#cairo to Alexandria
egyptonlinetours1 · 1 year
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
 scout the Pharaonic treasures, which contains royal mummies, In the second day of our Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle you'll travel to Alexandria and visit Catacomb of kom el-shoqafa, Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria Library and more.
Enjoy visiting Alexandria; the second largest city in Egypt, described as the bride of the Mediterranean because of its location at the Mediterranean Sea. You will be able to visit the famous attractions of the city with Alexandria Tours from Cairo such as Cata Comb, Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria Library, and Al Montazah Palace
Explore Qaitbay Citadel with was a strong fortress, built by Sultan Al Ashraf Qaitbay in the 1480 A.D, located on the ruins of the amazing Lighthouse of Alexandria which was one of the famous Seven Wonders in the ancient world. Continue your fancy tour to Alexandria Library which was one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, constructed during 3rd century B.C by Ptolemy I.
Visit the amazing Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa with Maestro Online Travel, it includes a series of statues, antiques and tombs which belong to many cultures such as the Egyptian, Romanian and Greek. Your last visit will be Al Montazah Palace which was constructed during the first half of the twentieth century by Khedeve Helmy who adored Alexandria city and decided to build this palace for him and his guests from the whole world.
Day Tour Alexandria from Cairo tours by private vehicle to Visit Alexandria library. the Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa, The Roman Theater, El-Montazah palace with Lunch included during Alexnadria Tour from Cairo.
Our Alexandria Tour from Cairo will start with pick up service from your hotel in Cairo by your private guide to be transferred to visit Alexandria by air-conditioned vehicle to enjoy your Alexandria Tour visiting the Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa, The Roman Theater, El Montazah palace and Alexandria library, have lunch meal during Alexandria tour at local restaurant in Alexandria then free time for shopping and optional tours, at the end of your Alexandria Tour, you will be transferred back to your hotel in Cairo. ( End of Alexandria Tour from cairo )
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo includes : - Pick up and drop off services from your hotel in Cairo - All transfers by air-conditioned vehicles in Cairo and Alexandria Tour - Admision fees to the sightseeing in Alexandria as per Alexandria tour itinerary - Lunch meal at a high quality restaurant in Alexandria during tour Alexandria from Cairo - Egyptologist English speaking tour guide in Alexandria tour from Cairo.
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo excludes : Optional tours and personal expenses during Alexandria Tour from Cairo
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doha-doha · 1 year
إلى السيد فرانسيس، كل الأشياء تجرح مشاعري
الأعز فرانسيس كوبولا،
حاولت الأسبوع الماضي أن أفعل مثلما كتبت، استيقظت مبكرا كما ذكرت، قبل استيقاظ أبي وأمي كي أتجنب جرح مشاعري وأكتب، لكن ما إن تحركت قليلا في البيت حتى أستيقظ الاثنان، كأنني طفلة ذات شهرين تستيقظ أمها معها فور استيقاظها، وبمجرد استيقاظهم كانت عملية جرح مشاعري في الصباح أمرا مفروغا منه، شيئا متوقعا وسيحدث بمجرد مرور الوقت.
في القاهرة وبعيدا عن البيت، حاولت مرة أخرى الاستيقاظ مبكرا قبل أي شخص للكتابة، لكن تولت القاهرة نفسها مسؤولية جرح مشاعري بمجرد استيقاظي، لم تحتاج القاهرة وجود أبي وأمي لتفعل ذلك، وفشلت مرة أخرى.
حاولت ثالث مرة، بعدما اكتشفت أنه بعد تمرين السباحة أكون أكثر نشاطا، استيقظ وابدأ التمرين وانتهي منه مبكرا قبل الجميع، قررت أنني سأشرع في الكتابة فورا بعد الانتهاء من التمرين.
مر التمرين على ما يرام مع الكابتن وهو لطيف جدا ويتفهم خوفي ويدفعني ببطء، لكن في نهاية التمرين قرر الكابتن أنه عليَ أن أحاول شيئا جديدا وأن تساعدني في ذلك زميلة أخرى تسبح بجانبي.
