#cait's podcast list
wildfernflower · 1 year
Tony is a Band Manager not Music Producer. Problem is that except for the major media that interviewed Cait most are crappy articles on dubious online sites that simply copy and paste wrong information from other shady sites and continue to post as clickbait. In a recent podcast with Lauren Lyle, the host clearly said that he knows Tony very well and that he is The Fratellis' band manager. HIs name is mentioned twice on the band's last album with thanks and appreciation. He doesn't need a SM to do his work. Phone calls, messaging, e-mails and in person meetings are still used to do business and obviously he does them all.
The fact that you continue to use wrong info. to push your own agenda is quite clear to anyone who is aware of both sides.
“Tony is a Band Manager not Music Producer”
Whether T is a music producer, band manager, or both, it doesn't make his persona look better, more professional, or just more "real". In numerous articles though he’s mentioned as a music producer:
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According to your own words, these are “crappy articles on dubious online sites that simply copy and paste wrong information from other shady sites and continue to post as clickbait”. So these are not credible sources, as you’ve admitted, but no others exist. Nobody can verify his qualifications and find out what his real job is, because there is no mention about him to be found either in serious press or on serious websites like Linkedin – you have surely read my reply to an Anon, where I compared T’s skills and accomplishments (zero entries) to those of N. Brown, the tour manager of The Fratellis.
The difference is striking and puzzling, but you deliberately ignore it. It seems natural and beneficial for a career and recognition in any field, specifically in the music/entertainment industry, to have many skills, achievements, contracts, etc. and to make these facts public and widely known to the potential new clients. Well documented career path proves professionalism and competences of the producer/manager and encourages the clients to start successful cooperation, regardless of what your working style is. Why to harm your own career by staying anonymous and hiding that all? (Unless you have nothing to show …). T does have a phone (we saw him sitting at the table glued to the screen during the events C had dragged him to), possibly he has an e-mail address, too … Do you expect him reciting his competences each time a client calls him? E-mails and phone calls are “still used to do business and obviously he does them all” – do you know him personally to be sure what his working style is and that he “obviously” do them all? Perhaps you believe T enjoys such a broad recognition and his accomplishments are so significant that he’s in great demand and doesn’t need any publicity? So why nobody has heard about him? If he was that recognized, why - when press reported on C's wedding 4 years ago - had there never been any mention of how outstanding and talented man Caitriona had married? Usually, the journalists (especially tabloid journos) dig a lot to find out some interesting facts and details about the person with whom the celebrity is getting married to. But nothing more apart from T being a music producer had been found back then and hasn’t been so far. Isn't it a bit weird? I’ll bet many people hadn’t heard about him and his profession until then.
“His name is mentioned twice on the band's last album with thanks and appreciation”
That’s possible, maybe his name was mentioned also on one or two older albums of Fratellis, you probably know better than me. But have anybody heard about his other achievements? Is that all he did during all his professional life? One mention on the album? Almost 20 years in the industry working supposedly as a producer/manager, almost 47 year old guy and his only “success” is his contribution to one album and being acknowledged once or twice by the same band? No cooperations with other artists? No other projects? Simply these acknowledgements? That’s all? T and the members of Fratellis are surely good friends, there was a photo of them on IG, and probably that’s why he’s mentioned occasionally as a manager, and why Fratellis are his only connection with the music industry over many years.
“In a recent podcast with Lauren Lyle, the host clearly said that he knows Tony very well and that he is The Fratellis' band manager”
This was the first time anyone had spoken publicly about T in the context of his career in the music industry. How do we know what he said is credible? Perhaps, as I wrote in my comment back then, that journalist wanted to give his good pal T some publicity if he’s not doing well in the music industry? It’s a bit suspicious to mention him at all, and definitely unprofessional to suggest him managing Fratellis links OL to great music. If T is such “an amazing fella”, why does C never say a word about him and never mention his name, why isn’t she proud of him, why does she never walk red carpet with him, why does she avoid being photographed with him in front of the media wall, why is he always trailing behind her along the corridors, why does she use him as a coat hanger, why does she keep him in a background, why is she ashamed of such an “amazing fella”? It seems to me that T is much more involved in his job as Cait's paid assistant whom she drags along everywhere, even to insignificant interviews, to prove he’s her husband than he is in his alleged job as the music producer/manager.
“The fact that you continue to use wrong info to push your own agenda is quite clear to anyone who is aware of both sides”
I’m not pushing my own agenda, I don’t force anybody to adopt my point of view. I’ve explained how I see the things.
If you think I'm using wrong info, please, tell me the source of the correct one if you know. If you're “aware of another side” – perhaps you're in touch with T, or hanging around with the people who know him, or have tips from reliable friends in the know, etc. - feel free to share your knowledge and prove me wrong by evidence.
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odessa-2 · 2 years
Well, another one who fall from my grace! Listening to Lauren’s podcast, Caitlin O’Ryan talks about fans shipping Sam and Cait. And I wonder why the hell she has to bring that topic into her and John Bell podcast? It's not her place to talk about but I guess they have to climb into SC fame to stay relevant, I mean if she doesn't mention them or doesn't bullying shippers I guess she's not interesting enough to generate buzz.
Yeah there was absolutely no need for her to broach that topic yet she did. No doubt Caitlin and everyone else have signed NDA's. She could have left it alone but nope. Interestingly, she brought it up, talked about how she thought they were a couple and how they arrived at the reading at the same time which made her think that they came from the same house yet she never said they didn't and didn't actually deny they were a couple 😂. Just add this to the long list of fucked up things relating to OL, Starz and the entire cast and production. Gaslight central.
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thespookywoods · 3 years
Rules: Tag Nine People You Want to Get To Know Better
Heyyy a tag game I’m actually remembering to answer. Thanks @nakiju13
Three Ships
Gideon/Harrow. Top tier. the angst. the enemies to lovers. I have like ten different fic au ideas in various stages of notes/word counts on my laptop at this current exact moment.
Cait/Vi. The locked tomb to arcane pipeline is real and I have the brainworms. And so many bookmarked & marked for later fics to read.
Moist von Lipwig/Adora Belle Dearheart. The best. the blueprint. Bi4Bi goals. He’s just a Funky Little Guy and she’s so mean and goth and cool. He asked her to be his wife and she told him instead he was going to be her husband like!! bitch!!!
First Ever Ship
I really had to think for this one cause my memory has never been great but I THINK it was Percy/Annabeth from the PJO books.
Last Song
Uhhhhhh that I could actually tell what I was listening to? Born to Run by Springsteen.
Last Film
Wolfwalkers! Animated film from Irish studio Cartoon Saloon, about an English girl who’s moves to a town in Ireland when her dad is hired to exterminate the last of the wolf population in the woods, but she discovers that pack is being led by a pair of wolf walkers, and sets out to try and help them escape.
