#i guess. mostly for clout though
hiemaldesirae · 10 months
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
Hey there sex witch! This one might be a little bit out of your wheelhouse, but I don't really have anyone else to ask 😅 and this seems mostly relevant to what you talk about.
So recently I (a very shy person for a long time) have gotten pretty active in some fandom discord communities, and I've been making a ton of friends. Which is great because I used to have social anxiety to the point where I could barely talk to people, especially online. The problem is that my new friends are all VERY horny, all the time. Which, great for them, I don't really feel the same way. They're also very interested in ERP and other varieties of e-sex and often ask if I want to join. I really don't, but it's fine that they're into that. One guy in particular is really starting to freak me out though. He's a semi-popular creator and a mod on one of the servers. He's becoming a pretty good friend of mine and I play online games with him and others a bunch. He, like the rest of the crowd, is also very horny all the time. He often makes sexual comments about me, sometimes very graphic ones. Stuff like telling me to take my clothes off IRL while on call with him or saying stuff like "I want to fuck you until you cry" or just dming me asking if I want to have sex with him. Sometimes he notices that his comments make me uncomfortable and he did reach out to sincerely apologize for it once, but he hasn't changed his behavior a whole lot.
The big thing that worries me about him is the fact that he's 28. I'm 18, just graduated high school. He knows this about me. He does a very good job of keeping his server 18+ and would never make a sexual comment about a minor, but is still comfortable doing sexual things with people ten years younger than him. Another thing is that even though I've told him I already have a boyfriend, he assumes I'm in an open relationship even though I never told him I was. My boyfriend also says this guy kinda freaks him out and that he's a little worried about me.
I know that age gaps between older people can be perfectly healthy and problems arising from them vary pretty heavily from person to person, but I'm not entirely sure if this is ok or not. This guy doesn't want to hurt anyone. Have I probably just not properly expressed my boundaries with him? It's not like he's targeting me or anything, he acts this way with basically everyone. I'm torn on what to do, he's still my friend and I like him otherwise. Should I just keep laughing it off? I am uncomfortable but I guess it's not a huge deal to me. Should I stop talking to this guy?? Help??
🐟🐟 So I can find this quickly if/when you answer it
hi 🐟🐟,
this guy fucking sucks and needs to be banned from interacting with maybe anyone until he learns what "no" means. literally every individual thing you've described him doing would be alarming in it's own, but altogether this man is a walking collection of red flags. this is not your friend and this is not a guy who cares about your boundaries or well-being; this is a man using his fandom clout to sexually harass you (and likely others). him being ten years older than you isn't even really the biggest issue here; all of this would be shithead behavior even if you were exactly the same age.
get out of there, double fish.
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goldies-cryptobitch · 6 months
Warning people in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fandom of the shameless art thief @horrorlover1 (funnily enough they tried changing their URL because they got called out, I assume they don't realize that old URL @'s still take people to your updated URL 🙄) - They've been reposting people's art with the excuse of "Oh, well, I don't know where they came from, I just find them on Google UwU Credit to the artist tho lol" and when told directly where somebody's art came from, their response was to delete the replies, block the person, restrict replies on ALL their posts, and btw, STILL did not actually credit the OG artist.
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So, safe to say, it's abundantly clear that this human trashpile doesn't actually give a shit about the original artists of these works. I'll be tagging all the OG artists I can find and link to the stolen posts so that y'all can report this person (I will also @ some of the well-known fandom artists who might not've been hit yet so that they know to block this person and report them if they are able. Also, I don't have Twitter, so if somebody could let the Twitter-exclusive users know of this to also report this person, that would be dope. (Maybe post in the replies if you're going to do that though, so that people can see if it's already been done and the artists don't get spammed about it.))
This art belongs to @marukmpos (Twitter link)
This art belongs to @bluestripedrenulian (dA link)
This art belongs to rinna_hel
This art belongs to Tunyeta
This art belongs to @mellemoondraws (Twitter link)
This art and this art belongs to @gensubart (dA link)
This art belongs to thatboni and @notherpuppet (Twitter link)
This art belongs to TheOGFazFilms
This art belongs to Cessy_Janea
This art belongs to cocodar
This art belongs to Sooelliee and Alkar_tar_art (whose profile SPECIFICALLY says not to repost their art btw)
This art belongs to Thea Yildirim
This art belongs to @pleasantlypony (Twitter link)
This art belongs to Serped3ra
This art belongs to @frenchiefie / @frenchiefieart (Twitter link)
This art belongs to ArtyDemon
This art belongs to SuamyArt
This art belongs to @sadelionne (Twitter link)
And some Hazbin/Helluva artists I'm tagging mostly just warning to block this person so their art also doesn't get stolen/reposted: @kandavers @smilezandmics @greykolla-art @triona-tribblescore @alymccart @noramiamere @adyophene @diabloku @applepartysins @captainsaltypear @scruplepossum (Again, I'm not in the fandom, so I don't really know who all should be tagged and I don't want to make this post crazily long, but yeah, I guess if anybody else in the fandom knows of who might wanna be given a heads up, they'd know better than me lol)
I'm not in the HH/HB fandoms, I was just shootin' the shit with a friend yesterday (the one who initially commented about crediting artists on their posts) and they mentioned this situation to me, and since art thieves like this are massive fucking shitbags that just wanna get clout off of other people's work, figured I should at least credit some ACTUAL artists. Even as an outsider I know that stealing/reposting is a MASSIVE problem in that fandom, and the art fans have got to stop letting people get away with it. Don't like/reblog from assholes like this, support the ACTUAL artists, dude. Stop letting these leeches get away with stealing from legitimate content creators.
If anybody recognizes any of the other stolen art that I might not've found the OG artists for, please let them know so that they can also report their stolen artworks.
Moral of the story: It's not that fucking hard to find the original artists of things online. Don't be a shitty art thief like @horrorlover1 and at LEAST give PROPER credit if you're going to repost something. :/
Edit: Just editing to add that I find it kinda funny how they claim I made this post to try and boost myself when I said multiple times that I'm not even in the Hazbin/Helluva fandom, lmfao. Like, who tf you think I'm boosting myself to??? I don't even make content for this fandom. Also they changed their url to @thecatgirl-luvmyrocky but the original @ link still works, too.
