#my friends characters
novelarrts · 1 month
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this is for u @qwacktrap
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hiemaldesirae · 10 months
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brought to u by discussions
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dabbles-in-drabbles · 3 months
Been gone for a bit cause Art Fight started!! Been getting back into drawing and will finish writing up my WIPS after AF ends. I'll be posting some of my attacks on here in the meantime uwu
Here is my first attack of 2024 against two friends of mine!
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Their dnd characters Morozko from @manximillion (AerisRising on AF) and their older brother Norrvik by ThatDragonCat
Their art is super cool if anyone wants to check them out uwu
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@irathgo thank you so much for lending me you foul tempered lieutenant.
@smellofsnoww @luna-rein
I just realized how long this is.
"Alright, here's how things are going to be, kid," Jeremy said to Keir as he entered the office.
Keir glared as the man entered, two goons holding him down in the chair.
Keir jerked his shoulders away from them. "Like I care," he spat.
Jeremy smirked, pleased at the kids' fire. He waved a hand and the men left Keir alone.
"Like it or not you'll care," he declared, looking Keir in the eyes.
Keir kept his contact not phased…. Yet.
"Trust me…. Ethan," he sat back in his chair, looking at Keir with a smirk like he knew something about the kid.
He slowly leaned forward and in a low voice he continued, "or should I say Keir?"
Keir's eyes widened and no one knew his real name. Not the gang that had him cross paths with this psycho nor anyone in this twisted crime world.
"Peculiar name, don't think I would ever have guessed it." Jeremy added, he obviously loved the look of shock and annoyance on Keir's usually blank face.
"You know my name so what?" Keir asked.
"Oh no no I know everyone else's too," he corrected him happily.
"Choolwe, Theo, James, Mein, S….."
"I get it," Keir stopped him midway through his list. He kept his glare aimed at Jeremy.
"Will you care now?" Jeremy asked again, that damn smile still on the large man's face.
Keir didn't need to answer, the glare was enough to show he knew he had no choice.
"Good," Jeremy said. "First things first you'll work for me, you'll be available when I call you and will always be where I can see you."
"Why?" Keir asked. "I've never tried to infiltrate you, I never planned to get in your crew, I've never been anywhere near your gang. But still you try to hold on to me."
"I told you kid," he picked up a decorative figure off his desk. It was a crystal ball with silver flakes inside.
He put it in front of Keir, making it look like the younger guy was in the ball.
Keir grit his teeth, feeling angry at this implication.
"I like seeing how you get through this shit," Jeremy finished.
"Honestly fuck off," Keir expressed in his usual disinterested tone.
Jeremy laughed, "I hope you keep up with the same spirit," he said.
Then waved his hand and some goons placed their hand on Keir again.
"Let's continue tomorrow and remember you don't want any of your friends joining your mothers." He said.
And for the first time he saw Keir's eyes blaze with furry.
Jeremy smiled, "lovely women I hear,"
Keir shot forward hitting Jeremy right in the face. With so much force the man's chair pulled back nearly falling and being held up by one bodyguard behind.
"Goodness," Jeremy announced with a bloody smile now adorning his face. "Not done grieving are we?"
Two men held Keir down on the desk, both of them pressing the young man's shoulder and face on the desk's hard wood while straining his arms behind his back.
Keir grit his teeth, he couldn't get free, they had him pinned pretty well.
Then with another order they made him stand up, now twisting his hands behind his back.
They made him face Jeremy. The kid was still seething as he struggled against the two goons.
"I know everything about you kid and that's exactly why I like you. You're tough, smart and cunning."
"I don't give a shit what you think about me, worship me if you want, just don't ever talk about my mothers." The boy warned. So much bravado even as he was being held back.
Jeremy smiled slightly. "Will that be all?"
Keir kept his glare.
"Alright not much to give up but sure." He said with a shrug. Someone gave him a handkerchief and he wiped his nose.
"Take him to his room." He ordered and they did so.
They only let go of him when he reached his "room". Keir cursed at his sudden situation. How the fuck did he get himself into this one. James must be worried about him. He disappeared without a trace and it's been much longer than before. This time he's been gone for more than a week and it doesn't help either that Jeremy took him after he poisoned him. He nearly died and then he just kidnaps him as soon as he wakes up.