Currently Reading
- The Last Wish (Andrzej Sapkowski)
- Raising Steam (Terry Prachett)
- Fortune Favours the Dead (Stephen Spotswood)
- Goodbye to Berlin (Christopher Isherwood)
Currently Watching
uhhhhhhh. I’ve mostly got shows that I keep saying I need to get back into/keep watching, and then Not Watching them. by that list its: The Young Pope, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, The Witcher, & The Book of Boba Fett.
Currently Consuming
Foodwise? nothing rn. Media outside of books/movies/tv/music? I’m watching my girlfriend play Horizon Forbidden West, and I’ve been listening to the Hardboiled podcast and re-listening to Desperate Acts of Capitalism.
Currently Craving
Coffee, but I do not want the caffiene rn because I want to get some sleep tonight. I really should think about actually getting decaf at some point.
Tagging: @velexiraptor @remember-therain @screamingay @innalheid and basically anyone who sees this and wants to do it? feel free to grab it and say I tagged u.
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disenchantedfaerie · 4 years
We’re still playing games, won’t you join?
I didn’t really listen to the entire thing. I was mostly just interested in the part about the rant. What I love most about this is still the fact that no one mentions why he was called out in the first place. He doesn’t mention it. CB doesn’t mention it. No one does. It’s just poor SH couldn’t take it anymore. He is poor abused Sam and it was the right time to share his feelings. He doesn’t mention it was all in response to the “small group of very vocal people” who used their voices to point out his covidiocy. And what did they get in return? Hate from this worshippers loyal followers and his blocking them from his SM. Read that again. HATE from his followers, the very thing he was reprimanding the fandom for is what they were doing to the “small group of people” that called him out for the lies and the blatant disrespect of what was happening.
Again, I don’t discount his feelings and if he truly does have mental health issues, I really hope and pray he finds a way to seek the help he needs. Mental health is no joke. I know. I deal with it daily. Bullying and stalking is not acceptable on any level ever. As someone in the public eye, I’m sorry that they have to deal with that. We’ve all heard the horror stories. The thought of stalking a celeb to find their whereabouts would never occur to me. If I run into someone on the street randomly, LUCKY ME! But to seek them out? No thank you. I don’t have that kind of time. I lived in LA for 17 years. I met a few celebs when I was following bands in Hollywood. Met them. Maybe had a drink or two, some nice conversation or a hug. That’s it. I didn’t follow them home or try to find them in hopes we could have a relationship, friendship or anything else. End of story.
Which leads me back to the main issue. Why did he really feel the need to drop that rant on that fateful day? It wasn’t really about the bullying and stalking. It was to change the focus of the fact that he fucked up by going to Hawaii in the midst of a global pandemic with someone, as far as we all know, he barely knew, and then bragged about it and let us know how hard he works and how much he deserved it when other harder working people had to cancel their plans. Let’s not forget it was just a few days before the Gaga special as well. Damage control. Simple. He then further punished his worshippers loyal followers and the rest of the fandom by tweeting and IGing sporadically, not interacting and staying quiet. Maybe he should have done that to begin with but attention is attention whether it’s good or bad.
And for what? A vacation? Really? New Orleans was all work? New York? Vegas? Oregon? Mexico? Mammoth? Big Sur? LA? He was working 24/7 (like all our front line doctors/nurses/delivery/all ESSENTIAL workers) the entire time he was brought to America? That’s truly amazing. What stamina he must have coming off of 10 long months of filming where again there was absolutely no down time ever. All work and no play makes Sammy a dull boy I guess.
The response however from STARZ and his coworkers has been very telling in my opinion. There really hasn’t been much interaction and for being one of the leads in the show it’s simply amazing how his live IGs have been cancelled time and again and OL STARZ hasn’t supported him doing one like they did for all the lesser cast. Interesting, yes?
I know I keep saying it over and over and I likely will keep saying it in the hopes that the guy I thought I followed when I started watching this show will apologize for discounting this pandemic and not following the advice of his government and being an entitled jerk about it when he was called out. If he thought he was really right, why lash out? Because deep down, he knew he was wrong but as a spoiled, selfish, entitled git, he had to show everyone just exactly who he is. Thank you. I’m glad he did. He’s saved me heartache and money.
I feel like I’m blathering but it’s my blog so I can. My final point is about this interview. When asked what the first thing is he wants to after this is over? He briefly said oh friends and family, but see my good old coworker Cait, hug my good old coworker Cait because that means they’re back at work. Feed a shipper much? That statement on the heals of the IG story he posted and where he asked for captions? Not a photo of J/C. No. That would have made too much sense. It was a photo of S/C with a cutesy little heart. Feed the shippers much? I just cannot with these people. They can’t have it both ways. Who are the biggest trolls in the fandom? STARZ and the leads. They started it. They keep feeding it. It will never end. What is he really going to do when OL is no more? Slip back into obscurity and hopefully (fingers crossed) live his actual truth if he even remembers what that is? Or will he continue with the lies because this taste of fame is too much to resist? Who will he fall back on when he can’t hide behind the show or his good old coworker, his number one woman to be associated with? What then? Be on another series, if he can, and be shipped with his costar again? And start the entire process all over? Be careful what you wish for. You may just actually get it. I feel bad for his mum. I can’t wait to see mine again, to hug her, have a meal with her, just sit with her and look at her. My coworkers will come and go. I only get one mum.
Next time I’m going to lay my thoughts on you about Dwayne Johnson The Rock. I read an interview with him recently and it restored my faith in humanity and elite A-List celebs. That’s for next time. Stay tuned.
I’ll be watching. I’ll be posting. 🖤💙🤍
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thecomedybureau · 5 years
The 100 Best Things in Comedy We Were Witness to In No Particular Order of 2019
OK, 2019′s officially over and we’ve wrangled our 100 truly favorite things in and around comedy (and it really spans all of comedy) that are not ranked whatsoever. It’s just like the title says and, it’s, as it is every year, quite long, so we won’t waste any more time with this intro. 
Oh, in case you forgot and/or curious and/or need a quick refresher, here’s our 2018 list. 
1. Rory Scovel Live Without Fear-This documentary follows Rory Scovel and his journey through six nights of completely improvised hour sets. In a single word, it’s inspiring. You see the way Scovel truly connects the audience and keeps it that way through his indelible charm and endless curiosity. The near unbelievable story of the Relapse Theater in Atlanta is also beautifully threaded in the doc as well. The clips of the improvised performances capture the magic that stand-up comedy can be that’s absent from the majority of comedy specials. You should be required to see this whenever and wherever it comes if you have any level of interest in comedy at all. 
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2. Naomi Ekperigin-From her own stand-up, to her podcast with husband Andy Beckerman, Couples Therapy, and her writing across TV, and everything else she does, Naomi is such an thoroughly commanding, yet delightful presence that we love seeing every time anywhere (and she should already be way bigger of a star already).
