on her cheeks, as she let out a giggle. "You're strong, Sam, but you're not that strong. Not yet."
Rage bubbled in my chest. I didn't make a dent. I wasn't strong enough. "So why don't you throw me around then?"
She moved closer to me, and licked her lips before speaking. "Because I can't, and you know it. You're immune to my charms." She reached out and ran her fingers along my chest. She was taunting me. Testing me. "Seems we're at a stalemate."
"Why are you here?"
She shrugged and turned away, to look out the window at the almost empty parking lot. "To talk."
I frowned. "Yeah, well, I'm not interested."
She put her hands up in surrender. "Hmm... even if I'm offering to stand down? From the seals... the apocalypse... all of it?"
I folded my arms across my chest. "You expect me to believe that?"
"Honestly?" She fluttered her eyelashes before smirking. "No. You were always the smart one, but it's the truth. You can end it, Sam. Right here, right now. I'll stop breaking seals, Lucifer keeps rotting in his cage. All you have to do is agree to my terms."
I examined her, trying to catch a whiff of her lie. Of what game she was playing. She was a demon, though, they were all games, all deceit. "Why would you back down? Why now? It doesn't make any sense."
She pursued her lips. "Turns out, I don't survive this war. Killed off, right before the good part starts."
"What do you want?" I asked skeptically.
"For it to go back to the way it was, before I had angels to deal with 24/7. The good old days, when it was all baby blood all the time,” Lilith said dreamily, staring at the moon out the motel window.
I considered this. It was easier when we were just hunting demons. When there wasn't a war looming around every corner. "And what do you want in return?"
She turned to me, her milky white eyes almost glowing in the darkness, a sinister Cheshire Cat smile growing on her cheeks. It almost was too big for her face, like the corners of her mouth were ripping open. "Your head on a stick. Dean's, too. Call it a consolation prize. So what do you say, Sam? Self-sacrifice is the Winchester way, isn't it?"
I laughed out loud, running my fingers through my hair. "You really think I'm stupid enough to fall for this?" Who the fuck would save everyone if we went up to the chopping block? "Why should I believe you?"
"If I make a deal, I have to follow through. Those are the rules, and you know it. Are you really so arrogant that you would put your life before the lives of six billion innocent people? Maybe it's all that demon blood pumping through your pipes." She smiled sinisterly. "Man after my own heart."
"You think I'm like you? I am nothing like you," I growled my fists clenching at my side.
What if she was telling the truth? She made a valid point... I was willing to die for the cause, but Dean? He just got back. Just got to meet his daughter. From experience, I know that Ava and Nel were almost impossible to walk away from, but if we didn't do it, they would have Hell on earth.
"Then prove it. Going once." She turned and walked to the bed. I raised an eyebrow. "Going twice."
My heart pounded. Make a decision Sam! What would Dean do? "Fine."
Lilith turned to me with a smile. "Swell. By the way, a contract with me will take more than a kiss." She lowered herself onto the bed and hiked up her skirt. "A lot more. Don't worry. The dental hygienist in here? She wants it bad." She petted the bed next to her, and I swallowed hard.
I walked to her.
I had no intention of following through. I couldn't. Dean never would submit to a demon, no matter what. I leaned over her, and she touched my leg running her fingers up my thigh. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as her eyes flickered white in front of me. She grabbed my collar and pulled me down on top of her. She pulled her mouth to mine, and I allowed her to slide her tongue in my mouth. I hoped the distraction would be enough. I grabbed the knife and went for her gut, but she was too fast. She gripped me tightly and flipped us over. She sat on top of me and held the knife to my throat. "Tsk tsk tsk. We could've had something, Sam,” she hissed.
I gasped slightly as I felt the blade breaking the skin on my neck.
The door splintered open with a hard thud, causing Lilith to turn.
"I am the prophet Chuck!" A man with a scruffy beard shouted as he burst through the door. Ava and Dean were on either side of him.
Lilith raised an eyebrow, looking bored. "You've got to be joking."
She moved off of me, releasing the knife from my throat. She walked to the man.
"Oh, this is no joke," Dean said darkly.
Like an earthquake, the room began to tremble. I held onto the headboard to keep from being tossed off the bed from the commotion. A white light poured in through the window, lighting up the room.
"You see, Cas let us know that Chuck here's got an archangel on his shoulder. Being a prophet and all... well lets just say that the angels end up being a little over protective. You've got about 10 seconds before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal. You sure you want to tangle with that?"
Lilith gave me a look like, this isn't over, and opened her mouth. Smoke screamed and poured out of her mouth, and through the open door into the darkness.
