#cait c: cora goth
cait-curious · 1 year
Baby Danielle became a toddler!
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"Oh baby girl we have to give you a haircut! Don't want the grandmas to mix you and your sister up!"
This wasn't a worry for long, though, as Natalie aged up to a child shortly after.
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"Ugh I'm so sleepy and I can't fit in the crib anymore- maybe I can sleep in my grandmas' bed."
Her family made over the nursery so that half would have Danielle's toddler things, and the other half would have Danielle's big girl bed and toys. Grandma Cora read her a bedtime story.
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"And then the princess slayed the dragon herself, because she didn't need a knight to come and save her when she could do the saving herself."
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cait-curious · 1 year
The next day, Tara and Cora discussed their visitors from the night before.
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"What did you think about Danny's news?" Cora asked between bites of hamburger. "About the twin babies?" "I'm worried that his life after college is starting out in such a complicated way, but I have to admit I love the idea of more grandbabies. Do you think we'll ever meet them?" Tara wondered. "You might, but I probably won't."
Cora's comment startled Tara. "Why not?!" "It's just that I don't have that much time left," Cora said matter-of-factly. "Don't even say that!" Tara shrieked. "It's the truth, though. Friends my age are already starting to pass away, like Rob Broke," Cora pointed out. "He was much older than you, though." "Not much. We went to school together." "Well I'm not hearing this," Tara said as she stormed out of the kitchen.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Cora Goth and Tara Welsh's house, they heard a noise outside.
"What in the world was that?" "Sounds like a delivery. Who would be delivering something at this hour?"
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It was a fountain. The women looked for a note and found one attached.
I had a ridiculously fun time on our outing! I thought I'd commemorate the event with this gift. Here's a Florid Font!
Wow. What in the world did they do on their date?
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny Welsh-Goth became a young adult and started college.
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"Wow! I feel so grown up!" Danny said in his new outfit. "Are you sure that's what you want to wear to college, sweetie?" asked Tara. "I want to make a good impression, but I'm sure I'll wear something more comfortable around the dorm."
It was hard being away from home for the first time, but he still got a lot of attention from his moms.
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"Don't party too hard, you need to study. But make friends!" Cora scolded. "Okay Mom, I don't know how I'm supposed to stay in and study all the time and still meet new people," Danny said.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora Goth was at her coworker Darryl Dreamer's house, which his partner let them know that dinner was ready. Darryl stayed upstairs, helping his daughter with her homework, while Cora went downstairs for dinner.
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"It's good to see you again, Marsha," Cora said tersely. "You too Cora. I really appreciate your discretion," Marsha said softly. "Well, your affairs are none of my business," Cora said, looking at her soup. "I have no desire to break the heart of my brother or my dear friend. I'll leave that up to you." "I'm not trying to do any of that," Marsha said, her voice shaking. "Again, it's none of my business. But you need to think long and hard about what you're doing, and what you value," Cora said sternly.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Darryl Dreamer invited his coworker Cora Goth to his house after work.
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"Your reflexes are improving, Darryl!" Cora said as they played red hands. "That'll definitely help you to become a Space Pirate like me someday." "Thanks! I hope so. Your mentorship has helped me out so much," Darryl said. He really looked up to Cora. "Hey, maybe someday I'll have a life just like yours!" he added.
Cora forced a smile, but Darryl could tell she had something on her mind. "Hey what's going on? Is everything okay at home?" Darryl asked. Cora couldn't say what she was thinking- that she knew his partner was cheating on him with her brother. So she thought fast. "You know, I grew up in this house," Cora said. "Oh, I didn't know that." "Yes, it brings back memories. My parents, my brother Alexander. They're all gone now." Cora said wistfully. It was true, just not what had been on her mind. "Hey, you've still got Morty! And Tara, and Danny, even though he's away at college." Cora smiled. "You're right. Let's go down for dinner.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Marsha Bruenig was getting out of the hot tub when a car pulled up. A familiar short-haired woman got out.
Oh no what is she doing here? Marsha thought.