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3. Cait Raft’s Presentation on “Bradley Cooper’s a Star Is Born Takes Place in an Alternate Reality Where 9/11 Never Happened”-Witnessing the imagination of Cait Raft up close was a privilege for us. This amazing dissection of the zeitgeist left us in stitches and with our mouth agape for how thoroughly it proved its point.
4. Corporate Season 2-The second season of the ultra dark workplace comedy delivered once again on its hysterical nihilistic satire that’s so prescient, yet still so unbelievably funny.
5. Mom-Prov Presents Family Therapy-Improviser Izzy Roland was daring enough to have her mom and her grandmother, both of whom are also in showbiz, to join her on stage for one of the most madcap, fourth wall-breaking, entertaining improv shows we’ve seen all throughout 2019.
6. Jena Friedman-So, this year, Jena delivered yet again with her subtle delivery and calm demeanor that hides her absolutely killer jokes. The follow-up to her Adult Swim special, Soft Focus, upped the ante with an interview of a gun-toting John McAffee and her brilliant Conan set about everyone’s true crime obsession.
7. Brendon Walsh’s Afternoon Delight-This last year, Brendon Walsh let everyone know that he was and still is one of the best at pulling prank calls, which is so much harder now than it was even ten years ago. This live show actually has Brendon place live prank calls in between stand-ups and the ride you go on is absolutely thrilling.
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8. Jacqueline Novak’s Get on Your Knees-Novak’s solo show has more than earned its spot as an Off-Broadway show with bringing such an exquisite, almost never before seen comedic sensibility to the topic of blow jobs.
9. #F*ckF*ckJerry-Props to Vulture Senior Editor Megh Wright for sparking the fire to take out the egregious social media accounts of F*ck Jerry that just lifted jokes from comedians all across the Internet without pay or attribution.
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10. Lorelei Ramirez-We’ve known distantly about Lorelei Ramirez for so many years, but seeing them up close was a breathtaking experience that had us laughing so hard. Their artistry in comedy that gracefully borders on performance art and even horror is absolutely inspiring.
11. Aaron Urist-Denver’s Aaron Urist is such a killer joke writer and joke teller and has been for years. We just were reminded about that with his burning bush joke during his latest LA trip.
12. Booksmart-Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut was not only a reinvigorated take on movies that specifically hone in on the end of high school, but also had a sincerely hopeful vision of the future generation. We hope that Booksmart finds its way to the top of the coming-of-age comedy films pantheon.
13. Rachel Mac on Lights Out-One of the highlights of Lights Out with David Spade is how unfiltered and raunchy they let comics get during their sets on the show. Rachel Mac took that amount of comedic license and thrived in getting into the nitty gritty about her last teaching job.
14. What We Do In The Shadows-The FX TV adaptation of the seminal Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement film in 2014 exceedingly succeeds in nailing the comedy of minutia in the world of the undead that also happens to be in a (somewhat) grounded reality.
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15. PEN15-Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle’s vision of 2000 and their performances as teens were so spot on that PEN15 would deserve acclaim just for that. However, the heart of this show made its humor stand out in an ever crowded field of coming-of-age comedy.
16. Tiffany Haddish’s Black Mitzvah-A lot has happened for Tiffany Haddish since her last special (she’s a legit A-list celebrity now), but it’s clear that she is still her unapologetically positively, life loving self. This special is evidence of that, especially with her bit about her New Year’s show that she got undeserved flack for.
17. Straw Men-Lindsay Adams, Danny Palumbo, and Sam Wiles (and producer Kimmie Lucas) put on what is our favorite imagining of a comedic debate that we’ve seen thus far. The encouragement to make the most ridiculous, baseless arguments and being transparent about the whole thing is a golden goose of comedy.
18. The ending of Gloria Bell-Well, we can’t very well give away the ending to this English language dramedy remake from Sebastián Lelio that has Julianne Moore shine as bright as she has ever shone before, but just know that we stood out of our seats, applauding what she did to John Turturro right at the end.
19. I Think You Should Leave-Tim Robinson’s unflinchingly absurd sketch series unequivocally has many of the best sketches of 2019. The hot dog costume and Mexican restaurant sketches will have us busting up through, very likely, the next decade.
20. Les Miz and Friends-Bonkers (and we mean that in the best way possible) doesn’t begin to describe how wild this meta and great this puppet and human hybrid take on the theater institution of Les Miserables. The sheer cleverness on every level is awe-inspiring. 
21. Dave Ross’ The Only Man Who Has Ever Had Sex-Ross has been a longtime favorite of ours for the contrasting bounciness and darkness of his comedy. His debut album captures this dichotomy perfectly.
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22. Nikki Glaser: Bangin’-Nikki Glaser’s first Netflix hour special started off with a bang, pun intended. Her frank, but heartfelt exploration of all facets of sex is so damn funny that Glaser gets away with being as blue as she wants.  
23. Super Dating Simulator-This live, interactive version of various Japanese video game dating simulators is one of the more innovative and surprisingly charming things we saw this year. Creator Sam Weller did a bang-up job not only making a video game work as a stage show, but doing so with a very off-beat sub-genre of video games
24. Emmy Blotnick’s Party Nights-Blotnick’s latest album shows Emmy at the peak of her delightful observational powers. The concept of a “Self-Potato” is just priceless.
25. Tammercise!-Folks in comedy are getting all sorts of clever these days to redefine traditional formats and disciplines and push the art form forward. Madeline Wager does this exquisitely with a solo show of a woman unraveling that doubles as legit aerobics class.
26. The Cherry Orchard w/Chad Damiani and Jet Eveleth-Damiani and Eveleth explore a new angle on postmodern clowning by supposedly doing a Chekov play going through dress rehearsal without any of the players knowing what they’re supposed to do. The back and forth between the live direction and the tomfoolery on stage is truly hysterical.
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27. Bake Stuff with Lindsay LIVE-It’s about time for a comedic cooking show that actually does teach you a wonderful recipe and also explores and resolves(?) childhood trauma. Lindsay Adams’ Bake Stuff with Lindsay, which we indeed saw live, accomplishes all of that and inspires all those watching to cook through their feelings.
28. Shalewa Sharpe’s So, You Just Out Here?-Shalewa imbues homespun wisdom with marvelously colorful descriptions all throughout this very satisfying album.
29. The Amazing Johnathan Documentary from Ben Berman-The Amazing Johnathan’s life story is pretty captivating as is. The story about Ben Berman trying to tell his story amidst several other people trying to tell his story is absolutely engrossing and is somehow all true.
30. Julio Torres’ HBO special “My Favorite Shapes”-Torres’ special is simultaneously one of the most daring and silly hour specials in recent memory and his elevation of prop comedy to a whole new level is to be commended.
31. The Underculture with James Adomian-James Adomian has been one of comedy podcasts’ most in-demand and bright shining stars. It comes as no surprise that his own podcast that revs up all his characters has some of the best, most dynamic, absurdist interviews in political and pop culture satire. 