The next day, Jeremy ordered Keir out of his room. He had some people leave clothes for him to wear. A nice fitting dark suit wasn't what he expected. He's never seen the large man in one. Let alone imagine him in it.
Keir wore the damn thing and met Jeremy who was wearing a matching one. He gave him one glance and just sat down at a place next to Jeremy.
"I'm paying you back for yesterday," Jeremy whispered to him and Keir looked at him for a second before turning back to the table and the stacks of paper in front of him.
Reading them he saw addresses and schedules, hobbies and relatives. Then on the other end were pictures of torture victims and mutilated dead bodies. He also attached little objects for the added enforcement of what's at stake.
He got the message. Do as I say or else that will be your loved ones.
Jeremy gave him a task that had a deadline. He had to get something ready and if they weren't ready in time he didn't need to be told what would happen.
For the next few days, Keir worked. He had to learn how to trade, make sure the shipping would go smoothly, do security checks, giving orders and basically be James' little helper and second hand whenever he needed it. He studied their products from last to present. Knew the competition and the clients.
At the end of all of it blended together, the sleepless nights and little rest had him lose track of how long it had been since he started. He had to know how to talk to these clients, signals in case things went wrong, drills and procedures and things he considered useless. Jeremy wouldn't cut him some slack either. He would remind Keir of what was on the line. Screams of random people in speakers, locks of hair, glasses, perfumes and stupid things like coffee mugs. Just so Keir knew and stayed on his toes. Which he will.
But Keir managed now all that was left was the freaking negotiating with the damn client. He recognized the name and didn't feel in the mood to be annoyed by that man.
Luca rolled his shoulders as he strode towards the office, Malcom and Henry right behind him. Both of them looked a bit worried as they watched the lieutenant. There was a massive fight back at the main office building, because the Imp refused to do the negotiations and forced Luca to drop everything and go in his place.
Without knocking, Luca threw open the door and stepped into the office, a cold smirk on his face.
Keir was seated at the end of the desk. He was talking to someone before but then told them to leave with the very obvious arrival of their guest. He groaned. He has no patience for difficult people, he already has Jeremy to worry about.
He looked at who it was and he's never been more grateful to see a familiar face. But just because the hotshot is here doesn't mean it's going to be easy.
"Please come in, don't be shy," Keir said a little sarcasm given how the guy threw the door open.
Luca’s eyes narrowed at the young man, before he sneered at him. “Where’s your boss, brat?” he asked as he stepped forward.
Both Malcom and Henry froze in the door. They looked between Luca and the other familiar face.
Keir tsked, what got him all worked up.
"I could ask you the same thing, lieutenant." Keir retorted. "But since you asked he's right there," Keir pointed to the large figure that now stood behind Malcolm and Henry.
"So sorry I'm late," Jeremy said.
Luca tilted his head in a slightly annoyed way as he glanced lazily over his shoulder. “Move it you two morons” he said and immediately Malcom and Henry stepped out of the way, then he nodded at Jeremy “Jeremy”
"Luca!" The man announced happily with a booming voice. "So glad to see you kid."
Keir rolled his eyes. "catch up later let's get this shit over with,"
"You're always so impatient," Jeremy said as he got inside and took a seat. "Please do take a seat Luca,"
Luca tisked at being called a kid, but he still took a seat, sitting back comfortably. “Apparently you annoyed the Imp, Jer…” he said “He refused to meet with you again and now I have to fucking do his job”
With a hand motion, Luca motioned for his two guys to stay back. Both Malcom and Henry stepped back, leaning against the wall on either sides of the door.
"Ahhhhh, that guy is so short tempered." Jeremy brushed it off, "It's okay it's much better that you two kiddies do the negotiating. You got to learn"
"I'm not a child," Keir corrected. "stop talking to us like that and take this seriously."
Luca snorted. “Well…. Looks like you’ve got a new brat to train, Jer” he said, trying to ignore the way his hand twitched. He really just wanted to pull the gun and shoot Jeremy “Where did you pick this one up?”