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"Hi Marsha! I'm sorry, Darryl didn't come home with me today," Cora said. "Oh, um, that's okay, I wasn't looking for Darryl... this is your house?" Marsha said, shaken. "Yes of course! Did you need something from me?" Cora asked, unsure why her coworker's girlfriend was at her house. "No, I was here with Morty..." Oh god I hope he's not her husband? Marsha suddenly thought. "Oh, my brother invited you over! And you were... enjoying the hot tub together," Cora said, noticing that Marsha was in her bathing suit. Marsha didn't know what to say. Should she admit to having an affair to her partner's coworker? This was messier than she thought it would be.
"Actually I need to go... Darryl will be getting home soon," Marsha said, ready to crawl into a hole. "Oh no don't go yet! Stay for dinner," Cora's request sounded more like a demand than a question.
Tara had made blackened catfish, and Cora didn't drop the bombshell about Marsha living with Darryl, so it wasn't a bad dinner.
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"Marsha, will you be spending the night? We have plenty of room upstairs," Cora said. "Thank you, but no. I need to get home and put my daughter to bed," Marsha replied. "Oh no we've kept you here too long," Morty said, concerned. "No it's fine, this has been really nice," Marsha said.
She loved spending time with Morty and they had a blast in the hot tub, but she didn't realize he was living with his sister- and his sister was Cora, her partner's friend from work. The whole dynamic was different now.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora Goth distractedly ate her spaghetti dinner.
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"Hey babe what's up? How was the graduation thing for Johnna and her friend?" Tara asked, knowing something was on Cora's mind. "It was okay. Tegan seemed like a nice girl, but Johnna was her usual self. It seems like college only changed her for the worse." Cora mumbled. "Oh no what happened?" "First she was boasting about all of these fights she was in- it seems like she fought with everyone in the dorms," Cora said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Then she was gossiping about Nicky right in front of his daughter." "Oh no. What was she saying?" Tara asked. "She was talking about him and that Broke girl." "Oh right, Alex and I saw them together. Alex seemed pretty upset so I'm not surprised he talked about it in front of his daughters." Tara said. "I just feel so bad for Luna. She was alone at the bar when we got there. I think she feels neglected," Cora said sadly. "Should we invite her over here? Would that help?" Tara asked. She was always happy to help a family member. "No, I'm going to talk to Izzy. Maybe her boys can bring her home after school. I think being with other kids would help," Cora said, thinking of teenage Izzy and Nicky coming over to her house to get away from the chaos at home.
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cait-curious · 1 year
After graduation, Johnna Goth and Tegan Dreamer went out to celebrate.
When they got to the bowling alley, young teen Luna Lothario was already at the bar.
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Stupid older girls think they're too good to invite me- I'll show them I'm just as cool as they are!
The graduates didn't do her any favors, though, because Johnna had some gossip to share about Luna's father, Nick.
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"My dad said he saw Nick Lothario in the hot tub with Skipper Broke at the lounge!" Johnna stage-whispered, making a display of sharing gossip. "Skipper?? Didn't she go to school with our siblings? What is he thinking going out with her so publicly?" Tegan asked, scandalized. "I know!! Clearly, she's just after the money. But you didn't hear it from me!" The two giggled.
Cora did not like what she was hearing. "Girls, have some decorum. Luna is right inside, and she doesn't need to hear you two spreading nasty rumors about her father," Cora scolded. "Sorry Aunt Cora," Johnna said in a sing-song voice, clearly not sorry at all.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny Welsh-Goth is leaving Pleasantview to start his next chapter at Sim State University!
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Cora and Tara don't have to worry about being empty nesters, because Morty's still around. Today he had some news for Cora.
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"Sis! I found her! I found Diana!" Morty said, running into the kitchen from the hot tub. "That's great Mort! Is she okay?" Cora asked. "I didn't get a lot of details, but I spoke to Michael Lothario. He works with her. He said she'll be in the area tomorrow! I told him where she can find me." Morty said. He was hoping for a happy reunion, but he could tell his sister was being more realistic. "Are you sure you want answers? They may not be what you want to hear," Cora said tentatively. "I just want to see her. I want to know that she's okay, and that her moving away so suddenly was her decision." Morty said. He would have to calm down before he saw his former partner.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora Goth came home from work in her Hostage Negotiator gear.
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And got another promotion!
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Cora's mom would be proud of her new work outfit.
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The Dina Caliente vibes are strong.