Editing to add their apology, but I am still keeping the post up so that people can decide for themselves if they want to block or not.
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Stop reposting things with no credit, and if any artists reach out to you about taking down their posts or anything like that, then listen to them. Artists deserve respect, they deserved to be RECOGNIZED for their hard work, and not giving credit is a HUGE slap in the face to them. Do better.
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damnfandomproblems · 7 months
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Fandom Problem #4680:
Outrage over shipping (or lewding) canonically aromantic and / or asexual characters.
I definitely understand the frustration of people just refusing to recognize or acknowledge their identity, since there's so few of them already. But i also see a lot of inflexibility in NOW aro / ace people are viewed or expected to behave. (Mostly either naiive and childishly innocent, awkward quirky teens, or cold robotic and unfeeling). And being aroace myself I rarely see any that actually resonate or feel compelling. Not to say those can't exist ever or that aspec people who ARE happy with them are "wrong" in any way, but I wish the perception what or how an aro / ace person can be wasn't so limited (and honestly---boring).
More of my characters than not are SOME flavor of aspec and all of them have very, very different ways of experiencing it. (And it's not all just "for the representation!!" they just feel natural to the characters and a lot of them are experiences I personally relate to) This includes:
a clout-obsessed social climber who uses relationships as a way of getting what she wants and to boost her ego, and nothing more
someone who's obsessed with the IDEA of romance and really really WANTS to fall in love with someone but it just never happens
someone completely repulsed with sex and romance althogether
an asexual person who wants to try it just to know what it's like but that's all
a sex worker for whom sex is quite literally just "showing up to work" for her, not awful or traumatic or anything, mostly just kinda boring
an aroace person who is so codependant with someone (who's allo) that they basically just form a relationship (along with all the things that usually go with it that the ace person doesn't mind going along with for their sake) I guess what people may call a QPR but that's not a term I personally like to use or find any use for it's okay for others though
someone who's still figuring themself out who hasn't really landed on any specific labels but also isn't really stressing on it that much
someone who takes longer to realize they're aro because for so long what they assumed were romantic feelings was really just feeling flattered, so thought they were "in love with" anyone who was nice to them
aliens whose anatomy includes no sex organs
And sometimes, characters are hot. And characters that are hot get shipped with other hot characters, often with no rhyme or reason other than "hot". Regardless of their canon sexualities. It kinda just comes with the territory of fandom.
(And again I'm really really tired of people using us a a shield to hide their ship hate and sex negativity. Seriously, don't.)
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sugarywishes · 1 year
How did the Aftons react to Evan's death via the bite?
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About time I get an angsty question, let's dive right in!!
The Afton Family (we'll get into specifics in a minute)
- Well, it was a death in a established/popular entertainment location. Not to mention a gruesome death, so obviously everyone and their mother not only made several tabloids and news reports, they also interviewed/interrogated EVERYONE AT THE PARTY
- so what a joy it was to not only have the company's name slandered, but your family was constantly harrassed about the whole situation too!!
- Michael and Elizabeth's classmates would always ask them about the incident, to the point where William pulled them out of school for a while
- Their neighbors became extremely nosy abt it as well (asking about funeral plans, if they were gonna have Michael arrested etc) and the family itself was already pretty isolated, so they basically became antisocial afterwards and avoided talking to people
- I briefly mentioned this in the Charlie post, but William was kicked out of the company shortly afterwards (my version of Henry was originally kind of a self-centered, prideful man before Charlie...yk ☹) bc of the bad publicity towards him and the fact it was fucking up the business now (I'll list more reasons in a bit) so now the only friend the Aftons had was giving them the cold shoulder and cutting ties with them to avoid affiliations
Okay specifics time!! (This might be a long post so grab some 🍿)
Michael Afton (not the Michael color, I know, there's no gray!!)
- All Mikey wanted to do was just prank Evan, teach him a lesson for getting him in trouble more than usual.
- Nice going, Michael.
- Oh boy. This guy went to a literal state of shock (I'm talking HE FROZE IN FEAR KINDA SHOCK) as soon as Fredbear's jaw closed
- He didn't even manage to 'wake up' until they were already in the hospital (Lizzie dragged him there)
- and of course Mike was scared and remorseful, his prank was quite literally meant to be a funny haha moment which ended up as him technically becoming a murderer 😭😭
- He nearly vomited and passed out as soon as he heard Evan died
- When Michael returned to school, best believe he lost all his popularity, now everyone knew him as the guy who killed his brother (the other kids involved in the prank distanced themselves as far away from it as possible) and so he became a friendless outcast :(
- Even Jeremy stopped talking to him, mostly because of what Jeremy's mom said about them for clout
- which totally didn't help his now declining mental health
Elizabeth Afton
- Lizzie was actually hanging around the bathroom area talking with Charlie when the bite happened, she would've been too late to stop it anyway
- She literally lost her twin. It's not the best feeling in the world.
- Of course she felt terrible about the whole situation but also,,,a sense of liberation??
- like, the one person who stood in the way of her gaining her father's love is dead. Mike doesn't give 2 shits about Will, and Clara is already in a loveless relationship with him. So now it leaves her as his new favorite
- she surprisingly was able to move on faster than the rest of her family (at least on the outside, as I said she did lose her baby brother)
- but it's not a fun life afterwards, considering she no longer had friends at school now since Will pulled her out quickly (and plus, Henry started cutting ties with the Aftons so now she couldn't hang out with Charlie!!) And again, she started losing her mind just like the rest of the family
Clara Afton
- Girly was just tryna to find a camera in the car outside, she didn't see or hear the bite thankfully (she did have to see the image of her bleeding son being carried out by his father though)
- Evan's death is truly what got her motivated enough to actually start fighting against Will's constant mistreatment of her and the kids
- but of course that doesn't last long. (Guess who ends up in Ballora?)
