#cait c: tara welsh
cait-curious · 1 year
The next day, Tara and Cora discussed their visitors from the night before.
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"What did you think about Danny's news?" Cora asked between bites of hamburger. "About the twin babies?" "I'm worried that his life after college is starting out in such a complicated way, but I have to admit I love the idea of more grandbabies. Do you think we'll ever meet them?" Tara wondered. "You might, but I probably won't."
Cora's comment startled Tara. "Why not?!" "It's just that I don't have that much time left," Cora said matter-of-factly. "Don't even say that!" Tara shrieked. "It's the truth, though. Friends my age are already starting to pass away, like Rob Broke," Cora pointed out. "He was much older than you, though." "Not much. We went to school together." "Well I'm not hearing this," Tara said as she stormed out of the kitchen.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny and Tosha had a beautiful wedding, but unfortunately their friends and family did not all act appropriately.
Rosa Broke came to the wedding with Donald Cormier, but Walter tried to sneak a kiss in when his brother wasn't looking.
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"Ugh I can't BELIEVE you Rosa," Donald shouted after slapping her face. "Why did you even ask me to come if you were just going to make out with my brother in front of me!" "Wow Donald," Rosa said, taken aback by his behavior. "We never said we were exclusive. You flirt with other girls all the time! The only reason you're not flirting today is that all the girls here are your cousins!" "Is this why you didn't tell me about your pregnancy? Is Walter the father?" Donald asked. "This isn't the time or the place for that discussion. You're being disrespectful to Danny and Tosha."
By the end of the party the weather had cleared, but things got even more out of control. Morty Goth and Walter Cormier got into a fight by the hot tub.
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"Ah-ha! That'll show you to mess with an old man!" Morty proclaimed, wiping his hands of his nephew. "Disgraceful..." Ricky Cormier muttered over his shoulder to his son. "Ooh that looked painful," Whitney Goth winced. "Okay everyone, I think it's time to go. Tosha needs her rest," Tara Welsh said to the group by the hot tub. Things were escalating, and she did not want her son to remember his wedding as the day his family fought each other.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Cora Goth's house, they heard what sounded like someone sneaking onto their porch.
"Is that a burglar?" "Not in the middle of the day."
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Tara and Morty saw a fortune teller sneaking away.
"What is that?" Tara asked. "Looks like a dusty old lamp," Morty said. There was a note attached.
"You have trod the arduous paths of excellence, and your desire is answered by this ancient power. Choose most wisely your requests."
Morty took the dusty old lamp and put it upstairs. Tara decided to try it first.
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She rubbed the lamp and a floating purple Sim emerged.
"I am an all-powerful Genie, with the fabric of the universe at my command. I will grant you 3 wishes," his voice boomed. "Gosh, three wishes. Well, most of all, I want to live to see my son growing into adulthood and maybe meet my grandchildren. Give me a long life!" Tara said to the Genie. "Very well. You have 2 wishes remaining," the Genie said.
Morty wanted to try next.
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"I hear and obey the Master of the Lamp. 2 wishes remain," the Genie said in his booming voice. "Hmm... most of all, I want to be a rich Sim. Give me wealth!" Morty cried. "Your wish is granted, Master. You have 1 remaining wish," the Genie said, disappearing back into the dusty old lamp.
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Morty didn't know what to expect, but a big bag of Simoleons fell from the sky. He may not have married a rich Sim, like he wanted, but this bag of money made up for it.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Cora Goth and Tara Welsh's house, they heard a noise outside.
"What in the world was that?" "Sounds like a delivery. Who would be delivering something at this hour?"
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It was a fountain. The women looked for a note and found one attached.
I had a ridiculously fun time on our outing! I thought I'd commemorate the event with this gift. Here's a Florid Font!
Wow. What in the world did they do on their date?
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cait-curious · 1 year
Tara noticed that Morty had been spending a lot of time in his room lately, so she went to check on him.
"Hey Mort. Everything okay?" "Hey Tara. I was just doing some thinking. I think I'd like to get married.
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"Oh! How exciting! Are you proposing to that lady you brought over recently?" Tara asked. She didn't know Morty was serious about anyone. "No, not Marsha. She's a great girl but I'd really like to marry someone with money." "Well, the only wealthy people I know are all related to you. So I'm not sure about that." Tara added. "You're right. But I'm going to start looking for a wife. I have a big birthday coming up, and it's really making me examine my life," Morty said thoughtfully. "Well, Cora and I support you," Tara said hesitantly. She got married because she was in love and wanted to start a family, so she couldn't really relate to Morty's thoughts.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny Welsh-Goth became a young adult and started college.
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"Wow! I feel so grown up!" Danny said in his new outfit. "Are you sure that's what you want to wear to college, sweetie?" asked Tara. "I want to make a good impression, but I'm sure I'll wear something more comfortable around the dorm."
It was hard being away from home for the first time, but he still got a lot of attention from his moms.
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"Don't party too hard, you need to study. But make friends!" Cora scolded. "Okay Mom, I don't know how I'm supposed to stay in and study all the time and still meet new people," Danny said.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Tara Welsh had been studying the stars at the telescope when something unexpected happened.
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Whoa what is that light?
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A flying saucer picked her up from their back porch.
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A few hours later, Tara was tossed out onto the front lawn. She was worried about any side effects from her abduction, but none have arisen so far.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora Goth distractedly ate her spaghetti dinner.
