amythecinnabunny · 3 years
I have decided. For 300 followers, here are 30 prompts that are just lines from my WIPs. Send me a prompt number + a character(s)/ship/platonic pairing and I’ll do a little drabble based off it. Alternatively, send me a number + “explain”/”context” and I’ll tell you a bit about the WIP and put the line in context. (Ignore the names, I copied these directly from various WIPs)
Also feel free to turn this into a prompt list ask game i’ll be genuinely curious to see anything else that comes of this.
I’ll write for the following fandoms:
Julie and the Phantoms
BBC Merlin
Harry Potter
Miraculous Ladybug
The Order
Emma’s absence was tangible. It was a hole in Adrien’s heart that he could feel. He had never loved anyone like he’d loved Emma.
“If you bite me, will I turn into a vampire?” // “If I bite you, I promise it won’t be about letting you live further.”
“If I don’t make it back -- no listen to me. If I don’t make it out, you have to promise to stay alive. For me. You have to live if I can’t. I made my choice. If I have to pay a price like this for it, then that’s something I have to do.”
“I want one.” // “One what?” Sam asked stupidly, patting his pockets for the phone he’d left in the kitchen. Then he paused. “Oh,” he whispered, “a baby.”
Ani didn’t fancy explaining the difference between being the spirit of a dead person and being someone with ghost physiology so she generally just pretended to be a fifteenth century queen hellbent on haunting the organisation’s property. It was fun.
“I want you to stay so desperately. I wish I could find the strength to persuade you to stay. But I know you have to go and I know you’ll find me again. You always do, right?”
Myles was a soldier. Not because she wanted to be or needed to be. She was because that’s all she knew.
“Don’t worry. We haven’t added my blood -- or anyone’s for that matter -- to the potion so any large scale and or dangerous magic spells won’t come to fruition like time portals or. . .” Merlin trailed off at the look on Gwen’s face, His shoulders dropped. “I already did it, didn’t I?”
“Wh- Daisy?! No. No, no, no, no. You can’t have a crush on Daisy Louise. Reg, she will break you.”
Being a professional assassin was only fun when she actually got jobs. Otherwise she was stuck listening to Luke whining.
“It’s only been two hundred years. Angela Darling, we would never forget the promise of a saviour.” // “YOU TOLD THEM I’M A SAVIOUR?????”
Phoenix crashed through the window with a loud curse. Did she know she’d crashed into the house of the only superhero who could fight her? She stood up and brushed glass off her gray leotard. “Sorry. I thought the window was open.”
Dell stared at Kai like he’d grown a second head. “We are not throwing the king overboard.”
“If you ever touch him again,” Anna hissed, her dagger flush against the knight’s throat, “I don’t care if I bring war upon Camelot herself, I will slit your throat and leave you to bleed in the dungeons. Do you understand?”
Dealing with other people’s nightmares was easier than dealing with her own.
“This can’t be happening. I must be dreaming. There’s no way my favourite character in the whole world is standing here.” // “Why, River Farley! What a coincidence! You just happen to be my favourite character in the whole world!”
Clearly magic was an ineffective weapon when faced with Eddie and a tree branch in her hands.
“Call me a bloodsucker one more time--” // “Am I wrong, though?”
Amy stared at the chaotic mess that was her team. “Okay, so I’ve just decided that I’m your parental unit while Peter’s missing, whatever I say goes.”
Being dead was fun. Watching people slowly skew the story of your life, the greatest romance of all centuries, was decidedly not fun. 
“So I just have to pretend to date you for a month and I get to piss my cousin off? Okay!”
Given the equipment, Rae would have probably tried to become a vigilante at thirteen instead of eighteen.
“Trying to forget you has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”
Launet was the kind of person who, upon being handed a baby, either wanted to kidnap it for herself to raise or chuck it out the window. There was no in inbetween.
“Breaking into the Hollywood Ghost Club was admittedly not my best moment but look me in the eye and tell me it doesn’t make you fall a little bit in love with me.” 
“Daisy, my love, I adore you. But I genuinely would rather walk into traffic than sit on your bike with you.”
Being dead wouldn’t have been such a problem for Aleksei if he didn’t have to go about his afterlife watching the love of his life making the world’s stupidest decisions.
“I ate a peanut.” // “Aren’t you deathly allergic to nuts?” // “Yeah.” // “Je- FUCK! Did it have to be now while I’m bleeding out?”
Romeo always thought that he’d cross over when Bella eventually died. He didn’t expect her to figure out a way to bring him back to life. It was annoying. This was the seventh door he’d walked into.
Promise me that when I die, you’ll get Buzzfeed Unsolved involved. -- seen @ 8.15pm
@endless-navigator @random-nerd-3 @fairylightsandrainydays @mercer-miller-baudelaire @sunsetphantom @futurearchaeologyprof @tmp-jatp @thesunsetcurvephantom @thedeathdeelers @authorpendragging
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punny-name-loading · 4 years
✨ The Covingtons ✨
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amythecinnabunny · 4 years
what jatp ships do you write for?
Also Willex, Flarrie (ok to be fair the only flarrie I've ever written was subtext at best but I can do text too how hard can it be) and Caleksei (iykyk)
Never written these ships but would be down to if provided inspiration: nickinald, flynn/reggie, kaylie
I don't do X reader but I will be down for X oc of yours for Carrie, Nick, Flynn & Reggie ,,,, maybe Kayla (I haven't played around with the other characters enough to feel confident enough to write them well and it physically pains me to write Willex and Jukebox not together)
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