لم أحب صوتها وطريقة إسداءها النصح لي ومساعدتها، حاولتُ الحفاظ على نفسي ودفعها بعيدا ببطء لكنها كانت تريد مساعدتي بشدة وظنت أني محرجة من تعبها معي، وتمت عملية إيذاء مشاعري بنجاح في نهاية التمرين.
كانت متحمسة جدا، بينما نقوم بتغيير ملابسنا أخبرتني أنه بإمكاننا أن نرتب معا مرات قدومنا لتكون في نفس الوقت كي تتمكن من مساعدتي كل مرة، شكرتها وفي مخيلتي أن أبحث على يوتيوب How to swim for beginners فور هروبي.
صدقني لم أستسلم، وحاولت مرة أخرى.
بعد تمرين السباحة التالي في يوم آخر لم تكن الزميلة السابقة موجودة فيه، ذهبت فور تغيير ملابسي لمقهى هادئ بجوار المنزل ومعي اللابتوب للكتابة، مرت ربع ساعة ثم أتى بالصدفة صديق تذكرت أنه أيضا يحب الجلوس في ذلك المقهى. بالطبع جلسنا معا، أخبرته أنه علي الكتابة لشيء ما، ظللنا نتحدث حتى فقدت كل طاقتي، تحدثنا عما مر به كل منا منذ آخر لقاء معا، بالطبع كان لزاما علينا التحدث عن كل المشاكل التي نمر بها في عيشتنا هذه الأيام وعن خططنا، بداية من انقطاع الكهرباء بالمنزل حتى ارتفاع أسعار رسوم دخول امتحانات المعادلات الأجنبية لكي نتمكن من السفر، ومرورا بميعاد تعويم الجنيه القادم المحتمل، بعد رحيله كنت قد أصبحت منهكة تماما عن كتابة أي شيء، فكرت في العودة للبيت لكني تذكرت أنه ميعاد قطع الكهرباء في بيتنا الآن فظللت في المقهى وأغلقت اللابتوب وقد دُمَِر يوم آخر بنجاح.
في اليوم التالي عقدت العزم واستيقظت مبكرا مرة أخرى وتوجهت مباشرة لمقهى آخر، تناولت كميات كافية من السكر والكافيين جعلتني متحمسة وسريعة، زاد اقتراب الديدلاين من سرعتي في الكتابة، كنت أسير بخطوات صغيرة لكن مستمرة. خلاص، أعرف أنني سأنتهي من كتابة صفحات ليست بالقليلة اليوم.
بعد ربع ساعة من الكتابة المتواصلة، فكرت أن السيناريو يحتمل كذلك أن يحتوي على خط سياسي كبير وهام، كويس، يمكنني كتابة ذلك في فقرة خطاب النوايا في ملف الفيلم. ريحت قليلا، ثم تذكرت مقطع فيديو شاهدته قريبا لعاطف الطيب -الذي لا أحبه للدرجة أساسا- يتحدث في لقاء له مع سلمى الشماع في كواليس تصوير فيلمه الحب فوق هضبة الهرم، تهاجم سلمى فيلمه الأول "الغيرة القاتلة"، فيحاول الدفاع عن الفيلم ويخبرها "أنا كنت قاصد أعمل فيلم بسيط مفهوش فلسفة زيادة عن اللزوم، أو أني أكشف نفسي من أول فيلم" -باعتباره كشف نفسه لاحقا في "سواق الأتوبيس"-، تسأله سلمى: "أن تعمل فيلم كويس ده يعتبر كشف ليك؟"، فيرد: "مش مسألة كشف.. أي حد جديد ممكن يعمل فيلم ينبئ أن ممكن يبقى له اتجاهات معينة.. تؤول تأويل مهوااش.. -يتلجلج- زي اللي بيحصل مع مخرجين كتير قبل كده.. زي الله يرحمه ممدوح شكري مثلا"، سرحت قليلا وفكرت في فيلم ممدوح شكري "زائر الفجر"، وأشياء أخرى عديدة مشابهة تداخلت معا واختنقت فجأة وبدأت أبكي.
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anakinsafterlife · 2 months
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Scenes from the Egyptian Museum in downtown Cairo. This is not the new museum, but the original, which is practically an antique itself.
