#cait c: richard cormier
cait-curious · 1 year
Goth Family Tree
This is the Goth Family tree, at the end of 11 rounds of gameplay (55 Sim days). I'll try to update this after every round.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian and Michael Lothario have never been married, but they live apart because they don't get along. Michael is the twin with glasses, wearing the traditional Goth round glasses.
Nova Lothario was born as a result of Cassandra's alien abduction. She just finished her sophomore year at Sim State University.
Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). They are currently not part of Cora's Story.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora, Nick, and Izzy are all very close, and are also friends with Rob and Sam Broke (unborn baby Broke), all born in Round 1.
Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister). He is friends with Adrian and Michael, as they all went to Sim State together. Morty was named after his father, who died before he was born.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 18
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 18 (90in-game days). Changes from the round 17 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they had four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). Izzy passed away at home surrounded by her family. Currently her son Donald lives in the Goth Manor with his daughter Anna (born round 17) and his father, Ricky.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario lives on his own following the death of his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they had three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16). Following Orlando's passing, Whitney adopted a child, Isaiah (born approximately round 16).
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora passed away at her home, the same day Danny's twins were born.
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have four children together: Natalie (born round 16), Danielle (born round 17), and twins Lia and Cornelius (born round 18). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they had two children together: twins Parker and Arthur (born round 17). Morty Goth died of old age.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Richard Cormier invited over family friend Rosa Broke. He knew Christian was feeling lonesome waiting for his girlfriend to start college in the fall, so he introduced the two of them.
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"Hi, I'm Christian Broke." "I know," answered Rosa. "You probably don't remember me, but I'm your cousin. I haven't seen you since you were little." "Whoa, that's so cool! I'm glad we reconnected!"
Meanwhile, Richard danced with Jimmy Phoenix in the downstairs study room.
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"I told you I'd come and visit," whispered Jimmy. "I shouldn't have doubted you," replied Richard. "I'm not sure about that shirt, though..." "What, you don't think orange is my color?"
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cait-curious · 1 year
After his brother Aldric graduated, Richard Cormier was spending most of his time with his boyfriend Jimmy Phoenix.
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"I don't know what I'm going to do when you graduate," Richard said quietly. "I'll only be a phone call away, don't worry."
Christian Broke started at Sim State about a year after Richard, and the two got along well.
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"You were smart to pick the art major," Christian conceded. "Political Science is a lot of work." "Ah, I bet," Richard replied. "I just picked it because it's what my older brothers all studied, but I think I made a good choice."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Richard really enjoyed spending time with his new college friend Jimmy Phoenix. He saw Richard as his own Sim, not as someone's little brother.
In fact, they grew a little closer than just friends.
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"Y'know I... I've never kissed anyone before." "Then it's time you learned how."
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Richard had his first kiss, and with someone other than Rosa Broke.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Richard Cormier joined his brother Aldric at Sim State University. Even with his brother there, he was a little homesick, but as the youngest he was very self-conscious of appearing like a baby to his parents or older brothers to know. So he invited over his Aunt Nova Lothario to keep him company.
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"Richard! I'm so glad to see you! How's it going in the dorm?" Nova asked with a hug. "It's good to see you too Aunt Nova. I'm getting settled in, but there's a lot of new people here. It's a little overwhelming." "I know, college can be overwhelming at first," Nova said. "But this is a great chance for you to find yourself! I know what it's like being the youngest sibling, you're always in someone else's shadow. Now you can really make a name for yourself and be your own Sim!" This was just what Richard needed to hear. "You're so right, Aunt Nova. I need to find out who I am, other than the youngest Cormier brother."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 16
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 16 (80 in-game days). Changes from the round 15 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10, currently attending Sim State), and Richard (born round 11). She lives in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor, with her husband Ricky.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario currently lives with his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they have three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16).
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8).
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have one child together: Natalie (born round 16). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they are expecting a baby.
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cait-curious · 1 year
The Cormier family was enjoying some time together before the younger boys left for college.
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When Richard wanted to go out for the evening, he asked his father, knowing he was more likely to agree to it.
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"Sure, I don't see why not. Just don't stay out too late."
Richard asked his cousin Luna, who was immediately down for it.
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"Um, Luna? Why do you have a limo?" "Don't ask questions. Just get in the back."
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cait-curious · 1 year
At the Cormier house, the boys have started bringing their cousin Luna Lothario over after school.
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"Wow! This is where my dad grew up?" Luna asked incredulously as she stepped off of the school bus. "It's not that great. It's an old haunted house," Richard shrugged, as he looked at his grades.
Luna thought it was pretty cool.
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"Thanks for having me over, Aunt Izzy," Luna said after dinner. "You're always welcome here, dear," Izzy said. "This is your family home too. You can come home with any of my boys whenever you like."
Izzy knew her twin brother, Luna's father, wouldn't care or even notice. She also remembered coming home with Cora Goth after school at her Granny Dina's house, and what a vital lifeline that was when things were rough at home. Izzy was happy to be a refuge for her niece.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny Welsh-Goth invited a cousin over after school- the youngest Cormier brother, Richard, had just started high school, and Danny wanted to impart all of his wisdom before graduation.
