#snap judgement
mashpoll · 1 year
Snap Judgement/Snappier Judgement (s10 e8&9): Klinger is accused of stealing a polaroid camera that was given to Hawkeye and B.J. as a gift from a grateful patient's father. Hawkeye and B.J. race to find the real perpetrator of the thefts.
That's Show Biz (s10 e1&2): A U.S.O. troupe arrives at the 4077th to put on a show, and Hawkeye has to perform emergency surgery when one of them falls ill.
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Spooked podcast went back to free! And they're now posting weekly! If you like true, creepy supernatural-tinged stories told incredibly well, Glynn Washington will not disappoint, give it a try!
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xtrablak674 · 4 months
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New Vinyl New Artist
It would be a whole-ass lie to say I am some kind of music aficionado, when listening to streaming music I listen to the same five playlist on Spotify. When it comes to my vinyl I spent most of my collection restoring records I had back in the 90s. Then I focused in on certain artist I like, like getting Janet Jackson's entire discography on vinyl.
I am not closed to new music, but am not always exposed to new artist even though I listen to alt.latino on NPR. I am picky about the vocals of my artist, and I really prefer to BUY new music on vinyl. I know a lot of these artist stream their work, but why have a vinyl collection if you're not always adding to it?
Another way I hear new music are artist interviews on NPR, soundtracks from television shows or maybe something played in a podcast. I decided to put together a listicle of five of my favorite vinyl albums of artist I had never heard of and or never heard music from.
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Amythyst Kiah - Wary Strange
I don't even know how to pronounce this artist name, but I heard her song "Black Myself" in an artist interview on NPR, and before it was even over I started Googling her artist website.
I am also not really sure how to categorize her maybe alternative folk rock? To be honest I have to be in the mood for this album, its doesn't get played as much of some as some of my other new music, not because I don't like it, but because its hard for me to pair it with other music.
Usually when I am listening to music, I like to think of other albums to play after it, and this is a stand-alone album that its hard for me to pair. I could do some Tracey Chapman or maybe some Lenny Kravitz, but she really has her own sound and she really changes up the tracks on the album.
But as I said in the intro, I love her vocals a little reminiscent of Dionne Farris from Arrested Development fame, she was also a very alternative artist who I find hard to pair with, even though I love her debut album "Wild Seed – Wild Flower".
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Conan Grey - Superache
Wow, I couldn't even remember Conan's name as I was typing him into this listicle I was searching for Connor Grey! This aside I was very moved by a track called "Family Line" a song about alcoholism and familial physical abuse/violence, I found this very relatable.
I couldn't tell you what Conan's race was or sexuality, but I could tell you I love his smooth tenor vocals and very personal lyrics about his love life and friendships.
This is an album that has a more upbeat tempo but sometimes very sad subjects. I enjoy singing along with the young Mr. Grey. I can't overstate how when it comes to music, I am really just about the music.
I have a Led Zeppelin album and I couldn't even tell you if that is a single person or multiple people or what any of them look like. I wasn't remotely interested in seeing any of Conan's videos or seeing interviews, I just love this album!
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bells atlas - the mystic
This was my first time buying an album from Bandcamp I don't think it gets anymore farm to table than that, meaning I really try to buy albums directly from the artist websites as opposed to other secondary markets like eBay or Best Buy.
I think I heard on NPR that buying music directly from the artist sites puts more of the money in the artist pocket. And I do genuinely want to support the artist, as an artist I understand how its important to get a bigger portion of the pie yourself not getting your monies diluted by agents, managers and in their case record companies.
Now I can't recall if this was the site where they let you choose what you want to pay, but I did have one of these smaller artist have that option and I paid the standard thirty-five bucks which to me is the standard for a single vinyl album.
I clearly recall where I heard a song from this "group" I think, remember I am not studying that kind of details. But Glenn Washington the host of Snap Judgement used the end of one of their episodes to play a track from bells atlas. I used Shazam and Google to quickly find who this frenetic music was from and ordered the album immediately!
I am pretty sure the lead vocalist is a Black woman, what I loved is the music, it wasn't R&B, maybe alternative club rock & roll music? I don't know why we feel the need to label music can't we just enjoy the sounds based on their own merits?
I love the fast-paced high energy music paired with the round and robust vocals, its totally pick-me-up music. I love pairing it with my Eric B & Rakim "Paid In Full" album they both are very upbeat and have lots of beats and rhythms. This is the kind of album I put on when I need to go outside and want to get energized before I leave the house!