We had dropped Chuck back off at home. His Arc Angel didn't need to make an appearance after all. Ava was dozing in the back seat as we drove back into town. "So a deal, huh?"
"That's what she said."
"To call the whole thing off...angels, seals, Lucifer rising, the whole nine?" I eyed him.
"That was the gist of it."
Sam turned to me. "What?"
I clicked the windshield wipers on as rain started to cover the windshield. "You didn't think once about taking it?"
Sam shook his head. "I did for a second, but she would have found some way to weasel out of it and all it would have cost us was our lives. I couldn't do that to Ave and Nel."
I sighed and gripped the steering wheel, squinting at the road. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Anyway, that's not the point."
I glanced at my little brother. "What's the point?"
"The point is, she's scared. I could see it. Lilith is running."
"Running from what?"
"Don't know. But she was telling the truth about one thing."
"What's that?"
He stared at me intently, curling his fingers into a tight fist. "She's not gonna survive the apocalypse. I'll make sure of that."
I'd never been afraid of my brother before, but there was a darkness in him then that I couldn't place. I swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah, man. We'll get her."
About sixteen years later
I leaned forward on the table, with my phone pressed to my ear. "Sorry," I sighed. "I'm just, I'm worried, ya know? Ever since we locked Michael up, Dean's been strange. He just packed up and left, and then he hugged me."
"That's sweet?" Mom said, like she didn't understand.
"Mom, we don't hug." I shook my head, standing up. "I mean, we do, but only if it's literally the end of the word. Ya know?"
"He'll be home soon. I'll look after him."
I wanted to believe her.
"I'll get to the bottom of this,” she promised.
"Maybe you're right." I rubbed my face. "Maybe he just needs some space."
"And for now we have to respect that."
"Yeah," I agreed with a tight jaw. "Thanks."
"Love you," Mom said into the phone.
"Me too," I mumbled before hanging up.
I had no intention of leaving it alone. That's not how Dean and I worked.
"Hey," El said, coming in rubbing her eyes. She'd been studying pretty intensely last time I saw her. "Where's Dad? I was thinking we could order a pizza."
"He, uh, he went to see Grandma Mary at Donna's cabin."
She frowned and crossed her arms. "Why?"
"Just missed her, I guess," I said, distracted as I picked up my duffle bag, that was always ready to go by the door.
"And where are you going, Sam?"
"Huh? Oh nowhere."
"Yeah, bullshit. You're going to the cabin. What's going on?"
"Nothing." I forced a smile and dug a twenty out of my wallet and tossed it to her. "Get some pizza. I'll see you tomorrow."
She narrowed her eyes. "No way. If you're going, I'm going."
"You have school." I shook my head. "I've already let you skip once this month. If you're going to graduate with honors you need to actually go to class."
"Come on Sam!"
"Don't come on, me. I went to Stanford. I know about getting into good schools. That's what your dad wants. He doesn't want you following him around the U.S. He's fine. Order the pizza. I'll see you tomorrow."
I didn't mean to be harsh with her. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but fuck. Something was wrong. I knew it in my gut, and he already had a head start. I added a few extra provisions to my bag and headed to the car.
I tossed my bag in the trunk and slid into the front seat starting the car. I pulled out of the garage and headed toward Donna's cabin.
We were able to get Michael locked away inside Dean's head. It was obviously not a permanent solution, but it was what we had. There was something wrong, though, more than Dean would say. I could hear him pacing at night, and staring off into space. He seemed to wince at every loud noise. He wasn't all there. He was scared.
Whatever was going on he was trying to ride it alone, and we learned a long time ago that it isn't just up to one of us to solve a problem. We were a team. It was a shame that it took our whole fucking lives to figure that out, but here we were. He was still running away.
He was running to Mom, and I just couldn't figure out why.
I was about thirty minutes from the cabin, when I turned off my podcast. I needed to think.
I frowned and slowed the car down. I hadn't heard the sound before, because the radio was up, but now I could hear a distinct, but soft breathing. I grabbed my gun that rested in the passenger seat, slammed on my breaks and turned quickly behind me, pointing the gun at the intruder in my backseat.
"El? I could've killed you!"
My niece was curled on the floor behind our seats, holding her own gun pointed at me. She grinned widely. "Some hunter you are! You didn't even check the back seat. God Sam haven't you Seen Zombie Land?"
"I'm a little distracted," I admitted, lowering my weapon. She did the same, and scrambled to sit up on the seat. "You were supposed to be at home."
