whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Most Popular Gods & Goddesses of Ancient China
There were over 200 gods and goddesses worshipped throughout ancient China, but if one were to count every deity or spirit, the number would be over 1,000. Each town, village, city, field, farm, and sometimes even separate plot in a graveyard, had its own Tudi Gong, an elemental earth spirit, who was recognized and honored.
There were also spirits known as Kuei-Shen, nature spirits, who might inhabit a tree or live by a stream or preside over a garden. These were eternal spirits who had never been mortal but others, known as guei (or kuei, gui, kui), had once been human beings who had died and passed on to the afterlife. The guei could return to haunt the living for various reasons, and rituals, spells, and religious practices developed to appease them.
There were also deities who had once been mortal and now lived with the gods, such as the Baxian (Pa Hsien), the Eight Immortals of holy Taoists who were rewarded by the goddess Queen Mother of the West with immortality. The Baxian were prayed to like any of the other gods, as were one's ancestors who had passed over the bridge between the land of the living and the realm of the dead to live among the gods and watch over the living.
The gods were believed to have created the world and human beings, and they kept the world and surrounding universe functioning. Each deity had his or her own special area of power and influence, and the most important were given their own shrines and temples, although shrines were also erected to local spirits and to noble men and women who became deified after death.
These deities lived in palaces and castles high above human beings in places like the Kunlun Mountains, Mount Tai, the Jade Mountain, and Mount Penglai which was the mystical island of the afterlife somewhere far out at sea. Even though they were far away, they were still connected to human life on a daily basis, watching over and keeping account of the good and bad deeds people did. Each of the deities had their own part to play in the lives of people and the operation of the world from the most intimate moments to events of national importance such as a dynasty's collapse.
All of the gods, goddesses, and spirits were important to the people of ancient China, and remain so today, and selecting a certain small group leaves out many, many others who remain just as significant. However, one can single out those deities who had national prominence, are among the oldest, or are without question the most popular as shown through ancient writings and evidence from archaeological excavations.
The gods and goddesses listed below are given in the order they appear in Chinese writings. Most likely, deities like Nuwa, Fuxi, and P'an Ku were recognized much earlier than written records indicate, and the same is probably true of most of the gods and goddesses on the list. These deities are selected because they were all very important to the people of ancient China even though some were more prominent at certain times in history than at others.
The dragon is the oldest symbol of a deity found in China. The dragon symbol appears on pottery found at the Neolithic site of Banpo Village dating from between c. 4500-3750 BCE. Dragon was considered a composite of yin and yang energies and was originally seen as a balancing force who was wise and just. The dragon Yinglong was known as The Dragon King and god of rain and waters. As god of the sea, he was known as Hong Shen and was prayed to regularly by sailors and fishermen, but farmers who needed rain for their crops worshipped Dragon as well. He is also shown in human form as a wise man with the full sun behind his head watching over a boat full of people.
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hiemaldesirae · 10 months
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zwy01 · 6 months
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Noble OCs - Siriana
Making five OCs for every clan!
Tianming Siriana: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Lagus’ generation.
Tianming is smart, cunning, and manipulative. He takes great pride in being a noble and enjoys flaunting the power he possesses. His favorite pastime is playing with humans and pulling on their puppet strings. The world is his little ant farm and he views humans as brainless ants who only know how to move around in circles. A long time ago, a very bored Tianming wanted to spice things up. If human history was a canvas, he wanted to be the painter. Tianming used his noble superpowers to make himself look like he descended from the heavens and blessed the humans with his presence. Then, he announced himself as one of the gods, and told the humans about the “Mandate of Heaven”; something about there only being one legitimate ruler at a time, and if a king rules unfairly he could lose heaven’s approval, etc. The humans were in total awe and soaked up his teachings like a sponge. Little did they know it was nonsense he made up on spot because he just wanted to stir up drama. Tianming often disguised himself as a human and dwelled amongst them, taking part in rebellions to overthrow rulers he helped to establish in the past. He’d partake in the creation of a new dynasty, play with them for a little while, and accelerate the downfall of said dynasty once he gets bored. And this would be the norm for subsequent dynasties. Tianming’s having a blast with his little role-play game in the human world. He doesn’t fine-tune events for any particular outcome and simply enjoys being the steering wheel in the shadows. Even if it’s an anthill, he wants his piece of the ants’ treasure. The other nobles are aware of his unusual hobby and most are neutral. Some look at him with disdain, chaos-lovers cheer him on. Tianming doesn’t kill humans, so nobles who think he should be dealt with can’t do much about him. He has no urge to kill, but he doesn’t mind seeing people do it to each other. Their screams and cries make nice background music. Even better than an orchestra, how neat. Tianming is the father of Raizel’s brother, whom he had with the Previous Noblesse. He shows little to no emotion at her death nor does he acknowledge their son’s death. His exact relationship with the Previous Noblesse remains a mystery.