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José González - Local Valley
Mr. González be all up in my mentions, I love using that term, that isn't quite true but I seem to keep encountering his music on my television shows that it seems like he is following me. I first encountered him on NPR in a music interview, and I loved the soothing quiet tones of his vocals and accompanying music.
Primarily I use José's music to relax, calm down or get ready for bed. He seems to be able to magically take my anxiety and reduce it to a dull-ache and not a explosive-burst.
I heard something else of his recently looked up the album which was from a soundtrack of a 90s film and the album was like fourteen hundred dollars. Now I did sometimes put out a couple of hundred dollars for my Janet albums but I am not paying thousands of dollars for an album that I will only play during certain times. I do have an eBay search looking for a cheaper version.
Mr. González is a mix of two cultures what we used to call a bi-racial child, I think part is Mexican and the other part something Northern European, please fact-check me cause I wasn't studying any of these details. The only other personal information I recall about him was that he was in a group before, because I was looking for another song of his and found it under another name.
Right now he's hanging out in one of my tabs for consideration of me buying another one of his albums. Some artist end up having several albums in my collection sometimes surprising even me. I didn't realize I was such a big Alicia Keys & Lenny Kravitz fan I have about five albums from each of them.
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Willow Smith - Empathogen
Okay okay okay, yes I know the fame of young Ms. Smith's family hardly makes her an unknown factor and I am not even gonna fix my face to lie that "Whip My Hair" wasn't a bop that was on high rotation in my home. But none of that was driven by her, her family wanted another pop-star and were seeking to create one. She clearly rebelled cutting off all of her hair showing that this isn't who she is.
I also watched this young woman who could easily be my niece hold her own with her very beautiful and formidable grandmother and moms Mrs. Jada Pinkett-Smitth at the red table. So I clearly know who she is, but I don't or didn't know who she was as an artist and this album gave me the opportunity to get into her head a bit more.
Full disclosure I am not one of those people who study lyrics or muddle over musical bars trying to find hidden meaning in the music. Half the time I don't even really understand what folks are saying, music is something that fills the background in my studio apartment. I am usually either writing, reading or doing something else around the house when I feel the need to bump some tunes. Unlike everything else on this list YouTube served up one of her videos to me, don't ask me which one, all I remember is she was laying down for the entire thing and it was shot from above.
YouTube knows my heart and knows I love Black artist and they didn't get it wrong sending me the young Ms. Smith. After the video ended I was already on her artist site looking for her new album.
It was on pre-order and after the Aaliyah experience I wasn't doing any more pre-orders, but the release date was only a little over a week away so I would just wait till May to cop it. There were a few technical bumps with the site, but then I finally got my copy and it was love at first listen.
Frankly not one album on this list I hated, I do have an album from a trans artist Beverly Glenn-Copeland called "Transmissions: The Music of Beverly Glenn-Copeland" where I wasn't crazy about two tracks, the opening one which has an operatic beginning and this other at the end of the first side that has this call and response.
Mx. Glenn-Copeland's speaking voice isn't my favorite thing, so the call and response is a bit grating to me. Otherwise I LOVE the album. I love their vocals and song choice, I love where they sing in their voice. I am thinking I should maybe attempt to look at Ms. Smith's lyrics and see what else she's trying to express, but I am NOT-THAT-PERSON, I'm the one who gets an album and only listens to the album, doesn't read liner notes, doesn't even open any included booklets with the album.
Ms. Knowles-Carter's Renaissance album came with I think two books which haven't as much as been cracked. I am one of those odd folks who just want to hear the music. I have now reserved my loud-time for Friday nights and Ms. Smith will be bumping Ms. Knowles-Carter out of her spot as my Friday night dance party album. But Beyince Act II will pair quite well with Empathogens's kinectic youthful and fun energies!
[Photos by Artist]
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zhnnveuxpasdrmir · 2 years
npr needs to let go of Radiolab. let the current hosts find their own voices.
currently it's Glynn Washington / Snap Judgement as far as justifying the whole existence of npr goes. Abumrad and Croelich were the sound of Radiolab; it's not a fluke that the only good episodes anymore are timely re-drops & updates of old episodes.
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violent138 · 5 months
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Very obsessed with this kill circle thing they have going here.
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mortispoxi · 7 months
Seeing Twitter users recommending the People Make Games documentary as a good way to get insight on the issue is so….
I know, I’m always extremely disappointed whenever I come across someone who thinks it’s the end all be all explanations regarding the Studio ZA/UM situation.