The facade (top row) is gorgeous, and there's a lovely garden out front to relax on once you're done with the obscenely overpriced gift shop (for context they were selling little wallets with Pharaohs on them for 200 pounds, that we got for 20 pounds from sellers at Giza).
There's a roman emperor done in the style of a Pharoah here on the top row (late period, obviously).
Some lovely inscriptions in the middle rows.
The last two snapshots are from the Tutankhamun exhibit, which is still here (I could only get two before the guard shuffled me onwards, as you're not meant to take pictures in that particular exhibit).
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etb-tours-egypt · 6 months
Best Activities to do in Egypt
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Egypt, the land of pyramids, pharaohs, and ancient history, is a must-visit destination for any traveler with ETB Tours Egypt. With its rich culture, vibrant cities, and stunning landscapes, Egypt offers a plethora of activities for tourists to indulge in. From exploring ancient ruins to diving in the Red Sea, here are some of the best activities to do during Egypt tour packages.
1. Visit the Pyramids of Giza: No trip to Egypt is complete without a visit to the iconic Pyramids of Giza. These ancient wonders are a testament to the advanced engineering skills of the ancient Egyptians. Visitors in their Egypt short tour packages can explore the inside of the pyramids, walk around the complex, and even take a camel ride for a unique experience.
2. Cruise the Nile River: The Nile River is the lifeblood of Egypt, and Cheap Nile cruises are the perfect way to experience the country's culture and history. As you sail along the river with Lake Nasser cruises, you'll pass by ancient temples, traditional villages, and breathtaking landscapes. The Nile cruises from Aswan to Luxor also offer a glimpse into the daily lives of locals living along the river.
3. Explore Luxor and the Valley of the Kings with 5 days Egypt tour packages: Luxor is often referred to as the world's greatest open-air museum and for a good reason. This ancient city is home to some of Egypt's most impressive temples and monuments, including the Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings which you can explore from Egypt shore excursions. The valley is where the tombs of many pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, are located.
4. Dive in the Red Sea: Egypt is a paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts, thanks to the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea that you can enjoy in your Egypt Christmas tours. The Red Sea is home to an abundance of marine life, including colorful coral reefs, tropical fish, and even sharks. Popular diving spots include Taba trips and excursions, Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab, and Hurghada, you can also relax on the Mediterranean Sea in Alexandria day tours.
5. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride For a unique and unforgettable experience, take a hot air balloon ride over the Nile River and Luxor during Luxor day tours. As you float above the ancient temples and monuments, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding landscapes in your 14 days Egypt tours.
6. Sound and Light Shows Many of Egypt's ancient sites, such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Karnak Temple, offer evening sound and light shows with 9 days Egypt tour packages. These shows use lights and sounds to bring the ancient history and stories of these sites to life, making for a magical experience.
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mohamedhamdyspace · 11 months
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Traveling by night
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itsmenefertiti · 10 months
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from my archive, just because i miss my beloved egypt 🇪🇬🕊️
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egyptatous · 1 year
Best Family Vacations to Egypt
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sohilaesam · 2 years
@cairo-top-tours @lelesam96 @lailaessam2910 @travelegyptinstylewithme @hagerkamal
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touregypt1 · 2 years
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why you must visit Egypt? There are countless reasons why Egypt should be on every traveler's bucket list. The country is home to some of the world's most impressive ancient wonders, such as the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Luxor Temple, which offer a glimpse into the fascinating history and culture of the ancient Egyptians. Additionally, Egypt boasts beautiful beaches, diverse landscapes, and a rich culinary scene, making it an ideal destination for those seeking adventure, relaxation, and gastronomic experiences. Egypt's bustling cities, such as Cairo and Alexandria, also offer a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere, with bustling markets, lively nightlife, and a thriving arts and culture scene. With so much to see and do, it's no wonder that Egypt remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. #Egypt #VisitEgypt #EgyptTourism #TravelEgypt #ExploreEgypt #EgyptianCulture #AncientEgypt #Pyramids #Sphinx #NileRiver #Luxor #Aswan #Cairo #Alexandria #RedSea #Sinai #DesertSafari #EgyptianFood #EgyptianHistory #Pharaohs #Mummies #Hieroglyphics #Temples #Tombs #Museum #IslamicCairo #Felucca #KarnakTemple #AbuSimbel #ValleyOfTheKings https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_BT2js9ow/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 years
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
Utilize Alexandria Tours from Cairo to book unforgettable day trips to discover the Roman and Greek monuments in Alexandria while having fun at the city's top tourist destinations. Visit the city's main feature, Qaitbay Citadel, feast your eyes, amuse yourself by touring Kom El Shokafa's magnificently painted tombs, and see the biggest library in ancient times.