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cait-curious · 1 year
The next day, Cora and Tara both got promotions!
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Danny, predictably, brought his good friend Rosa home from school. Cora made conversation over bowls of chili.
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"So, Rosa," Cora started. "How's your mom and dad?" "They're fine. We're all trying to adjust to Mom being back. She's so different than when I was little," Rosa said. "I'm sure you're all different now," Cora replied. "I saw your mom at the bowling alley recently. She looked great." "Yeah, I'm sure you did. Shes' been hanging out downtown a lot lately. Trying to make the most of her new life I guess." Rosa said, shrugging. "Well you're all grown up now! She doesn't have a little one to look after at home. She's probably figuring out what to do with herself." Cora responded. "I guess. She could just go to work and stuff like everyone else's moms, though," Rosa mumbled into her chili.
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cait-curious · 1 year
As Nova Lothario's post-graduation gathering at the bowling alley was winding down, Nick settled the bill while the others waited outside. Nova had been chatting with Nick's date.
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"Congrats on your graduation! Go Gerbits!" Shanna cheered. "Yeah! Go Gerbits!" Nova replied, with her fist in the air.
Cora and Izzy looked as each other. They wanted to say something to Shanna, but didn't know where to start.
"Shanna you look... really good!" Cora started. "Haha, for being dead for years?" Shanna chortled. "Did you just... disappear?" Izzy inquired, trying to sound nonchalant. "That happened to my grandma once." "No, I died in an accident at home. I was trying to tinker with the TV, then I got electrocuted. It was awful," Shanna shuddered. "Then next thing I know, I'm back at the house with Beau and Rosa, all grown up! Beau told me he worked for years to earn the Resurrect-o-Nomitron."
Izzy interrupted. "That's real?! I always thought that was an urban legend," "It is! It's still at our house, if you ever need it! Beau spent all his money to make sure I came back as good as new, and here I am!" Shanna beamed.
Izzy and Cora exchanged glances. If Shanna's partner Beau did all of that, then why was Shanna here with Nick?
"Is Beau um... still around?" Izzy prodded. She knew Beau was a little older than them, but not that much older. "Oh yes, Beau and Rosa are at home. Unless Rosa is with one of your boys!" Shanna laughed.
Cora and Izzy faked a chuckle in response. That answered some questions, but they both made mental notes to prod their kids about their friend Rosa's family later.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Nick Lothario rarely goes anywhere without a date, even though he's not quite the player his dad was.
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The family was supposed to be celebrating Nova Lothario and her graduation from college, but Nick seemed more focused on the woman he brought to the bowling alley.
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Nova wanted to actually bowl, so Cora and Izzy joined her.
"Did you see who Nick brought with him?" Cora asked, glancing back at Nick and his date playing pool. Izzy looked over her shoulder. "Hmm, no gray hair. Didn't sleep with my father. Looks like an improvement to me." "Don't you recognize her? That's Shanna Mazza. Rosa Broke's mom."
Of course Izzy knew who Rosa was, she had been going to school with her oldest sons for years. But that couldn't be her mother.
"Yeah she looks like Shanna but that can't be her, remember? She died in an accident years ago," Izzy reminded Cora "That's definitely her." "Well she looks good for someone who's been dead for years." Izzy joked.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny Welsh-Goth has aged up into a teen!
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Since Danny was getting older, Cora and Tara wanted him to spend more time with kids his own age, instead of spending all of his time at home with his moms. Cora knew a couple of other teens- Donald and Walter Cormier had also recently aged up. She called Isabella to bring her boys over to spend some time with Danny.
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"Hey Izzy! Thanks for coming over!" Cora said, adding finger guns for emphasis. "Hey no problem! I'm just glad to get out of the house for something other than work!"
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Not sure what teen boys get up to in Pleasantview, but apparently it involves the Smustle.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Cora Goth's house, her wife Tara got a promotion, and was greeted at home by her son Danny.
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"Hi Mommy!" "Hi sweetheart! Let's talk about your day!"
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They talked about everything, mostly things Danny had heard at school.
"I heard that people in Pleasantview have gotten abducted by aliens!" "Yes that can happen, but it's very rare." "Whoa. Maybe I'll get abducted by aliens someday!"
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