Recommending that video always comes with a heavy caveat from me that the person needs to stop around the 40 minute mark since the interviewer shows a very clear bias that’s unbecoming of a journalist.
Regardless, now that more people are finding out about these layoffs, which might take out members of the studio that have been there since the beginning, it could finally help smack some sense into those Twitter users that actually thought, FOR SOME REASON, Rostov, Kurvitz, and Hindpere were lying for shits and giggles rather than seeing what's ACTUALLY going on which is that the investors have a very obvious agenda against the real wronged party. Hopefully this'll also open their eyes to how the People Make Games video fed into this twisted narrative that Kurvitz was somehow at fault/responsible for the theft of his own IP, but that might be asking too much from their concrete brains. Here's hoping though!
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
who has the best butt out of all the Yakuza guys?
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sailorscouts · 2 months
rhaenicent fans you will probably like revolutionary girl utena. two women loving each other despite the fucked up system trying to drive them apart at every turn? one of them trying to defy gender roles while the other obeys them? both of them winding up perpetuating the horrors of that system whether they are defying it or obeying it?
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bonebabbles · 1 year
Snake Gets Done Dirty
Remember, Clear Sky can NEVER have a consequence for his actions. Ever. If you're ever mad at him for any reason, YOU will be punished for being upset. Clear Sky is allowed to do anything he wants to you but if you don't start slurping you're the Real Bad Guy.
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Clear Sky: "uhhh... well..... oopsie uwu"
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But don't worry, Snake is punished for the high crime of embarrassing Clear Sky by being dogpiled by the Clap At Baby Crowd.
Because, AGAIN, god forbid Clear Sky ever suffer a consequence of his actions.
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Clear Sky poses this dumb speech about fighting One Eye like it's some big, beautiful, selfless act of service. He was ALWAYS going to do this-- HE WANTS HIS AUTHORITY BACK. He's ALWAYS been an ambitious asshole who hates taking orders from other people, and will clobber anyone who embarrasses him or offends his massive ego.
He's been like this since SUN TRAIL. He's ALWAYS been controlling and fragile with a hunger for power. There has NEVER been a version of Clear Sky that wouldn't have wanted to kill One Eye for taking his toys away, humiliating him publicly.
His piss-poor judgement has gotten DOZENS of people killed in pointless border skirmishes, in the First Battle, and now AGAIN to this tyrant. He had a fit like a child when people tried to warn him it was a bad idea, and he didn't listen!
Snake is the first cat who's done anything about it at this point. The only one who doesn't immediately cave and forgive him after Clear Sky puts on a display of crocodile tears. It's LONG overdue!
And yet, all these cats still gather around to come to his aid. They have NO reason to do this. Clear Sky has proven, OVER AND OVER, that he should NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY OVER PEOPLE. These cats have NO reason to trust him, they've all been screamed at, smacked around, and buried mauled loved ones because of him.
They've seen, at most, a month of two of peace under him following the greatest massacre in history, broken by yet ANOTHER bad call.
Writer's pet! Some guy on the writing team ABSOLUTELY projects themselves onto Clear Sky as some kind of power fantasy. There's no other explanation for this level of utter ineptitude.
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Okay. But. Imagine if, instead of Terezi getting murderstucked, Terezi was the murderstuck. She was the one who snapped.
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charliespringverse · 15 days
i think it should be possible to scream without making any noise or disturbing anyone or inviting any questions . just sometimes . as a treat .