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"C'mon Danny, what could you possibly tell me that my older brothers haven't already told me?" Richard asked, exasperated. "There's a lot of things! Walter and Donald don't know everything," Danny replied, hands on his hips. "And Aldric. You forgot Aldric," Richard reminded him. "Aldric definitely doesn't know everything."
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"Okay genius, tell me your knowledge," Richard said. To be fair he was new at school and could use all the help he could get. "Well, have you ever snuck out of the house?" Danny asked. "No. Why would I want to do that?" Richard replied. "It's so much fun! You can spend time with a friend or a crush, going wherever you want! You just have to be careful not to get caught," Danny advised. "Okay, is there a trick to that?" Richard asked, slightly more interested. "Yes. Don't take any of the cars from your house. Go over to the bar, there's always a yellow sportscar there that's easy to take," Danny said, his voice low. "You steal cars?!" Richard said loudly. "Shh!! No! Just borrow," Danny emphasized. "I always bring it back, the owner's none the wiser." "I don't know. I feel like it would be easier to take one of my parents' cars." Richard said with a shrug. "I'm telling you, that's a surefire way to get caught. I'm the expert!" Boasted Danny.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 12
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 12 (60 in-game days). Changes from the round 11 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel.
Michael Lothario has never been married.
Nova Lothario just graduated from Sim State University and moved back to Pleasantview.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). Whitney currently attends Sim State, and Johnna enjoys bullying her younger cousins in high school.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Danny is friends with the other teens in the family- Donald Cormier, Walter Cormier, and Johnna Goth.
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Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister), with whom he currently lives.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Isabella Goth's twins Donald and Walter brought home a friend from school- their cousin, Danny Welsh-Goth.
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"Wow! Do you guys live in a castle?" Danny asked, looking wide-eyed at the Goth Manor. "No, just this old house," Walter shrugged as he walked inside. "With a backyard full of dead people," Donald added, sitting his homework down. "Whoa. I just have a pond in my backyard."
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Suddenly Donald threw a water balloon at Danny. "Ugh! What? What's going on??" "Water balloon fight!! There's a bunch out back, let's go play!"
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Danny and all of the Cormier boys spent the afternoon playing water balloons. Even Richard, the youngest (on the left), held his own with the older boys.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Isabella Goth's house, her oldest three children are in grade school, leaving her husband Ricky more free time to get up to mischief.
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Ricky and townie Jill Smith have been getting very close, spending their afternoons together at Doc Alan's bar.
Meanwhile, Izzy is working hard and being a great mom.
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Aldric loves greeting his mom when she comes home from work. Today Izzy was spending time with her uncle Alexander at work and invited him over to the Goth Manor.
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It was very strange for Alex to be back in his childhood home, especially with how different it looked full of children (and modern technology). But Alex went right into Dad Mode, and helped with the kids. While Izzy made sure her older boys were taken care of, Alex gave baby Richard a bath.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Tara and her newly adopted son Danny have bonded quickly. He runs to hug her every day when she comes home from work.
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Meanwhile, Cora got a call from Solveig Danaher, the very first lesbian she ever met, asking her to meet up downtown. They met up in a group at the Platinum Gym, but nothing romantic happened between them.
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Cora got to spend some time with her friend Sam Broke, so it was a nice time nonetheless.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 17
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 17 (85 in-game days). Changes from the round 16 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She lives in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor, with her husband Ricky, son Donald, and granddaughter Anna (born round 17).
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11, currently attending Sim State). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario lives on his own, following the death of his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they had three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16). Orlando passed away, and Whitney lives alone with the children.
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8).
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have two children together: Natalie (born round 16) and Danielle (born round 17). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they have two children together: twins Parker and Arthur (born round 17).
Note #1: In this round, Mortimer Goth had his first great-great grandchild (Anna Cormier), as well as his 9th and 10th grandchildren (Parker and Arthur Goth). It makes me think of that president who was born in the 1700s and still has living grandchildren- that'll be Morty and Kaylynn's kids.
Note #2: I'm expecting my surviving Sims born in round 1 (Isabella, Nick, and Cora) to pass away in round 18, and I'm already sad about it. When Cora dies, my plan is to finish posting about that round, then that'll be the end. So, the next round may be the last, just a heads up.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Richard was trying to follow his Aunt Nova's advice, but also wanted to spend time with his older brother. Aldric had other plans.
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"Hey Aldric, can you take a look at my project?" "In a minute Rich, can't you see I'm busy?" "Oh okay," Richard said. Yet again one of his brothers was ignoring him for a girl. "Hi Rosa." "Hi Rich. Your brother will be out in a minute, okay?"
Rosa felt a little bad for Richard, so she spent some time chatting with him in the dorm.
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"It's just tough, you know?" Richard said. "I thought I'd come to college and make some life-long BFFs." "You will!" Rosa said. "It takes time. Have you talked to any of the dormies? It's really good to get to know some different people." "I met the guy who lives down the hall, Jimmy Phoenix. I'd really like to get to know him better." "Well, there you go!" Rosa said. "I should be going home. Go knock on his door!"
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