Guanyin Siriana: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Guanyin was the mother and predecessor of Zarga. She wasn’t exactly the best mother nor did she spend much effort in at least trying to be one. To her, Zarga was merely another noble amongst the crowd and she viewed him as an average acquaintance. His “special” connection to her existed solely because she gave birth to him and was his mother in simple terms. Precisely, she created him from a soul fragment. That was all. Guanyin didn’t exactly shun Zarga, but she never once referred to him as her son. To her, he was more like a younger colleague who had a permanent residence in her home. She didn’t show affection for him, and simply sat still and stared whenever he had his typical child moments. She heard him, but didn’t listen to what he had to say. She saw him, but didn’t integrate him into her field of view. Zarga had no one to praise him for his milestones nor did he have anyone to hold and comfort him when he felt sad. On the flip side, he was never punished for anything he did as long as he made progress with his education and training. He wasn’t the type to break rules for fun, but he was functionally free to do so to his heart’s desire. His mother would be the last person on this planet to discipline him. Guanyin’s concern for Zarga was minimal. He was her heir, she was his Clan Leader; their relationship stopped there. She treated him with respect and even bowed to him like she would in a greeting with another noble of similar status. She completely ignored the child part of his identity and grouped him with her adult colleagues. She never held him in her arms. Zarga’s other parent and soul fragment donor had no role in his life either. Zarga’s birth was planned a long time ago, when his other parent owed Guanyin a favor in his youth thus offered to have a soul fragment available for her when she needed one for her heir. The absence of reliable parental figures in Zarga’s life meant he felt lonely at times. From his mother’s perspective, her lack of any sort of emotion towards her son wasn’t her being personal at all. Rather, she felt almost nothing for her own kind in general. She had her duty towards her clan and fellow citizens of Lukedonia, and she did a good job. No one could ask her to be involved beyond that in any of their business.
Ironically, Guanyin was known as the “Goddess of Mercy and Compassion” in the human world. She felt neutral towards her own kind but loved humans unconditionally. She offered comfort to them. She was their spiritual and physical savior. She represented compassion, mercy, and love. The free time she could’ve spent with Zarga was always given to the humans without any hesitation. Guanyin was truly dedicated to her cause. She was revered as a goddess for a good reason. Perhaps Guanyin’s blatant favoritism sowed a seed of bitterness in Zarga’s heart. To add insult to injury, Guanyin addressed the humans as her “children”, which was a luxury Zarga never got to experience. Zarga was reluctant to admit that he missed his mother and tried to convince himself that he didn’t need her. He hated how he wanted her to notice him and felt pathetic. Guanyin was many people’s savior, yet never once reached out to the one who needed her most.
Caishen Siriana: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Caishen is charming and optimistic. His special talent is being lucky. The world somehow always has coincidences set up so he avoids everything that could possibly harm him. It’s as if he has an invisible shield following him around at all times. This may sound like a blessing, but it’s a minor huge inconvenience on his part. A perfectly fine table would collapse just because he’s about to stub his toe from being careless and not looking at where he’s walking. Dang, what a pity, that table was a real work of art. Or he’s about to accidentally trip himself and rather than falling onto the floor, there’s always someone nearby and he’ll fall on them instead and he’s fine because they took the blow for him. For this reason, the nobles all avoid him because they think he’s going to bring them bad luck. Everyone thinks he’s unlucky. Nobles look at his friends and wonder why they even hang out with him. Caishen is naturally clumsy but learns to be more careful to not let his luckiness cost others their wellbeing. He also tries his best because he doesn’t want his belongings to keep destroying themselves. Caishen carries red envelopes with handwritten letters, candies and toys stuffed inside on him at all times and gives them to people he likes. Then he exclaims “gong xi fa cai!” and laughs. Nobles eventually come to appreciate his gifts and affectionately calls them “Caishen’s unlucky red envelopes”. His quirky gift-giving ritual spreads to the human world and inspires “lucky red envelopes” filled with money in some human cultures. Even his gibberish catchphrase becomes a classic verbal blessing humans exchange with friends and family. Caishen has a Chinese dragon buddy named Jikuai and the two of them go on adventures in the human world once every twelve years. They visit villages and give out gifts of money, food, and other goods to residents. The humans mark their calendars and every twelfth year is the Year of the Dragon. Caishen and Jikuai are very flattered. To humans, they are the bringers of good fortune and prosperity. How flattering! Caishen’s hobby is making sycees.