- because of the news (and more specifically, one particular news article made by a Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, mother of Jeremy Fitzgerald,,,👀) she was now labeled a neglectful, hosebag mom who was probably in it for those Afton bucks 💸 which ruined her relationship with her neighbors and friends
- Remember, EVERYONES reputation was terribly slandered by the bite (and by the media wanting to cause more drama)
- She was already a stressed out, meek person because of her marriage with William, she got a lot worse after her baby died
William Afton (his is the LONGEST sorry for the text walls)
- He was just about ready to carry out Evan's birthday cake as soon as he heard the screams of terror
- He reacted almost instantly. William is not a very physically strong looking man, but he is powerful enough to break a robot's jaw open.
- He pulled Evan's body out (as best as he could, he was rushing to save him so who knows if some...chunks were still left inside 🤢🤢 sorry for the mental image)
- He didn't acknowledge ANYONE else in the room. And he didn't even have the rest of his family get into the car, he placed Evan in the back with a blanket wrapped tightly around his head and drove off, leaving the rest of the family to find another way to the hospital
- but of course his efforts were all for nothing.
- Everyone kinda expected him to become deranged and violently (publicly) abusive but for a while he was just...numb. and detached from everyone and everything. He wouldn't talk to a single person and would isolate himself in his workshop/basement to grieve
- (he didn't even bother punishing Michael for the accident, which set off a lot of red flags for Mikey who knew that something would snap inside his father soon)
- His already inconsistent sanity started cracking when his name and family were considered pariahs now (thanks a lot Helen for further spreading rumors about them)
- it became even worse when Henry kicked him out (According to Henry's excuses, he knew Will was likely never going to recover from the bite so he might as well give him an 'early retirement')
- (Basically, Will wasn't coming to work at all and wasn't making them money, his damaged reputation would ruin the now shitty rep of the diner more, and bc of the Aftons now being associated with the words 'horrible' 'neglectful' and 'irresponsible' , Henry just decided to tie up loose ends and get rid of him to save face) (Remember that Henry was an asshole and only got to his redemption journey once his daughter died)
- So, great. But what's this?? The closed Fredbear's Family Diner Fredbear animatronic is acting?? Off?? Sort of seems...alive??? You bet it is!!
- And of course, we all know what happens from there.
Thanks for asking! If you want more just ask!!
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unreleasedtaylorsongs · 2 months
Someone asked me about a demo I had never even heard before and I was like, "How did you hear about it?" and they said they saw it on the Tumblr account 'taydemodesc.' Anyway, PSA to all Swifties out there that taydemodesc is an absolute liar and makes up descriptions for demos that straight up don't exist, my best guess is for clout even though it is a very small community on a mostly dead website. They are a laughing stock to the actual unreleased community. Most - if not all - of their demos are fake. Not only that, but they have written in their bio that they don't share their supposed demos/unreleased stuff because it's piracy. How convenient for them. Also, it is piracy simply to own them so don't act like you give a shit about that, lmao.
Just wanted to share so no poor new collector soul finds that account and wastes their time desperately trying to find shit that doesn't exist.
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moorishflower · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @landwriter for the tag <3<3<3 Answers under the cut!
How many works do you have on Ao3? 227!
What's your total Ao3 word count? I broken two million this year! :)
What fandoms do you write for? I guess you'd say my "main" fandom is still The Sandman, because that's what really started me writing again, but I'll write for any piece of media that inspires me. I've written for The Terror, the D&D movie, Dungeon Meshi, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Homestuck at various points.
Top five fics by kudos: 1. aulon raid - In which no neonazis are allowed in the New Inn. 2. Curse of the Green Hag - The one where Xenk Yendar is cursed by a hag and he and Edgin have to fuck about it. 3. Ecdysis - Undressing and armor and bathing. 4. That I Should Wedded-Be - This was my first attempt at something longer. It's definitely not one of my better ones at this point but it was one of the first ones so it has a lot more kudos. 5. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - The one where Hob fucks Dream on his desk.
Do you respond to comments? I would really like to, but I find that I often don't have the energy, and because I want every response to be unique and thoughtful and just for that person, it means that I feel really bad if I give a simple "thanks!" and nothing else. Inevitably the bad feeling of not responding in a meaningful way outweighs the good feeling of getting the comment, so now I really only respond to comments if they address me directly or ask a question.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the long way down maybe? It has a more open "hopeful" ending. I don't usually let things end on a low note!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hallmark-Adjacent, I think. Literally ends like a Hallmark movie lol.
Do you get hate on fics? Once or twice it's happened. If it's happened since then I haven't been aware of it. I'm sure a lot of conversation goes on in like, discord channels and such that I don't follow. I'm not particularly interested in debating with people about the intentions or morality of my writing. I try to be as authentic and inclusive and respectful as the setting and story allow me to be, but I'm also human and fallible. *shrug* I grow and learn more every day. Expecting perfection from people is an exercise in frustration and futility.
Do you write smut?
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Craziest crossover: Wrote a BBC Sherlock/Homestuck fusion. That was fun.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. If it was like Cocoon or Maybe sprout wings I think I'd be really upset about it because I put so much into those, but I don't know if I'd feel particularly devastated if it was anything else. BSN, maybe. I mean it would suck? That's a shitty thing to do, but also, you're not earning any real clout or money by doing it, lol.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A number of my fics have been translated, mostly into Russian (thanks chainsmoking and Bonniemary!), and one into Spanish (thanks Dhixi!). I'm incredibly flattered every time someone takes the time and effort to do a translation. It's an incredible art.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, though not recently.
All time favourite ship? Listen I write so much for Sandman but truthfully? Mulder/Scully. Alpha and omega ship. Don't know if anything will ever compare.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? At this point, The Whole of Love Contained is so far removed from my current writing style that I would have to restart from scratch, I think. I'm not counting it out forever, but there are other ideas I've had that I'm more interested in pursuing first.
What are your writing strengths? I really like sentence construction. The flow of it. How you can use punctuation to make it stop -- and then carry on, giving it purposeful structure. I've been told I have a talent for inserting life-altering sentences into the middle of things so that they hit you like a punch. Idk I'm bad at listing my own strengths. I like to research things a lot?