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32. Daniel Van Kirk’s Thanks Diane/Together Tour-Van Kirk’s first, complete hour that he both toured with and released as an album is so impressive with how deftly Dan manages a balance of sincerity and mischief from wire-to-wire.
33. Conan in Greenland-Conan marvelously turns his travel specials series Conan Without Borders on its head by attempting to buy Greenland based off of Trump’s stupid tweets.
34. Mary Beth Barone’s Drag His Ass: A F*ckboy Treatment Program-Mary Beth Barone’s live show exploration into her dating life is illuminating and hilarious throughout, but the actual interview that she does live with a “f*ckboy” is transcendent.
35. Obvious Plant’s Carnival of Toys-Jeff Wysaski AKA Obvious Plant really outdid himself this year in his quest to permeate everyday reality with a satirical twist. He not only made a whole line of custom toy figures that satirize pop culture on so many levels, but opened up a whole pop-up museum for several days to exhibit them in all of their bizarre glory.
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36. Sports Without Equipment with Coach Keith Alejo-This Dress Up Gang sketch is one of those ideas that are simple, yet so out-of-left-field. Literally, they take sports without equipment to its funniest conclusion.
37. #Squatmelt-Howard Kremer’s desire to keep the spirit of The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail alive has evolved into its own very special thing in the form of a DIY stand-up comedy show/walking tour that periodically migrates around LA.
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38. Catch-22-Trying to adapt such a monumental literary work like Catch-22 is almost a fool’s errand, but writers Luke Davies and David Michôd do a smash-up job for not only bringing Heller’s immortal words to life, but also sticking the landing for all the darkly absurdly comical moments that run rampant throughout the story.
39. Get Rich Nick-Even if they didn’t have the fantastic banter, riffs, and asides from the very funny duo of Nick Turner and Nick Vatterott, this podcast that explores how to make money real quick is one of the best new podcasts of the whole year. Fortunately, Nick and Nick’s humor runs rampant through every episode and makes Get Rich Nick engrossing and makes you actually laugh out loud.
40. MK Paulsen-The comedy of MK Paulsen can be faster than a bullet, but as satisfyingly silly as a gun that shoots a flag with the word ‘bang’ on it. Every time we see him do stand-up, it’s a fun, rollicking ride that’s equal parts offbeat whimsy, clever wordplay, and an agile sense of timing and play.
41. Father Figurine by Matt Kazman-The dour faces of the family in this dark comedy short play to the highest comedic effect perfectly. A dead patriarch and an apathetic family make for some of the best dry humor in 2019.
42. Funk Shuffle-Danny Cymbal, Dennis Curlett, and Michael Gardner comprise Funk Shuffle, an improv group that manages fly freer and more untethered than almost any other improv group that we’ve ever seen. They make their defiance and experimentation with improv forms really work due to the trio’s unflinchingly playful spirit.
43. Gary Gulman’s The Great Depresh-Gulman, as one of comedy’s premier craftsman, of course, delivers an hour of stellar comedy with this special. He also manages, this time around, to destigmatize depression and, in general, be hopeful. That particular comedy trifecta is such an impressive feat that very few can accomplish.
44. Greener Grass-The scope and ambition of Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe’s directorial debut hints at some really special things to come from them in the future. Their absolutely demented, pastel drenched absurdist vision was a shocking delight through and through.
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45. Jenny Slate’s Stage Fright-Slate’s best comedic strength is her unshakeable vulnerability. This hour special lets Jenny present that trait as intimately as she has ever presented it and gives an in-depth look as to where that hilarious vulnerability comes from. 
46. Heather Anne Campbell swatting a baby out of someone’s hands in an improv scene-At this point, it should come as no surprise that Heather Anne Campbell is one of our absolute all-time favorite people in comedy and thus, she kind of just ends up making it on this list annually on her own someway, somehow. This year, during a performance of her improv group, Heather and Company, we laughed as hard as we’ve ever laughed at Drew DiFonzo Marks initiating a scene by rocking a baby back and forth and then, Heather insanely swatted it out of his hands and stomped on it. It sounds ludicrous, but trust that Heather made that so unbelievably funny. 
47. Adam Cayton-Holland’s Happy Place-Cayton-Holland’s live solo show based on his critically acclaimed book of the same name pulls off oscillating between cleverly wrought and self-aware comedy and some of the most heartbreaking stories you’ll ever hear about his late sister. Holland’s focus and calm make it all miraculously blend together.
48. The Authorized Unauthorized My Favorite Murder Musical-In the world of unauthorized musicals about things that you wouldn’t really think about being adapted into unauthorized musicals (it’s a bigger ever-burgeoning world every month it seems), the staged reading of this My Favorite Murder-inspired musical that we saw was phenomenal. The full stage production to come in 2020 will undoubtedly be something really great. 
49. Pedro Gonzalez-Pedro’s jokes are so expertly written and crafted that you forget that he immigrated to America as a teenager from Colombia and learned English as a second language.
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50. Garry Starr Performs Everything-UK comedian Garry Starr’s solo show is a genius send-up and celebration of theater as a whole. The physicality and the sheer madness of the whole show are so thoroughly hysterical.
51. Kira Soltanovich-We just want to take a moment to appreciate the agility of the comedy of Kira Soltanovich. Not only does Kira play any room or any show as far as we’ve seen, but her drive is just unstoppable (see ep. of The Honey Dew).
52. Mike Birbiglia’s The New One-Though it seems almost too routine that Birbiglia comes out with a new hour special that garners tons of acclaim for its ornate and complex and, ultimately, very satisfying tapestry of stories, Birbiglia delivers exactly once again with one such solo show/special on fatherhood.
53. Michelle Buteau-We saw Michelle headline just a few months ago at Dynasty Typewriter and were reminded of just how good Buteau is. She combines being heartfelt, having a fun bit of attitude, and an absolute command of the stage in such a beautiful way.
54. Gareth Reynolds’ Riddled with Disease-Many folks know how great Gareth is from his madcap riffing on The Dollop, but Reynolds shows he is fantastic with a sharp, hilarious, yet still fast-and-loose-feeling hour.
55. Sara Schaefer’s LIVE LAUGH LOVE-Sara, above most folks working in comedy today, goes to great lengths to be considerate, inclusive, and vulnerable in her comedy and it’s so, so wonderful because of that. This album is yet another great example of that mix.
56. Sean Patton’s Scuttlebutt-Sean Patton’s latest album is a fantastic note to any and all that Sean is, hands down, one of the best comedians ever to spin a yarn (and also share some damn fine true stories) and deserves way more accolade and attention for that now and going forward. 
57. Matt Rogers’ Have You Heard of Christmas?-Rogers had quite a 2019 in putting culture on notice, but his queer and subversive holiday musical extravaganza might be one of the best pieces of holiday themed comedy of all time.