Ganesha Siriana: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ganesha is a bit shy. He usually wears an elephant headdress covering his own head entirely and only takes it off around people he knows. He speaks in two different voices depending on whether he has his headdress on or off. His friends ask him why he does his voice changes and to be frank he doesn’t know either. Ganesha is very intelligent. He was born with a gift, and he also spends a lot of time studying in the library tower Minerva. He’s very well acquainted with the Paradiso scholars there, and they often engage in deep conversations on all kinds of subjects. The scholars miss him when he’s busy and can’t come, and look forward to each of his visits. He tends to not announce when he comes and goes, so they hope he does remember to drop by. Ganesha’s creative thinking skills are excellent and nobles go to him for advice sometimes. He’s smart, cool, dignified, and elegant. That is, until he sees sweets. He goes extra crazy for pastries and won’t calm down until he’s had his fill. Thank goodness they’re nobles and overeating isn’t really detrimental to them. Ganesha is the person who stuffs his friend Geirmundr Landegre’s mouth with a cake to show him a new world. Geirmundr becomes a baker and in his career, he creates a very tasty dessert he names modaka, which is Ganesha’s all-time favorite. Ganesha has a supernatural giant rat friend named Kroncha and they’re inseparable. Sometimes Ganesha rides Kroncha on walks. Ganesha has two partners, Buddhi and Siddhi.
Erdene Siriana: Non-pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Erdene was the younger sister of Harald Siriana, the mother of Valentina Mergas, and the caretaker and tutor of Zarga Siriana. Erdene was sweet, empathetic, and patient. Zarga’s mother Guanyin being uninvolved in raising him meant that he spent his early years rotating between countless caretakers and nannies. They were Siriana clan members arranged to take care of Zarga in Guanyin’s stead because she couldn’t spare time for her own son. Some of them agreed it would’ve been better for their future Clan Leader to have his mother in his life, but they were in no place to suggest that to Guanyin. They could only listen to her orders as they had no say in such matters. The caretakers’ faces all blur in Zarga’s memory. Since there were so many of them and each only stuck around for short time, they often left just as he was about to grow attached to them, and that was very stressful for a young Zarga. Guanyin’s arrangements for her heir would continue to overwhelm him, until Erdene stepped up. While the other caretakers left as soon as their part of the job had been completed, Erdene couldn’t bring herself to leave behind the child who clutched onto her sleeves. His grip was weak, signaling that she was free to pull away as he didn’t expect her to stay with him even though he wanted her to. Erdene stayed with Zarga and requested to meet with Guanyin, and proposed that she would like to be the young heir’s primary caretaker. Guanyin, with her usual disregard for her son, agreed to the proposal. She didn’t care about who took care of him as long as he had someone. Erdene and Zarga grew very close to each other and he called her “Miss Erdene” and later “Mother”, which started when he had a slip-up because he viewed her as one and got confused for a second. He was flustered and promptly apologized for his mistake, but a teary-eyed Erdene insisted that he could call her that. He teared up too, and they shared a happy embrace. When Zarga became a little older and more independent, Erdene took up the role of tutor and instructed him on Clan Leader duties because Guanyin was nowhere to be seen yet again. If we’re being nice, she had full trust in Erdene’s competence with her heir. If we’re being honest, she was too busy saving humans to even remember that her son existed. Fortunately, Guanyin’s continued absence in Zarga’s life didn’t bother him as much anymore because he had his beloved Erdene. He sort of had a sister as well, though she wasn’t too keen on calling him her brother despite thinking of him as one. Erdene’s daughter Valentina, the Mergas heir, sometimes studied with Zarga and the children were close. They were similar in age and personality, and though the two clans had different educational systems, there were some overlapping areas so they occasionally shared study sessions.