"Let's say he was quite literally delivered to my feet." He answered happily.
Keir looked away slightly, it was true he was delivered to Jeremy but in all honesty Jeremy wasn't supposed to 'keep' him. Even now he was just trying to keep himself calm. The thought of Jeremy's threats weighing on his heart.
"Moving on." Keir said, bringing out some documents to the table. "Basically we need to tell you what you're missing out on."
Luca looked at Keir with a raised eyebrow. “Well now…. Someone is eager to do shit” he said, before continuing “I want new terms for the contracts. We’ve got other suppliers that sells the same fucking shit at a better price. They also offer us, heat seeking launchers and top of the rage new fuck weapons tech”
The way Luca spoke made it clear that even though he was looking at Keir, he was talking to Jeremy.
Jeremy passed it onto the kid with a glance. Signalling he wouldn't take part in this at all. This was the kids' business.
Keir sighed, bastard.
"Do you know why we were so good? Why despite our prices your people have been coming to us each and every time?" Keir began. He looked directly at Jason.
"It's because not only are out products the latest, it's the best. These assholes always make the mistake of never taking care of their goods. Buy your heat seeking launchers and tell us how long it takes until they just don't work. Buy their shit and see how easily some government agency will hack into their system and find you." He leaned forward as if daring him.
Luca also leaned forward, his eyes gleaming dangerously, a cold smile on his face. “Why do you think they have me?” he asked “Huuga don’t just employ imbeciles… other than the Imp. I don’t need the other fucking morons to be able to disable the tracking, we can do that our fucking selves”
Keir shrugged and leaned back. "alright that's true but that again is wasted time is it not?"
"All it takes is one brick to take down an entire tower and you Mr Luca have that brick."
"You can't be everywhere now can you? Sometimes the Imp takes care of things….. you catch my drift?"
Luca shrugged, shaking his head slightly. “And what makes you the expert in firearms, Kid?” he asked.
"He's done his homework," Jeremy intervened, "trust me. I'll speak on the kid this once. I've never seen someone learn so well in such a short time. The kid knows his stuff."
Well it was either he learned or his friends died so he had no choice. It wasn't that hard anyway.
Luca’s eyes flickered to Jeremy, before focusing on Keir again. “Convince me” he said, a cold tone to his voice.
"Alright," the kid said. "How do you propose I do that?"
“Show me what you have and why I should fucking buy it” Luca said.
"That's no problem at all, Mr hotshot," Keir stood up. "Would you join me?"
Luca got to his feet, barely managing to hide a flinch, as a sharp pain shot up his side. Damn Imp and his push daggers.
"Do you mind if I leave my…. Friends here?" Luca asked Jeremy, tilting his head.
Jeremy looked at the guys then did a slight shrug. "No problem at all, I love company," he said.
"Since that's settled, shall we?" Keir said again.
Luca narrowed his eyes at Malcolm and Henry when it looked like they were going to argue with him, before he followed after Keir.
Jeremy watched the two as they left, a smirk on his face.
Keir led Luca to a storage room of sorts. Then led him to some crates.
"Are you going to keep this up?" Keir asked now that they were alone.
Jason sighed and immediately the Luca persona faded away. “I’m too tired…” he said “What are you doing here?”
"I don't want to be here just as much as you." Keir said. He took a deep breath in and out. "fuck I'm sick of this."
Jason frowned. “Are you alright?” he asked, eyes flickering around.
"... I don't know… all I care about right now is my friends safety. Jeremy's threatening them if I don't keep this stupid shit up."
“I’m sorry….” Jason said, still watching Keir with a worried look “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Keir rubbed his eyes with his hand.He felt so tired. "Just keep an eye on them if you can. I know you're busy and I'm asking for a lot but knowing they're safe is all I need right now."
Jason nodded. “Alright….” he said “I’ll do what I can… Dammit Keir, just sit down, you look like a damn ghost”
"Thanks," Keir said to Jason, letting himself relax a bit. It was like a string was loosened before he noticed his legs gave out and his eyes rolled back.
Cussing, Jason shot forward, catching Keir. “Shitshitshit…. Dammit kid…” he said as he lowered him to the ground “What the hell did you do to yourself?”