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58. The Chris Gethard Show with Robby Hoffman-Not only does Robby Hoffman keep the punk rock, conventions-be-damned spirit of TCGS alive, but she makes it so much her own and lets her hilarious, domineering persona transform the show into another very special, unique round of controlled chaos.
59. The taping of Eddie Pepitone’s latest special-Eddie’s sound and fury and his irreverent stream-of-consciousness-seeming comedy were flawless in this latest hour. Everyone in attendance, including ourselves, were in stitches for the whole taping. Props to director Steven Feinartz for one of our favorite looks of a special that we saw last year (which you’ll all get to see soon in 2020).
60. Eric Dadourian’s closer on Nebraska 2-Dadourian is always all in for the sake of a real bold, imaginative bit and, as such, pulled off one of our favorite closers of the year on his very first full length album.
61. Jessica Kirson: Talking to Myself-Kirson’s hour special on Comedy Central really let Jessica cut loose and let her showcase her stand-up expertise. From the way that Kirson contorts her face to her deep well of voices/characters to razor-sharp quick wit to, of course, her signature asides to herself, Jessica really kills it in this hour. 
62. Brody Stevens-Long live the “jock doing performance art” comedy (one of our favorite descriptions of Brody’s comedy by his dear friend Zach Galifianakis) and may he rest in peace. Yeeeees! Enjoy It!
63. Byron Bowers on Colbert-Byron Bowers and his clever, yet sincere, dark, vulnerable comedy put up one of our favorite late night sets this year. From the opening to his frank jokes about his dad make us think that it’s just a little crazy that this is his network TV debut.
64. Desus and Mero on Showtime-With the upgrade of being on Showtime, Desus Nice and The Kid Mero are having the most fun in late night with the freshest voices and format (and they’re able to pull that off with only being twice a week).
65. Fleabag Season 2-creator and star Phoebe Waller-Bridge assuredly has more masterpieces ahead of her, but managing to top herself from one masterpiece season of dark romantic dramedy with another one is something that deserves all the accolades and awards that it has gotten.
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66. Kenny DeForest on Corden-Kenny dismantles toxic masculinity so incisively through the whole set that he most certainly earns all the applause breaks he gets the whole way through.
67. Josh Gondelman’s Dancing on a Weeknight-Gondelman is often thought of as one of the best, sweetest people in comedy. This latest album, for all of its being clever and genuine, is proof that he indeed really is that sweet and funny.
68. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 3-The perennial prestige comedy from Amy Sherman-Palladino earns its keep by having some of the best writing (it’s almost impossible to write jokes that are contextualized for the 50s/60s and make them actually funny for 2019 audiences) and also being one of the most gorgeous looking shows in all of television.
69. Nick Ciarelli and Brad Evans-Whether it be pulling pranks on Twitter, their plethora of hysterical sketches doing an impression of Jack FM on shows around town, or their monthly live sketch character showcase Atlantic City, Nick and Brad are a damn fine comedy duo and have been for quite some time. 
70. Caitlin Gill’s Major-It’s quite the magic trick to make an hour of comedy that’s entirely clean and have it being clean not be a thought that you’re thinking about at all when listening or watching it. Caitlin Gill spectacularly does just that with this album as Gill can make all of her earnest rants, imagery, and observations work in any way that she needs to.  
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71. 97.9 The Rat Race-Ben Roy’s satirical reimagining of a morning radio “zoo crew” is so spot on, then gets real twisted to make this one of the most surprising and rewarding podcasts of 2019.
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72. Mike Lane’s Picture Frames-This short film from Lane heightens the idea of remembering those you love after they’ve left this mortal coil to such a ridiculous level every step of the way (and is more and more enjoyably unpredictable the further it goes).
73. Paige Weldon on Corden-Paige’s upbeat self-deprecation is just hard to resist and it makes the best impression in this late night set on The Late Late Show with James Corden.
74. The Righteous Gemstones-Danny McBride’s latest HBO series that darkly and comically dissects the South might be his most ambitious yet, but, of course, he nails it. The constant suspense perpetuated by hysterically tragic characters in the world of televangelists is profound.
75. My Friend Chuck-Comedic erotica author Chuck Tingle (one of the absolutely most unique voices and cadences we’ve heard in awhile) and friend McKenzie Goodwin celebrate their friendship every week for a podcast that’s preposterously funny and, also, more heartwarming than almost anything we’ve heard or seen. 
76. Joey Clift’s Telling People You’re Native American When You’re Not Native Is a Lot Like Telling a Bear You’re a Bear When You’re Not a Bear-Clift makes such biting, pun intended, commentary with this short film/PSA that is also so playful that the message about Native identity will undoubtedly stick with you.
77. Megan Gailey’s My Dad Paid For This-Gailey strikes a wonderful balance of charm and attitude and fervent desire to burn down the patriarchy. Such a mix accents her very delightful observations about herself and the world around her in this marvelous debut album. 
78. Robin Higgins as Baby Yoda at Tournament of Nerds-Higgins might have made one of the best, first attempts at Baby Yoda cosplay. She also, for what’s supposed to be a roast-style competition between fictional/pop culture characters, perfectly imagined how Baby Yoda would roast someone while maintaining Baby Yoda’s sweetness that has captured the hearts and minds of the Internet.
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79. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote-Terry Gilliam went through hell, did a few laps, and came back over several years to get this meta-quixotic tale about reimagining the legendary novel Don Quixote made. The finished film, for us, was worth the wait. 
80. Jo Firestone on The Tonight Show-Jo’s sense of play is so pure and present that it’s kind of irresistible. Combined with a perfect amount of self-deprecation, Jo really delivered a terrific set we’ll probably never get tired of.
81. Paul Rudd continues his time honored tradition of playing that one clip of Mac & Me on Conan-Rudd evolves the arc of this long running bit on Conan where, instead of playing a clip of what he’s on Conan to promote, he plays the same exact clip of the universally panned alien comedy Mac & Me. We all know what’s coming and yet, without the benefit of surprise, Rudd’s annoyance of Conan still keeps on being so damn funny.
82. Billy on the Street featuring Reese and Mariah-This year, we were lucky enough to get two instantly classic episodes of Billy on the Street with Reese Witherspoon and Mariah Carey that gave us our fix for our obsession with Billy Eichner yelling at strangers on the streets of NYC.
83. The Dollop England & UK-As Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds embarked on an entire England & UK tour of The Dollop, they thought it prudent to do a mini-series specific to Great Britain and did a smashing job making fun of British history. The Cyril the Swan episode is particularly brilliant.
84. Lost Moon Radio-The live musical sketch comedy theater troupe (Lost Moon Radio truly lives up to such a description) marked their 10th anniversary and put on an absolutely fantastic “Summer Block Party” this year that both showed that they still got their ingenious musical sketch comedy chops. 
