#caleb; 001
bulletpro0f · 6 months
@morenocaleb -- an ice cream parlor, afternoon
For a moment, everything slows down. Not in the meetcute, suddenly in love type of way, though, but in a fuck, this is not good way instead.
"Nicolas. Come back here, yeah? Nicolas." It's too late. His eyes are constantly on Caleb the moment he sees him. He's a not very well calculated mystery, not someone he has enough information about to not be nervous. The last glimpse of Caleb he got was years ago. Years. A door shut, and then nothing.
Nick, completely unaware, finds himself almost rushing into Caleb from where he started running, and he stops, out of breath, while Ezra rushes after him. "Hey. Buddy." The man's hand is on his son's shoulder in a second, and he slowly draws him away, the kid staring up at the two men in confusion, "Go back to your Mom, okay? Finish eating your ice cream and then we can do some running."
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It takes a moment of convincing for the child to leave, pouting, before Ezra straightens his back, and then -- what's there to say. Ezra searches the surroundings with his eyes for a brief moment, but only finds the muscle he asked to come with today, somewhere far away on a bench.
"Caleb." Beat, "Good to see you healthy."
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camortona · 1 month
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tiaskye001 · 4 months
🖤what songs remind me of my fictional loves 🖤
001/Henry creel:
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Jace wayland:
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Christopher marlowe:
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Caleb sykes:
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dirtwatchman · 2 months
[pm] Oh wowieee! That is the biggest one I've ever seen. Isn't it like... too much? My jaw would... nope! I don't think even I could handle it, and you know how insatiable I am.
[pm] [...............................................................] What?
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New theme. A deepish purple because life be feeling like that lately hehehehhehe
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sapppy-cocktail · 2 years
All Too Well - Part 2
Sadie Sink x Reader
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Part 1
A/N: I know it’s really short guys and I didn’t tag anyone cause this is so short and don’t ask me what this is, I literally have no clue what I’m doing. 😭
I walk onto set looking around and that’s when I see Taylor and she smiles at me before waving me over. “Y/N! How are you? Did you sleep well?” She asks me cheerfully, too energetic for 10am filming. “I’m good. How are you?” I ask back rubbing my eye a bit to make me look more alive. “Sadie’s by that table with Shawn if you wanted to go talk to them.” She says before someone rushes to her and pulls her away from me. I look over at the table she pointed at and walked to it. Both Sadie and Shawn noticing me and smiling as they tell me good morning, Shawn mentioning how I look like a zombie. “Good morning to you too.” I say giving him a fake smile to which they both laugh at. “What time will we finish?” I ask Shawn to which causes him to scoff. “We just got here and you want to leave now?” Sadie asks giggling. “Well I’ll go help with the set. You two should get to makeup so we can finish earlier for Princess Y/N over here.” He says making me raise my eyebrows and flip him off as I begin walking to the trailer set for makeup.
I take a seat on the chair and a lady with short red hair walks over to me. “Hi how are you?” I ask as her as I watch her walk around the trailer mumbling something about makeup brushes. “I’m good, how are you?” She says stopping to look at me and give me a smile before continuing her search. I smile as I watch her look around before I notice a pack of them hiding under a bag. “I think I found them.” I say leaning down to grab them and hold them up. “Thank you!” She says as her eyes light up as she looks at the bag in my hand. I smile as I’m about to hand them to her but the door clicking takes our attention on the door and Sadie smiles shyly as she takes a seat in the chair beside mine. “Good morning.” I say smiling more brighter than before. “You look more awake.” She says smiling as I shake my head before turning to the makeup artist so she can apply foundation onto me. “You look more annoying.” I say making her laugh before another makeup artist entered the room to apply makeup onto Sadie.
“So after you twirl her you pull her in, okay?” Shawn asks before a squeal grabs our attention. It’s Jacey, she slaps a hand over her mouth when she realised what she did. I turn to Sadie to see her smile widen as she grins mischievously at me before walking towards her younger sister, giving her hug before walking back over. “Let’s do this.” Sadie says pulling my hand towards the set. “Oh you’re cruel.” I say laughing as the crew and staff move to their places and music begins playing in the back. I grab Sadie’s hand and we smile and laugh, I dip her before she attempts to make me twirl. I repeat the twirl on her and we laugh before she looks at me as my laughter dies. I smile before she leans forward and kisses me. My hand moves to hold her jaw while the other rests on her waist. I smile into the kiss and lean forward as she tries to move away, trying to hold the kiss for a little longer. As we pull away our heads lean on each others as we laugh before Taylor yells cut. “That was perfect!” Taylor says as she walks over before quickly directing us to a car, not giving us a chance to find Sadie’s younger sibling.