He pressed his fingers against Keir’s throat, testing his pulse. A frown formed on his face as he noticed how fast the younger guy’s heartbeat was.
Keir's chest was going up and down a lot faster than it should, like he was trying to catch his breath. Without the added threat of Jeremy's presence his body could relax but he still felt the fear.
Jason tapped Keir’s cheek. “Hey, kid…” he said softly “Come on…. It’s not nap time yet”
Keir groaned after a few seconds of being unresponsive, struggling to open his eyes. He managed but barely. ".... Jason?..." He asked his voice a little weak.
That made Jason breath out. “Damn, kid…. You almost gave me a heartattack….” he said, patting Keir on the shoulder “Just lay there for a bit… Okay?”
Keir looked a little confused. "...lay?..." Then he noticed he was on the floor. He doesn't remember how. But he already felt like his body was too heavy to lift at this moment. He could stay down here if he could. "What… happened?..."
“You fainted… passed out…. Clocked out…. Whatever you want to call it” Jason said as he sat down on the floor next to Keir “Just relax for a bit, alright?”
"What….if someone… finds us?" Keir asked, still a little agitated.
Jason put his hand on Keir’s shoulder. “I’ll figure something out if that happens” he said “Just relax a bit…. You’re pushing yourself to hard”
"I just… Don't want to…lose anyone…again." Keir admitted. But still he let himself relax a bit more. Just for a second he told himself.
With a laugh, Jason ruffled Keir’s hair. “Nothing’s gonna happen to me, you damn brat” he said, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate “How about some chocolate? It’s a bit melted, but still edible”
"Do you… ever carry….healthy… snacks?" Keir asked as he took the chocolate. He barely managed to open the thing because of how shaky his hands were.
“What…. Do you want me to carry a carrot in my pocket?” Jason asked, with a slight smile “Anyone will think I’m a spy if I do that”
Keir smiled a little, he took a bite of the chocolate, "Yeah I'm sure … every spy can… be identified with a carrot."
“Duh…. it’s on the first page of how to catch a spy” Jason said watching Keir.
Keir laughed a lot more than he's been able to. "I'll… remember…. that." He said.
Jason smiled. “Good….Cause I don’t want to be outed because you wanted me to eat more healthy” he said “Cause I’m the most healthy person you can get…. Now eat the damn chocolate”
Keir chuckled and took another bite of the chocolate bar. When he was done, he sat up a little.
"We should leave before they think something's wrong." He said.
“You think you can get up?” Jason asked, as he got to his feet, winching slightly.
"Yeah." Keir said, shakily pulling himself up. He managed to stand but held on to something to make sure he didn't fall.
Jason placed a hand on Keir’s shoulder just to make sure stayed steady. “Alright…. Give me an update on all the weapons you guys have here” he said, the playful tone he had before gone “I need to know everything, alright? To keep both of us out of trouble”
"Alright," Keir said.
"What trouble did you get yourself into this time?" Keir asked, thinking back to Jason's wincing earlier.
Jason groaned. “The Imp stabbed me” he said “Right before we left for this meeting”
Keir couldn't stop himself from laughing a little. "How does this shit keep happening to you?" He said as he couldn't stop himself.
“I have no idea….” Jason said with a shrug “I just have some bad luck, that’s all…. Not like yours is any better”
"Fair enough," Keir agreed with a shrug.
"Thanks anyway," Keir added as they got close to the others.
Jason nodded and took a deep breath, immediately his expression and attitude changed. Luca was back.
“Now give me the update, Brat” he said.
Keir sighed and rolled his eyes, "fucking asshole," he muttered getting serious himself.
"I don't know what else to tell you. You've seen what we've got." He said opening the door to the office.
Jamming his hands into his pockets, Luca nodded slightly as he stepped inside. “Now…. You’ve got good stuff, but I still want a better price” he said.
"Didn't think Huuga was so cheap. But alright." He said. "Because you've been our long time customers."
Luca nodded. “Alright…We’ll take it” he said, before looking at Henry and Malcolm “You two…. Get Busha, we’re leaving as soon as we’ve signed the contracts”
The two looked over at Luca, almost worried before nodding and leaving.