What are your writing weaknesses? Pacing, definitely, and action scenes. I always feel like my action scenes have low-stakes feel to them. And dialogue. I think a lot of people struggle to write realistic dialogue, though, so that might not just be me. Keeping the momentum going. Sometimes I'll be so focused on reaching one specific scene that I'll lose track of how to actually get there, and I'll stall out. I feel like I have a lot more weaknesses but I struggle to articulate them beyond a sense of deep dissatisfaction with my own writing, especially in comparison with other writers whom I greatly admire. I feel often like I'm churning out things that are easily-digestible and entertaining, but not necessarily meaningful, or not conveying what I would like them to do. Logically I know that "entertaining" is a value unto itself, and nothing to scoff at, but still. The writer's hubris, maybe.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Kind of depends on what you're using it for, I suppose. I tend to stick with one narrator's POV, so it can be useful if the narrator doesn't speak that language, but we, as the readers, can pop the sentence into translate and get the gist. I tend to use that sparingly as a gimmick, though, because I'm not multilingual except in the very most basic of terms and I prefer being correct to being aesthetic, lol.
First fandom you wrote in? If you want to be technical, it was Harry Potter. But the first fandom I wrote seriously for was Heroes.
Favourite fic you've written? I'm still proudest of Maybe sprout wings. Not sure if I'll ever write something like that again, where so much of it just felt right. And it got a compliment from a writer I admired very much in Homestuck fandom, so I reckon I did something right with it.
I'll tag @arialerendeair and @dsudis because I know you've both been in fandom for a while and I want to hear your stats <3
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kyeomyun · 1 year
— My Unlucky Number is THIRTEEN ; AU
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3AM elmo ritual gone wrong (not clickbait! almost died?)
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pairings: none
genre: crack, thriller/horror, comedy, mostly just insane crack.
warnings: HEAVY vulgar language, implications on death, ghosts, elmo, a very stereotyped ritual, that's it i think ;-;
word count: 1.1k
synopsis: hoshi and his sacrifice best friend, jeonghan (who was just brought along) both ought to do an elmo ritual at 3 AM. you can maybe guess what happened afterwards...
s.n: here is the first episode of me and weiss out of pocket au collab! kinda an impulsive idea but it was planned out HEAVILY. we spent a soild week on this AHAHAJ
network(s): @kflixnet @preciousillusions-net
previous ◇masterlist◇ next (mingyu) ->
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it all started because of horangi audacity.
bro went into the gc with the rest of the members like "the elmo challenge doesn't sound THAT bad, right" which is obviously a bad idea and while everybody else was trying to talk him out of it, only one man was so brave enough to say that he'd do it with him to "make sure he didn't die".
this is how yoon jeonghan, the enabler of all enablers, ended up in hoshi's apartment with a possibly ancient elmo plushie he'd bought from god knows where.
(note from weiss: this improvised rendition of the elmo challenge isn't real and if i see that somebody reblogs that they tried it, i might actually be concerned for your safety)
it wasn't long before the ritual finally began to take it's shape. well, after googling the specific words "how do you start a ritual with a stuffed toy" (to get the full experience of course).
jeonghan honestly didn't think that it'd actually do anything, because usually, the 3AM challenges were just clout-making machines. soonyoung would just be disappointed, he'd thought to himself.
the steps were like... out of fucking pocket though- the fuck do you mean, this starts by literally drowning the elmo in a filled kitchen sink? why specifically a kitchen sink? with himalayan salt? (tf).
(wherever the hell soonyoung bought it.)
and not just himalayan salt. two bay leaves and pepper corns were needed too. while hoshi was extremely confident in this ritual and jeonghan was helping as best as he could, the guy was asking him every ten seconds, 'why are we cooking elmo' and all he'd get in response was 'because!!' and then nothing else.
for extra experience and effect, hoshi found some dry ice as if he was deadass about to summon some shit. (possibly)
and right after, he'd gotten some scented candles he'd bought earlier that night, smelling like pumpkin spice. yes, the shit you get at starbucks. putting the candles on either side of the faucet, they were lit with matches. yeah. matches. what else. (why not a lighter? we'll never know.)
and so, everything was ready (and jeonghan let out a sigh of relief). but he wasn't relieved for very long when he found out that they needed to sing 'la la la la la, elmo's world' six times.
begrudgingly, he followed along. they did as the other said, and as the dry ice was beginning to fill the kitchen with smoke, the flames of the two candles flickered. there was no wind in the apartment whatsoever, besides them singing the elmo's world theme song.
with eyes closed and all. for the experience.
after singing elmo's world one more time for good measure (jeonghan almost left hoshi with this drenched and crusty ass elmo toy), they heard a chilling laugh that sounded identical to elmo's squeaky, very much child-like voice.
"soonyoung. be completely honest and don't fuck around. was that you?" jeonghan was beginning to feel a little unsure of the doubts of doing this… supposed clout machine of a ritual.
the other's eyes snapped open and shook his head. "we both heard that! i couldn't even do elmo's laugh even if i tried-" well, he could, if he wanted to. but the laugh sounded like it was further away from the two. it wouldn't be hoshi since the two were right next to each other.
"... did we actually manage to summon something-?" the question everybody's dying to know the answer of (and an answer somebody did not fucking die for).
unable to help himself, hoshi turned right around just before jeonghan could stop him. the rest of the apartment had gone dark, the only lights remaining being the candles surrounding the faucet. "oh shit-"
oh shit indeed when the candles died, too.
heavy and shallow breathing came from the two men, and then the erie sound of swooshing water coming from the sink that was arm's length from them. but being mortified, they didn't want to come into terms that they were hearing such, so… "hyung.. are you pissing right now?" hoshi asked out of fear, slightly hopeful for one answer and one answer only. even though he knew damn well that it wasn't the case.
"why the fuck would you ask me that-?" taking out his phone that he thankfully thought to keep pocketed, the older turned on the flashlight to have a look around. "of course i didn't piss myself. i should be asking you that question, soonyoun…" when the light hit the still-filled sink, he trailed off. silence followed his words, and before the younger could say anything, jeonghan beat him to it.
"... i didn't take elmo. and you didn't take elmo. right?"