Once the car stops and we arrive in the woods, I get out the car and hold it open while offering a hand to Sadie to grab and help herself out. She takes it and thanks me before some crew members hand us a script and quickly direct us to follow a path on the ground. We follow through until we see cameras set up and both Shawn and Taylor were talking. “Thought you might’ve died.” Shawn says smiling as him and Taylor walk over to us. “You guys ready for the scene.” Taylor asks looking at the both of us. “Let’s do this.” I say smiling as I look at Sadie before wrapping one of my arms over both her shoulders and guide us to the spot with X on the ground.
“Time for a piggyback.” I say squatting as she grabs on my shoulders and jumps up. I hold her thighs and spin around making her squeal and hold me tighter before I slow down and stop. She laughs as she rests her head on top of mine. “Should I jump too?” I ask making her hold me even tighter as she prepares for me to jump but I don’t. “Got you.” I say laughing and I feel her shaking her head and her grip on me loosening as she laughs. “What if I run?” I ask aloud before sprinting and giving her no chance to reply, making her squeal as she holds onto me tight. “You good there?” I ask as I slowly walk back to our previous position on the X, her still on my back. “Wow, now you wanna ask?” She says making me laugh and nod. “Yeah of course. I gotta put you through everything and then ask how you are.” I say with a smile as I hear her let out a small laugh from above me.
A/N: Hey guys, I’m alive 🥳
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jaspermorgan · 2 months
˚⋆𓇼˚。 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 @caleb-majhi
Now that the lunch time rush had died down and everything was just slightly quieter, Jasper managed to slip away from work and head over to the garage. His prized Mustang had been in for what Jasper liked to call a ‘check up’, to make sure everything was running smoothly and that anything that needed amending or fixing was done so promptly, no matter the expense.
A lot of people had been surprised that Jasper drove that kind of car, saying it didn’t seem sophisticated enough and too clunky for him. But, of course, he disagreed. He loved the way it looked, the way the engine purred, the smoothness of the handling, and the impressed stares it garnered from other people. It was his dream car ever since he was a boy and even after owning it for almost a decade, he still couldn’t quite believe it was his. Much like a boat, Jasper ended up referring to his car as ‘she’ and driving it up and down the Californian coast was still as thrilling today as it was the first time he did it.
All that being said, he was incredibly finicky when it came to the Mustang. He only trusted the expert hands of Caleb to take care of it, even when some of the other mechanics had begged him to let them take a look or promised to be careful when working on it. He hated to disappoint them, but he wasn’t willing to risk it.
Jasper spotted Caleb in the service area of the shop, right beside his car, when he walked in. He waved as he called, “Hey, Caleb! How’s it going? I hope she’s in good nick.”
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1-800iluvyou · 1 year
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Season 04 Bts
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guiltychems · 1 month
continued from here — @bruiscdmouth.
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There was only one thing in this world that she’d been afraid of and it was being alone. It’s the reason why she clung so hard onto Caleb after the loss of her brother because she didn’t want to be by herself. To experience a life without having anyone beside her. Getting out of this small town had been a promise by her brother until he was gone and when she felt hope giving up, Caleb made the same exact one until he broke it, too. Only he had a choice and hadn’t chosen her. 
I can explain, he says, and it makes her scoff. Would there ever be an explanation that could justify how he left? Right now, Savannah doesn’t think so. Refuses to believe that there could ever be a reason that Caleb would abandon her without as much as a word. “If you were really sorry, you would’ve called me .. or even texted me. Ages ago,” she lets out, tears she fought so hard to hold back, finally falling from behind her eyelids.
“If you had to leave, I, of all people, would’ve understood. I never would’ve stopped you from leavin’, but I at least deserved to hear it from you. Not everyone else in this fuckin’ town. I should’ve heard it from you.” Everything she’s been dying to say to Caleb pouring out of her. All the hurt she’s held inside finally being able to surface again, “And then you show up here, tellin’ me that you’re sorry and I’m supposed to, what? Forgive you? I would’ve never done that to you, Caleb. Ever.”
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colemonroe · 8 months
WHERE: Outside the Sons of Silence MC Clubhouse WITH: @caleberikkson
One-two-punch– it was a cadence he’d first learned as a child, and back then he couldn’t really claim to love it, he could only look at it as a means to an end. On nights when his mother had blown what little money they had on drugs, Cole had been forced to get a little more creative if he wanted to eat and fighting had been his answer. Over the years, though, he’d come to love that steady one-two-punch until it was as much a part of him as the breath in his lungs and the beat of his heart. It was how he unraveled, how he desperately tried to bridge that massive gap between who he was and who he wanted to be. Whether or not he ever did was up for debate, but that didn’t stop him from trying. 