Jeremy laughed triumphantly, "Good Job Keir," he said with a booming voice.
Keir grimaced, he walked over to grab some papers. "Here they are." He said laying down the contracts.
Luca nodded. "I think we should do more business, Jer" he said, with a bit of sarcasm.
"Sure thing kiddo," Jeremy said with a proud smirk aimed at Keir.
With an annoyed tisk, Luca signed the papers. “Make sure to deliver it on time” he said “I don’t want Huuga to fucking kill me”
"We wouldn't want to piss off such a loyal customer." Keir told him. He took a contract and Jeremy put his name on it too. "Nice trading with you lieutenant."
“Fuck off brat” Luca said as he turned to the door. Now he just wanted to go back home and sleep for a week “Thanks for the business, Jeremy”
With that he just left the office.
Jeremy stood up from his chair and headed over to the kid. Keir was packing everything up. That went well, luckily. He thought to himself. He didn't want to talk to the man though.
"Nice work," Jeremy said as he stood behind Keir.
Before his new worker could say or do anything Jeremy swiftly struck Keir from behind, knocking him out.
Jeremy caught Keir before he could fall, holding the unconscious boy before he carried the kid to his bedroom.
"I don't want anyone disturbing him." Jeremy ordered some men at the door and they nodded.
He laid the tired boy down in the room he prepared for him.
"You did good, you deserve a break." Jeremy said as he stared down at the sleeping boy. He laughed a little then left.
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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syn4k · 3 months
would he fucking say that? let's investigate.
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kottkrig · 5 months
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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daigah · 10 months
"Nice characters are boring" to YOU. I love characters who no matter what, will always have genuine love for humanity in their heart. Characters who dance and laugh and sing with sincerity. Characters who believe in others, and are willing to extend a helping hand to people when no one gave them the same luxury. Characters who have gone through so much but believe, no matter what, that humanity and life is something beautiful and worth protecting
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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mynnthia · 4 months
was talking with a friend about how some of dunmeshi fаndom misunderstands kabru's initial feelings towards laios.
to sum up kabru's situation via a self-contained modernized metaphor:
kabru is like a guy who lost his entire family in a highly traumatic car accident. years later he joins a discord server and takes note of laios, another server member who seems interesting, so they start chatting. then laios reveals his special interest and favorite movie of all time is David Cronenberg's Crash (1996), and invites kabru to go watch a demolition derby with him
#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#kabru#kabru already added laios as a discord friend. everyone else in the server can see laios excitedly asking kabru to go with him#what would You even Do in this situation. how would YOU feel?#basically: kabru isnt a laios-hater! hes just in shock bc Thats His Trauma. the key part is kabru still says yes#bc he wants to get to know laios. to understand why laios would be so fascinated by something horrific to him#and ALSO bc even while in shock kabru can still tell laios has unique expertise + knowledge that Could be used for Good#even if kabru doesnt fully trust laios yet (bc kabru just started talking to the guy 2 hours ago. they barely know each other)#kabru also understands that getting to know ppl (esp laios) means having to get to know their passions. even if it triggers his trauma here#but thats too much to fit in this metaphor/analogy. this is NOT an AU! its not supposed to cover everything abt kabru or laios' character!#its a self-contained metaphor written Specifically to be more easily relatable+thus easy to understand for general ppl online#(ie. assumed discord users. hence why i said (a non-specific) 'discord server' and not something specific like 'car repair subreddit')#its for ppl who mightve not fully grasped kabru's character+intentions and think hes being mean/'chaotic'/murderous.#to place ppl in kabru's shoes in an emotionally similar situation thats more possible/grounded in irl experiences and contexts.#and also for the movie punchline#mynn.txt#dm text#crossposting my tweets onto here since my friends suggested so
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friends' ocs in one of the new models of Meme Dress
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sennamaticart · 11 days
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Dress Code
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hiemaldesirae · 10 months
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remember those barbie redraws going around a few months ago? yeah
(refs under the cut)
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mercurials · 2 months
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beautiful with you (even the darkest parts of me)
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froagie · 7 months
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pangloss-artee · 4 months
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mlp human designs i did while feeling horrible
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