#hhhhHHHGHGHHHHHH#jay screams into the void#(deeply personal rant incoming feel free to ignore)#a friend of mine has just been undiagnosed with bpd which . lovely for them but it sure as fuck invites a Lot of questions#suddenly a great deal of previous shitty behaviour that was excused on the basis of bpd has a lot more to answer for#(obligatory I Know BPD Isn't An Excuse To Treat People Like Shit . im aware . i have bpd myself and i have v high standards re my behaviour)#(however allowances were made bc they were unmedicated & out of therapy through no fault of their own)#(and our whole group has enough experience with untreated mental illness to understand that it can make u a bitch sometimes)#but yeah no there have been a LOT of instances of b&w thinking + manipulation + unfair judgement + high emotion + snap reactions#and every situation Could be explained by untreated bpd and the bad times have never been prolonged or often enough to outweigh the good#but Hoo Boy if that wasn't bpd then what the FUCK was it#like either the new psychiatrist is wrong (possible but i seem to be the only one questioning it) or they're just Like That#and again . not enough to outweigh their numerous positive and loveable traits#but the whole group has been destabilised on a number of occasions due to their actions during a bad spell#and i'm really not sure Any Other Explanation is enough to justify that#ah well . this seems like the kind of thing that will eventually come up during a sleepover heart to heart#but rn i'm stuck in a bubble of MAJOR rsd & brainfuck abt it . which is unfortunate bc now is exactly the time i Don't need brainfuck#anyways ✨ goodnight tumblrinas i am . kind of hoping nobody read this bc i fear i sound like a bitch#i am genuinely happy for their undiagnosis it seems to have put many things into perspective for them & theyre v happy about it#i'm just . uncomfy w some aspects of it that i have only been halfway brave enough to discuss with them personally#That's One To Bring Up With My Therapist In A Few Weeks#Bit Of A Shame I'm No Longer In Therapy And Now Have Only 2 Quarterly Reviews Left Before I'm Discharged From The Service
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bogkeep · 2 years
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freshening up in the middle of a fight (alex is from the S and D tier series by lighthouseraiders)
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nozomijoestar · 6 months
I think it's so funny people perceive Lili as the type to throw a fit over not getting what she wants or being shown a level of attention she believes she deserves, which are all true just not as exaggerated as people make them and actually rather context dependant, when Asuka does the exact same thing via her anger and temper yet is seen as de-facto incapable of also throwing tantrums over not getting her way
Her animation if she loses a round has Asuka throwing literal, physical tantrum fits stomping the ground and everything, her responses to people (6 & 8) asking her even basic questions about herself are downright sarcastic at best and berating or degrading the other person at worst because they aren't giving her answers she wants and talking about something she doesn't give a fuck about by comparison (herself and her feelings/thoughts)- they have to discuss what SHE wants not the other way around with rare exception
The entire reason she does what she does fighting punks at it's core is trying to forcefully make people behave the way she thinks they should, she's also generally dismissive often unless things are going her way, and even when she gets something she consented to if it embarrasses her she has to complain (literally complaining to Lili that Lili's jet is embarrassing and they should've used something else in 8, probably other examples i could dig for later)
I'm tired and I don't say this to say Lili is better by comparison but that they're so alike in enough ways that you can't convince me they weren't created using a venn diagram somewhere in the concept files; these bitches are a flat circle and being visual opposites I think is playing a role in why they aren't so often seen for their similarities
EDIT: In 5 when Feng beats her in his route she complains that he should have gone easier on her because she's a girl and whines about it, to which he says that would have been disrespectful implying he sees her as a fighter but Asuka's mad she lost and didn't get her way, that he didn't simply Let Her Win
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w1ngedv01d · 5 months
I will always, always, think about Double Life in a reincarnation sense, and I will always hold that dear
Because what if no one remembers the previous life seasons because after everyone dies the final time, they all literally get reincarnated into a new world, to do the game again but never knowing that they have
Sometimes they'll remember things that never happened, in some detail. They'll think it was a bad dream.
But most of the time? Those memories manifest as feelings, as gut instincts, as unconscious judgements of whether or not someone is safe. And those memories, like all understandings of the times before, some in out-of-context snippets, and not always in linear order- or from the most recent past life.
So, for example, someone could have just been assigned their soulmate, and their instinct is that this man betrayed them. They gave this man everything but he didn't care. He betrayed them. Traitor. Traitor, Scar. He can't be trusted because if he was trusted with the most important things, he would bail and abandon them. Leave them red, pained and bleeding.
What if, Grian cheated on Scar because his gut told him Scar wasn't trustworthy, and he was scared? So scared, it was easier to find comfort in someone else?
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hella1975 · 1 year
hiii i'm really sorry this is kind of a Lot but um. is it bad to leave a toxic friendship by absolutely verbally destroying the other party? because like. i think i may have broken the geneva convention with some of the things i've just said to this girl. but she started it! she called me a stone cold bitch so i said she only dates narcissistic sex offenders i feel like i may have overstepped. but it is true she is currently dating someone accused of assualt so. we both leave for uni soon so i won't see her again but like i just feel BAD and NOT GOOD about being so mean even tho she cheated on my closest friend. i also said she was a pathological cheater which IS very true but i feel may have warped her perspective somewhat. is it just a rite of passage to have that one friendship that implodes spectacularly or am i doing this wrong
'she started it! she called me a stone cold bitch so i said she only dates narcissistic sex offenders'
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