It was part of why he found himself across from Caleb just outside the MC’s clubhouse, drilling his taped knuckles into the other man’s practice mitts. Isaac’s death, as well as everything else plaguing this godforsaken town was weighing on him, and the best way for Cole to find himself was to quite literally lose himself in a bottle, a warm body, or a fight. Right now, he was venting a lot of his frustrations through this training session. “Again,” he breathed at the end of whatever rep this was– truthfully, he’d lost count. Raising his fists in front of his face, the southpaw stuck to that cadence, again and again, landing his punches against the center of Caleb’s mitts until he was forced to stop. “Fuck,” he cursed beneath his breath, finally stepping back once his arms felt more let wet noodles than limbs, head shaking.  Raking a hand through his hair, he glanced across at Caleb, “Y’doin’ a’right with everythin’?” Cole asked, having not broached the subject the entire time they’d been training, though he felt quite sure that it went without saying what exactly he was referring to– Isaac’s death. It needed to be talked about, especially considering that Isaac’s position needed filling and Cole had been eye-balling Caleb for the job. As wrong as it felt just moving on, Cole couldn’t afford to pause for too long, not when they were facing threats around seemingly every turn. He had to think about the club and what it needed well before he even dared to think about his own grief– if he chose to think about it at all. “Shit’s crazy right now,” Cole acknowledged, finding the beer he’d left at the edge of the makeshift ring and raising it to his lips, “Need to know where your head’s at.”
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abibatista · 8 months
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DRUNK PEOPLE DID the darnedest things. Abril loved people watching in general, but especially people under the influence. It was always either hilarious, or telling --people let their guard down, even after just a single glass of wine, even just a little. It was usually enough to see something they didn't want you to see, and it was the kind of thing she took pride in noticing.
There was an older gentleman headed into the washrooms with a glass of something that looked dark and strong, and he almost went inside with it before he stopped, turned around, and checked to see if anyone was looking. Nobody that worked there was, which was apparently good enough for him. He took a big gulp of his drink, wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and proceeded to dump what was left into a potted plant by the bathroom door.
Abril looked over at the bartender, who she hadn't asked for a drink yet despite being seated for a couple of minutes, and nodded her head at the poor, defiled greenery.
"---Is that a real plant?"
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bekturan · 8 months
location: twenty minutes past closing, at pawsitive hearts veterinary clinic
status: closed for @calebrhcdes
"Mackenzie, I am so sorry!"
Bek burst through the clinic doors in a mess of jangling keys, tangled leashes, her planner bound to spill its pages across the floor any moment, and a phone currently ringing itself through to voicemail.
Not her most put together moment by a landslide.
"My last session ran over, and then I had a patient end up in the ER after a fall, so I had to go at least check in before I left for the day, and then I couldn't find where I put my keys—" in her pocket; they'd been in her pocket all along— "only remembered I had stuff to drop off with the administrator once I was out at my car—"
The list went on, and on, and on while Bek tried to silence her phone and shove everything else somewhere else, all so that she could finally take Ada and Turing off the poor vet tech's hands.
Except she hadn't once looked up in all the commotion that was her arrival. Hadn't once confirmed it was actually Mackenzie, the vet tech who seemed perpetually pissed off no matter the time, day, or situation waiting to complete the handover.
Oh no. No. It was worse.
"I—" Bek stilled in place, one of those loose sheets of paper making a break for it and slowly fluttering south to rest at her feet. "Caleb." What? Slow, as if confused, she gave an owlish blink. "You're—" not who I expected. Clearly.
She gave a valliant effort at regaining even a shred of composure but came up empty. Bek's palms went clammy; her skin began to heat, then itch. "I— Sorry. I didn't— I didn't— Uhm. Hi."
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This couldn't be happening.
Last she saw him (or didn't see him, as it turned out) was on their wedding day. At least, what was meant to be their wedding. You know— the one where she waited for hours, sweating in that godforsaken gown, and he fucked off to... Actually, she still wasn't sure where he'd gone other than not to meet her at the altar.
"What are you— What are you doing here?" Not at the clinic. That much was obvious. What was he doing home.
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camortona · 10 days
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scorpiotrait · 2 years
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3VE keeps getting visited by a strange local male with sharp teeth. aware that those genes would give her offspring an advantage over their round-toothed peers, she decided to court him using the fail-proof gift-giving tactic. Earth dwellers love gifts.
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tidesbled · 1 year
@stellaelillac     cont.
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            𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍     𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒     𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐃     𝐓𝐇𝐄     𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑     𝐀𝐒     𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘     𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃     𝐇𝐈𝐒     𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐅,     𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆     𝐎𝐍     𝐓𝐇𝐄     𝐎𝐋𝐃     𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃     𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐘.     Caleb     remained     frozen     in     place,     keeping     the     desk     in     between     the     two,     distant     as     some     sort     of     false     safeguard.     He     briefly     glanced     downward     only     to     toy     with     some     loose     paper     on     his     desk     idly.     The     ever    -    cautious     professor     watched     the     other     warily,     there     was     no     denying     the     POWERFUL     aura     that     radiated     from     the     stranger.     〝    Genau...    〞      He     mumbled.     〝    That     depends...     WHO'S     asking?    〞     
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Wishing the swaggies a beautiful day. Will never not love these iconic photos. I love you babies mwah
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