"as if i'd touch that while it's wet," he responded matter-of-factly, but was still downright shaking in the new pair of jeans dino bought for him just weeks ago.
even through the darkness, it was obvious how even the yoon jeonghan paled as he stuck his hand in the thoroughly seasoned water. "then where the hell is elmo?" the question prompted the silence that followed, thick enough to be sliced in halves if it was physically possible. soonyoung turned to the sink and the other's hand wasn't touching anything.
"... hyung," he placed his hand on his shoulder. "if we die, i want you to know that i was the one who broke your hair dryer." the possibility of them dying was high, but it wasn't as high as jeonghan's blood pressure, probably.
"what the-"
then something damp seemed to splat right onto the kitchen counter behind them. in a rather comical manner in contrast to the tension, the two slowly turned, eyes wide and almost fearful of what they'd see. they made eye contact with the elmo plush they had previously drowned in seasoned water, and this lasted for about five seconds. nobody was breathing throughout this pause.
then the two men screamed in unison, the elmo plushie screaming right back.
they all proceeded to scream for about two minutes before soonyoung shoved jeonghan towards the damp elmo plushie, plotting his escape route and possibly never looking back once out of this horrid place. "it's either you or me, hyung- and i choose you!"
(disclaimer: this is not a pokémon au.)
"yah, don't leave me here with this thing!" the other tried to follow, scrambling to get up considering he'd fallen on his ass, before something was launched at his head, causing him to fall flat on his face. it felt extremely wet.
"la la la la la," he would never hear that song the same ever again. "elmo's worl-"
the camera footage cuts off and so does the video. the groupchat didn't hear from jeonghan or hoshi for a week besides updates from seungcheol and woozi. what happened after the infamous elmo summoning of '23 would stay a mystery that the two would take to the grave. (at least the hair dryer incident was solved.)
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did you enjoy your order?
if you did, please roblog, like, (pls) comment, all of that jazz :>
have a good day, sweets ^^
tagging: @etherealyoungk @rubywonu @trblsvt @icyminghao @odxrilove @stormyjisung @slytherinshua @star1117-archives @selenicives @fairyhaos @gyu-effect @jaehunnyy @luvhyun3 @wqnwoos @wheeboo @m4rsluv <3
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white-weasel · 8 months
Saw VII and Jigsaw thoughts this fine Saw Saturday! (We actually watched the movies on Thursday but shhh it was Saw Saturday for us in spirit)
I am so sad that Saw VII was…. Not Very Good to put it mildly. Very rushed and all over the place and just did not give me the same feeling as the other Saw movies which was upsetting as this was kinda supposed to be the end cap of the main series :(
Dr. Lawrence Gordon, the character you are. I was so excited when I saw that he came back for this movie but was so disappointed when he was barely in it. I was really hoping for him to be more involved in the story or at the very least to be given a little more explanation for why he joined up as an apprentice. Like give me this man’s psyche and emotional state!!! What made *him* decide to help John do unto others what was done to him? Did he buy into the philosophy? Did he develop some sort of weird Stockholm Syndrome when John nursed him back to health after he survived his trap?
Idk if this is just me but they treated Jill kinda weirdly in this movie? Quite literally just kept her locked in rooms and not allowed to do anything and like. Obviously I would also run to police protection if I had just tried to kill an incredibly dangerous serial killer and failed like Jill did at the end of Saw VI, but I just wish they gave her something more interesting to do than have a weird dream about Hoffman killing her with a train car and cower in fear
The blood and violence was so bad this movie and I genuinely don’t know why. My guess is it’s something to do with the movie being shot/intended for 3D? But even then I don’t think that should make the blood, like, pink right? I’m not watching Saw for the gore necessarily but it was a bit disappointing when you’d see Hoffman’s face ripped open from the end of 6, and then the next shot it looked totally different
(Speaking of the 3D, the scene at the end with Gordon tossing the saw was so unintentionally funny because of it. Like, yes king throw your hacksaw at the audience)
On the plus side I thought the character of Bobby was an interesting angle to explore. A man who basically used Jigsaw for clout and profited off of faking trauma then has to go on and live through that same trauma x10
(It is kinda weird that his wife was punished for his mistakes though considering she literally didn’t know he was lying……… like we saw in 6 with the mother and son that John doesn’t want to hurt those he thinks haven’t done anything wrong (though of course his logic on what that is is skewed) but now he’s suddenly cool using this woman as motivation for a man to do these traps? Seems off)
Mostly solid trap designs this time around!
Jigsaw survivor support group is also interesting! I couldn’t tell if everyone in that scene was actually survivors we had previously seen, but it was cool to be able to pick out a few of them and be like “oh my god I remember you!”