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"Hey babe what's up? How was the graduation thing for Johnna and her friend?" Tara asked, knowing something was on Cora's mind. "It was okay. Tegan seemed like a nice girl, but Johnna was her usual self. It seems like college only changed her for the worse." Cora mumbled. "Oh no what happened?" "First she was boasting about all of these fights she was in- it seems like she fought with everyone in the dorms," Cora said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Then she was gossiping about Nicky right in front of his daughter." "Oh no. What was she saying?" Tara asked. "She was talking about him and that Broke girl." "Oh right, Alex and I saw them together. Alex seemed pretty upset so I'm not surprised he talked about it in front of his daughters." Tara said. "I just feel so bad for Luna. She was alone at the bar when we got there. I think she feels neglected," Cora said sadly. "Should we invite her over here? Would that help?" Tara asked. She was always happy to help a family member. "No, I'm going to talk to Izzy. Maybe her boys can bring her home after school. I think being with other kids would help," Cora said, thinking of teenage Izzy and Nicky coming over to her house to get away from the chaos at home.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Skipper Broke (Dustin's daughter) had a huge crush on Nick Lothario, so she finally worked up the guts to ask him out. Nick is always up for going downtown, so they went to the club together.
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"Well I think things are going great tonight, don't you? Would you like to move things over to the hot tub?" Nick asked, gesturing towards the tub. "Sure!" Skipper nodded enthusiastically.
What Skipper didn't consider was that the Lotharios and the Brokes are two of the biggest families in Pleasantview, so there was bound to be someone they knew nearby.
This time it was Nick's aunt Tara Welsh and uncle Alexander Goth.
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"Oh my god ew," Tara shuddered, noticing that it was her nephew in the hot tub with some random blonde. "Come Tara, let's go back inside," Alexander said, placing a hand over Tara's back to guide her. Alexander muttered to Nick as he left, "Your mother would be turning in her grave if she knew what you were getting up to."
Nick either didn't hear or didn't care. By the time Tara and Alexander got inside, Nick and Skipper were already making out and tossing off their swimsuits.
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cait-curious · 1 year
After work, Tara Welsh stopped by Doc Alan's bar to unwind a little. She found a familiar face playing pool.
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"Hi Beau! Mind if I join you?" Tara didn't know Beau well, but their kids had been friends for years. "Tara! I don't mind at all! How are things at the lab?" Beau asked, noticing her scrubs from work. "It's going pretty well! How are you? How's your family?" Tara replied, knowing Cora would ask about Beau's partner Shanna. "I'm doing great, I'm a lab assistant now. Rosa's getting ready to graduate and thinking about college. And of course Shanna's better than ever." Beau said with a grin. "I'm glad to hear that! Cora said she saw Shanna downtown recently," Tara replied, lining up her shot. "Of course. She's been busy enjoying her new life. It's only a matter of time before she upgrades from this old man to a better model." Beau said. Tara couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was really worried about Shanna leaving him.
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cait-curious · 1 year
The next day, Cora and Tara both got promotions!
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Danny, predictably, brought his good friend Rosa home from school. Cora made conversation over bowls of chili.
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"So, Rosa," Cora started. "How's your mom and dad?" "They're fine. We're all trying to adjust to Mom being back. She's so different than when I was little," Rosa said. "I'm sure you're all different now," Cora replied. "I saw your mom at the bowling alley recently. She looked great." "Yeah, I'm sure you did. Shes' been hanging out downtown a lot lately. Trying to make the most of her new life I guess." Rosa said, shrugging. "Well you're all grown up now! She doesn't have a little one to look after at home. She's probably figuring out what to do with herself." Cora responded. "I guess. She could just go to work and stuff like everyone else's moms, though," Rosa mumbled into her chili.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Cora Goth's house, her wife Tara got a promotion, and was greeted at home by her son Danny.
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"Hi Mommy!" "Hi sweetheart! Let's talk about your day!"
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They talked about everything, mostly things Danny had heard at school.
"I heard that people in Pleasantview have gotten abducted by aliens!" "Yes that can happen, but it's very rare." "Whoa. Maybe I'll get abducted by aliens someday!"
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Morty Goth's house, his partner Diana Burb has moved in. She fixed the place up to no longer look like a bachelor pad.
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"What do you think, should we invite some friends over to see the house?" Diana asked "Oh it's definitely ready for company," Morty replied, "But let's test out the new bed first."
Later that evening, the doorbell rang.
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It was Morty's sister-in-law, Tara Welsh. "Hi Tara! Is everything okay? Where's Cora and Danny?" "They're at home. I was putting Danny to bed and he was worried because you hadn't been by for a few days. I said you and Diana were getting settled in and you all would see each other soon."
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"Yes, tell Danny I'll come over later in the week. You and Cora have a great kid!" "Thanks Morty. We sure do. I'll let him know in the morning that'll you'll be over in a couple days."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Tara and her newly adopted son Danny have bonded quickly. He runs to hug her every day when she comes home from work.
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Meanwhile, Cora got a call from Solveig Danaher, the very first lesbian she ever met, asking her to meet up downtown. They met up in a group at the Platinum Gym, but nothing romantic happened between them.
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Cora got to spend some time with her friend Sam Broke, so it was a nice time nonetheless.
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cait-curious · 1 year
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Cora Goth didn't want to wait to get married, since her mother Dina was getting older and nearing the end of her life. Tara Welsh was very excited to get married, so there was no reason to wait.
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Both women looked beautiful at their wedding, and were so happy to be celebrating their love with friends and family.
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Cora and Tara were right to move quickly after their engagement, as Dina died of old age very soon after the wedding. She lived a good, long life, but Cora will miss her very much.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Even though the Goths are a small family, there's always a lot going on.
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As a fortune Sim, Morty is usually pretty focused on studying and learning skills. But he's leaving for college before the end of this round, and took time out to make a booty call to his girlfriend Diana Burb (John and Jennifer Burb's second child).
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Cora has also made a few booty calls, all to Tara Welsh. They haven't taken their relationship any further, but they're enjoying their time together.
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