Unfortunately, tragedy would follow and both Valentina and Zarga’s happiness came to an abrupt end during their teenage years. Erdene truly wanted to help Zarga, after all. She was his mother figure in practice, but she also hoped that his real mother would pay more attention to him. As much as Zarga appreciated the sentiment, he was more or less annoyed with Erdene’s unwavering persistence with her futile efforts regarding Guanyin. To him, it was a bit like her saying she was planning on leaving him, which would be a wrong assumption on his part. On Erdene’s part, she thought maybe Zarga still longed for his “real” mother and hoped to help him reconnect with her. This mutual misunderstanding drove an invisible wedge between them. One day, Zarga grew tired of Erdene’s refusal to let go of the impossible and in a split second, he snapped at her and told her that she shouldn’t try to meddle with his life because she wasn’t his real mother anyway, and at least his mother never bothered him. Zarga regretted it immediately, but his pride kept him from apologizing. Erdene was hurt, but blamed it on herself and quietly left after apologizing to Zarga, which just made him feel even worse. Unbeknownst to them, that would become their last interaction. Erdene left Lukedonia in hopes of finding a suitable gift for Zarga to cheer him up, but was unfortunately ambushed and killed by werewolves on her way back. Zarga was devastated, and so was Valentina. Their friendship ended when Valentina called him her mother’s killer. Zarga, feeling numb and guilty, accepted Valentina’s accusation. Erdene’s funeral was short and simple. Zarga didn’t attend because Valentina told him she’d kill him if he dared to show up. When Erdene was alive, her hobby was making mooncakes.
Thank you for reading! Drosia is next!
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silvr-skreen · 4 months
HELLO THERE i am askin very nicely if u could tell me abt an oc of your choice, it can be any of em :] - a friendo
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Talia's a PR manager at a media production company, and enjoys a lot of physical activity based hobbies like hockey, dance, ice skating etc. Contrasted to her husband Caishen who's an economic professor at a college and prefers more relaxed activities where his glasses are less likely to break - reading, art, video games etc. (Note: He does, however, love football (american football and british football/soccer)
Because of her media connections Talia will occasionally help out generating PR for museums and such, as well as art galleries, which is how she ended up finding a living ornament! She'd honestly stumbled on them on accident since they washed up on the shore unconscious, it was a very awkward unpleasant first meeting tbh. Somebody's spine was broken like. bad.
Talia tends to enjoy sweets more than savory and Caishen is in the middle of preference. They probably live somewhere near Mr. Capulet and Mrs. Montague tbh, Somewhere where they could be aware of, and hear of, the news of gnomes being stolen, but they don't have any.
It's funny bc later on they end up with other ornaments
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sunandsatellite · 1 year
Assumption: Natori enjoys chess.
make your assumptions | accepting
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"Ha-- well, enjoy may be too strong of a term, I'm afraid. I have occasionally played the game-- most often during my time under Ama's tutelage-- but it was perhaps an event made agreeable by the company, not the game itself."
Natori hesitates there, gaze faraway as he seems to consider the merits of the paperweight gathering dust on his bedroom desk. When he does speak again, however, it's with a clipped, formal tone that is all too familiar, straightening his posture, lifting his nose into the air with the indignation of a spurned but proud suitor.
"...Now, it's only something into which that fool Caishen continues to relentlessly goad me, and I'll not let him have the last laugh on that matter."
The fellow bureaucratic cat must have acquired the knowledge regarding Natori's (lack of) skills somewhere, he assumes, else he'd have no such interest in no doubt flaunting his own.