"He's my Dad, Sam. There's something going on with him. He was supposed to be back to tell me more about Mom, and instead he goes on a spontaneous road trip to visit Grandma? It all seems too weird."
I sighed. "I know. Listen, I don't want to worry you..."
"You're worried, though, I can tell. I'm almost seventeen. You should trust me more."
"You're old for your age, kid. You know that?"
"Having three hunter Dad's does that to a girl." She rested her hand on my shoulder, and I felt a bit more relaxed. "What do you think we're walking into?"
"I honestly don't know. How did he seem with you earlier?"
"Sad,” she admitted.
"With me too."
"Well, let's get back on the road. Our best bet is to get to him as soon as possible so he doesn't do something stupid."
I smiled weakly at her. She shouldn't have to deal with any of this. Sometimes I wondered what her life would've been like if we hadn't lost Ava. Maybe she would've had a normal life. Maybe.
We pulled up to the cabin. It was dark. "Maybe they're asleep," El offered. "We should take a look around." 
I scanned the yard. There was a light on in the shed out back. "Follow me," I instructed. "Stick close."
She nodded, and held her own gun. Dean would be pissed if he saw her with that, but I was a little proud, if I let myself be honest.
We crept toward the shed and I peaked in the window. "What the fuck?" I whispered.
"What?" She asked, trying to see over me. I couldn't let her look. "What, Sam?"
"Fuck off,” she whispered, and took off to the door. It was cracked open, letting a ray of light into the yard. She peered into the shed before I could stop her. "Oh my god." She covered her mouth.
I went up behind her and slowly opened the doors to expose a coffin. I walked to it, examining it. There was a large, intricate marking in the lid. It was made of steel.
"Sam," El said, calling me over. She held a notebook. When I got closer I could see tears rolling down her cheeks.
I took the book from her. The pages were open to the blueprints for the coffin. A magical coffin that can keep anything contained. Even an arc angel He'd written something in the margins.
The ocean was circled three times. A pit grew in my stomach. He was going to lock himself in and throw it into the fucking ocean, and worst of all Eleanor saw it. She knew everything.
"We can't let him do it, Sam." She gripped my arm tightly, all the color draining from her face.
"We won't," I promised. There was no way in hell we would let him do it. We couldn't lose him, too.
Chapter Twenty-Seven, The Mistakes We Made
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legion1993 · 6 years
Let Me Be Your Saving Grace
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Title: Let Me Be Your Saving Grace
Square Filled: Michael!Dean
Ship: Dean x reader / Michael x reader
Rating: 18+
Tags: death, rape, vaginal penetration, possession
Summary (If applicable): shhh… it’s a surprise….
Word Count (If applicable):
Created for @spnkinkbingo.
SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist
Choices. We make them every single day, but when we make these choices, we don’t often think of the consequences.
My name is Y/N this is the story of a choice, a very important choice. one that was made to save my life this choice was made by my fiance. for him to become he who would do anything to bring on the apocalypse and to save my life.
<<< lets go now to set the facts straight>>>
Dean: “okay, so we are only 1 ring away from having the ability to lock lucifer back in the cage...”
you came up behind him, to wrap your arms around him... Dean had no idea of what was really about to happen.
Y/N: “Dont worry... right now we have time ok... we will save Sam... plus i think someone needs to relax and stop stressing. i understand your scared... baby i am too but we are hunters, now come on there is a massive mixed hunt next town over. come on there are signs of vampires, demons, werewolves & angels... come on D... Please lets go have some fun!”
Dean could only look at you with what could only be a worried expression as he spun you round to have you straddle his lap... 
Dean: “my dear Y/N always trying to keep my hope alive... okay lets go on that hunt.”
you kissed him, grinding him a bit as he held you close for that moment. it was a moment of bliss... before you guys would head out on the hunt that would forever change your lives!
Y/N: “babe, i’ve already packed bags and put them in the impala. i always knew that being with you was gonna be a brand new adventure, but its turning out to be the best adventure of my life.”
Dean: “i guess we should head out... i mean we got a few hours before nightfall & i would hate to miss chopping down any of these sons of bitches.”
Dean kissed you again and smiled, lifting you up as he stood setting you slowly back on your feet. breaking the kiss you 2 walked out to the car got in and started driving. you however had a very haunting feeling one which would not leave till fate ran its course.
Dean could tell you were concerned so about half way through the drive Dean spoke up.
Dean: “babe you okay? you look troubled.”
Y/N: “i know its just i feel like something’s wrong, i dont know how to explain it but i can almost feel it...”
Dean: “its probably just post-engagement jitters...”  
yes its true you guys were engaged. this happened not but a few months ago. 