85. Nate Bargatze’s The Tennessee Kid-The calm with which Bargatze pervades all of his comedy is part of what makes it beloved by nearly any and all that see or hear Bargatze’s stand-up. That’s such the case now that Nate gives updates to stories from previous specials on this latest hour. 
86. Beth Stelling on Kimmel-Every detail of this set on Jimmy Kimmel Live is pretty stellar. That includes Beth, in general, for her warm demeanor, smile, and cleverness, the Chippendale’s story, Beth’s mom being there in the crowd, and, of course, the surprise guest at the end. 
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87. Liz Climo’s Please Don’t Eat Me-This illustrated book is just the latest in a long line of uber-adorable and genuinely-funny-for-all-ages books from Climo. Liz seems to have quite the knack for making unlikely animal friendship jokes. 
88. John Hodgman’s Medallion Status-Hodgman’s journey through the various statuses of airline privilege/celebrity is a superb serving of existential humor, done up with Hodgman’s painstaking attention to the exactly right details. 
89. Jane Curtin’s 2019 New Year’s Resolution “My New Year’s Resolution Is To Make Sure The Republican Party Dies”-Said during a CNN interview with the SNL alum, this was the first thing to make us heartily laugh in 2019.
90. Alex Kavutskiy’s Squirrel-Kavutskiy’s short film dives into the concept of forgiveness unlike we’ve really seen and, as is Kavutskiy’s style, is so darkly spellbinding and so pointedly funny at the same time.
91. Astronomy Club: The Sketch Show-The long running comedy troupe known as Astronomy Club really ran with their chance to do a full-fledged sketch series on Netflix. They’re so endlessly clever on in their sketches, especially when it comes to the subjects of identity and oppression, and pack in so many jokes and sight gags that you’ll definitely want to watch it more than once so you don’t miss anything.
92. Dolemite Is My Name-Eddie Murphy seems poised to make a real return to comedy (and stand-up comedy in particular) and this marvelous biopic of comedian and blaxploitation star Rudy Ray Moore AKA Dolemite is the perfect way to start.
93. Anna Drezen on Corden-Drezen has such a perfect sense of farce and misdirection and puts on a beautiful display of those two things from start to finish in this set on The Late Late Show with James Corden. 
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94. BUTT’s Yoda themed dating app sketch-This sketch is so prescient of the resurgence of the world’s current (baby) Yoda obsession. Also, while this is so absurd with its deep dive into various Yoda fan art and cosplay, Joe McAdam and Chris Stephens’ take on dating apps is so sharply and deeply funny. 
95. Mel Brooks Unwrapped-The never ending bit of attempting a documentary between Mel Brooks and the BBC’s Alan Yentob is yet another display of the true, unquestionable genius of Mel Brooks.
96. 50 First Stephs-The amazing, hysterical Steph Tolev kicked off 2019 with a show where 50 or so of her compatriots and contemporaries did various impressions and characterizations of her. Part roast, part loving tribute, part amazing showcase of the depth of creativity in LA comedy, Tolev’s night for herself was something really special.
97. The Bongo Hour with Sandy Honig and Peter Smith-Honig and Smith brought their wild variety show that featured such wonderful bits, characters, drag, and burlesque to LA and showed, truly, how much better life is when you’re fluid about nearly everything.
98. How Did This Get Played?-Hosts Nick Wiger and Heather Anne Campbell and their take on the “worst and weirdest” video games do their namesake, the beloved How Did This Get Made?, proud. Even if you’re not a gamer, the way they dissect the most bizarre video games ever made along with Heather and Nick’s chemistry is very, very enjoyable.
99. Joe Pera Talks With You Season 2-This second season of Joe Pera’s unique talk-to-the-viewer series is so calming that the comedic twists sneak up in the most delightful way possible. There is a certain beauty to Pera’s show that makes us want to have Joe Pera Talks With You playing on a loop in a contemporary art museum.
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100. John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch-John Mulaney does “it”, yet again. “It” being releasing another hour of comedic brilliance that’s so markedly different than whatever he did before, yet, somehow still stamped with an indelible mark of Mulaney’s comedy of obtuse hyper-specificity. 
5 notes · View notes
smuthuttpodcast · 5 years
Ep 8, The Lost Episode!
Check out what we’ve uncovered 😏😏😏
Listen to Ep 8 The Lost Episode by The Smut Hutt #np on #SoundCloud
Or click here
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As promised, here are all the links to our fic recs!
Hollow Bones Series by @reyshazels on twitter as antje255
Spark the droid voyeurism fic by @alliedreamsofthesea
Struggle Willingly sweet sweet mask kink By @thoseindarkness on twitter as ThoseinDarkness 
My Boy Builds Coffins by @longstoryshortikilledhim​ & the delightful art of the movie date scene by @jeusus here, the author is on twitter @forautumniam and Ko-fi here
Doing The Unstuck!! & I’ll Have What She’s Having by @slipgoingunder​,hi-key recommend checking out her twitter here
Meet me at Tilted, the mouth watering Mc-Ravish fic by @eskayrobot​ check her twitter eskayrobot too!
Whisper in My Ear aka the Podcaster Kylo fic by @juniordreamer​ on twitter as  JuniorDreamer
Kohelet 3:16 (Call me a Cab) by the amazing @linearla​ who is on twitter here and in lieu of a Ko-fi, asked us to list this organization she supports. 
Into the Great Laugh of Mankind the perfect archaeology fic to uncover on our lost episode! By the incomparable @kylorenvevo, in case you don’t know, this queen can be found on twitter here and Ko-fi here
More Mc-Ravish Looking Leads to Touching by @elemie89 click here to check out her twitter!
A Bird in the Hand it’s that falconry fic by @commandercait ya’ll! We were so excited for this fic to come out! Make sure you are keeping up with Cait’s updates on here twitter here and Ko-fi here!
Let’s just talk about this Lemon Hot Mess by @pr3tty-g1rl5-fics and @isharan. It’s the Lemon Hot Fem!Slash we were absolutely thirsty for. Check out pr3tty_g1rl5 on twitter too!
Buried Beneath the Fountain of Youth by @likeadove, vampire slayer Kylo and not dealing with your shit Rey? Hell Yes! Find Like_A_Dove on twitter here & get her Ko-Fi here
Fan Friction by @commandercait & @ashesforfoxes, Nat’s contribution to this fic in unbelievable in the best way, check her twitter for more greatness here
Smothered, Covered, Chunked by @secretreylotrash
And if you are still hungry for more, ya’ll can find the whole Waffle House Reylo Collection here ❤
If you are curious about Sesta Fosta, you can find more information at Stop Sesta here, Motherboard here, and this Washington Post Article.
41 notes · View notes
sugarfreecapsicle · 5 years
hey steph! 🎥🎵 for "old magic?"
