#cal is a cuddlefish
@cal-is-a-cuddlefish replied to your post “Can you please tell me your favorite things about this picture?”
Real talk all these glam shots of your hrothgar make me so happy @admiral-craymen
Thanks so much!!!
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eseli · 7 years
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A very regal cat named Loki belongs to @cal-is-a-cuddlefish and @starring-perceptor
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shiftythrifting · 3 years
I bought the doll parts box and upon opening it my cat immediately tried to eat everything inside. 11/10 will purchase again.
A+ doll hair is fuckin delicious
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vaspider · 4 years
My friend asked for pride merch and facemasks for their secret Santa and you BET I dropped a ton of money getting them stuff in your store. I'm sure you've already seen my order lmao. I love pointing people towards y'all. Everything I've gotten is so high quality.
Thank you!! That sounds awesome :3 
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naamahdarling · 4 years
Blind kitten foster here! I didn't realize I sent that one on anon! I would love to have her name put on your altar. We've named her Toph. Though her full name is Toph aka Blind Bandit. She's currently snuggling her new mother, which is a sock full of rice that's been microwaved, and gurgling away.
Yay for happy babies on warmies!  I will go poke her (perfect!) name into the shrine at once and give it a good dusting!
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Done! May she have the swiftest possible recovery and the best possible outcome! Update me, whatever happens.
Art is by @misterlucian!
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luwha · 3 years
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Finished commission for @cal-is-a-cuddlefish (on tumblr!) 🌺💖🥺
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glitched-lullaby · 4 years
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“What are walls?” -Danial
Was talking to my friend @cal-is-a-cuddlefish​ about our upcoming D&D session yesterday in group chat, and to cut a long explination short, a few of us were joking about going to incomplete maps before we were allowed to... which inspired this.
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commissionash · 5 years
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Art Trade with @cal-is-a-cuddlefish
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cal-is-a-cuddlefish replied to your post: today was upsetting 
I’ll fight your entire job.
the recommendation of meds was because i was close to crying from stress at work, my manager is also on anti-anixity meds and realises that the high stress is not good now that im kinda a main fixture there from how severely understaffed we are 0+0 
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lovelyawesome · 7 years
my monday: 
@cal-is-a-cuddlefish dropping sea glass into his fish tank and whispering, “aesthetic”
update: @strychnineandstrawberry has joined him. they are both whispering, “aesthetic” as they drop sea glass into the other tank
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tea-and-tyranny · 6 years
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Candidate Dossier: Tarn Player: @cal-is-a-cuddlefish
Age: Unknown Height: 8′00″ Weight: 450 lbs Pronouns: He/Him Race: Construct Class: Paladin ***** Str: +2 Dex: +0 Con: +3 Int: +1 Wis: +0 Cha: +4 Proficient Skills: Deception, History, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion
Tarn existed long before the floods.
He had been raised up in a mining operation, where he took part in a mutiny against the owners and took down the company. From there, he followed the leader of the mutiny in forming a cult that proclaimed the superiority of constructs to all organic life.
Tarn became an enforcer in this cult, picking out those that moved against the doctrines, and enticed them to return to the fold. He worshiped at the feet of his master, and his master’s word was his law. Even after the destruction of his master’s body, he followed his master’s laws and elevated him to God-hood.
Just before the floods, Tarn had set out to find his master’s core to reunite him with his body. He was lost to the seas and wandered under the water until he emerged years later on the shores. From then on, he searched for his master, and freed what constructs he could. He was caught murdering a human family that had enslaved a construct for several generations, which brought him to the boat where the adventure started.
Where he goes from there is anyone’s guess, but his hatred of humanity remains as strong as ever.
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Frank, who do you predict the next Tumblr sexy man will be?
Good question.
A lot of people would put the next sexy man in the Frankish noble household of one of the Carolingians: Harold Godwinson, Richard I, Louis VII, or Charles Martel, based on his family name, his association with his cousin/sister, and his "cute and noble"-ness.
A lot of people wouldn't put him in the House of York. (Who cares what family members were named after him, I guess.)
As it happens, I think Richard II was a good choice for the next Tumblr sexy man based on the "cute and noble"-ness and the fact that he, like Frank, made his entry by slugging a guy in an argument.
He also has some very sexy "look how he's a rebel, a jester, etc." qualities that make him less like a boring old king.
His son, also Richard II, was an even bigger fuckup, but he was Richard III, which has to count for something.
(Richard was an older brother of the Black Prince, who was also a fuckup, in a similar fashion to Richard II, but not quite as much of a sex icon.)
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as-an-offering · 6 years
@cal-is-a-cuddlefish they have Transformers toys at McDonald’s. In case you didn’t know.
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commissionash · 6 years
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World Dragon - DnD 5e Homebrew Deity Commission
The second half to the symbol I drew before!
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commissionash · 6 years
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Home-brew DnD Deity Commission:
World Dragon’s Symbol 
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Howdy Frank! Do you have any tips for people who suffer from IBS? It really is true... I do be shittin... 😢
Hi! Sorry, I had trouble following your question. In particular, the word "really" kind of confuses me. You either mean, "you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome."
If that's the case, there's a very large number of things you can do, many of which you'll find helpful no matter what your condition is:
- keep your diet as simple as you can, especially as far as sugar and fiber go
- don't use laxatives except when you really need them to avoid upsetting your digestive system further
- go easy on exercise, or at least make sure you stay well hydrated
- try to relax, and have fun with your life
- see a doctor if your symptoms are severe enough. As long as you're not dehydrated (you shouldn't really be able to tell by feeling -- I don't know what IBS people have going on there), going to the doctor won't be too expensive for very little benefit, and it may have some good effects even when you're not currently having IBS symptoms. (It could help with some of the anxiety that some people feel when they have IBS symptoms, for example.)
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