Wish we had gotten to see more Hoffman this movie as well, though seeing him go complete cold blooded killer in the police station was kinda fun, even if it was extremely goofy and unrealistic
If they wanted to, I could definitely see a world where Hoffman is still alive. Yeah he doesn’t have the saw to cut off his own leg, but we know you can skip the chain by breaking your own foot (Eric Matthews) and we also know Hoffman has no qualms about doing that sort of thing to survive (Reverse Bear Trap escape) so he definitely did that. The only question is if he could actually get out of the bathroom afterwards
There’s probably a lot I’m missing about my Saw VII thoughts but unfortunately it’s probably my least favorite of the bunch rn. I think it had some good ideas, some ideas that I was actually super invested in, but the execution was rushed and a lot of our existing characters were seemingly flattened to make them work
So maybe it’s just because I was coming off the disappointment in VII, but Jigsaw was an enjoyable movie to me! The pacing could be a little bit weird, but I also recognize that it was made like… 7 years after the last movie and they were probably trying to find a way to “modernize” the franchise and bring in new fans
The main thing I didn’t appreciate about this movie is how I felt it basically had to trick me for its twist to work. I absolutely LOVE the idea of “the game you’re seeing play out actually happened 10 years ago. We just didn’t say it was a flashback.” It’s such a classic saw thing to do and a lot of it a was foreshadowed. However stuff like the technology level and some of the fashion choices of the victims (I’m thinking specifically of the style of jeans Mitch wore) don’t always work with what would have been around in like 2001 or earlier. Maybe that’s me showing my age and I’m underestimating what was around in the late 90s/early 00s but it just made me a little mad because I felt I couldn’t just sit in the twist and instead had to justify why it didn’t make sense
I do however like the idea of Logan being someone who was saved from his trap by John. He was put in for making a careless mistake, only for John himself to make a mistake in his sedative dosage, not giving him an actual fair chance to fight for his life. It does help bridge the gap between the very obviously personal revenge John took in his first trap with Cecil towards the philosophy he spouts about the games being about appreciating your life later in the timeline
Genuinely though the whole movie I thought the killer was gonna be Detective Hunt, Halloran’s partner. I totally thought it was gonna be something similar to Logan where he wanted revenge on Halloran due to all the shit he had gotten away with. Also, the movie made such a point that “omg the body showed up at Eleanor’s studio/warehouse but only Logan and Eleanor knew about that place” but like….. Hunt followed them to that location. He could have gone in and placed the body there later to frame everyone and then told the cops about the workshop just to make sure the evidence was found. I was so convinced it was him because I felt like Logan was a bit too obvious for most of the movie lol
I liked the shotgun barn game. Very good early Saw trap/game. Short, sweet, and gets the lesson across
Logan’s reveal was hard as fuck, I don’t care what anyone says. I already made a post about how that scene is full of banger lines but it bears repeating: “I am him” “You have a choice: scream or don’t” “I speak for the dead” like okay sir go off
Logan certainly isn’t the most interesting apprentice or character, but I truly think that’s only because we don’t get to see him as an apprentice very much. From everything I’ve seen, he does not come back for either of the next two movies which I think is such a shame because there’s something to explore here with him being the first apprentice! With him being moreso an equal to John, teaching him part of his philosophy that’s so iconic about him, that’s a different apprentice dynamic from what we’d seen before and ahhhh I just wanna know the direction they would have taken this guy
Also makes me curious how much the other apprentices knew about each other. Amanda and Hoffman obviously interacted, but did anyone know about Logan? Was he just like “none of my business” when shit was going off the rails after John died? I want answers on how the Jigsaw apprentice relationships operate lmao
Overall, not the best Saw Saturday showing but yknow what, they can’t all be bangers. At the very least these movies have given me something to chew on and I also still enjoyed myself a lot. Saw, they could never make me hate you even if they’re doing the most with it!!!
I’m hopeful that my friend and I will be able to watch both Spiral and Saw X next week and then we’ll officially be through all of them and I won’t have to worry about any more spoilers! Hooray!
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
During my break, I’ve been thinking about how I’m currently seen on here.
I’ve seen a growing number of “I’m not like THOSE anti-IDW fans” assurances pop up over the last couple of months, and while I’m sure that could be referring to a load of random people, I’m willing to guess that I’m probably one of the people who come to mind when they say that. Even though I’ve never threatened anyone over it, never had a meltdown over it, usually tend to show annoyed fatigue rather than burning anger over it, and don’t even acknowledge it as often as I used to anyway. (Yeah, I’ll still mock it now and then, but since it’s mostly become a revolving door of the same recurring problems, I’ve grown bored of repeating myself.)
I don’t want to be looked at as someone who only exists to be The Anti-IDW Guy, or The Anti-Frontiers Guy, or The Anti-Prime Guy. While I don’t have a positivity or negativity bias either way, generally I prefer to talk about stuff I’m actually invested in. But when your favourite characters keep getting treated poorly, and said treatment and bad writing in general is frequently placed on a pedestal and declared a return to form, and you’re constantly told to just accept this or that because of the appeal to authority mentality (ie: claiming that IDW is canon), and so-called professionals keep pulling shitty stunts again and again for the sake of easy clout... I can’t just sit idly by and pretend everything’s fine.
I don’t attack anyone, and I don’t go out of my way to be a relentless downer about the stuff I don’t like. But I do stand my ground, and I do remain honest about how I feel. I’m not going to be painted as a bad guy for doing that.
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girderednerve · 6 months
faking it! for clout!!
did an outreach & the person who introduced me to everyone there (my coworker!) called me 'miss [girderednerve],' at one point called me the wrong name, & called me 'she' the whole time, so everyone else did too, obviously, even though i was wearing my pronoun pin, & it felt terrible but mostly i just feel really stupid for not like, advocating for myself or correcting them. i have a script for when it's someone i know & i have a script for when it's a total stranger but i don't have a script for interrupting an acquaintance in the middle of introducing me to someone else in a professional setting. so i have no right to my discomfort, i guess. but it was miserable & i do want to quit my job
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I feel sad for Tae, this is obviously a stunt and I doubt he agreed to do it for clout and exposure, he didn't seem happy to do it and he is not feeding it in any way so that leave of some other options, I think it was more about providing a cover for tk, I don't think it's a coincidence that it happened just before both of their solo debut, jk's being international makes things more high scale too, so jk is also benefiting from this without dealing personally with the hard stuff, I won't argue that this has made tae even more popular but he's being attacked constantly, people making everything about him about this woman and prepared to make his hard work about her too, calling him a coward and making fun of him with 5k likes, always being on the news bc of "dating" it's also not necessarily a good thing, your fans calling you a liar and thinking that you are ball less when you are one of the bravest ppl out there mustn't be nice, ppl insulting even his family and this situation created a bunch of ppl obsessed with his privacy and personal life, like some army won't admit it on public but they have whole gcs for gossipping and he is the focus, and all bc yg and hybe are using him for this media circus, and this all before caring about his artistry and considering how Tae has been acting like him posting that wake up song tht has a clear message just after the Bruno Mars concerts when all the social media rockus was about tn, him coming out of the airport and doing a live immediately to show us that he is alone....yeah I doubt this doesn't bother him at least a bit, he is someone with a lot of integrity, what I'm saying is that it pains me to see the situation and it started to annoy me to see everyone benefit from it, jennie and YG, jennie is being victimized big time in twitter and every critisism done to her about stuff like her actions and lack of effort in concerts it's pin down to ppl 'jealousy' of her dating Tae, no critisism is valid now even the ones coming from her own fans and ppl are super defensive of her, even more than before, and jk too....this lifted some of the gay rumors just in time for his international debut ( I don't think this is coincidental) and I know this bc when Jennie dropped those pics so many comments from different accounts not even armys or shippers were ppl cheering bc 'tk is so not real' and ppl thinking in what should be just a typical gay kpop ship first thing everytime those rumors break tells me that deep down a lot of ppl thought or feared that there was some truth in tk and are relieved and happy that it's being 'debunked', I guess this is part the goal, a bit of protection for the both of them but yeah I don't like it that's Tae just dealing with all the bad stuff and jk only getting the benefits, at least that's how it looks bc obviously we don't how he feels emotionally but facts are facts and the one dealing with the worst of all is taehyung, lots of new ot6 accounts, ppl didn't leave jk bc of this rumor as much as tae, ppl aren't calling him liar and a pussy in mass scale, he doesn't have to see his face on the news bc of dating rumors, he is seeing it bc of the success of his music that hybe pushed ( which I think it's really deserved bc he has worked hard his whole life) but things don't look fair to me in regards of Tae,how fitting it was Tae saying that he would take the responsibility sometimes I wonder if that's the dynamic of their relationship.