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
oooooh yes. definitely. The Craft was a big influence, but as far as setting, I was somewhere in the realm of Lord of the Rings/Narnia. I play D&D with my boyfriend and some of our friends, so that was a huge influence on the magic system. There’s a good number of excellent D&D streams/videos/podcasts out there that have incredible narrators that really bring worlds to life.
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
I listed to a ton of Hozier - anything magical and ethereal, he’s my go-to. I found a few ambient centered Youtube channels that really helped me put myself in her little home by the lake, in the frigid cold, in the warmth of her home. 
Thank you so much for the asks, Cait! (I am still having a freak out that you’ve read parts one and two!)
read old magic part one here
writer asks!
0 notes
recentanimenews · 6 years
Square Enix Gets Brassy with Final Fantasy VII Concert Bluray
  Fans of Final Fantasy VII are in for a treat, because Square Enix is releasing a Bluray of the "BRA★BRA FINAL FANTASY VII BRASS de BRAVO with Siena Wind Orchestra" concert event, a night of music from the classic JRPG that was recorded at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan venue on March 12, 2018.
    The concert features music composed by Nobuo Umetsu with performances from the Siena Wind Orchestra as conducted by Hirofumi Kurita. Mami Yamashita serves as master of ceremonies for the event. The set list includes:
  Opening ~Bombing Mission~
Cosmo Canyon
Cait Sith's Theme
Aerith's Theme
Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony
Those Who Fight Further (Shinra Company ~Shinra Army All-Out Attack~ Weapon Invasion)
Farm Boy
Interrupted by Fireworks
Descendant of Shinobi
Jenova Absolute
Birth of a God
One-Winged Angel
Tifa's Theme (encore)
Mambo de Chocobo (encore)
    The "BRA★BRA FINAL FANTASY VII BRASS de BRAVO with Siena Wind Orchestra" also includes back-stage material, flute practice, and a performance of "Crazy Motorcycle" as a bonus. The Bluray will be released in Japan on February 20, 2019. It retails for 5500 yen ($50.20 US) plus tax.
  Source: Ota-suke
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
0 notes
endlessarchite · 6 years
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban published first on https://bakerskitchenslimited.tumblr.com/
0 notes
statusreview · 6 years
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban published first on https://ssmattress.tumblr.com/
0 notes
caitspodcastlist · 6 years
99% Invisible
From Radiotopia
Caitlin's rating: 5/5
"99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world." -99% Invisible website
Aside from Phoebe Judge, Roman Mars is probably my favorite podcast host. He is so talented, and 99% Invisible tells so many interesting stories that as soon as I listened to my first episode (Squatters of the Lower East Side), I was hooked. There are so many things around us that we neglect to notice, and Roman Mars gives us all a chance to learn more about our surroundings. This podcast helps you stop and smell the proverbial flowers. Favorites of mine:
The Trials of Dan and Dave (57:01) - In 1992, Reebok had an ad campaign with two decathalon athletes. Super interesting. I've asked several people if they remember it (not old enough myself) and most of them say yes, so it's amazing to see how much of a lasting effect this ad campaign had. The power of advertising! This is a 99% invisible/ESPN 30 for 30 episode.
The Pool and the Stream (34:46) - Swimming pools changed skateboarding.
In the Same Ballpark (29:34) – The evolution of baseball parks in America. I love love love this episode.
Squatters of the Lower East Side (30:32) - People were illegally living in NYC and eventually came to own the places they were staying in basically by relentlessly defending their residence. POSSESSION IS 9/10 OF THE LAW.
Curious City
From WBEZ Chicago
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"[Curious City's] mission is to include the public in editorial decision-making, make journalism more transparent and strengthen multimedia coverage about Chicago, the surrounding region and its people (past or present)." -WBEZ website
Again, a hit or miss for me, probably because I don't live in Chicago. Listeners send in their questions about Chicago (e.g. Where does all the poop go?), and Curious City answers them.
What Happens to the Lincoln Park Zoo Animals in the Winter? (5:39)
Chicago Bathhouses: More Than a Century of Sanitation, Sex, and Sweat (13:37)
What Happens to "Number 2" in the Second City? (9:03)
A Lot You Got to Holler
From Newcity Design
Caitlin's rating: ??
"The podcast explores Chicago’s singular history of architecture, design and urbanism, with an emphasis on pop culture." -Newcity Design website
To be honest, I never listened to this one, but it's on my list because it sounds like a Chicago version of 99% Invisible.
Love and Radio
From Radiotopia
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"Love and Radio features in-depth, otherworldly-produced interviews with an eclectic range of subjects, from the seedy to the sublime. You’ve never heard anything like it before. New installments are added monthly." -Love and Radio website
Love and Radio is interesting because there's very limited narration. The story starts, and you basically have to figure it out as it goes on. I've liked the episodes I've heard, but it hasn't hooked me like some of the other shows. Recommendation:
Relevant Questions (46:05) - Polygraph expert helps people cheat the system. This is the same guy who is in the polygraph episode of This American Life mentioned above, but not the same broadcast.
Snakes!!!!!!!! (33:48) - Guy self-immunizes with snake venom.
A Girl of Ivory (42:16) - Polyamorous relationship with an unexpected twist.
Part Time Genius
From How Stuff Works
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"Every episode packs incredible research, fun-filled quizzes, nerdy interviews and a giant, head-scratching question into one superfun show." - Part Time Genius website
I don't particularly like the humor in this show, but it does have some interesting fun facts, and I definitely learned something new every time I listened. Recommendations:
Was Mr. Rogers the Best Neighbor Ever? (41:52) - BRB sobbing
What are the Greatest Things We Just Learned about Japan? (40:41) - OMG at the baseball story. That cracked me up.
How Did Putin Come to Power? (42:32) - Between this and watching Icarus, Putin terrifies me.
Is Recycling Worth the Hassle? (47:11) - Shoutout to this episode for putting me on even more of an environmentalism kick. I am especially trying to reuse plastic grocery bags now and, sadly, throwing them in the trash whenever they've finished their purpose.
What Are the Most Surprising Jobs at the White House? (43:39) - I already knew some of this thanks to Veep. :) But it was still good.
Science Vs
From Gimlet
Caitlin's rating: 5/5
"Science Vs takes on fads, trends, and the opinionated mob to find out what’s fact, what’s not, and what’s somewhere in between." -Gimlet website
I LOVE Science Vs! Another show with an Aussie host, this show is pleasant to listen to and always helps me learn more. Wendy interviews doctors, scientists, and other experts to back up her material. They break down the science-based evidence in a way that any audience can understand without being condescending. Favorites:
Opioids: How America Got Hooked (45:56) - Did you know that in 2016, opioids killed more people in America than AIDS did in its most dangerous year?!
The Bee-pocalypse (31:44) - Bees are dying, and you should care.
Vaccines - Are They Safe? (35:09) - Short answer: Yes.
The Rise of Anti-Vaxxers (32:24) - My eyes are rolled all the way back into my head right now.