Alexandria Tour via Private Vehicle from Cairo, Few towns in the world have as rich a history as Alexandria, which was the capital of Greco-Roman Egypt when it was founded in 331 BC and has seen a great number of historical events and stories. Explore the Roman and Greek sites in the city while taking in the city's alluring nature and stunning scenery on an amazing trip from Cairo with Alexandria Day Tour from Cairo.
Our Alexandria Tour from Cairo will start with pick up service from your hotel in Cairo by your private guide to be transferred to visit Alexandria by air-conditioned vehicle to enjoy your Alexandria Tour visiting the Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa, The Roman Theater, El Montazah palace and Alexandria library, have lunch meal during Alexandria tour at local restaurant in Alexandria then free time for shopping and optional tours, at the end of your Alexandria Tour, you will be transferred back to your hotel in Cairo. ( End of Alexandria Tour from cairo )
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo includes : - Pick up and drop off services from your hotel in Cairo - All transfers by air-conditioned vehicles in Cairo and Alexandria Tour - Admision fees to the sightseeing in Alexandria as per Alexandria tour itinerary - Lunch meal at a high quality restaurant in Alexandria during tour Alexandria from Cairo - Egyptologist English speaking tour guide in Alexandria tour from Cairo.
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo excludes : Optional tours and personal expenses during Alexandria Tour from Cairo
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drytechengi · 27 days
Exporter of Spray Dryer in Africa
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Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Spray Dryer in Africa. Our Registered Office and Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Drytech Engineering System specializes in a range of drying equipment including Flash Dryers, Spray Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, Fluid Bed Dryers, Evaporator Dryers, Rotary Valves, Rotary Atomizers, Hot Air Generators, Centrifugal Blowers, and Dust Collector Systems. Our spray dryers use advanced atomization technology to produce a fine, uniform mist of liquid feed. Engineered for energy efficiency, our spray dryers cut operational costs by optimizing heat recovery and reducing energy consumption. Our systems provide flexible operating conditions with adjustable temperature, pressure, and feed rate. Featuring advanced control systems, our spray dryers ensure precise monitoring and regulation of the drying process. Built from high-quality materials, our spray dryers are designed to endure tough operating conditions and offer long-lasting durability. Corrosion-resistant and high-strength components ensure dependable performance over time. Applications of Spray Dryers: Food and Beverage Industry Pharmaceutical Industry Chemical Industry Ceramic Industry Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Spray Dryer in Africa including locations Kano, Kinshasa, Lagos, Nairobi, Abidjan, Cape Town, Casablanca, Addis Ababa, Alexandria, Cairo, Dar es Salaam, Johannesburg, Luanda, Durban, Accra, Algiers, Abuja, Cities of Africa, Khartoum, and Pretoria. Feel free to contact us for more information and inquiries. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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bookymcbookface · 29 days
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The Levant Trilogy, by Olivia Manning
The Danger Tree
The Battle Lost and Won
The Sum of Things
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760words · 2 months
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"Dive deep into Egypt's rich tapestry of history and natural beauty! 🏛️✨ Explore the iconic Pyramids of Giza, sail the serene Nile River, and marvel at Luxor's majestic temples. Whether you're into archaeology, adventure, or simply soaking in culture, Egypt has it all. Read our blog for an immersive experience! [760Words]
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74azzam · 3 months
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Unforgettable Night ❤️
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dratefahmed1 · 4 months
Journey Through Time Discovering Egypt Wonders #Egypt,#AncientEgypt,#Pharaohs,#Pyramids,#Sphinx,#Ni
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