Hi anon!
Yeah, this is the worst part of being in showbizz really. I agree that Tae probably isn’t unaffected by this, though I hope he has maintained a bit of distance from social media. The way it looks now, I think he agreed because it’s a fairly short stunt (only one walk for him, and the rest is mostly done by fandom) and it probably allows him more freedom in the long run. I feel his post with the Disney hoody is rather pointed. Reclaiming his true self a bit. I don’t think it’s been mainly to hide Taekook, but rather to make it seem that he (also) dates women. I’m quite curious to see how the launch of his album will go (in general, but also regarding this).
I don’t agree that Jk benefits from this without doing anything himself. Jk has been deemed ‘straight’ the last couple of weeks because of Seven. He didn’t need Tae to do Taennie, since to most of fandom and the general public Tae and him are just friends. They’ve successfully hidden that way for years now, and only now something like this is happening. I really suspect it’s because of Tae’s album, and because he wants to be able to be more himself in general. People are sadly enough more inclined to accept/ignore a hint of queerness when a man very publicly dates a woman. We’ll see soon I suppose, since his album is probably going to be released soon.
I think Tae and Jk are very connected. Jk’s tears when Tae’s grandmother died tells me that he is not immune to Tae’s hurt at all. I therefore think that Jk will also have hurt because of this Taennie thing. If not for himself it will have been for Tae. There’s no benefit in standing by while your partner is rumored/shipped with someone else. That hurts! Jk is also a very feeling, emotional person.. it took him quite some days to come on live again after the Paris stuff. You don’t come this far in a relationship (that is already complicated) by letting one person carry the brunt of it.
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
That's what happens when ppl find an easy way to feel morally superior and have their 5 minutes of fame. I know it's cliche, but that's literally all abt it.
You find a target, and you go with it, doesn't matter if what you are doing is based on the truth or not. And other ppl see you doing that, and they go along with it, either bc they already wanted an excuse to do it, or out of ignorance and mob mentality.
This happened multiple times, in many communities already. Lives were or almost completely ruined, too.
Hate just sells more than any positive interaction, y'know?
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Yeah I'm more or less aware of who the people who always start shit and spread these rumours are (as the algorithm devil so loves to push it all in my face even though I'm almost always just looking at fanart (╯╬•ᴗ•)╯彡┻━┻), and I do also know how the clout game works and that for whatever reason bnha has become a punching bag so it's Cool and Funny to hate on it and anything pertaining to it etc etc but. What mostly frustrates me I guess is the number of people who believe these things despite the fact that no one has ever provided any proof of bkdks threatening Horikoshi even when asked (because there literally isn't lmao), and how pervasive this kind of mob mentality has gotten. Nowadays you really can't look at anything without coming across some kind of hate comment, and while they don't have any bearing on what I like it's just really tiring and annoying. And then there's how many of them use the excuse of bkdk being an "abusive ship" (LMAO) to be sooo bigoted and vitriolic without even having the face of at least owning it... I don't know how many comments I've seen saying shit like "this isn't about ships we just care about the author's safety for when he'll make izu//ocha canon instead of bkdk" only to follow up with "but it's always the queers pulling these things and wanting the characters to be faggots". Like at least be upfront about it right away, don't pretend that this isn't about you being angry that someone would dare headcanon some fictional characters as gay or that you give a damn about Horikoshi when it was you and your friends who sent him messages telling him to die for making a manga with a positive outlook where the ultimate message is that people always need to help each other and not some gritty and edgy thing where people die left and right!!!!!
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
are you leaving the harry potter fandom?
Hey nonnie! Oof, difficult question, tbh.
The short answer is probably somewhere along the lines of kind of? Mostly?? It's not even that conscious of a decision, it's just been happening over the last few years I think.
The thing is, I don't think that you have to disengage from the fandom to boycott JKR and her fuckery. I think as queer creators in a queer fandom space, we're not really giving her clout or money, and I don't think getting on queer people's dick about this is like, remotely fine. If you actually care and want to support trans people, there are approximately a thousand better ways to do it than not reading gay fic on ao3 or making angry tumblr posts about it. I do personally draw a sharp line at supporting her financially in any kind of way, but that's another can of worms, I guess.
All that said, though, there is just always a really bitter taste accompanying the whole thing for me now. I don't want to let her taint all of it, but I'm just - not really having fun anymore, engaging with it, cause it does always remind me of her, and it's not like she's not already doing enough herself to remind everyone constantly of what a fucking bigot she is. So. you know.
I'm still running the Regulus fest (at least for this year; we'll see how things look like next year tbh), I'm still a member of the Prongsfoot prompt blog that I don't write for nearly as often as I should, but do like contributing the occasional one shot to for nostalgia's sake. But yes, I've taken it out of my fandom list ages ago, and while I do think dabbling in my villain/minor character/rare pair ships isn't really the issue here, and I'm not judging people for staying in the fandom for whatever reason, I think overall the ship has kind of sailed (ha) for me.