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h1kikokun · 1 year
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caishen, my favorite genshin oc
he’s a hydro claymore user, half-adeptus, and the sole resident of mingyun village
tried to replicate the genshin artstyle but didn’t really work too well TwT
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giveme505 · 1 year
สล็อตแตกง่าย สูตรสล็อตcaishen wins เว็บ สล็อต ที่ ดี ที่สุด
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avantajbet-blog · 1 year
Caishen's Cash
Merhaba, sevgili okuyucular! Bugün sizlere Pragmatic Play tarafından geliştirilen ve prizmabet sitesinde oynayabileceğiniz harika bir slot oyunu olan Caishen’s Cash’ten bahsedeceğim. Bu oyun, Çin mitolojisinde zenginlik ve iyi şans getirdiğine inanılan Caishen adlı tanrıyı konu alıyor. Oyunun grafikleri, sesleri ve animasyonları çok kaliteli ve göz alıcı. Oyunun özellikleri de oldukça heyecan…
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egorodriguez · 9 months
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...hand-in-hand along the wooded trail behind Mateo’s farmhouse. Their boots leave fresh prints in the pristine snow. Caishen squeezes Mateo’s mittened fingers and smiles shyly. January’s chill vanishes in a rush of warmth - out here alone..
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dtmsrpfcringe · 26 days
🤡 “March 13, 2024: Looking through old stories makes me realize how far i've come, and what person i was back then.”
oh and here’s the rest of that post which talks about the fact that I was severely depressed and wanted to die:
“The girl who made this account hated herself, hated life and wanted to die. She starved herself, drugs, self harmed, She tried to commit suicide several times and saw no future for herself. She was lonely and had very few friends, and she swore she would never make it to adulthood. 
The woman I am now has a nursing certificate, loves her body, loves her life, is laying next to the love of her life and is expecting her first baby. She has embraced her culture instead of trying to destroy it, and every day remembers how lucky she is to have friends, both online and irl. To think, if I had been successful I would have never have met caishen or his amazing kids, I wouldn't have seen so many beautiful places, I wouldn't be having my own baby and I would have missed out on so much. It's insane to see your growth as a person and realize how much better the struggle made you. Don't give up. Seriously, don't. 
It does get better and you get better.”
which…I mean…you sure showed me
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drogba-prospect · 1 year
Azazel | Gods and Demons Wiki | Fandom
Greetings Pope Francis Xi Jinping Mohammed VI Cyril Ramaphosa Abiy Ahmed Olaf Scholz Alain Berset Thomas Müeller Oliver Mintzlaff African Union Arab League,
Biology Magic: As a Fallen Angel of his level he can use his energy to manipulate the biological components of lesser beings and control their internal processes as a result. (Telepathy and Fifth Heaven Brain)
Luciferianism New Religion Buddhism-Confucianism Greco-Grigori Yoruba: Lucifer as God, Oversoul 6 Fallen Archangels (not Satan), Satanel and Oversoul 5 Lesser Satans (The Grigori) (not affiliated with Satan), Syncretism on Obatala; Caishen; Inari; Eros; and Satanel, Gadreel as Guardian Angel, Syncretism on Azazel and Gadreel, Change Demi-god/Legacy Powers to Angel Powers to Develop your wings. Asian-Pacific Ancestry for Yoruban Zodiac Signs. For example, I am building Gastronomy-Health Insurance Angels for Shango's Heaven to help develop the Oyo Royal Farm.
Olaf, Luciferianism Grigori Anglo-Saxon is possible.
Adrian Blake-Trotman
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ghawst37 · 9 months
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The Santa Claus and Caishen you'll meet at the mall during the last few weeks of December. //Merry New Year everyone 0)-(
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silvr-skreen · 4 months
Here's the OC side of things.
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Sim 1: Caishen Dupree, male, Singaporean Chinese, Economic professor at a community college, married, mid-to-late-30's.
Sim 2: Talia Dupree, female, British (Pakistani descent), PR manager for a social media company, married, early-to-mid-30's.
more pics
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Hello. I am Jin, Daughter of Caishen, Chinese God of Wealth and Money.
Thank you user golden-daughter-of-weath for your contribution to the database!!!! You should say hello to @yue-the-moons-child if you haven't already!!!
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transgenderer · 11 months
some aspects of the road spirit
japan: the various dosojin, especially jizo
greece/rome hermes/mercury as god of roads, hecate as god of crossroads, enodia whose name means ‘the one in the streets’ or ‘In the Road’!
Lu Shen/Lutou: aspect of Caishen i believe? anyway. got road in his name
pushan: classic road god! +psychopomp
legba: crossroads, tho i think this is a minor aspect
elegua major road god!!
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traumaturgess · 9 months
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"Oh, Caishen! Come look at this, I already planned a lot of things to make Liyue a better place once I become the next Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing."
My Secret Santa gift for @Abbstrac
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