Dean: “once we get to town we will find out why so many monsters are in one place at one time. Y/N are you ready?”
you take a deep breath in and a fire ignites in your eyes.
Y/N: “lets go kick some ass & raise a little hell...”
that also set a fire in Dean’s eyes... Dean & you arrived in the next town just before the sun finished setting.
checking into the nearest motel all seemed normal, that is till you took notice of a large group of men following you.
luckily Dean also noticed, you guys were very prepared. for you unlocked the door to your room & made it seem like you were going inside.
Dean (whispers): “on my mark...”
Y/N (whispers): “always... what are they do you think?”
Dean gestures his count down. you hear a low deep hiss that made you jump. thats when realization on what they were struck.
Y/N (whispers): “babe they are vamps...”
you drew your machete, but turned & it was too late... you guys were ambushed.
Dean: “Babe... RUN!!!!”
you guys started running but only got a bit ahead before being surrounded. surrounded by what you both realized wasnt just vamps. it was Angels, demons & werewolves.
Dean: “whats wrong? did everyone loose their leaders?”
thats when the crowd of monsters surrounding you cleared a path, only to show someone who you both were not expecting to show up...
the one person who you knew could seperate you from Dean...
Michael, the archangel possessing the vessal of a girl... but his eyes & shadow gave him away.
Michael smiled darkly, eyeing you up and down making sure to mentally undress you slowly...  physically however he began to speak.
Michael: “well well well, loook at what we have here... my trap worked perfectly... surround them, take their weapons, seperate them from eachother... if they resist kill them.”
michael stepped back... the vamps, wolves, demons & angels approached starting to disarm and seperate both you and Dean.
you watched Dean let them disarm him, but when they went to seperate you from him and disarm you. you wouldnt have it.
you began to fight back... going after everything you came across. but there was nothing that michael wouldnt do to get the point across.
Michael snapped his fingers, the monsters that surrounded you... knocked you to the ground, within seconds you were bitten, bruised, scratched & stabbed. Dean struggled against the monsters that held him back, forcing him to witness the sight of you on the ground as a pool of blood started to form.
Michael: “when are you going to realize that nothing as it seems... Dean you and her are never gonna live happily ever after.”
Michael turned his attention to your now still form, he watched your aura fade.. when he faded he knew you were dead.. he smiled darkly for he now had a motive to get Dean to say yes.
Michael: “Your fiance is dead, now make your choice Dean!”
Dean: “go fuck yourself bastard. you and your bitch crew killed the love of my life. why the hell would i ever agree to become your vessal?”
Michael: “if you agree to let me take your body as my vessal. i’ll bring the love of your life back from the dead. you have 24 hours to give me your answer...”
michael and his goon squad disappeared leaving Dean in the middle of the road with you dead in his arms. after several minutes Dean let out a pained scream followed by tears and this sentence.
Cas appears and is instantly shocked at the sight of Dean holding your dead body.
Cas: “Dean what happened? is she?”
Dean then looked at Cas now letting the tears fall freely. Cas came up and hugged Dean the best he could. Dean just leaned in sobbing. it no sooner became close to dawn that brought concern to Cas.
Cas: “Dean we have to move her, this will attract alot of attention... where did you guys drive here from.”
Dean: “a hotel in Lebanon.”
Dean knew cas was right, dean shrugged the keys from his pocket for he knew that he was in no condition to drive. Cas helped dean place you in his lap in the back of the impala. but instead of just driving all of you back to Lebanon, he snapped his fingers to bring you guys back to the hotel. 
Dean & cas together got your body inside, laying your still form on the nearest bed. Dean threw off his jacket and in an emotional rut he sat on the edge of the other bed.
Cas: “its not your fault Dean. your love for her wasn’t wrong. Dean it was her choice, you & Y/N are written in the stars. you guys are pre-destined. i hope you can find the heart to tell me what happened. I’m always here for you.”
Dean: “look okay michael and his goon squad killed her. michael gave me 24 hours to become his vessal. if i agree to become his vessal he said he would bring her back.”
Cas: “your not gonna do it are you?”
Dean: “what else do i do cas? i don’t have any other choice. i won’t live without her.”
Dean screamed at that moment he didn’t realize that his yelling wasn’t helping anything. he also realized that as much as he wanted you back he had to be careful about his choice.
Cas: "dean Y/N isnt dead..."
this made dean's head snap up... he glared at cas with tear struck eyes and quivering hands.