I will always have a soft spot for parts of this fandom - it's what got me back into fandom spaces as a whole after years, I met so many really great people, and a part of me wants to say I'm sorry for 'letting' her fuck this up. But honestly, I'm not, not really. Mostly I'm just furious and wish her a very happy get fucked soon.
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koifishanonymous · 2 years
i think i'm going insane
heavy wilbur soot defending, read at your own risk
so i recently found out what truthblr/ebblr/critblr is and ofc i had to go through the critblr tag to ruin my sanity and question the one of others
and i come across this post, this fuckin post that's wilbur soot neg
basically, it's an anon reply saying that wilbur ''pushing'' the sleeboisinc family dynamic is . . . weird. they claim that while sure they bonded, he it was highly strategised for his ''benefit''.
both the ask and the reply talk mainly about how crimeboys is weird bcs tommy should be ''hanging out with people'' and not a ''25/26'' year old man.
the reply says it's weird, and they don't claim it to be grooming, but since his parents are alive it's weird?? and i'm like why would you even bring up grooming are you literally using buzzwords for clout. being friends with a popular mcyter as a popular mcyter is called having friends, though i'm sure this person wouldn't know.
they go as far as to say it would be SELFISH for him to spend so much time with tommy as he should ''socialising with people his age''
first of all, what?? you can be friends with people older than you?? talking to a minor as an adult isn't weird?? like, i have friends, but not BEST friends, in fact i think that my mutuals here, mostly young adults, are quite good friends because i too, like tommy has stated about himself in highschool, am an outcast. i cannot for the life of me talk to/relate to people my age. idk why it's a thing that happens. friendships can have agegaps. then, tommy is the one who really pushed the crimeboys sibling dynamic at first?? like in 2020, tommy was the one who wanted to hang out with wil
then they (anon) go on to talk about how he ''sees'' techno as an older brother despite being older and how he comes to phil as a son and how he relies on these dynamics. now to my knowledge, he has never explicitly stated seeing techno as an older brother outside of /dsmp but hey you can look up to people younger than you?? it isn't unheard of
and for phil, we all see him as an e-dad (not me as much as the rest of sbiblr, matpat is my dad /j) it isn't weird??? to see an older person and go ''ah yes parental unit'', esp since wilbur's (i think i don't like to pry on peoples personal life stories so i never watched anything were he speaks about this) relationship with his dad isnt stellar
and the last fucking point that made me lose it, the stupidest thing
''[he] likes the song ''privately owned spiral galaxy'' a bit too much for me not to notice at this point''
the blogs reply: ''also that song is peak male manipulator lol''
IT'S ABOUT LUCID DREAMING/DAYDREAMING TO ESCAPE FROM REALITY. WHAT THE HELL, ALSO IF YOURE SAYING IT LIKE ''oh he likes this song and since its about false realities then he must be creating one with his friends 🥰 and they're not really friends'' you must be fucking separated from reality.
i like songs that are about literal stalking as love, mutual hate/love and toxicly romanticised relationships. I DONT CONDONE ANY OF THIS THOUGH???? LIKE LIKING SOMETHING /=/ MORALITY??? YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN ANTIS???
anyway i'm a bit of wilbur/cwilbur kinnie so take than into account i guess??
also devasted because tumblr user lmanburg is a critblr blog and they don't deserve that user :(
please critblr/truthblr/ebblr (still not sure what this one is) please actually watch the people you claim so much to know about and stfu
smile :)
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linagram · 1 year
NOOOOO ANON DON'T DIE okay so tbh i haven't really drawn them like their designs just.. exist in my head and that's it so please take these messy sketches (i made them in class 👍 i'm a responsible student i swear)
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+ more information about them under the cut!
OKAY SO the first unused prisoner is this girl who killed someone (i actually still don't know how her crime was supposed to go) but she claims that it was fine for her to do that because, well, she's not exactly sane and she went through a lot of stuff, so like.. yeah, she uses that as an excuse. yurika and riku actually have some of her personality traits (same goes for riku's victim)
i guess you can call the second unused prisoner beta!shun in a way?? :'D like, he also was in a toxic relationship and he also likes to deceive both himself and others. basically, he was supposed to make everyone believe that his girlfriend treated him badly and he killed her in self-defense, and when the guard still found him suspicious, he just went "oh, so you just refuse to accept that guys can be the victims too huh". but the thing is that he was the guilty one and not his girlfriend and he refused to accept that so.. yeah
wait the third one actually kinda looks like naomi ASHDHJSJKS OKAY i guess you can call her fem!akio in a way because i kinda wanted to have this "popular girl" prisoner who was afraid of losing her popularity and ended up killing her rival. i thought that it was too boring though, but i still liked the idea, sooo akio can be called that "popular girl prisoner" now because his crime is basically the same! also i've decided to use her design for one of the final prisoners' victims.
about the fourth one.. i really wanted to have a prisoner oc who killed someone for clout and attention because. well. social media can be like that sometimes. however, i didn't really know what to do with her and her crime was like.. the only thing i knew about her, so yeah. sorry, girl, i just know you would be so much more powerful than the main cyberbully of canongram fuuta kajiyama himself 😔
okay, so about the last two: i really wanted to make prisoner ocs that were related in some way, like maybe siblings, twins, parent and child, etc. i thought it would be such a cool concept, like would they count as one prisoner? would they count as two prisoners? did they commit the same crime or maybe their crimes weren't related at all? what if they don't even know anything about each other's crimes? what if they killed someone together? so many possibilities!.. i didn't know which idea i like the most though, so yeah, i ended up not using them. but i liked the concept so much that i decided to keep these two as one of the final prisoners' victims as well.
and also i've mentioned before that originally i had only one guard oc and that was eiji and even though his personality was mostly the same, his design was more pink and green, but i decided to change it because he looked too similar to some of my other ocs (both fandom and non-fandom). he wasn't even supposed to be related to any of the prisoners actually, but then i looked at his new color scheme and i was like. you literally look like kei's brother OKAY LET'S GO WITH THAT
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