Abortion: What You Need to Know (46:07) - Understanding the process is important, in my opinion, especially in this political climate. Don't make claims for one side or the other until you know the facts of how it works!
Formerly from Radiotopia, but now from Story Central
Caitlin's rating: 5/5
"Each episode is an empathy shot in your arm, featuring true stories about the people we meet, the connections we make, the heartbreaks we suffer, the kindnesses we encounter, and those frightful moments when we discover that WE aren’t even who we thought we were." -Story Central website
Strangers is so fascinating to me. It tells the stories of people. Usually they're stories that I can't relate to, but the people in these stories still have the same feelings that we all experience, so the stories aren't irrelevant. They're funny, they're said, they made me angry. Any time of show that evokes this type of emotion is a winner in my book. Lea's voice is soothing in the same way that Phoebe Judge's is. She talks about her personal life some, and I know that's appealing to some listeners. Personally, I'm more "Get to the story!" but that's okay. The wait is worth it. Favorites:
Franky Carillo - Life (34:39) and Franky Carillo - Life Now (29:35) - Guy serves 20 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Kugel vs Khaled (37:52) - Alaa Khaled aka Alec Ledd talks about how he had to change his name to hide his ethnicity and break into acting.
Claire Obscure (57:31) -
Twelve Years On (33:44) - A refugee Somali family moves to a white neighborhood in Vermont
Eleven Up (1:07:51) - A family adopts children from another family, and then the families make plans to move in together.
The Truth (50:03) - A family divides when a member gets accused of the worst thing possible
Lex (35:06) - What do you do when you think your child is capable of being violent?
Claire Obscure (57:31) - Girl grows up with very abusive family, changes her identity so that her dad never finds her. Super intense.
The Son, The Goddess, and Leopoldo (47:37) - Guy is born into a lesbian witch coven, lives in communes with his mother, and eventually becomes an attorney.
From WNYC Studios and Snap Judgement
Caitlin's rating: 4/5
"True-life supernatural stories, told first-hand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves." - Snap Judgement website
Whether you believe this kind of stuff or not, the stories are interesting and creepy. As a huge Stephen King fan, this appealed to me. The narrator, Glynn Washington, is amazing. He also hosts a show about Heavens Gate, which I tried to listen to, but it gave me nightmares about the cult I used to be in. Womp womp. Anyway, here are my favorite Spooked episodes:
Spooked: A Friend in the Forest (29:56) - Weird appearance of a boy who was supposed to be dead. Narrator is Irish.
Spooked: Lost in Time (36:37) - Two people walk into a bar that time warps.
Spooked: Final Act (35:26) - An EMT gets lost and someone who is supposedly dead helps her.
Wait Wait . . . Don't Tell Me!
From NPR
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up." -NPR website This one's okay. I subscribed to it so that I could prep for bar trivia (don't judge). I like that they have celebrity guests on the show. The newest episode has LeVar Burton (9:44), and I am stoked to listen to that! Bradley Whitford's episode was good, too. He's so problematic for me because I love him in West Wing, but I hate him in Get Out. Such a skilled actor.
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additionallysad · 6 years
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#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban https://ift.tt/2rUf8nA
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
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lukerhill · 6 years
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
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billydmacklin · 6 years
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban published first on https://carpetgurus.tumblr.com/
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lowmaticnews · 6 years
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban published first on https://landscapingmates.blogspot.com
0 notes
vincentbnaughton · 6 years
#97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban
Our month-long shopping hiatus came to a close last week, so today we’re sharing our results! What was the most difficult part? How did it change our habits? What were we dying to buy first after it ended? And – most importantly – how did it impact our bank account? We’re sharing all those details, along with some ideas for you to try if you’re too nervous to commit to a full-on ban. Plus, there’s a part of our house that we rarely show because we’ve been so ashamed of its state – but not anymore! Find out what we did to fix it without spending any money. We also added some easy organization at the beach house… and those dreaded water meter issues came back to haunt us again.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Then use this page to check out any links, notes, or photos we referenced. Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s New
Above is the “before” of our garage, which had gotten chaotic enough over the last few months that we kinda stopped bothering to put anything back where it belonged. It felt nearly impossible to get to one thing without having to move four or five other things first.
But by doing what we described in the episode – including pulling every last thing out, donating/selling things we no longer need/use, and putting others away where they actually go (all tools in the shed for example) – we got it feeling SO MUCH better. I know it’s still not much to look at, but we’ve gained a ton of floor space back.
Here’s another before shot of it from the door to the house. Literally things would tip over and we wouldn’t even take a second to stand them back up.
Here’s that same view now (taken with the good camera this time).
And if you’re curious, here’s the little corner I mentioned where I just added some nails and screws to the wall to hang things up. I even used some scrap boards to make slots between studs to hold additional poles and stuff. Again, not pretty – but the update cost me zero dollars.
This wasn’t our first instance of a garage getting away from us. We made this time lapse of us clearing out the mess in our first garage all the way back in 2009.
Our basement workshop got similarly trash in our last house (and I detailed the whole mess on video), and then blogged about organizing our outdoor gear, and later tackling our DIY gear like tools and paint. Man, I kinda miss that workshop and its charming little seven foot ceilings. Memories!
Also, if you didn’t get the “Monica’s Closet” reference…
If you missed our FIRST water meter drama in Cape Charles (which Sherry believes could have been made into a major motion picture), we talked about it back in Episode #59.
Shopping Ban Results
Not to sound too much like a broken record in these show notes, but if you’ve missed our previous conversations about the shopping ban:
You can hear our first discussions of The Year of Less (the book that inspired it) in Episode #89
We announced the start of own month-long shopping ban in Episode #93…
… and gave an initial update in Episode #94.
Last week, in Episode #96, we spoke with Cait Flanders, the author of The Year Of Less.
Now that the ban is over, I got to make my broom purchase last week too. Who said shopping can’t be fun?!
We’re Digging
That’s how you last saw our “mudroom cabinet” in the laundry room at the beach house, with all of our brooms and stuff leaning in there like a bunch of pickup sticks (and that’s actually how it looked in its “tidied up to be photographed” stage – ha!). I still need to grab a couple more hooks, but here’s how I got things attached securely to the side of the Ikea cabinet using cheap things like 3M Command hooks and those fancy little broom grippers (aka: robot hands).
I forgot to take a picture of the black metal hook after I hung it, but you can see it in my pile below.
Lastly, if you wanna check out Sherry’s latest read, it was called Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. And if anyone else has more “decor thrillers” to recommend, we’re all ears!
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. Remember, through May 29th you can get $200 off your order with gthe code MEMORIAL at  AgilityBed.com. After the Memorial Day promotion has ended – don’t worry: the code YHL150 will still get you $150 off your order for the rest of the year!
Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #97: What We Learned (And Saved) From Our Shopping Ban appeared first on Young House Love.
0 notes