Dean: "what do you mean she isnt dead... cas look at her... what do you know that i dont?"
cas: "that Y/N isnt a regular hunter. her mother around the time of her conception slept with 2 very different beings."
dean: "wait her mother had a threesome..."
cas rolled his eyes and began pacing...
cas: "her mother slept with both an archangel and a vampire... the vampire bit her turning her as the archangel finished unloading into her. it concieved Y/N. her powers abilities etc. were hidden, placed under lock and key... the only thing that can wake her is archangel grace."
dean couldnt believe what he just heard, he couldnt believe that he was hearing this come out of his friends mouth.
dean: "wait so if she isnt dead what is the state she is in called?"
cas: "acoma, we have alot of similar medical terms for our things. to michael it looked like she died. when i got there i noticed that she was just in acoma..."
dean: "i have to do it..."
Cas looked at Dean like he wasnt thinking clearly.
Cas: “if your talking about doing what i think you are don’t nothing good will come from it.”
Dean: “Y/N has always had the power of good and evil inside her, it makes her special, makes her who she is. i have to take michael’s essense into myself and kiss her. would that do the trick?”
Cas’ jaw just dropped down to the floor. but he watched as Dean now stood facing the mirror.
Cas: “are you insane? if you say yes to michael he won’t let you go... you know that right?”
Dean: “of course i do, its just if i don’t do this she will never wake up... and i can’t live on if she is like this forever!”
Cas: “ok do what you want, but dont expect me to watch.”
cas disappeared as dean stood now in the room alone. there was more pain in his heart, than there was on his body.
Dean: “michael you son of a bitch get down here now. i’m prepared to offer you a deal.”
Dean sat by your bedside and waited... he waited for several hours.. all this waiting was making him edgy.
Dean: “look ass-douche, hear this. i dean winchester ask thee michael to use my body so i may save my love, you think you killed her but she is in an acoma-like state.”
at that last word Michael appeared. Dean wasn’t going to let Michael physically go near you.
Michael: “but she’s dead. i can’t believe my own eyes decieved me...”
Dean: “yeah well believe it but lets get one thing straight. you must stay in the back of my mind and let me do this. let me use your angelic power to save the love of my life. then i’ll help you stop lucifer. do we have an accords?”
Michael: “on 1 condition, lets be the greatest duo of all times cause once i am sharing your body... I’m Never Letting You Go...”
dean didn’t have time to blink before Michael left his vessal and made his way into Dean’s body.
Michael's essence pushed Dean aside but michael kept him close enough that he culd see what was about to happen. dean kept yelling and yelling at michael but it didnt work.
dean: "whats the meaning of this? give me back control of my body bitch?"
michael: "afraid you only get to watch this time buddy as i fuck the daylights out of your fiance."
Michael approached your still form snapping his fingers he removed both yours and Deans clothes. then he spread your legs lining “His” cock up with your entrance. 
Michael rubbed the tip against your pussy which was soaked. Dean had no idea what michael was planning. 
Dean: “michael what the hell is that grin doing on my face? your about to rape MY fiance. not yours... MINE.”
Michael: “she became mine as well when i took over your body...”
Michael at that second penetrated your vagina, he could hear Dean screaming in the back of his mind. but ignored him instead michael sped up, gaining speed with each thrust. 
it wasnt until about 5 minutes later that Dean realized what Michael’s plan was. 
Dean: “michael i swear to god if you cum inside her, i will fucking expell you from my body.”
Michael once more ignored dean’s incessant nagging and reached final stretch to climax. finally Dean felt it, he was about to cum. he had to leave a message some how for you... he had to regain control for one small minute long enough to write a letter or leave a message or something.
Dean knew his brain like the back of his hand, so he went to the pleasure part of his brain, and made michael pull out a bit just as he came. Michael pulled out of you entirely once he had released all of the cum. 
Michael: “i can feel you poking around in there i hope your not the reason why i didnt cum inside of your girl...”
Dean: “no but im the reason for this...”
Dean had found one of his mental blockers, he stuck it around michael’s grace shaving off a bit of it he took that to his mouth section. now having control back of his body he put a cover over you and put his pants back on... 
then he called for Cas, who appeared within seconds.
Cas: “what...”
Dean: “i dont have alot of time let me tell you this... when Y/N wakes after i kiss her you need to help her recover the last horsemen ring and stop the apocalypse. and tell her i love her and intend to marry her properly when im free of Michael’s hold. please my friend guard her with your life.”
Dean leaned down feeling michael breaking free, Dean kissed you releasing that little sliver of angel grace into you. then he disappeared using michael’s powers to get far enough away from you that michael wouldnt ever be able to find you.
it was a few seconds later that you woke up.
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